

Import-Csv -Delimiter ',' -Path (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'mimetypes.txt') -Header 'Extension','MimeType' | ForEach-Object { $MIME_TYPES[$_.Extension] = $_.MimeType }

# workarounds for PowerShell issues
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) {
    Add-Type @"
        using System.Net;
        using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
        public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy {
           public bool CheckValidationResult(
                ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate,
                WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) {
                return true;

    # ensure that HTTP Assembly is loaded
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Net.Http

    # StorageGRID and AWS S3 support TLS 1.2 and PowerShell does not auto negotiate it, thus enforcing TLS 1.2
    [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

    # Using .NET JSON Serializer as JSON serialization included in Invoke-WebRequest has a length restriction for JSON content
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web.Extensions
    $global:javaScriptSerializer = New-Object System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer
    $global:javaScriptSerializer.MaxJsonLength = [System.Int32]::MaxValue
    $global:javaScriptSerializer.RecursionLimit = 99
else {
    # unfortunately AWS Authentication is not RFC-7232 compliant (it is using semicolons in the value)
    # and PowerShell 6 enforces strict header verification by default
    # therefore disabling strict header verification until AWS fixed this

### Helper Functions ###

function ConvertTo-SortedDictionary($HashTable) {
    $SortedDictionary = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary[string, string]'
    foreach ($Key in $HashTable.Keys) {
    Write-Output $SortedDictionary

function Get-SignedString {

    PARAM (
                    HelpMessage="Key in Bytes.")][Byte[]]$Key,
                    HelpMessage="Unit of timestamp.")][String]$Message="",
                    HelpMessage="Algorithm to use for signing.")][ValidateSet("SHA1","SHA256")][String]$Algorithm="SHA256"

        if ($Algorithm -eq "SHA1") {
            $Signer = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA1
        else {
            $Signer = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256

        $Signer.Key = $Key

function Sign($Key,$Message) {
    $hmacsha = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256
    $hmacsha.Key = $Key

function GetSignatureKey($Key, $Date, $Region, $Service) {
    $SignedDate = sign ([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(('AWS4' + $Key).toCharArray())) $Date
    $SignedRegion = sign $SignedDate $Region
    $SignedService = sign $SignedRegion $Service
    sign $SignedService "aws4_request"

function ConvertFrom-AwsConfigFile {

    PARAM (
            HelpMessage="AWS Config File")][String]$AwsConfigFile

    Process {
        if (!(Test-Path $AwsConfigFile))
            throw "Config file $AwsConfigFile does not exist!"

        Write-Verbose "Reading AWS Configuration from $AwsConfigFile"

        $Content = Get-Content -Path $AwsConfigFile -Raw
        # convert to JSON structure
        # replace all carriage returns
        $Content = $Content -replace "\r",""
        # remove empty lines
        $Content = $Content -replace "(\n$)*", ""
        # remove profile string from profile section
        $Content = $Content -replace "profile ", ""

        # replace sections like s3 or iam where the line ends with a = with a JSON object including opening and closing curly brackets
        $Content = $Content -replace "([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s*=\s*((?:\n .+)+)",'"$1":{ $2 },'
        $Content = $Content -replace "([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s*=\s*\n","`"`$1`":{ },`n"
        $Content = $Content -replace "([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s*=\s*\z",'"$1":{ },'

        # replace key value pairs with quoted key value pairs and replace = with :
        $Content = $Content -replace "\n\s*([^=^\s^`"]+)\s*=\s*([^\s^\n]*)","`n`"`$1`":`"`$2`","

        # make sure that Profile is a Key Value inside the JSON Object
        $Content = $Content -replace "\[([^\]]+)\]([^\[]+)","{`"ProfileName`":`"`$1`",`$2},`n"

        # remove additional , before a closing curly bracket
        $Content = $Content -replace "\s*,\s*\n?}","}"

        # ensure that the complete output is an array consisting of multiple JSON objects
        $Content = $Content -replace "\A","["
        $Content = $Content -replace "},?\s*\n?\s*\z","}]"

        $Config = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $Content
        Write-Output $Config

function ConvertTo-AwsConfigFile {

    PARAM (
            HelpMessage="Configs to store in config file")][PSCustomObject]$Configs,
            HelpMessage="AWS Config File")][String]$AwsConfigFile

    Process {
        if (!(Test-Path $AwsConfigFile)) {
            New-Item -Path $AwsConfigFile -ItemType File -Force

        $AwsConfigDirectory = ([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$AwsConfigFile).Parent.FullName

        # make sure that parent folder is only accessible by current user
        try {
            if ([environment]::OSVersion.Platform -match "win") {
                $Acl = Get-Acl -Path $AwsConfigDirectory
                # remove inheritance
                $AcessRule = [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule]::new(
                    ([System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags]::ContainerInherit -bor [System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags]::ObjectInherit),
                Set-Acl -Path $AwsConfigDirectory -AclObject $Acl -ErrorAction Stop
            else {
                Invoke-Expression "chmod 700 $AwsConfigDirectory"
                Invoke-Expression "chmod 600 $AwsConfigFile"
        catch {
            Write-Verbose "Couldn't restrict access to directory $AwsConfigDirectory"

        Write-Verbose "Writing AWS Configuration to $AwsConfigFile"

        if ($AwsConfigFile -match "credentials$") {
            foreach ($Config in $Configs) {
                $Output += "[$( $Config.ProfileName )]`n"
                $Output += "aws_access_key_id = $($Config.aws_access_key_id)`n"
                $Output += "aws_secret_access_key = $($Config.aws_secret_access_key)`n"
        else {
            foreach ($Config in $Configs) {
                if ($Config.ProfileName -eq "default") {
                    $Output += "[$( $Config.ProfileName )]`n"
                else {
                    $Output += "[profile $( $Config.ProfileName )]`n"
                $Properties = $Config.PSObject.Members | Where-Object { $_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty" -and $_.Name -ne "ProfileName" -and $_.Value -isnot [PSCustomObject] }
                $Sections = $Config.PSObject.Members | Where-Object { $_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty" -and $_.Name -ne "ProfileName" -and $_.Value -is [PSCustomObject]}
                foreach ($Property in $Properties) {
                    $Output += "$($Property.Name) = $($Property.Value)`n"
                foreach ($Section in $Sections) {
                    $Output += "$($Section.Name) =`n"
                    $Properties = $Section.Value.PSObject.Members | Where-Object { $_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty" }
                    foreach ($Property in $Properties) {
                        $Output += " $($Property.Name) = $($Property.Value)`n"
        Write-Debug "Output:`n$Output"

        if ([environment]::OSVersion.Platform -match "win") {
            # replace LF with CRLF
            $Output = $Output -replace "`n","`r`n"

        $Output | Out-File -FilePath $AwsConfigFile -NoNewline

# helper function to convert datetime to unix timestamp
function ConvertTo-UnixTimestamp {


    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="Date to be converted.")][DateTime[]]$Date,
                HelpMessage="Unit of timestamp.")][ValidateSet("Seconds","Milliseconds")][String]$Unit="Milliseconds"

    BEGIN {
        $epoch = Get-Date -Year 1970 -Month 1 -Day 1 -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0

        if ($Unit="Seconds") {
            Write-Output ([math]::truncate($Date.ToUniversalTime().Subtract($epoch).TotalSeconds))
        else {
            Write-Output ([math]::truncate($Date.ToUniversalTime().Subtract($epoch).TotalMilliSeconds))

# helper function to convert unix timestamp to datetime
function ConvertFrom-UnixTimestamp {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="Timestamp to be converted.")][String]$Timestamp,
                HelpMessage="Unit of timestamp.")][ValidateSet("Seconds","Milliseconds")][String]$Unit="Milliseconds",
                HelpMessage="Optional Timezone to be used as basis for Timestamp. Default is system Timezone.")][System.TimeZoneInfo]$Timezone=[System.TimeZoneInfo]::Local

        $Timestamp = @($Timestamp)
        foreach ($Timestamp in $Timestamp) {
            if ($Unit -eq "Seconds") {
                $Date = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeFromUtc(([datetime]'1/1/1970').AddSeconds($Timestamp),$Timezone)
            else {
                $Date = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeFromUtc(([datetime]'1/1/1970').AddMilliseconds($Timestamp),$Timezone)
            Write-Output $Date

### AWS Cmdlets ###

    Retrieve SHA256 Hash for Payload
    Retrieve SHA256 Hash for Payload

function Global:Get-AwsHash {

    PARAM (
            HelpMessage="String to hash")][String]$StringToHash="",
            HelpMessage="File to hash")][System.IO.FileInfo]$FileToHash

    Process {
        $Hasher = [System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256]::Create()

        if ($FileToHash) {
            $Hash = Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256 -Path $FileToHash | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Hash
        else {
            $Hash = ([BitConverter]::ToString($Hasher.ComputeHash([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($StringToHash))) -replace '-','').ToLower()

        Write-Output $Hash

    Create AWS Authentication Signature Version 2 for Request
    Create AWS Authentication Signature Version 2 for Request

function Global:New-AwsSignatureV2 {

    PARAM (
            HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
            HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
            HelpMessage="Endpoint hostname and optional port")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
            HelpMessage="HTTP Request Method")][ValidateSet("OPTIONS","GET","HEAD","PUT","POST","DELETE","TRACE","CONNECT")][String]$Method="GET",
            HelpMessage="Content MD5")][String]$ContentMD5="",
            HelpMessage="Content Type")][String]$ContentType="",
            HelpMessage="Query String (unencoded)")][String]$QueryString

    Process {
        # this Cmdlet follows the steps outlined in https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/RESTAuthentication.html

        # initialization
        if (!$DateTime) {
            $DateTime = [DateTime]::UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ")

        Write-Debug "Task 1: Constructing the CanonicalizedResource Element "

        $CanonicalizedResource = ""
        Write-Debug "1. Start with an empty string:`n$CanonicalizedResource"

        if ($BucketName -and $EndpointUrl.Host -match "^$BucketName") {
            $CanonicalizedResource += "/$BucketName"
            Write-Debug "2. Add the bucketname for virtual host style:`n$CanonicalizedResource"
        else {
            Write-Debug "2. Bucketname already part of Url for path style therefore skipping this step"

        $CanonicalURI = [Uri]::new($Uri).AbsolutePath

        $CanonicalizedResource += $CanonicalURI
        Write-Debug "3. Append the path part of the un-decoded HTTP Request-URI, up-to but not including the query string:`n$CanonicalizedResource"

        if ($QueryString) {
            $CanonicalizedResource += "?$QueryString"
        Write-Debug "4. Append the query string unencoded for signing:`n$CanonicalizedResource"

        Write-Debug "Task 2: Constructing the CanonicalizedAmzHeaders Element"

        Write-Debug "1. Filter for all headers starting with x-amz and are not x-amz-date"
        $AmzHeaders = $Headers.Clone()
        # remove all headers which do not start with x-amz
        $Headers.Keys | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -notmatch "x-amz" -or $_ -eq "x-amz-date") { $AmzHeaders.Remove($_) } }

        Write-Debug "2. Sort headers lexicographically"
        $SortedAmzHeaders = ConvertTo-SortedDictionary $AmzHeaders
        $CanonicalizedAmzHeaders = ($SortedAmzHeaders.GetEnumerator()  | ForEach-Object { "$($_.Key.toLower()):$($_.Value)" }) -join "`n"
        if ($CanonicalizedAmzHeaders) {
            $CanonicalizedAmzHeaders = $CanonicalizedAmzHeaders + "`n"
        Write-Debug "3. CanonicalizedAmzHeaders headers:`n$CanonicalizedAmzHeaders"

        Write-Debug "Task 3: String to sign"

        $StringToSign = "$Method`n$ContentMD5`n$ContentType`n$DateTime`n$CanonicalizedAmzHeaders$CanonicalizedResource"

        Write-Debug "1. StringToSign:`n$StringToSign"

        Write-Debug "Task 4: Signature"

        $SignedString = Get-SignedString -Key ([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($SecretKey)) -Message $StringToSign -Algorithm SHA1
        $Signature = [Convert]::ToBase64String($SignedString)

        Write-Debug "1. Signature:`n$Signature"

        Write-Output $Signature

    Create AWS Authentication Signature Version 4 for Request
    Create AWS Authentication Signature Version 4 for Request

function Global:New-AwsSignatureV4 {

    PARAM (
            HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
            HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
            HelpMessage="Endpoint hostname and optional port")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
            HelpMessage="HTTP Request Method")][ValidateSet("OPTIONS","GET","HEAD","PUT","POST","DELETE","TRACE","CONNECT")][String]$Method="GET",
            HelpMessage="Canonical Query String")][String]$CanonicalQueryString,
            HelpMessage="Date Time (yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ)")][String]$DateTime,
            HelpMessage="Date String (yyyyMMdd)")][String]$DateString,
            HelpMessage="Request payload hash")][String]$RequestPayloadHash,
            HelpMessage="Content type")][String]$ContentType

    Process {
        # this Cmdlet follows the steps outlined in http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/sigv4_signing.html

        # initialization
        # TODO: Improve unsigned payload handling
        if ($Headers['x-amz-content-sha256'] -eq "UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD") {
            $RequestPayloadHash = "UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD"
        if (!$RequestPayloadHash) {
            $RequestPayloadHash = Get-AwsHash -StringToHash ""
        if (!$DateTime) {
            $DateTime = [DateTime]::UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ")
        if (!$DateString) {
            $DateString = [DateTime]::UtcNow.ToString('yyyyMMdd')

        Write-Debug "Task 1: Create a Canonical Request for Signature Version 4"
        # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/sigv4-create-canonical-request.html

        Write-Debug "1. HTTP Request Method:`n$Method"

        # TODO: Think of a better way to get the properly encoded relative URI
        $CanonicalURI = ([System.UriBuilder]"$EndpointUrl$($Uri -replace '^/','')").Uri.PathAndQuery
        Write-Debug "2. Canonical URI:`n$CanonicalURI"

        Write-Debug "3. Canonical query string:`n$CanonicalQueryString"

        $SortedHeaders = ConvertTo-SortedDictionary $Headers
        $CanonicalHeaders = (($SortedHeaders.GetEnumerator()  | ForEach-Object { "$($_.Key.toLower()):$($_.Value)" }) -join "`n") + "`n"
        Write-Debug "4. Canonical headers:`n$CanonicalHeaders"

        $SignedHeaders = $SortedHeaders.Keys.toLower() -join ";"
        Write-Debug "5. Signed headers:`n$SignedHeaders"

        Write-Debug "6. Hashed Payload`n$RequestPayloadHash"

        $CanonicalRequest = "$Method`n$CanonicalURI`n$CanonicalQueryString`n$CanonicalHeaders`n$SignedHeaders`n$RequestPayloadHash"
        Write-Debug "7. CanonicalRequest:`n$CanonicalRequest"

        $hasher = [System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256]::Create()
        $CanonicalRequestHash = ([BitConverter]::ToString($hasher.ComputeHash([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($CanonicalRequest))) -replace '-','').ToLower()
        Write-Debug "8. Canonical request hash:`n$CanonicalRequestHash"

        Write-Debug "Task 2: Create a String to Sign for Signature Version 4"
        # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/sigv4-create-string-to-sign.html

        $AlgorithmDesignation = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256"
        Write-Debug "1. Algorithm designation:`n$AlgorithmDesignation"

        Write-Debug "2. request date value, specified with ISO8601 basic format in the format YYYYMMDD'T'HHMMSS'Z:`n$DateTime"

        $CredentialScope = "$DateString/$Region/$Service/aws4_request"
        Write-Debug "3. Credential scope:`n$CredentialScope"

        Write-Debug "4. Canonical request hash:`n$CanonicalRequestHash"

        $StringToSign = "$AlgorithmDesignation`n$DateTime`n$CredentialScope`n$CanonicalRequestHash"
        Write-Debug "StringToSign:`n$StringToSign"

        Write-Debug "Task 3: Calculate the Signature for AWS Signature Version 4"
        # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/sigv4-calculate-signature.html

        $SigningKey = GetSignatureKey $SecretKey $DateString $Region $Service
        Write-Debug "1. Signing Key:`n$([System.BitConverter]::ToString($SigningKey))"

        $Signature = ([BitConverter]::ToString((sign $SigningKey $StringToSign)) -replace '-','').ToLower()
        Write-Debug "2. Signature:`n$Signature"

        Write-Output $Signature

    Get AWS URL
    Get AWS URL
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER Method
    HTTP Request Method
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style
    URI (e.g. / or /key)
    .PARAMETER Query
    .PARAMETER RequestPayload
    Request payload
    .PARAMETER Region
    .PARAMETER UseDualstackEndpoint
    Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.
    .PARAMETER Service
    Service (e.g. S3)
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER Headers
    .PARAMETER ContentType
    Content type
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket name
    File to read data from
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Presign URL
    .PARAMETER Expires
    Presign URL Expiration Date

function Global:Get-AwsRequest {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="HTTP Request Method")][ValidateSet("OPTIONS","GET","HEAD","PUT","POST","DELETE","TRACE","CONNECT")][String]$Method="GET",
                HelpMessage="Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="URL Style")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="URI (e.g. / or /key)")][String]$Uri="/",
                HelpMessage="Request payload")][String]$RequestPayload="",
                HelpMessage="Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.")][Switch]$UseDualstackEndpoint,
                HelpMessage="Service (e.g. S3)")][String]$Service="s3",
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Content type")][String]$ContentType,
                HelpMessage="Bucket name")][String]$BucketName,
                HelpMessage="File to read data from")][System.IO.FileInfo]$InFile,
                HelpMessage="Presign URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Presign URL Expiration Date")][DateTime]$Expires=(Get-Date).AddHours(1),
                HelpMessage="Presign URL Expiration Date")][Switch]$PayloadSigningEnabled

    Begin {
        if (!$EndpointUrl) {
            if ($Region -eq "us-east-1" -or !$Region) {
                if ($UseDualstackEndpoint) {
                    $EndpointUrl = [System.UriBuilder]::new("https://s3.dualstack.amazonaws.com")
                else {
                    $EndpointUrl = [System.UriBuilder]::new("https://s3.amazonaws.com")
            else {
                if ($UseDualstackEndpoint) {
                    $EndpointUrl = [System.UriBuilder]::new("https://s3.dualstack.$Region.amazonaws.com")
                else {
                    $EndpointUrl = [System.UriBuilder]::new("https://s3.$Region.amazonaws.com")
        else {
            # as we are modifying the endpoint URL, make sure to work on a new object and not modify the origianl object
            $EndpointUrl = [System.UriBuilder]::new($EndpointUrl.ToString())

        # ensure that plus sign (+) is encoded in URI, otherwise AWS signing will not work
        $Uri = $Uri -replace '\+','%2B'

        if ($UrlStyle -match "virtual" -and $BucketName) {
            Write-Verbose "Using virtual-hosted style URL"
            $EndpointUrl.host = $BucketName + '.' + $EndpointUrl.host
        elseif ($UrlStyle -eq "auto" -and $EndpointUrl -match "amazonaws.com" -and $BucketName) {
            Write-Verbose "Using virtual-hosted style URL"
            $EndpointUrl.host = $BucketName + '.' + $EndpointUrl.host
        elseif ($BucketName) {
            Write-Verbose "Using path style URL"
            $Uri = "/$BucketName" + $Uri

    Process {
        $DateTime = $Date.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ")
        $DateString = $Date.ToUniversalTime().ToString('yyyyMMdd')

        if ($InFile) {
            $RequestPayloadHash=Get-AwsHash -FileToHash $InFile
        else {
            $RequestPayloadHash=Get-AwsHash -StringToHash $RequestPayload

        if ($RequestPayload -and $PayloadSigningEnabled.IsPresent) {
            $Md5 = ([System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider]::new().ComputeHash([System.Text.UTF8Encoding]::new().GetBytes($RequestPayload)) -replace "-","").ToLower()
        else {
            $Md5 = $null

        if (!$Headers["host"]) { $Headers["host"] = $EndpointUrl.Uri.Authority }

        if (!$Presign.IsPresent) {
            if ($SignerType -eq "AWS4") {
                if (!$Headers["x-amz-date"]) { $Headers["x-amz-date"] = $DateTime }
            else {
                if (!$Headers["date"]) { $Headers["date"] = $DateTime }
            if (!$Headers["x-amz-content-sha256"] -and $SignerType -eq "AWS4") { $Headers["x-amz-content-sha256"] = $RequestPayloadHash }
            if (!$Headers["content-type"] -and $ContentType) { $Headers["content-type"] = $ContentType }
            if (!$Headers["content-md5"] -and $Md5) { $Headers["content-md5"] = [Convert]::ToBase64String($Md5) }

        $SortedHeaders = ConvertTo-SortedDictionary $Headers
        $SignedHeaders = $SortedHeaders.Keys.toLower() -join ";"

        if ($Presign.IsPresent) {
            if ($SignerType -eq "AWS4") {
                $RequestPayloadHash = "UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD"
                $ExpiresInSeconds = [Math]::Ceiling(($Expires - $Date).TotalSeconds)
                $CredentialScope = "$DateString/$Region/$Service/aws4_request"
                $Query["Action"] = $Method
                $Query["X-Amz-Algorithm"] = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256"
                $Query["X-Amz-Credential"] = "$($AccessKey)/$($CredentialScope)"
                $Query["X-Amz-Date"] = $DateTime
                $Query["X-Amz-Expires"] = $ExpiresInSeconds
                $Query["X-Amz-SignedHeaders"] = $SignedHeaders
            else {
                $ExpiresUnixTime = $Expires | ConvertTo-UnixTimestamp -Unit Seconds
                $Query["Expires"] = $ExpiresUnixTime
                $Query["AWSAccessKeyId"] = $AccessKey
                $DateTime = $ExpiresUnixTime

        $QueryString = ""
        $CanonicalQueryString = ""
        if ($Query.Keys.Count -ge 1) {
            # using Sorted Dictionary as query need to be sorted by encoded keys
            $SortedQuery = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary[string, string]'

            foreach ($Key in $Query.Keys) {
                # Key and value need to be URL encoded separately
            # AWS V2 only requires specific queries to be included in signing process
            # and AWS V4 requires these queries to come after all other queries
            $SpecialQueryStrings = "partNumber|uploadId|versioning|location|acl|torrent|lifecycle|versionid|response-content-type|response-content-language|response-expires|response-cache-control|response-content-disposition|response-content-encoding"
            foreach ($Key in ($SortedQuery.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -notmatch $SpecialQueryStrings })) {
                $CanonicalQueryString += "$([System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlEncode($Key))=$([System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlEncode($SortedQuery[$Key]))&"
            foreach ($Key in ($SortedQuery.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -match $SpecialQueryStrings })) {
                if ($SortedQuery[$Key]) {
                    $QueryString += "$Key=$($SortedQuery[$Key])&"
                else {
                    $QueryString += "$Key&"
                $CanonicalQueryString += "$([System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlEncode($Key))=$([System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlEncode($SortedQuery[$Key]))&"
            $QueryString = $QueryString -replace "&`$",""
            $CanonicalQueryString = $CanonicalQueryString -replace "&`$",""
        Write-Debug "Query String with selected Query components for S3 Signer: $QueryString"
        Write-Debug "Canonical Query String with all Query components for AWS Signer: $CanonicalQueryString"

        if ($SignerType -eq "AWS4") {
            Write-Verbose "Using AWS Signature Version 4"
            $Signature = New-AwsSignatureV4 -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -Region $Region -Uri $Uri -CanonicalQueryString $CanonicalQueryString -Method $Method -RequestPayloadHash $RequestPayloadHash -DateTime $DateTime -DateString $DateString -Headers $Headers
            Write-Debug "Task 4: Add the Signing Information to the Request"
            # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/sigv4-add-signature-to-request.html
            if (!$Presign.IsPresent) {
                $Headers["Authorization"]="AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=$AccessKey/$DateString/$Region/$Service/aws4_request,SignedHeaders=$SignedHeaders,Signature=$Signature"
        else {
            Write-Verbose "Using AWS Signature Version 2"
            $Signature = New-AwsSignatureV2 -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -Uri $Uri -Method $Method -ContentMD5 $ContentMd5 -ContentType $ContentType -DateTime $DateTime -Bucket $BucketName -QueryString $QueryString -Headers $Headers
            if (!$Presign.IsPresent) {
                $Headers["Authorization"] = "AWS $($AccessKey):$($Signature)"

        if ($Presign.IsPresent) {
            $UrlEncodedSignature = [System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlEncode($Signature)
            if ($SignerType -eq "AWS4") {
                $CanonicalQueryString += "&X-Amz-Signature=$UrlEncodedSignature"
            else {
                $CanonicalQueryString += "&Signature=$UrlEncodedSignature"

        $EndpointUrl.Path = $Uri
        $EndpointUrl.Query = $CanonicalQueryString

        Write-Verbose "Request URI:`n$($EndpointUrl.Uri)"
        Write-Verbose "Request Headers:`n$($Headers | ConvertTo-Json)"

        $Request = [PSCustomObject]@{Method=$Method;Uri=$EndpointUrl.Uri;Headers=$Headers}

        Write-Output $Request

    Invoke AWS Request
    Invoke AWS Request

function Global:Invoke-AwsRequest {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="HTTP Request Method")][ValidateSet("OPTIONS","GET","HEAD","PUT","POST","DELETE","TRACE","CONNECT")][String]$Method="GET",
                HelpMessage="Endpoint URI")][Uri]$Uri,
                HelpMessage="Content type")][String]$ContentType,
                HelpMessage="Request payload")][String]$Body,
                HelpMessage="File to read data from")][System.IO.FileInfo]$InFile,
                HelpMessage="File to output result to")][System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$OutFile

    Begin {
        if ([environment]::OSVersion.Platform -match "Win") {
            # check if proxy is used
            $ProxyRegistry = "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings"
            $ProxySettings = Get-ItemProperty -Path $ProxyRegistry
            if ($ProxySettings.ProxyEnable) {
                Write-Warning "Proxy Server $($ProxySettings.ProxyServer) configured in Internet Explorer may be used to connect to the endpoint!"
            if ($ProxySettings.AutoConfigURL) {
                Write-Warning "Proxy Server defined in automatic proxy configuration script $($ProxySettings.AutoConfigURL) configured in Internet Explorer may be used to connect to the endpoint!"

