[CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [Switch] $FullLoad ) #see [MS-ADTS] 2.2.20 ( if($FullLoad) { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; public enum KeyCredentialEntryType { KeyID=1, KeyHash=2, KeyMaterial=3, KeyUsage=4, KeySource=5, DeviceId=6, CustomKeyInformation=7, KeyApproximateLastLogonTimeStamp=8, KeyCreationTime=9 } public enum KeyUsage { AdminKey=0, NGC=1, STK=2, BitLockerRecovery=3, FIDO=7, FEK=8, OTHER=int.MinValue } public enum KeySource { AD=0, AzureAD=1, OTHER=int.MinValue } [Flags] public enum CustomKeyFlags { CUSTOMKEYINFO_FLAGS_ATTESTATION=1, CUSTOMKEYINFO_FLAGS_MFA_NOT_USED = 2 } public enum VolType { None=0, OSV=1, FDV=2, RDV=3 } public enum KeyStrength { Unknown=0, Weak=1, Normal=2 } public class CustomKeyInformation { public byte Version { get; private set; } public CustomKeyFlags Flags { get; private set; } public CustomKeyInformation(string data) { if (data.Length > 1) Version = Convert.ToByte(data.Substring(0, 2), 16); if (data.Length > 3) Flags = (CustomKeyFlags)Convert.ToByte(data.Substring(2, 2), 16); } } public class CustomKeyInformation2:CustomKeyInformation { public VolType VolumeType; public bool SupportsNotification; public byte FekKeyVersion; public KeyStrength KeyStrength; public CustomKeyInformation2(string data):base(data) { if(data.Length > 13) KeyStrength = (KeyStrength)Convert.ToByte(data.Substring(12, 2), 16); if (data.Length > 11) FekKeyVersion = Convert.ToByte(data.Substring(10, 2), 16); if (data.Length > 9) { if (data.Substring(8, 2) != "00") SupportsNotification = true; else SupportsNotification = false; } if(data.Length > 7) VolumeType = (VolType)Convert.ToByte(data.Substring(6, 2), 16); } } public class KeyCredentialEntry { public byte Usage { get; protected set; } public byte[] Value; public KeyCredentialEntry(byte usage, byte[] value) { Usage = usage; Value = value; } } public class KeyCredentialInfo { //values coming from record public UInt32 Version { get; private set; } public KeyCredentialEntry[] OtherEntries; public string DN { get; private set; } //values retrieved from subrecords public byte[] KeyId { get; private set; } public byte[] KeyHash { get; private set; } public byte[] KeyMaterial { get; private set; } public KeyUsage KeyUsage { get; private set; } public KeySource KeySource { get; private set; } public Guid DeviceId { get; private set; } public CustomKeyInformation KeyCustomInfo { get; private set; } public DateTime KeyLastLogonTime { get; private set; } public DateTime KeyCreatedTime { get; private set; } public override string ToString() { return string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}", (Version >> 8), KeySource, KeyUsage); } public KeyCredentialInfo(string value) { var vals = value.Split(':'); DN = vals[3]; string blob = vals[2]; List<KeyCredentialEntry> list = new List<KeyCredentialEntry>(); int start = 0; var s = blob.Substring(start, 8); s = ReverseByteArrayString(s); Version = Convert.ToUInt32(s, 16); start += 8; while(start < blob.Length) { var length = Convert.ToUInt16( ReverseByteArrayString( blob.Substring(start, 4) ), 16)*2; byte usage =Convert.ToByte(blob.Substring(start + 4, 2)); string rawValue = blob.Substring(start + 6, length); start += ((length) + 4 + 2); switch (usage) { case 1: KeyId = ByteArrayStringToByteArray(rawValue); break; case 2: KeyHash = ByteArrayStringToByteArray(rawValue); break; case 3: KeyMaterial = ByteArrayStringToByteArray(rawValue); break; case 4: try { KeyUsage = (KeyUsage)Convert.ToByte(rawValue); } catch (Exception) { KeyUsage = KeyUsage.OTHER; } break; case 5: try { KeySource = (KeySource)Convert.ToByte(rawValue); } catch (Exception) { KeySource = KeySource.OTHER; } break; case 6: DeviceId = new Guid(ByteArrayStringToByteArray(rawValue)); break; case 7: if (rawValue.Length == 4) KeyCustomInfo = new CustomKeyInformation(rawValue); else KeyCustomInfo = new CustomKeyInformation2(rawValue); break; case 8: switch (KeySource) { case KeySource.AD: KeyLastLogonTime = DateTime.FromFileTime(LongFromByteArrayString(rawValue)); break; case KeySource.AzureAD: KeyLastLogonTime = DateTime.FromBinary(LongFromByteArrayString(rawValue)); break; } break; case 9: switch (KeySource) { case KeySource.AD: KeyCreatedTime = DateTime.FromFileTime(LongFromByteArrayString(rawValue)); break; case KeySource.AzureAD: KeyCreatedTime = DateTime.FromBinary(LongFromByteArrayString(rawValue)); break; } break; default: list.Add(new KeyCredentialEntry(usage, ByteArrayStringToByteArray(rawValue))); break; } } OtherEntries = list.ToArray(); } #region Helpers protected static long LongFromByteArrayString(string s) { byte[] b = ByteArrayStringToByteArray(s); Int64 ft = BitConverter.ToInt64(b, 0); return ft; } protected static byte[] ByteArrayStringToByteArray(string s) { int idx = 0; List<byte> list = new List<byte>(); while (idx < s.Length - 1) { list.Add(Convert.ToByte(s.Substring(idx, 2), 16)); idx += 2; } return list.ToArray(); } protected static string ReverseByteArrayString(string s) { int idx = s.Length; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while (idx > 0) { idx -= 2; sb.Append(s.Substring(idx, 2)); } return sb.ToString(); } #endregion } '@ } #add attributes that can be used with this transform $SupportedAttributes = @('msDs-KeyCredentialLink') # This is mandatory definition of transform that is expected by transform architecture $codeBlock= New-LdapAttributeTransformDefinition -SupportedAttributes $SupportedAttributes $codeBlock.OnLoad = { param( [string[]]$Values ) Process { foreach($Value in $Values) { new-object KeyCredentialInfo($Value) } } } $codeBlock |