
function Write-WithTime {
    Formats messages includign the time stamp.
    Formats messages includign the time stamp.
    .PARAMETER Message
    Specify the the text Message.
    .PARAMETER Level
    Specifiy severity level. Deafult is "Info". Optional parameter.
    .PARAMETER Colour
    Specifiy Colour of message. Deafult is "NONE". Optional parameter.
    $VMName = "myVM"
    Write-WithTime "Virtual Machine '$VMName' is alreaday running."
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string]$Level = "INFO"        
    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            $DateAndTime = Get-Date -Format g
            $FormatedMessage = "[$DateAndTime] [$Level] $Message"

            Write-Output $FormatedMessage
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message
    END {}
function Get-AzVMManagedDisksType {
    List the disk and disk types attached to the VM.
    List the disk and disk types attached to the VM.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
    Resource Group Name of the VM.
    VM name.
    # List all disk with disk type of the VM 'PR1-DB' in Azure resource group 'SAP-PR1-RG' .
    $ResourceGroupName = "SAP-PR1-RG"
    $VirtualMachineName = "PR1-DB"
    Get-AzVMManagedDisksType -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VirtualMachineName
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName

    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            $obj = New-Object -TypeName psobject

            $VM = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $VMName

            $OSDisk = $VM.StorageProfile.OsDisk 
            $OSDiskName = $OSDisk.Name
            $OSDiskAllProperties = Get-AzDisk -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -DiskName $OSDiskName
            $OSDiskType = $OSDiskAllProperties.Sku.Name

            $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "DiskName" -NotePropertyValue $OSDiskName 
            $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "DiskType" -NotePropertyValue $OSDiskType
            $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "DiskRole" -NotePropertyValue "OSDisk"
            Write-Output $obj

            $DataDisks = $VM.StorageProfile.DataDisks
            $DataDisksNames = $DataDisks.Name

            foreach ($DataDiskName in $DataDisksNames) {
                $obj = New-Object -TypeName psobject
                $DataDiskAllProperties = Get-AzDisk -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -DiskName $DataDiskName
                $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "DiskName" -NotePropertyValue $DataDiskName 
                $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "DiskType" -NotePropertyValue $DataDiskAllProperties.Sku.Name
                $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "DiskRole" -NotePropertyValue "DataDisk"
                Write-Output $obj

        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message


    END {}

function Start-AzVMTagAndCheckVMStatus {
    Starts the VM(s) with a certain tag.
    Starts the VM(s) with a certain SAP Instance type tag.
    The expected types are:
    - SAP_ASCS
    - SAP_SCS
    - DBMS
    - SAP_D
    - SAP_J
    List of VM resources. This collection is a list of VMs with same 'SAPSID' tag.
    .PARAMETER SAPInstanceType
    One of the SAP Instance types:
    - SAP_ASCS
    - SAP_SCS
    - DBMS
    - SAP_D
    - SAP_J
    # Get all the VMS with SAPSID tag 'PR1', and start ALL SAP ABAP application servers 'SAP_D'
    $SAPSID = "PR1"
    $tags = @{"SAPSystemSID"=$SAPSID}
    $SAPVMs = Get-AzResource -ResourceType "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" -Tag $tags
    Start-AzVMTagAndCheckVMStatus -SAPVMs $SAPVMs -SAPInstanceType "SAP_D"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $SAPInstanceType        

    BEGIN {}
        try {                                       
            $SAPInstanceSpecificVMResources = $SAPVMs | Where-Object { $_.SAPInstanceType -EQ $SAPInstanceType }                    
            #Write-Output " "

            if ($SAPInstanceSpecificVMResources -eq $null) {
                Switch ($SAPInstanceType) {
                    "SAP_ASCS" { Write-WithTime "No SAP Central Service Instance 'ASCS' VMs found in VMs Tags." }
                    "SAP_SCS" { Write-WithTime "No SAP Central Service Instance 'SCS' Instance VMs found in VMs Tags." }
                    "SAP_DVEBMGS" { Write-WithTime "No SAP ABAP Central Instance 'DVEBMGS' VM found in VMs Tags." }
                    "SAP_DBMS" { Write-WithTime "No SAP DBMS Instance VMs found in VMs Tags." }
                    "SAP_D" { Write-WithTime "No SAP SAP ABAP Application Server 'D' Instance VM found in VMs Tags." }
                    "SAP_J" { Write-WithTime "No SAP Java Application Server Instance 'J' found in VMs Tags." }   
                    Default {
                        Write-WithTime "Specified SAP Instance Type '$SAPInstanceType' is not existing."
                        Write-WithTime "Use one of these SAP instance types: 'SAP_ASCS', 'SAP_SCS', 'SAP_DVEBMGS', 'SAP_D', 'SAP_J', 'DBMS'."
            else {
                Switch ($SAPInstanceType) {
                    "SAP_ASCS" { Write-WithTime   "Starting SAP Central Service Instance 'ASCS' VMs ..." }
                    "SAP_SCS" { Write-WithTime   "Starting Central Service Instance 'SCS' Instance VMs ..." }
                    "SAP_DVEBMGS" { Write-WithTime   "Starting SAP ABAP Central Instance 'DVEBMGS' VM ..." }
                    "SAP_DBMS" { Write-WithTime   "Starting SAP DBMS Instance VMs ..." }
                    "SAP_D" { Write-WithTime   "Starting SAP ABAP Application Server Instance 'D' VM ..." }
                    "SAP_J" { Write-WithTime   "Starting SAP Java Application Server Instance 'J' VMs ..." }   
                    Default {
                        Write-WithTime "Specified SAP Instance Type '$SAPInstanceType' is not existing."
                        Write-WithTime "Use one of these SAP instance types: 'SAP_ASCS', 'SAP_SCS', 'SAP_DVEBMGS', 'SAP_D', 'SAP_J', 'DBMS'."

            ForEach ($VMResource in $SAPInstanceSpecificVMResources) {                
                $VMName = $VMResource.VMName
                $ResourceGroupName = $VMResource.ResourceGroupName

                $VMIsRunning = Test-AzVMIsStarted -ResourceGroupName  $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName

                if ($VMIsRunning -eq $False) {
                    # Start VM
                    Write-Output "Starting VM '$VMName' in Azure Resource Group '$ResourceGroupName' ..."
                    Start-AzVM  -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $VMName -WarningAction "SilentlyContinue"

                    $VM = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $VMName -Status
                    $VMStatus = $VM.Statuses[1].DisplayStatus
                    #Write-Output ""
                    Write-Output "Virtual Machine '$VMName' status: $VMStatus"
                    Start-Sleep 60   
                else {
                    Write-WithTime "Virtual Machine '$VMName' is alreaday running."


            Write-Output " "
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message

    END {}

function Stop-AzVMTagAndCheckVMStatus {
    Stops the VM(s) with a certain tag.
    Stops the VM(s) with a certain SAP Instance type tag.
    The expected types are:
    - SAP_ASCS
    - SAP_SCS
    - DBMS
    - SAP_D
    - SAP_J
    List of VM resources. This collection is a list of VMs with same 'SAPSID' tag.
    .PARAMETER SAPInstanceType
    One of the SAP Instance types:
    - SAP_ASCS
    - SAP_SCS
    - DBMS
    - SAP_D
    - SAP_J
    # Get all the VMS with SAPSID tag 'PR1', and start ALL SAP ABAP application servers 'SAP_D'
    $SAPSID = "PR1"
    $tags = @{"SAPSystemSID"=$SAPSID}
    $SAPVMs = Get-AzResource -ResourceType "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" -Tag $tags
    Stop-AzVMTagAndCheckVMStatus -SAPVMs $SAPVMs -SAPInstanceType "SAP_D"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $SAPInstanceType        

    BEGIN {}
        try {   

            $SAPInstanceSpecificVMResources = $SAPVMs | Where-Object { $_.SAPInstanceType -EQ $SAPInstanceType }                    
            if ($SAPInstanceSpecificVMResources -eq $null) {
                Switch ($SAPInstanceType) {
                    "SAP_ASCS" { Write-WithTime "No SAP Central Service Instance 'ASCS' VMs found in VMs Tags." }
                    "SAP_SCS" { Write-WithTime "No SAP Central Service Instance 'SCS' Instance VMs found in VMs Tags." }
                    "SAP_DVEBMGS" { Write-WithTime "No SAP ABAP Central Instance 'DVEBMGS' VM found in VMs Tags ..." }
                    "SAP_DBMS" { Write-WithTime "No SAP DBMS Instance VMs found in VMs Tags ..." }
                    "SAP_D" { Write-WithTime "No SAP SAP ABAP Application Server 'D' Instance VM found in VMs Tags." }
                    "SAP_J" { Write-WithTime "No SAP Java Application Server Instance 'J' found in VMs Tags." }   
                    Default {
                        Write-WithTime "Specified SAP Instance Type '$SAPInstanceType' is not existing."
                        Write-WithTime "Use one of these SAP instance types: 'SAP_ASCS', 'SAP_SCS', 'SAP_DVEBMGS', 'SAP_D', 'SAP_J', 'DBMS'."
            else {
                Switch ($SAPInstanceType) {
                    "SAP_ASCS" { Write-WithTime   "Stopping SAP Central Service Instance 'ASCS' VMs ..." }
                    "SAP_SCS" { Write-WithTime   "Stopping SAP Central Service Instance 'SCS' VMs ..." }
                    "SAP_DVEBMGS" { Write-WithTime   "Stopping SAP ABAP Central Instance 'DVEBMG' VM ..." }
                    "SAP_DBMS" { Write-WithTime   "Stopping SAP DBMS Instance VMs ..." }
                    "SAP_D" { Write-WithTime   "Stopping SAP ABAP Application Server 'D' Instance VMs ..." }
                    "SAP_J" { Write-WithTime   "Stopping SAP Java Application Server Instance 'J' VMs ..." }   
                    Default {
                        Write-WithTime "Specified SAP Instance Type '$SAPInstanceType' is not existing."
                        Write-WithTime "Use one of these SAP instance types: 'SAP_ASCS', 'SAP_SCS', 'SAP_DVEBMGS', 'SAP_D', 'SAP_J', 'DBMS'."
            ForEach ($VMResource in $SAPInstanceSpecificVMResources) {                
                $VMName = $VMResource.VMName
                $ResourceGroupName = $VMResource.ResourceGroupName

                #$VMIsRunning = Test-AzVMIsStarted -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName

                #if ($VMIsRunning -eq $False) {
                # Stop VM
                Write-Output "Stopping VM '$VMName' in Azure Resource Group '$ResourceGroupName' ..."
                Stop-AzVM  -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $VMName -WarningAction "SilentlyContinue" -Force

                $VM = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $VMName -Status
                $VMStatus = $VM.Statuses[1].DisplayStatus
                #Write-Output ""
                Write-Output "Virtual Machine '$VMName' status: $VMStatus"   
                #else {
                #Write-WithTime "Virtual Machine '$VMName' is alreaday running."


            #Write-Output " "
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message

    END {}

function Get-AzSAPInstances {
    Get ALL VMs with same SAPSID tag.
    Get ALL VMs with same SAPSID tag.
    For each VM it will display:
    - SAPSID
    - Azure Resource Group Name
    - VM Name
    - SAP Instance Type
    - OS type
    SAP system SID.
    # specify SAP SID 'PR1'
    $SAPSID = "PR1"
    # Collect SAP VM instances with the same Tag
    $SAPInstances = Get-AzSAPInstances -SAPSID $SAPSID
    # List all collected instances

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            $tags = @{"SAPSystemSID" = $SAPSID }
            $SAPVMs = Get-AzResource -ResourceType "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines"  -Tag $tags

            foreach ($VMResource in $SAPVMs) {
                $obj = New-Object -TypeName psobject

                $OSType = Get-AzVMOSType -VMName $VMResource.Name -ResourceGroupName $VMResource.ResourceGroupName  
                $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "SAPSID" -NotePropertyValue $SAPSID  
                $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "ResourceGroupName" -NotePropertyValue $VMResource.ResourceGroupName  
                $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "VMName" -NotePropertyValue $VMResource.Name                  
                $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "SAPInstanceType"   -NotePropertyValue $VMResource.Tags.Item("SAPInstanceType")
                $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "OSType"   -NotePropertyValue $OSType 

                #Return formated object
                Write-Output $obj                                                
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message

    END {}
function Get-AzSAPApplicationInstances {
    Get ALL VMs with same SAPSID tag, that runs applictaion layer.
   Get ALL VMs with same SAPSID tag, that runs applictaion layer.
    For each VM it will display:
    - SAPSID
    - Azure Resource Group Name
    - VM Name
    - SAP Instance Type
    - OS type
    SAP system SID.
    # specify SAP SID 'PR1'
    $SAPSID = "PR1"
    # Collect SAP VM instances with the same Tag
    $SAPInstances = Get-AzSAPApplicationInstances -SAPSID $SAPSID
    # List all collected instances

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            $tags = @{"SAPSystemSID" = $SAPSID }
            $SAPVMs = Get-AzResource -ResourceType "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines"  -Tag $tags

            $SAPApplicationInstances = $SAPVMs | Where-Object { ($_.Tags.Item("SAPApplicationInstanceType") -EQ 'SAP_D') -or ($_.Tags.Item("SAPApplicationInstanceType") -EQ 'SAP_ASCS') -or ($_.Tags.Item("SAPApplicationInstanceType") -EQ 'SAP_SCS') -or ($_.Tags.Item("SAPApplicationInstanceType") -EQ 'SAP_DVEBMGS') }          

            foreach ($VMResource in $SAPApplicationInstances) {
                $obj = New-Object -TypeName psobject
                $OSType = Get-AzVMOSType -VMName $VMResource.Name -ResourceGroupName $VMResource.ResourceGroupName  
                $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "SAPSID" -NotePropertyValue $SAPSID  
                $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "ResourceGroupName" -NotePropertyValue $VMResource.ResourceGroupName  
                $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "VMName" -NotePropertyValue $VMResource.Name                                  
                $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "OSType"   -NotePropertyValue $OSType 
                $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "SAPInstanceType"   -NotePropertyValue $VMResource.Tags.Item("SAPApplicationInstanceType") 

                #Return formated object
                Write-Output $obj
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message

    END {}

function Test-AzVMIsStarted {
    Checks if VM is started.
    Checks if VM is started.
    If VM reachs status 'VM running', it will return $True, otherwise it will return $False
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
    VM Azure Resource Group Name.
    VM Name.
    Test-AzVMIsStarted -ResourceGroupName "PR1-RG" -VMName "PR1-DB"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName


    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            $VM = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $VMName -Status

            $VMStatus = $VMStatus = $VM.Statuses[1].DisplayStatus
            if ($VMStatus -eq "VM running") {                    
                return $True                
            else {
                return $False

        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message

    END {}

function Get-AzVMOSType {
   Get-AzVMOSType gets the VM OS type.
    Get-AzVMOSType gets the VM OS type, as a return value.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
    VM Azure Resource Group Name.
    VM Name.
    $OSType = Get-AzVMOSType -ResourceGroupName "PR1-RG" -VMName "PR1-DB"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $ResourceGroupName

