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<doc> <assembly> <name>RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell</name> </assembly> <members> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Connect_Rsc"> <summary> Establishes a user session with Rubrik Security Cloud </summary> <description> The Connect-Rsc Cmdlet is used to connect to the Rubrik Security Cloud (RSC) API. RSC then returns a unique token to represent the user's credentials for subsequent calls. The token is stored securly in a .NET object within this PowerShell session. The recommended authentication method is a Rsc Service Account. Service Account credentials may be provided as parameters, or stored in an encrypted credential file, using Set-RscServiceAccountFile. Service Account .json files (unencryped) are not supported. </description> <example> Connect to Rubrik Security Cloud, using the URL, Client Id and Client Secret <code>Connect-Rsc -Server -ClientId xxxxxxxxx -ClientSecret xxxxxxxxx</code> </example> <example> Connect to Rubrik Security Cloud, using a service account file, stored in the default RSC credential store in the user profile The service account file can be downloaded from the Rsc Web UI. <code> Set-RscServiceAccountFile -InputFilePath rubrik_service_account.json Connect-Rsc </code> </example> <example> Connect to Rubrik Security Cloud, using a service account file, stored in a location other than the default RSC credential store. The service account file can be downloaded from the Rsc Web UI. <code> Set-RscServiceAccountFile -InputFilePath rubrik_service_account.json -OutputFilePath rubrik_service_account.xml Connect-Rsc -ServiceAccountFile rubrik_service_account.xml </code> </example> <example> Connect to Rubrik Security Cloud, using a service account file, stored in a location held in the OS environment variable RSC_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE The service account file can be downloaded from the Rsc Web UI. <code> Set-RscServiceAccountFile -InputFilePath rubrik_service_account.json -OutputFilePath $ENV:RSC_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE Connect-Rsc -FromEnv </code> </example> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Connect_Rsc.IfNeeded"> <summary> Connect if there is no existing connection </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Connect_Rsc.FromEnv"> <summary> Use a service account, which path is stored in an environment variable </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Connect_Rsc.ServiceAccountFile"> <summary> Used to specify the service account file downloaded from Rubrik Security Cloud </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Connect_Rsc.Server"> <summary> FQDN or the Rubrik Security Cloud Instance. I.e. This can also be found in the JSON file downloaded from RSC when creating the Service Account </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Connect_Rsc.ClientId"> <summary> The Service Account ClientId. This can be found as "client_id" in the JSON file downloaded from RSC when creating the Service Account </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Connect_Rsc.ClientSecret"> <summary> The Service Account ClientSecret in SecureString format. The ClientSecret can be found as "client_secret" in the JSON file downloaded from RSC when creating the Service Account Convert the JSON plain text field into a secure string with: $secret = $(Get-Content service_account_file.json | ConvertFrom-Json).client_secret | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText </summary> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscCmdlet"> <summary> Return info about SDK cmdlets </summary> <description> Look up a GraphQL Operation and return info about the cmdlet that implements it. </description> <example> Retrieve the name of the cmdlet that implements the GraphQL query clusterConnection <code> PS> Get-RscCmdlet clusterConnection </code> </example> <example> Retrieve info for a GraphQL operation that is not implemented by a cmdlet. <code> PS> Get-RscCmdlet notImplementedOperation </code> </example> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscCmdlet.ExistingGqlRootFieldName"> <summary> The name of the GraphQL Operation to look up. </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscCmdlet.AnyGqlRootFieldName"> <summary> The name of the GraphQL Operation to look up. </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscCmdlet.Locations"> <summary> Info about the various locations the SDK uses </summary> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscFileset"> <summary> Retrieve one or more filsets managed by Rubrik Security Cloud (Rsc). </summary> <description> The Get-RscFileset cmdlet is used to get one or more filesets known to RSC. The -FilesetId parameter will return a single fileset. All other parameters will return a list of matching filesets. When -FilesetId is NOT specified, -HostId is required. -HostId can accept a value from the pipeline </description> <example> Get a list of all filesets on a specified host <code> Get-RscFileset -HostId xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx </code> </example> <example> Get a list of all filesets on a specified host, filtered by name <code> Get-RscFileset -HostId xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx -Name etc </code> </example> <example> Get a list of all filesets on a host, providing the host via the pipeline <code> Get-RscHost -OsType Linux -First 1 | Get-RscFileset </code> </example> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscFileset.HostId"> <summary> The Id of the Physical Host to get filesets for </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscFileset.Name"> <summary> Filter results by name </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscFileset.First"> <summary> Return only the fist # of results </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscFileset.SortBy"> <summary> Sort by field name </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscFileset.SortOrder"> <summary> Sort Order </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscFileset.FilesetId"> <summary> Get a fileset using its ID </summary> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscFilesetTemplate"> <summary> Retrieve one or more filset templates managed by Rubrik Security Cloud (Rsc). </summary> <description> The Get-RscFileset cmdlet is used to get one or more fileset templates known to RSC. The -Id parameter will return a template. All other parameters will return a list of matching templates. Returns Windows and Linux fileset templates. </description> <example> Get a list of all Linux fileset templates. <code>Get-RscFilesetTemplate -OsType Linux </code> </example> <example> Get a list of Windows fileset templates, matching a name pattern. <code>Get-RscFilesetTemplate -OsType Windows -Name myWinTemplate</code> </example> <example> Get a template by Id, with default fields selected. <code>Get-RscFilesetTemplate -Id 76254be7-baa4-5145-a4b7-a7a7773ad97d</code> </example> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscFilesetTemplate.OsType"> <summary> Operating system type of fileset templates to return. Valid values are: "Windows" and "Linux". </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscFilesetTemplate.Name"> <summary> Filter results by name </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscFilesetTemplate.First"> <summary> Return only the fist # of results </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscFilesetTemplate.SortBy"> <summary> Sort by field name </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscFilesetTemplate.SortOrder"> <summary> Sort Order </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscFilesetTemplate.Id"> <summary> Get a physical host using its ID </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscFilesetTemplate.Field"> <summary> Activate selected fields based on not-null properties of the input fields object </summary> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscHost"> <summary> Retrieve one or more physical hosts managed by Rubrik Security Cloud (Rsc). </summary> <description> The Get-RscHost cmdlet is used to get one or more physical hosts known to RSC. The -Id parameter will return a single host. All other parameters will return a list of matching hosts. </description> <example> Get a list of all Linux from the RSC instance. <code>Get-RscHost -OsType Linux </code> </example> <example> Get a list of Windows Hosts, matching a name pattern. <code>Get-RscHost -OsType Windows -Name myWindowsServer</code> </example> <example> Get a host by Id, with default fields selected. <code>Get-RscHost -Id 76254be7-baa4-5145-a4b7-a7a7773ad97d</code> </example> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscHost.OsType"> <summary> Operating system type of hosts to return. Valid values are "Windows" and "Linux". </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscHost.Name"> <summary> Filter results by name </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscHost.First"> <summary> Return only the fist # of results </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscHost.Relics"> <summary> Include only items that are relics </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscHost.Replicated"> <summary> Include only items that are replicated </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscHost.SortBy"> <summary> Sort by field name </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscHost.SortOrder"> <summary> Sort Order </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscHost.IsBulkPolicyAssignmentFlow"> <summary> Indicates whether request is bulk policy assignment flow. </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscHost.Id"> <summary> Get a physical host using its ID </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscHost.Field"> <summary> Activate selected fields based on not-null properties of the input fields object </summary> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscSnapshot"> <summary> Retrieves all of the snapshots (backups) for any given object </summary> <description> The Get-RscSnapshot cmdlet is used to query the RSC instance for all known snapshots (backups) for a protected object. Multiple objects to be piped into this function is not yet supported </description> <example> Get the snapshot list for an object by the object Id <code>Get-RscSnapshot -Id 'xxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxx'</code> </example> <example> Get the snapshots for vSphere VM from pipeline <code> $vm = Get-RscVsphereVm -Id xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx $vm | Get-RscSnapshot </code> </example> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscSnapshot.SnappableId"> <summary> The ID of the snappable object to get a list of snapshots for. </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscSnapshot.First"> <summary> Return only the first # of results </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscSnapshot.SnapshotId"> <summary> Retreive a single CDM snapshot by ID. PolarisSnapshot is not yet supported. </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscSnapshot.ClusterUUID"> <summary> Ensure that the snapshot returned belongs to a specific CDM Cluster. </summary> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscType"> <summary> Return a valid empty .NET object for the RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell SDK </summary> <description> Return a valid empty .NET object for the RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell SDK. The cmdlet will return a .NET object by name. The -ListAvailable parameter will return a list of valid RubrikSecurityCloud.Types. </description> <example> Get a list of all available Rsc .NET types <code> PS C:\> Get-RscType -ListAvailable </code> </example> <example> Get a list of available Rsc .NET types filtered by name <code> PS C:\> Get-RscType -ListAvailable -FilterByName "accountsetting" </code> </example> <example> Get an empty object that is compliant with the Rsc Type specified by name <code> PS C:\> Get-RscType -Name "AccountSetting" </code> </example> <example> Get an empty object that is compliant with the Rsc Type specified by name. Initialize the 'IsEulaAccepted' property <code> PS C:\> Get-RscType -Name "AccountSetting" -InitialProperties @("IsEulaAccepted") </code> </example> <example> Get an empty object that is compliant with the Rsc Type specified by name. Initialize the 'IsEulaAccepted' property with a specific value. <code> PS C:\> Get-RscType -Name "AccountSetting" -InitialValues @{"IsEulaAccepted"= $false} </code> </example> <example> Get a list of all available Rsc .NET Interfaces <code> PS C:\> Get-RscType -ListAvailable -Interfaces </code> </example> <example> Get a list of all available Rsc .NET Interfaces filtered by name <code> PS C:\> Get-RscType -ListAvailable -Interfaces -FilterByName "mssql" </code> </example> <example> Get a list of all Rsc .NET types that implement the MssqlTopLevelDescendantType interface <code> PS C:\> Get-RscType -Interface MssqlTopLevelDescendantType </code> </example> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscType.Name"> <summary> The name of the Rsc Type to return </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscType.InitialProperties"> <summary> Specify an array of string containing the names of the properties to initialize. </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscType.InitialValues"> <summary> Specify a hashtable mapping the requested fields to their values. </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscType.ListAvailable"> <summary> Used to request a list of valid Rsc Type Names. </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscType.FilterByName"> <summary> Optional to filter results by name. </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscType.Interfaces"> <summary> Flag to specify if interfaces should be returned. </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscType.Interface"> <summary> Used to request a list of types implementing a given interface. </summary> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscVersion"> <summary> Returns the Rubrik Security Cloud Server version, as well a the Rubrik Security Cloud PowerShell SDK schema version. Ideally these values should match for maximum SDK compatibility. </summary> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscVsphereVm"> <summary> Retrieve one or more vSphere Virtual Machines (VMs) managed by Rubrik Security Cloud (Rsc). </summary> <description> The Get-RscVsphereVm cmdlet is used to get one or more vSphere VMs known to RSC. The -Id parameter will return a single VM. All other parameters will return a list of matching VMs. </description> <example> Get a list of all vSphere VMs from the RSC instance. <code>Get-RscVsphereVm</code> </example> <example> Get a list of vSphere VMs, matching a name pattern. <code>Get-RscVsphereVm -Name devVM</code> </example> <example> Get a vSphere VM by Id, with default fields selected. <code>Get-RscVsphereVm -Id 76254be7-baa4-5145-a4b7-a7a7773ad97d</code> </example> <example> Get a vSphere VM by Id, with custom fields selected (Id, Name, and GuestOsType). <code> $myFields = Get-RscType -Name VSphereVm $myFields.Id = "FETCH" $myFields.Name = "FETCH" $myFields.GuestOsType = "FETCH" Get-RscVsphereVm -Id 76254be7-baa4-5145-a4b7-a7a7773ad97d -Fields $myFields </code> </example> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscVsphereVm.Name"> <summary> Filter VMs by Name </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscVsphereVm.Id"> <summary> Retrieve a single known VM by Id </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Get_RscVsphereVm.Fields"> <summary> An object to use as a field selector for the query. Values from the API for fields set to not-null values in this object will be returned. To be used only with -Id parameter. </summary> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Invoke_Rsc"> <summary> Send a query to the RSC API. </summary> <description> There are 2 usages of this cmdlet: 1) -Query : Send a query object (obtained from a `New-RscQuery*` cmdlet); or 2) -GqlQuery : Send a text GraphQL