[CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [Switch] $FullLoad ) if($FullLoad) { Add-Type @' using System; public class WellKnownObject { public Guid wellKnownGuid; public string distinguishedName; public WellKnownObject(Guid wellKnownGuid, string distinguishedName) { this.wellKnownGuid = wellKnownGuid; this.distinguishedName = distinguishedName; } public WellKnownObject(string value) { var vals = value.Split(new char[] {':'},StringSplitOptions.None); wellKnownGuid = new Guid(vals[2]); distinguishedName = vals[3]; } public override string ToString() { return string.Format("{0}:{1}", wellKnownGuid.ToString(), distinguishedName); } public string ToDirectoryFormat() { string g = wellKnownGuid.ToString().Replace("-", ""); return string.Format("B:{0}:{1}:{2}", g.Length, g, distinguishedName); } public string GetBinding(string containerDN) { return string.Format("<WKGUID={0},{1}>",wellKnownGuid.ToString().Replace("-",""),containerDN); } } '@ } #add attributes that can be used with this transform $SupportedAttributes = @('wellKnownObjects','otherWellKnownObjects') # This is mandatory definition of transform that is expected by transform architecture $codeBlock= New-LdapAttributeTransformDefinition -SupportedAttributes $SupportedAttributes $codeBlock.OnLoad = { param( [string[]]$Values ) Process { foreach($Value in $Values) { new-object WellKnownObject($value); } } } $codeBlock.OnSave = { param( [WellKnownObject[]]$Values ) Process { foreach($Value in $Values) { $Value.ToDirectoryFormat(); } } } $codeBlock |