    Process {
        # check if untrusted SSL certificates should be ignored
        if ($SkipCertificateCheck.IsPresent) {
            if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) {
                [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy
            else {
                if (!"Invoke-WebRequest:SkipCertificateCheck") {
                else {
        else {
            # currently there is no way to re-enable certificate check for the current session in PowerShell prior to version 6
            if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 6) {
                if ("Invoke-WebRequest:SkipCertificateCheck") {

        # PowerShell 5 and early cannot skip certificate validation per request therefore we need to use a workaround
        if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6 ) {
            if ($SkipCertificateCheck.isPresent) {
                $CurrentCertificatePolicy = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy
                [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy
            if ($Body -ne "" -or $Method -eq "POST") {
                if ($OutFile) {
                    Write-Verbose "Body:`n$Body"
                    Write-Verbose "Saving output in file $OutFile"
                    $Result = Invoke-WebRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Body)) -OutFile $OutFile
                else {
                    Write-Verbose "Body:`n$Body"
                    $Result = Invoke-WebRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Body))
            else {
                if ($OutFile) {
                    Write-Verbose "Saving output in file $OutFile"
                    $Result = Invoke-WebRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -OutFile $OutFile
                elseif ($InFile) {
                    Write-Verbose "InFile:`n$InFile"
                    $Result = Invoke-WebRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -InFile $InFile
                else {
                    $Result = Invoke-WebRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers
            if ($SkipCertificateCheck.isPresent) {
                [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = $CurrentCertificatePolicy
        else {
            if ($Body -ne $null) {
                if ($OutFile) {
                    Write-Verbose "Body:`n$Body"
                    Write-Verbose "Saving output in file $OutFile"
                    $Result = Invoke-WebRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Body)) -OutFile $OutFile -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -PreserveAuthorizationOnRedirect
                else {
                    Write-Verbose "Body:`n$Body"
                    $Result = Invoke-WebRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Body)) -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -PreserveAuthorizationOnRedirect
            else {
                if ($OutFile) {
                    Write-Verbose "Saving output in file $OutFile"
                    $Result = Invoke-WebRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -OutFile $OutFile -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -PreserveAuthorizationOnRedirect
                elseif ($InFile) {
                    Write-Verbose "InFile:`n$InFile"
                    $Result = Invoke-WebRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -InFile $InFile -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -PreserveAuthorizationOnRedirect
                else {
                    $Result = Invoke-WebRequest -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -PreserveAuthorizationOnRedirect

        Write-Verbose "Response Headers:`n$(ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Result.Headers)"

        if ($Result.Headers.'Content-Type' -match "text|application/xml|application/json" -and $Result.Headers.Length -le 10KB) {
            Write-Verbose "Response Body:`n$($Result.Content)"

        Write-Output $Result

# TODO: Implement separate Update Cmdlet which does not overwrite values with defaults

Set-Alias -Name Set-AwsProfile -Value Add-AwsConfig
Set-Alias -Name New-AwsProfile -Value Add-AwsConfig
Set-Alias -Name Add-AwsProfile -Value Add-AwsConfig
Set-Alias -Name Update-AwsProfile -Value Add-AwsConfig
Set-Alias -Name Set-AwsCredential -Value Add-AwsConfig
Set-Alias -Name New-AwsCredential -Value Add-AwsConfig
Set-Alias -Name Add-AwsCredential -Value Add-AwsConfig
Set-Alias -Name Update-AwsCredential -Value Add-AwsConfig
Set-Alias -Name Set-AwsConfig -Value Add-AwsConfig
Set-Alias -Name New-AwsConfig -Value Add-AwsConfig
Set-Alias -Name Update-AwsConfig -Value Add-AwsConfig
    Add AWS Credentials
    Add AWS Credentials
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER Credential
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER Region
    Default Region to use for all requests made with these credentials
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom endpoint URL if different than AWS URL

function Global:Add-AwsConfig {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="default",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation=$AWS_CREDENTIALS_FILE,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][Alias("aws_access_key_id")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("aws_secret_access_key")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="Default Region to use for all requests made with these credentials")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Custom endpoint URL if different than AWS URL")][Alias("endpoint_url")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="The maximum number of concurrent requests (Default: 10)")][Alias("max_concurrent_requests")][UInt16]$MaxConcurrentRequests,
                HelpMessage="The maximum number of tasks in the task queue")][Alias("max_queue_size")][UInt16]$MaxQueueSize,
                HelpMessage="The size threshold where multipart uploads are used of individual files (Default: 8MB)")][Alias("multipart_threshold")][String]$MultipartThreshold,
                HelpMessage="When using multipart transfers, this is the chunk size that is used for multipart transfers of individual files (Default: 8MB)")][Alias("multipart_chunksize")][String]$MultipartChunksize,
                HelpMessage="The maximum bandwidth that will be consumed for uploading and downloading data to and from Amazon S3")][Alias("max_bandwidth")][String]$MaxBandwidth,
                HelpMessage="Use the Amazon S3 Accelerate endpoint for all s3 and s3api commands. S3 Accelerate must first be enabled on the bucket before attempting to use the accelerate endpoint. This is mutually exclusive with the use_dualstack_endpoint option.")][Alias("use_accelerate_endpoint")][Boolean]$UseAccelerateEndpoint,
                HelpMessage="Use the Amazon S3 dual IPv4 / IPv6 endpoint for all s3 commands. This is mutually exclusive with the use_accelerate_endpoint option.")][Alias("use_dualstack_endpoint")][Boolean]$UseDualstackEndpoint,
                HelpMessage="Specifies which addressing style to use. This controls if the bucket name is in the hostname or part of the URL. Value values are: path, virtual, and auto. The default value is auto.")][Alias("addressing_style")][ValidateSet("auto","path","virtual")][String]$AddressingStyle,
                HelpMessage="Refers to whether or not to SHA256 sign sigv4 payloads. By default, this is disabled for streaming uploads (UploadPart and PutObject) when using https.")][Alias("payload_signing_enabled")][ValidateSet("auto","true","false")][String]$PayloadSigningEnabled,
                HelpMessage="Enable or disable skipping of certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Boolean]$SkipCertificateCheck

    Process {
        $ConfigLocation = $ProfileLocation -replace "/[^/]+$", '/config'

        if ($Credential) {
            $AccessKey = $Credential.UserName
            $SecretKey = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password

        $Credentials = @()
        $Configs = @()

        if ($AccessKey -and $SecretKey) {
            try {
                $Credentials = ConvertFrom-AwsConfigFile -AwsConfigFile $ProfileLocation
            catch {
                Write-Verbose "Retrieving credentials from $ProfileLocation failed"

            if (($Credentials | Where-Object { $_.ProfileName -eq $ProfileName })) {
                $CredentialEntry = $Credentials | Where-Object { $_.ProfileName -eq $ProfileName }
            else {
                $CredentialEntry = [PSCustomObject]@{ ProfileName = $ProfileName }

            $CredentialEntry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name aws_access_key_id -Value $AccessKey -Force
            $CredentialEntry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name aws_secret_access_key -Value $SecretKey -Force

            Write-Debug $CredentialEntry

            $Credentials = (@($Credentials | Where-Object { $_.ProfileName -ne $ProfileName }) + $CredentialEntry) | Where-Object { $_.ProfileName}
            ConvertTo-AwsConfigFile -Config $Credentials -AwsConfigFile $ProfileLocation

        try {
            $Configs = ConvertFrom-AwsConfigFile -AwsConfigFile $ConfigLocation
        catch {
            Write-Verbose "Retrieving config from $ConfigLocation failed"

        $Config = $Configs | Where-Object { $_.ProfileName -eq $ProfileName }
        if ($Config) {
            if (!$Config.S3) {
                $Config | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "S3" -Value ([PSCustomObject]@{})
        else {
            $Config = [PSCustomObject]@{ ProfileName = $ProfileName;s3 = [PSCustomObject]@{} }

        if ($Region -and ($Config.Region -ne "us-east-1" -or $Region -ne "us-east-1")) {
            $Config | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name region -Value $Region -Force

        if ($EndpointUrl) {
            $EndpointUrlString = $EndpointUrl -replace "(http://.*:80)",'$1' -replace "(https://.*):443",'$1' -replace "/$",""
            $Config.S3 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name endpoint_url -Value $EndpointUrlString -Force

        if ($MaxConcurrentRequests -and $MaxConcurrentRequests -ne [Environment]::ProcessorCount) {
            $Config.S3 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name max_concurrent_requests -Value $MaxConcurrentRequests -Force

        if ($MaxQueueSize -and $MaxQueueSize -ne 1000) {
            $Config.S3 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name max_queue_size -Value $MaxQueueSize -Force

        if ($MultipartThreshold -and $MultipartThreshold -ne "8MB") {
            $Config.S3 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name multipart_threshold -Value $MultipartThreshold -Force

        if ($MultipartChunksize -and $MultipartChunksize -ne "8MB") {
            $Config.S3 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name multipart_chunksize -Value $MultipartChunksize -Force

        if ($MaxBandwidth) {
            $Config.S3 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name max_bandwidth -Value $MaxBandwidth -Force

        if ($UseAccelerateEndpoint -and $UseDualstackEndpoint) {
            Throw "The parameters use_accelerate_endpoint and use_dualstack_endpoint are mutually exclusive!"

        if ($UseAccelerateEndpoint -ne $null) {
            $Config.S3 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name use_accelerate_endpoint -Value $UseAccelerateEndpoint -Force

        if ($UseDualstackEndpoint -ne $null) {
            $Config.S3 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name use_dualstack_endpoint -Value $UseDualstackEndpoint -Force

        if ($AddressingStyle -and $AddressingStyle -ne "auto") {
            $Config.S3 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name addressing_style -Value $AddressingStyle -Force

        if ($PayloadSigningEnabled -and $PayloadSigningEnabled -ne "auto") {
            $Config.S3 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name payload_signing_enabled -Value $PayloadSigningEnabled -Force

        if ($SkipCertificateCheck -ne $null) {
            $Config.S3 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name skip_certificate_check -Value $SkipCertificateCheck -Force

        $Configs = (@($Configs | Where-Object { $_.ProfileName -ne $ProfileName}) + $Config) | Where-Object { $_.ProfileName}
        ConvertTo-AwsConfigFile -Config $Configs -AwsConfigFile $ConfigLocation

Set-Alias -Name Get-AwsProfiles -Value Get-AwsConfigs
Set-Alias -Name Get-AwsCredentials -Value Get-AwsConfigs
    Get the AWS config for all profiles and if there is a connection to a StorageGRID, it includes the AWS config of the connected tenant
    Get the AWS config for all profiles and if there is a connection to a StorageGRID, it includes the AWS config of the connected tenant
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials

function Global:Get-AwsConfigs {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation=$AWS_CREDENTIALS_FILE

    Process {
        if (!$ProfileLocation) {
            $ProfileLocation = $AWS_CREDENTIALS_FILE
        $ConfigLocation = $ProfileLocation -replace "/[^/]+$",'/config'

        if (!(Test-Path $ProfileLocation)) {
            Write-Warning "Profile location $ProfileLocation does not exist!"

        $Credentials = @()
        $Config = @()
        try {
            $Credentials = ConvertFrom-AwsConfigFile -AwsConfigFile $ProfileLocation
        catch {
            Write-Verbose "Retrieving credentials from $ProfileLocation failed"
        try {
            $Configs = ConvertFrom-AwsConfigFile -AwsConfigFile $ConfigLocation
        catch {
            Write-Verbose "Retrieving credentials from $ConfigLocation failed"

        foreach ($Credential in $Credentials) {
            $Config = $Configs | Where-Object { $_.ProfileName -eq $Credential.ProfileName } | Select-Object -First 1
            if (!$Config) {
                $Config = [PSCustomObject]@{ProfileName=$Credential.ProfileName}
                $Configs = @($Configs) + $Config
            if ($Credential.aws_access_key_id) {
                $Config | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name aws_access_key_id -Value $Credential.aws_access_key_id -Force
            if ($Credential.aws_secret_access_key) {
                $Config | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name aws_secret_access_key -Value $Credential.aws_secret_access_key -Force

        foreach ($Config in $Configs) {
            $Output = [PSCustomObject]@{ProfileName = $Config.ProfileName;AccessKey = $Config.aws_access_key_id;SecretKey = $Config.aws_secret_access_key}
            if ($Config.S3.Region) {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Region -Value $Config.S3.Region
            elseif ($Config.Region) {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Region -Value $Config.Region
            else {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Region -Value "us-east-1"
            if ($Config.S3.endpoint_url) {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name EndpointUrl -Value $Config.S3.endpoint_url
            else {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name EndpointUrl -Value $Config.endpoint_url
            if ($Config.S3.max_concurrent_requests) {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name MaxConcurrentRequests -Value $Config.S3.max_concurrent_requests
            elseif ($Config.max_concurrent_requests) {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name MaxConcurrentRequests -Value $Config.max_concurrent_requests
            else {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name MaxConcurrentRequests -Value ([Environment]::ProcessorCount)
            if ($Config.S3.max_queue_size) {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name MaxQueueSize -Value $Config.S3.max_queue_size
            elseif ($Config.max_queue_size) {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name MaxQueueSize -Value $Config.max_queue_size
            else {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name MaxQueueSize -Value 1000
            if ($Config.S3.multipart_threshold) {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name MultipartThreshold -Value $Config.S3.multipart_threshold
            elseif ($Config.multipart_threshold) {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name MultipartThreshold -Value $Config.multipart_threshold
            else {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name MultipartThreshold -Value "8MB"
            if ($Config.S3.multipart_chunksize) {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name MultipartChunksize -Value $Config.S3.multipart_chunksize
            elseif ($Config.multipart_chunksize) {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name MultipartChunksize -Value $Config.multipart_chunksize
            else {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name MultipartChunksize -Value "8MB"
            if ($Config.S3.max_bandwidth) {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name MaxBandwidth -Value $Config.S3.max_bandwidth
            else {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name MaxBandwidth -Value $Config.max_bandwidth
            if ($Config.S3.use_accelerate_endpoint) {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name UseAccelerateEndpoint -Value ([System.Convert]::ToBoolean($Config.S3.use_accelerate_endpoint))
            elseif ($Config.use_accelerate_endpoint) {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name UseAccelerateEndpoint -Value ([System.Convert]::ToBoolean($Config.use_accelerate_endpoint))
            else {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name UseAccelerateEndpoint -Value $false
            if ($Config.S3.use_dualstack_endpoint) {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name UseDualstackEndpoint -Value ([System.Convert]::ToBoolean($Config.S3.use_dualstack_endpoint))
            elseif ($Config.use_dualstack_endpoint) {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name UseDualstackEndpoint -Value ([System.Convert]::ToBoolean($Config.use_dualstack_endpoint))
            else {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name UseDualstackEndpoint -Value $false
            if ($Config.S3.addressing_style) {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name AddressingStyle -Value $Config.S3.addressing_style
            elseif ($Config.addressing_style) {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name AddressingStyle -Value $Config.addressing_style
            else {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name AddressingStyle -Value "auto"
            if ($Config.S3.payload_signing_enabled) {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name PayloadSigningEnabled -Value $Config.S3.payload_signing_enabled
            elseif ($Config.payload_signing_enabled) {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name PayloadSigningEnabled -Value $Config.payload_signing_enabled
            else {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name PayloadSigningEnabled -Value "auto"

            if ($Config.S3.skip_certificate_check) {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SkipCertificateCheck -Value ([System.Convert]::ToBoolean($Config.S3.skip_certificate_check))
            elseif ($Config.skip_certificate_check) {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SkipCertificateCheck -Value ([System.Convert]::ToBoolean($Config.skip_certificate_check))
            else {
                $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SkipCertificateCheck -Value $False
            Write-Output $Output

Set-Alias -Name Get-AwsProfile -Value Get-AwsConfig
Set-Alias -Name Get-AwsCredential -Value Get-AwsConfig
    Get AWS config
    Get AWS config
    If there is a connection to a StorageGRID, this is the AWS config of the connected tenant.
    If a profile is provided, it is the AWS config of the AWS profile.
    .PARAMETER Server
    StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER Credential
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID Account ID
    .PARAMETER Region
    Default Region to use for all requests made with these credentials
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom endpoint URL if different than AWS URL

function Global:Get-AwsConfig {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS credentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation=$AWS_CREDENTIALS_FILE,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Account ID")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Default Region to use for all requests made with these credentials")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="The maximum number of concurrent requests (Default: 10)")][Alias("max_concurrent_requests")][UInt16]$MaxConcurrentRequests,
                HelpMessage="The maximum number of tasks in the task queue")][Alias("max_queue_size")][UInt16]$MaxQueueSize,
                HelpMessage="The size threshold where multipart uploads are used of individual files (Default: 8MB)")][Alias("multipart_threshold")][String]$MultipartThreshold,
                HelpMessage="When using multipart transfers, this is the chunk size that is used for multipart transfers of individual files (Default: 8MB)")][Alias("multipart_chunksize")][String]$MultipartChunksize,
                HelpMessage="The maximum bandwidth that will be consumed for uploading and downloading data to and from Amazon S3")][Alias("max_bandwidth")][String]$MaxBandwidth,
                HelpMessage="Use the Amazon S3 Accelerate endpoint for all s3 and s3api commands. S3 Accelerate must first be enabled on the bucket before attempting to use the accelerate endpoint. This is mutually exclusive with the use_dualstack_endpoint option.")][Alias("use_accelerate_endpoint")][String]$UseAccelerateEndpoint,
                HelpMessage="Use the Amazon S3 dual IPv4 / IPv6 endpoint for all s3 commands. This is mutually exclusive with the use_accelerate_endpoint option.")][Alias("use_dualstack_endpoint")][String]$UseDualstackEndpoint,
                HelpMessage="Specifies which addressing style to use. This controls if the bucket name is in the hostname or part of the URL. Value values are: path, virtual, and auto. The default value is auto.")][Alias("addressing_style")][ValidateSet("auto","path","virtual")][String]$AddressingStyle,
                HelpMessage="Refers to whether or not to SHA256 sign sigv4 payloads. By default, this is disabled for streaming uploads (UploadPart and PutObject) when using https.")][Alias("payload_signing_enabled")][String]$PayloadSigningEnabled,
                HelpMessage="Enable or disable skipping of certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][String]$SkipCertificateCheck

    Begin {
        if (!$Server -and $CurrentSgwServer) {
            $Server = $CurrentSgwServer.PSObject.Copy()

    Process {
        $Config = [PSCustomObject]@{ProfileName = $ProfileName;
                                    AccessKey = $AccessKey;
                                    SecretKey = $SecretKey;
                                    Region = $Region;
                                    EndpointUrl = $EndpointUrl;
                                    MaxConcurrentRequests = $MaxConcurrentRequests;
                                    MaxQueueSize = $MaxQueueSize;
                                    MultipartThreshold = $MultipartThreshold;
                                    MultipartChunksize = $MultipartChunksize;
                                    MaxBandwidth = $MaxBandwidth;
                                    UseAccelerateEndpoint = $UseAccelerateEndpoint;
                                    UseDualstackEndpoint = $UseDualstackEndpoint;
                                    AddressingStyle = $AddressingStyle;
                                    PayloadSigningEnabled = $PayloadSigningEnabled;
                                    SkipCertificateCheck = $SkipCertificateCheck}

        if (!$ProfileName -and !$AccessKey -and !$Server) {
            $ProfileName = "default"

        if ($ProfileName) {
            Write-Verbose "Profile $ProfileName specified, therefore returning AWS config of this profile"
            $Config = Get-AwsConfigs -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation | Where-Object { $_.ProfileName -eq $ProfileName }
            if (!$Config) {
                Write-Verbose "Config for profile $ProfileName not found"
        elseif ($AccessKey) {
            Write-Verbose "Access Key $AccessKey and Secret Access Key specified, therefore returning AWS config for the keys"
        else {
            # if an explicit endpoint URL is provided, use instead of the one from provided server
            if ($Server.AccountId) {
                $AccountId = $Server.AccountId
            if (!$EndpointUrl) {
                $EndpointUrl = $Server.S3EndpointUrl
            if (!$Server.DisableAutomaticAccessKeyGeneration -and $AccountId) {
                Write-Verbose "No profile and no access key specified, but connected to StorageGRID tenant with Account ID $AccountId. Therefore using autogenerated temporary AWS credentials"
                if ($Server.AccessKeyStore[$AccountId].expires -ge (Get-Date).AddMinutes(1) -or ($Server.AccessKeyStore[$AccountId] -and !$Server.AccessKeyStore[$AccountId].expires)) {
                    $Credential = $Server.AccessKeyStore[$AccountId] | Sort-Object -Property expires | Select-Object -Last 1
                    Write-Verbose "Using existing Access Key $( $Credential.AccessKey )"
                else {
                    $Credential = New-SgwS3AccessKey -Server $Server -Expires (Get-Date).AddSeconds($Server.TemporaryAccessKeyExpirationTime) -AccountId $AccountId
                    Write-Verbose "Created new temporary Access Key $( $Credential.AccessKey )"
                $Config.AccessKey = $Credential.AccessKey
                $Config.SecretKey = $Credential.SecretAccessKey
                $Config.EndpointUrl = [System.UriBuilder]::new($EndpointUrl.ToString())

        if ($Region) {
            $Config.Region = $Region
        elseif (!$Config.region) {
            $Config.Region = "us-east-1"

        if ($EndpointUrl) {
            $Config.EndpointUrl = $EndpointUrl

        if ($MaxConcurrentRequests) {
            $Config.MaxConcurrentRequests = $MaxConcurrentRequests
        elseif (!$Config.MaxConcurrentRequests) {
            $Config.MaxConcurrentRequests = ([Environment]::ProcessorCount)

        if ($MaxQueueSize) {
            $Config.MaxQueueSize = $MaxQueueSize
        elseif (!$Config.MaxQueueSize) {
            $Config.MaxQueueSize = 1000

        if ($MultipartThreshold) {
            $Config.MultipartThreshold = $MultipartThreshold
        elseif (!$Config.MultipartThreshold) {
            $Config.MultipartThreshold = "8MB"

        if ($MultipartChunksize) {
            $Config.MultipartChunksize = $MultipartChunksize
        elseif (!$Config.MultipartChunksize) {
            $Config.MultipartChunksize = "8MB"

        if ($MaxBandwidth) {
            $Config.MaxBandwidth = $MaxBandwidth

        if ($UseAccelerateEndpoint) {
            $Config.UseAccelerateEndpoint = ([System.Convert]::ToBoolean($UseAccelerateEndpoint))
        elseif ($null -eq $Config.UseAccelerateEndpoint) {
            $Config.UseAccelerateEndpoint = $false

        if ($UseDualstackEndpoint) {
            $Config.UseDualstackEndpoint = ([System.Convert]::ToBoolean($UseDualstackEndpoint))
        elseif ($null -eq $Config.UseDualstackEndpoint) {
            $Config.UseDualstackEndpoint = $false

        if ($AddressingStyle) {
            $Config.AddressingStyle = $AddressingStyle
        elseif (!$Config.AddressingStyle) {
            $Config.AddressingStyle = "auto"

        if ($PayloadSigningEnabled) {
            $Config.PayloadSigningEnabled = ([System.Convert]::ToBoolean($PayloadSigningEnabled))
        elseif (!$Config.PayloadSigningEnabled) {
            $Config.PayloadSigningEnabled = "auto"

        if ($SkipCertificateCheck) {
            $Config.SkipCertificateCheck = ([System.Convert]::ToBoolean($SkipCertificateCheck))
        elseif ($SkipCertificateCheck -eq $null) {
            $Config.SkipCertificateCheck = $false

        if ($Config.AccessKey -and $Config.SecretKey) {
            Write-Output $Config

Set-Alias -Name Remove-AwsProfile -Value Remove-AwsConfig
Set-Alias -Name Remove-AwsCredential -Value Remove-AwsConfig
    Remove AWS Config
    Remove AWS Config
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials

function Global:Remove-AwsConfig {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile where config should be removed")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation=$AWS_CREDENTIALS_FILE

