function GetCertMasterAppServiceName ($SCEPmanResourceGroup, $SCEPmanAppServiceName) { # Criteria: # - Only two App Services in SCEPman's resource group. One is SCEPman, the other the CertMaster candidate # - Configuration value AppConfig:SCEPman:URL must be present, then it must be a CertMaster # - In a default installation, the URL must contain SCEPman's app service name. We require this. $strangeCertMasterFound = $false $rgwebapps = ConvertLinesToObject -lines $(az graph query -q "Resources | where type == 'microsoft.web/sites' and resourceGroup == '$SCEPmanResourceGroup' and name !~ '$SCEPmanAppServiceName' | project name") Write-Information "$($rgwebapps.count + 1) web apps found in the resource group $SCEPmanResourceGroup. We are finding if the CertMaster app is already created" if($rgwebapps.count -gt 0) { ForEach($potentialcmwebapp in $ { $scepmanurlsettingcount = az webapp config appsettings list --name $ --resource-group $SCEPmanResourceGroup --query "[?name=='AppConfig:SCEPman:URL'].value | length(@)" if($scepmanurlsettingcount -eq 1) { $scepmanUrl = az webapp config appsettings list --name $ --resource-group $SCEPmanResourceGroup --query "[?name=='AppConfig:SCEPman:URL'].value | [0]" $hascorrectscepmanurl = $scepmanUrl.ToUpperInvariant().Contains($SCEPmanAppServiceName.ToUpperInvariant()) # this works for deployment slots, too if($hascorrectscepmanurl -eq $true) { Write-Information "Certificate Master web app $($ found." $CertMasterAppServiceName = $ return $ } else { Write-Information "Certificate Master web app $($ found, but its setting AppConfig:SCEPman:URL is $scepmanURL, which we could not identify with the SCEPman app service. It may or may not be the correct Certificate Master and we ignore it." $strangeCertMasterFound = $true } } } } if ($strangeCertMasterFound) { Write-Warning "There is at least one Certificate Master App Service in resource group $SCEPmanResourceGroup, but we are not sure whether it belongs to SCEPman $SCEPmanAppServiceName." } Write-Warning "Unable to determine the Certificate Master app service name" return $null } function SelectBestDotNetRuntime { try { $runtimes = ConvertLinesToObject -lines $(az webapp list-runtimes --os windows) [String []]$WindowsDotnetRuntimes = $runtimes | Where-Object { $_.ToLower().startswith("dotnet:") } return $WindowsDotnetRuntimes[0] } catch { return "dotnet:6" } } function CreateCertMasterAppService ($TenantId, $SCEPmanResourceGroup, $SCEPmanAppServiceName, $CertMasterAppServiceName, $DeploymentSlotName) { if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($CertMasterAppServiceName)) { $CertMasterAppServiceName = GetCertMasterAppServiceName -SCEPmanResourceGroup $SCEPmanResourceGroup -SCEPmanAppServiceName $SCEPmanAppServiceName $ShallCreateCertMasterAppService = $null -eq $CertMasterAppServiceName } else { # Check whether a cert master app service with the passed in name exists $CertMasterWebApps = ConvertLinesToObject -lines $(az graph query -q "Resources | where type == 'microsoft.web/sites' and resourceGroup == '$SCEPmanResourceGroup' and name =~ '$CertMasterAppServiceName' | project name") $ShallCreateCertMasterAppService = 0 -eq $CertMasterWebApps.count } $scwebapp = ConvertLinesToObject -lines $(az graph query -q "Resources | where type == 'microsoft.web/sites' and resourceGroup == '$SCEPmanResourceGroup' and name =~ '$SCEPmanAppServiceName'") if($null -eq $CertMasterAppServiceName) { $CertMasterAppServiceName = $ if ($CertMasterAppServiceName.Length -gt 57) { $CertMasterAppServiceName = $CertMasterAppServiceName.Substring(0,57) } $CertMasterAppServiceName += "-cm" $potentialCertMasterAppServiceName = Read-Host "CertMaster web app not found. Please hit enter now if you want to create the app with name $CertMasterAppServiceName or enter the name of your choice, and then hit enter" if($potentialCertMasterAppServiceName) { $CertMasterAppServiceName = $potentialCertMasterAppServiceName } } if ($true -eq $ShallCreateCertMasterAppService) { Write-Information "User selected to create the app with the name $CertMasterAppServiceName" $runtime = SelectBestDotNetRuntime $null = az webapp create --resource-group $SCEPmanResourceGroup --plan $ --name $CertMasterAppServiceName --assign-identity [system] --runtime $runtime Write-Information "CertMaster web app $CertMasterAppServiceName created" # Do all the configuration that the ARM template does normally $SCEPmanHostname = $ if ($null -ne $DeploymentSlotName) { $selectedSlot = ConvertLinesToObject -lines $(az graph query -q "Resources | where type == 'microsoft.web/sites/slots' and resourceGroup == '$SCEPmanResourceGroup' and name =~ '$SCEPmanAppServiceName/$DeploymentSlotName'") $SCEPmanHostname = $ } $CertmasterAppSettings = @{ WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE = ""; "AppConfig:AuthConfig:TenantId" = $TenantId; "AppConfig:SCEPman:URL" = "https://$SCEPmanHostname/"; } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress $CertMasterAppSettings = $CertmasterAppSettings.Replace('"', '\"') Write-Verbose 'Configuring