
    Returns credential objects from the local password vault
.Parameter UserName
    The name of the credential to return. Case sensative
.Parameter Resource
    The resource store this credential is stored in
.Parameter WithPassword
    Use this flag if you would to includes the password of the object
    Get-PasswordVaultCredential -Name 'SCOrchDev\SMA'
    Get-PasswordVaultCredential -Name 'SCOrchDev\SMA' -Resource 'LocalDev'
    Get-PasswordVaultCredential -Name 'SCOrchDev\SMA' -Resource 'LocalDev' -WithPassword

Function Get-PasswordVaultCredential
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]
        $PasswordVault = new-object Windows.Security.Credentials.PasswordVault
        if($UserName -and $Resource)
            $Credential = $PasswordVault.Retrieve($Resource,$UserName)
            $Credential = $PasswordVault.FindAllByUserName($UserName)
            $Credential = $PasswordVault.FindAllByResource($Resource)
            $Credential = $PasswordVault.RetrieveAll()

            $Credential | ForEach-Object { 
        $ExceptionInfo = Get-ExceptionInfo -Exception $_
        $ExceptionProperties = @{
            'ErrorMessage' = (Convert-ExceptionToString -Exception $_) ;
            'UserName' = $UserName ;
            'Resource' = $Resource ;
            'WithPassword' = $WithPassword.IsPresent
        Switch -CaseSensitive ($ExceptionInfo.Type)
                $Type = 'TypeNotFound'
                $Message = 'Could not load Password Vault libraries.'
                $Type = 'CredentialNotFound'
                $Message = 'Could not find Credential in Password Vault.'
                $Type = 'UnknownPasswordVaultException'
                $Message = 'Encountered an unexpected error'
        Throw-Exception -Type $Type `
                        -Message $Message `
                        -Property $ExceptionProperties
    Sets or Creates a new Password Vault Credential
.Parameter UserName
    The username to store
.Parameter Resource
    The Resouce store to place the credential in
.Parameter Password
    Password of the credential
    Set-PasswordVaultCredential -Name 'SCOrchDev\SMA' -Resource 'LocalDev' -Password 'P@55W0Rd'

Function Set-PasswordVaultCredential
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]
        $PasswordVault = new-object Windows.Security.Credentials.PasswordVault
        $Credential = New-Object Windows.Security.Credentials.PasswordCredential
        $Credential.UserName = $UserName
        $Credential.Resource = $Resource
        $Credential.Password = $Password

            $OldCredential = Get-PasswordVaultCredential -Name $UserName -Resource $Resource
        $ExceptionInfo = Get-ExceptionInfo -Exception $_
        $ExceptionProperties = @{
            'ErrorMessage' = (Convert-ExceptionToString -Exception $_) ;
            'UserName' = $UserName ;
            'Resource' = $Resource ;
        Switch -CaseSensitive ($ExceptionInfo.Type)
                $Type = 'TypeNotFound'
                $Message = 'Could not load Password Vault libraries.'
                $Type = 'UnknownPasswordVaultException'
                $Message = 'Encountered an unexpected error'
        Throw-Exception -Type $Type `
                        -Message $Message `
                        -Property $ExceptionProperties
    Removes a credental from the password vault
.Parameter UserName
    The username to to remove
.Parameter Resource
    The resource container to remove from
    # Remove all Password Vault Credentials
    # Remove all Password Vault Credentials Named SCOrchDev\SMA
    Remove-PasswordVaultCredential -UserName 'SCOrchDev\SMA'
    # Remove all Password Vault Credentials from LocalDev resource
    Remove-PasswordVaultCredential -Resource 'LocalDev'
    # Remove all Password Vault Credentials from LocalDev resource named SCOrchDev\SMA
    Remove-PasswordVaultCredential -Resource 'LocalDev' -UserName 'SCOrchDev\SMA'

Function Remove-PasswordVaultCredential
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]
        $PasswordVault = new-object Windows.Security.Credentials.PasswordVault
        $Parameters = @{ 
            'UserName' = $UserName ;
            'Resource' = $Resource ;
        Get-PasswordVaultCredential @Parameters | ForEach-Object { $PasswordVault.Remove($_) }
        $ExceptionInfo = Get-ExceptionInfo -Exception $_
        $ExceptionProperties = @{
            'ErrorMessage' = (Convert-ExceptionToString -Exception $_) ;
            'UserName' = $UserName ;
            'Resource' = $Resource ;
        Switch -CaseSensitive ($ExceptionInfo.Type)
                $Type = 'TypeNotFound'
                $Message = 'Could not load Password Vault libraries.'
                $Type = 'UnknownPasswordVaultException'
                $Message = 'Encountered an unexpected error'
        Throw-Exception -Type $Type `
                        -Message $Message `
                        -Property $ExceptionProperties