    Process {
        $ConfigLocation = $ProfileLocation -replace "/[^/]+$",'/config'

        $Credentials = ConvertFrom-AwsConfigFile -AwsConfigFile $ProfileLocation
        $Credentials = $Credentials | Where-Object { $_.ProfileName -ne $ProfileName }
        ConvertTo-AwsConfigFile -Config $Credentials -AwsConfigFile $ProfileLocation

        $Configs = ConvertFrom-AwsConfigFile -AwsConfigFile $ConfigLocation
        $Configs = $Configs | Where-Object { $_.ProfileName -ne $ProfileName }
        ConvertTo-AwsConfigFile -Config $Configs -AwsConfigFile $ConfigLocation

Set-Alias -Name Add-AwsPolicyStatement -Value New-AwsPolicy
Set-Alias -Name New-IamPolicy -Value New-AwsPolicy
Set-Alias -Name Add-IamPolicyStatement -Value New-AwsPolicy
Set-Alias -Name New-S3BucketPolicy -Value New-AwsPolicy
Set-Alias -Name Add-S3BucketPolicyStatement -Value New-AwsPolicy
    Create new S3 Bucket Policy
    Create new S3 Bucket Policy

function Global:New-AwsPolicy {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "PrincipalResourceAction")]

    PARAM (
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 0,
                ValueFromPipeline = $True,
                ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True,
                HelpMessage = "S3 Bucket Policy to add statements to")][Alias("BucketPolicy","IamPolicy","AwsPolicy","Policy")][String]$PolicyString,
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 1,
                HelpMessage = "The Sid element is optional. The Sid is only intended as a description for the user. It is stored but not interpreted by the StorageGRID Webscale system.")][String]$Sid,
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 2,
                HelpMessage = "Use the Effect element to establish whether the specified operations are allowed or denied. You must identify operations you allow (or deny) on buckets or objects using the supported Action element keywords.")][ValidateSet("Allow", "Deny")][String]$Effect = "Allow",
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 3,
                ParameterSetName = "PrincipalResourceAction",
                HelpMessage = "The Resource element identifies buckets and objects. With it you can allow permissions to buckets and objects using the uniform resource name (URN) to identify the resource.")][String[]]
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 3,
                ParameterSetName = "PrincipalResourceNotAction",
                HelpMessage = "The Resource element identifies buckets and objects. With it you can allow permissions to buckets and objects using the uniform resource name (URN) to identify the resource.")][String[]]
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 3,
                ParameterSetName = "PrincipalNotResourceAction",
                HelpMessage = "The Resource element identifies buckets and objects. With it you can allow permissions to buckets and objects using the uniform resource name (URN) to identify the resource.")][String[]]
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 3,
                ParameterSetName = "PrincipalNotResourceNotAction",
                HelpMessage = "The Resource element identifies buckets and objects. With it you can allow permissions to buckets and objects using the uniform resource name (URN) to identify the resource.")][String[]]$Principal = "*",
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 3,
                ParameterSetName = "NotPrincipalResourceAction",
                HelpMessage = "The Resource element identifies buckets and objects. With it you can allow permissions to buckets and objects using the uniform resource name (URN) to identify the resource.")][String[]]
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 3,
                ParameterSetName = "NotPrincipalResourceNotAction",
                HelpMessage = "The Resource element identifies buckets and objects. With it you can allow permissions to buckets and objects using the uniform resource name (URN) to identify the resource.")][String[]]
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 3,
                ParameterSetName = "NotPrincipalNotResourceAction",
                HelpMessage = "The Resource element identifies buckets and objects. With it you can allow permissions to buckets and objects using the uniform resource name (URN) to identify the resource.")][String[]]
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 3,
                ParameterSetName = "NotPrincipalNotResourceNotAction",
                HelpMessage = "The Resource element identifies buckets and objects. With it you can allow permissions to buckets and objects using the uniform resource name (URN) to identify the resource.")][String[]]$NotPrincipal,
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 4,
                ParameterSetName = "PrincipalResourceAction",
                HelpMessage = "The Resource element identifies buckets and objects. With it you can allow permissions to buckets and objects using the uniform resource name (URN) to identify the resource.")][System.UriBuilder[]]
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 4,
                ParameterSetName = "PrincipalResourceNotAction",
                HelpMessage = "The Resource element identifies buckets and objects. With it you can allow permissions to buckets and objects using the uniform resource name (URN) to identify the resource.")][System.UriBuilder[]]
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 4,
                ParameterSetName = "NotPrincipalResourceAction",
                HelpMessage = "The Resource element identifies buckets and objects. With it you can allow permissions to buckets and objects using the uniform resource name (URN) to identify the resource.")][System.UriBuilder[]]
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 4,
                ParameterSetName = "NotPrincipalResourceNotAction",
                HelpMessage = "The Resource element identifies buckets and objects. With it you can allow permissions to buckets and objects using the uniform resource name (URN) to identify the resource.")][System.UriBuilder[]]$Resource = "arn:aws:s3:::*",
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 4,
                ParameterSetName = "PrincipalNotResourceAction",
                HelpMessage = "The NotResource element identifies buckets and objects. With it you can deny permissions to buckets and objects using the uniform resource name (URN) to identify the resource.")][System.UriBuilder[]]
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 4,
                ParameterSetName = "PrincipalNotResourceNotAction",
                HelpMessage = "The NotResource element identifies buckets and objects. With it you can deny permissions to buckets and objects using the uniform resource name (URN) to identify the resource.")][System.UriBuilder[]]
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 4,
                ParameterSetName = "NotPrincipalNotResourceAction",
                HelpMessage = "The NotResource element identifies buckets and objects. With it you can deny permissions to buckets and objects using the uniform resource name (URN) to identify the resource.")][System.UriBuilder[]]
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 4,
                ParameterSetName = "NotPrincipalNotResourceNotAction",
                HelpMessage = "The NotResource element identifies buckets and objects. With it you can deny permissions to buckets and objects using the uniform resource name (URN) to identify the resource.")][System.UriBuilder[]]$NotResource,
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 5,
                ParameterSetName = "PrincipalResourceAction",
                HelpMessage = "The Action element specifies a list of allowed actions and may allow all actions using a wildcard (e.g. s3:*).")][String[]]
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 5,
                ParameterSetName = "PrincipalNotResourceAction",
                HelpMessage = "The Action element specifies a list of allowed actions and may allow all actions using a wildcard (e.g. s3:*).")][String[]]
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 5,
                ParameterSetName = "NotPrincipalResourceAction",
                HelpMessage = "The Action element specifies a list of allowed actions and may allow all actions using a wildcard (e.g. s3:*).")][String[]]
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 5,
                ParameterSetName = "NotPrincipalNotResourceAction",
                HelpMessage = "The Action element specifies a list of allowed actions and may allow all actions using a wildcard (e.g. s3:*).")][String[]]$Action = "s3:*",
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 5,
                ParameterSetName = "PrincipalResourceNotAction",
                HelpMessage = "The NotAction element specifies a list of denied actions and may deny all actions using a wildcard (e.g. s3:*).")][String[]]
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 5,
                ParameterSetName = "PrincipalNotResourceNotAction",
                HelpMessage = "The NotAction element specifies a list of denied actions and may deny all actions using a wildcard (e.g. s3:*).")][String[]]
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 5,
                ParameterSetName = "NotPrincipalResourceNotAction",
                HelpMessage = "The NotAction element specifies a list of denied actions and may deny all actions using a wildcard (e.g. s3:*).")][String[]]
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 5,
                ParameterSetName = "NotPrincipalNotResourceNotAction",
                HelpMessage = "The NotAction element specifies a list of denied actions and may deny all actions using a wildcard (e.g. s3:*).")][String[]]$NotAction,
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 6,
                HelpMessage = "The Condition element is optional. Conditions allow you to build expressions to determine when a policy should be applied.")][String]$Condition,
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 7,
                HelpMessage = "Grant full access.")][Switch]$FullAccess,
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 8,
                HelpMessage = "Grant full access.")][Switch]$ReadOnlyAccess,
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 9,
                HelpMessage = "Explicitly deny write operations.")][Switch]$DenyWriteDeleteAndPolicyChanges,
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 10,
                HelpMessage = "Explicitly deny write operations.")][Alias("WormAccess")][Switch]$WriteOnceReadManyAccess

    Process {
        # see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/access-policy-language-overview.html for details on Policies

        if ($CurrentSgwServer -and ($Resource -match "arn:aws" -or $NotResource  -match "arn:aws")) {
            Write-Warning "Resource starts with arn:aws:"
            Write-Warning "If the policy is created for an S3 service different than AWS (e.g. StorageGRID),the Resource may need to be specified as:"
            if ($Resource) {
                Write-Warning ($Resource.ToString() -replace "arn:aws:","urn:sgws:")
            else {
                Write-Warning ($NotResource.ToString() -replace "arn:aws:","urn:sgws:")

        if ($FullAccess.IsPresent) {
            $Effect = "Allow"
            $Action = "s3:*"

        if (!$PolicyString) {
            $Policy = [PSCustomObject]@{ Version = "2012-10-17"; Statement = @() }
        else {
            $Policy = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $PolicyString

        $Statement = [PSCustomObject]@{ Effect = $Effect }

        if ($Sid) {
            $Statement | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Sid -Value $Sid
        if ($Principal) {
            # if everyone should be authorized (*) an array is not allowed in the policy
            if ($Principal -eq "*") {
                $Statement | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Principal -Value $Principal[0]
            else {
                $Statement | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Principal -Value ([PSCustomObject]@{})
                if ($Principal -match "aws") {
                    $Statement.Principal | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name AWS -Value $Principal
                else {
                    $Statement.Principal | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SGWS -Value $Principal
        if ($NotPrincipal) {
            if ($NotPrincipal -eq "*") {
                $Statement | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name NotPrincipal -Value $NotPrincipal[0]
            else {
                $Statement | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name NotPrincipal -Value ([PSCustomObject]@{})
                if ($Principal -match "aws") {
                    $Statement.NotPrincipal | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name AWS -Value $NotPrincipal
                else {
                    $Statement.NotPrincipal | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SGWS -Value $NotPrincipal
        if ($Resource) {
            $Statement | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Resource -Value $Resource.Uri.AbsoluteUri
        if ($NotResource) {
            $Statement | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name NotResource -Value $NotResource.Uri.AbsoluteUri
        if ($Action) {
            $Statement | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Action -Value $Action
        if ($NotAction) {
            $Statement | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name NotAction -Value $NotAction
        if ($Condition) {
            $Statement | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Condition -Value $Condition

        if ($ReadOnlyAccess.IsPresent) {
            $Effect = "Allow"
            # StorageGRID does not allow the full set of actions to be specified, therefore we need to differentiate
            if ($Resource -match "aws") {
                $Action = @("s3:ListBucket", "s3:ListBucketVersions", "s3:ListAllMyBuckets", "s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads", "s3:ListMultipartUploadParts", "s3:GetAccelerateConfiguration", "s3:GetAnalyticsConfiguration", "s3:GetBucketAcl", "s3:GetBucketCORS", "s3:GetBucketLocation", "s3:GetBucketLogging", "s3:GetBucketNotification", "s3:GetBucketPolicy", "s3:GetBucketRequestPayment", "s3:GetBucketTagging", "s3:GetBucketVersioning", "s3:GetBucketWebsite", "s3:GetInventoryConfiguration", "s3:GetIpConfiguration", "s3:GetLifecycleConfiguration", "s3:GetMetricsConfiguration", "s3:GetObject", "s3:GetObjectAcl", "s3:GetObjectTagging", "s3:GetObjectTorrent", "s3:GetObjectVersion", "s3:GetObjectVersionAcl", "s3:GetObjectVersionForReplication", "s3:GetObjectVersionTagging", "s3:GetObjectVersionTorrent", "s3:GetReplicationConfiguration")
            else {
                $Action = @("s3:ListBucket", "s3:ListBucketVersions", "s3:ListAllMyBuckets", "s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads", "s3:ListMultipartUploadParts", "s3:GetBucketCORS", "s3:GetBucketLocation", "s3:GetBucketNotification", "s3:GetBucketPolicy", "s3:GetBucketVersioning", "s3:GetObject", "s3:GetObjectAcl", "s3:GetObjectTagging", "s3:GetObjectVersion", "s3:GetObjectVersionAcl", "s3:GetObjectVersionTagging", "s3:GetReplicationConfiguration")

        if ($DenyWriteDeleteAndPolicyChanges.IsPresent) {
            $Effect = "Deny"
            # StorageGRID does not allow the full set of actions to be specified, therefore we need to differentiate
            if ($Resource -match "aws") {
                $Action = @("s3:AbortMultipartUpload","s3:DeleteObject","s3:DeleteObjectTagging","s3:DeleteObjectVersion","s3:DeleteObjectVersionTagging","s3:PutObject","s3:PutObjectAcl","s3:PutObjectTagging","s3:PutObjectVersionAcl","s3:PutObjectVersionTagging","s3:RestoreObject","s3:CreateBucket","s3:DeleteBucket","s3:DeleteBucketPolicy","s3:DeleteBucketWebsite","s3:PutAccelerateConfiguration","s3:PutAnalyticsConfiguration","s3:PutBucketAcl","s3:PutBucketCORS","s3:PutBucketLogging","s3:PutBucketNotification","s3:PutBucketPolicy","s3:PutBucketRequestPayment","s3:PutBucketTagging","s3:PutBucketVersioning","s3:PutBucketWebsite","s3:PutEncryptionConfiguration","s3:PutInventoryConfiguration","s3:PutLifecycleConfiguration","s3:PutMetricsConfiguration","s3:PutReplicationConfiguration")
            else {
                $Action = @("s3:AbortMultipartUpload","s3:DeleteObject","s3:DeleteObjectTagging","s3:DeleteObjectVersion","s3:DeleteObjectVersionTagging","s3:PutObject","s3:PutObjectTagging","s3:PutObjectVersionTagging","s3:CreateBucket","s3:DeleteBucket","s3:DeleteBucketPolicy","s3:PutBucketCORS","s3:PutBucketLogging","s3:PutBucketNotification","s3:PutBucketPolicy","s3:PutBucketTagging","s3:PutBucketVersioning","s3:PutReplicationConfiguration")

        if ($WriteOnceReadManyAccess) {
            $Statement.Effect = "Allow"
            $Statement.Action = "s3:*"
            $Policy.Statement += $Statement.PSObject.Copy()
            $Statement.Effect = "Deny"
            # StorageGRID does not allow the full set of actions to be specified, therefore we need to differentiate
            if ($Resource -match "aws") {
                throw "not supported by AWS"
            else {
                $Statement.Action = @("s3:PutOverwriteObject","s3:DeleteObject","s3:DeleteObjectVersion","s3:PutBucketPolicy","s3:DeleteBucketPolicy")

        $Policy.Statement += $Statement

        # convert to JSON
        $PolicyString = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Policy -Depth 10

        Write-Output $PolicyString

### S3 Cmdlets ###

## Buckets ##

    Get S3 Buckets
    Get S3 Buckets
    .PARAMETER Server
    StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
    Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Use presigned URL
    Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom S3 Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style (Default: Auto)
    .PARAMETER UseDualstackEndpoint
    Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.
    .PARAMETER Region
    Bucket Region
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket Name

function Global:Get-S3Buckets {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS credentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.")][Switch]$UseDualstackEndpoint,

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Method = "GET"
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

    Process {
        Write-Verbose "Retrieving all buckets"

        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        $Uri = "/"

        if ($Config) {
            $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Uri $Uri -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -UseDualstackEndpoint:$UseDualstackEndpoint
            if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
                Write-Output $AwsRequest
            else {
                $Result = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers -ErrorAction Stop

                $Content = [XML]$Result.Content

                if ($Content.ListAllMyBucketsResult) {
                    if ($BucketName) {
                        $XmlBuckets = $Content.ListAllMyBucketsResult.Buckets.ChildNodes | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower() }
                    else {
                        $XmlBuckets = $Content.ListAllMyBucketsResult.Buckets.ChildNodes
                    foreach ($XmlBucket in $XmlBuckets) {
                        $Location = Get-S3BucketLocation -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Bucket $XmlBucket.Name -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -UseDualstackEndpoint:$UseDualstackEndpoint
                        $UnicodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetUnicode($XmlBucket.Name)
                        # ensure that we keep uppercase letters
                        if ($UnicodeBucketName -eq $XmlBucket.Name) {
                            $UnicodeBucketName = $XmlBucket.Name
                        $Bucket = [PSCustomObject]@{ BucketName = $UnicodeBucketName; CreationDate = $XmlBucket.CreationDate; OwnerId = $Content.ListAllMyBucketsResult.Owner.ID; OwnerDisplayName = $Content.ListAllMyBucketsResult.Owner.DisplayName; Region = $Location }
                        Write-Output $Bucket
        elseif ($CurrentSgwServer.SupportedApiVersions -match "1" -and !$CurrentSgwServer.AccountId -and !$AccountId -and $CurrentSgwServer.S3EndpointUrl) {
            Write-Host "No config provided, but connected to StorageGRID Webscale. Therefore retrieving all buckets of all tenants."
            $Accounts = Get-SgwAccounts -Capabilities "s3"
            foreach ($Account in $Accounts) {
                Get-S3Buckets -Server $CurrentSgwServer -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $CurrentSgwServer.S3EndpointUrl -AccountId $Account.Id

    Test if S3 Bucket exists
    Test if S3 Bucket exists
    .PARAMETER Server
    StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
    Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Use presigned URL
    Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom S3 Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against
    .PARAMETER Region
    Bucket Region
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style (Default: Auto)
    .PARAMETER UseDualstackEndpoint
    Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket Name
    .PARAMETER CheckAllRegions
    Check all regions - by default only the specified region (or us-east-1 if no region is specified) will be checked.

function Global:Test-S3Bucket {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.")][Switch]$UseDualstackEndpoint,
                HelpMessage="Check all regions - by default only the specified region (or us-east-1 if no region is specified) will be checked.")][Switch]$CheckAllRegions,
                HelpMessage="Force check of specified bucketname and do not convert it to IDN compatible string")][Switch]$Force

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck
        $Method = "HEAD"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # if BucketName contains uppercase letters test if bucket was created correctly without uppercase letters or if it contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName -and -not $Force.IsPresent) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
                Write-Output $BucketNameExists
        if (-not $Force.IsPresent) {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        if ($Force) {
            $UrlStyle = "path"

        if ($Config)  {
            $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Bucket $BucketName -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Region $Region
            if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
                Write-Output $AwsRequest
            else {
                try {
                    $Null = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers
                    Write-Output $true
                catch {
                    $RedirectedRegion = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
                    if ($CheckAllRegions.IsPresent -and [int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -match "^3" -and $_.Exception.Response.Headers.TryGetValues("x-amz-bucket-region",[ref]$RedirectedRegion)) {
                        Write-Warning "Request was redirected as bucket does not belong to region $Region. Repeating request with region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) returned by S3 service."
                        Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Bucket $BucketName
                    else {
                        Write-Output $false

    Create S3 Bucket
    Create S3 Bucket
    .PARAMETER Server
    StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
    Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Use presigned URL
    Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom S3 Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style (Default: Auto)
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket Name
    .PARAMETER CannedAclName
    Canned ACL
    .PARAMETER PublicReadOnly
    If set, applies an ACL making the bucket public with read-only permissions
    .PARAMETER PublicReadWrite
    If set, applies an ACL making the bucket public with read-write permissions
    .PARAMETER PublicReadOnlyPolicy
    If set, applies a Bucket Policy making the bucket public with read-only permissions
    .PARAMETER PublicReadWritePolicy
    If set, applies a Bucket Policy making the bucket public with read-write permissions
    .PARAMETER Region
    Bucket Region
    .PARAMETER UseDualstackEndpoint
    Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Parameter is only used for compatibility with AWS Cmdlets and will be ignored

function Global:New-S3Bucket {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="Bucket Name")][Alias("Name","Bucket")][String]$BucketName,
                HelpMessage="Canned ACL")][Alias("CannedAcl","Acl")][String][ValidateSet("private","public-read","public-read-write","aws-exec-read","authenticated-read","bucket-owner-read","bucket-owner-full-control")]$CannedAclName,
                HelpMessage="If set, applies an ACL making the bucket public with read-only permissions")][Switch]$PublicReadOnly,
                HelpMessage="If set, applies an ACL making the bucket public with read-write permissions")][Switch]$PublicReadWrite,
                HelpMessage="If set, applies a Bucket Policy making the bucket public with read-only permissions")][Switch]$PublicReadOnlyPolicy,
                HelpMessage="If set, applies a Bucket Policy making the bucket public with read-write permissions")][Switch]$PublicReadWritePolicy,
                HelpMessage="Bucket Region")][Alias("Location","LocationConstraint")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.")][Switch]$UseDualstackEndpoint,
                HelpMessage="Parameter is only used for compatibility with AWS Cmdlets and will be ignored")][Switch]$Force,
                HelpMessage="Enable Payload Signing")][Switch]$PayloadSigningEnabled


    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Method = "PUT"
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -PayloadSigningEnabled:$PayloadSigningEnabled

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Config) {
            Throw "No S3 credentials found"

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        # TODO: Implement CannedAcl, PublicReadOnly, PublicReadWrite, PublicReadOnlyPolicy and PublicReadWritePolicy

        # AWS does not allow to set LocationConstraint for default region us-east-1
        if ($Region -and $Region -ne "us-east-1") {
            $RequestPayload = "<CreateBucketConfiguration xmlns=`"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/`"><LocationConstraint>$Region</LocationConstraint></CreateBucketConfiguration>"

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names and convert to lowercase
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which MUST NOT be used. Converting BucketName to lowercase $PunycodeBucketName. AWS S3 and StorageGRID Webscale 11.1 do not support Buckets with uppercase letters!"
        $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Bucket $BucketName -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -RequestPayload $RequestPayload -Region $Region -UseDualstackEndpoint:$UseDualstackEndpoint -PayloadSigningEnabled:$Config.PayloadSigningEnabled

        if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
            Write-Output $AwsRequest
        else {
            $Null = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers -Body $RequestPayload -ErrorAction Stop