    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            $VM = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName  $ResourceGroupName -Name $VMName

            Write-Output $VM.StorageProfile.OsDisk.OsType
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message


    END {}

# NOT needed anymore
function Get-AzSAPHANAParametersFromTags {
    Get SAP HANA parameters from DBMS VM tags.
    Get SAP HANA parameters from DBMS VM tags. It returns an object with:[SAPHANADBSID;SAPHANAInstanceNumber,SAPHANAResourceGroupName,SAPHANAVMName]
    List of SAP VMs. Get all VMs bound by SAPSID with Get-AzSAPInstances
    $SAPSID = "PR1"
    Get-AzSAPHANAParametersFromTags -SAPSID $SAPSID

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

    BEGIN {}
        try {               
            $tags = @{"SAPSystemSID" = $SAPSID }
            $VMResources = Get-AzResource -ResourceType "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines"  -Tag $tags
            $HANAVMResource = $VMResources | Where-Object { $_.Tags.Item("SAPInstanceType") -EQ "SAP_DBMS" }

            $SAPHANADBSID = $HANAVMResource.Tags.Item("SAPHANADBSID")
            $SAPHANAInstanceNumber = $HANAVMResource.Tags.Item("SAPHANAInstanceNumber")
            $SAPHANAResourceGroupName = $HANAVMResource.ResourceGroupName
            $SAPHANAVMName = $HANAVMResource.Name

            $obj = New-Object -TypeName psobject
            $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "SAPHANADBSID" -NotePropertyValue $SAPHANADBSID
            $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "SAPHANAInstanceNumber" -NotePropertyValue $SAPHANAInstanceNumber
            $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "SAPHANAResourceGroupName" -NotePropertyValue $SAPHANAResourceGroupName
            $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "SAPHANAVMName" -NotePropertyValue $SAPHANAVMName
            Write-Output $obj
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message


    END {}

function Get-AzHANADBStatus {
    Get SAP HANA DB status.
    Get SAP HANA DB status.
    VM name where HANA is installed.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
    Resource Group Name of the HANA VM.
    .PARAMETER HANAInstanceNumber
    SAP HANA Instance Number
    .PARAMETER PrintExecutionCommand
    If set to $True, it will print execution command.
    Get-AzHANADBStatus -ResourceGroupName "PR1-RG" -VMName "PR1-DB" -HANADBSID "PR1" -HANAInstanceNumber 0

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $ResourceGroupName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "HANA DB SID")] 
        [string] $HANADBSID,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "HANA Instance Number")] 
        [string] $HANAInstanceNumber,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [bool] $PrintExecutionCommand = $False        


    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            Write-Output "HANA DBMS '$HANADBSID' status:"

            $SAPSidUser = $HANADBSID.ToLower() + "adm"
            $SAPSIDUpper = $HANADBSID.ToUpper()
            $SAPControlPath = "/usr/sap/$SAPSIDUpper/SYS/exe/hdb/sapcontrol"            
            $Command = "su --login $SAPSidUser -c '$SAPControlPath -prot NI_HTTP -nr $HANAInstanceNumber -function GetSystemInstanceList'"

            if ($PrintExecutionCommand -eq $True) {
                Write-Output "Executing command '$Command' "
            $Command | Out-File "command.txt"

            $ret = Invoke-AzVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName  -CommandId RunShellScript  -ScriptPath command.txt

            Start-Sleep 5            
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message


    END {}

function Get-AzSQLServerDBStatus {
    Get SQL Server DB status.
    Get SQL Server DB status.
    VM name where SQL Server is installed.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
    Resource Group Name of the SQL Server VM.
    SAP Database SID Name
    .PARAMETER DBInstanceName
    SQL Server DB Instance Name
    .PARAMETER PrintExecutionCommand
    If set to $True, it will print execution command.
    #Get status of default SQL Server Instance
    Get-AzSQLServerDBStatus -VMName pr1-db -ResourceGroupName gor-shared-disk-east-us -DBSIDName PR1 -PrintExecutionCommand $true
    #Get status of default SQL Server Instance
    Get-AzSQLServerDBStatus -VMName pr1-db -ResourceGroupName gor-shared-disk-east-us -DBSIDName PR1 -DBInstanceName PR1 -PrintExecutionCommand $true

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $ResourceGroupName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "SQL Server DB SID")] 
        [string] $DBSIDName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, HelpMessage = "SQL Server DB Instance Name")] 
        [string] $DBInstanceName = "",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [bool] $PrintExecutionCommand = $False        


    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            Write-Output "SQL Server DBMS '$DBSIDName' status:"
            $Command   = "cd 'C:\Program Files\SAP\hostctrl\exe\' ; .\saphostctrl.exe -function GetDatabaseStatus -dbname $DBSIDName -dbtype mss -dbinstance $DBInstanceName"                        

            if ($PrintExecutionCommand -eq $True) {
                Write-Output "Executing command '$Command' "
            $Command | Out-File "command.txt"

            $ret = Invoke-AzVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName  -CommandId RunPowerShellScript -ScriptPath command.txt

            Start-Sleep 10            
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message


    END {}

function Get-AzDBMSStatus {
    Get DB status.
    Get DB status.
    SAP SID.
    Collection of DB VMs
    .PARAMETER PrintExecutionCommand
    If set to $True, it will print execution command.


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]         

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [bool] $PrintExecutionCommand = $False 

    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            Switch ($SAPSIDDBMSVMs.SAPDBMSType) {

                "HANA" {                    
                    # Get SAP HANA status
                    Get-AzHANADBStatus  -ResourceGroupName $SAPSIDDBMSVMs.ResourceGroupName -VMName $SAPSIDDBMSVMs.VMName -HANADBSID $SAPSIDDBMSVMs.SAPHANASID  -HANAInstanceNumber $SAPSIDDBMSVMs.SAPHANAInstanceNumber -PrintExecutionCommand $PrintExecutionCommand                                                    

                "SQLServer" {
                    # Get SQL Server status
                    Get-AzSQLServerDBStatus -ResourceGroupName $SAPSIDDBMSVMs.ResourceGroupName -VMName $SAPSIDDBMSVMs.VMName  -DBSIDName $SAPSIDDBMSVMs.SAPSID -DBInstanceName $SAPSIDDBMSVMs.DBInstanceName -PrintExecutionCommand $PrintExecutionCommand

                "Sybase" {
                    # Not yet Implemented
                    Write-WithTime "Getting Sybase DBMS status is not yet implenented."

                "MaxDB" {
                    # Not yet Implemented
                    Write-WithTime "Getting MaxDB DBMS status is not yet implenented."

                "Oracle" {
                    # Not yet Implemented
                    Write-WithTime "Getting Oracle DBMS status is not yet implenented."

                "IBMDB2" {
                    # Not yet Implemented
                    Write-WithTime "Getting IBMDB2 DBMS status is not yet implenented."

                default {
                    Write-WithTime "Couldn't find any supported DBMS type. Please check on DB VM '$($SAPSIDDBMSVMs.VMName)', Tag 'SAPDBMSType'. It must have value like: 'HANA', 'SQLServer', 'Sybase', 'MaxDB' , 'Oracle', 'IBMDB2'. Current 'SAPDBMSType' Tag value is '$($SAPSIDDBMSVMs.SAPDBMSType)'"
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message


    END {}

function Stop-AzHANADB {
    Stop SAP HANA DB.
    Stop SAP HANA DB.
    VM name where HANA is installed.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
    Resource Group Name of the HANA VM.
    .PARAMETER PrintExecutionCommand
    If set to $True, it will print execution command.
    Stop-AzHANADB -ResourceGroupName "PR1-RG" -VMName "PR1-DB" -HANADBSID "PR1" -SAPHANAInstanceNumber 0

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $ResourceGroupName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "HANA DB SID")] 
        [string] $HANADBSID,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="HANA Instance Number")] 
        [string] $SAPHANAInstanceNumber,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [bool] $PrintExecutionCommand = $False


    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            Write-Output "Stopping SAP HANA DBMS '$HANADBSID' ... "

            $SAPSidUser = $HANADBSID.ToLower() + "adm"            
            $SAPSIDUpper = $HANADBSID.ToUpper()
            $SAPControlPath = "/usr/sap/$SAPSIDUpper/SYS/exe/hdb/sapcontrol"  
            # HDB wrapper aproach
            #$Command = "su --login $SAPSidUser -c 'HDB stop'"

            # Execute stop
            $Command = "su --login $SAPSidUser -c '$SAPControlPath -prot NI_HTTP -nr $SAPHANAInstanceNumber -function Stop 400'"

            if ($PrintExecutionCommand -eq $True) {
                Write-Output "Executing command '$Command' "
            $Command | Out-File "command.txt"

            $ret = Invoke-AzVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName  -CommandId RunShellScript  -ScriptPath command.txt

            Start-Sleep 20
            # Wait for 600 sec -deafult value
            $Command = "su --login $SAPSidUser -c '$SAPControlPath -prot NI_HTTP -nr $SAPHANAInstanceNumber -function WaitforStopped 600 2'"            
            if ($PrintExecutionCommand -eq $True) {
                Write-Output "Executing command '$Command' "
            $Command | Out-File "command.txt"

            $ret = Invoke-AzVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName  -CommandId RunShellScript  -ScriptPath command.txt

            Start-Sleep 60  

            Write-Output "SAP HANA DB '$HANADBSID' is stopped."          
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message


    END {}

function Start-AzHANADB {
    Start SAP HANA DB.
    Start SAP HANA DB.
    VM name where HANA is installed.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
    Resource Group Name of the HANA VM.
    .PARAMETER SAPHANAInstanceNumber
    .PARAMETER PrintExecutionCommand
    If set to $True, it will print execution command.
    Start-AzHANADB -ResourceGroupName "PR1-RG" -VMName "PR1-DB" -HANADBSID "PR1" -SAPHANAInstanceNumber 0

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $ResourceGroupName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "HANA DB SID")] 
        [string] $HANADBSID,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="HANA Instance Number")] 
        [ValidateLength(1, 2)]
        [string] $SAPHANAInstanceNumber,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [bool] $PrintExecutionCommand = $False        


    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            Write-Output "Starting SAP HANA DBMS '$HANADBSID' ... "

            $SAPSidUser = $HANADBSID.ToLower() + "adm"
            $SAPSIDUpper = $HANADBSID.ToUpper()
            $SAPControlPath = "/usr/sap/$SAPSIDUpper/SYS/exe/hdb/sapcontrol"            
            $Command = "su --login $SAPSidUser -c '$SAPControlPath -prot NI_HTTP -nr $SAPHANAInstanceNumber -function StartWait 2700 2'"

            #$Command = "su --login $SAPSidUser -c 'HDB start'"
            if ($PrintExecutionCommand -eq $True) {
                Write-Output "Executing command '$Command' "
            $Command | Out-File "command.txt"

            $ret = Invoke-AzVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName  -CommandId RunShellScript  -ScriptPath command.txt

            Start-Sleep 20            
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message


    END {}

function Start-AzSQLServerDB {
    Start SQL Server DB status.
    Get SQL Server DB status.
    VM name where SQL Server is installed.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
    Resource Group Name of the SQL Server VM.
    SAP Database SID Name
    .PARAMETER DBInstanceName
    SQL Server DB Instance Name
    .PARAMETER PrintExecutionCommand
    If set to $True, it will print execution command.
    # Start default SQL Server Instance
    Start-AzSQLServerDB -VMName pr1-db -ResourceGroupName gor-shared-disk-east-us -DBSIDName PR1 -DBInstanceName -PrintExecutionCommand $true
    # Start named SQL Server Instance
    Start-AzSQLServerDB -VMName pr1-db -ResourceGroupName gor-shared-disk-east-us -DBSIDName PR1 -DBInstanceName PR1 -PrintExecutionCommand $true

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $ResourceGroupName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "SQL Server DB SID")] 
        [string] $DBSIDName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, HelpMessage = "SQL Server DB Instance Name")] 
        [string] $DBInstanceName = "",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [bool] $PrintExecutionCommand = $False        


    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            Write-Output "Starting SQL Server DBMS '$DBSIDName' ..."
            $Command   = "cd 'C:\Program Files\SAP\hostctrl\exe\' ; .\saphostctrl.exe -function StartDatabase -dbname $DBSIDName -dbtype mss -dbinstance $DBInstanceName"                        

            if ($PrintExecutionCommand -eq $True) {
                Write-Output "Executing command '$Command' "
            $Command | Out-File "command.txt"

            $ret = Invoke-AzVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName  -CommandId RunPowerShellScript -ScriptPath command.txt

            Start-Sleep 10            
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message


    END {}

function Stop-AzSQLServerDB {
    Stop SQL Server DB status.
    Stop SQL Server DB status.
    VM name where SQL Server is installed.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
    Resource Group Name of the SQL Server VM.
    SAP Database SID Name
    .PARAMETER DBInstanceName
    SQL Server DB Instance Name
    .PARAMETER PrintExecutionCommand
    If set to $True, it will print execution command.
    # Stop default SQL Server Instance
    Stop-AzSQLServerDB -VMName pr1-db -ResourceGroupName gor-shared-disk-east-us -DBSIDName PR1 -DBInstanceName
    # Stop default SQL Server Instance
    Stop-AzSQLServerDB -VMName pr1-db -ResourceGroupName gor-shared-disk-east-us -DBSIDName PR1 -DBInstanceName PR1

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $ResourceGroupName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "SQL Server DB SID")] 
        [string] $DBSIDName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, HelpMessage = "SQL Server DB Instance Name")] 
        [string] $DBInstanceName = "",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [bool] $PrintExecutionCommand = $False        


    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            Write-Output "Stopping SQL Server DBMS '$DBSIDName' ... :"
            $Command   = "cd 'C:\Program Files\SAP\hostctrl\exe\' ; .\saphostctrl.exe -function StopDatabase -dbname $DBSIDName -dbtype mss -dbinstance $DBInstanceName"                        

            if ($PrintExecutionCommand -eq $True) {
                Write-Output "Executing command '$Command' "
            $Command | Out-File "command.txt"

            $ret = Invoke-AzVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName  -CommandId RunPowerShellScript -ScriptPath command.txt

            Start-Sleep 10            
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message


    END {}

function Start-AzDBMS {
    Start DBMS.
    Start DBMS.
    SAP SID.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseType
    Database Type. Allowed values are: "HANA","SQLServer","MaxDB","Sybase","Oracle","IBMDB2"
    .PARAMETER PrintExecutionCommand
    If set to $True, it will print execution command.
    Start-AzDBMS -SAPSID "PR1" -DatabaseType "HANA"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]         

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [bool] $PrintExecutionCommand = $False 

    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            Switch ($SAPSIDDBMSVMs.SAPDBMSType) {

                "HANA" {
                    # Start SAP HANA DB
                    Start-AzHANADB -ResourceGroupName $SAPSIDDBMSVMs.ResourceGroupName -VMName $SAPSIDDBMSVMs.VMName  -HANADBSID $SAPSIDDBMSVMs.SAPHANASID  -SAPHANAInstanceNumber $SAPSIDDBMSVMs.SAPHANAInstanceNumber -PrintExecutionCommand $PrintExecutionCommand

