
# - Check LM config when it is set up (at least auth)
# - Add this import and initial config to the template builder
# - Add LM connection parameters to Azure Auto config and test script there

# - If no log file is provided, and append is false, logs will be created based
# on the job name provided and date stamped. A logs folder will be created in
# the script directory to hold the logs.
# - File Extensions are automatically set based on the selected Format unless
# a log file is specified.
# - Added the LogToFile parameter to indicate if file output should be written.
# - Added log pruning capability for SATLogger managed jobs

# Global configuration variables
$Global:LogConfig = $null
$Global:LogicMonitorConfig = $null

function Set-LogicMonitorConfiguration{
            Defines a parameter set for connecting to Logic Monitor's log ingest API
            Set-LogicMonitorConfiguration is a function that defines a global hash table
            which contains the connection parameters for Logic Monitor's ingest API. All
            parameters are required.
        .PARAMETER Url
            [string] The base URL for the Logic Monitor rest API.
        .PARAMETER ApiKey
            [string] Logic Monitor API Key.
        .PARAMETER ApiSecret
            [string] Logic Monitor API Secret value.
            Set-LogicMonitorConfiguration -ApiKey <API_KEY> -ApiSecret <API_Secret> -Url ""

    param (
        [Parameter(HelpMessage="The base URL for the Logic Monitor API.", Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Logic Monitor API Key.", Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Logic Monitor API Secret value.", Mandatory=$true)]

    $Global:LogicMonitorConfig =  @{
        "BaseURL" = $Url
        "ApiKey" = $ApiKey
        "ApiSecret" = $ApiSecret

function Set-LogConfiguration{
            Defines a parameter set for the SATLogger.
            SATLogger enables standardized log messages in JSON, CSV, or Text (Pipe delimited)
            Messages can be optionally routed to the console and Logic Monitor.
        .PARAMETER Format
            [string] The format of the log message string (JSON, CSV, or Text).
        .PARAMETER JobName
            [string] The name of the job being logged. This should be a unique descriptive name
            that can serve as a key for searches.
        .PARAMETER LogToFile
            [bool] Boolean to log to a file .
        .PARAMETER LogFile
            [string] The full path to the log file, including the file name and extension.
        .PARAMETER LogToLogicMonitor
            [bool] Boolean to route log messages to Logic Monitor.
        .PARAMETER LogToConsole
            [bool] Boolean to display log messages in the console. This is required for
            azure automation jobs.
        .PARAMETER LogLevel
            [int] Log threshold to capture. All logs below the selected threshold will be suppressed.
            Accepted levels: 0=DEBUG, 1=INFO, 2=WARN, 3=ERROR, 4=CRITICAL.
        .PARAMETER RetentionDays
            [int] Number of days to retain old log files on disk. This is only applicable for SATLogger-
            managed log files. Not supported with the -Append or -LogFile switches.
        .PARAMETER Append
            [bool] Boolean to append to an existing log file.
            Set-LogConfiguration -Format JSON -JobName AddressBookUpdate -LogFile .\AddressBookUpdate.json -LogToLogicMonitor:$true -LogToConsole:$true -LogLevel 2
            Set-LogConfiguration -JobName InstallHotfix

    param (
        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Log message format. Options are 'CSV','JSON', or 'Text.'")]
        [string]$Format = 'Text',
        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Name of the Job your are logging.", Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Set to TRUE if you would like to output to the console. This should be TRUE for all Azure Automation Jobs")]
        [bool]$LogToConsole = $true,
        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Set to TRUE to route logs to Logic Monitor.")]
        [bool]$LogToLogicMonitor = $false,
        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Indicates if you would like to output to a file. Default is true. Set to False for most Azure automation jobs.")]
        [bool]$LogToFile = $true,
        [Parameter(HelpMessage="A full or relative path to the log file, including the file name and extension.'")]
        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Log threshold to capture. All logs below the selected threshold will be suppressed, 0=DEBUG, 1=INFO, 2=WARN, 3=ERROR, 4=CRITICAL.")]
        [int]$LogLevel = 1,
        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Number of days to retain past log files. A value of 0 will retain all logs.")]
        [int]$RetentionDays = 0,
        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Append to an existing log file. Default is false.")]
        [bool]$Append = $false
    # If LogToFile is true, define the log file path.