    Remove S3 Bucket
    Remove S3 Bucket
    .PARAMETER Server
    StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
    Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Use presigned URL
    Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom S3 Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against
    .PARAMETER Region
    Bucket Region
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style (Default: Auto)
    .PARAMETER UseDualstackEndpoint
    Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket Name
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force deletion even if bucket is not empty
    .PARAMETER DeleteBucketContent
    If set, all remaining objects and/or object versions in the bucket are deleted proir to the bucket itself being deleted

function Global:Remove-S3Bucket {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.")][Switch]$UseDualstackEndpoint,
                HelpMessage="Bucket Name")][Alias("Name","Bucket")][String]$BucketName,
                HelpMessage="Force deletion even if bucket is not empty.")][Switch]$Force,
                HelpMessage="If set, all remaining objects and/or object versions in the bucket are deleted proir to the bucket itself being deleted.")][Switch]$DeleteBucketContent

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck
        $Method = "DELETE"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        if ($Force -or $DeleteBucketContent) {
            try {
                $BucketVersioningEnabled = Get-S3BucketVersioning -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Bucket $BucketName -Region $Region -UseDualstackEndpoint:$UseDualstackEndpoint -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck
                if ($BucketVersioningEnabled) {
                    Get-S3ObjectVersions -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Bucket $BucketName -Region $Region -UseDualstackEndpoint:$UseDualstackEndpoint -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck | Remove-S3Object -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -UseDualstackEndpoint:$UseDualstackEndpoint -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck
            catch {
                if ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -ne "NotImplemented") {
                    throw $_
            Write-Verbose "Force parameter specified, removing all objects in the bucket before removing the bucket"
            Get-S3Objects -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Bucket $BucketName -Region $Region -UseDualstackEndpoint:$UseDualstackEndpoint -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck | Remove-S3Object -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -UseDualstackEndpoint:$UseDualstackEndpoint -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Bucket $BucketName -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Region $Region -UseDualstackEndpoint:$UseDualstackEndpoint

        if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
            Write-Output $AwsRequest
        else {
            $Null = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers -ErrorAction Stop

    Retrieve Bucket Encryption
    Retrieve Bucket Encryption
    .PARAMETER Server
    StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
    Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Use presigned URL
    Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom S3 Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style (Default: Auto)
    .PARAMETER UseDualstackEndpoint
    Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.
    .PARAMETER Region
    Bucket Region
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket Name

function Global:Get-S3BucketEncryption {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck
        $Method = "GET"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        $Query = @{encryption=""}

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        if ($Config)  {
            $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Bucket $BucketName -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Region $Region -Query $Query
            if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
                Write-Output $AwsRequest
            else {
                try {
                    $Result = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers

                    # PowerShell does not correctly parse Unicode content, therefore assuming Unicode encoding and parsing ourself
                    $Content = [XML][System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($Result.RawContentStream.ToArray())

                    foreach ($Rule in $Content.ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration.Rule) {
                        $Output = [PSCustomObject]@{SSEAlgorithm=$Rule.ApplyServerSideEncryptionByDefault.SSEAlgorithm;
                        Write-Output $Output
                catch {
                    $RedirectedRegion = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
                    if ($CheckAllRegions.IsPresent -and [int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -match "^3" -and $_.Exception.Response.Headers.TryGetValues("x-amz-bucket-region",[ref]$RedirectedRegion)) {
                        Write-Warning "Request was redirected as bucket does not belong to region $Region. Repeating request with region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) returned by S3 service."
                        Get-S3BucketEncryption -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Bucket $BucketName

    Set Bucket Encryption
    Set Bucket Encryption
    .PARAMETER Server
    StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
    Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Use presigned URL
    Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom S3 Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style (Default: Auto)
    .PARAMETER UseDualstackEndpoint
    Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.
    .PARAMETER Region
    Bucket Region
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket Name
    .PARAMETER SSEAlgorithm
    The server-side encryption algorithm to use.
    The AWS KMS master key ID used for the SSE-KMS encryption.

function Global:Set-S3BucketEncryption {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="The server-side encryption algorithm to use.")][ValidateSet("AES256","aws:kms")][String]$SSEAlgorithm,
                HelpMessage="The AWS KMS master key ID used for the SSE-KMS encryption.")][System.UriBuilder]$KMSMasterKeyID,
                HelpMessage="Enable Payload Signing")][Switch]$PayloadSigningEnabled

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -PayloadSigningEnabled:$PayloadSigningEnabled
        $Method = "PUT"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        $Query = @{encryption=""}

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        $Body = "<ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration xmlns=`"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/`">"
        $Body += "<Rule>"
        $Body += "<ApplyServerSideEncryptionByDefault>"
        $Body += "<SSEAlgorithm>$SSEAlgorithm</SSEAlgorithm>"
        if ($KMSMasterKeyID) {
            $Body += "<KMSMasterKeyID>$KMSMasterKeyID</KMSMasterKeyID>"
        $Body += "</ApplyServerSideEncryptionByDefault>"
        $Body += "</Rule>"
        $Body += "</ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration>"

        if ($Config)  {
            $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Bucket $BucketName -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Region $Region -Query $Query -RequestPayload $Body -PayloadSigningEnabled:$Config.PayloadSigningEnabled
            if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
                Write-Output $AwsRequest
            else {
                try {
                    $Result = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers -Body $Body

                    # PowerShell does not correctly parse Unicode content, therefore assuming Unicode encoding and parsing ourself
                    $Content = [XML][System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($Result.RawContentStream.ToArray())

                    foreach ($Rule in $Content.ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration.Rule) {
                        $Output = [PSCustomObject]@{SSEAlgorithm=$Rule.ApplyServerSideEncryptionByDefault.SSEAlgorithm;
                        Write-Output $Output
                catch {
                    $RedirectedRegion = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
                    if ($CheckAllRegions.IsPresent -and [int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -match "^3" -and $_.Exception.Response.Headers.TryGetValues("x-amz-bucket-region",[ref]$RedirectedRegion)) {
                        Write-Warning "Request was redirected as bucket does not belong to region $Region. Repeating request with region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) returned by S3 service."
                        Set-S3BucketEncryption -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Bucket $BucketName -SSEAlgorithm $SSEAlgorithm -KMSMasterKeyID $KMSMasterKeyID

    Remove Bucket Encryption
    Remove Bucket Encryption
    .PARAMETER Server
    StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
    Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Use presigned URL
    Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom S3 Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style (Default: Auto)
    .PARAMETER UseDualstackEndpoint
    Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.
    .PARAMETER Region
    Bucket Region
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket Name

function Global:Remove-S3BucketEncryption {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck
        $Method = "DELETE"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        $Query = @{encryption=""}

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        if ($Config)  {
            $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Bucket $BucketName -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Region $Region -Query $Query
            if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
                Write-Output $AwsRequest
            else {
                try {
                    $Null = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers
                catch {
                    $RedirectedRegion = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
                    if ($CheckAllRegions.IsPresent -and [int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -match "^3" -and $_.Exception.Response.Headers.TryGetValues("x-amz-bucket-region",[ref]$RedirectedRegion)) {
                        Write-Warning "Request was redirected as bucket does not belong to region $Region. Repeating request with region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) returned by S3 service."
                        Remove-S3BucketEncryption -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Bucket $BucketName

Set-Alias -Name Get-S3BucketCorsConfigurationRule -Value Get-S3BucketCorsConfiguration
Set-Alias -Name Get-S3BucketCors -Value Get-S3BucketCorsConfiguration
Set-Alias -Name Get-S3CORSConfiguration -Value Get-S3BucketCorsConfiguration
    Retrieve Bucket CORS Configuration
    Retrieve Bucket CORS Configuration
    .PARAMETER Server
    StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
    Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Use presigned URL
    Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom S3 Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style (Default: Auto)
    .PARAMETER UseDualstackEndpoint
    Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.
    .PARAMETER Region
    Bucket Region
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket Name
    A unique identifier for the rule.

function Global:Get-S3BucketCorsConfiguration {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="A unique identifier for the rule.")][ValidateLength(1,255)][String]$Id

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck
        $Method = "GET"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        $Query = @{cors=""}

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        if ($Config)  {
            $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Bucket $BucketName -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Region $Region -Query $Query
            if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
                Write-Output $AwsRequest
            else {
                try {
                    $Result = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers

                    # PowerShell does not correctly parse Unicode content, therefore assuming Unicode encoding and parsing ourself
                    $Content = [XML][System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($Result.RawContentStream.ToArray())

                    foreach ($Rule in $Content.CORSConfiguration.CORSRule) {
                        $Output = [PSCustomObject]@{
                            BucketName      = $BucketName
                            Id              = $Rule.Id
                            AllowedMethod   = $Rule.AllowedMethod
                            AllowedOrigin   = $Rule.AllowedOrigin
                            AllowedHeader   = $Rule.AllowedHeader
                            MaxAgeSeconds   = $Rule.MaxAgeSeconds
                            ExposeHeader    = $Rule.ExposeHeader
                        if (!$Id -or ($Id -and $Output.Id -match $Id)) {
                            Write-Output $Output
                catch {
                    $RedirectedRegion = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
                    if ($CheckAllRegions.IsPresent -and [int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -match "^3" -and $_.Exception.Response.Headers.TryGetValues("x-amz-bucket-region",[ref]$RedirectedRegion)) {
                        Write-Warning "Request was redirected as bucket does not belong to region $Region. Repeating request with region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) returned by S3 service."
                        Get-S3BucketEncryption -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Bucket $BucketName
                    elseif ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -ne [System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::NotFound) {

Set-Alias -Name Add-S3BucketCorsConfiguration -Value Add-S3BucketCorsConfigurationRule
Set-Alias -Name Write-S3CorsConfiguration -Value Add-S3BucketCorsConfigurationRule
Set-Alias -Name Add-S3BucketCorsRule -Value Add-S3BucketCorsConfigurationRule
    Add Bucket CORS Configuration Rule
    Add Bucket CORS Configuration Rule
    .PARAMETER Server
    StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
    Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Use presigned URL
    Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom S3 Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style (Default: Auto)
    .PARAMETER UseDualstackEndpoint
    Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.
    .PARAMETER Region
    Bucket Region
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket Name
    A unique identifier for the rule.
    .PARAMETER AllowedMethods
    The HTTP methods the origin shall be allowed to execute.
    .PARAMETER AllowedOrigins
    Origins which shall be allowed to execute.
    .PARAMETER AllowedHeaders
    Specifies which headers are allowed in a pre-flight OPTIONS request via the Access-Control-Request-Headers header.
    .PARAMETER MaxAgeSeconds
    The time in seconds that the browser is to cache the preflight response for the specified resource.
    .PARAMETER ExposeHeaders
    One or more headers in the response that the client is able to access from his applications (for example, from a JavaScript XMLHttpRequest object).

function Global:Add-S3BucketCorsConfigurationRule {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="A unique identifier for the rule.")][ValidateLength(1,255)][String]$Id,
                HelpMessage="The HTTP methods the origin shall be allowed to execute.")][ValidateSet("GET", "PUT", "HEAD", "POST", "DELETE")][Alias("AllowedMethod")][String[]]$AllowedMethods,
                HelpMessage="Origins which shall be allowed to execute.")][Alias("AllowedOrigin")][String[]]$AllowedOrigins,
                HelpMessage="Specifies which headers are allowed in a pre-flight OPTIONS request via the Access-Control-Request-Headers header.")][Alias("AllowedHeader")][String[]]$AllowedHeaders,
                HelpMessage="The time in seconds that the browser is to cache the preflight response for the specified resource.")][Int]$MaxAgeSeconds,
                HelpMessage="One or more headers in the response that the client is able to access from his applications (for example, from a JavaScript XMLHttpRequest object).")][Alias("ExposeHeader")][String[]]$ExposeHeaders

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -PayloadSigningEnabled:$true
        $Method = "PUT"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        $Query = @{cors=""}

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        $CorsConfigurationRules = @()

        $CorsConfigurationRules += Get-S3BucketCorsConfiguration -Server $Server -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Region -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -BucketName $BucketName

        $CorsConfigurationRule = [PSCustomObject]@{
            ID = $Id
            AllowedMethod = $AllowedMethods
            AllowedOrigin = $AllowedOrigins
            AllowedHeader = $AllowedHeaders
            MaxAgeSeconds = $MaxAgeSeconds
            ExposeHeader = $ExposeHeaders

        $CorsConfigurationRules += $CorsConfigurationRule

        $Body = "<CORSConfiguration>"
        foreach ($CorsConfigurationRule in $CorsConfigurationRules) {
            $Body += "<CORSRule>"
            if ($CorsConfigurationRule.Id) {
                $Body += "<ID>$($CorsConfigurationRule.Id)</ID>"
            foreach ($AllowedMethod in $CorsConfigurationRule.AllowedMethod) {
                $Body += "<AllowedMethod>$AllowedMethod</AllowedMethod>"
            foreach ($AllowedOrigin in $CorsConfigurationRule.AllowedOrigin) {
                $Body += "<AllowedOrigin>$AllowedOrigin</AllowedOrigin>"
            foreach ($AllowedHeader in $CorsConfigurationRule.AllowedHeader) {
                $Body += "<AllowedHeader>$AllowedHeader</AllowedHeader>"
            if ($MaxAgeSeconds) {
                $Body += "<MaxAgeSeconds>$($CorsConfigurationRule.MaxAgeSeconds)</MaxAgeSeconds>"
            foreach ($ExposeHeader in $CorsConfigurationRule.ExposeHeader) {
                $Body += "<ExposeHeader>$ExposeHeader</ExposeHeader>"
            $Body += "</CORSRule>"
        $Body += "</CORSConfiguration>"

        Write-Verbose "Body:`n$Body"

        if ($Config)  {
            $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Bucket $BucketName -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Region $Region -Query $Query -RequestPayload $Body -PayloadSigningEnabled:$Config.PayloadSigningEnabled
            if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
                Write-Output $AwsRequest
            else {
                try {
                    $Null = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers -Body $Body
                catch {
                    $RedirectedRegion = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
                    if ($CheckAllRegions.IsPresent -and [int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -match "^3" -and $_.Exception.Response.Headers.TryGetValues("x-amz-bucket-region",[ref]$RedirectedRegion)) {
                        Write-Warning "Request was redirected as bucket does not belong to region $Region. Repeating request with region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) returned by S3 service."
                        Set-S3BucketEncryption -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Bucket $BucketName -SSEAlgorithm $SSEAlgorithm -KMSMasterKeyID $KMSMasterKeyID
                    else {

    Remove Bucket CORS Configuration Rule
    Remove Bucket CORS Configuration Rule
    .PARAMETER Server
    StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
    Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Use presigned URL
    Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom S3 Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style (Default: Auto)
    .PARAMETER UseDualstackEndpoint
    Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.
    .PARAMETER Region
    Bucket Region
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket Name
    A unique identifier for the rule.

function Global:Remove-S3BucketCorsConfigurationRule {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="A unique identifier for the rule.")][ValidateLength(1,255)][String]$Id

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        # get all rules
        $CorsConfigurationRules = Get-S3BucketCorsConfiguration -Server $Server -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Region -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -BucketName $BucketName

        if (!($CorsConfigurationRules | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $Id })) {
            Write-Warning "CORS Configuration Rule ID $Id does not exist"

        # remove the rule with the specified ID
        $CorsConfigurationRules = $CorsConfigurationRules | Where-Object { $_.Id -ne $Id }

        Remove-S3BucketCorsConfiguration -Server $Server -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Region -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -BucketName $BucketName

        # write all rules
        $CorsConfigurationRules | Add-S3BucketCorsConfigurationRule -Server $Server -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Region -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -BucketName $BucketName

Set-Alias -Name Remove-S3BucketCors -Value Remove-S3BucketCorsConfiguration
Set-Alias -Name Remove-S3CORSConfiguration -Value Remove-S3BucketCorsConfiguration
    Remove Bucket CORS Configuration
    Remove Bucket CORS Configuration
    .PARAMETER Server
    StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
    Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Use presigned URL
    Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom S3 Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style (Default: Auto)
    .PARAMETER UseDualstackEndpoint
    Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.
    .PARAMETER Region
    Bucket Region
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket Name

function Global:Remove-S3BucketCorsConfiguration {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck
        $Method = "DELETE"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        $Query = @{cors=""}

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        if ($Config)  {
            $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Bucket $BucketName -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Region $Region -Query $Query
            if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
                Write-Output $AwsRequest
            else {
                try {
                    $Null = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers
                catch {
                    $RedirectedRegion = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
                    if ($CheckAllRegions.IsPresent -and [int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -match "^3" -and $_.Exception.Response.Headers.TryGetValues("x-amz-bucket-region",[ref]$RedirectedRegion)) {
                        Write-Warning "Request was redirected as bucket does not belong to region $Region. Repeating request with region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) returned by S3 service."
                        Get-S3BucketEncryption -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Bucket $BucketName
                    elseif ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -ne [System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::NotFound) {

Set-Alias -Name Get-S3BucketReplicationConfigurationRule -Value Get-S3BucketReplicationConfiguration
Set-Alias -Name Get-S3BucketReplication -Value Get-S3BucketReplicationConfiguration
Set-Alias -Name Get-S3ReplicationConfiguration -Value Get-S3BucketReplicationConfiguration
    Retrieve Bucket Replication Configuration
    Retrieve Bucket Replication Configuration
    .PARAMETER Server
    StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
    Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Use presigned URL
    Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom S3 Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style (Default: Auto)
    .PARAMETER UseDualstackEndpoint
    Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.
    .PARAMETER Region
    Bucket Region
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket Name
    A unique identifier for the rule.

function Global:Get-S3BucketReplicationConfiguration {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="A unique identifier for the rule.")][ValidateLength(1,255)][String]$Id

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck
        $Method = "GET"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        $Query = @{replication=""}

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        if ($Config)  {
            $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Bucket $BucketName -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Region $Region -Query $Query
            if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
                Write-Output $AwsRequest
            else {
                try {
                    $Result = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers

                    # PowerShell does not correctly parse Unicode content, therefore assuming Unicode encoding and parsing ourself
                    $Content = [XML][System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($Result.RawContentStream.ToArray())

                    foreach ($Rule in $Content.ReplicationConfiguration.Rule) {
                        $Output = [PSCustomObject]@{
                            BucketName              = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetUnicode($BucketName)
                            Role                    = $Content.ReplicationConfiguration.Role
                            Id                      = $Rule.Id
                            Status                  = $Rule.Status
                            Prefix                  = $Rule.Prefix
                            DestinationBucketName   = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetUnicode($Rule.Destination.Bucket -replace ".*:::","")
                            DestinationStorageClass = $Rule.Destination.StorageClass
                            DestinationAccount      = $Rule.Destination.Account
                            DestinationOwner        = $Rule.Destination.AccessControlTranslation.Owner
                        if (!$Id -or ($Id -and $Output.Id -match $Id)) {
                            Write-Output $Output
                catch {
                    $RedirectedRegion = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
                    if ($CheckAllRegions.IsPresent -and [int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -match "^3" -and $_.Exception.Response.Headers.TryGetValues("x-amz-bucket-region",[ref]$RedirectedRegion)) {
                        Write-Warning "Request was redirected as bucket does not belong to region $Region. Repeating request with region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) returned by S3 service."
                        Get-S3BucketEncryption -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Bucket $BucketName
                    elseif ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -ne [System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::NotFound) {

Set-Alias -Name Add-S3BucketReplicationConfiguration -Value Add-S3BucketReplicationConfigurationRule
Set-Alias -Name Write-S3ReplicationConfiguration -Value Add-S3BucketReplicationConfigurationRule
Set-Alias -Name Add-S3BucketReplicationRule -Value Add-S3BucketReplicationConfigurationRule
    Add Bucket Replication Configuration Rule
    Add Bucket Replication Configuration Rule
    .PARAMETER Server
    StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
    Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Use presigned URL
    Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom S3 Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style (Default: Auto)
    .PARAMETER UseDualstackEndpoint
    Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.
    .PARAMETER Region
    Bucket Region
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket Name
    A unique identifier for the rule.
    .PARAMETER AllowedMethods
    The HTTP methods the origin shall be allowed to execute.
    .PARAMETER AllowedOrigins
    Origins which shall be allowed to execute.
    .PARAMETER AllowedHeaders
    Specifies which headers are allowed in a pre-flight OPTIONS request via the Access-Control-Request-Headers header.
    .PARAMETER MaxAgeSeconds
    The time in seconds that the browser is to cache the preflight response for the specified resource.
    .PARAMETER ExposeHeaders
    One or more headers in the response that the client is able to access from his applications (for example, from a JavaScript XMLHttpRequest object).

function Global:Add-S3BucketReplicationConfigurationRule {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")]
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")]
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")]
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")]
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")]
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="A unique identifier for the rule.")][ValidateLength(1,255)][String]$Id,
                HelpMessage="IAM role that Amazon S3 can assume when replicating the objects.")][String]$Role,
                HelpMessage="The rule is ignored if status is not set to Enabled.")][ValidateSet("Enabled","Disabled")][String]$Status="Enabled",
                HelpMessage="Object key name prefix that identifies one or more objects to which the rule applies. Maximum prefix length is 1,024 characters. Prefixes can't overlap.")][ValidateLength(1,255)][String]$Prefix,
                HelpMessage="URN or ARN of the bucket where you want store replicas of the object identified by the rule (for AWS it is arn:aws:s3:::<destination-bucket> for StorageGRID it is urn:sgws:s3:::<destination-bucket> ).")]
                HelpMessage="URN or ARN of the bucket where you want store replicas of the object identified by the rule (for AWS it is arn:aws:s3:::<destination-bucket> for StorageGRID it is urn:sgws:s3:::<destination-bucket> ).")]
                HelpMessage="URN or ARN of the bucket where you want store replicas of the object identified by the rule (for AWS it is arn:aws:s3:::<destination-bucket> for StorageGRID it is urn:sgws:s3:::<destination-bucket> ).")][Alias("DestinationBucketArn")][System.UriBuilder]$DestinationBucketUrn,
                HelpMessage="Destination bucket name where the objects should be replicated to. Can only be used if the Destination Bucket is in the same Object Store as the Bucket to replicate.")]
                HelpMessage="Destination bucket name where the objects should be replicated to. Can only be used if the Destination Bucket is in the same Object Store as the Bucket to replicate.")]
                HelpMessage="Destination bucket name where the objects should be replicated to. Can only be used if the Destination Bucket is in the same Object Store as the Bucket to replicate.")][Alias("DestinationBucket")][String]$DestinationBucketName,
                HelpMessage="Optional destination storage class override to use when replicating objects. If a storage class is not specified, Amazon S3 uses the storage class of the source object to create object replicas.")][ValidateSet("STANDARD","STANDARD_IA","ONEZONE_IA","REDUCED_REDUNDANCY")][String]$DestinationStorageClass,
                HelpMessage="Account ID of the destination bucket owner. In a cross-account scenario, if you tell Amazon S3 to change replica ownership to the AWS account that owns the destination bucket by adding the AccessControlTranslation element, this is the account ID of the destination bucket owner.")][String]$DestinationAccount,
                HelpMessage="Identifies the replica owner.")][String]$DestinationOwner

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck
        $Method = "PUT"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        $Query = @{replication=""}

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        if ($DestinationBucketName) {
            # Convert Destination Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
            $DestinationBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($DestinationBucketName).ToLower()

        if ($DestinationBucketUrn) {
            $DestinationBucketName = $DestinationBucketUrn.Uri.ToString() -replace ".*:.*:.*:.*:.*:(.*)",'$1'
            # Convert Destination Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
            $DestinationBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($DestinationBucketName).ToLower()
            $DestinationBucketUrnPrefix = $DestinationBucketUrn.Uri.ToString() -replace "(.*:.*:.*:.*:.*:).*",'$1'
            $DestinationBucketUrn = [System.UriBuilder]"$DestinationBucketUrnPrefix$DestinationBucketName"

        $ReplicationConfigurationRules = @()

        $ReplicationConfigurationRules += Get-S3BucketReplicationConfiguration -Server $Server -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Region -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -BucketName $BucketName

