#requires -Version 3 -Modules SCOrchDev-Exception, SCOrchDev-File, SCOrchDev-Utility $gitEXE = 'git.exe' <# .Synopsis Tags a current tag line and compares it to the passed commit and repository. If the commit is not the same update the tag line and return new version .Parameter TagLine The current tag string from an SMA runbook .Parameter CurrentCommit The current commit string .Parameter RepositoryName The name of the repository that is being processed #> Function New-ChangesetTagLine { Param([Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string] $TagLine = [string]::EmptyString, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $CurrentCommit, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $RepositoryName) $ErrorActionPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Stop $CompletedParameters = Write-StartingMessage -Stream Debug $NewVersion = $False if(($TagLine -as [string]) -match 'CurrentCommit:([^;]+);') { if($Matches[1] -ne $CurrentCommit) { $NewVersion = $True $TagLine = $TagLine.Replace($Matches[1],$CurrentCommit) } } else { Write-Verbose -Message "[$TagLine] Did not have a current commit tag." $TagLine = "CurrentCommit:$($CurrentCommit);$($TagLine)" $NewVersion = $True } if(($TagLine -as [string]) -match 'RepositoryName:([^;]+);') { if($Matches[1] -ne $RepositoryName) { $NewVersion = $True $TagLine = $TagLine.Replace($Matches[1],$RepositoryName) } } else { Write-Verbose -Message "[$TagLine] Did not have a RepositoryName tag." $TagLine = "RepositoryName:$($RepositoryName);$($TagLine)" $NewVersion = $True } Write-CompletedMessage @CompletedParameters return @{'TagLine' = $TagLine ; 'NewVersion' = $NewVersion } } <# .Synopsis Returns all variables in a JSON settings file .Parameter FilePath The path to the JSON file containing settings #> Function Get-GlobalFromFile { Param([Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $FilePath = [string]::EmptyString, [ValidateSet('Variables','Schedules')] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $GlobalType = 'Variables') $ErrorActionPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Stop $CompletedParameters = Write-StartingMessage -Stream Debug $ReturnInformation = @{} try { $SettingsJSON = (Get-Content -Path $FilePath) -as [string] $SettingsObject = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $SettingsJSON $SettingsHashTable = ConvertFrom-PSCustomObject -InputObject $SettingsObject if(-not ($SettingsHashTable.ContainsKey($GlobalType))) { Throw-Exception -Type 'GlobalTypeNotFound' ` -Message 'Global Type not found in settings file.' ` -Property @{ 'FilePath' = $FilePath ; 'GlobalType' = $GlobalType ; 'SettingsJSON' = $SettingsJSON } } $GlobalTypeObject = $SettingsHashTable."$GlobalType" $GlobalTypeHashTable = ConvertFrom-PSCustomObject -InputObject $GlobalTypeObject -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if(-not $GlobalTypeHashTable) { Throw-Exception -Type 'SettingsNotFound' ` -Message 'Settings of specified type not found in file' ` -Property @{ 'FilePath' = $FilePath ; 'GlobalType' = $GlobalType ; 'SettingsJSON' = $SettingsJSON } } foreach($Key in $GlobalTypeHashTable.Keys) { $ReturnInformation.Add($key, $GlobalTypeHashTable."$Key") | Out-Null } } catch { Write-Exception -Exception $_ -Stream Debug } Write-CompletedMessage @CompletedParameters return $ReturnInformation } <# .Synopsis Updates a Global RepositoryInformation string with the new commit version for the target repository .Parameter RepositoryInformation The JSON representation of a repository .Parameter RepositoryName The name of the repository to update .Paramter Commit The new commit to store #> Function Update-RepositoryInformationCommitVersion { Param([Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string] $RepositoryInformationJSON = [string]::EmptyString, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string] $RepositoryName = [string]::EmptyString, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string] $Commit = [string]::EmptyString) $ErrorActionPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Stop $CompletedParameters = Write-StartingMessage -Stream Debug $_RepositoryInformation = (ConvertFrom-JSON -InputObject $RepositoryInformationJSON) $_RepositoryInformation."