        if($LogFile -and ($RetentionDays -gt 0)){
            Write-Output "Ambiguous option selected with LogFile path specified: RetentionDays."
            Write-Output "If you would like to enable log pruning, do not specify the LogFile value."
            Write-Output "The logger will automatically generate and maintain log files."
            Write-Output "Setting retention to 0 to disable log pruning."
            $RetentionDays = 0
        if($Append -and ($RetentionDays -gt 0)){
            Write-Output "Ambiguous option selected with log pruning enabled: Append."
            Write-Output "Log pruning is not supported with the Append option."
            Write-Output "Setting retention to 0 to disable log pruning."
            $RetentionDays = 0           


            $LogDirectory = "$(Split-Path $MyInvocation.PSCommandPath)\Logs"

            if($Format -eq "Text"){
                $Extension = ".txt"
            elseif($Format -eq "CSV"){
                $Extension = ".csv"
            elseif($Format -eq "JSON"){
                $Extension = ".json"

            # If the append option is selected, use the job name only.
            # Otherwise, append the date to the log file name.
                $LogFileName = "$($JobName)$($Extension)"
                $LogDate = (Get-Date -Format yyy-MM-dd)
                $LogFileName = "$($JobName)_$($LogDate)$($Extension)"
            $LogFile = "$logDirectory\$LogFileName"

        if(-not (Test-Path $LogFile)){

                # Create the file if it doesn't exist.
                New-Item -ItemType File -Path $LogFile -Force -ErrorAction Stop

                # Write the CSV Header for new log files.
                if($Format -eq "CSV"){
                        "DateTime" = $Date
                        "JobName" = $LogConfig.JobName
                        "Severity" = $Type
                        "Message" = $Message
                        "Host" = $LogConfig.Host
                        "Script" = $LogConfig.Script
                    } | Select-Object DateTime,JobName,Severity,Message | Export-Csv $LogFile -NoTypeInformation

                Write-Output "Unable to create log file. Exception: $($error[0].Exception.Message)"
                Write-Output "Streaming log to console only."
                $LogToFile = $false

        # Clean old log files
        if($RetentionDays -gt 0){

            if($LogDirectory -and $Extension){
                $LogsToPurge = Get-ChildItem $LogDirectory "*$extension" | Where-Object {$_.CreationTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-$RetentionDays)}
                foreach($Item in $LogsToPurge){
                        Remove-Item $Item.FullName -Force -ErrorAction Stop
                        Write-Output "Purged log based on retention policy: $($Item.FullName)"
                        Write-Output "Failed to purge log $($Item.FullName). Error: $($error[0].Exception.message)"


    $Global:LogConfig =  @{
        "Format" = $Format
        "JobName" = $JobName
        "LogToFile" = $LogToFile
        "LogFile" = $LogFile
        "LogicMonitor" = $LogToLogicMonitor
        "ConsoleOutput" = $LogToConsole
        "LogLevel" = $LogLevel
        "Host" = $env:COMPUTERNAME
        "Script" = $MyInvocation.PSCommandPath


function New-LogMessage{  
            Writes log messages to one or more output channels.
            New-LogMessage accepts a message string and a severity indicator
            to route to one or more output channels in the log configuration.
        .PARAMETER Severity
            [int] The severity of the message being logged. Accepted levels:
            0=DEBUG, 1=INFO, 2=WARN, 3=ERROR, 4=CRITICAL.
        .PARAMETER Message
            [string] The message to output.
            New-LogMessage -Severity 4 -Message "AUGGHHHHH!"

    param (
        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Severity of the message (0-4), 0=DEBUG, 1=INFO, 2=WARN, 3=ERROR, 4=CRITICAL. Default is 1 (INFO).")]
        [int]$Severity = 1,
        [Parameter(HelpMessage="The string you would like to append to the log.", Mandatory=$true)]

        Write-Output "Log configuration undefined. Define your configuration with 'Set-LogConfiguration' to use this function."
        Write-Output "Setting a default log configuration."
        $JobGuid = New-Guid
        $LogConfig = Set-LogConfiguration -Format Text -JobName $JobGuid -LogFile ".\$($JobGuid).txt" -LogicMonitor:$false -ConsoleOutput:$true -LogLevel 1