        $ReplicationConfigurationRule = [PSCustomObject]@{
            ID                      = $Id
            Role                    = $Role
            Status                  = $Status
            Prefix                  = $Prefix
            DestinationBucketName   = $DestinationBucketName
            DestinationStorageClass = $DestinationStorageClass
            DestinationAccount      = $DestinationAccount
            DestinationOwner        = $DestinationOwner

        $ReplicationConfigurationRules += $ReplicationConfigurationRule

        $Body = "<ReplicationConfiguration>"
        if ($Role) {
            $Body += "<Role>$Role</Role>"
        foreach ($ReplicationConfigurationRule in $ReplicationConfigurationRules) {
            if (!$DestinationBucketUrn) {
                if (!$Config.EndpointUrl -or $Config.EndpointUrl -match "amazonaws.com") {
                    # AWS Bucket URNs start with arn:aws:s3:::
                    $DestinationBucketUrn = "arn:aws:s3:::$($ReplicationConfigurationRule.DestinationBucketName)"
                else {
                    # else expecting StorageGRID where Bucket URNs start with urn:sgws:s3:::
                    $DestinationBucketUrn = "urn:sgws:s3:::$($ReplicationConfigurationRule.DestinationBucketName)"

            $Body += "<Rule>"
            if ($ReplicationConfigurationRule.Id) {
                $Body += "<ID>$($ReplicationConfigurationRule.Id)</ID>"
            $Body += "<Status>$($ReplicationConfigurationRule.Status)</Status>"
            $Body += "<Prefix>$($ReplicationConfigurationRule.Prefix)</Prefix>"
            $Body += "<Destination>"
            $Body += "<Bucket>$($DestinationBucketUrn)</Bucket>"
            if ($ReplicationConfigurationRule.StorageClass) {
                $Body += "<StorageClass>$($ReplicationConfigurationRule.StorageClass)</StorageClass>"
            if ($ReplicationConfigurationRule.Account) {
                $Body += "<Account>$($ReplicationConfigurationRule.Account)</Account>"
            if ($ReplicationConfigurationRule.Owner) {
                $Body += "<AccessControlTranslation><Owner>$($ReplicationConfigurationRule.Account)</Owner></AccessControlTranslation>"
            $Body += "</Destination>"
            $Body += "</Rule>"
        $Body += "</ReplicationConfiguration>"

        Write-Verbose "Body:`n$Body"

        if ($Config)  {
            $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Bucket $BucketName -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Region $Region -Query $Query -RequestPayload $Body -PayloadSigningEnabled:$True
            if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
                Write-Output $AwsRequest
            else {
                try {
                    $Null = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers -Body $Body
                catch {
                    $RedirectedRegion = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
                    if ($CheckAllRegions.IsPresent -and [int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -match "^3" -and $_.Exception.Response.Headers.TryGetValues("x-amz-bucket-region",[ref]$RedirectedRegion)) {
                        Write-Warning "Request was redirected as bucket does not belong to region $Region. Repeating request with region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) returned by S3 service."
                        Set-S3BucketEncryption -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Bucket $BucketName -SSEAlgorithm $SSEAlgorithm -KMSMasterKeyID $KMSMasterKeyID
                    else {

    Remove Bucket Replication Configuration Rule
    Remove Bucket Replication Configuration Rule
    .PARAMETER Server
    StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
    Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Use presigned URL
    Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom S3 Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style (Default: Auto)
    .PARAMETER UseDualstackEndpoint
    Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.
    .PARAMETER Region
    Bucket Region
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket Name
    A unique identifier for the rule.

function Global:Remove-S3BucketReplicationConfigurationRule {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="A unique identifier for the rule.")][ValidateLength(1,255)][String]$Id

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        # get all rules
        $ReplicationConfigurationRules = Get-S3BucketReplicationConfiguration -Server $Server -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Region -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -BucketName $BucketName

        if (!($ReplicationConfigurationRules | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $Id })) {
            Write-Warning "Replication Configuration Rule ID $Id does not exist"

        # remove the rule with the specified ID
        $ReplicationConfigurationRules = $ReplicationConfigurationRules | Where-Object { $_.Id -ne $Id }

        Remove-S3BucketReplicationConfiguration -Server $Server -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Region -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -BucketName $BucketName

        # write all rules
        $ReplicationConfigurationRules | Add-S3BucketCorsConfigurationRule -Server $Server -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Region -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -BucketName $BucketName

Set-Alias -Name Remove-S3BucketReplication -Value Remove-S3BucketReplicationConfiguration
Set-Alias -Name Remove-S3ReplicationConfiguration -Value Remove-S3BucketReplicationConfiguration
    Remove Bucket Replication Configuration
    Remove Bucket Replication Configuration
    .PARAMETER Server
    StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
    Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Use presigned URL
    Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom S3 Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style (Default: Auto)
    .PARAMETER UseDualstackEndpoint
    Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.
    .PARAMETER Region
    Bucket Region
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket Name

function Global:Remove-S3BucketReplicationConfiguration {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck
        $Method = "DELETE"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        $Query = @{replication=""}

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        if ($Config)  {
            $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Bucket $BucketName -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Region $Region -Query $Query
            if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
                Write-Output $AwsRequest
            else {
                try {
                    $Null = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers
                catch {
                    $RedirectedRegion = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
                    if ($CheckAllRegions.IsPresent -and [int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -match "^3" -and $_.Exception.Response.Headers.TryGetValues("x-amz-bucket-region",[ref]$RedirectedRegion)) {
                        Write-Warning "Request was redirected as bucket does not belong to region $Region. Repeating request with region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) returned by S3 service."
                        Get-S3BucketEncryption -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Bucket $BucketName
                    elseif ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -ne [System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::NotFound) {

    Get S3 Bucket Policy
    Get S3 Bucket Policy
    .PARAMETER Server
    StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
    Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Use presigned URL
    Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom S3 Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against
    .PARAMETER Region
    Bucket Region
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style (Default: Auto)
    .PARAMETER UseDualstackEndpoint
    Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket Name

function Global:Get-S3BucketPolicy {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck
        $Method = "GET"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        $Query = @{policy=""}

        $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Bucket $BucketName -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Query $Query -Region $Region

        if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
            Write-Output $AwsRequest
        else {
            try {
                $Result = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) {
                    if ($_.Exception.Response) {
                        $Reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream())
                        $Reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
                        $ResponseBody = $Reader.ReadToEnd()
                        if ($ResponseBody.StartsWith('{')) {
                            $ResponseBody = $ResponseBody | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-Json
                else {
                    $ResponseBody = $_.ErrorDetails.Message
                if ($ResponseBody -match "NoSuchBucketPolicy") {
                    Write-Output ""
                else {
                    throw $_

            # pretty print JSON
            if ($Result.Content) {
                $Policy = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $Result.Content | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
                Write-Output $Policy

Set-Alias -Name Add-S3BucketPolicy -Value Set-S3BucketPolicy
Set-Alias -Name Write-S3BucketPolicy -Value Set-S3BucketPolicy
    Replace S3 Bucket Policy
    Replace S3 Bucket Policy
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
    Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Use presigned URL
    Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom S3 Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against
    .PARAMETER Region
    Bucket Region
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style (Default: Auto)
    .PARAMETER UseDualstackEndpoint
    Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket Name
    .PARAMETER Policy
    The bucket policy as a JSON document
    .PARAMETER PublicReadOnlyPolicy
    If set, applies a Bucket Policy making the bucket public with read-only permissions
    .PARAMETER PublicReadWritePolicy
    If set, applies a Bucket Policy making the bucket public with read-write permissions

function Global:Set-S3BucketPolicy {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="Bucket Name")][Alias("Name","Bucket")][String]$BucketName,
                HelpMessage="The bucket policy as a JSON document")][String]$Policy="",
                HelpMessage="Enable Payload Signing")][Switch]$PayloadSigningEnabled,
                HelpMessage="If set, applies an ACL making the bucket public with read-only permissions")][Switch]$PublicReadOnlyPolicy,
                HelpMessage="If set, applies an ACL making the bucket public with read-write permissions")][Switch]$PublicReadWritePolicy

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -PayloadSigningEnabled:$PayloadSigningEnabled
        $Method = "PUT"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        $Query = @{policy=""}

        if ($Config.EndpointUrl -match "amazonaws.com" -or !$Config.EndpointUrl) {
            $Resource = @("arn:aws:s3:::$BucketName","arn:aws:s3:::$BucketName/*")
        else {
            $Resource =@("urn:sgws:s3:::$BucketName","urn:sgws:s3:::$BucketName/*")

        if (!$Policy -and $PublicReadOnlyPolicy.IsPresent) {
            $Policy = New-AwsPolicy -Resource $Resource -ReadOnlyAccess
        if (!$Policy -and $PublicReadOnlyPolicy.IsPresent) {
            $Policy = New-AwsPolicy -Resource $Resource

        # pretty print JSON to simplify debugging
        $Policy = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $Policy | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10

        $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Bucket $BucketName -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Query $Query -Region $Region -RequestPayload $Policy -PayloadSigningEnabled:$Config.PayloadSigningEnabled

        if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
            Write-Output $AwsRequest
        else {
            $Result = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers -Body $Policy -ErrorAction Stop

            Write-Output $Result.Content

    Remove S3 Bucket Policy
    Remove S3 Bucket Policy
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
    Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Use presigned URL
    Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom S3 Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against
    .PARAMETER Region
    Bucket Region
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style (Default: Auto)
    .PARAMETER UseDualstackEndpoint
    Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket Name

function Global:Remove-S3BucketPolicy {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="Bucket Name")][Alias("Name","Bucket")][String]$BucketName

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -PayloadSigningEnabled:$PayloadSigningEnabled
        $Method = "DELETE"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        $Query = @{policy=""}

        $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Bucket $BucketName -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Query $Query -Region $Region

        if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
            Write-Output $AwsRequest
        else {
            $Result = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers -Body $Policy -ErrorAction Stop

            Write-Output $Result.Content

    Retrieve Bucket Tagging
    Retrieve Bucket Tagging
    .PARAMETER Server
    StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
    Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Use presigned URL
    Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom S3 Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style (Default: Auto)
    .PARAMETER UseDualstackEndpoint
    Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.
    .PARAMETER Region
    Bucket Region
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket Name

function Global:Get-S3BucketTagging {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck
        $Method = "GET"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        $Query = @{tagging=""}

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        if ($Config)  {
            $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Bucket $BucketName -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Region $Region -Query $Query
            if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
                Write-Output $AwsRequest
            else {
                try {
                    $Result = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers

                    # PowerShell does not correctly parse Unicode content, therefore assuming Unicode encoding and parsing ourself
                    $Content = [XML][System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($Result.RawContentStream.ToArray())

                    foreach ($Tag in $Content.Tagging.TagSet.Tag) {
                        $Output = [System.Collections.DictionaryEntry]@{Name=$Tag.Key;Value=$Tag.Value}
                        Write-Output $Output
                catch {
                    $RedirectedRegion = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
                    if ($CheckAllRegions.IsPresent -and [int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -match "^3" -and $_.Exception.Response.Headers.TryGetValues("x-amz-bucket-region",[ref]$RedirectedRegion)) {
                        Write-Warning "Request was redirected as bucket does not belong to region $Region. Repeating request with region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) returned by S3 service."
                        Get-S3BucketTagging -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Bucket $BucketName
                    elseif ([int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -eq 404) {
                        Write-Verbose "No tags found"
                    else {

    Set Bucket Tagging
    Set Bucket Tagging
    .PARAMETER Server
    StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
    Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Use presigned URL
    Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom S3 Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style (Default: Auto)
    .PARAMETER UseDualstackEndpoint
    Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.
    .PARAMETER Region
    Bucket Region
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket Name
    List of Name Value pairs e.g. @(@{Name='Key1';Value='Value1'},@{Name='Key1';Value='Value1'})

function Global:Set-S3BucketTagging {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="List of Name Value pairs e.g. @(@{Name='Key1';Value='Value1'},@{Name='Key1';Value='Value1'})")][System.Collections.DictionaryEntry[]]$Tags

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -PayloadSigningEnabled:$true
        $Method = "PUT"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        $Query = @{tagging=""}

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        $Body = "<Tagging>"
        $Body += "<TagSet>"
        foreach ($Tag in $Tags) {
            $Body += "<Tag><Key>$($Tag.Name)</Key><Value>$($Tag.Value)</Value></Tag>"
        $Body += "</TagSet>"
        $Body += "</Tagging>"

        if ($Config)  {
            $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Bucket $BucketName -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Region $Region -Query $Query -RequestPayload $Body -PayloadSigningEnabled:$Config.PayloadSigningEnabled
            if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
                Write-Output $AwsRequest
            else {
                try {
                    $Result = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers -Body $Body

                    # PowerShell does not correctly parse Unicode content, therefore assuming Unicode encoding and parsing ourself
                    $Content = [XML][System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($Result.RawContentStream.ToArray())

                    foreach ($Rule in $Content.ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration.Rule) {
                        $Output = [PSCustomObject]@{SSEAlgorithm=$Rule.ApplyServerSideEncryptionByDefault.SSEAlgorithm;
                        Write-Output $Output
                catch {
                    $RedirectedRegion = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
                    if ($CheckAllRegions.IsPresent -and [int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -match "^3" -and $_.Exception.Response.Headers.TryGetValues("x-amz-bucket-region",[ref]$RedirectedRegion)) {
                        Write-Warning "Request was redirected as bucket does not belong to region $Region. Repeating request with region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) returned by S3 service."
                        Set-S3BucketTagging -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Bucket $BucketName -Tags $Tags
                    else {

    Remove Bucket Tagging
    Remove Bucket Tagging
    .PARAMETER Server
    StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
    Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Use presigned URL
    Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom S3 Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style (Default: Auto)
    .PARAMETER UseDualstackEndpoint
    Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.
    .PARAMETER Region
    Bucket Region
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket Name

function Global:Remove-S3BucketTagging {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck
        $Method = "DELETE"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        $Query = @{tagging=""}

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        if ($Config)  {
            $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Bucket $BucketName -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Region $Region -Query $Query
            if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
                Write-Output $AwsRequest
            else {
                try {
                    $Null = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers
                catch {
                    $RedirectedRegion = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
                    if ($CheckAllRegions.IsPresent -and [int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -match "^3" -and $_.Exception.Response.Headers.TryGetValues("x-amz-bucket-region",[ref]$RedirectedRegion)) {
                        Write-Warning "Request was redirected as bucket does not belong to region $Region. Repeating request with region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) returned by S3 service."
                        Remove-S3BucketTagging -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Bucket $BucketName

    Get S3 Bucket Versioning
    Get S3 Bucket Versioning
    .PARAMETER Server
    StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
    Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Use presigned URL
    Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom S3 Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against
    .PARAMETER Region
    Bucket Region
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style (Default: Auto)
    .PARAMETER UseDualstackEndpoint
    Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket Name

function Global:Get-S3BucketVersioning {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.")][Switch]$UseDualstackEndpoint,

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck
        $Method = "GET"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force -UseDualstackEndpoint:$UseDualstackEndpoint
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        $Query = @{versioning=""}

        $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Bucket $BucketName -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Query $Query -Region $Region -UseDualstackEndpoint:$UseDualstackEndpoint

        if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
            Write-Output $AwsRequest
        else {
            try {
                $Result = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                $RedirectedRegion = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
                if ($CheckAllRegions.IsPresent -and [int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -match "^3" -and $_.Exception.Response.Headers.TryGetValues("x-amz-bucket-region",[ref]$RedirectedRegion)) {
                    Write-Warning "Request was redirected as bucket does not belong to region $Region. Repeating request with region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) returned by S3 service."
                    Get-S3BucketVersioning -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Bucket $BucketName -UseDualstackEndpoint:$UseDualstackEndpoint
                else {

            # PowerShell does not correctly parse Unicode content, therefore assuming Unicode encoding and parsing ourself
            $Content = [XML][System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($Result.RawContentStream.ToArray())

            Write-Output $Content.VersioningConfiguration.Status

    Enable S3 Bucket Versioning
    Enable S3 Bucket Versioning
    .PARAMETER Server
    StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
    Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Use presigned URL
    Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom S3 Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against
    .PARAMETER Region
    Bucket Region
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style (Default: Auto)
    .PARAMETER UseDualstackEndpoint
    Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket Name

function Global:Enable-S3BucketVersioning {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="Enable Payload Signing")][Switch]$PayloadSigningEnabled

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -PayloadSigningEnabled:$PayloadSigningEnabled
        $Method = "PUT"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        $Query = @{versioning=""}

        $RequestPayload = "<VersioningConfiguration xmlns=`"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/`"><Status>Enabled</Status></VersioningConfiguration>"

        $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Query $Query -Bucket $BucketName -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -RequestPayload $RequestPayload -Region $Region -PayloadSigningEnabled:$Config.PayloadSigningEnabled

        if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
            Write-Output $AwsRequest
        else {
            try {
                $Result = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers -Body $RequestPayload -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                $RedirectedRegion = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
                if ($CheckAllRegions.IsPresent -and [int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -match "^3" -and $_.Exception.Response.Headers.TryGetValues("x-amz-bucket-region",[ref]$RedirectedRegion)) {
                    Write-Warning "Request was redirected as bucket does not belong to region $Region. Repeating request with region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) returned by S3 service."
                    Enable-S3BucketVersioning -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Bucket $BucketName
                else {

            # PowerShell does not correctly parse Unicode content, therefore assuming Unicode encoding and parsing ourself
            $Content = [XML][System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($Result.RawContentStream.ToArray())

            Write-Output $Content.VersioningConfiguration.Status

    Suspend S3 Bucket Versioning
    Suspend S3 Bucket Versioning
    .PARAMETER Server
    StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
    Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Use presigned URL
    Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom S3 Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against
    .PARAMETER Region
    Bucket Region
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style (Default: Auto)
    .PARAMETER UseDualstackEndpoint
    Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket Name

function Global:Suspend-S3BucketVersioning {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="Enable Payload Signing")][Switch]$PayloadSigningEnabled

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -PayloadSigningEnabled:$PayloadSigningEnabled
        $Method = "PUT"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        $Query = @{versioning=""}

        $RequestPayload = "<VersioningConfiguration xmlns=`"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/`"><Status>Suspended</Status></VersioningConfiguration>"

        $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Query $Query -Bucket $BucketName -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -RequestPayload $RequestPayload -Region $Region -PayloadSigningEnabled:$Config.PayloadSigningEnabled

        if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
            Write-Output $AwsRequest
        else {
            try {
                $Result = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers -Body $RequestPayload -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                $RedirectedRegion = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
                if ($CheckAllRegions.IsPresent -and [int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -match "^3" -and $_.Exception.Response.Headers.TryGetValues("x-amz-bucket-region",[ref]$RedirectedRegion)) {
                    Write-Warning "Request was redirected as bucket does not belong to region $Region. Repeating request with region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) returned by S3 service."
                    Suspend-S3BucketVersioning -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Bucket $BucketName
                else {

            # PowerShell does not correctly parse Unicode content, therefore assuming Unicode encoding and parsing ourself
            $Content = [XML][System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($Result.RawContentStream.ToArray())

            Write-Output $Content.VersioningConfiguration.Status

Set-Alias -Name Get-S3BucketRegion -Value Get-S3BucketLocation
    Get S3 Bucket Location
    Get S3 Bucket Location
    .PARAMETER Server
    StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
    Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Use presigned URL
    Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom S3 Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style (Default: Auto)
    .PARAMETER UseDualstackEndpoint
    Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket Name

function Global:Get-S3BucketLocation {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.")][Switch]$UseDualstackEndpoint,

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck
        $Method = "GET"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        Write-Verbose "Retrieving location for bucket $BucketName"

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        $Uri = "/"

        $Query = @{location=""}

        # location requests must use path style, as virtual-host style will fail if the bucket is not in the same region as the request
        $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Uri $Uri -Query $Query -Bucket $BucketName -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -UrlStyle "path"

        if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
            Write-Output $AwsRequest
        else {
            $Result = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers -ErrorAction Stop

            # PowerShell does not correctly parse Unicode content, therefore assuming Unicode encoding and parsing ourself
            $Content = [XML][System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($Result.RawContentStream.ToArray())

            $Location = $Content.LocationConstraint.InnerText

            if (!$Location) {
                # if no location is returned, bucket is in default region us-east-1
                Write-Output "us-east-1"
            else {
                Write-Output $Content.LocationConstraint.InnerText

    Get S3 active Multipart Uploads for Bucket
    Get S3 active Multipart Uploads for Bucket
    .PARAMETER Server
    StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
    Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Use presigned URL
    Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom S3 Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against
    .PARAMETER Region
    Bucket Region
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style (Default: Auto)
    .PARAMETER UseDualstackEndpoint
    Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket Name
    .PARAMETER Prefix
    Lists in-progress uploads only for those keys that begin with the specified prefix
    .PARAMETER EncodingType
    Encoding type (Only allowed value is url).
    .PARAMETER MaxUploads
    Maximum Number of uploads to return
    .PARAMETER KeyMarker
    Continuation part number marker
    .PARAMETER UploadIdMarker
    Continuation part number marker

function Global:Get-S3MultipartUploads {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL. This Cmdlet always uses presigned URLs for best performance.")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.")][Switch]$UseDualstackEndpoint,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket Name")][Alias("Name","Bucket")][String]$BucketName,
                HelpMessage="Lists in-progress uploads only for those keys that begin with the specified prefix.")][String]$Prefix,
                HelpMessage="Encoding type (Only allowed value is url).")][String][ValidateSet("url")]$EncodingType="url",
                HelpMessage="Maximum Number of uploads to return")][Int][ValidateRange(0,1000)]$MaxUploads=0,
                HelpMessage="Continuation part number marker")][String]$KeyMarker,
                HelpMessage="Continuation part number marker")][String]$UploadIdMarker

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        $Method = "GET"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        $Query = @{uploads=""}
        if ($EncodingType) {
            $Query["encoding-type"] = $EncodingType
        if ($MaxUploads -ge 1) {
            $Query["max-uploads"] = $MaxUploads
        if ($KeyMarker) {
            $Query["key-marker"] = $KeyMarker
        if ($UploadIdMarker) {
            $Query["upload-id-marker"] = $UploadIdMarker

        $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Query $Query -Bucket $BucketName -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Region $Region

        if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
            Write-Output $AwsRequest
        else {
            try {
                $Result = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers -ErrorAction Stop

                $Content = [XML]$Result.Content

                $UnicodeBucket = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetUnicode($Content.ListMultipartUploadsResult.Bucket)

                foreach ($Upload in $Content.ListMultipartUploadsResult.Upload) {
                    $Upload = [PSCustomObject]@{BucketName=$UnicodeBucket;

                    Write-Output $Upload

                if ($Content.ListMultipartUploadsResult.IsTruncated -eq "true" -and $MaxUploads -eq 0) {
                    Write-Verbose "1000 Uploads were returned and max uploads was not limited so continuing to get all uploads"
                    Write-Debug "NextKeyMarker: $($Content.ListMultipartUploadsResult.NextKeyMarker)"
                    Write-Debug "NextUploadIdMarker: $($Content.ListMultipartUploadsResult.NextUploadIdMarker)"
                    Get-S3MultipartUploads -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Region $Region -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -UseDualstackEndpoint:$UseDualstackEndpoint -Bucket $BucketName -MaxUploads $MaxUploads -KeyMarker $Content.ListMultipartUploadsResult.NextKeyMarker -UploadIdMarker $Content.ListMultipartUploadsResult.UploadIdMarker
            catch {
                $RedirectedRegion = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
                if ([int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -match "^3" -and $_.Exception.Response.Headers.TryGetValues("x-amz-bucket-region",[ref]$RedirectedRegion)) {
                    Write-Warning "Request was redirected as bucket does not belong to region $Region. Repeating request with region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) returned by S3 service."
                    Get-S3MultipartUploads -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -UseDualstackEndpoint:$UseDualstackEndpoint -Bucket $BucketName -MaxUploads $MaxUploads -KeyMarker $Content.ListMultipartUploadsResult.NextKeyMarker -UploadIdMarker $Content.ListMultipartUploadsResult.UploadIdMarker -EncodingType $EncodingType
                else {