CertMaster web app settings' $null = az webapp config set --name $CertMasterAppServiceName --resource-group $SCEPmanResourceGroup --use-32bit-worker-process $false --ftps-state 'Disabled' --always-on $true $null = az webapp update --name $CertMasterAppServiceName --resource-group $SCEPmanResourceGroup --https-only $true $null = az webapp config appsettings set --name $CertMasterAppServiceName --resource-group $SCEPmanResourceGroup --settings $CertMasterAppSettings } return $CertMasterAppServiceName } function GetDeploymentSlots($appServiceName, $resourceGroup) { $deploymentSlots = ConvertLinesToObject -lines $(az webapp deployment slot list --name $appServiceName --resource-group $resourceGroup --query '[].name') return $deploymentSlots } function ConfigureAppServices($SCEPmanResourceGroup, $SCEPmanAppServiceName, $CertMasterAppServiceName, $DeploymentSlotName, $CertMasterBaseURL, $SCEPmanAppId, $CertMasterAppId) { Write-Information "Configuring SCEPman, SCEPman's deployment slots (if any), and CertMaster web app settings" $managedIdentityEnabledOn = ([DateTimeOffset]::UtcNow).ToUnixTimeSeconds() # Add ApplicationId and some additional defaults in SCEPman web app settings $ScepManAppSettings = "{\`"AppConfig:AuthConfig:ApplicationId\`":\`"$SCEPmanAppID\`",\`"AppConfig:CertMaster:URL\`":\`"$($CertMasterBaseURL)\`",\`"AppConfig:IntuneValidation:DeviceDirectory\`":\`"AADAndIntune\`",\`"AppConfig:DirectCSRValidation:Enabled\`":\`"true\`",\`"AppConfig:AuthConfig:ManagedIdentityEnabledOnUnixTime\`":\`"$managedIdentityEnabledOn\`"}".Replace("`r", [String]::Empty).Replace("`n", [String]::Empty) if ($null -eq $DeploymentSlotName) { $existingApplicationId = az webapp config appsettings list --name $SCEPmanAppServiceName --resource-group $SCEPmanResourceGroup --query "[?name=='AppConfig:AuthConfig:ApplicationId'].value | [0]" if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($existingApplicationId) -and $existingApplicationId -ne $SCEPmanAppId) { $null = az webapp config appsettings set --name $SCEPmanAppServiceName --resource-group $SCEPmanResourceGroup --settings BackUp:AppConfig:AuthConfig:ApplicationId=$existingApplicationId } $null = az webapp config appsettings set --name $SCEPmanAppServiceName --resource-group $SCEPmanResourceGroup --settings $ScepManAppSettings $existingApplicationKeySc = az webapp config appsettings list --name $SCEPmanAppServiceName --resource-group $SCEPmanResourceGroup --query "[?name=='AppConfig:AuthConfig:ApplicationKey'].value | [0]" if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($existingApplicationKeySc)) { $null = az webapp config appsettings set --name $SCEPmanAppServiceName --resource-group $SCEPmanResourceGroup --settings BackUp:AppConfig:AuthConfig:ApplicationKey=$existingApplicationKeySc $null = az webapp config appsettings delete --name $SCEPmanAppServiceName --resource-group $SCEPmanResourceGroup --setting-names AppConfig:AuthConfig:ApplicationKey } } if($true -eq $scHasDeploymentSlots) { ForEach($tempDeploymentSlot in $deploymentSlotsSc) { $existingApplicationId = az webapp config appsettings list --name $SCEPmanAppServiceName --resource-group $SCEPmanResourceGroup --slot $tempDeploymentSlot --query "[?name=='AppConfig:AuthConfig:ApplicationId'].value | [0]" if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($existingApplicationId) -and $existingApplicationId -ne $SCEPmanAppId) { $null = az webapp config appsettings set --name $SCEPmanAppServiceName --resource-group $SCEPmanResourceGroup --settings BackUp:AppConfig:AuthConfig:ApplicationId=$existingApplicationId --slot $tempDeploymentSlot } $null = az webapp config appsettings set --name $SCEPmanAppServiceName --resource-group $SCEPmanResourceGroup --settings $ScepManAppSettings --slot $tempDeploymentSlot $existingApplicationKeySc = az webapp config appsettings list --name $SCEPmanAppServiceName --resource-group $SCEPmanResourceGroup --slot $tempDeploymentSlot --query "[?name=='AppConfig:AuthConfig:ApplicationKey'].value | [0]" if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($existingApplicationKeySc)) { $null = az webapp config appsettings set --name $SCEPmanAppServiceName --resource-group $SCEPmanResourceGroup --slot $tempDeploymentSlot --settings BackUp:AppConfig:AuthConfig:ApplicationKey=$existingApplicationKeySc $null = az webapp config appsettings delete --name $SCEPmanAppServiceName --resource-group $SCEPmanResourceGroup --slot $tempDeploymentSlot --setting-names AppConfig:AuthConfig:ApplicationKey } } } # Add ApplicationId and SCEPman API scope in certmaster web app settings $CertmasterAppSettings = "{\`"AppConfig:AuthConfig:ApplicationId\`":\`"$CertMasterAppId\`",\`"AppConfig:AuthConfig:SCEPmanAPIScope\`":\`"api://$SCEPmanAppId\`",\`"AppConfig:AuthConfig:ManagedIdentityEnabledOnUnixTime\`":\`"$managedIdentityEnabledOn\`"}".Replace("`r", [String]::Empty).Replace("`n", [String]::Empty) $null = az webapp config appsettings set --name $CertMasterAppServiceName --resource-group $SCEPmanResourceGroup --settings $CertmasterAppSettings } |