                "SQLServer" {                    
                    # Start SQL Server DB
                    Start-AzSQLServerDB  -ResourceGroupName $SAPSIDDBMSVMs.ResourceGroupName -VMName $SAPSIDDBMSVMs.VMName  -DBSIDName $SAPSIDDBMSVMs.SAPSID -DBInstanceName $SAPSIDDBMSVMs.DBInstanceName  -PrintExecutionCommand $PrintExecutionCommand

                "Sybase" {
                    # Not yet Implemented
                    Write-WithTime "Start of SAP Sybase is not yet implemented. Relying on automatic SAP Sybase start."
                    write-host ""
                    Write-WithTime "Waiting for 3 min for DBMS auto start."
                    Start-Sleep 180

                "MaxDB" {
                    # Not yet Implemented
                    Write-WithTime "Start of SAP MaxDB is not yet implemented. Relying on automatic SAP MaxDB start."
                    write-host ""
                    Write-WithTime "Waiting for 3 min for DBMS auto start."
                    Start-Sleep 180

                "Oracle" {
                    # Not yet Implemented
                    Write-WithTime "Start of Oracle is not yet implemented. Relying on automatic Oracle start."
                    write-host ""
                    Write-WithTime "Waiting for 3 min for DBMS auto start."
                    Start-Sleep 180

                "IBMDB2" {
                    # Not yet Implemented
                    Write-WithTime "Start of IBM DB2 is not yet implemented. Relying on automatic IBM DB2 start."
                    write-host ""
                    Write-WithTime "Waiting for 3 min for DBMS autostart."
                    Start-Sleep 180
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message

    END {}

function Stop-AzDBMS {
    Start DBMS.
    Start DBMS.
    SAP SID.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseType
    Database Type. Allowed values are: "HANA","SQLServer","MaxDB","Sybase","Oracle","IBMDB2"
    .PARAMETER PrintExecutionCommand
    If set to $True, it will print execution command.
    Stop-AzDBMS -SAPSID "PR1" -DatabaseType "HANA"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]         

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [bool] $PrintExecutionCommand = $False 


    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            Switch ($SAPSIDDBMSVMs.SAPDBMSType) {

                "HANA" {                                        
                    # Stop SAP HANA DBMS
                    Stop-AzHANADB -ResourceGroupName $SAPSIDDBMSVMs.ResourceGroupName -VMName $SAPSIDDBMSVMs.VMName -HANADBSID $SAPSIDDBMSVMs.SAPHANASID -SAPHANAInstanceNumber $SAPSIDDBMSVMs.SAPHANAInstanceNumber -PrintExecutionCommand $PrintExecutionCommand

                "SQLServer" {
                    # Start SQL Server DB
                    Stop-AzSQLServerDB  -ResourceGroupName $SAPSIDDBMSVMs.ResourceGroupName -VMName $SAPSIDDBMSVMs.VMName  -DBSIDName $SAPSIDDBMSVMs.SAPSID  -DBInstanceName $SAPSIDDBMSVMs.DBInstanceName  -PrintExecutionCommand $PrintExecutionCommand

                "Sybase" {
                    # Not yet Implemented
                    Write-WithTime "Stop of SAP Sybase is not yet implemented."                     

                "MaxDB" {
                    # Not yet Implemented
                    Write-WithTime "Stop of SAP MaxDB is not yet implemented."                    

                "Oracle" {
                    # Not yet Implemented
                    Write-WithTime "Stop of Oracle is not yet implemented."                    

                "IBMDB2" {
                    # Not yet Implemented
                    Write-WithTime "Stop of IBM DB2 is not yet implemented."                    
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message


    END {}

function Get-AzONESAPApplicationInstance {
    Get one SAPSID Instance.
    Get one SAPSID Instance. Returned object has [VMName;SAPInstanceNumber;SAPInstanceType]
    Get-AzONESAPApplicationInstance -SAPSID "PR1"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]         

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [bool] $PrintExecutionCommand = $False          

    BEGIN {}
        try {                         
            $SAPSID = $SAPSIDApplicationVMs[0].SAPSID
            $VMName = $SAPSIDApplicationVMs[0].VMName
            $ResourceGroupName = $SAPSIDApplicationVMs[0].ResourceGroupName
            $SAPApplicationInstanceNumber = $SAPSIDApplicationVMs[0].SAPApplicationInstanceNumber
            $SAPInstanceType = $SAPSIDApplicationVMs[0].SAPInstanceType
            $OSType = Get-AzVMOSType -VMName $VMName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName

            if ($OSType -eq "Windows") {                
                #$SAPSIDPassword = Get-AzVMTagValue -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName -KeyName "SAPSIDPassword"
                $SIDADMUser = $SAPSID.Trim().ToLower() + "adm"
                $SAPSIDCredentials = Get-AzAutomationSAPPSCredential -CredentialName  $SIDADMUser  
                $SAPSIDPassword = $SAPSIDCredentials.Password
                $PathToSAPControl = Get-AzVMTagValue -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName  -VMName $VMName  -KeyName "PathToSAPControl"  

            $obj = New-Object -TypeName psobject

            $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "SAPSID"                       -NotePropertyValue $SAPSID  
            $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "VMName"                       -NotePropertyValue $VMName  
            $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "ResourceGroupName"            -NotePropertyValue $ResourceGroupName  
            $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "SAPApplicationInstanceNumber" -NotePropertyValue $SAPApplicationInstanceNumber
            $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "SAPInstanceType"              -NotePropertyValue $SAPInstanceType
            $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "OSType"                       -NotePropertyValue $OSType 

            if ($OSType -eq "Windows") {
                $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "SAPSIDPassword"           -NotePropertyValue $SAPSIDPassword
                $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "PathToSAPControl"         -NotePropertyValue $PathToSAPControl               

            #Return formated object
            Write-Output $obj                                    
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message

    END {}

function Get-AzSAPSystemStatusLinux {
    Get SAP System Status on Linux.
    Get SAP System Status on Linux.
    VM name where SAP instance is installed.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
    Resource Group Name of the SAP instance VM.
    .PARAMETER InstanceNumberToConnect
    SAP Instance Number to Connect
    .PARAMETER PrintExecutionCommand
    If set to $True, it will print execution command.
    Get-AzSAPSystemStatusLinux -ResourceGroupName "PR1-RG" -VMName "PR1-DB" -SAPSID "PR1" -InstanceNumberToConnect 1

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $ResourceGroupName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateLength(1, 2)]
        [string] $InstanceNumberToConnect,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "SAP System <SID>. 3 characters , starts with letter.")] 
        [ValidateLength(3, 3)]
        [string] $SAPSID,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [bool] $PrintExecutionCommand = $False

    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            Write-Output "SAP System '$SAPSID' Status:"

            $SAPSidUser = $SAPSID.ToLower() + "adm"            
            $Command = "su --login $SAPSidUser -c 'sapcontrol -nr $InstanceNumberToConnect -function GetSystemInstanceList'"
            if ($PrintExecutionCommand -eq $True) {
                Write-Output "Executing command '$Command' "

            $Command | Out-File "command.txt"

            $ret = Invoke-AzVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName  -CommandId RunShellScript  -ScriptPath command.txt

            #Write-Output "Waiting for 5 sec ..."
            Start-Sleep 5            
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message

    END {}
function Get-AzSAPSystemStatusWindows {
    Get SAP System Status on Windows.
    Get SAP System Status on Windows.
    VM name where SAP instance is installed.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
    Resource Group Name of the SAP instance VM.
    .PARAMETER InstanceNumberToConnect
    SAP Instance Number to Connect
    .PARAMETER PathToSAPControl
    Full path to SAP Control executable.
    SAP <sid>adm user password
    .PARAMETER PrintExecutionCommand
    If set to $True, it will print execution command.
    Get-AzSAPSystemStatusWindows -ResourceGroupName "PR1-RG" -VMName "PR1-DB" -SAPSID "PR1" -InstanceNumberToConnect 1 -PathToSAPControl "C:\usr\sap\PR2\ASCS00\exe\sapcontrol.exe" -SAPSidPwd "MyPassword12"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $ResourceGroupName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateLength(1, 2)] 
        [string] $InstanceNumberToConnect,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $PathToSAPControl,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "SAP System <SID>. 3 characters , starts with letter.")] 
        [ValidateLength(3, 3)]
        [string] $SAPSID,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $SAPSidPwd,        

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [bool] $PrintExecutionCommand = $False       

    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            $SAPSidUser = $SAPSID.ToLower() + "adm"            

            Write-Output "SAP System '$SAPSID' Status:"            
            $Command        = "$PathToSAPControl -nr $InstanceNumberToConnect -user $SAPSidUser $SAPSidPwd -function GetSystemInstanceList"
            $CommandToPrint = "$PathToSAPControl -nr $InstanceNumberToConnect -user $SAPSidUser '***pwd***' -function GetSystemInstanceList"
            if ($PrintExecutionCommand -eq $True) {
                Write-Output "Executing command '$CommandToPrint' "

            $Command | Out-File "command.txt"

            $ret = Invoke-AzVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName  -CommandId RunPowerShellScript -ScriptPath command.txt

            #Write-Output "Waiting for 5 sec ..."
            Start-Sleep 5            
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message

    END {}

function Get-AzSAPSystemStatus {
    Get SAP System Status.
    Get SAP System Status. Module will automaticaly recognize Windows or Linux OS.
    .PARAMETER PrintExecutionCommand
    If set to $True, it will print execution command.
    $SAPSIDApplicationVMs = Get-AzSAPApplicationInstances -SAPSID "SP1"
    Get-AzSAPSystemStatus -SAPSIDApplicationVMs $SAPSIDApplicationVMs

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]         

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [bool] $PrintExecutionCommand = $False   

    BEGIN {}
        try {                       
            $ONESAPInstance = Get-AzONESAPApplicationInstance -SAPSIDApplicationVMs $SAPSIDApplicationVMs           

            if ($ONESAPInstance.OSType -eq "Linux") {
                Get-AzSAPSystemStatusLinux  -ResourceGroupName $ONESAPInstance.ResourceGroupName -VMName $ONESAPInstance.VMName -InstanceNumberToConnect $ONESAPInstance.SAPApplicationInstanceNumber -SAPSID $ONESAPInstance.SAPSID -PrintExecutionCommand $PrintExecutionCommand                            
            elseif ($ONESAPInstance.OSType -eq "Windows") {
                Get-AzSAPSystemStatusWindows  -ResourceGroupName $ONESAPInstance.ResourceGroupName -VMName $ONESAPInstance.VMName -InstanceNumberToConnect $ONESAPInstance.SAPApplicationInstanceNumber -SAPSID $ONESAPInstance.SAPSID -PathToSAPControl $ONESAPInstance.PathToSAPControl -SAPSidPwd  $ONESAPInstance.SAPSIDPassword   -PrintExecutionCommand $PrintExecutionCommand

        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message

    END {}

function Start-AzSAPSystemLinux {
    Start SAP System on Linux.
    Start SAP System on Linux.
    VM name where SAP instance is installed.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
    Resource Group Name of the SAP instance VM.
    .PARAMETER InstanceNumberToConnect
    SAP Instance Number to Connect
    .PARAMETER WaitForStartTimeInSeconds
    Number of seconds to wait for SAP system to start.
    .PARAMETER PrintExecutionCommand
    If set to $True, it will print execution command.
    Start-AzSAPSystemLinux -ResourceGroupName "PR1-RG" -VMName "PR1-DB" -SAPSID "PR1" -InstanceNumberToConnect 1

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $ResourceGroupName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateLength(1, 2)]
        [string] $InstanceNumberToConnect,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "SAP System <SID>. 3 characters , starts with letter.")] 
        [ValidateLength(3, 3)]
        [string] $SAPSID,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [int] $WaitForStartTimeInSeconds = 600,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [bool] $PrintExecutionCommand = $False

    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            $SAPSidUser = $SAPSID.ToLower() + "adm"
            #$SAPSIDUpper = $SAPSID.ToUpper()
            Write-Output "Starting SAP '$SAPSID' System ..."

            $Command = "su --login $SAPSidUser -c 'sapcontrol -nr $InstanceNumberToConnect -function StartSystem'"
            if ($PrintExecutionCommand -eq $True) {
                Write-Output "Executing command '$Command' "

            $Command | Out-File "command.txt"

            $ret = Invoke-AzVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName  -CommandId RunShellScript  -ScriptPath command.txt


            Write-Output " "
            Write-Output "Waiting $WaitForStartTimeInSeconds seconds for SAP system '$SAPSID' to start ..."
            Start-Sleep $WaitForStartTimeInSeconds            
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message


    END {}

function Start-AzSAPSystemWindows {
    Get SAP System Status on Windows.
    Get SAP System Status on Windows.
    VM name where SAP instance is installed.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
    Resource Group Name of the SAP instance VM.
    .PARAMETER InstanceNumberToConnect
    SAP Instance Number to Connect
    .PARAMETER PathToSAPControl
    Full path to SAP Control executable.
    SAP <sid>adm user password
    .PARAMETER WaitForStartTimeInSeconds
    Number of seconds to wait for SAP system to start.
    .PARAMETER PrintExecutionCommand
    If set to $True, it will print execution command.
    Start-AzSAPSystemWindows -ResourceGroupName "PR1-RG" -VMName "PR1-DB" -SAPSID "PR1" -InstanceNumberToConnect 1 -PathToSAPControl "C:\usr\sap\PR2\ASCS00\exe\sapcontrol.exe" -SAPSidPwd "MyPassword12"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $ResourceGroupName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateLength(1, 2)]
        [string] $InstanceNumberToConnect,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $PathToSAPControl,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "SAP System <SID>. 3 characters , starts with letter.")] 
        [ValidateLength(3, 3)]
        [string] $SAPSID,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $SAPSidPwd,     
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [int] $WaitForStartTimeInSeconds = 600,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [bool] $PrintExecutionCommand = $False

    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            $SAPSidUser = $SAPSID.ToLower() + "adm"            

            Write-Output "Starting SAP '$SAPSID' System ..."           
            $Command        = "$PathToSAPControl -nr $InstanceNumberToConnect -user $SAPSidUser $SAPSidPwd -function StartSystem"
            $CommandToPrint = "$PathToSAPControl -nr $InstanceNumberToConnect -user $SAPSidUser '***pwd***' -function StartSystem"
            if ($PrintExecutionCommand -eq $True) {
                Write-Output "Executing command '$CommandToPrint' "

            $Command | Out-File "command.txt"

            $ret = Invoke-AzVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName  -CommandId RunPowerShellScript -ScriptPath command.txt

            Write-Output " "
            Write-Output "Waiting $WaitForStartTimeInSeconds seconds for SAP system '$SAPSID' to start ..."
            Start-Sleep $WaitForStartTimeInSeconds    
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message

    END {}

function Start-AzSAPSystem {
    Start SAP System.
    Start SAP System. Module will automaticaly recognize Windows or Linux OS.
    .PARAMETER WaitForStartTimeInSeconds
    Number of seconds to wait for SAP system to start.
    Start-AzSAPSystem -SAPSID "PR1"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]         