## Objects ##

Set-Alias -Name Get-S3Object -Value Get-S3Objects
    Get S3 Objects in Bucket
    Get S3 Objects in Bucket

function Global:Get-S3Objects {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.")][Switch]$UseDualstackEndpoint,
                HelpMessage="Bucket Name")][Alias("Name","Bucket")][String]$BucketName,
                HelpMessage="Maximum Number of keys to return")][Int][ValidateRange(0,1000)]$MaxKeys=0,
                HelpMessage="Bucket prefix for filtering")][Alias("Key")][String]$Prefix,
                HelpMessage="Bucket prefix for filtering")][String]$Delimiter,
                HelpMessage="Return Owner information (Only valid for list type 2).")][Switch]$FetchOwner=$False,
                HelpMessage="Return key names after a specific object key in your key space. The S3 service lists objects in UTF-8 character encoding in lexicographical order (Only valid for list type 2).")][String]$StartAfter,
                HelpMessage="Continuation token (Only valid for list type 1).")][String]$Marker,
                HelpMessage="Continuation token (Only valid for list type 2).")][String]$ContinuationToken,
                HelpMessage="Encoding type (Only allowed value is url).")][String][ValidateSet("url")]$EncodingType="url",
                HelpMessage="Bucket list type.")][String][ValidateSet(1,2)]$ListType=1

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Method = "GET"

        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Config) {
            Throw "No S3 credentials found"

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        $Query = @{}

        if ($Delimiter) { $Query["delimiter"] = $Delimiter }
        if ($EncodingType) { $Query["encoding-type"] = $EncodingType }
        if ($MaxKeys -ge 1) {
            $Query["max-keys"] = $MaxKeys
        if ($Prefix) { $Query["prefix"] = $Prefix }

        # S3 supports two types for listing buckets, but only v2 is recommended, thus using list-type=2 query parameter
        if ($ListType -eq 1) {
            if ($Marker) { $Query["marker"] = $Marker }
        else {
            $Query["list-type"] = 2
            if ($FetchOwner) { $Query["fetch-owner"] = $FetchOwner }
            if ($StartAfter) { $Query["start-after"] = $StartAfter }
            if ($ContinuationToken) { $Query["continuation-token"] = $ContinuationToken }

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Bucket $BucketName -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Region $Region -Query $Query -UseDualstackEndpoint:$UseDualstackEndpoint

        if ($DryRun) {
            Write-Output $AwsRequest
        else {
            try {
                $Result = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers -ErrorAction Stop

                $Content = [XML]$Result.Content

                $Objects = $Content.ListBucketResult.Contents | Where-Object { $_ }

                $UnicodeBucket = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetUnicode($Content.ListBucketResult.Name)
                if ($UnicodeBucket -match $BucketName) {
                    $UnicodeBucket = $BucketName

                foreach ($Object in $Objects) {
                    $Object = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        LastModified=(Get-Date $Object.LastModified);
                        ETag=([System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlDecode($Object.ETag) -replace '"','');
                    Write-Output $Object

                if ($Content.ListBucketResult.IsTruncated -eq "true" -and $MaxKeys -eq 0) {
                    Write-Verbose "1000 Objects were returned and max keys was not limited so continuing to get all objects"
                    Write-Debug "NextMarker: $($Content.ListBucketResult.NextMarker)"
                    Get-S3Objects -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Region $Region -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -UseDualstackEndpoint:$UseDualstackEndpoint -Bucket $BucketName -MaxKeys $MaxKeys -Prefix $Prefix -FetchOwner:$FetchOwner -StartAfter $StartAfter -ContinuationToken $Content.ListBucketResult.NextContinuationToken -Marker $Content.ListBucketResult.NextMarker
            catch {
                $RedirectedRegion = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
                if ([int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -match "^3" -and $_.Exception.Response.Headers.TryGetValues("x-amz-bucket-region",[ref]$RedirectedRegion)) {
                    Write-Warning "Request was redirected as bucket does not belong to region $Region. Repeating request with region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) returned by S3 service."
                    Get-S3Objects -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -UseDualstackEndpoint:$UseDualstackEndpoint -Bucket $BucketName -MaxKeys $MaxKeys -Prefix $Prefix -Delimiter $Delimiter -FetchOwner:$FetchOwner -StartAfter $StartAfter -Marker $Marker -ContinuationToken $ContinuationToken -EncodingType $EncodingType
                else {

Set-Alias -Name Get-S3BucketVersions -Value Get-S3ObjectVersions
    Get S3 Object Versions
    Get S3 Object Versions

function Global:Get-S3ObjectVersions {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.")][Switch]$UseDualstackEndpoint,
                HelpMessage="Bucket Name")][Alias("Name","Bucket")][String]$BucketName,
                HelpMessage="Object Key")][Alias("Object")][String]$Key,
                HelpMessage="Bucket prefix for filtering")][String]$Prefix,
                HelpMessage="Maximum Number of keys to return")][Int][ValidateRange(0,1000)]$MaxKeys=0,
                HelpMessage="Bucket prefix for filtering")][String][ValidateLength(1,1)]$Delimiter,
                HelpMessage="Continuation token for keys.")][String]$KeyMarker,
                HelpMessage="Continuation token for versions.")][String]$VersionIdMarker,
                HelpMessage="Encoding type (Only allowed value is url).")][String][ValidateSet("url")]$EncodingType="url",
                HelpMessage="Version types to return")][String][ValidateSet("Version","DeleteMarker")]$Type

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -UseDualstackEndpoint:$UseDualstackEndpoint
        $Method = "GET"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        $Query = @{versions=""}

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        if ($Delimiter) { $Query["delimiter"] = $Delimiter }
        if ($EncodingType) { $Query["encoding-type"] = $EncodingType }
        if ($MaxKeys -ge 1) {
            $Query["max-keys"] = $MaxKeys
        if ($Key) { $Query["prefix"] = $Key }
        if ($Prefix) { $Query["prefix"] = $Prefix }
        if ($KeyMarker) { $Query["key-marker"] = $KeyMarker }
        if ($VersionIdMarker) { $Query["version-id-marker"] = $VersionIdMarker }

        $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Query $Query -Bucket $BucketName -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Region $Region -UseDualstackEndpoint:$Config.UseDualstackEndpoint

        if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
            Write-Output $AwsRequest
        else {
            $Result = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers -ErrorAction Stop

            $Content = [XML]$Result.Content

            Write-Verbose $Result

            $Versions = @($Content.ListVersionsResult.Version | Where-Object { $_ })
            $Versions | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Type -Value "Version"
            $DeleteMarkers = $Content.ListVersionsResult.DeleteMarker | Where-Object { $_ }
            $DeleteMarkers | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Type -Value "DeleteMarker"
            $Versions += $DeleteMarkers

            foreach ($Version in $Versions) {
                $Version | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name OwnerId -Value $Version.Owner.Id
                $Version | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name OwnerDisplayName -Value $Version.Owner.DisplayName
                $Version | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Region -Value $Region
                if ($Version.ETag) {
                    $Version.ETag = $Version.ETag -replace '"',''
            $Versions | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name BucketName -Value $Content.ListVersionsResult.Name

            if ($Key) {
                $Versions = $Versions | Where-Object { $_.Key -eq $Key }

            if ($Type) {
                $Versions = $Versions | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq $Type }

            Write-Output $Versions

            if ($Content.ListVersionsResult.IsTruncated -eq "true" -and $MaxKeys -eq 0) {
                Write-Verbose "1000 Versions were returned and max keys was not limited so continuing to get all Versions"
                Get-S3ObjectVersions -Server $Server -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Region $Region -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Bucket $BucketName -MaxKeys $MaxKeys -Prefix $Prefix -KeyMarker $Content.ListVersionsResult.NextKeyMarker -VersionIdMarker $Content.ListVersionsResult.NextVersionIdMarker

    Get S3 Presigned URL
    Get S3 Presigned URL

function Global:Get-S3PresignedUrl {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="Bucket Name")][Alias("Name","Bucket")][String]$BucketName,
                HelpMessage="Object key")][Alias("Object")][String]$Key,
                HelpMessage="Object version ID")][String]$VersionId,
                HelpMessage="Expiration Date of presigned URL (default 60 minutes from now)")][System.Datetime]$Expires=(Get-Date).AddHours(1),
                HelpMessage="HTTP Request Method")][ValidateSet("OPTIONS","GET","HEAD","PUT","DELETE","TRACE","CONNECT")][String]$Method="GET"

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        $Uri = "/$Key"
        $Presign = $true

        if ($VersionId) {
            $Query = @{versionId=$VersionId}
        else {
            $Query = @{}

        if ($Metadata) {
            foreach ($Key in $Metadata.Keys) {
                $Key = $Key -replace "^x-amz-meta-",""
                $Query["x-amz-meta-$Key"] = $Metadata[$Key]

        $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Uri $Uri -Query $Query -Bucket $BucketName -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Region $Region -Expires $Expires

        Write-Output $AwsRequest.Uri.ToString()

    Get S3 Object Metadata
    Get S3 Object Metadata

function Global:Get-S3ObjectMetadata {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="Bucket Name")][Alias("Name","Bucket")][String]$BucketName,
                HelpMessage="Object key")][Alias("Object")][String]$Key,
                HelpMessage="Object version ID")][String]$VersionId

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        $Method = "HEAD"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        $Uri = "/$Key"

        if ($VersionId) {
            $Query = @{versionId=$VersionId}
        else {
            $Query = @{}

        $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Uri $Uri -Query $Query -Bucket $BucketName -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Region $Region

        if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
            Write-Output $AwsRequest
        else {
            $Result = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers -ErrorAction Stop

            $Headers = $Result.Headers
            $Metadata = @{}
            $Metadata = @{}
            foreach ($HeaderKey in $Headers.Keys) {
                $Value = $Headers[$HeaderKey]
                if ($HeaderKey -match "x-amz-meta-") {
                    $HeaderKey = $HeaderKey -replace "x-amz-meta-",""
                    $Metadata[$HeaderKey] = $Value -join ","

            # TODO: Implement missing Metadata

            $ETag = $Headers.ETag -replace '"','' | Select-Object -First 1
            $PartCount = $Etag -split "-" | Select-Object -Last 1

            $Output = [PSCustomObject]@{Headers=$Headers;
                Size=$Headers.'Content-Length' | Select-Object -First 1;
                ContentType=$Headers.'Content-Type' | Select-Object -First 1;
                AcceptRanges=$Headers.'Accept-Ranges' | Select-Object -First 1;
                Expiration=$Headers["x-amz-expiration"] | Select-Object -First 1;
                LastModified=$Headers.'Last-Modified' | Select-Object -First 1;
                ETag=$Headers.ETag -replace '"','' | Select-Object -First 1;
                MissingMeta=[int]$Headers["x-amz-missing-meta"] | Select-Object -First 1;
                VersionId=$Headers["x-amz-version-id"] | Select-Object -First 1;
                ServerSideEncryptionMethod=$Headers["x-amz-server-side-encryption"] | Select-Object -First 1;
                ServerSideEncryptionCustomerMethod=$Headers["x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm"] | Select-Object -First 1;
                ServerSideEncryptionKeyManagementServiceKeyId=$Headers["x-amz-server-side-encryption-aws-kms-key-id"] | Select-Object -First 1;
                ReplicationStatus=$Headers["x-amz-replication-status"] | Select-Object -First 1;
                StorageClass=$Headers["x-amz-storage-class"] | Select-Object -First 1;

            Write-Output $Output

Set-Alias -Name Get-S3ObjectVersion -Value Read-S3Object
Set-Alias -Name Read-S3ObjectVersion -Value Read-S3Object
Set-Alias -Name Get-S3Object -Value Read-S3Object
    Read an S3 Object
    Read an S3 Object

function Global:Read-S3Object {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="Bucket Name")][Alias("Name","Bucket")][String]$BucketName,
                HelpMessage="Object key")][Alias("Object")][String]$Key,
                HelpMessage="Object version ID")][String]$VersionId,
                HelpMessage="Byte range to retrieve from object")][String]$Range,
                HelpMessage="Path where object should be stored")][Alias("OutFile")][String]$Path

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        $Method = "GET"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        $Uri = "/$Key"

        if ($VersionId) {
            $Query = @{versionId=$VersionId}
        else {
            $Query = @{}

        $Headers = @{}
        if ($Range) {
            $Headers["Range"] = $Range

        if ($Path) {
            $DirectoryPath = [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Path
            if ($DirectoryPath.Exists) {
                $Item = Get-Item $DirectoryPath
                if ($Item -is [System.IO.FileInfo]) {
                    $OutFile = $Item
                else {
                    $OutFile = Join-Path -Path $DirectoryPath -ChildPath $Key
            elseif ($DirectoryPath.Parent.Exists) {
                $OutFile = $DirectoryPath
            else {
                Throw "Path $DirectoryPath does not exist and parent directory $($DirectoryPath.Parent) also does not exist"

        $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Uri $Uri -Query $Query -Bucket $BucketName -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Region $Region

        if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
            return $AwsRequest

        Write-Verbose "Getting object metadata to determine file size and content type"
        $ObjectMetadata = Get-S3ObjectMetadata -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Bucket $BucketName -Key $Key -VersionId $VersionId -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Region $Region
        $Size = $ObjectMetadata.Headers.'Content-Length' | Select-Object -First 1
        $ContentType = $ObjectMetadata.Headers.'Content-Type' | Select-Object -First 1

        if (!$Path -and $ContentType -match "text|xml|json") {
            $Result = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers
            return $Result.Content
        elseif (!$Path) {
            throw "No path specified and object is not of content-type text XML or JSON"

        $StartTime = Get-Date
        Write-Progress -Activity "Uploading file $($InFile.Name) to $BucketName/$Key" -Status "0 MiB written (0% Complete) / 0 MiB/s / estimated time to completion: 0" -PercentComplete 0

        Write-Debug "Create new file of size $Size"
        $FileStream = [System.IO.FileStream]::new($OutFile,[System.IO.FileMode]::OpenOrCreate,[System.IO.FileAccess]::Write,[System.IO.FileShare]::None)

        Write-Debug "Initializing Memory Mapped File"
        $MemoryMappedFile = [System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile]::CreateFromFile($OutFile, [System.IO.FileMode]::Open)

        Write-Debug "Creating HTTP Client Handler"
        if ($SkipCertificateCheck -and $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) {
            [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy
        elseif ($SkipCertificateCheck) {
            $HttpClientHandler = [System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler]::new()
            $HttpClientHandler.ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback = [System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler]::DangerousAcceptAnyServerCertificateValidator
        else {
            $HttpClientHandler = [System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler]::new()

        Write-Debug "Creating HTTP Client"
        $HttpClient = [System.Net.Http.HttpClient]::new($HttpClientHandler)

        # if the file size is larger than the multipart threshold, then a multipart download should be done
        #if ($Config.MultipartThreshold -and $Size -ge $Config.MultipartThreshold) {
        # Write-Verbose "Using multipart download as object is larger than multipart threshold of $($Config.MultipartThreshold)"
        # # TODO: Multipart Download
        #else {
            Write-Debug "Creating Stream"
            $Stream = $MemoryMappedFile.CreateViewStream()

            Write-Debug "Set Timeout proportional to size of data to be uploaded (assuming at least 100 KByte/s)"
            $HttpClient.Timeout = [Timespan]::FromSeconds([Math]::Max($Stream.Length / 1KB / 100,60))
            Write-Debug "Timeout set to $($HttpClient.Timeout)"

            Write-Debug "Creating GET request"
            $GetRequest = [System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage]::new([System.Net.Http.HttpMethod]::Get,$AwsRequest.Uri)

            Write-Debug "Adding headers"
            foreach ($HeaderKey in $AwsRequest.Headers.Keys) {
                # AWS Authorization Header is not RFC compliant, therefore we need to skip header validation
                $null = $GetRequest.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation($HeaderKey,$AwsRequest.Headers[$HeaderKey])

            $StreamLength = $Stream.Length

            try {
                Write-Debug "Start download"
                $CancellationTokenSource = [System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource]::new()
                $CancellationToken = $CancellationTokenSource.Token
                $CancellationTokenVariable = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateVariableEntry]::new('CancellationToken',$CancellationToken,$Null)
                $CompletionOption = [System.Net.Http.HttpCompletionOption]::ResponseHeadersRead
                $Task = $HttpClient.SendAsync($GetRequest, $CompletionOption,  $CancellationToken)
                $HttpStream = $Task.Result.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync()
                $null = $HttpStream.Result.CopyToAsync($Stream)

                Write-Debug "Report progress and check for cancellation requests"
                while ($Stream.Position -ne $Stream.Length -and !$Task.IsCanceled -and !$Task.IsFaulted -and $Duration -lt $HttpClient.Timeout.TotalSeconds ) {
                    Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
                    $WrittenBytes = $Stream.Position
                    $PercentCompleted = $WrittenBytes / $Size * 100
                    $Duration = ((Get-Date) - $StartTime).TotalSeconds
                    $Throughput = $WrittenBytes / 1MB / $Duration
                    if ($Throughput -gt 0) {
                        $EstimatedTimeToCompletion = [TimeSpan]::FromSeconds([Math]::Round(($Size - $WrittenBytes) / 1MB / $Throughput))
                    else {
                        $EstimatedTimeToCompletion = 0
                    $Activity = "Downloading file $($OutFile.Name) to $BucketName/$Key"
                    $Status = "{0:F2} MiB written | {1:F2}% Complete | {2:F2} MiB/s | estimated time to completion: {3:g}" -f ($WrittenBytes/1MB),$PercentCompleted,$Throughput,$EstimatedTimeToCompletion
                    Write-Progress -Activity $Activity -Status $Status -PercentComplete $PercentCompleted
                $WrittenBytes = $StreamLength

                if ($Task.Exception) {
                    throw $Task.Exception
            catch {
                throw $_
            finally {
                Write-Verbose "Dispose used resources"
                if ($Task) { $Task.Dispose() }
                if ($PutRequest) { $PutRequest.Dispose() }
                if ($StreamContent) { $StreamContent.Dispose() }
                if ($Stream) { $Stream.Dispose() }
                if ($MemoryMappedFile) { $MemoryMappedFile.Dispose() }

        Write-Host "Downloading object $BucketName/$Key of size $([Math]::Round($Size/1MB,4))MiB to file $OutFile completed in $([Math]::Round($Duration,2)) seconds with average throughput of $([Math]::Round($Throughput,2)) MiB/s"

    Write S3 Object
    Write S3 Object

function Global:Write-S3Object {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")]
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")]
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")]
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")]
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")]
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")]
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")]
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")]
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")]
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")]
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="Bucket Name")][Alias("Name","Bucket")][String]$BucketName,
                HelpMessage="Object key. If not provided, filename will be used")]
                HelpMessage="Object key. If not provided, filename will be used")]
                HelpMessage="Object key. If not provided, filename will be used")]
                HelpMessage="Object key. If not provided, filename will be used")]
                HelpMessage="Object key. If not provided, filename will be used")]
                HelpMessage="Object key. If not provided, filename will be used")]
                HelpMessage="Object key. If not provided, filename will be used")]
                HelpMessage="Object key. If not provided, filename will be used")]
                HelpMessage="Object key. If not provided, filename will be used")][Alias("Object")][String]$Key,
                HelpMessage="Path where object should be stored")]
                HelpMessage="Path where object should be stored")]
                HelpMessage="Path where object should be stored")][Alias("Path","File")][System.IO.FileInfo]$InFile,
                HelpMessage="Content type")]
                HelpMessage="Content type")]
                HelpMessage="Content type")][String]$ContentType,
                HelpMessage="Content of object")]
                HelpMessage="Content of object")]
                HelpMessage="Content of object")][Alias("InputObject")][String]$Content,
                HelpMessage="Enable Payload Signing")][Switch]$PayloadSigningEnabled,
                HelpMessage="Specifies the algorithm to use to when encrypting the object.")][ValidateSet("aws:kms","AES256")][String]$ServerSideEncryption

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -PayloadSigningEnabled:$PayloadSigningEnabled
        $Method = "PUT"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        if ($InFile -and !$InFile.Exists) {
            Throw "File $InFile does not exist"

        if (!$Key) {
            $Key = $InFile.Name
        elseif (!$Content) {
            $Content = ""

        # if the file size is larger than the multipart threshold, then a multipart upload should be done
        if (!$Content -and $Config.MultipartThreshold -and $InFile.Length -ge $Config.MultipartThreshold) {
            Write-Verbose "Using multipart upload as file is larger than multipart threshold of $($Config.MultipartThreshold)"
            Write-S3MultipartUpload -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Region -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -BucketName $BucketName -Key $Key -InFile $InFile -Metadata $Metadata
        # if the file size is larger than 5GB multipart upload must be used as PUT Object is only allowed up to 5GB files
        elseif ($InFile.Length -gt 5GB) {
            Write-Warning "Using multipart upload as PUT uploads are only allowed for files smaller than 5GB and file is larger than 5GB."
            Write-S3MultipartUpload -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Region -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -BucketName $BucketName -Key $Key -InFile $InFile -Metadata $Metadata
        else {
            # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
            $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
            # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
            if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
                $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
                if ($BucketNameExists) {
                    Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
                else {
                    $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

            if (!$InFile -and $Content) {
                $ContentType = "text/plain"
            elseif ($InFile) {
                $ContentType = $MIME_TYPES[$InFile.Extension]

            $Headers = @{}
            if ($Metadata) {
                foreach ($MetadataKey in $Metadata.Keys) {
                    $MetadataKey = $MetadataKey -replace "^x-amz-meta-",""
                    $MetadataKey = $MetadataKey.toLower()
                    $Headers["x-amz-meta-$MetadataKey"] = $Metadata[$MetadataKey]
                    # TODO: check that metadata is valid HTTP Header
            if ($ServerSideEncryption) {
                $Headers["x-amz-server-side-encryption"] = $ServerSideEncryption
            Write-Verbose "Metadata:`n$($Headers | ConvertTo-Json)"

            $Uri = "/$Key"

            $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Uri $Uri -Bucket $BucketName -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Region $Region -InFile $InFile -RequestPayload $Content -ContentType $ContentType -Headers $Headers -PayloadSigningEnabled:$Config.PayloadSigningEnabled

            if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
                Write-Output $AwsRequest
            else {
                try {
                    if (!$InFile -or $InFile.Length -eq 0) {
                        $Result = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers -InFile $InFile -Body $Content -ContentType $ContentType
                        $Etag = ($Result.Headers['ETag'] | Select-Object -First 1) -replace '"',''
                        Write-Output ([PSCustomObject]@{ETag=$Etag})
                    else {
                        $StartTime = Get-Date

                        Write-Progress -Activity "Uploading file $($InFile.Name) to $BucketName/$Key" -Status "0 MiB written (0% Complete) / 0 MiB/s / estimated time to completion: 0" -PercentComplete 0

                        Write-Debug "Initializing Memory Mapped File"
                        $MemoryMappedFile = [System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile]::CreateFromFile($InFile, [System.IO.FileMode]::Open)

                        Write-Debug "Creating HTTP Client Handler"
                        if ($SkipCertificateCheck -and $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) {
                            [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy
                        elseif ($SkipCertificateCheck) {
                            $HttpClientHandler = [System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler]::new()
                            $HttpClientHandler.ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback = [System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler]::DangerousAcceptAnyServerCertificateValidator
                        else {
                            $HttpClientHandler = [System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler]::new()

                        Write-Debug "Creating Stream"
                        $Stream = $MemoryMappedFile.CreateViewStream()

                        # using CryptoSteam to calculate the MD5 sum while uploading the file
                        # this allows to only read the stream once and increases performance compared with other S3 clients
                        $Md5 = [System.Security.Cryptography.MD5]::Create()
                        $CryptoStream = [System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream]::new($Stream, $Md5, [System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStreamMode]::Read)

                        Write-Debug "Creating HTTP Client"
                        $HttpClient = [System.Net.Http.HttpClient]::new($HttpClientHandler)

                        Write-Debug "Set Timeout proportional to size of data to be uploaded (assuming at least 100 KByte/s)"
                        $HttpClient.Timeout = [Timespan]::FromSeconds([Math]::Max($Stream.Length / 1KB / 100,60))
                        Write-Debug "Timeout set to $($HttpClient.Timeout)"