$RepositoryName".CurrentCommit = $Commit Write-CompletedMessage @CompletedParameters return (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $_RepositoryInformation -Compress) } Function Get-GitRepositoryRunbookName { Param([Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string] $Path = [string]::EmptyString) $ErrorActionPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Stop $CompletedParameters = Write-StartingMessage -Stream Debug $RunbookNames = @() $RunbookFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path ` -Filter '*.ps1' ` -Recurse ` -File foreach($RunbookFile in $RunbookFiles) { if(Test-FileIsWorkflow -FilePath $RunbookFile.FullName) { $RunbookNames += Get-WorkflowNameFromFile -FilePath $RunbookFile.FullName } else { $RunbookNames += Get-ScriptNameFromFileName -FilePath $RunbookFile.FullName } } Write-CompletedMessage @CompletedParameters $RunbookNames } Function Get-GitRepositoryVariableName { Param([Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string] $Path = [string]::EmptyString) $ErrorActionPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Stop $CompletedParameters = Write-StartingMessage -Stream Debug $RunbookNames = @() $RunbookFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path ` -Filter '*.json' ` -Recurse ` -File foreach($RunbookFile in $RunbookFiles) { $RunbookNames += Get-WorkflowNameFromFile -FilePath $RunbookFile.FullName } Write-CompletedMessage @CompletedParameters Return $RunbookNames } Function Get-GitRepositoryAssetName { Param([Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string] $Path = [string]::EmptyString) $ErrorActionPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Stop $CompletedParameters = Write-StartingMessage $Assets = @{ 'Variable' = @() ; 'Schedule' = @() } $AssetFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path ` -Filter '*.json' ` -Recurse ` -File foreach($AssetFile in $AssetFiles) { $Variable = Get-GlobalFromFile -FilePath $AssetFile.FullName -GlobalType Variables $Schedule = Get-GlobalFromFile -FilePath $AssetFile.FullName -GlobalType Schedules if($Variable -as [bool]) { Foreach($VariableName in $Variable.Keys) { $Assets.Variable += $VariableName } } if($Schedule -as [bool]) { Foreach($ScheduleName in $Schedule.Keys) { $Assets.Schedule += $ScheduleName } } } Write-CompletedMessage @CompletedParameters Return $Assets } <# Synopsis Looks under the root Path for RepositoryName/DSC to find DSC Nodes #> Function Get-GitRepositoryDSCInformation { Param([Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string] $Path = [string]::EmptyString) $ErrorActionPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Stop $CompletedParameters = Write-StartingMessage $ReturnObj = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList $Repository = Get-ChildItem -Path "$Path\*\DSC" -Depth 1 -File -Filter '*.ps1' $ConfigurationFile = Get-ChildItem -Path "$Path\*\DSC" ` -Filter '*.ps1' ` -Recurse foreach($_ConfigurationFile in $ConfigurationFile) { $ConfigurationName = Get-DSCConfigurationName -FilePath $_ConfigurationFile.FullName $NodeName = Get-DSCNodeName -FilePath $_ConfigurationFile.FullName Foreach($_NodeName in $NodeName) { $Null = $ReturnObj.Add("$($ConfigurationName).$($_NodeName)") } } Write-CompletedMessage @CompletedParameters -Status $ReturnObj Return $ReturnObj } <# .Synopsis Groups all files that will be processed. # TODO put logic for import order here .Parameter Files The files to sort .Parameter Path The path to the git repository root .Parameter RunbookFolder The name of the folder with runbooks inside .Parameter GlobalsFolder The name of the folder with globals inside .Parameter PowerShellModuleFolder The name of the folder with PowerShell modules inside #> Function Group-RepositoryFile { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] $File, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $RunbookFolder, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $GlobalsFolder, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $PowerShellModuleFolder, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $DSCFolder ) $ErrorActionPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Stop $CompletedParameters = Write-StartingMessage $_File = ConvertTo-Hashtable -InputObject $File -KeyName FileExtension $ReturnObj = @{ 'ScriptFiles' = @() ; 'SettingsFiles' = @() ; 'ModuleFiles' = @() ; 'DSCFiles' = @() ; 'CleanDSC' = $False ; 'CleanRunbooks' = $False ; 'CleanAssets' = $False ; 'CleanModules' = $False ; 'ModulesUpdated' = $False } # Process PS1 Files try { $PowerShellScriptFiles = ConvertTo-HashTable -InputObject $_File.'