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [int] $WaitForStartTimeInSeconds = 600,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [bool] $PrintExecutionCommand = $False        

    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            # get one / any SAP instance
            $ONESAPInstance = Get-AzONESAPApplicationInstance -SAPSIDApplicationVMs $SAPSIDApplicationVMs

            if ($ONESAPInstance.OSType -eq "Linux") {                  
                Start-AzSAPSystemLinux    -ResourceGroupName $ONESAPInstance.ResourceGroupName -VMName $ONESAPInstance.VMName -InstanceNumberToConnect $ONESAPInstance.SAPApplicationInstanceNumber -SAPSID $ONESAPInstance.SAPSID -WaitForStartTimeInSeconds $WaitForStartTimeInSeconds -PrintExecutionCommand $PrintExecutionCommand                            
            elseif ($ONESAPInstance.OSType -eq "Windows") {                
                Start-AzSAPSystemWindows  -ResourceGroupName $ONESAPInstance.ResourceGroupName -VMName $ONESAPInstance.VMName -InstanceNumberToConnect $ONESAPInstance.SAPApplicationInstanceNumber -SAPSID $ONESAPInstance.SAPSID -WaitForStartTimeInSeconds $WaitForStartTimeInSeconds -PathToSAPControl $ONESAPInstance.PathToSAPControl -SAPSidPwd  $ONESAPInstance.SAPSIDPassword  -PrintExecutionCommand $PrintExecutionCommand
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message

    END {}

function Stop-AzSAPSystemLinux {
    Stop SAP System on Linux.
    Stop SAP System on Linux.
    VM name where SAP instance is installed.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
    Resource Group Name of the SAP instance VM.
    .PARAMETER InstanceNumberToConnect
    SAP Instance Number to Connect
    .PARAMETER SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds
    Soft shutdown time for SAP system to stop.
    .PARAMETER PrintExecutionCommand
    If set to $True, it will print execution command.
    Stop-AzSAPSystemLinux -ResourceGroupName "PR1-RG" -VMName "PR1-DB" -SAPSID "PR1" -InstanceNumberToConnect 1

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $ResourceGroupName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateLength(1, 2)]
        [string] $InstanceNumberToConnect,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "SAP System <SID>. 3 characters , starts with letter.")] 
        [ValidateLength(3, 3)]
        [string] $SAPSID,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [int] $SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds = "600",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [bool] $PrintExecutionCommand = $False


    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            $SAPSidUser = $SAPSID.ToLower() + "adm"            

            # Stop SAP ABAP Application Server
            Write-Output "Stopping SAP '$SAPSID' System ..."

            $Command = "su --login $SAPSidUser -c 'sapcontrol -nr $InstanceNumberToConnect -function StopSystem ALL $SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds $SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds'"
            if ($PrintExecutionCommand -eq $True) {
                Write-Output "Executing command '$Command' "

            $Command | Out-File "command.txt"

            $ret = Invoke-AzVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName  -CommandId RunShellScript  -ScriptPath command.txt


            Write-Output " "
            Write-Output "Waiting $SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds seconds for SAP system '$SAPSID' to stop ..."
            Start-Sleep ($SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds + 30)
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message


    END {}

function Stop-AzSAPSystemWindows {
        Stop SAP System on Windows.
        Stop SAP System Windows.
        .PARAMETER VMName
        VM name where SAP instance is installed.
        .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
        Resource Group Name of the SAP instance VM.
        .PARAMETER InstanceNumberToConnect
        SAP Instance Number to Connect
        .PARAMETER PathToSAPControl
        Full path to SAP Control executable.
        SAP SID
        .PARAMETER SAPSidPwd
        SAP <sid>adm user password
        .PARAMETER SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds
        Soft shutdown time for SAP system to stop.
        .PARAMETER PrintExecutionCommand
        If set to $True, it will print execution command.
        Stop-AzSAPSystemWindows -ResourceGroupName "PR1-RG" -VMName "PR1-DB" -SAPSID "PR1" -InstanceNumberToConnect 1 -PathToSAPControl "C:\usr\sap\PR2\ASCS00\exe\sapcontrol.exe" -SAPSidPwd "MyPassword12"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $ResourceGroupName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateLength(1, 2)]
        [string] $InstanceNumberToConnect,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $PathToSAPControl,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "SAP System <SID>. 3 characters , starts with letter.")] 
        [ValidateLength(3, 3)]
        [string] $SAPSID,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $SAPSidPwd,     
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [int] $SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds = 600,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [bool] $PrintExecutionCommand = $False
    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            $SAPSidUser = $SAPSID.ToLower() + "adm"            
            Write-Output "Stopping SAP '$SAPSID' System ..."           
            $Command        = "$PathToSAPControl -nr $InstanceNumberToConnect -user $SAPSidUser $SAPSidPwd -function StopSystem ALL $SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds $SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds"
            $CommandToPrint = "$PathToSAPControl -nr $InstanceNumberToConnect -user $SAPSidUser '***pwd****' -function StopSystem ALL $SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds $SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds"
            if ($PrintExecutionCommand -eq $True) {
                Write-Output "Executing command '$CommandToPrint' "
            $Command | Out-File "command.txt"
            $ret = Invoke-AzVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName  -CommandId RunPowerShellScript -ScriptPath command.txt
            Write-Output " "
            Write-Output "Waiting $SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds seconds for SAP system '$SAPSID' to stop ..."
            Start-Sleep ($SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds + 30)
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message
    END {}
function Stop-AzSAPSystem {
        Stop SAP System.
        Stop SAP System. Module will automaticaly recognize Windows or Linux OS.
        SAP SID
        .PARAMETER SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds
        Soft shutdown time for SAP system to stop.
        Stop-AzSAPSystem -SAPSID "PR1"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]         
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [int] $SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds = 600,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [bool] $PrintExecutionCommand = $False        
    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            # get one / any SAP instance
            $ONESAPInstance = Get-AzONESAPApplicationInstance -SAPSIDApplicationVMs $SAPSIDApplicationVMs 
            if ($ONESAPInstance.OSType -eq "Linux") {                
                Stop-AzSAPSystemLinux    -ResourceGroupName $ONESAPInstance.ResourceGroupName -VMName $ONESAPInstance.VMName -InstanceNumberToConnect $ONESAPInstance.SAPApplicationInstanceNumber -SAPSID $ONESAPInstance.SAPSID -SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds $SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds -PrintExecutionCommand $PrintExecutionCommand                            
            elseif ($ONESAPInstance.OSType -eq "Windows") {                
                Stop-AzSAPSystemWindows  -ResourceGroupName $ONESAPInstance.ResourceGroupName -VMName $ONESAPInstance.VMName -InstanceNumberToConnect $ONESAPInstance.SAPApplicationInstanceNumber -SAPSID $ONESAPInstance.SAPSID -SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds $SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds -PathToSAPControl $ONESAPInstance.PathToSAPControl -SAPSidPwd  $ONESAPInstance.SAPSIDPassword  -PrintExecutionCommand $PrintExecutionCommand
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message
    END {}
function Get-AzVMTags {
    Gets Key/Value pair tags objects.
    Gets Key/Value pair tags objects.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName

    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            $VM = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName
            $Tags = $VM.Tags
            foreach ($Tag in $Tags.GetEnumerator()) {
                $obj = New-Object -TypeName psobject
                $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "Key"   -NotePropertyValue $Tag.Key  
                $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "Value" -NotePropertyValue $Tag.Value  
                #Return formated object
                Write-Output $obj                
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message

    END {}

function Get-AzVMTagValue {
    Gets Value of Key tag for specified VM.
    Gets Value of Key tag for specified VM. If key do not exist, empty string is returned.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
    .PARAMETER KeyName
    Get-AzVMTagValue -ResourceGroupName "gor-linux-eastus2-2" -VMName "pr2-ascs" -KeyName "PathToSAPControl"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $KeyName

    BEGIN {}
        try {                         
            $VMTags = Get-AzVMTags -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName 
            $TagWithSpecificKey = $VMTags | Where-Object Key -EQ $KeyName
            $ValueOfTheTag = $TagWithSpecificKey.Value

            Write-Output $ValueOfTheTag                                                                                    
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message

    END {}
function Get-AzSAPDBMSInstances {
       Get ALL VMs with same SAPSID tag, that runs DBMS layer.
       Get ALL VMs with same SAPSID tag, that runs DBMS layer.
       For each VM it will display:
                   - SAPSID
                   - SAP Instance Type [DBMS]
                   - SAPDBMSType
                   - SAPHANASID (for HANA)
                   - SAPHANAInstanceNumber (for HANA)
                   - Azure Resource Group Name
                   - VM Name
                   - OS type
                   .PARAMETER SAPSID
                   SAP system SID.
                   # specify SAP SID 'PR1'
                   $SAPSID = "PR1"
                   # Collect SAP VM instances with the same Tag
                   $SAPDBMSInstance = Get-AzSAPDBMSInstances -SAPSID $SAPSID
                   # List all collected instances

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            $tags = @{"SAPSystemSID" = $SAPSID }
            $SAPVMs = Get-AzResource -ResourceType "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines"  -Tag $tags
            foreach ($VMResource in $SAPVMs) {
                $VMTags = Get-AzVMTags -ResourceGroupName $VMResource.ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMResource.Name 
                #Check if VM is DBMS host
                $IsDBMSHost = $false                
                # If 'SAPDBMSType' Tag exist, then VM is DBMS VM
                $SAPDBMSTypeTag = $VMTags | Where-Object Key -EQ "SAPDBMSType"
                if ($SAPDBMSTypeTag -ne $Null) {                    
                    $IsDBMSHost = $True
                if ($IsDBMSHost) {
                    $obj = New-Object -TypeName psobject
                    $OSType = Get-AzVMOSType -VMName $VMResource.Name -ResourceGroupName $VMResource.ResourceGroupName  
                    $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "SAPSID" -NotePropertyValue $SAPSID  
                    # Get DBMS type
                    $SAPDBMSTypeTag = $VMTags | Where-Object Key -EQ "SAPDBMSType"  
                    $SAPDBMSType = $SAPDBMSTypeTag.Value
                    If ($SAPDBMSType -eq "HANA") {
                        # Get HANA SID
                        $SAPHANASIDTag = $VMTags | Where-Object Key -EQ "SAPHANASID"  
                        $SAPHANASID = $SAPHANASIDTag.Value
                        $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "SAPHANASID" -NotePropertyValue $SAPHANASID 
                        # Get SAPHANAInstanceNumber
                        $SAPHANAInstanceNumberTag = $VMTags | Where-Object Key -EQ "SAPHANAInstanceNumber"  
                        $SAPHANAInstanceNumber = $SAPHANAInstanceNumberTag.Value
                        $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "SAPHANAInstanceNumber" -NotePropertyValue $SAPHANAInstanceNumber                         
                    }elseif ($SAPDBMSType -eq "SQLServer") {
                        $SQLServerInstanceNameTag = $VMTags | Where-Object Key -EQ "DBInstanceName"  
                        $SQLServerInstanceName = $SQLServerInstanceNameTag.Value
                        $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "DBInstanceName" -NotePropertyValue $SQLServerInstanceName                         
                    $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "SAPInstanceType" -NotePropertyValue "SAP_DBMS"  
                    $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "SAPDBMSType" -NotePropertyValue $SAPDBMSType                      
                    $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "ResourceGroupName" -NotePropertyValue $VMResource.ResourceGroupName                 
                    $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "VMName" -NotePropertyValue $VMResource.Name                    
                    $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "OSType"   -NotePropertyValue $OSType
                    #Return formated object
                    Write-Output $obj                
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message
    END {}

function Get-AzSAPHANAInstances {
       Get ALL VMs with same SAPHANASID tag, that runs DBMS layer.
       Get ALL VMs with same SAPSID tag, that runs DBMS layer.
       For each VM it will display:
                   - SAP Instance Type [DBMS]
                   - SAPDBMSType
                   - SAPHANASID (for HANA)
                   - SAPHANAInstanceNumber (for HANA)
                   - Azure Resource Group Name
                   - VM Name
                   - OS type
        SAP HANA SID.
        # specify SAP HANA SID 'CE1'
        $SAPSID = "CE1"
        # Collect SAP VM instances with the same Tag
        $SAPDBMSInstance = Get-AzSAPHANAInstances -SAPSID $SAPSID
        # List all collected instances

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            $tags = @{"SAPHANASID" = $SAPHANASID }
            $SAPVMs = Get-AzResource -ResourceType "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines"  -Tag $tags
            foreach ($VMResource in $SAPVMs) {
                $VMTags = Get-AzVMTags -ResourceGroupName $VMResource.ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMResource.Name 
                $obj = New-Object -TypeName psobject
                $OSType = Get-AzVMOSType -VMName $VMResource.Name -ResourceGroupName $VMResource.ResourceGroupName  
                $SAPDBMSType = "HANA"
                $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "SAPHANASID" -NotePropertyValue $SAPHANASID 
                # Get SAPHANAInstanceNumber
                $SAPHANAInstanceNumberTag = $VMTags | Where-Object Key -EQ "SAPHANAInstanceNumber"  
                $SAPHANAInstanceNumber = $SAPHANAInstanceNumberTag.Value

                $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "SAPHANAInstanceNumber" -NotePropertyValue $SAPHANAInstanceNumber                                                
                $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "SAPInstanceType" -NotePropertyValue "SAP_DBMS"  
                $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "SAPDBMSType" -NotePropertyValue $SAPDBMSType                      
                $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "ResourceGroupName" -NotePropertyValue $VMResource.ResourceGroupName                 
                $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "VMName" -NotePropertyValue $VMResource.Name                    
                $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "OSType"   -NotePropertyValue $OSType
                #Return formated object
                Write-Output $obj                
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message
    END {}
function Get-AzSAPApplicationInstances {
    Get ALL VMs with same SAPSID tag, that runs application layer.
    Get ALL VMs with same SAPSID tag, that runs application layer.
    For each VM it will display:
        - SAPSID
        - SAP Instance Type
        - SAP Application Instance Number
        - Azure Resource Group Name
        - VM Name
        - OS type
    SAP system SID.
    # specify SAP SID 'PR1'
    $SAPSID = "PR1"
    # Collect SAP VM instances with the same Tag
    $SAPApplicationInstances = Get-AzSAPApplicationInstances -SAPSID $SAPSID
    # List all collected instances

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            $tags = @{"SAPSystemSID" = $SAPSID }
            $SAPVMs = Get-AzResource -ResourceType "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines"  -Tag $tags
            foreach ($VMResource in $SAPVMs) {
                $VMTags = Get-AzVMTags -ResourceGroupName $VMResource.ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMResource.Name 
                $SAPApplicationInstanceTypeTag = $VMTags | Where-Object Key -EQ "SAPApplicationInstanceType"
                if ($SAPApplicationInstanceTypeTag -ne $Null) {                    
                    # it is application SAP instance
                    $obj = New-Object -TypeName psobject
                    # Get 'SAPApplicationInstanceType'
                    $SAPApplicationInstanceType = $SAPApplicationInstanceTypeTag.Value

