$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $manifestPath = "$here\SCOrchDev-AzureAutomationIntegration.psd1" Import-Module 'SCOrchDev-AzureAutomationIntegration' -Force Describe -Tags 'VersionChecks' 'SCOrchDev-AzureAutomationIntegration' { $script:manifest = $null It 'has a valid manifest' { { $script:manifest = Test-ModuleManifest -Path $manifestPath -ErrorAction Stop -WarningAction SilentlyContinue } | Should Not Throw } It 'has a valid name in the manifest' { $script:manifest.Name | Should Be SCOrchDev-AzureAutomationIntegration } It 'has a valid guid in the manifest' { $script:manifest.Guid | Should Be '1dafd04a-a2c2-4245-a2ba-69bfcd6bfe0a' } It 'has a valid version in the manifest' { $script:manifest.Version -as [Version] | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } if (Get-Command git.exe -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { $script:tagVersion = $null It 'is tagged with a valid version' { $cwd = get-location Set-Location ($PATH -as [System.IO.FileInfo]).Directory $thisCommit = git.exe log --decorate --oneline HEAD~1..HEAD Set-Location $cwd if ($thisCommit -match 'tag:\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)*)') { $script:tagVersion = $matches[1] } $script:tagVersion | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $script:tagVersion -as [Version] | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } It 'all versions are the same' { $script:manifest.Version -as [Version] | Should be ( $script:tagVersion -as [Version] ) } } It 'should have all files listed in the FileList' { $ModuleFiles = (Get-ChildItem -Path $here -Recurse -Exclude .git).FullName $FileDifferences = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $ModuleFiles -DifferenceObject $script:manifest.FileList if (($FileDifferences -as [array]).Count -gt 0) { Throw-Exception -Type 'MissingFiles' ` -Message 'Files missing or not tracked in FileList' ` -Property @{ 'Missing Files' = ($FileDifferences | Where-Object {$_.SideIndicator -eq '=>'}).InputObject ; 'Non Tracked Files' = ($FileDifferences | Where-Object {$_.SideIndicator -eq '<='}).InputObject ; } } } } if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 3) { $error.Clear() Describe 'Clean treatment of the $error variable' { It 'Performs a successful test' { $true | Should Be $true } It 'Did not add anything to the $error variable' { $error.Count | Should Be 0 } } } Describe 'Style rules' { $_ModuleBase = (Get-Module SCOrchDev-AzureAutomationIntegration).ModuleBase $files = @( Get-ChildItem $_ModuleBase -Include *.ps1,*.psm1 ) It 'Module source files contain no trailing whitespace' { $badLines = @( foreach ($file in $files) { $lines = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines($file.FullName) $lineCount = $lines.Count for ($i = 0; $i -lt $lineCount; $i++) { if ($lines[$i] -match '\s+$') { 'File: {0}, Line: {1}' -f $file.FullName, ($i + 1) } } } ) if ($badLines.Count -gt 0) { throw "The following $($badLines.Count) lines contain trailing whitespace: `r`n`r`n$($badLines -join "`r`n")" } } It 'Module Source Files all end with a newline' { $badFiles = @( foreach ($file in $files) { $string = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($file.FullName) if ($string.Length -gt 0 -and $string[-1] -ne "`n") { $file.FullName } } ) if ($badFiles.Count -gt 0) { throw "The following files do not end with a newline: `r`n`r`n$($badFiles -join "`r`n")" } } } Describe 'ConvertFrom-AutomationDescriptionTagLine' { InModuleScope -ModuleName SCOrchDev-AzureAutomationIntegration { Context 'When passed a description string with a tag section' { $RepositoryName = 'AAAAAAAAA' $CurrentCommit = 'BBBBBBBB' $DescriptionString = "__RepositoryName:$RepositoryName;CurrentCommit:$CurrentCommit;__" $Return = ConvertFrom-AutomationDescriptionTagLine -InputObject $DescriptionString It 'Should return an object with a CurrentCommit property' { $Return.ContainsKey('CurrentCommit') | Should Be $True } It 'Should have the proper value in current commit' { $Return.CurrentCommit | Should Match $CurrentCommit } It 'Should return an object with RepositoryName property' { $Return.ContainsKey('RepositoryName') | Should Be $True } It 'Should have the proper value in Repository Name' { $Return.RepositoryName | Should Match $RepositoryName } It 'Should return an object with Description property' { $Return.ContainsKey('Description') | Should Be $True } It 'Should have the proper value in Description' { $Return.Description | Should Match $DescriptionString } } } } Describe 'Converting a AutomationDescription Tag Line' { InModuleScope -ModuleName SCOrchDev-AzureAutomationIntegration { $RepositoryName = 'AAAAAAAAA' $CurrentCommit = 'BBBBBBBB' $DescriptionString = "__RepositoryName:$RepositoryName;CurrentCommit:$CurrentCommit;__" $Return = ConvertFrom-AutomationDescriptionTagLine -InputObject $DescriptionString $NewRepositoryName = 'CCCCCCCCC' $NewCommit = 'DDDDDDDD' $UpdatedString = ConvertTo-AutomationDescriptionTagLine ` -Description $Return.Description ` -CurrentCommit $NewCommit ` -RepositoryName $NewRepositoryName Context 'Converting a string to a Description Hashtable' { It 'Should return an object with a CurrentCommit property' { $Return.ContainsKey('CurrentCommit') | Should Be $True } It 'Should have the proper value in current commit' { $Return.CurrentCommit | Should Match $CurrentCommit } It 'Should return an object with RepositoryName property' { $Return.ContainsKey('RepositoryName') | Should Be $True } It 'Should have the proper value in Repository Name' { $Return.RepositoryName | Should Match $RepositoryName } It 'Should return an object with Description property' { $Return.ContainsKey('Description') | Should Be $True } It 'Should have the proper value in Description' { $Return.Description | Should Match $DescriptionString } } Context 'Converting an updated Description Hashtable' { It 'Should have a properly updated Current Commit' { $UpdatedString | Should Match "__RepositoryName:$NewRepositoryName;" } It 'Should have a properly updated RepositoryName' { $UpdatedString | Should Match "CurrentCommit:$NewCommit;__" } } } } |