function GetStorageAccount ($ResourceGroup) { $storageaccounts = Convert-LinesToObject -lines $(az graph query -q "Resources | where type == '' and resourceGroup == '$ResourceGroup' | project name, resourceGroup, primaryEndpoints = properties.primaryEndpoints") if($storageaccounts.count -gt 0) { $potentialStorageAccountName = Read-Host "We have found one or more existing storage accounts in the resource group $ResourceGroup. Please hit enter now if you still want to create a new storage account or enter the name of the storage account you would like to use, and then hit enter" if(!$potentialStorageAccountName) { Write-Information "User selected to create a new storage account" return $null } else { $potentialStorageAccount = $ | Where-Object { $ -eq $potentialStorageAccountName } if($null -eq $potentialStorageAccount) { Write-Error "We couldn't find a storage account with name $potentialStorageAccountName in resource group $ResourceGroup. Please try to re-run the script" throw "We couldn't find a storage account with name $potentialStorageAccountName in resource group $ResourceGroup. Please try to re-run the script" } else { return $potentialStorageAccount } } } else { Write-Warning "Unable to determine the storage account" return $null } } function GetExistingStorageAccount ($dataTableEndpoint) { $storageAccounts = Convert-LinesToObject -lines $(az graph query -q "Resources | where type == '' and properties.primaryEndpoints.table startswith '$($dataTableEndpoint.TrimEnd('/'))' | project name, resourceGroup, primaryEndpoints = properties.primaryEndpoints") Write-Debug "When searching for Storage Account $dataTableEndpoint, $($storageAccounts.count) accounts look like the searched one" $storageAccounts = $ | Where-Object { $_.primaryEndpoints.table.TrimEnd('/') -eq $dataTableEndpoint.TrimEnd('/')} if ($null -ne $storageAccounts.count) { # In PS 7 (?), $storageAccounts is an array; In PS 5, $null has a count property with value 0 if ($storageAccounts.count -gt 0) { # must be one because the Table Endpoint is unique return $storageAccounts[0] } else { return $null } } else { # In PS 5, $storageAccounts is an object if it is only one return $storageAccounts } } function SetStorageAccountPermissions ($SubscriptionId, $ScStorageAccount, $servicePrincipals) { Write-Information "Setting permissions in storage account for $($servicePrincipals.Count) App Service identities" $SAScope = "/subscriptions/$SubscriptionId/resourceGroups/$($ScStorageAccount.resourceGroup)/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/$($" Write-Debug "Storage Account Scope: $SAScope" ForEach($tempServicePrincipal in $servicePrincipals) { Write-Information "Setting Storage account permission for principal id $tempServicePrincipal" $azOutput = az role assignment create --role 'Storage Table Data Contributor' --assignee-object-id $tempServicePrincipal --assignee-principal-type 'ServicePrincipal' --scope $SAScope 2>&1 $null = CheckAzOutput -azOutput $azOutput -fThrowOnError $true } } function CreateScStorageAccount ($SubscriptionId, $ResourceGroup, $servicePrincipals) { $ScStorageAccount = GetStorageAccount -ResourceGroup $ResourceGroup if($null -eq $ScStorageAccount) { Write-Information 'Storage account not found. We will create one now' $storageAccountName = $ResourceGroup.ToLower() -replace '[^a-z0-9]','' if($storageAccountName.Length -gt 19) { $storageAccountName = $storageAccountName.Substring(0,19) } $storageAccountName = "stg$($storageAccountName)cm" $potentialStorageAccountName = Read-Host "Please hit enter now if you want to create the storage account with name $storageAccountName or enter the name of your choice, and then hit enter" if($potentialStorageAccountName) { $storageAccountName = $potentialStorageAccountName } $ScStorageAccount = Convert-LinesToObject -lines $(az storage account create --name $storageAccountName --resource-group $ResourceGroup --sku 'Standard_LRS' --kind 'StorageV2' --access-tier 'Hot' --allow-blob-public-access $true --allow-cross-tenant-replication $false --allow-shared-key-access $false --enable-nfs-v3 $false --min-tls-version 'TLS1_2' --publish-internet-endpoints $false --publish-microsoft-endpoints $false --routing-choice 'MicrosoftRouting' --https-only $true --only-show-errors) if($null -eq $ScStorageAccount) { Write-Error 'Storage account not found and we are unable to create one. Please check logs for more details before re-running the script' throw 'Storage account not found and we are unable to create one. Please check logs for more details before re-running the script' } Write-Information "Storage account $storageAccountName created" } SetStorageAccountPermissions -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId -ScStorageAccount $ScStorageAccount -servicePrincipals $servicePrincipals return $ScStorageAccount } function GetSCEPmanStorageAccountConfig( $SCEPmanResourceGroup, $SCEPmanAppServiceName, $DeploymentSlotName) { if ($null -eq $DeploymentSlotName) { return ExecuteAzCommandRobustly -azCommand "az webapp config appsettings list --name $SCEPmanAppServiceName --resource-group $SCEPmanResourceGroup --query ""[?name=='AppConfig:CertificateStorage:TableStorageEndpoint'].value | [0]"" --output tsv" } else { return ExecuteAzCommandRobustly -azCommand "az webapp config appsettings list --name $SCEPmanAppServiceName --resource-group $SCEPmanResourceGroup --query ""[?name=='AppConfig:CertificateStorage:TableStorageEndpoint'].value | [0]"" --slot $DeploymentSlotName --output tsv" } } function SetTableStorageEndpointsInScAndCmAppSettings ($SubscriptionId, $SCEPmanResourceGroup, $SCEPmanAppServiceName, $CertMasterResourceGroup, $CertMasterAppServiceName, $servicePrincipals, $DeploymentSlotName, $DeploymentSlots) { $storageAccountTableEndpoint = $null $existingTableStorageEndpointSettingSc = GetSCEPmanStorageAccountConfig -SCEPmanResourceGroup $SCEPmanResourceGroup -SCEPmanAppServiceName $SCEPmanAppServiceName -DeploymentSlotName $DeploymentSlotName if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($existingTableStorageEndpointSettingSc)) { $storageAccountTableEndpoint = $existingTableStorageEndpointSettingSc.Trim('"') } if ($null -ne $CertMasterAppServiceName) { $existingTableStorageEndpointSettingCm = ExecuteAzCommandRobustly -azCommand "az webapp config appsettings list --name $CertMasterAppServiceName --resource-group $CertMasterResourceGroup --query ""[?name=='AppConfig:AzureStorage:TableStorageEndpoint'].value | [0]"" --output tsv" if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($existingTableStorageEndpointSettingSc) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($existingTableStorageEndpointSettingCm) -and $existingTableStorageEndpointSettingSc -ne $existingTableStorageEndpointSettingCm) { Write-Error "Inconsistency: SCEPman($SCEPmanAppServiceName) and CertMaster($CertMasterAppServiceName) have different storage accounts configured" throw "Inconsistency: SCEPman($SCEPmanAppServiceName) and CertMaster($CertMasterAppServiceName) have different storage accounts configured" } if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($storageAccountTableEndpoint) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($existingTableStorageEndpointSettingCm)) { $storageAccountTableEndpoint = $existingTableStorageEndpointSettingCm.Trim('"') } } if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($storageAccountTableEndpoint)) { Write-Information "Creating storage account" $ScStorageAccount = CreateScStorageAccount -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId -ResourceGroup $SCEPmanResourceGroup -servicePrincipals $servicePrincipals $storageAccountTableEndpoint = $($ScStorageAccount.primaryEndpoints.table) } else { Write-Verbose 'Storage account table endpoint found in app settings' $ScStorageAccount = GetExistingStorageAccount -dataTableEndpoint $storageAccountTableEndpoint if ($null -eq $ScStorageAccount) { Write-Warning "Data Table endpoint $storageAccountTableEndpoint is configured in either SCEPman or Certificate Master, but no such storage account could be found" $ScStorageAccount = CreateScStorageAccount -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId -ResourceGroup $SCEPmanResourceGroup -servicePrincipals $servicePrincipals $storageAccountTableEndpoint = $($ScStorageAccount.primaryEndpoints.table) } else { Write-Verbose "Found existing storage account $($ScStorageAccount.Name)" SetStorageAccountPermissions -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId -ScStorageAccount $ScStorageAccount -servicePrincipals $servicePrincipals } } Write-Verbose "Configuring table storage endpoints in SCEPman, SCEPman's deployment slots (if any), and CertMaster" if ($null -ne $CertMasterAppServiceName) { $storageSettingForCm = @( @{name='AppConfig:AzureStorage:TableStorageEndpoint'; value=$storageAccountTableEndpoint} ) SetAppSettings -AppServiceName $CertMasterAppServiceName -ResourceGroup $CertMasterResourceGroup -Settings $storageSettingForCm } $storageSettingForSm = @( @{name='AppConfig:CertificateStorage:TableStorageEndpoint'; value=$storageAccountTableEndpoint} ) SetAppSettings -AppServiceName $SCEPmanAppServiceName -ResourceGroup $SCEPmanResourceGroup -Settings $storageSettingForSm ForEach($tempDeploymentSlot in $DeploymentSlots) { SetAppSettings -AppServiceName $SCEPmanAppServiceName -ResourceGroup $SCEPmanResourceGroup -Settings $storageSettingForSm -Slot $tempDeploymentSlot } } |