                    # Get 'SAPApplicationInstanceNumber'
                    $SAPApplicationInstanceNumberTag = $VMTags | Where-Object Key -EQ "SAPApplicationInstanceNumber"
                    $SAPApplicationInstanceNumber = $SAPApplicationInstanceNumberTag.Value                    

                    $OSType = Get-AzVMOSType -VMName $VMResource.Name -ResourceGroupName $VMResource.ResourceGroupName                                                         
                    #Write-Host "OSType: $OSType"
                    $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "SAPSID" -NotePropertyValue $SAPSID  

                    $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "SAPInstanceType" -NotePropertyValue $SAPApplicationInstanceType
                    $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "SAPApplicationInstanceNumber" -NotePropertyValue $SAPApplicationInstanceNumber

                    $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "ResourceGroupName" -NotePropertyValue $VMResource.ResourceGroupName                 
                    $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "VMName" -NotePropertyValue $VMResource.Name                    
                    $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "OSType"   -NotePropertyValue $OSType

                    #Return formated object
                    Write-Output $obj  
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message
    END {}

function Test-AzSAPSIDTagExist {
    Test if Tag with 'SAPSystemSID' = '$SAPSID' exist. If not, exit.
   Test if Tag with 'SAPSystemSID' = '$SAPSID' exist. If not, exit.
    SAP system SID.
    # specify SAP SID 'PR1'
    $SAPSID = "PR1"
    # test if SAPSIDSystem Tag with $SAPSID value exist
    # List all collected instances

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            $tags = @{"SAPSystemSID" = $SAPSID }
            $SAPVMs = Get-AzResource -ResourceType "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines"  -Tag $tags

            if ($SAPVMs -eq $null) {
                Write-Output "Cannot find VMs with Tag 'SAPSystemSID' = '$SAPSID'"
                Write-Output "Exiting runbook."

            else {
                Write-Output "Found VMs with Tag 'SAPSystemSID' = '$SAPSID'"
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message

    END {}

function Test-AzSAPHANASIDTagExist {
    Test if Tag with 'SAPHANASID' = '$SAPHANASID' exist. If not, exit.
    Test if Tag with 'SAPHANASID' = '$SAPHANASID' exist. If not, exit.
    SAP system SID.
    # specify SAP SIDHANA 'PR1'
    # test if SAPSIDSystem Tag with $SAPSID value exist

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            $tags = @{"SAPHANASID" = $SAPHANASID }
            $SAPVMs = Get-AzResource -ResourceType "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines"  -Tag $tags

            if ($SAPVMs -eq $null) {
                Write-Output "Cannot find VMs with Tag 'SAPHANASID' = '$SAPHANASID'"
                Write-Output "Exiting runbook."

            else {
                Write-Output "Found VMs with Tag 'SAPHANASID' = '$SAPHANASID'"
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message

    END {}

function Show-AzSAPSIDVMApplicationInstances {
    Print the SAP VMs.
    Print the SAP VMs.
    List of VM resources. This collection is a list of VMs with same 'SAPSID' tag.
    $SAPSID = "PR2"
    $SAPSIDApplicationVMs = Get-AzSAPApplicationInstances -SAPSID $SAPSID
    Show-AzSAPSIDVMApplicationInstances -SAPVMs $SAPSIDApplicationVMs

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            ForEach ($SAPVM in $SAPVMs) {
                Write-Output "SAPSID: $($SAPVM.SAPSID)"  
                Write-Output "SAPInstanceType: $($SAPVM.SAPInstanceType)"  
                Write-Output "SAPApplicationInstanceNumber: $($SAPVM.SAPApplicationInstanceNumber)"  
                Write-Output "ResourceGroupName: $($SAPVM.ResourceGroupName)"  
                Write-Output "VMName: $($SAPVM.VMName)"  
                Write-Output "OSType: $($SAPVM.OSType)"                
                Write-Output ""

        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message

    END {}

function Show-AzSAPSIDVMDBMSInstances {
    Print the SAP VMs.
    Print the SAP VMs.
    List of VM resources. This collection is a list of VMs with same 'SAPSID' tag.
    $SAPSID = "PR2"
    Show-AzSAPSIDVMDBMSInstances -SAPVMs $SAPSIDApplicationVMs

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

    BEGIN {}
        try {                                                  
            ForEach ($SAPVM in $SAPVMs) {
                Write-Output "SAPSID: $($SAPVM.SAPSID)"  
                Write-Output "SAPInstanceType: $($SAPVM.SAPInstanceType)"  
                Write-Output "SAPDBMSType: $($SAPVM.SAPDBMSType)"  
                if ($SAPVM.SAPDBMSType -eq "HANA") {
                    Write-Output "SAPHANASID: $($SAPVM.SAPHANASID)"  
                    Write-Output "SAPHANAInstanceNumber: $($SAPVM.SAPHANAInstanceNumber)"  

                Write-Output "ResourceGroupName: $($SAPVM.ResourceGroupName)"  
                Write-Output "VMName: $($SAPVM.VMName)"  
                Write-Output "OSType: $($SAPVM.OSType)"                
                Write-Output ""
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message

    END {}

function ConvertTo-AzVMManagedDisksToPremium {
        Convert all disks of one VM to Premium type.
        Convert all disks of one VM to Premium type.
        .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
        VM Resource Group Name.
        .PARAMETER VMName
        VM Name.
        Convert-AzVMManagedDisksToPremium -ResourceGroupName "gor-linux-eastus2-2" -VMName "ts2-di1"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName
    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            Convert-AzVMManagedDisks -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName -storageType "Premium_LRS"
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message
    END {}
function ConvertTo-AzVMManagedDisksToStandard {
    Convert all disks of one vM to Standard type.
    Convert all disks of one vM to Standard type.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
    VM Resource Group Name.
    VM Name.
    Convert-AzVMManagedDisksToStandard -ResourceGroupName "gor-linux-eastus2-2" -VMName "ts2-di1"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName
    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            Convert-AzVMManagedDisks -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName -storageType "Standard_LRS"                    
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message
    END {}
function Convert-AzVMCollectionManagedDisksToStandard {
        Convert all disks of VMs collection to Standard type.
        Convert all disks of VMs collection to Standard type.
        VM collection.
        $SAPSID = "TS1"
        $SAPSIDApplicationVMs = Get-AzSAPApplicationInstances -SAPSID $SAPSID
        Convert-AzVMCollectionManagedDisksToStandard -SAPVMs $SAPSIDApplicationVMs

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
    BEGIN {}
        try {                               
            ForEach ($VM in $SAPVMs) {                    
                Write-Output "Converting all managed disks of VM '$($VM.VMName)' in Azure resource group '$($VM.ResourceGroupName)' to 'Standard_LRS' type .."
                ConvertTo-AzVMManagedDisksToStandard -ResourceGroupName  $VM.ResourceGroupName -VMName $VM.VMName 
                Write-Output ""
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message
    END {}
function Convert-AzVMCollectionManagedDisksToPremium {
        Convert all disks of VMs collection to Premium type.
        Convert all disks of VMs collection to Premium type.
        VM collection.
        $SAPSID = "TS1"
        $SAPSIDApplicationVMs = Get-AzSAPApplicationInstances -SAPSID $SAPSID
        Convert-AzVMCollectionManagedDisksToPremium -SAPVMs $SAPSIDApplicationVMs

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
    BEGIN {}
        try {                               
            ForEach ($VM in $SAPVMs) {                        
                Write-Output "Converting all managed disks of VM '$($VM.VMName)' in Azure resource group '$($VM.ResourceGroupName)' to 'Premium_LRS' type .."
                ConvertTo-AzVMManagedDisksToPremium -ResourceGroupName  $VM.ResourceGroupName -VMName $VM.VMName 
                Write-Output ""
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message
    END {}
function Get-AzVMCollectionManagedDiskType {
        List all disks and disk type of VMs collection.
        List all disks and disk type of VMs collection.
        VM collection.
        $SAPSID = "TS1"
        $SAPSIDApplicationVMs = Get-AzSAPApplicationInstances -SAPSID $SAPSID
        Get-AzVMCollectionManagedDiskType -SAPVMs $SAPSIDApplicationVMs

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
    BEGIN {}
        try {                               
            ForEach ($VM in $SAPVMs) {                     
                $VMIsRunning = Test-AzVMIsStarted -ResourceGroupName  $VM.ResourceGroupName -VMName $VM.VMName
                if ($VMIsRunning -eq $True) {                    
                    # VM is runnign. Return to the main Runbook without listing the disks
                Write-Output "'$($VM.VMName)' VM in Azure resource group '$($VM.ResourceGroupName)' disks:"
                Get-AzVMManagedDiskType -ResourceGroupName  $VM.ResourceGroupName -VMName $VM.VMName 
                Write-Output ""
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message
    END {}
function Get-AzVMManagedDiskType {
            List all disks and disk type of one VM.
            List all disks and disk type of one VM.
            .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
            Resource Group Name.
            .PARAMETER VMName
            VM Name.
            $SAPSID = "TS1"
            $SAPSIDApplicationVMs = Get-AzSAPApplicationInstances -SAPSID $SAPSID
            Get-AzVMCollectionManagedDiskType -ResourceGroupName "MyResourceGroupName" -VMName "myVM1"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName        
    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            $VM = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $VMName
            #OS Disk
            $OSDisk = $VM.StorageProfile.OsDisk 
            $OSDiskName = $OSDisk.Name
            $OSDiskAllProperties = Get-AzDisk -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -DiskName $OSDiskName
            Write-Output "$OSDiskName [$($OSDiskAllProperties.Sku.Name)]"
            #Data Disks
            $DataDisks = $VM.StorageProfile.DataDisks
            $DataDisksNames = $DataDisks.Name
            ForEach ($DataDiskName in $DataDisksNames) {
                $DataDiskAllProperties = Get-AzDisk -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -DiskName $DataDiskName
                Write-Output "$DataDiskName [$($DataDiskAllProperties.Sku.Name)]"
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message
    END {}


function Convert-AzVMManagedDisks {
        Convert all disks of one VM to Premium or Standard type.
        Convert all disks of one vM to Standard type.
        .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
        VM Resource Group Name.
        .PARAMETER VMName
        VM Name.
        # Convert to Premium disks
        Convert-AzVMManagedDisks -ResourceGroupName "gor-linux-eastus2-2" -VMName "ts2-di1" -storageType "Premium_LRS"
        # Convert to Standard disks
        Convert-AzVMManagedDisks -ResourceGroupName "gor-linux-eastus2-2" -VMName "ts2-di1" -storageType "Standard_LRS"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $storageType
    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            $VMIsRunning = Test-AzVMIsStarted -ResourceGroupName  $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName

            if ($VMIsRunning -eq $True) {
                Write-WithTime("VM '$VMName' in resource group '$ResourceGroupName' is running. ")
                Write-WithTime("Skipping the disk conversion for the VM '$VMName' in resource group '$ResourceGroupName'. Disks cannot be converted when VM is running. ")

            $VM = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $VMName
            $OSDisk = $VM.StorageProfile.OsDisk 
            $OSDiskName = $OSDisk.Name
            $OSDiskAllProperties = Get-AzDisk -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -DiskName $OSDiskName     
            Write-Output "Converting OS disk $OSDiskName to '$storageType' type ..."
            $OSDiskAllProperties.Sku = [Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.DiskSku]::new($storageType)
            $OSDiskAllProperties | Update-AzDisk  > $Null                              
            Write-Output "Done!"                
            $DataDisks = $VM.StorageProfile.DataDisks
            $DataDisksNames = $DataDisks.Name
            ForEach ($DataDiskName in $DataDisksNames) {
                Write-Output "Converting data disk $DataDiskName to '$storageType' type ..."
                $DataDiskAllProperties = Get-AzDisk -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -DiskName $DataDiskName
                $DataDiskAllProperties.Sku = [Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.DiskSku]::new($storageType)
                $DataDiskAllProperties | Update-AzDisk  > $Null                     
                Write-Output "Done!"
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message
    END {}
function Convert-AzALLSAPSystemVMsCollectionManagedDisksToPremium {
            Convert all disks of ALL SAP SID VMs to Premium type.
            Convert all disks of ALL SAP SID VMs to Premium type.
            .PARAMETER SAPSIDApplicationVMs
            Colelctions of VMs belonging to SAP apllication layer.
            Colelctions of VMs belonging to SAP DBMS layer.
            $SAPSID = "TS1"
            $SAPSIDApplicationVMs = Get-AzSAPApplicationInstances -SAPSID $SAPSID
            Convert-AzALLSAPSystemVMsCollectionManagedDisksToPremium -SAPSIDApplicationVMs $SAPSIDApplicationVMs -SAPSIDDBMSVMs $SAPSIDDBMSVMs

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
    BEGIN {}
        try {                               
            Write-WithTime "SAP Application layer VMs disks:"
            Write-Output ""
            Get-AzVMCollectionManagedDiskType -SAPVMs $SAPSIDApplicationVMs

            Write-WithTime "Converting SAP Application layer VMs disks to 'Premium_LRS' ..."
            Convert-AzVMCollectionManagedDisksToPremium -SAPVMs $SAPSIDApplicationVMs
            Write-Output ""

            Write-WithTime "SAP Application layer VMs disks after conversion:"
            Write-Output ""
            Get-AzVMCollectionManagedDiskType -SAPVMs $SAPSIDApplicationVMs

            Write-WithTime "SAP DBMS layer VM(s)disks:"
            Write-Output ""
            Get-AzVMCollectionManagedDiskType -SAPVMs $SAPSIDDBMSVMs

            Write-WithTime "Converting DBMS layer VMs disks to 'Premium_LRS' ..."
            Convert-AzVMCollectionManagedDisksToPremium -SAPVMs $SAPSIDDBMSVMs
            Write-Output ""

            Write-WithTime "SAP DBMS layer VMs disks after conversion:"
            Write-Output ""
            Get-AzVMCollectionManagedDiskType -SAPVMs $SAPSIDDBMSVMs

        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message
    END {}

function Convert-AzALLSAPVMsCollectionManagedDisksToPremium {
            Convert all disks of ALL VMs to Premium type.
            Convert all disks of ALL VMs to Premium type.
            .PARAMETER SAPSIDApplicationVMs
            Colelctions of VMs belonging to SAP apllication layer.
            Colelctions of VMs belonging to SAP DBMS layer.
            $SAPSID = "TS1"
            $SAPVMs = Get-AzSAPApplicationInstances -SAPSID $SAPSID
            Convert-AzALLSAPVMsCollectionManagedDisksToPremium -SAPVMs $SAPVMs

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
    BEGIN {}
        try {                               
            Write-WithTime "VMs disks:"
            Write-Output ""
            Get-AzVMCollectionManagedDiskType -SAPVMs $SAPVMs

            Write-WithTime "Converting VMs disks to 'Premium_LRS' ..."
            Convert-AzVMCollectionManagedDisksToPremium -SAPVMs $SAPVMs
            Write-Output ""

            Write-WithTime "VMs disks after conversion:"
            Write-Output ""
            Get-AzVMCollectionManagedDiskType -SAPVMs $SAPVMs          