query. </description> <example> Send a query object. <code> # # Create a query object $q = New-RscQueryGetVsphereVmList -Name "my-vm" # Send it - by piping to Invoke-Rsc: $q | Invoke-Rsc # - Or - by calling Invoke() on the query object $q.Invoke() # The above 2 methods are equivalent. </code> </example> <example> Send a GraphQL query string. <code> # # Text GraphQL query string $gqlQuery = @' mutation DeleteWebhookMutation($id: Int!) { deleteWebhook(input: {id: $id}) } '@ # Invoke the query - as a parameter: Invoke-Rsc -GqlQuery $gqlQuery -Var @{id = 1} # - Or - by piping the query to Invoke-Rsc: $gqlQuery | Invoke-Rsc -Var @{id = 1} # The above 2 methods are equivalent. </code> </example> <example> Read the GraphQL query from a .gql file, and send it. <code> # # text GraphQL query file with variables in the header $gqlFile = "./Samples/queryAccountOwners.gql" $gqlQuery = Get-Content -Path $gqlFile -Raw # Invoke the query - by piping to Invoke-Rsc: $gqlQuery | Invoke-Rsc # - Or - by giving it as a parameter: Invoke-Rsc -GqlQuery $gqlQuery # The above 2 methods are equivalent. </code> </example> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Invoke_Rsc.Query"> <summary> The query object to send to the RSC API. </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Invoke_Rsc.GqlQuery"> <summary> The text GraphQL query string to send to the RSC API. Variables can possibly be supplied in a header comment. </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Invoke_Rsc.Var"> <summary> The variables to supply to the GraphQL query. Only used when GqlQuery is set. </summary> </member> <member name="M:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Invoke_Rsc.ProcessRecord_Query"> <summary> Send a query object (obtained from a `New-RscQuery*` cmdlet). </summary> </member> <member name="M:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Invoke_Rsc.ProcessRecord_NativeGQL"> <summary> Send a raw GraphQL query to the RSC API. </summary> </member> <member name="M:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Invoke_Rsc.FetchAndCollatePages(RubrikSecurityCloud.RscQuery)"> <summary> Collate pages of results. </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_GqlRootField.RootFieldKind"> <summary> The kind of root field this object is: a Query, a Mutation, or something unknown. </summary> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutation"> <summary> Create a new RscMutation object. </summary> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQuery"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object. </summary> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationAccount"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 14 operations in the 'Account' API domain: CreateOrg, CreateOrgSwitchSession, CreateRole, CreateUser, CreateUserWithPassword, DeleteOrg, DeleteRole, DeleteTotpConfig, DeleteTotpConfigs, DeleteUsers, GenerateTotpSecret, MutateRole, UpdateOrg, or UpdateRole. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationAccount creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Account' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 14 operations in the 'Account' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: CreateOrg, CreateOrgSwitchSession, CreateRole, CreateUser, CreateUserWithPassword, DeleteOrg, DeleteRole, DeleteTotpConfig, DeleteTotpConfigs, DeleteUsers, GenerateTotpSecret, MutateRole, UpdateOrg, or UpdateRole. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationAccount -CreateOrg).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationAccount -CreateOrg).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the CreateOrg operation of the 'Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Account # API Operation: CreateOrg $query = New-RscMutationAccount -CreateOrg # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED fullName = $someString # REQUIRED description = $someString # REQUIRED authDomainConfig = $someTenantAuthDomainConfig # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TenantAuthDomainConfig]) for enum values. # REQUIRED shouldEnforceMfaForAll = $someBoolean # REQUIRED isEnvoyRequired = $someBoolean # REQUIRED allowedClusters = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL existingUsers = @( @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED isOrgAdmin = $someBoolean } ) # OPTIONAL userInvites = @( @{ # REQUIRED email = $someString # REQUIRED note = $someString # REQUIRED isOrgAdmin = $someBoolean } ) # REQUIRED permissions = @( @{ # REQUIRED operation = $someOperation # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.Operation]) for enum values. # REQUIRED objectsForHierarchyTypes = @( @{ # REQUIRED objectIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED snappableType = $someWorkloadLevelHierarchy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.WorkloadLevelHierarchy]) for enum values. } ) } ) # REQUIRED selfServicePermissions = @( @{ # OPTIONAL inventoryRoot = $someInventorySubHierarchyRootEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.InventorySubHierarchyRootEnum]) for enum values. # REQUIRED inventoryWorkloadType = $someWorkloadLevelHierarchy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.WorkloadLevelHierarchy]) for enum values. # REQUIRED operations = @( $someOperation # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.Operation]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL hierarchyRoot = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL existingSsoGroups = @( @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED isOrgAdmin = $someBoolean } ) # OPTIONAL newSsoGroups = @( @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED isOrgAdmin = $someBoolean } ) # OPTIONAL isServiceAccountEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isServiceAccountDisabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL crossAccountCapabilities = @( $someCrossAccountCapability # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CrossAccountCapability]) for enum values. ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateOrgReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateOrgSwitchSession operation of the 'Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Account # API Operation: CreateOrgSwitchSession $query = New-RscMutationAccount -CreateOrgSwitchSession # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED orgId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateOrgSwitchSessionReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateRole operation of the 'Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Account # API Operation: CreateRole $query = New-RscMutationAccount -CreateRole # REQUIRED $ = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.description = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.permissions = @( @{ # REQUIRED operation = $someOperation # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.Operation]) for enum values. # REQUIRED objectsForHierarchyTypes = @( @{ # REQUIRED objectIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED snappableType = $someWorkloadLevelHierarchy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.WorkloadLevelHierarchy]) for enum values. } ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateUser operation of the 'Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Account # API Operation: CreateUser $query = New-RscMutationAccount -CreateUser # REQUIRED $ = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.roleIds = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateUserWithPassword operation of the 'Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Account # API Operation: CreateUserWithPassword $query = New-RscMutationAccount -CreateUserWithPassword # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL email = $someString # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL roleIds = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteOrg operation of the 'Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Account # API Operation: DeleteOrg $query = New-RscMutationAccount -DeleteOrg # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED organizationId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteRole operation of the 'Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Account # API Operation: DeleteRole $query = New-RscMutationAccount -DeleteRole # REQUIRED $query.Var.roleId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteTotpConfig operation of the 'Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Account # API Operation: DeleteTotpConfig $query = New-RscMutationAccount -DeleteTotpConfig # REQUIRED $query.Var.userId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteTotpConfigs operation of the 'Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Account # API Operation: DeleteTotpConfigs $query = New-RscMutationAccount -DeleteTotpConfigs # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL userIds = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteUsers operation of the 'Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Account # API Operation: DeleteUsers $query = New-RscMutationAccount -DeleteUsers # REQUIRED $query.Var.ids = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the GenerateTotpSecret operation of the 'Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Account # API Operation: GenerateTotpSecret $query = New-RscMutationAccount -GenerateTotpSecret # REQUIRED $query.Var.userId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GenerateTotpSecretReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the MutateRole operation of the 'Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Account # API Operation: MutateRole $query = New-RscMutationAccount -MutateRole # OPTIONAL $query.Var.roleId = $someString # REQUIRED $ = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.description = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.permissions = @( @{ # REQUIRED operation = $someOperation # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.Operation]) for enum values. # REQUIRED objectsForHierarchyTypes = @( @{ # REQUIRED objectIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED snappableType = $someWorkloadLevelHierarchy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.WorkloadLevelHierarchy]) for enum values. } ) } ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.protectableClusters = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateOrg operation of the 'Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Account # API Operation: UpdateOrg $query = New-RscMutationAccount -UpdateOrg # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED organizationId = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED fullName = $someString # REQUIRED description = $someString # REQUIRED authDomainConfig = $someTenantAuthDomainConfig # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TenantAuthDomainConfig]) for enum values. # REQUIRED shouldEnforceMfaForAll = $someBoolean # REQUIRED isEnvoyRequired = $someBoolean # REQUIRED allowedClusters = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL existingUsers = @( @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED isOrgAdmin = $someBoolean } ) # OPTIONAL userInvites = @( @{ # REQUIRED email = $someString # REQUIRED note = $someString # REQUIRED isOrgAdmin = $someBoolean } ) # REQUIRED permissions = @( @{ # REQUIRED operation = $someOperation # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.Operation]) for enum values. # REQUIRED objectsForHierarchyTypes = @( @{ # REQUIRED objectIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED snappableType = $someWorkloadLevelHierarchy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.WorkloadLevelHierarchy]) for enum values. } ) } ) # REQUIRED selfServicePermissions = @( @{ # OPTIONAL inventoryRoot = $someInventorySubHierarchyRootEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.InventorySubHierarchyRootEnum]) for enum values. # REQUIRED inventoryWorkloadType = $someWorkloadLevelHierarchy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.WorkloadLevelHierarchy]) for enum values. # REQUIRED operations = @( $someOperation # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.Operation]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL hierarchyRoot = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL existingSsoGroups = @( @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED isOrgAdmin = $someBoolean } ) # OPTIONAL newSsoGroups = @( @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED isOrgAdmin = $someBoolean } ) # OPTIONAL isServiceAccountEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isServiceAccountDisabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL crossAccountCapabilities = @( $someCrossAccountCapability # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CrossAccountCapability]) for enum values. ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateOrgReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateRole operation of the 'Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Account # API Operation: UpdateRole $query = New-RscMutationAccount -UpdateRole # REQUIRED $query.Var.roleId = $someString # REQUIRED $ = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.description = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.permissions = @( @{ # REQUIRED operation = $someOperation # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.Operation]) for enum values. # REQUIRED objectsForHierarchyTypes = @( @{ # REQUIRED objectIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED snappableType = $someWorkloadLevelHierarchy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.WorkloadLevelHierarchy]) for enum values. } ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationActiveDirectory"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 4 operations in the 'Active Directory' API domain: CreateLiveMount, CreateUnmount, ModifyLiveMount, or RestoreObjects. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationActiveDirectory creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Active Directory' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 4 operations in the 'Active Directory' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: CreateLiveMount, CreateUnmount, ModifyLiveMount, or RestoreObjects. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationActiveDirectory -CreateLiveMount).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationActiveDirectory -CreateLiveMount).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the CreateLiveMount operation of the 'Active Directory' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ActiveDirectory # API Operation: CreateLiveMount $query = New-RscMutationActiveDirectory -CreateLiveMount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL validUsers = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL validIps = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL domainName = $someString # OPTIONAL subnet = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateUnmount operation of the 'Active Directory' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ActiveDirectory # API Operation: CreateUnmount $query = New-RscMutationActiveDirectory -CreateUnmount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the ModifyLiveMount operation of the 'Active Directory' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ActiveDirectory # API Operation: ModifyLiveMount $query = New-RscMutationActiveDirectory -ModifyLiveMount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL validIps = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL subnet = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the RestoreObjects operation of the 'Active Directory' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ActiveDirectory # API Operation: RestoreObjects $query = New-RscMutationActiveDirectory -RestoreObjects # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL shouldMergeLinkedAttrs = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL userRestoreOptions = @{ # OPTIONAL shouldEnableUser = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldChangePassword = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL passwordOptions = $someActiveDirectoryUserPasswordRecoveryOption # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActiveDirectoryUserPasswordRecoveryOption]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL restoreToDifferentContainer = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldContinueOnError = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL clearUpAttrsIfNullInBackup = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL credsForRestore = @{ # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # OPTIONAL shouldCreateMissingParents = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL containerRestoreOptions = @{ # OPTIONAL shouldDeleteExtraObjects = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldOnlyRecreateMissingObjects = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL locationId = $someString # OPTIONAL nameConflict = $someActiveDirectoryObjectNameConflictOption # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActiveDirectoryObjectNameConflictOption]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL objectMovedOptions = $someActiveDirectoryObjectMovedOption # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActiveDirectoryObjectMovedOption]) for enum values. # REQUIRED domainControllerRecoveryObjects = @( @{ # OPTIONAL attributes = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL objectType = $someActiveDirectoryObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActiveDirectoryObjectType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED dnt = $someInt64 } ) } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationActivitySeries"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 3 operations in the 'Activity series' API domain: Cancel, DownloadUserCsv, or DownloadUserFileCsv. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationActivitySeries creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Activity series' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 3 operations in the 'Activity series' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: Cancel, DownloadUserCsv, or DownloadUserFileCsv. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationActivitySeries -Cancel).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationActivitySeries -Cancel).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the Cancel operation of the 'Activity series' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ActivitySeries # API Operation: Cancel $query = New-RscMutationActivitySeries -Cancel # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED activitySeriesId = $someString # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the DownloadUserCsv operation of the 'Activity series' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ActivitySeries # API Operation: DownloadUserCsv $query = New-RscMutationActivitySeries -DownloadUserCsv # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED filters = @{ # OPTIONAL openAccessTypes = @( $someOpenAccessType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.OpenAccessType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL stalenessTypes = @( $someStalenessType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.StalenessType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL analyzerGroupIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL clusterIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL pathPrefix = $someString # OPTIONAL snappableTypes = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL searchText = $someString # OPTIONAL whitelistEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL fileCountTypes = @( $someFileCountType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.FileCountType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL accessTypes = @( $someAccessType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AccessType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL activityTypes = @( $someActivityAccessType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivityAccessType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL objectIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL inodeTypes = @( $someInodeType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.InodeType]) for enum values. ) # REQUIRED objectTypes = @( $someHierarchyObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) } # REQUIRED day = $someString # REQUIRED timezone = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: DownloadCsvReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the DownloadUserFileCsv operation of the 'Activity series' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ActivitySeries # API Operation: DownloadUserFileCsv $query = New-RscMutationActivitySeries -DownloadUserFileCsv # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED userId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshot = @{ # OPTIONAL snappableFid = $someString # OPTIONAL snapshotFid = $someString } # REQUIRED nativePath = $someString # REQUIRED timezone = $someString # REQUIRED startDay = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: DownloadCsvReply </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationArchival"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 16 operations in the 'Archival' API domain: CreateGlacierReaderTarget, CreateManualTargetMapping, CreateS3CompatibleReaderTarget, CreateS3CompatibleTarget, DeleteTarget, DeleteTargetMapping, DisableTarget, EnableTarget, PauseTarget, PromoteReaderTarget, RefreshReaderTarget, ResumeTarget, UpdateGlacierTarget, UpdateManualTargetMapping, UpdateS3CompatibleTarget, or UpgradeCdmManagedTarget. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationArchival creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Archival' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 16 operations in the 'Archival' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: CreateGlacierReaderTarget, CreateManualTargetMapping, CreateS3CompatibleReaderTarget, CreateS3CompatibleTarget, DeleteTarget, DeleteTargetMapping, DisableTarget, EnableTarget, PauseTarget, PromoteReaderTarget, RefreshReaderTarget, ResumeTarget, UpdateGlacierTarget, UpdateManualTargetMapping, UpdateS3CompatibleTarget, or UpgradeCdmManagedTarget. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationArchival -CreateGlacierReaderTarget).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationArchival -CreateGlacierReaderTarget).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the CreateGlacierReaderTarget operation of the 'Archival' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Archival # API Operation: CreateGlacierReaderTarget $query = New-RscMutationArchival -CreateGlacierReaderTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED cloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED vaultName = $someString # REQUIRED region = $someAwsRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsRegion]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL encryptionPassword = $someString # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # OPTIONAL retrievalTier = $someAwsRetrievalTier # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsRetrievalTier]) for enum values. # REQUIRED readerRetrievalMethod = $someReaderRetrievalMethod # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReaderRetrievalMethod]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Target </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateManualTargetMapping operation of the 'Archival' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Archival # API Operation: CreateManualTargetMapping $query = New-RscMutationArchival -CreateManualTargetMapping # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL type = $someTargetType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TargetType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL archivalLocationClusterMappings = @( @{ # OPTIONAL locationId = $someString # OPTIONAL clusterUuid = $someString } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: TargetMapping </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateS3CompatibleReaderTarget