.ps1' -KeyName 'FileName' if(($PowerShellScriptFiles -as [bool]) -and ($PowerShellScriptFiles.Keys -as [array]).Count -gt 0) { Write-Verbose -Message 'Found Powershell Files' foreach($ScriptName in $PowerShellScriptFiles.Keys) { if($PowerShellScriptFiles."$ScriptName".ChangeType -contains 'M' -or $PowerShellScriptFiles."$ScriptName".ChangeType -contains 'A') { foreach($FullPath in $PowerShellScriptFiles."$ScriptName".FullPath) { if($FullPath -like "$($Path)\$($RunbookFolder)\*") { $ReturnObj.ScriptFiles += $FullPath break } if($FullPath -like "$($Path)\$($DSCFolder)\*") { $ReturnObj.DSCFiles += $FullPath break } } } else { foreach($FullPath in $PowerShellScriptFiles."$ScriptName".FullPath) { if($FullPath -like "$($Path)\$($RunbookFolder)\*") { $ReturnObj.CleanRunbooks = $True break } if($FullPath -like "$($Path)\$($DSCFolder)\*") { $ReturnObj.CleanDSC = $True break } } } } } else { Write-Verbose -Message 'No Powershell Files found' } } catch { Write-Verbose -Message 'No Powershell Files found' } try { # Process Settings Files $SettingsFiles = ConvertTo-HashTable -InputObject $_File.'.json' -KeyName 'FileName' if(($SettingsFiles -as [bool]) -and ($SettingsFiles.Keys -as [array]).Count -gt 0) { Write-Verbose -Message 'Found Settings Files' foreach($SettingsFileName in $SettingsFiles.Keys) { if($SettingsFiles."$SettingsFileName".ChangeType -contains 'M' -or $SettingsFiles."$SettingsFileName".ChangeType -contains 'A') { foreach($FullPath in $SettingsFiles."$SettingsFileName".FullPath) { if($FullPath -like "$($Path)\$($GlobalsFolder)\*") { $ReturnObj.CleanAssets = $True $ReturnObj.SettingsFiles += $FullPath break } } } else { $ReturnObj.CleanAssets = $True } } } else { Write-Verbose -Message 'No Settings Files found' } } catch { Write-Verbose -Message 'No Settings Files found' } try { $PSModuleFiles = ConvertTo-HashTable -InputObject $_File.'.psd1' -KeyName 'FileName' if(($PSModuleFiles -as [bool]) -and ($PSModuleFiles.Keys -as [array]).Count -gt 0) { Write-Verbose -Message 'Found Powershell Module Files' foreach($PSModuleName in $PSModuleFiles.Keys) { if($PSModuleFiles."$PSModuleName".ChangeType -contains 'M' -or $PSModuleFiles."$PSModuleName".ChangeType -contains 'A') { foreach($FullPath in $PSModuleFiles."$PSModuleName".FullPath) { if($FullPath -like "$($Path)\$($PowerShellModuleFolder)\*") { $ReturnObj.ModulesUpdated = $True $ReturnObj.ModuleFiles += $FullPath break } } } else { $ReturnObj.CleanModules = $True } } } else { Write-Verbose -Message 'No Powershell Module Files found' } } catch { Write-Verbose -Message 'No Powershell Module Files found' } Write-CompletedMessage @CompletedParameters -Status ($ReturnObj | ConvertTo-Json) Return $ReturnObj } <# .Synopsis Groups a list of Runbooks by the RepositoryName from the tag line #> Function Group-AutomationAssetByTaggedRepository { Param([Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] $InputObject) $ErrorActionPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Stop $CompletedParameters = Write-StartingMessage -Stream Debug ConvertTo-Hashtable -InputObject $InputObject ` -KeyName 'Tags' ` -KeyFilterScript { Param($Tags) if($Tags.ContainsKey('RepositoryName')) { $Tags.RepositoryName } } Write-CompletedMessage @CompletedParameters } New-Alias -Name Group-RunbooksByRepository -Value Group-AutomationAssetByTaggedRepository <# .Synopsis Groups a list of Runbooks by the RepositoryName from the tag line #> Function Group-AutomationAssetByDescriptionRepository { Param([Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] $InputObject) $ErrorActionPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Stop $CompletedParameters = Write-StartingMessage ConvertTo-Hashtable -InputObject $InputObject ` -KeyName 'Description' ` -KeyFilterScript { Param($KeyName) if($KeyName -match 'RepositoryName:([^;]+);') { $Matches[1] } } Write-CompletedMessage @CompletedParameters } New-Alias -Name Group-AssetsByRepository -Value Group-AutomationAssetByDescriptionRepository <# .Synopsis Check the target Git Repo / Branch for any updated files. Ingores files in the root .Parameter Path The path of the mapped repository .Parameter StartCommit The commit find changes since #> Function Find-GitRepositoryChange { Param( [Parameter( Mandatory=$true )] [string] $Path, [Parameter( Mandatory=$false )] [string] $StartCommit = -1 ) $ErrorActionPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Stop $CompletedParameters = Write-StartingMessage -String "StartCommit [$StartCommit]" # Set current directory to the git repo location $CurrentLocation = Get-Location try { Set-Location -Path $Path $ReturnObj = @{ 'CurrentCommit' = $CurrentCommit; 'Files' = @() } $NewCommit = Get-GitCurrentCommit -Path $Path $FirstRepoCommit = Get-GitInitialCommit -Path $Path $StartCommit = (Select-FirstValid -Value $StartCommit, $FirstRepoCommit -FilterScript { $_ -ne -1 }) -as [string] $ModifiedFiles = Get-GitModifiedFile -Path $Path -StartCommit $StartCommit -NewCommit $NewCommit $ReturnObj = @{ 'CurrentCommit' = $NewCommit ; 'Files' = @() } Foreach($File in $ModifiedFiles) { if("$($File)" -Match '([a-zA-Z])\s+(.+(\..+))$') { $FileInfo = ("$((Get-Location).Path)\$($Matches[2].Replace('/','\'))") -as [System.IO.FileInfo] $ReturnObj.Files += @{ 'FullPath' = "$($FileInfo.FullName)" 'FileName' = $FileInfo.Name 'FileExtension' = $FileInfo.Extension 'ChangeType' = $Matches[1] } } } $ReturnObj.Files += Get-GitSumboduleFileChange -StartCommit $StartCommit } catch { throw } finally { Set-Location -Path $CurrentLocation } Write-CompletedMessage @CompletedParameters -Status ($ReturnObj | ConvertTo-Json) return $ReturnObj } Function Get-GitModifiedFile { Param( [Parameter( Mandatory=$true )] [string] $Path, [Parameter( Mandatory=$true )] [string] $StartCommit, [Parameter( Mandatory=$true )] [string] $NewCommit ) $ErrorActionPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Stop $CompletedParameters = Write-StartingMessage -Stream Debug # Set current directory to the git repo location $CurrentLocation = Get-Location try { Set-Location -Path $Path $ModifiedFiles = Invoke-Expression -Command "$($gitExe) diff --name-status $StartCommit $NewCommit" } catch { throw } finally { Set-Location -Path $CurrentLocation } Write-CompletedMessage @CompletedParameters -Status ($ModifiedFiles | ConvertTo-JSON) return $ModifiedFiles } Function Get-GitCurrentCommit { Param( [Parameter( Mandatory=$true )] [string] $Path ) $ErrorActionPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Stop $CompletedParameters = Write-StartingMessage -Stream Debug # Set current directory to the git repo location $CurrentLocation = Get-Location try { Set-Location -Path $Path $Commit = (Invoke-Expression -Command "$($gitExe) rev-parse --short HEAD") -as [string] } catch { throw } finally { Set-Location -Path $CurrentLocation } Write-CompletedMessage @CompletedParameters -Status $Commit return $Commit } Function Get-GitInitialCommit { Param( [Parameter( Mandatory=$true )] [string] $Path ) $ErrorActionPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Stop $CompletedParameters = Write-StartingMessage -Stream Debug # Set current directory to the git repo location $CurrentLocation = Get-Location try { Set-Location -Path $Path $Commit = (Invoke-Expression -Command "$($gitExe) rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD") -as [string] } catch { throw } finally { Set-Location -Path $CurrentLocation } Write-CompletedMessage @CompletedParameters -Status $Commit return $Commit } <# #> Function Get-GitSumboduleFileChange { Param( [Parameter( Mandatory=$True )] [string] $StartCommit ) $ErrorActionPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Stop $CompletedParameters = Write-StartingMessage # Set current directory to the git repo location $CurrentLocation = Get-Location try { $ReturnObj = @() $ModifiedSubmodule = Invoke-Expression -Command "$($gitExe) submodule summary $StartCommit" ` | Where-Object { $_ -match '\* (.