        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message
    END {}

function Convert-AzALLSAPSystemVMsCollectionManagedDisksToStandard {
            Convert all disks of ALL SAP SID VMs to Standard type.
            Convert all disks of ALL SAP SID VMs to Standard type.
            .PARAMETER SAPSIDApplicationVMs
            Collrctions of VMs belonging to SAP apllication layer.
            Colelctions of VMs belonging to SAP DBMS layer.
            $SAPSID = "TS1"
            $SAPSIDApplicationVMs = Get-AzSAPApplicationInstances -SAPSID $SAPSID
            Convert-AzALLSAPSystemVMsCollectionManagedDisksToStandard -SAPSIDApplicationVMs $SAPSIDApplicationVMs -SAPSIDDBMSVMs $SAPSIDDBMSVMs

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
    BEGIN {}
        try {                               
            Write-WithTime "SAP Application layer VMs disks:"
            Write-Output ""
            Get-AzVMCollectionManagedDiskType -SAPVMs $SAPSIDApplicationVMs

            Write-WithTime "Converting SAP Application layer VMs disks to 'Standard_LRS' ..."
            Convert-AzVMCollectionManagedDisksToStandard -SAPVMs $SAPSIDApplicationVMs
            Write-Output ""

            Write-WithTime "SAP Application layer VMs disks after conversion:"
            Write-Output ""
            Get-AzVMCollectionManagedDiskType -SAPVMs $SAPSIDApplicationVMs

            Write-WithTime "SAP DBMS layer VM(s)disks:"
            Write-Output ""
            Get-AzVMCollectionManagedDiskType -SAPVMs $SAPSIDDBMSVMs

            Write-WithTime "Converting DBMS layer VMs disks to 'Standard_LRS' ..."
            Convert-AzVMCollectionManagedDisksToStandard -SAPVMs $SAPSIDDBMSVMs
            Write-Output ""

            Write-WithTime "SAP DBMS layer VMs disks after conversion:"
            Write-Output ""
            Get-AzVMCollectionManagedDiskType -SAPVMs $SAPSIDDBMSVMs

        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message
    END {}

function Convert-AzALLSAPVMsCollectionManagedDisksToStandard {
            Convert all disks of VMs to Standard type.
            Convert all disks of VMs to Standard type.
            .PARAMETER SAPSIDApplicationVMs
            Collrctions of VMs belonging to SAP apllication layer.
            .PARAMETER SAPVMs
            Collections of VMs .
            $SAPSID = "TS1"
            $SAPSIDApplicationVMs = Get-AzSAPApplicationInstances -SAPSID $SAPSID
            Convert-AzALLSAPVMsCollectionManagedDisksToStandard -SAPVMs $SAPSIDApplicationVMs

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
    BEGIN {}
        try {                               
            Write-WithTime "VMs disks:"
            Write-Output ""
            Get-AzVMCollectionManagedDiskType -SAPVMs $SAPVMs

            Write-WithTime "Converting VMs disks to 'Standard_LRS' ..."
            Convert-AzVMCollectionManagedDisksToStandard -SAPVMs $SAPVMs
            Write-Output ""

            Write-WithTime "VMs disks after conversion:"
            Write-Output ""
            Get-AzVMCollectionManagedDiskType -SAPVMs $SAPVMs            

        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message
    END {}

function New-AzSAPSystemHANATags {
            Set Tags on Standalone SAP HANA belonging to an SAP SID system.
            Set Tags on Standalone SAP HANA belonging to an SAP SID system.
            .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
            Resource Group Name of the VM.
            .PARAMETER VMName
            VM name.
            SAP system SID.
            SAP HANA SID.
            .PARAMETER SAPHANAINstanceNumber
            SAP HANA InstanceNumber.
           # Set Tags on Standalone HANA belonging to an SAP system
           $ResourceGroupName = "gor-linux-eastus2"
           $VMName = "ts2-db"
           New-AzSAPSystemHANATags -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName -SAPSID "TS1" -SAPHANASID "TS2" -SAPHANAINstanceNumber 0

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "SAP System <SID>. 3 characters , starts with letter.")] 
        [ValidateLength(3, 3)]
        [string] $SAPSID,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "SAP HANA <SID>. 3 characters , starts with letter.")] 
        [ValidateLength(3, 3)]
        [string] $SAPHANASID,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateLength(1, 2)]
        [string] $SAPHANAInstanceNumber
    BEGIN {}
        try {                                                                               
            $SAPDBMSType = "HANA"
            $tags = @{"SAPSystemSID" = $SAPSID; "SAPHANASID" = $SAPHANASID; "SAPHANAINstanceNumber" = $SAPHANAInstanceNumber; "SAPDBMSType" = $SAPDBMSType; }
            $resource = Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ResourceName $VMName
            #New-AzTag -ResourceId $ -Tag $tags
            Update-AzTag -ResourceId $ -Tag $tags -Operation Merge
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message
    END {}

function New-AzSAPStandaloneHANATags {
            Set Tags on Standalone SAP HANA.
            Set Tags on Standalone SAP HANA.
            .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
            Resource Group Name of the VM.
            .PARAMETER VMName
            VM name.
            SAP HANA SID.
            .PARAMETER SAPHANAINstanceNumber
            SAP HANA InstanceNumber.
           # Set Tags on Standalone HANA belonging to an SAP system
           $ResourceGroupName = "gor-linux-eastus2"
           $VMName = "ts2-db"
           New-AzSAPHANATags -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName -SAPSID "TS1" -SAPHANASID "TS2" -SAPHANAINstanceNumber 0

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "SAP HANA <SID>. 3 characters , starts with letter.")] 
        [ValidateLength(3, 3)]
        [string] $SAPHANASID,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateLength(1, 2)]     
        [string] $SAPHANAInstanceNumber
    BEGIN {}
        try {                                                                               
            $SAPDBMSType = "HANA"
            $tags = @{"SAPHANASID" = $SAPHANASID; "SAPHANAINstanceNumber" = $SAPHANAInstanceNumber; "SAPDBMSType" = $SAPDBMSType; }
            $resource = Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ResourceName $VMName
            #New-AzTag -ResourceId $ -Tag $tags
            Update-AzTag -ResourceId $ -Tag $tags -Operation Merge
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message
    END {}

function New-AzSAPSystemHANAAndASCSTags {
            Set Tags on Standalone SAP HANA with SAP 'ASCS' instance.
            Set Tags on Standalone SAP HANA with SAP 'ASCS' instance. This is used with SAP Central System where complete system is isntelld on one VM, or distributed system where HANA and ASCS instance are located on the same VM
            .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
            Resource Group Name of the VM.
            .PARAMETER VMName
            VM name.
            SAP system SID.
            SAP HANA SID.
            .PARAMETER SAPHANAINstanceNumber
            SAP HANA InstanceNumber.
            .PARAMETER SAPApplicationInstanceNumber
            SAP ASCS Instance Number.
           # Set Tags on Standalone HANA belonging to an SAP system
           $ResourceGroupName = "gor-linux-eastus2"
           $VMName = "ts2-db"
           New-AzSAPSystemHANATags -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName -SAPSID "TS1" -SAPHANASID "TS2" -SAPHANAINstanceNumber 0 -SAPApplicationInstanceNumber 1

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "SAP System <SID>. 3 characters , starts with letter.")] 
        [ValidateLength(3, 3)]
        [string] $SAPSID,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "SAP HANA <SID>. 3 characters , starts with letter.")] 
        [ValidateLength(3, 3)]
        [string] $SAPHANASID,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateLength(1, 2)]      
        [string] $SAPHANAInstanceNumber,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateLength(1, 2)]    
        [string] $SAPApplicationInstanceNumber
    BEGIN {}
        try {                               
            #$DBMSInstance = $true
            $SAPDBMSType = "HANA"            
            $SAPApplicationInstanceType = "SAP_ASCS"
            $tags = @{"SAPSystemSID" = $SAPSID; "SAPHANASID" = $SAPHANASID; "SAPHANAINstanceNumber" = $SAPHANAInstanceNumber; "SAPDBMSType" = $SAPDBMSType; "SAPApplicationInstanceType" = $SAPApplicationInstanceType ; "SAPApplicationInstanceNumber" = $SAPApplicationInstanceNumber }
            $resource = Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ResourceName $VMName
            #New-AzTag -ResourceId $ -Tag $tags
            Update-AzTag -ResourceId $ -Tag $tags -Operation Merge            
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message
    END {}

function New-AzSAPSystemASCSLinuxTags {
            Set Tags on Standalone SAP 'ASCS' instance on Linux.
            Set Tags on Standalone SAP 'ASCS' instance on Linux.
            .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
            Resource Group Name of the VM.
            .PARAMETER VMName
            VM name.
            SAP system SID.
            .PARAMETER SAPApplicationInstanceNumber
            SAP ASCS Instance Number.
           # Set Tags on Standalone HANA belonging to an SAP system
           $ResourceGroupName = "gor-linux-eastus2"
           $VMName = "ts2-db"
           New-AzSAPSystemASCSLinux -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName -SAPSID "TS1" -SAPApplicationInstanceNumber 1

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "SAP System <SID>. 3 characters , starts with letter.")] 
        [ValidateLength(3, 3)]
        [string] $SAPSID,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateLength(1, 2)]
        [string] $SAPApplicationInstanceNumber
    BEGIN {}
        try {                               
            $SAPApplicationInstanceType = "SAP_ASCS"
            $tags = @{"SAPSystemSID" = $SAPSID; "SAPApplicationInstanceType" = $SAPApplicationInstanceType ; "SAPApplicationInstanceNumber" = $SAPApplicationInstanceNumber }
            $resource = Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ResourceName $VMName
            #New-AzTag -ResourceId $ -Tag $tags
            Update-AzTag -ResourceId $ -Tag $tags -Operation Merge            
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message
    END {}

function New-AzSAPSystemSAPDVEBMGSLinuxTags {
            Set Tags on Standalone SAP 'DVEBMGS' instance on Linux.
            Set Tags on Standalone SAP 'DVEBMGS' instance on Linux.
            .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
            Resource Group Name of the VM.
            .PARAMETER VMName
            VM name.
            SAP system SID.
            .PARAMETER SAPApplicationInstanceNumber
            SAP DVEBMGS Instance Number.
           # Set Tags on Standalone HANA belonging to an SAP system
           $ResourceGroupName = "gor-linux-eastus2"
           $VMName = "ts2-db"
           New-AzSAPSystemSAPDVEBMGSLinux -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName -SAPSID "TS1" -SAPApplicationInstanceNumber 1

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "SAP System <SID>. 3 characters , starts with letter.")] 
        [ValidateLength(3, 3)]
        [string] $SAPSID,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateLength(1, 2)]    
        [string] $SAPApplicationInstanceNumber
    BEGIN {}
        try {                               
            $SAPApplicationInstanceType = "SAP_DVEBMGS"
            $tags = @{"SAPSystemSID" = $SAPSID; "SAPApplicationInstanceType" = $SAPApplicationInstanceType ; "SAPApplicationInstanceNumber" = $SAPApplicationInstanceNumber }
            $resource = Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ResourceName $VMName
            #New-AzTag -ResourceId $ -Tag $tags
            Update-AzTag -ResourceId $ -Tag $tags -Operation Merge            
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message
    END {}

function New-AzSAPSystemSAPDialogInstanceApplicationServerLinuxTags {
            Set Tags on Standalone SAP Dialog 'D' Instance Application Server instance on Linux.
            Set Tags on Standalone SAP Dialog 'D' Instance Application Server instance on Linux.
            .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
            Resource Group Name of the VM.
            .PARAMETER VMName
            VM name.
            SAP system SID.
            .PARAMETER SAPApplicationInstanceNumber
            SAP SAP Dialog 'D' Instance Application Server Instance Number.
           # Set Tags on Standalone HANA belonging to an SAP system
           $ResourceGroupName = "gor-linux-eastus2"
           $VMName = "ts2-db"
           New-AzSAPSystemSAPDialogInstanceApplicationServerLinux -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName -SAPSID "TS1" -SAPApplicationInstanceNumber 1

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "SAP System <SID>. 3 characters , starts with letter.")] 
        [ValidateLength(3, 3)]
        [string] $SAPSID,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateLength(1, 2)]
        [string] $SAPApplicationInstanceNumber
    BEGIN {}
        try {                               
            $SAPApplicationInstanceType = "SAP_D"
            $tags = @{"SAPSystemSID" = $SAPSID; "SAPApplicationInstanceType" = $SAPApplicationInstanceType ; "SAPApplicationInstanceNumber" = $SAPApplicationInstanceNumber }
            $resource = Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ResourceName $VMName
            #New-AzTag -ResourceId $ -Tag $tags
            Update-AzTag -ResourceId $ -Tag $tags -Operation Merge            
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message
    END {}

function New-AzSAPsidadmUserAutomationCredential {
           Creates new Azure Automation credentials for SAP <sid>adm user,need on Windows OS.
            Creates new Azure Automation credentials for SAP <sid>adm user,need on Windows OS.
            .PARAMETER AutomationAccountResourceGroupName
            Azure Automation Account Resource Group Name.
            .PARAMETER AutomationAccountName
            Azure Automation Account Name.
            SAP system SID.
            .PARAMETER SAPsidadmUserPassword
            SAP <sidadm> user password.
           # Set Tags on Standalone HANA belonging to an SAP system
           $ResourceGroupName = "gor-linux-eastus2"
           New-AzSAPsidadmUserAutomationCredential -AutomationAccountResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -AutomationAccountName "MyAzureAutomationAccount" -SAPSID "TS1" -SAPsidadmUserPassword "MyPwd"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $AutomationAccountName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "SAP System <SID>. 3 characters , starts with letter.")] 
        [ValidateLength(3, 3)]
        [string] $SAPSID,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $SAPsidadmUserPassword
    BEGIN {}
        try {                               
            $User = $SAPSID.Trim().ToLower() + "adm"
            $Password = ConvertTo-SecureString $SAPsidadmUserPassword  -AsPlainText -Force
            $Credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $User, $Password
            New-AzAutomationCredential -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName  -Name $user  -Value $Credential -ResourceGroupName $AutomationAccountResourceGroupName
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message
    END {}

function New-AzSAPSystemASCSWindowsTags {
            Set Tags on Standalone SAP 'ASCS' instance on Windows.
            Set Tags on Standalone SAP 'ASCS' instance on Windows.
            .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
            Resource Group Name of the VM.
            .PARAMETER VMName
            VM name.
            SAP system SID.
            .PARAMETER SAPApplicationInstanceNumber
            SAP ASCS Instance Number.
           # Set Tags on Standalone HANA belonging to an SAP system
           $ResourceGroupName = "gor-linux-eastus2"
           $VMName = "ts2-db"
           New-AzSAPSystemASCSLinux -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName -SAPSID "TS1" -SAPApplicationInstanceNumber 1