                        Write-Debug "Creating PUT request"
                        $PutRequest = [System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage]::new([System.Net.Http.HttpMethod]::Put,$AwsRequest.Uri)

                        Write-Debug "Adding headers"
                        foreach ($Key in $AwsRequest.Headers.Keys) {
                            # AWS Authorization Header is not RFC compliant, therefore we need to skip header validation
                            $null = $PutRequest.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation($Key,$AwsRequest.Headers[$Key])

                        $StreamLength = $Stream.Length
                        $StreamContent = [System.Net.Http.StreamContent]::new($CryptoStream)
                        $StreamContent.Headers.ContentLength = $Stream.Length
                        if ($ContentType) {
                            $StreamContent.Headers.ContentType = $ContentType
                        $PutRequest.Content = $StreamContent

                        try {
                            Write-Debug "Start upload"
                            $CancellationTokenSource = [System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource]::new()
                            $CancellationToken = $CancellationTokenSource.Token
                            $CancellationTokenVariable = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateVariableEntry]::new('CancellationToken',$CancellationToken,$Null)
                            $Task = $HttpClient.SendAsync($PutRequest, $CancellationToken)

                            Write-Debug "Report progress"
                            while ($Stream.Position -ne $Stream.Length -and !$Task.IsCanceled -and !$Task.IsFaulted -and !$Task.IsCompleted) {
                                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
                                $WrittenBytes = $Stream.Position
                                $PercentCompleted = $WrittenBytes / $InFile.Length * 100
                                $Duration = ((Get-Date) - $StartTime).TotalSeconds
                                $Throughput = $WrittenBytes / 1MB / $Duration
                                if ($Throughput -gt 0) {
                                    $EstimatedTimeToCompletion = [TimeSpan]::FromSeconds([Math]::Round(($InFile.Length - $WrittenBytes) / 1MB / $Throughput))
                                else {
                                    $EstimatedTimeToCompletion = 0
                                $Activity = "Uploading file $($InFile.Name) to $BucketName/$Key"
                                $Status = "{0:F2} MiB written | {1:F2}% Complete | {2:F2} MiB/s | estimated time to completion: {3:g}" -f ($WrittenBytes/1MB),$PercentCompleted,$Throughput,$EstimatedTimeToCompletion
                                Write-Progress -Activity $Activity -Status $Status -PercentComplete $PercentCompleted
                            $WrittenBytes = $StreamLength

                            if ($Task.Exception) {
                                throw $Task.Exception

                            if ($Task.IsCanceled) {
                                Write-Warning "Upload was canceled with result $($Task.Result)"

                            $Etag = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
                            $Etag = ($Etag | Select-Object -First 1) -replace '"',''

                            $Md5Sum = [BitConverter]::ToString($Md5.Hash) -replace "-",""

                            if ($Task.Result.StatusCode -ne "OK") {
                                throw $Task
                            elseif ($Etag -ne $MD5Sum) {
                                throw "Etag $Etag does not match calculated MD5 sum $MD5Sum"
                            else {
                                Write-Output ([PSCustomObject]@{ETag=$Etag})
                        catch {
                            throw $_
                        finally {
                            Write-Verbose "Dispose used resources"
                            if ($Task) { $Task.Dispose() }
                            if ($PutRequest) { $PutRequest.Dispose() }
                            if ($StreamContent) { $StreamContent.Dispose() }
                            if ($Stream) { $Stream.Dispose() }

                        Write-Host "Uploading file $($InFile.Name) of size $([Math]::Round($InFile.Length/1MB,4)) MiB to $BucketName/$Key completed in $([Math]::Round($Duration,2)) seconds with average throughput of $Throughput MiB/s"
                catch {
                    if ($_.Exception.Response) {
                        $RedirectedRegion = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
                        if ([int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -match "^3" -and $_.Exception.Response.Headers.TryGetValues("x-amz-bucket-region",[ref]$RedirectedRegion)) {
                            Write-Warning "Request was redirected as bucket does not belong to region $Region. Repeating request with region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) returned by S3 service."
                            if ($InFile) {
                                Write-S3Object -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Bucket $BucketName -Key $Key -InFile $InFile -Metadata $Metadata
                            else {
                                Write-S3Object -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Bucket $BucketName -Key $Key -Content $Content -Metadata $Metadata
                        else {
                    else {

    Initiate Multipart Upload
    Initiate Multipart Upload
    .PARAMETER Server
    StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
    Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Use presigned URL
    Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom S3 Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style (Default: Auto)
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket Name
    Object key
    .PARAMETER Metadata

function Global:Start-S3MultipartUpload {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="Bucket Region")][Alias("Location","LocationConstraint")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.")][Switch]$UseDualstackEndpoint,
                HelpMessage="Bucket Name")][Alias("Name","Bucket")][String]$BucketName,
                HelpMessage="Object key")][Alias("Object")][String]$Key,
                HelpMessage="Enable Payload Signing")][Switch]$PayloadSigningEnabled,
                HelpMessage="Specifies the algorithm to use to when encrypting the object.")][ValidateSet("aws:kms","AES256")][String]$ServerSideEncryption,
                HelpMessage="Content Type.")][String]$ContentType

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -PayloadSigningEnabled:$PayloadSigningEnabled
        $Method = "POST"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Config) {
            Throw "No S3 credentials found"

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        $Headers = @{}
        if ($Metadata) {
            foreach ($MetadataKey in $Metadata.Keys) {
                $MetadataKey = $MetadataKey -replace "^x-amz-meta-",""
                $MetadataKey = $MetadataKey.toLower()
                $Headers["x-amz-meta-$MetadataKey"] = $Metadata[$MetadataKey]
                # TODO: check that metadata is valid HTTP Header
        Write-Verbose "Metadata:`n$($Headers | ConvertTo-Json)"

        if ($ServerSideEncryption) {
            $Headers["x-amz-server-side-encryption"] = $ServerSideEncryption

        $Uri = "/$Key"

        $Query = @{uploads=""}

        $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Bucket $BucketName -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -RequestPayload "" -Region $Region -UseDualstackEndpoint:$UseDualstackEndpoint -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -Query $Query -PayloadSigningEnabled:$Config.PayloadSigningEnabled -ContentType $ContentType

        if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
            Write-Output $AwsRequest
        else {
            $Result = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri -Headers $AwsRequest.Headers -Body "" -ErrorAction Stop
            # PowerShell does not correctly parse Unicode content, therefore assuming Unicode encoding and parsing ourself
            $Xml = [XML][System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($Result.RawContentStream.ToArray())
            $Content = $Xml.InitiateMultipartUploadResult
            $InitiateMultipartUploadResult = [PSCustomObject]@{Bucket=$Content.Bucket;Key=$Content.Key;UploadId=$Content.UploadId}
            Write-Output $InitiateMultipartUploadResult

    Abort Multipart Upload
    Abort Multipart Upload
    .PARAMETER Server
    StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
    Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Use presigned URL
    Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom S3 Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style (Default: Auto)
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket Name
    Object key

function Global:Stop-S3MultipartUpload {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="Bucket Region")][Alias("Location","LocationConstraint")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.")][Switch]$UseDualstackEndpoint,
                HelpMessage="Bucket Name")][Alias("Name","Bucket")][String]$BucketName,
                HelpMessage="Object key")][Alias("Object")][String]$Key,
                HelpMessage="Multipart Upload ID")][String]$UploadId,
                HelpMessage="Enable Payload Signing")][Switch]$PayloadSigningEnabled

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Method = "DELETE"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -PayloadSigningEnabled:$PayloadSigningEnabled

        if (!$Config) {
            Throw "No S3 credentials found"

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        $Uri = "/$Key"

        $Query = @{uploadId=$uploadId}

        $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Bucket $BucketName -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -RequestPayload $RequestPayload -Region $Region -UseDualstackEndpoint:$UseDualstackEndpoint -Uri $Uri -Query $Query -PayloadSigningEnabled:$Config.PayloadSigningEnabled

        if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
            Write-Output $AwsRequest
        else {
            $Null = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers -ErrorAction Stop

    Complete Multipart Upload
    Complete Multipart Upload
    .PARAMETER Server
    StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
    Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Use presigned URL
    Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom S3 Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style (Default: Auto)
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket Name
    Object key

function Global:Complete-S3MultipartUpload {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="Bucket Region")][Alias("Location","LocationConstraint")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.")][Switch]$UseDualstackEndpoint,
                HelpMessage="Bucket Name")][Alias("Name","Bucket")][String]$BucketName,
                HelpMessage="Object key")][Alias("Object")][String]$Key,
                HelpMessage="Multipart Upload ID")][String]$UploadId,
                HelpMessage="Part Etags in the format partNumber=ETag")][System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary[int, string]]$Etags,
                HelpMessage="Enable Payload Signing")][Switch]$PayloadSigningEnabled

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -PayloadSigningEnabled:$PayloadSigningEnabled
        $Method = "POST"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Config) {
            Throw "No S3 credentials found"

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        $Uri = "/$Key"

        $RequestPayload = "<CompleteMultipartUpload xmlns=`"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/`">"
        foreach ($Part in $Etags.Keys) {
            $RequestPayload += "<Part><ETag>$( $Etags[$Part] )</ETag><PartNumber>$Part</PartNumber></Part>"
        $RequestPayload += "</CompleteMultipartUpload>"

        $Query = @{uploadId=$uploadId}

        $ContentType = "application/xml"

        $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Bucket $BucketName -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -RequestPayload $RequestPayload -ContentType $ContentType -Region $Region -UseDualstackEndpoint:$UseDualstackEndpoint -Uri $Uri -Query $Query -PayloadSigningEnabled:$Config.PayloadSigningEnabled

        if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
            Write-Output $AwsRequest
        else {
            $Result = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers -Body $RequestPayload -ErrorAction Stop

            $Content = [XML]$Result.Content

            $CompleteMultipartUploadResult = [PSCustomObject]@{ Location=[System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlDecode($Content.CompleteMultipartUploadResult.Location);
                                                                ETag=([System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlDecode($Content.CompleteMultipartUploadResult.ETag) -replace '"','')}

            Write-Output $CompleteMultipartUploadResult

Set-Alias -Name Invoke-S3MultipartUpload -Value Write-S3MultipartUpload
    Write S3 Object as Multipart Upload
    Write S3 Object as Multipart Upload

function Global:Write-S3MultipartUpload {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="Bucket Name")][Alias("Name","Bucket")][String]$BucketName,
                HelpMessage="Object key. If not provided, filename will be used")][Alias("Object")][String]$Key,
                HelpMessage="Path where object should be stored")][Alias("Path","File")][System.IO.FileInfo]$InFile,
                HelpMessage="The maximum number of concurrent requests")][Alias("max_concurrent_requests")][UInt16]$MaxConcurrentRequests,
                HelpMessage="Multipart Part Chunksize")][ValidateRange(1,5GB)][int64]$Chunksize

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -MaxConcurrentRequests $MaxConcurrentRequests -MultipartChunksize $Chunksize -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -MaxConcurrentRequests $MaxConcurrentRequests -MultipartChunksize $Chunksize

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        if ($InFile -and !$InFile.Exists) {
            Throw "File $InFile does not exist"

        $ContentType = $MIME_TYPES[$InFile.Extension]

        if (!$Key) {
            $Key = $InFile.Name
        $Key = $Key

        $FileSize = $InFile.Length

        if ($FileSize -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning "Empty file cannot be uploaded as multipart upload, therefore transferring as normal upload"
            Write-S3Object -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Region $Region -BucketName $BucketName -InFile $InFile -Key $Key -Metadata $Metadata -ContentType $ContentType

        if ($Config.MaxConcurrentRequests) {
            $MaxRunspaces = $Config.MaxConcurrentRequests
        else {
            $MaxRunspaces = [Environment]::ProcessorCount
        Write-Verbose "Uploading maximum $MaxRunspaces parts in parallel"

        if ($Config.MultipartChunksize -gt 0) {
            # Chunksize must be at least 1/1000 of the file size, as max 1000 parts are allowed
            if (($FileSize / $Config.MultipartChunksize) -le 1000) {
                # division by one necessary as we need to convert string in number format (e.g. 16MB) to integer
                $Chunksize = ($Config.MultipartChunksize/ 1)

        if (!$Chunksize) {
            # S3 only allows 1000 parts, therefore we need to set the chunksize to something larger than 1GB
            if ($FileSize -gt 1TB) {
                $Chunksize = [Math]::Pow(2,[Math]::Ceiling([Math]::Log($FileSize/1000)/[Math]::Log(2)))
            elseif ($FileSize -gt ([int64]$MaxRunspaces * 1GB)) {
                # chunksize of 1GB is optimal for fast, lossless connections which we assume
                $Chunksize = 1GB
            elseif (($FileSize / $MaxRunspaces) -ge 8MB) {
                # if filesize is smaller than max number of runspaces times 1GB
                # then we need to make sure that we reduce the chunksize so that all runspaces are used
                $Chunksize = [Math]::Pow(2,[Math]::Floor([Math]::Log($FileSize/$MaxRunspaces)/[Math]::Log(2)))
            else {
                # minimum chunksize for S3 is 5MB
                $Chunksize = 5MB
        Write-Verbose "Chunksize of $($Chunksize/1MB)MB will be used"

        $PartCount = [Math]::Ceiling($FileSize / $ChunkSize)

        Write-Verbose "File will be uploaded in $PartCount parts"

        Write-Verbose "Initiating Multipart Upload"
        $MultipartUpload = Start-S3MultipartUpload -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Region $Region -BucketName $BucketName -Key $Key -Metadata $Metadata -ContentType $ContentType

        Write-Verbose "Multipart Upload ID: $($MultipartUpload.UploadId)"

        try {
            Write-Verbose "Initializing Runspace Pool"
            $CancellationTokenSource = [System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource]::new()
            $CancellationToken = $CancellationTokenSource.Token
            $CancellationTokenVariable = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateVariableEntry]::new('CancellationToken',$CancellationToken,$Null)
            $PartUploadProgress = [Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})
            $PartUploadProgressVariable = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateVariableEntry]::new('PartUploadProgress',$PartUploadProgress,$Null)
            $InitialSessionState = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.InitialSessionState]::CreateDefault()
            $RunspacePool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $MaxRunspaces, $InitialSessionState, $Host)

            Write-Verbose "Initializing Memory Mapped File"
            $MemoryMappedFile = [System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile]::CreateFromFile($InFile, [System.IO.FileMode]::Open)

            Write-Verbose "Initializing Part Upload Jobs"
            $Etags = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary[int, string]'
            $Jobs = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

            foreach ($PartNumber in 1..$PartCount) {
                $Runspace = [PowerShell]::Create()
                $Runspace.RunspacePool = $RunspacePool
                    Param (
                                HelpMessage="Content Stream")][System.IO.Stream]$Stream,
                                HelpMessage="Request URI")][Uri]$Uri,
                                HelpMessage="Request Headers")][Hashtable]$Headers,
                                HelpMessage="Part number")][Int]$PartNumber,
                                HelpMessage="Skip Certificate Check")][Boolean]$SkipCertificateCheck

                    if ($SkipCertificateCheck -and $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) {
                        Add-Type @"
                            using System.Net;
                            using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
                            public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy {
                            public bool CheckValidationResult(
                                    ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate,
                                    WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) {
                                    return true;

                        [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy
                    elseif ($SkipCertificateCheck) {
                        $HttpClientHandler = [System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler]::new()
                        $HttpClientHandler.ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback = [System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler]::DangerousAcceptAnyServerCertificateValidator
                    else {
                        $HttpClientHandler = [System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler]::new()

                    # using CryptoSteam to calculate the MD5 sum while uploading the part
                    # this allows to only read the stream once and increases performance compared with other S3 clients
                    $Md5 = [System.Security.Cryptography.MD5]::Create()
                    $CryptoStream = [System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream]::new($Stream, $Md5, [System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStreamMode]::Read)

                    $HttpClient = [System.Net.Http.HttpClient]::new($HttpClientHandler)

                    # set Timeout proportional to size of data to be uploaded (assuming at least 100 KByte/s)
                    $HttpClient.Timeout = [Timespan]::FromSeconds([Math]::Max($Stream.Length / 1KB / 100,60))
                    Write-Debug "Timeout set to $($HttpClient.Timeout)"

                    $PutRequest = [System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage]::new([System.Net.Http.HttpMethod]::Put,$Uri)


                    $StreamLength = $Stream.Length
                    $StreamContent = [System.Net.Http.StreamContent]::new($CryptoStream)
                    $StreamContent.Headers.ContentLength = $Stream.Length
                    $PutRequest.Content = $StreamContent

                    try {
                        $Task = $HttpClient.SendAsync($PutRequest, $CancellationToken)

                        while ($Stream.Position -ne $Stream.Length -and !$CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested -and !$Task.IsCanceled -and !$Task.IsFaulted -and !$Task.IsCompleted) {
                            Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
                            $PartUploadProgress.$PartNumber = $Stream.Position
                        $PartUploadProgress.$PartNumber = $StreamLength

                        $Etag = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
                        $Etag = ($Etag | Select-Object -First 1) -replace '"',''

                        $Md5Sum = [BitConverter]::ToString($Md5.Hash) -replace "-",""

                        if ($Task.Result.StatusCode -ne "OK") {
                            Write-Output $Task
                        elseif ($Etag -ne $MD5Sum) {
                            $Output = [PSCustomObject]@{Etag=$Etag;MD5Sum=$MD5Sum}
                            Write-Output $Output
                        else {
                            Write-Output $Etag
                    catch {
                        Write-Output $_
                    finally {

                if (($PartNumber * $Chunksize) -gt $FileSize) {
                    $ViewSize = $Chunksize - ($PartNumber * $Chunksize - $FileSize)
                else {
                    $ViewSize = $Chunksize

                Write-Verbose "Creating File view from position $(($PartNumber -1) * $Chunksize) with size $ViewSize"
                $Stream = $MemoryMappedFile.CreateViewStream(($PartNumber - 1) * $Chunksize,$ViewSize)

                $AwsRequest = $MultipartUpload | Write-S3ObjectPart -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Region -Presign -DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -PartNumber $PartNumber -Stream $Stream

                $Parameters = @{
                    Stream                  = $Stream
                    Uri                     = $AwsRequest.Uri
                    Headers                 = $AwsRequest.Headers
                    PartNumber              = $PartNumber
                    SkipCertificateCheck    = $Config.SkipCertificateCheck
                $Job = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    Pipe        = $Runspace
                    Status      = $Runspace.BeginInvoke()
                    PartNumber  = $PartNumber

            $PercentCompleted = 0

            Write-Progress -Activity "Uploading file $($InFile.Name) to $BucketName/$Key" -Status "0 MiB written (0% Complete) / 0 MiB/s / / estimated time to completion: 0" -PercentComplete $PercentCompleted

            $StartTime = Get-Date

            while ($Jobs) {
                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
                $CompletedJobs = $Jobs | Where-Object { $_.Status.IsCompleted -eq $true }
                foreach ($Job in $CompletedJobs) {
                    $Output = $Job.Pipe.EndInvoke($Job.Status)
                    if ($Output[0] -isnot [String]) {
                        Write-Verbose (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Output)
                        foreach ($Job in $Jobs) {
                            $CancellationToken = $CancellationTokenSource.Cancel()
                        throw "Upload of part $($Job.PartNumber) failed, Multipart Upload aborted with output`n$(ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Output)"
                    $Etags[$Job.PartNumber] = $Output
                    Write-Verbose "Part $($Job.PartNumber) has completed with ETag $Output"

                # report progress
                $WrittenBytes = $PartUploadProgress.Clone().Values | Measure-Object -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum
                $PercentCompleted = $WrittenBytes / $InFile.Length * 100
                $Duration = ((Get-Date) - $StartTime).TotalSeconds
                $Throughput = $WrittenBytes / 1MB / $Duration
                if ($Throughput -gt 0) {
                    $EstimatedTimeToCompletion = [TimeSpan]::FromSeconds([Math]::Round(($InFile.Length - $WrittenBytes) / 1MB / $Throughput))
                else {
                    $EstimatedTimeToCompletion = 0

                $Activity = "Uploading file $($InFile.Name) to $BucketName/$Key"
                $Status = "{0:F2} MiB written | {1:F2}% Complete | {2:F2} MiB/s | estimated time to completion: {3:g}" -f ($WrittenBytes/1MB),$PercentCompleted,$Throughput,$EstimatedTimeToCompletion
                Write-Progress -Activity $Activity -Status $Status -PercentComplete $PercentCompleted
        catch {
            Write-Warning "Something has gone wrong, aborting Multipart Upload"
            $MultipartUpload | Stop-S3MultipartUpload -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Region $Region
            throw $_
        finally {
            Write-Verbose "Cleaning up"

        if ($Jobs) {
            Write-Warning "Job(s) with partnumber(s) $($Jobs.PartNumber -join ',') did not complete, therfore aborting Multipart Upload"
                $MultipartUpload | Stop-S3MultipartUpload -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Region $Region
        else {
        Write-Progress -Activity "Uploading file $($InFile.Name) to $BucketName/$Key completed" -Completed
        Write-Host "Uploading file $($InFile.Name) of size $([Math]::Round($InFile.Length/1MB,4))MiB to $BucketName/$Key completed in $([Math]::Round($Duration,2)) seconds with average throughput of $Throughput MiB/s"
        Write-Verbose "Completing multipart upload"
        $MultipartUpload | Complete-S3MultipartUpload -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Region $Region -Etags $Etags
        Write-Verbose "Completed multipart upload"

    Write S3 Object Part
    Write S3 Object Part

function Global:Write-S3ObjectPart {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL. This Cmdlet always uses presigned URLs for best performance.")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket Name")][Alias("Name","Bucket")][String]$BucketName,
                HelpMessage="Object key")][Alias("Object")][String]$Key,
                HelpMessage="Multipart Upload ID")][String]$UploadId,
                HelpMessage="Multipart part number (from 1 to 10000)")][ValidateRange(1,10000)][Int]$PartNumber,
                HelpMessage="Content Stream")][System.IO.Stream]$Stream,
                HelpMessage="Enable Payload Signing")][Switch]$PayloadSigningEnabled

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -PayloadSigningEnabled:$PayloadSigningEnabled
        $Method = "PUT"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        $Uri = "/$Key"

        $Query = @{partNumber=$PartNumber;uploadId=$UploadId}

        $Headers = @{"Content-Length"=$Stream.Length}

        # Force Presign because it allows UNSIGNED_PAYLOAD and we do not want
        # to read the Stream to calculate a signature before uploading it for performance reasons
        # We also do not use Content-MD5 header because we only calculate the MD5 sum during the upload
        # again for performance reasons and then compare the calculated MD5 with the returned MD5/Etag
        $Presign = [Switch]::new($true)

        $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Uri $Uri -Query $Query -Bucket $BucketName -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Region $Region -Headers $Headers -PayloadSigningEnabled:$Config.PayloadSigningEnabled

        if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
            Write-Output $AwsRequest
        else {
            try {
                # using CryptoSteam to calculate the MD5 sum while uploading the part
                # this allows to only read the stream once and increases performance compared with other S3 clients
                $Md5 = [System.Security.Cryptography.MD5]::Create()
                $CryptoStream = [System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream]::new($Stream, $Md5, [System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStreamMode]::Read)

                $HttpClient = [System.Net.Http.HttpClient]::new()

                $PutRequest = [System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage]::new([System.Net.Http.HttpMethod]::Put,$AwsRequest.Uri)


                $StreamContent = [System.Net.Http.StreamContent]::new($CryptoStream)
                $StreamContent.Headers.ContentLength = $Stream.Length
                $PutRequest.Content = $StreamContent

                $Task = $HttpClient.SendAsync($PutRequest)

                $Md5Sum = [BitConverter]::ToString($Md5.Hash) -replace "-",""
                Write-Output [PSCustomObject]@{ETag=$Md5Sum}

            catch {
                $RedirectedRegion = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
                if ([int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -match "^3" -and $_.Exception.Response.Headers.TryGetValues("x-amz-bucket-region",[ref]$RedirectedRegion)) {
                    Write-Warning "Request was redirected as bucket does not belong to region $Region. Repeating request with region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) returned by S3 service."
                    Write-S3Object -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Bucket $BucketName -Key $Key -UploadId $UploadId -PartNumber $PartNumber -Stream $Stream
                else {