*) ([a-f0-9]+\.\.\.[a-f0-9]+)+' } | ForEach-Object { @{$Matches[1] = $Matches[2]} } Foreach($_ModifiedSubmodule in $ModifiedSubmodule) { try { Set-Location -Path $_ModifiedSubmodule.Keys[0] $FirstRepoCommit = (Invoke-Expression -Command "$($gitExe) rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD") -as [string] $Commits= $_ModifiedSubmodule.Values[0].Split('.') $FirstCommit = $Commits[0] $SecondCommit = $Commits[-1] if($FirstCommit -eq '0000000') { $FirstCommit = $FirstRepoCommit } $ModifiedFiles = Invoke-Expression -Command "$($gitExe) diff --name-status $FirstCommit $SecondCommit" Foreach($File in $ModifiedFiles) { if("$($File)" -Match '([a-zA-Z])\s+(.+(\..+))$') { $FileInfo = "$((Get-Location).Path)\$($Matches[2].Replace('/','\'))" -as [System.IO.FileInfo] $ReturnObj += @{ 'FullPath' = "$($FileInfo.FullName)" 'FileName' = $FileInfo.Name 'FileExtension' = $FileInfo.Extension 'ChangeType' = $Matches[1] } } } } catch { Write-Exception -Exception $_ -Stream Warning } finally { Set-Location -Path $CurrentLocation } } } catch { Write-Exception -Exception $_ -Stream Warning } finally { Set-Location -Path $CurrentLocation } Write-CompletedMessage @CompletedParameters -Status ($ReturnObj | ConvertTo-Json) return $ReturnObj } <# .Synopsis Updates a git repository to the latest version .Parameter RepositoryPath The path to the repository to update ex .Parameter LocalPath The local path to map the repository to .Parameter Branch The branch to checkout and update #> Function Update-GitRepository { Param( [Parameter( Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 1 )] [string] $RepositoryPath, [Parameter( Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 1 )] [string] $Path, [Parameter( Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 1 )] [string] $Branch = 'master' ) $ErrorActionPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Stop $CompletedParameters = Write-StartingMessage # Set current directory to the git repo location if(-Not (Test-Path -Path $Path)) { $null = New-FileItemContainer -FileItemPath $Path Try { Write-Verbose -Message 'Cloneing repository' Invoke-Expression -Command "$gitEXE clone $($RepositoryPath) $($Path) --recursive" } Catch { Write-Exception -Exception $_ -Stream Warning } } $CurrentLocation = Get-Location Set-Location -Path $Path $BranchResults = (Invoke-Expression -Command "$gitEXE branch") -as [string] if(-not ($BranchResults -match '\*\s(\w+)')) { if(Test-IsNullOrEmpty -String $BranchResults) { Write-Verbose -Message 'git branch did not return output. Assuming we are on the correct branch' } else { Throw-Exception -Type 'GitTargetBranchNotFound' ` -Message 'git could not find any current branch' ` -Property @{ 'result' = $BranchResults ; 'match' = $BranchResults -match '\*\s(\w+)'} } } elseif($Matches[1] -ne $Branch) { Write-Verbose -Message "Setting current branch to [$($Branch)]" try { Write-Verbose -Message "Changing branch to [$($Branch)]" (Invoke-Expression -Command "$gitEXE checkout $($Branch)") | Out-Null } catch { Write-Exception -Exception $_ -Stream Warning } } try { $initialization = Invoke-Expression -Command "$gitEXE pull" } catch { $Exception = $_ $ExceptionInformation = Get-ExceptionInfo -Exception $Exception Switch($ExceptionInformation.FullyQualifiedErrorId) { 'NativeCommandError' { Write-Verbose -Message "Retrieved updates $($ExceptionInformation.Message)" } 'System.Management.Automation.RemoteException' { Write-Verbose -Message "Retrieved updates $($ExceptionInformation.Message)" } Default { Write-Exception -Exception $Exception -Stream Warning } } } try { $initialization = Invoke-Expression -Command "$gitEXE submodule init" } catch { Write-Exception -Exception $_ -Stream Warning } try { $initialization = Invoke-Expression -Command "$gitEXE submodule update" } catch { Write-Exception -Exception $_ -Stream Warning } Set-Location -Path $CurrentLocation Write-CompletedMessage @CompletedParameters } Export-ModuleMember -Function *-* -Alias * -Verbose:$false -Debug:$False |