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "SAP System <SID>. 3 characters , starts with letter.")] 
        [ValidateLength(3, 3)]
        [string] $SAPSID,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateLength(1, 2)]   
        [string] $SAPApplicationInstanceNumber,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $PathToSAPControl,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $AutomationAccountName,        
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $SAPsidadmUserPassword
    BEGIN {}
        try {                               
            $SAPApplicationInstanceType = "SAP_ASCS"            

            # Create VM Tags
            Write-Output "Creating '$SAPApplicationInstanceType' Tags on VM '$VMName' in resource group '$ResourceGroupName' ...."
            $tags = @{"SAPSystemSID" = $SAPSID; "SAPApplicationInstanceType" = $SAPApplicationInstanceType ; "SAPApplicationInstanceNumber" = $SAPApplicationInstanceNumber; "PathToSAPControl" = $PathToSAPControl }
            $resource = Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ResourceName $VMName
            #New-AzTag -ResourceId $ -Tag $tags
            Update-AzTag -ResourceId $ -Tag $tags -Operation Merge

            # Create Credetnials in Azure Automation Secure Area
            $User = $SAPSID.Trim().ToLower() + "adm"
            Write-Output "Creating credentials in Azure automation account secure area for user '$User' ...."
            New-AzSAPsidadmUserAutomationCredential -AutomationAccountResourceGroupName $AutomationAccountResourceGroupName -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName -SAPSID $SAPSID -SAPsidadmUserPassword $SAPsidadmUserPassword                                  
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message
    END {}

function New-AzSAPSystemDVEBMGSWindowsTags {
            Set Tags on Standalone SAP 'DVEBMGS' instance on Windows.
            Set Tags on Standalone SAP 'DVEBMGS' instance on Windows.
            .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
            Resource Group Name of the VM.
            .PARAMETER VMName
            VM name.
            SAP system SID.
            .PARAMETER SAPApplicationInstanceNumber
            SAP DVEBMGS Instance Number.
           # Set Tags on Standalone HANA belonging to an SAP system
           $ResourceGroupName = "gor-linux-eastus2"
           $VMName = "ts2-db"
           New-AzSAPSystemDVEBMGSWindows -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName -SAPSID "TS1" -SAPApplicationInstanceNumber 1

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "SAP System <SID>. 3 characters , starts with letter.")] 
        [ValidateLength(3, 3)]
        [string] $SAPSID,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateLength(1, 2)]
        [string] $SAPApplicationInstanceNumber,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $PathToSAPControl,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $AutomationAccountName,        
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $SAPsidadmUserPassword
    BEGIN {}
        try {                               
            $SAPApplicationInstanceType = "SAP_DVEBMGS"            

            # Create VM Tags
            Write-Output "Creating '$SAPApplicationInstanceType' Tags on VM '$VMName' in resource group '$ResourceGroupName' ...."
            $tags = @{"SAPSystemSID" = $SAPSID; "SAPApplicationInstanceType" = $SAPApplicationInstanceType ; "SAPApplicationInstanceNumber" = $SAPApplicationInstanceNumber; "PathToSAPControl" = $PathToSAPControl }
            $resource = Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ResourceName $VMName
            #New-AzTag -ResourceId $ -Tag $tags
            Update-AzTag -ResourceId $ -Tag $tags -Operation Merge

            # Create Credetnials in Azure Automation Secure Area
            $User = $SAPSID.Trim().ToLower() + "adm"
            Write-Output "Creating credentials in Azure automation account secure area for user '$User' ...."
            New-AzSAPsidadmUserAutomationCredential -AutomationAccountResourceGroupName $AutomationAccountResourceGroupName -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName -SAPSID $SAPSID -SAPsidadmUserPassword $SAPsidadmUserPassword          
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message
    END {}

function New-AzSAPSystemSAPDialogInstanceApplicationServerWindowsTags {
            Set Tags on Standalone Dialog Instance Application Server instance on Windows.
            Set Tags on Standalone Dialog Instance Application Server instance on Windows.
            .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
            Resource Group Name of the VM.
            .PARAMETER VMName
            VM name.
            SAP system SID.
            .PARAMETER SAPApplicationInstanceNumber
            SAP 'D' Dialog Instance Application Server Instance Number.
           # Set Tags on Standalone HANA belonging to an SAP system
           $ResourceGroupName = "gor-eastus2"
           $VMName = "ts2-di0"
           New-AzSAPSystemSAPDialogInstanceApplicationServerWindowsTags -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName -SAPSID "TS1" -SAPApplicationInstanceNumber 1

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "SAP System <SID>. 3 characters , starts with letter.")] 
        [ValidateLength(3, 3)]
        [string] $SAPSID,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateLength(1, 2)]
        [string] $SAPApplicationInstanceNumber,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $PathToSAPControl,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $AutomationAccountName,        
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $SAPsidadmUserPassword
    BEGIN {}
        try {                               
            $SAPApplicationInstanceType = "SAP_D"            

            # Create VM Tags
            Write-Output "Creating '$SAPApplicationInstanceType' Tags on VM '$VMName' in resource group '$ResourceGroupName' ...."
            $tags = @{"SAPSystemSID" = $SAPSID; "SAPApplicationInstanceType" = $SAPApplicationInstanceType ; "SAPApplicationInstanceNumber" = $SAPApplicationInstanceNumber; "PathToSAPControl" = $PathToSAPControl }
            $resource = Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ResourceName $VMName
            #New-AzTag -ResourceId $ -Tag $tags
            Update-AzTag -ResourceId $ -Tag $tags -Operation Merge

            # Create Credetnials in Azure Automation Secure Area
            $User = $SAPSID.Trim().ToLower() + "adm"
            Write-Output "Creating credentials in Azure automation account secure area for user '$User' ...."
            New-AzSAPsidadmUserAutomationCredential -AutomationAccountResourceGroupName $AutomationAccountResourceGroupName -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName -SAPSID $SAPSID -SAPsidadmUserPassword $SAPsidadmUserPassword                                  
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message
    END {}

function New-AzSAPStandaloneSQLServerTags {
            Set Tags on Standalone SAP SQL Server.
            Set Tags on Standalone SAP SQL Server in distributed SAP installation.
            .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
            Resource Group Name of the VM.
            .PARAMETER VMName
            VM name.
            .PARAMETER SAPSID,
            .PARAMETER DBInstanceName
            SQL Server DB Instance Name. Empty string is deafult SQL Server instance.
           # Set Tags on Standalone HANA belonging to an SAP system
           $ResourceGroupName = "gor-linux-eastus2"
           $VMName = "ts2-db"
           New-AzSAPStandaloneSQLServerTags -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName -SAPSID "TS1" -DBInstanceName $DBInstanceName

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $ResourceGroupName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="SAP System <SID>. 3 characters , starts with letter.")] 
        [string] $SAPSID,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="SQL Server DB Instance Name. Empty string is deafult SQL instance name.")] 
        [string] $DBInstanceName = ""
    BEGIN {}
        try {                                                                               
            $SAPDBMSType = "SQLServer"
            $tags = @{"SAPSystemSID" = $SAPSID; "DBInstanceName" = $DBInstanceName; "SAPDBMSType" = $SAPDBMSType; }
            $resource = Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ResourceName $VMName
            #New-AzTag -ResourceId $ -Tag $tags
            Update-AzTag -ResourceId $ -Tag $tags -Operation Merge
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message
    END {}

function New-AzSAPCentralSystemSQLServerTags {
            Set Tags on Standalone SAP 'ASCS' instance on Windows.
            Set Tags on Standalone SAP 'ASCS' instance on Windows.
            .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
            Resource Group Name of the VM.
            .PARAMETER VMName
            VM name.
            SAP system SID.
            .PARAMETER SAPApplicationInstanceNumber
            SAP ASCS Instance Number.
            .PARAMETER DBInstanceName
            SQL Server DB Instance Name. Empty string is deafult SQL Server instance.
           # Set Tags on Standalone HANA belonging to an SAP system
           $ResourceGroupName = "gor-linux-eastus2"
           $VMName = "ts2-db"
           New-AzSAPCentralSystemSQLServerTags -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName -SAPSID "TS1" -SAPApplicationInstanceNumber 1 -DBInstanceName TS1

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "SAP System <SID>. 3 characters , starts with letter.")] 
        [ValidateLength(3, 3)]
        [string] $SAPSID,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateLength(1, 2)]   
        [string] $SAPApplicationInstanceNumber,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $PathToSAPControl,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="SQL Server DB Instance Name. Empty string is deafult SQL instance name.")] 
        [string] $DBInstanceName = "",
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $AutomationAccountName,        
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $SAPsidadmUserPassword
    BEGIN {}
        try {                               
            $SAPApplicationInstanceType = "SAP_ASCS"      
            $SAPDBMSType = "SQLServer"                     

            # Create VM Tags
            Write-Output "Creating '$SAPApplicationInstanceType' Tags on VM '$VMName' in resource group '$ResourceGroupName' ...."
            $tags = @{"SAPSystemSID" = $SAPSID; "SAPApplicationInstanceType" = $SAPApplicationInstanceType ; "SAPApplicationInstanceNumber" = $SAPApplicationInstanceNumber; "PathToSAPControl" = $PathToSAPControl ; "DBInstanceName" = $DBInstanceName; "SAPDBMSType" = $SAPDBMSType; }
            $resource = Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ResourceName $VMName

            #New-AzTag -ResourceId $ -Tag $tags
            Update-AzTag -ResourceId $ -Tag $tags -Operation Merge

            # Create Credetnials in Azure Automation Secure Area
            $User = $SAPSID.Trim().ToLower() + "adm"
            Write-Output "Creating credentials in Azure automation account secure area for user '$User' ...."
            New-AzSAPsidadmUserAutomationCredential -AutomationAccountResourceGroupName $AutomationAccountResourceGroupName -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName -SAPSID $SAPSID -SAPsidadmUserPassword $SAPsidadmUserPassword                                  
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message
    END {}

function Get-AzAutomationSAPPSCredential {
            Get Azure Automation Account credential user name and password.
            Get Azure Automation Account credential user name and password.
            .PARAMETER CredentialName
            Credential Name.
           Get-AzAutomationSAPPSCredential -CredentialName "pr1adm"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $CredentialName
    BEGIN {}
        try {                               
            $myCredential = Get-AutomationPSCredential -Name $CredentialName
            $userName = $myCredential.UserName
            $securePassword = $myCredential.Password
            $password = $myCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password

            write-output "user name: $userName"
            write-output "password : $password"

            $obj = New-Object -TypeName psobject

            $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "UserName" -NotePropertyValue $userName 
            $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "Password" -NotePropertyValue $password
            Write-Output $obj
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message
    END {}

function Stop-AzSAPApplicationServerLinux {
        Stop SAP Application server on Linux.
        Stop SAP Application server on Linux.
        .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
        Resource Group Name of the SAP instance VM.
        .PARAMETER VMName
        VM name where SAP instance is installed.
        .PARAMETER SAPInstanceNumber
        SAP Instance Number to Connect
        SAP SID
        .PARAMETER SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds
        Soft shutdown time for SAP system to stop.
        Stop-AzSAPApplicationServerLinux -ResourceGroupName "myRG" -VMName SAPApServerVM -SAPInstanceNumber 0 -SAPSID "TS2" -SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds 180

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $ResourceGroupName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,        

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateRange(0, 99)]
        [ValidateLength(1, 2)]
        [string] $SAPInstanceNumber,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "SAP System <SID>. 3 characters , starts with letter.")] 
        [ValidateLength(3, 3)]
        [string] $SAPSID,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [int] $SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds = "300",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [bool] $PrintExecutionCommand = $False

    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            $SAPSidUser = $SAPSID.ToLower() + "adm"            

            # Stop SAP ABAP Application Server
            Write-WithTime "Stopping SAP SID '$SAPSID' ABAP application server with instance number '$SAPInstanceNumber' on VM '$VMName' , with application time out $SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds seconds ..."

            $Command = "su --login $SAPSidUser -c 'sapcontrol -nr $SAPInstanceNumber -function Stop $SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds $SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds'"
            if ($PrintExecutionCommand -eq $True) {
                Write-Output "Executing command '$Command' "

            $Command | Out-File "command.txt"

            $ret = Invoke-AzVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName  -CommandId RunShellScript  -ScriptPath command.txt


            [int] $SleepTime = $SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds + 60

            Write-WithTime "Waiting $SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds seconds for SAP application server with SAP SID '$SAPSID' and instance number '$SAPInstanceNumber' to stop ..."
            Start-Sleep $SleepTime

            Write-WithTime "SAP Application server with SAP SID '$SAPSID' and instance number '$SAPInstanceNumber' on VM '$VMName' and Azure resource group '$ResourceGroupName' stopped."
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message


    END {}

function Stop-AzSAPApplicationServerWindows {
        Stop SAP Application server on Linux.
        Stop SAP Application server on Linux.
        .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
        Resource Group Name of the SAP instance VM.
        .PARAMETER VMName
        VM name where SAP instance is installed.
        .PARAMETER SAPInstanceNumber
        SAP Instance Number to Connect
        SAP SID
        .PARAMETER SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds
        Soft shutdown time for SAP system to stop.
        Stop-AzSAPApplicationServerLinux -ResourceGroupName "myRG" -VMName SAPApServerVM -SAPSID "TS2" -SAPInstanceNumber 0 -PathToSAPControl "C:\usr\sap\PR2\D00\exe\sapcontrol.exe" -SAPSidPwd "Mypwd36" -SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds 180

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $ResourceGroupName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,        

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "SAP System <SID>. 3 characters , starts with letter.")] 
        [ValidateLength(3, 3)]
        [string] $SAPSID,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateLength(1, 2)] 
        [string] $SAPInstanceNumber,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $SAPSidPwd,    

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $PathToSAPControl,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [int] $SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds = "300",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [bool] $PrintExecutionCommand = $False

    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            $SAPSidUser = $SAPSID.ToLower() + "adm"            

            # Stop SAP ABAP Application Server
            Write-WithTime "Stopping SAP SID '$SAPSID' ABAP application server with instance number '$SAPInstanceNumber' on VM '$VMName' , with application time out $SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds seconds ..."
            $Command       = "$PathToSAPControl -nr $SAPInstanceNumber -user $SAPSidUser $SAPSidPwd -function Stop $SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds $SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds"
            $CommandToPrint = "$PathToSAPControl -nr $SAPInstanceNumber -user $SAPSidUser '***pwd****' -function Stop $SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds $SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds"

            if ($PrintExecutionCommand -eq $True) {
                Write-Output "Executing command '$CommandToPrint' "

            $Command | Out-File "command.txt"

            $ret = Invoke-AzVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName  -CommandId RunPowerShellScript -ScriptPath command.txt


            [int] $SleepTime = $SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds + 60

            Write-WithTime "Waiting $SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds seconds for SAP application server with SAP SID '$SAPSID' and instance number '$SAPInstanceNumber' to stop ..."
            Start-Sleep $SleepTime

            Write-WithTime "SAP Application server with SAP SID '$SAPSID' and instance number '$SAPInstanceNumber' on VM '$VMName' and Azure resource group '$ResourceGroupName' stopped."
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message


    END {}

function Start-AzSAPApplicationServerLinux {
        Start SAP Application server on Linux.
        Start SAP Application server on Linux.
        .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
        Resource Group Name of the SAP instance VM.
        .PARAMETER VMName
        VM name where SAP instance is installed.
        .PARAMETER SAPInstanceNumber
        SAP Instance Number to Connect
        SAP SID
        .PARAMETER WaitTime
        WaitTime for SAP application server to start.
        Start-AzSAPApplicationServerLinux -ResourceGroupName "myRG" -VMName SAPApServerVM -SAPInstanceNumber 0 -SAPSID "TS2" -WaitTime 180

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $ResourceGroupName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateLength(1, 2)]        
        [string] $SAPInstanceNumber,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "SAP System <SID>. 3 characters , starts with letter.")] 
        [ValidateLength(3, 3)]
        [string] $SAPSID,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [int] $WaitTime = "300",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [bool] $PrintExecutionCommand = $False

    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            $SAPSidUser = $SAPSID.ToLower() + "adm"            

            # Stop SAP ABAP Application Server
            Write-WithTime "Starting SAP SID '$SAPSID' ABAP application server with instance number '$SAPInstanceNumber' on VM '$VMName' , with wait time $WaitTime seconds ..."

