# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # Copyright 2019 Ryan James Decker class EasyMenu { [String]$Title [String]$Prompt [String[]]$Options #Simulated Enum hidden [String]$Message hidden [Bool]$Open [String]$Selection hidden [ScriptBlock]$ExecuteFunction EasyMenu( [String]$_title, [String]$_prompt, [String[]]$_options, [ScriptBlock]$_functionReference ){ $this.Title = $_title $this.Prompt = $_prompt $this.Options = $_options $this.Selection = $null $this.ExecuteFunction = $_functionReference If ($_options.Length -gt 0) { $this.Message = "" For ($i = 0; $i -lt $_options.Length; $i++) { If ($i -ne 0) {$this.Message += "$([Environment]::NewLine)"} $this.Message += "$($i + 1)`) $($_options[$i])" } } else { $this.Message = $null } $this.Open = $true } hidden [Void]Show(){ If ($this.Title -ne $null -and $this.Title -ne "") { Write-Host "$($this.Title):" } If ($this.Prompt -ne $null -and $this.Prompt -ne "") { Write-Host "$($this.Prompt)" } If ($this.Message -ne $null -and $this.Message -ne "") { Write-Host "$($this.Message)" } } hidden [Void]Select() { $this.Show() If ($this.Options.Length -gt 0) { $this.Selection = Read-Host "Pick a number" Write-Host "$([Environment]::NewLine)" -NoNewline } ElseIf ( $this.Options.Length -eq 0 -and $this.Prompt -ne "" ){ $this.Selection = Read-Host Write-Host "$([Environment]::NewLine)" -NoNewline } } [Void]Execute(){ $this.Select() $this.ExecuteFunction.Invoke() } [Void]ShowStatus(){ Write-Host "Menu Status:" Write-Host "Title: $($this.Title)" Write-Host "Open: $($this.Open)" Write-Host "Options: " -NoNewline For ($i = 0; $i -lt $this.Options.Length; $i++) { If ($i -eq 0) {Write-Host "`@`(" -NoNewline} Write-Host "$($this.Options[$i])" -NoNewline If ($i -ne ($this.Options.Length -1)) {Write-Host "," -NoNewline} If ($i -eq ($this.Options.Length - 1)) {Write-Host ")"} } Write-Host "Message: `"$($this.Message)`"" } } function New-EasyMenu( [String]$Title, [String]$Prompt, [String[]]$Options, [ScriptBlock]$ScriptBlock ){ [EasyMenu]::New($Title,$Prompt,$Options,$ScriptBlock) } |