    $Date = get-date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"
    $Type = $null
    switch ($Severity)
        0 { $Type = "DEBUG"}
        1 { $Type = "INFO" }
        2 { $Type = "WARN" }
        3 { $Type = "ERROR" }
        4 { $Type = "CRITICAL"}
        default {$Type = "INFO" }

    # Only log if the severity is greater than or equal to the severity defined in the config
    if($Severity -ge $LogConfig.LogLevel){
        # Set the log string based on the defined output type
        if($LogConfig.Format -eq "JSON"){
            $LogString = @{
                "DateTime" = $Date
                "JobName" = $LogConfig.JobName
                "Severity" = $Type
                "Message" = $Message
                "Host" = $LogConfig.Host
                "Script" = $LogConfig.Script
            } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 3
        elseif($LogConfig.Format -eq "CSV"){
            $LogString = [PSCustomObject]@{
                "DateTime" = $Date
                "JobName" = $LogConfig.JobName
                "Severity" = $Type
                "Message" = $Message
                "Host" = $LogConfig.Host
                "Script" = $LogConfig.Script
            } | Select-Object DateTime,JobName,Severity,Message | ConvertTo-Csv -NoHeader
        elseif($LogConfig.Format -eq "Text"){
            $LogString = $Date + " | " + $LogConfig.JobName + " | " + $Type + " | " + $Message + " | " + $LogConfig.Host + " | " + $LogConfig.Script

        # Console and Stream output:
            Write-Output $LogString

        # File output
            $LogString | Out-File $LogConfig.LogFile -Append

        # Route message to Logic Monitor
            Write-LogicMonitorLog -LogString $LogString

function Write-LogicMonitorLog{

    param (
        [Parameter(HelpMessage="The formatted log string to send to Logic Monitor.", Mandatory=$true)]

        $Global:LogConfig.LogicMonitor = $false
        New-LogMessage -Severity 2 -Message "Logic Monitor is not configured. Define your configuration with 'Set-LogicMonitorConfiguration' to log to Logic Monitor."
        New-LogMessage -Severity 1 -Message "Disabled Logic Monitor logging in the log configuration."

    $method = "POST"
    $base_url = $LogicMonitorConfig.BaseURL
    $path = "/log/ingest"
    #$request_data = ConvertTo-Json @(@{"msg"=$LogString;"_lm.resourceId"=@{"system.deviceId"=$LogicMonitorConfig.ResourceName}}) -Depth 4 -Compress
    $request_data = ConvertTo-Json @(@{"msg"=$LogString;"_lm.resourceId"=@{"system.jobName"=$LogConfig.JobName}}) -Depth 4 -Compress

    $api_key = $LogicMonitorConfig.ApiKey
    $api_secret = $LogicMonitorConfig.ApiSecret

    $credential = New-Object pscredential($api_key, (ConvertTo-SecureString $api_secret -AsPlainText -Force))

    # Get current time in milliseconds
    $epoch = [Math]::Round((New-TimeSpan -start (Get-Date -Date "1/1/1970") -end (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()).TotalMilliseconds)

    # Concatenate Request Details
    $request_vars = $method + $epoch + $request_data + $path

    # Extract credentials
    $access_id = $credential.GetNetworkCredential().username
    $access_key = $credential.GetNetworkCredential().password

    # Construct Signature
    $hmac = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256
    $hmac.Key = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($access_key)
    $signature_bytes = $hmac.ComputeHash([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($request_vars))
    $signature_hex = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($signature_bytes) -replace '-'
    $signature = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($signature_hex.ToLower()))
    $auth_key = "LMv1 $access_id`:$signature`:$epoch"

    $headers = @{

    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($base_url)$($path)" -Method $method -Headers $headers -Body $request_data
        $Global:LogConfig.LogicMonitor = $false
        New-LogMessage -Severity 2 -Message "Logic Monitor returned an error: $($response.errmsg)."
        New-LogMessage -Severity 1 -Message "Disabled Logic Monitor logging in the log configuration."

#Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-LogicMonitorConfiguration, Set-LogConfiguration, New-LogMessage -Alias setlm, setlog, nlm