            $Command = "su --login $SAPSidUser -c 'sapcontrol -nr $SAPInstanceNumber -function Start'"            
            if ($PrintExecutionCommand -eq $True) {
                Write-Output "Executing command '$Command' "

            $Command | Out-File "command.txt"

            $ret = Invoke-AzVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName  -CommandId RunShellScript  -ScriptPath command.txt

            Write-WithTime "Waiting $WaitTime seconds for SAP application server with SAP SID '$SAPSID' and instance number '$SAPInstanceNumber' to start ..."

            Start-Sleep $WaitTime

            Write-WithTime "SAP Application server with SAP SID '$SAPSID' and instance number '$SAPInstanceNumber' on VM '$VMName' and Azure resource group '$ResourceGroupName' started."
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message


    END {}

function Start-AzSAPApplicationServerWindows {
        Start SAP Application server on Windows.
        Start SAP Application server on Windows.
        .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
        Resource Group Name of the SAP instance VM.
        .PARAMETER VMName
        VM name where SAP instance is installed.
        SAP SID
        .PARAMETER SAPInstanceNumber
        SAP Instance Number to Connect
        .PARAMETER SAPSidPwd
        SAP <sid>adm user password
        .PARAMETER PathToSAPControl
        Full path to SAP Control executable.
        .PARAMETER SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds
        Soft shutdown time for SAP system to stop.
        Start-AzSAPApplicationServerWindows -ResourceGroupName "myRG" -VMName SAPApServerVM -SAPSID "TS2" -SAPInstanceNumber 0 -PathToSAPControl "C:\usr\sap\PR2\D00\exe\sapcontrol.exe" -SAPSidPwd "Mypwd36" -SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds 180

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $ResourceGroupName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "SAP System <SID>. 3 characters , starts with letter.")] 
        [ValidateLength(3, 3)]
        [string] $SAPSID,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateLength(1, 2)] 
        [string] $SAPInstanceNumber,        

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $SAPSidPwd,    

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $PathToSAPControl,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [int] $WaitTime = "300",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [bool] $PrintExecutionCommand = $False

    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            $SAPSidUser = $SAPSID.ToLower() + "adm"            

            # Start SAP ABAP Application Server
            Write-WithTime "Starting SAP SID '$SAPSID' ABAP application server with instance number '$SAPInstanceNumber' on VM '$VMName' , with wait time $WaitTime seconds ..."
            $Command        = "$PathToSAPControl -nr $SAPInstanceNumber -user $SAPSidUser $SAPSidPwd -function Start"
            $CommandToPrint = "$PathToSAPControl -nr $SAPInstanceNumber -user $SAPSidUser '***pwd***' -function Start"
            if ($PrintExecutionCommand -eq $True) {
                Write-Output "Executing command '$CommandToPrint' "

            $Command | Out-File "command.txt"

            $ret = Invoke-AzVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName  -CommandId RunPowerShellScript -ScriptPath command.txt

            Write-WithTime "Waiting $WaitTime seconds for SAP application server with SAP SID '$SAPSID' and instance number '$SAPInstanceNumber' to start ..."

            Start-Sleep $WaitTime

            Write-WithTime "SAP Application server with SAP SID '$SAPSID' and instance number '$SAPInstanceNumber' on VM '$VMName' and Azure resource group '$ResourceGroupName' started."
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message


    END {}

function Start-AzSAPApplicationServer {
    Start SAP application server running on VM.
    Start SAP application server running on VM.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
    Azure Resource Group Name
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
    Azure VM Name
    .PARAMETER WaitTime
    Number of seconds to wait for SAP system to start.
    .PARAMETER PrintExecutionCommand
    If set to $True it will pring the run command.
    Start-AzSAPApplicationServer -ResourceGroupName "AzResourceGroup" -VMName "VMname" -WaitTime 60

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $ResourceGroupName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [int] $WaitTime = "300",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [bool] $PrintExecutionCommand = $False        

    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            # get SAP server datza from VM Tags
            $SAPApplicationServerData = Get-AzSAPApplicationInstanceData -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName  

            #Write-Output $SAPApplicationServerData

            if ($SAPApplicationServerData.OSType -eq "Linux") {                  
                Start-AzSAPApplicationServerLinux  -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName -SAPInstanceNumber $SAPApplicationServerData.SAPApplicationInstanceNumber -SAPSID $SAPApplicationServerData.SAPSID -WaitTime $WaitTime -PrintExecutionCommand $PrintExecutionCommand                            
            elseif ($SAPAPPLicationServerData.OSType -eq "Windows") {                
                Start-AzSAPApplicationServerWindows  -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName -SAPSID $SAPApplicationServerData.SAPSID -SAPInstanceNumber $SAPApplicationServerData.SAPApplicationInstanceNumber  -PathToSAPControl $SAPApplicationServerData.PathToSAPControl -SAPSidPwd  $SAPApplicationServerData.SAPSIDPassword -WaitTime $WaitTime -PrintExecutionCommand $PrintExecutionCommand
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message

    END {}

function Stop-AzSAPApplicationServer {
    Start SAP application server running on VM.
    Start SAP application server running on VM.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
    Azure Resource Group Name
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
    Azure VM Name
    .PARAMETER SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds
    Soft shutdown time for SAP system to stop.
    .PARAMETER PrintExecutionCommand
    If set to $True it will pring the run command.
    Start-AzSAPApplicationServer -ResourceGroupName "AzResourceGroup" -VMName "VMname" -WaitTime 60

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $ResourceGroupName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [int] $SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds = "300",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] 
        [bool] $PrintExecutionCommand = $False        

    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            # get SAP server data from VM Tags
            $SAPApplicationServerData = Get-AzSAPApplicationInstanceData -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName  

            #Write-Output $SAPApplicationServerData

            if ($SAPApplicationServerData.OSType -eq "Linux") {                  
                Stop-AzSAPApplicationServerLinux  -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName -SAPInstanceNumber $SAPApplicationServerData.SAPApplicationInstanceNumber -SAPSID $SAPApplicationServerData.SAPSID -SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds $SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds -PrintExecutionCommand $PrintExecutionCommand                            
            elseif ($SAPAPPLicationServerData.OSType -eq "Windows") {                
                Stop-AzSAPApplicationServerWindows  -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName -SAPSID $SAPApplicationServerData.SAPSID -SAPInstanceNumber $SAPApplicationServerData.SAPApplicationInstanceNumber  -PathToSAPControl $SAPApplicationServerData.PathToSAPControl -SAPSidPwd  $SAPApplicationServerData.SAPSIDPassword -SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds $SoftShutdownTimeInSeconds -PrintExecutionCommand $PrintExecutionCommand
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message

    END {}

function Confirm-AzResoureceGroupExist {
    Check if Azure resource Group exists.
    Check if Azure resource Group exists.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
    Azure Resource Group Name
    Confirm-AzResoureceGroupExist -ResourceGroupName "AzResourceGroupName"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $ResourceGroupName                      

    BEGIN {}
        try {               
            $RG = Get-AzResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName -ErrorVariable -notPresent  -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

            if ($RG -eq $null) {                
                Write-Error "Azure resource group '$ResourceGroupName' do not exists. Check your input parameter 'RESOURCEGROUPNAME'."   
            else {
                Write-WithTime "Azure resource group '$ResourceGroupName' exist."
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message


    END {}

function Confirm-AzVMExist {
    Check if Azure VM exists.
    Check if Azure VM exists.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
    Azure Resource Group Name
    Azure VM Name
    Confirm-AzVMExist -ResourceGroupName "AzResourceGroupName" -VMName "MyVMName"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName                      

    BEGIN {}
        try {               
            $VM = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $VMName  -ErrorVariable -notPresent -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

            if ($VM -eq $null) {                
                Write-Error "Azure virtual machine '$VMName' in Azure resource group '$ResourceGroupName' do not exists. Check your input parameter 'VMNAME' and 'RESOURCEGROUPNAME'."   
            else {
                Write-WithTime "Azure VM '$VMName' in Azure resource group '$ResourceGroupName' exist."
        catch {           
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message


    END {}

function Get-AzSAPApplicationInstanceData {
    Get SAP Application Instance Data from tags from one VM.
    Get SAP Application Instance Data from tags from one VM.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
    Resource Group Name of the VM.
    VM name.
    # Collect SAP VM instances with the same Tag
    $SAPAPPLicationServerData = Get-AzSAPApplicationInstanceData -ResourceGroupName "AzResourceGroup" -VMName "SAPApplicationServerVMName"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName

    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            $SAPSID = Get-AzVMTagValue -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName  -KeyName "SAPSystemSID"  
            if ($SAPSID -eq $null) {
                Throw "Tag 'SAPSystemSID' on VM '$VMName' in Azure resource group $ResourceGroupName not found."
            #Write-Output "SAPSID = $SAPSID"

            $SAPApplicationInstanceNumber = Get-AzVMTagValue -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName  -KeyName "SAPApplicationInstanceNumber"  
            if ($SAPApplicationInstanceNumber -eq $null) {
                Throw "Tag 'SAPApplicationInstanceNumber' on VM '$VMName' in Azure resource group $ResourceGroupName not found."

            #Write-Output "SAPApplicationInstanceNumber = $SAPApplicationInstanceNumber"

            $SAPApplicationInstanceType = Get-AzVMTagValue -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName  -KeyName "SAPApplicationInstanceType"  
            if ($SAPApplicationInstanceType -eq $null) {
                Throw "Tag 'SAPApplicationInstanceType' on VM '$VMName' in Azure resource group $ResourceGroupName not found."
            #Write-Output "SAPApplicationInstanceType = $SAPApplicationInstanceType"

            If (-Not (Test-SAPApplicationInstanceIsApplicationServer $SAPApplicationInstanceType)) {
                Throw "SAP Instance type '$SAPApplicationInstanceType' is not an SAP application server."

            $OSType = Get-AzVMOSType -VMName $VMName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName

            if ($OSType -eq "Windows") {                                
                $SIDADMUser = $SAPSID.Trim().ToLower() + "adm"
                $SAPSIDCredentials = Get-AzAutomationSAPPSCredential -CredentialName  $SIDADMUser  
                $SAPSIDPassword = $SAPSIDCredentials.Password
                $PathToSAPControl = Get-AzVMTagValue -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName  -VMName $VMName  -KeyName "PathToSAPControl"  

            $obj = New-Object -TypeName psobject

            $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "SAPSID"                       -NotePropertyValue $SAPSID  
            $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "VMName"                       -NotePropertyValue $VMName  
            $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "ResourceGroupName"            -NotePropertyValue $ResourceGroupName  
            $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "SAPApplicationInstanceNumber" -NotePropertyValue $SAPApplicationInstanceNumber
            $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "SAPInstanceType"              -NotePropertyValue $SAPApplicationInstanceType
            $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "OSType"                       -NotePropertyValue $OSType 

            if ($OSType -eq "Windows") {
                $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "SAPSIDPassword"           -NotePropertyValue $SAPSIDPassword
                $obj | add-member  -NotePropertyName "PathToSAPControl"         -NotePropertyValue $PathToSAPControl               

            # Return formated object
            Write-Output $obj            
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message

    END {}
function Test-SAPApplicationInstanceIsApplicationServer {
    If SAP Application Instance is application server['SAP_D','SAP_DVEBMGS','SAP_J'] , retruns $True. Otherwise return $False.
   If SAP Application Instance is application server['SAP_D','SAP_DVEBMGS','SAP_J'] , retruns $True. Otherwise return $False.
    .PARAMETER SAPApplicationInstanceType
    SAP ApplicationInstance Type ['SAP_D','SAP_DVEBMGS','SAP_J']
   Test-SAPApplicationInstanceIsApplicationServer "SAP_D"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            switch ($SAPApplicationInstanceType) {
                "SAP_D" { return $True }
                "SAP_DVEBMGS" { return $True }
                "SAP_J" { return $True }
                Default { return $False }
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message

    END {}

function Stop-AzVMAndPrintStatus {
    Stop Azure VM and printa status.
    Stop Azure VM and printa status.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
    VM Azure Resource Group Name.
    VM Name.
    Stop-AzVMAndPrintStatus -ResourceGroupName "PR1-RG" -VMName "PR1-DB"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName


    BEGIN {}
        try {   
            Write-Output "Stopping VM '$VMName' in Azure Resource Group '$ResourceGroupName' ..."
            Stop-AzVM  -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $VMName -WarningAction "SilentlyContinue" -Force

            $VM = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $VMName -Status
            $VMStatus = $VM.Statuses[1].DisplayStatus
            Write-Output "Virtual Machine '$VMName' status: $VMStatus" 
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message

    END {}

function Start-AzVMAndPrintStatus {
    Start Azure VM and printa status.
    Start Azure VM and printa status.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
    VM Azure Resource Group Name.
    VM Name.
    .PARAMETER SleepTimeAfterVMStart
    Wait time in seconds after VM is started.
    # Start VM and wait for 60 seconds [default]
    Start-AzVMAndPrintStatus -ResourceGroupName "PR1-RG" -VMName "PR1-DB"
    # Start VM and do not wait
    Start-AzVMAndPrintStatus -ResourceGroupName "PR1-RG" -VMName "PR1-DB" -SleepTimeAfterVMStart 0

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $VMName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]             
        [int] $SleepTimeAfterVMStart = 60


    BEGIN {}
        try {   
             # Start VM
             Write-Output "Starting VM '$VMName' in Azure Resource Group '$ResourceGroupName' ..."
             Start-AzVM  -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $VMName -WarningAction "SilentlyContinue"

             $VM = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $VMName -Status
             $VMStatus = $VM.Statuses[1].DisplayStatus
             #Write-Output ""
             Write-Output "Virtual Machine '$VMName' status: $VMStatus"

            # Wait for $SleepTimeAfterVMStart seconds after VM is started
            Start-Sleep $SleepTimeAfterVMStart
        catch {
            Write-Error  $_.Exception.Message
    END {}