            Write-Output $Result.Content

    Get S3 Object Parts
    Get S3 Object Parts

function Global:Get-S3ObjectParts {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL. This Cmdlet always uses presigned URLs for best performance.")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket Name")][Alias("Name","Bucket")][String]$BucketName,
                HelpMessage="Object key")][Alias("Object")][String]$Key,
                HelpMessage="Multipart Upload ID")][String]$UploadId,
                HelpMessage="Encoding type (Only allowed value is url).")][String][ValidateSet("url")]$EncodingType="url",
                HelpMessage="Maximum Number of parts to return")][Int][ValidateRange(0,1000)]$MaxParts=0,
                HelpMessage="Continuation part number marker")][Alias("Marker")][String]$PartNumberMarker

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        $Method = "GET"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        $Uri = "/$Key"

        $Query = @{uploadId=$UploadId}
        if ($EncodingType) {
            $Query["encoding-type"] = $EncodingType
        if ($MaxParts -ge 1) {
            $Query["max-parts"] = $MaxParts
        if ($PartNumberMarker) {
            $Query["part-number-marker"] = $PartNumberMarker

        $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Uri $Uri -Query $Query -Bucket $BucketName -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Region $Region

        if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
            Write-Output $AwsRequest
        else {
            try {
                $Result = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers -ErrorAction Stop

                $Content = [XML]$Result.Content

                $Parts = $Content.ListPartsResult.Part | Where-Object { $_ }

                $UnicodeBucket = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetUnicode($Content.ListPartsResult.Bucket)

                foreach ($Part in $Parts) {
                    $Part = [PSCustomObject]@{  Region=$Region;

                    Write-Output $Part

                if ($Content.ListPartsResult.IsTruncated -eq "true" -and $MaxParts -eq 0) {
                    Write-Verbose "1000 Parts were returned and max parts was not limited so continuing to get all parts"
                    Write-Debug "NextPartNumberMarker: $($Content.ListPartsResult.NextPartNumberMarker)"
                    Get-S3ObjectParts -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Region $Region -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -UseDualstackEndpoint:$UseDualstackEndpoint -Bucket $BucketName -MaxParts $MaxParts -PartNumberMarker $Content.ListPartsResult.NextPartNumberMarker
            catch {
                $RedirectedRegion = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
                if ([int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -match "^3" -and $_.Exception.Response.Headers.TryGetValues("x-amz-bucket-region",[ref]$RedirectedRegion)) {
                    Write-Warning "Request was redirected as bucket does not belong to region $Region. Repeating request with region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) returned by S3 service."
                    Get-S3ObjectParts -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -UseDualstackEndpoint:$UseDualstackEndpoint -Bucket $BucketName -MaxParts $MaxParts -PartNumberMarker $PartNumberMarker -EncodingType $EncodingType
                else {

New-Alias -Name Remove-S3ObjectVersion -Value Remove-S3Object
    Remove S3 Object
    Remove S3 Object

function Global:Remove-S3Object {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.")][Switch]$UseDualstackEndpoint,
                HelpMessage="Bucket Name")][Alias("Name","Bucket")][String]$BucketName,
                HelpMessage="Object key")][Alias("Object")][String]$Key,
                HelpMessage="Object version ID")][String]$VersionId

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        $Method = "DELETE"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        $Uri = "/$Key"

        if ($VersionId) {
            $Query = @{versionId=$VersionId}
        else {
            $Query = @{}

        $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Uri $Uri -Query $Query -Bucket $BucketName -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Region $Region -UseDualstackEndpoint:$UseDualstackEndpoint

        if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
            Write-Output $AwsRequest
        else {
            $Null = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers -ErrorAction Stop

    Copy S3 Object
    Copy S3 Object

function Global:Copy-S3Object {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="Bucket Name")][Alias("Name","Bucket")][String]$BucketName,
                HelpMessage="Object key")][Alias("Object")][String]$Key,
                HelpMessage="Source Bucket (if not specified will be same as destination)")][Alias("SourceBucket")][String]$SourceBucketName,
                HelpMessage="Source object key (if not specified will be same as destination)")][String]$SourceKey,
                HelpMessage="Object version ID")][Alias("VersionId")][String]$SourceVersionId,
                HelpMessage="Object version ID")][ValidateSet("COPY","REPLACE")][String]$MetadataDirective,
                HelpMessage="Copies the object if its entity tag (ETag) matches the specified Etag")][String]$Etag,
                HelpMessage="Copies the object if its entity tag (ETag) is different than the specified NotETag")][String]$NotEtag,
                HelpMessage="Copies the object if it hasn't been modified since the specified time")][DateTime]$UnmodifiedSince,
                HelpMessage="Copies the object if it has been modified since the specified time")][DateTime]$ModifiedSince,
                HelpMessage="S3 Storage Class")][ValidateSet("STANDARD","STANDARD_IA","REDUCED_REDUNDANCY")][String]$StorageClass,
                HelpMessage="Specifies whether the object tags are copied from the source object or replaced with tags provided in the request")][ValidateSet("COPY","REPLACE")][String]$TaggingDirective,
                HelpMessage="Object tags")][HashTable]$Tags,
                HelpMessage="Object tags")][ValidateSet("aws:kms","AES256")][String]$ServerSideEncryption

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        $Method = "PUT"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        if (!$SourceBucket) {
            $SourceBucket = $BucketName
        if (!$SourceKey) {
            $SourceKey = $Key

        # Convert Source Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeSourceBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($SourceBucket).ToLower()
        # check if SourceBucket contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeSourceBucketName -match $SourceBucket -and $PunycodeSourceBucketName -cnotmatch $SourceBucket) {
            $SourceBucketExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $SourceBucket -Force
            if ($SourceBucketExists) {
                Write-Warning "SourceBucket $SourceBucket includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $SourceBucket = $PunycodeSourceBucketName
        else {
            $SourceBucket = $PunycodeSourceBucketName

        $Uri = "/$Key"

        $Headers = @{}
        $Headers["x-amz-copy-source"] = "/$SourceBucket/$SourceKey"
        if ($SourceVersionId) {
            $Headers["x-amz-copy-source"] += "?versionId=$SourceVersionId"
        if ($MetadataDirective) {
            $Headers["x-amz-metadata-directive"] = $MetadataDirective
        if ($Etag) {
            $Headers["x-amz-copy-source-if-match"] = $Etag
        if ($NotEtag) {
            $Headers["x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match"] = $NotEtag
        if ($UnmodifiedSince) {
            $Headers["x-amz-copy-source-if-unmodified-since"] = $UnmodifiedSince
        if ($ModifiedSince) {
            $Headers["x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since"] = $ModifiedSince
        if ($StorageClass) {
            $Headers["x-amz-storage-class"] = $StorageClass
        if ($TaggingDirective) {
            $Headers["x-amz-tagging-directive"] = $TaggingDirective
        if ($ServerSideEncryption) {
            $Headers["x-amz-server-side-encryption"] = $ServerSideEncryption
        $Headers["x-amz-content-sha256"] = "UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD"

        if ($Metadata) {
            foreach ($MetadataKey in $Metadata.Keys) {
                $Key = $MetadataKey -replace "^x-amz-meta-",""
                $Key = $Key.toLower()
                $Headers["x-amz-meta-$Key"] = $Metadata[$MetadataKey]
                # TODO: check that metadata is valid HTTP Header

        $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Uri $Uri -Query $Query -Bucket $BucketName -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Headers $Headers -Region $Region

        if ($DryRun) {
            Write-Output $AwsRequest
        else {
            $Null = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers -ErrorAction Stop

    Retrieve Object Tagging
    Retrieve Object Tagging
    .PARAMETER Server
    StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
    Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Use presigned URL
    Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom S3 Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style (Default: Auto)
    .PARAMETER UseDualstackEndpoint
    Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.
    .PARAMETER Region
    Bucket Region
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket Name
    Object Key

function Global:Get-S3ObjectTagging {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="Object key")][Alias("Object")][String]$Key

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck
        $Method = "GET"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        $Query = @{tagging=""}

        $Uri = "/$Key"

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        if ($Config)  {
            $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Bucket $BucketName -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Region $Region -Query $Query -Uri $Uri
            if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
                Write-Output $AwsRequest
            else {
                try {
                    $Result = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers

                    # PowerShell does not correctly parse Unicode content, therefore assuming Unicode encoding and parsing ourself
                    $Content = [XML][System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($Result.RawContentStream.ToArray())

                    foreach ($Tag in $Content.Tagging.TagSet.Tag) {
                        $Output = [System.Collections.DictionaryEntry]@{Name=$Tag.Key;Value=$Tag.Value}
                        Write-Output $Output
                catch {
                    $RedirectedRegion = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
                    if ($CheckAllRegions.IsPresent -and [int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -match "^3" -and $_.Exception.Response.Headers.TryGetValues("x-amz-bucket-region",[ref]$RedirectedRegion)) {
                        Write-Warning "Request was redirected as bucket does not belong to region $Region. Repeating request with region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) returned by S3 service."
                        Get-S3ObjectTagging -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Bucket $BucketName -Key $Key
                    else {

    Set Object Tagging
    Set Object Tagging
    .PARAMETER Server
    StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
    Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Use presigned URL
    Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom S3 Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style (Default: Auto)
    .PARAMETER UseDualstackEndpoint
    Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.
    .PARAMETER Region
    Bucket Region
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket Name
    List of Name Value pairs e.g. @(@{Name='Key1';Value='Value1'},@{Name='Key1';Value='Value1'})

function Global:Set-S3ObjectTagging {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="Object key")][Alias("Object")][String]$Key,
                HelpMessage="List of Key Value pairs e.g. @(@{Key='Key1';Value='Value1'},@{Key='Key2';Value='Value2'})")][System.Collections.DictionaryEntry[]]$Tags,
                HelpMessage="Enable Payload Signing")][Switch]$PayloadSigningEnabled

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -PayloadSigningEnabled:$PayloadSigningEnabled
        $Method = "PUT"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        $Query = @{tagging=""}

        $Uri = "/$Key"

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        $Body = "<Tagging>"
        $Body += "<TagSet>"
        foreach ($Tag in $Tags) {
            if ($Tag.Key) {
                $Key = $Tag.Key
            else {
                $Key = $Tag.Name
            $Value = $Tag.Value
            $Body += "<Tag><Key>$Key</Key><Value>$Value</Value></Tag>"
        $Body += "</TagSet>"
        $Body += "</Tagging>"

        if ($Config)  {
            $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Bucket $BucketName -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Region $Region -Query $Query -RequestPayload $Body -Uri $Uri -PayloadSigningEnabled:$Config.PayloadSigningEnabled
            if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
                Write-Output $AwsRequest
            else {
                try {
                    $Null = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers -Body $Body
                catch {
                    $RedirectedRegion = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
                    if ($CheckAllRegions.IsPresent -and [int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -match "^3" -and $_.Exception.Response.Headers.TryGetValues("x-amz-bucket-region",[ref]$RedirectedRegion)) {
                        Write-Warning "Request was redirected as bucket does not belong to region $Region. Repeating request with region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) returned by S3 service."
                        Set-S3ObjectTagging -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Bucket $BucketName -Tags $Tags -Key $Key
                    else {

    Remove Object Tagging
    Remove Object Tagging
    .PARAMETER Server
    StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
    Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
    .PARAMETER Presign
    Use presigned URL
    Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers
    .PARAMETER SignerType
    AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)
    .PARAMETER EndpointUrl
    Custom S3 Endpoint URL
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings
    .PARAMETER ProfileLocation
    AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials
    .PARAMETER AccessKey
    S3 Access Key
    .PARAMETER SecretKey
    S3 Secret Access Key
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against
    .PARAMETER UrlStyle
    URL Style (Default: Auto)
    .PARAMETER UseDualstackEndpoint
    Use the dualstack endpoint of the specified region. S3 supports dualstack endpoints which return both IPv6 and IPv4 values.
    .PARAMETER Region
    Bucket Region
    .PARAMETER BucketName
    Bucket Name
    Object Key

function Global:Remove-S3ObjectTagging {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="Object key")][Alias("Object")][String]$Key

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck
        $Method = "DELETE"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        $Query = @{tagging=""}
        $Uri = "/$Key"

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        if ($Config)  {
            $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Bucket $BucketName -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Region $Region -Query $Query -Uri $Uri
            if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
                Write-Output $AwsRequest
            else {
                try {
                    $Null = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers
                catch {
                    $RedirectedRegion = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
                    if ($CheckAllRegions.IsPresent -and [int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -match "^3" -and $_.Exception.Response.Headers.TryGetValues("x-amz-bucket-region",[ref]$RedirectedRegion)) {
                        Write-Warning "Request was redirected as bucket does not belong to region $Region. Repeating request with region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) returned by S3 service."
                        Remove-S3ObjectTagging -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $($RedirectedRegion[0]) -UrlStyle $UrlStyle -Bucket $BucketName -Key $Key

# StorageGRID specific #

    Get S3 Bucket Consistency Setting
    Get S3 Bucket Consistency Setting

function Global:Get-S3BucketConsistency {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        $Method = "GET"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        $Query = @{"x-ntap-sg-consistency"=""}

        $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Uri $Uri -Query $Query -Bucket $BucketName -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Region $Region

        if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
            Write-Output $AwsRequest
        else {
            $Result = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers -ErrorAction Stop

            $Content = [XML]$Result.Content

            $BucketNameConsistency = [PSCustomObject]@{Bucket=$BucketName;Consistency=$Content.Consistency.InnerText}

            Write-Output $BucketNameConsistency

    Modify S3 Bucket Consistency Setting
    Modify S3 Bucket Consistency Setting

function Global:Update-S3BucketConsistency {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="Bucket Name")][Alias("Name","Bucket")][String]$BucketName,
                HelpMessage="Enable Payload Signing")][Switch]$PayloadSigningEnabled

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -PayloadSigningEnabled:$PayloadSigningEnabled

        $Method = "PUT"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        $Query = @{"x-ntap-sg-consistency"=$Consistency}

        $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Uri $Uri -Query $Query -Bucket $BucketName -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Region $Region -PayloadSigningEnabled:$Config.PayloadSigningEnabled

        if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
            Write-Output $AwsRequest
        else {
            $Null = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers -ErrorAction Stop

    Get S3 Bucket Storage Usage
    Get S3 Bucket Storage Usage

function Global:Get-S3StorageUsage {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][String]$AccountId

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        $Method = "GET"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        $Uri = "/"

        $Query = @{"x-ntap-sg-usage"=""}

        $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Uri $Uri -Query $Query -Bucket $BucketName -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType

        if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
            Write-Output $AwsRequest
        else {
            $Result = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers -ErrorAction Stop

            $Content = [XML]$Result.Content

            $UsageResult = [PSCustomObject]@{CalculationTime=(Get-Date -Date $Content.UsageResult.CalculationTime);ObjectCount=$Content.UsageResult.ObjectCount;DataBytes=$Content.UsageResult.DataBytes;buckets=$Content.UsageResult.Buckets.ChildNodes}

            Write-Output $UsageResult

    Get S3 Bucket Last Access Time
    Get S3 Bucket Last Access Time

function Global:Get-S3BucketLastAccessTime {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        $Method = "GET"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        $Query = @{"x-ntap-sg-lastaccesstime"=""}

        $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Uri $Uri -Query $Query -Bucket $BucketName -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Region $Region

        if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
            Write-Output $AwsRequest
        else {
            $Result = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers -ErrorAction Stop

            $Content = [XML]$Result.Content

            $BucketNameLastAccessTime = [PSCustomObject]@{Bucket=$BucketName;LastAccessTime=$Content.LastAccessTime.InnerText}

            Write-Output $BucketNameLastAccessTime

    Enable S3 Bucket Last Access Time
    Enable S3 Bucket Last Access Time

function Global:Enable-S3BucketLastAccessTime {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="Enable Payload Signing")][Switch]$PayloadSigningEnabled

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -PayloadSigningEnabled:$PayloadSigningEnabled

        $Method = "PUT"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        $Query = @{"x-ntap-sg-lastaccesstime"="enabled"}

        $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Uri $Uri -Query $Query -Bucket $BucketName -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Region $Region -PayloadSigningEnabled:$Config.PayloadSigningEnabled

        if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
            Write-Output $AwsRequest
        else {
            $Null = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers -ErrorAction Stop

    Disable S3 Bucket Last Access Time
    Disable S3 Bucket Last Access Time

function Global:Disable-S3BucketLastAccessTime {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="Enable Payload Signing")][Switch]$PayloadSigningEnabled

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -PayloadSigningEnabled:$PayloadSigningEnabled

        $Method = "PUT"

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        $Query = @{"x-ntap-sg-lastaccesstime"="disabled"}

        $AwsRequest = Get-AwsRequest -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Method $Method -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -Uri $Uri -Query $Query -Bucket $BucketName -Presign:$Presign -SignerType $SignerType -Region $Region -PayloadSigningEnabled:$Config.PayloadSigningEnabled

        if ($DryRun.IsPresent) {
            Write-Output $AwsRequest
        else {
            $Null = Invoke-AwsRequest -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Method $AwsRequest.Method -Uri $AwsRequest.Uri-Headers $AwsRequest.Headers -ErrorAction Stop

    Trigger bucket mirroring
    Trigger bucket mirroring - requires Bucket replication to already be set up

function Global:Invoke-S3BucketMirroring {

    PARAM (
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID Webscale Management Server object. If not specified, global CurrentSgwServer object will be used.")][PSCustomObject]$Server,
                HelpMessage="Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.")][Switch]$SkipCertificateCheck,
                HelpMessage="Use presigned URL")][Switch]$Presign,
                HelpMessage="Do not execute request, just return request URI and Headers")][Switch]$DryRun,
                HelpMessage="AWS Signer type (S3 for V2 Authentication and AWS4 for V4 Authentication)")][String][ValidateSet("S3","AWS4")]$SignerType="AWS4",
                HelpMessage="Custom S3 Endpoint URL")][System.UriBuilder]$EndpointUrl,
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile to use which contains AWS sredentials and settings")][Alias("Profile")][String]$ProfileName="",
                HelpMessage="AWS Profile location if different than .aws/credentials")][String]$ProfileLocation,
                HelpMessage="S3 Access Key")][String]$AccessKey,
                HelpMessage="S3 Secret Access Key")][Alias("SecretAccessKey")][String]$SecretKey,
                HelpMessage="StorageGRID account ID to execute this command against")][Alias("OwnerId")][String]$AccountId,
                HelpMessage="Region to be used")][String]$Region,
                HelpMessage="Bucket URL Style (Default: Auto)")][String][ValidateSet("path","virtual","auto","virtual-hosted")]$UrlStyle="auto",
                HelpMessage="Enable Payload Signing")][Switch]$PayloadSigningEnabled

    Begin {
        if (!$Server) {
            $Server = $Global:CurrentSgwServer
        $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $EndpointUrl -ProfileName $ProfileName -ProfileLocation $ProfileLocation -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck -PayloadSigningEnabled:$PayloadSigningEnabled

    Process {
        if ($AccountId) {
            $Config = Get-AwsConfig -Server $Server -EndpointUrl $Server.S3EndpointUrl -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -AccountId $AccountId -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck

        if (!$Region) {
            $Region = $Config.Region

        # Convert Bucket Name to IDN mapping to support Unicode Names
        $PunycodeBucketName = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new().GetAscii($BucketName).ToLower()
        # check if BucketName contains uppercase letters
        if ($PunycodeBucketName -match $BucketName -and $PunycodeBucketName -cnotmatch $BucketName) {
            $BucketNameExists = Test-S3Bucket -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -Presign:$Presign -DryRun:$DryRun -SignerType $SignerType -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -Region $Config.Region -UrlStyle "path" -Bucket $BucketName -Force
            if ($BucketNameExists) {
                Write-Warning "BucketName $BucketName includes uppercase letters which SHOULD NOT be used!"
            else {
                $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName
        else {
            $BucketName = $PunycodeBucketName

        $BucketReplication = Get-S3BucketReplication -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -BucketName $BucketName

        if (!$BucketReplication) {
            Write-Host "No bucket replication configured for bucket $BucketName"
            $BucketReplicationChoice = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice("Continue without bucket replication",
                        "Continue even though no bucket replication is configured?",
                        @("&Yes", "&No"),
                if ($BucketReplicationChoice -eq 1) {

        Get-S3Objects -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -BucketName $BucketName | Get-S3ObjectMetadata -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck | Copy-S3Object -EndpointUrl $Config.EndpointUrl -AccessKey $Config.AccessKey -SecretKey $Config.SecretKey -SkipCertificateCheck:$Config.SkipCertificateCheck -MetadataDirective REPLACE
# SIG # Begin signature block
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# KlR6UPDV9syR55l51955lNeWM/4Og74iv2MWLKPdKBuvPavql9LxvwQQ5z1IRf0f
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# YdwFZUSIL8P19MSCDxPr0OC/3qX0dFcSEBIIBKtKF3mm9/Yind3SgkxoPfxViX2D
# eK80uOmm2Gb7bOhSuzqjkvDG0INsF4zyTX4HldBJmQfKeQiD8RlF6DpUcm0AoChM
# qCLwiJOHaHHYOOS7Busif3LkvIKd+tWtrg5fw7gZ0fU3MIIF4DCCA8igAwIBAgIQ
# LnyHzA6TSlL+lP0ct800rzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQwFADCBhTELMAkGA1UEBhMCR0Ix
# Q2VydGlmaWNhdGlvbiBBdXRob3JpdHkwHhcNMTMwNTA5MDAwMDAwWhcNMjgwNTA4
# P5O8W+OfHiQyESdrvFGRp8+eniWzX4GoGA8dHiAwDvthe4YJs+P9omidHCydv3Lj
# 5HWg5TUjjsmK7hoMZMfYQqF7tVIDSzqwjiNLS2PgIpQ3e9V5kAoUGFEs5v7BEvAc
# P2FhCoyi3PbDMKrNKBh1SMF5WgjNu4xVjPfUdpA6M0ZQc5hc9IVKaw+A3V7Wvf2p
# L8Al9fl4141fEMJEVTyQPDFGy3CuB6kK46/BAW+QGiPiXzjbxghdR7ODQfAuADcU
# uRKqeZJSzYcPe9hiKaR+ML0btYxytEjy4+gh+V5MYnmLAgaff9ULAgMBAAGjggFR
# MEwGA1UdHwRFMEMwQaA/oD2GO2h0dHA6Ly9jcmwuY29tb2RvY2EuY29tL0NPTU9E
# BggrBgEFBQcwAoYvaHR0cDovL2NydC5jb21vZG9jYS5jb20vQ09NT0RPUlNBQWRk
# bTANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQwFAAOCAgEAAj8COcPu+Mo7id4MbU2x8U6ST6/COCwEzMVj
# EasJY6+rotcCP8xvGcM91hoIlP8l2KmIpysQGuCbsQciGlEcOtTh6Qm/5iR0rx57
# FjFuI+9UUS1SAuJ1CAVM8bdR4VEAxof2bO4QRHZXavHfWGshqknUfDdOvf+2dVRA
# GDZXZxHNTwLk/vPa/HUX2+y392UJI0kfQ1eD6n4gd2HITfK7ZU2o94VFB696aSdl
# kClAi997OlE5jKgfcHmtbUIgos8MbAOMTM1zB5TnWo46BLqioXwfy2M6FafUFRun
# UkcyqfS/ZEfRqh9TTjIwc8Jvt3iCnVz/RrtrIh2IC/gbqjSm/Iz13X9ljIwxVzHQ
# NuxHoc/Li6jvHBhYxQZ3ykubUa9MCEp6j+KjUuKOjswm5LLY5TjCqO3GgZw1a6lY
# YUoKl7RLQrZVnb6Z53BtWfhtKgx/GWBfDJqIbDCsUgmQFhv/K53b0CDKieoofjKO
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# SIG # End signature block