operation of the 'Archival' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Archival # API Operation: CreateS3CompatibleReaderTarget $query = New-RscMutationArchival -CreateS3CompatibleReaderTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED accessKey = $someString # REQUIRED secretKey = $someString # REQUIRED endpoint = $someString # REQUIRED bucketPrefix = $someString # REQUIRED numberOfBuckets = $someInt # REQUIRED encryptionKeyInDer = $someString # REQUIRED isConsolidationEnabled = $someBoolean # REQUIRED useSystemProxy = $someBoolean # REQUIRED readerRetrievalMethod = $someReaderRetrievalMethod # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReaderRetrievalMethod]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL subType = $someS3CompatibleSubType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.S3CompatibleSubType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL encryptionPassword = $someString # OPTIONAL immutabilitySettings = @{ # OPTIONAL bucketLockDurationDays = $someInt } # OPTIONAL ibmDetails = @{ # OPTIONAL provisioningCode = $someString # OPTIONAL deploymentType = $someIbmDeploymentType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.IbmDeploymentType]) for enum values. } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Target </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateS3CompatibleTarget operation of the 'Archival' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Archival # API Operation: CreateS3CompatibleTarget $query = New-RscMutationArchival -CreateS3CompatibleTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED accessKey = $someString # REQUIRED secretKey = $someString # REQUIRED endpoint = $someString # REQUIRED bucketPrefix = $someString # REQUIRED numberOfBuckets = $someInt # REQUIRED encryptionKeyInDer = $someString # REQUIRED isConsolidationEnabled = $someBoolean # REQUIRED useSystemProxy = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL subType = $someS3CompatibleSubType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.S3CompatibleSubType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL encryptionPassword = $someString # OPTIONAL immutabilitySettings = @{ # OPTIONAL bucketLockDurationDays = $someInt } # OPTIONAL ibmDetails = @{ # OPTIONAL provisioningCode = $someString # OPTIONAL deploymentType = $someIbmDeploymentType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.IbmDeploymentType]) for enum values. } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Target </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteTarget operation of the 'Archival' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Archival # API Operation: DeleteTarget $query = New-RscMutationArchival -DeleteTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteTargetMapping operation of the 'Archival' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Archival # API Operation: DeleteTargetMapping $query = New-RscMutationArchival -DeleteTargetMapping # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the DisableTarget operation of the 'Archival' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Archival # API Operation: DisableTarget $query = New-RscMutationArchival -DisableTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: DisableTargetReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the EnableTarget operation of the 'Archival' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Archival # API Operation: EnableTarget $query = New-RscMutationArchival -EnableTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: EnableTargetReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the PauseTarget operation of the 'Archival' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Archival # API Operation: PauseTarget $query = New-RscMutationArchival -PauseTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: PauseTargetReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the PromoteReaderTarget operation of the 'Archival' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Archival # API Operation: PromoteReaderTarget $query = New-RscMutationArchival -PromoteReaderTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL locationId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the RefreshReaderTarget operation of the 'Archival' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Archival # API Operation: RefreshReaderTarget $query = New-RscMutationArchival -RefreshReaderTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL localDataSourceIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL archivalDataSourceIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL locationId = $someString # OPTIONAL externalLocationId = $someString # OPTIONAL clusterId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the ResumeTarget operation of the 'Archival' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Archival # API Operation: ResumeTarget $query = New-RscMutationArchival -ResumeTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ResumeTargetReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateGlacierTarget operation of the 'Archival' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Archival # API Operation: UpdateGlacierTarget $query = New-RscMutationArchival -UpdateGlacierTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL retrievalTier = $someAwsRetrievalTier # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsRetrievalTier]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL cloudAccountId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Target </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateManualTargetMapping operation of the 'Archival' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Archival # API Operation: UpdateManualTargetMapping $query = New-RscMutationArchival -UpdateManualTargetMapping # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL id = $someString # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL archivalLocationClusterMappings = @( @{ # OPTIONAL locationId = $someString # OPTIONAL clusterUuid = $someString } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: TargetMapping </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateS3CompatibleTarget operation of the 'Archival' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Archival # API Operation: UpdateS3CompatibleTarget $query = New-RscMutationArchival -UpdateS3CompatibleTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL accessKey = $someString # OPTIONAL secretKey = $someString # OPTIONAL endpoint = $someString # OPTIONAL numberOfBuckets = $someInt # OPTIONAL isConsolidationEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL useSystemProxy = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL immutabilitySettings = @{ # OPTIONAL bucketLockDurationDays = $someInt } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Target </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpgradeCdmManagedTarget operation of the 'Archival' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Archival # API Operation: UpgradeCdmManagedTarget $query = New-RscMutationArchival -UpgradeCdmManagedTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED fids = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationAws"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 34 operations in the 'AWS' API domain: AddAuthenticationServerBasedCloudAccount, AddIamUserBasedCloudAccount, BulkDeleteCloudAccountWithoutCft, CreateAccount, CreateAutomaticTargetMapping, CreateCloudNativeStorageSetting, CreateCluster, CreateComputeSetting, CreateExocomputeConfigs, CreateReaderTarget, CreateTarget, DeleteComputeSetting, DeleteExocomputeConfigs, DisconnectExocomputeCluster, ExocomputeClusterConnect, FinalizeCloudAccountDeletion, FinalizeCloudAccountProtection, PatchAuthenticationServerBasedCloudAccount, PatchIamUserBasedCloudAccount, PrepareCloudAccountDeletion, PrepareFeatureUpdateForCloudAccount, RegisterFeatureArtifacts, StartExocomputeDisableJob, UpdateAccount, UpdateAutomaticTargetMapping, UpdateCloudAccount, UpdateCloudAccountFeature, UpdateCloudNativeStorageSetting, UpdateComputeSetting, UpdateExocomputeConfigs, UpdateTarget, UpgradeCloudAccountFeaturesWithoutCft, UpgradeIamUserBasedCloudAccountPermissions, or ValidateAndCreateCloudAccount. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationAws creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'AWS' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 34 operations in the 'AWS' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: AddAuthenticationServerBasedCloudAccount, AddIamUserBasedCloudAccount, BulkDeleteCloudAccountWithoutCft, CreateAccount, CreateAutomaticTargetMapping, CreateCloudNativeStorageSetting, CreateCluster, CreateComputeSetting, CreateExocomputeConfigs, CreateReaderTarget, CreateTarget, DeleteComputeSetting, DeleteExocomputeConfigs, DisconnectExocomputeCluster, ExocomputeClusterConnect, FinalizeCloudAccountDeletion, FinalizeCloudAccountProtection, PatchAuthenticationServerBasedCloudAccount, PatchIamUserBasedCloudAccount, PrepareCloudAccountDeletion, PrepareFeatureUpdateForCloudAccount, RegisterFeatureArtifacts, StartExocomputeDisableJob, UpdateAccount, UpdateAutomaticTargetMapping, UpdateCloudAccount, UpdateCloudAccountFeature, UpdateCloudNativeStorageSetting, UpdateComputeSetting, UpdateExocomputeConfigs, UpdateTarget, UpgradeCloudAccountFeaturesWithoutCft, UpgradeIamUserBasedCloudAccountPermissions, or ValidateAndCreateCloudAccount. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationAws -AddAuthenticationServerBasedCloudAccount).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationAws -AddAuthenticationServerBasedCloudAccount).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the AddAuthenticationServerBasedCloudAccount operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: AddAuthenticationServerBasedCloudAccount $query = New-RscMutationAws -AddAuthenticationServerBasedCloudAccount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED cloudType = $someAwsCloudType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsCloudType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED awsAccountName = $someString # OPTIONAL awsRegions = @( $someAwsAuthServerBasedCloudAccountRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsAuthServerBasedCloudAccountRegion]) for enum values. ) # REQUIRED features = @( $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL nativeId = $someString # OPTIONAL agencyName = $someString # OPTIONAL roleName = $someString # OPTIONAL authServerHostName = $someString # OPTIONAL authServerUserClientCertId = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someInt64 } # OPTIONAL authServerCaCertId = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someInt64 } # OPTIONAL awsCaCertId = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someInt64 } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AddAwsAuthenticationServerBasedCloudAccountReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the AddIamUserBasedCloudAccount operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: AddIamUserBasedCloudAccount $query = New-RscMutationAws -AddIamUserBasedCloudAccount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED features = @( $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL accessKey = $someString # OPTIONAL secretKey = $someString # REQUIRED nativeId = $someString # REQUIRED cloudAccountName = $someString # OPTIONAL cloudType = $someAwsCloudType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsCloudType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL awsRegions = @( $someAwsCloudAccountRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsCloudAccountRegion]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL roleArn = $someString # OPTIONAL externalArtifactMap = @( @{ # OPTIONAL externalArtifactKey = $someAwsCloudExternalArtifact # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsCloudExternalArtifact]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL externalArtifactValue = $someString } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AddAwsIamUserBasedCloudAccountReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the BulkDeleteCloudAccountWithoutCft operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: BulkDeleteCloudAccountWithoutCft $query = New-RscMutationAws -BulkDeleteCloudAccountWithoutCft # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED awsNativeId = $someString # OPTIONAL features = @( $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BulkDeleteAwsCloudAccountWithoutCftReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateAccount operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: CreateAccount $query = New-RscMutationAws -CreateAccount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # OPTIONAL description = $someString # REQUIRED accessKey = $someString # REQUIRED secretKey = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CloudAccount </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateAutomaticTargetMapping operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: CreateAutomaticTargetMapping $query = New-RscMutationAws -CreateAutomaticTargetMapping # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED cloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED bucketPrefix = $someString # REQUIRED storageClass = $someAwsStorageClass # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsStorageClass]) for enum values. # REQUIRED region = $someAwsRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsRegion]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL kmsMasterKeyId = $someString # OPTIONAL rsaKey = $someString # REQUIRED isConsolidationEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL proxySettings = @{ # OPTIONAL proxyServer = $someString # OPTIONAL portNumber = $someInt # OPTIONAL username = $someString # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL protocol = $someString } # OPTIONAL clusterUuidList = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL awsComputeSettingsId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: TargetMapping </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateCloudNativeStorageSetting operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: CreateCloudNativeStorageSetting $query = New-RscMutationAws -CreateCloudNativeStorageSetting # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED cloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED bucketPrefix = $someString # REQUIRED storageClass = $someAwsStorageClass # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsStorageClass]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL region = $someAwsRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsRegion]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL kmsMasterKeyId = $someString # REQUIRED cloudNativeLocTemplateType = $someCloudNativeLocTemplateType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudNativeLocTemplateType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL bucketTags = @{ # REQUIRED tagList = @( @{ # REQUIRED key = $someString # REQUIRED value = $someString } ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateCloudNativeAwsStorageSettingReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateCluster operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: CreateCluster $query = New-RscMutationAws -CreateCluster # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL cloudAccountId = $someString # OPTIONAL isEsType = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL keepClusterOnFailure = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL region = $someString # OPTIONAL disableApiTermination = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL clusterConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL userEmail = $someString # OPTIONAL adminPassword = $someString # OPTIONAL clusterName = $someString # OPTIONAL numNodes = $someInt # OPTIONAL dnsSearchDomains = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL dnsNameServers = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL ntpServers = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL azureEsConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL storageAccount = $someString # OPTIONAL resourceGroup = $someString # OPTIONAL storageSecret = $someString # OPTIONAL containerName = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldCreateContainer = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL enableImmutability = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL managedIdentity = @{ # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL clientId = $someString # OPTIONAL resourceGroup = $someString } } # OPTIONAL awsEsConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL bucketName = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldCreateBucket = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL enableObjectLock = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL enableImmutability = $someBoolean } } # OPTIONAL vmConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL cdmVersion = $someString # OPTIONAL nodeSizeGb = $someInt # OPTIONAL subnet = $someString # OPTIONAL tags = $someString # OPTIONAL imageId = $someString # OPTIONAL instanceProfileName = $someString # OPTIONAL cdmProduct = $someString # OPTIONAL vmType = $someVmType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VmType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL securityGroups = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL instanceType = $someAwsInstanceType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsInstanceType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL networkConfig = @( @{ # OPTIONAL availabilityZone = $someString # OPTIONAL subnet = $someString } ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CcProvisionJobReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateComputeSetting operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: CreateComputeSetting $query = New-RscMutationAws -CreateComputeSetting # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL subnetId = $someString # OPTIONAL vpcId = $someString # OPTIONAL securityGroupId = $someString # OPTIONAL cloudAccountId = $someString # OPTIONAL region = $someAwsRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsRegion]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL isSecurityGroupPolarisManaged = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL clusterInterfaceCidrs = @( @{ # OPTIONAL clusterName = $someString # OPTIONAL clusterId = $someString # OPTIONAL interfaceCidr = @( @{ # OPTIONAL interfaceType = $someInterfaceType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.InterfaceType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL cidr = $someString # OPTIONAL selected = $someBoolean } ) } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AwsComputeSettings </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateExocomputeConfigs operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: CreateExocomputeConfigs $query = New-RscMutationAws -CreateExocomputeConfigs # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED cloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED configs = @( @{ # REQUIRED region = $someAwsCloudAccountRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsCloudAccountRegion]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL clusterSecurityGroupId = $someString # OPTIONAL vpcId = $someString # OPTIONAL nodeSecurityGroupId = $someString # OPTIONAL subnets = @( @{ # REQUIRED subnetId = $someString # REQUIRED availabilityZone = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL isRscManaged = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL clusterName = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL triggerHealthCheck = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateAwsExocomputeConfigsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateReaderTarget operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: CreateReaderTarget $query = New-RscMutationAws -CreateReaderTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED cloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED bucketName = $someString # REQUIRED storageClass = $someAwsStorageClass # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsStorageClass]) for enum values. # REQUIRED region = $someAwsRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsRegion]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL kmsMasterKeyId = $someString # OPTIONAL rsaKey = $someString # OPTIONAL encryptionPassword = $someString # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED isConsolidationEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL proxySettings = @{ # OPTIONAL proxyServer = $someString # OPTIONAL portNumber = $someInt # OPTIONAL username = $someString # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL protocol = $someString } # OPTIONAL awsComputeSettingsId = $someString # OPTIONAL cloudComputeSettings = @{ # OPTIONAL subnetId = $someString # OPTIONAL vpcId = $someString # OPTIONAL securityGroupId = $someString # OPTIONAL computeProxySettings = @{ # OPTIONAL proxyServer = $someString # OPTIONAL portNumber = $someInt # OPTIONAL username = $someString # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL protocol = $someString } } # OPTIONAL awsRetrievalTier = $someAwsRetrievalTier # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsRetrievalTier]) for enum values. # REQUIRED readerRetrievalMethod = $someReaderRetrievalMethod # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReaderRetrievalMethod]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL s3Endpoint = $someString # OPTIONAL kmsEndpoint = $someString # OPTIONAL computeProxySettings = @{ # OPTIONAL proxyServer = $someString # OPTIONAL portNumber = $someInt # OPTIONAL username = $someString # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL protocol = $someString } # REQUIRED bypassProxy = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Target </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateTarget operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: CreateTarget $query = New-RscMutationAws -CreateTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED cloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED bucketName = $someString # REQUIRED storageClass = $someAwsStorageClass # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsStorageClass]) for enum values. # REQUIRED region = $someAwsRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsRegion]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL kmsMasterKeyId = $someString # OPTIONAL rsaKey = $someString # OPTIONAL encryptionPassword = $someString # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED isConsolidationEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL proxySettings = @{ # OPTIONAL proxyServer = $someString # OPTIONAL portNumber = $someInt # OPTIONAL username = $someString # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL protocol = $someString } # OPTIONAL awsComputeSettingsId = $someString # OPTIONAL cloudComputeSettings = @{ # OPTIONAL subnetId = $someString # OPTIONAL vpcId = $someString # OPTIONAL securityGroupId = $someString # OPTIONAL computeProxySettings = @{ # OPTIONAL proxyServer = $someString # OPTIONAL portNumber = $someInt # OPTIONAL username = $someString # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL protocol = $someString } } # OPTIONAL computeProxySettings = @{ # OPTIONAL proxyServer = $someString # OPTIONAL portNumber = $someInt # OPTIONAL username = $someString # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL protocol = $someString } # OPTIONAL awsRetrievalTier = $someAwsRetrievalTier # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsRetrievalTier]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL immutabilitySettings = @{ # OPTIONAL lockDurationDays = $someInt } # OPTIONAL s3Endpoint = $someString # OPTIONAL kmsEndpoint = $someString # REQUIRED bypassProxy = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Target </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteComputeSetting operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: DeleteComputeSetting $query = New-RscMutationAws -DeleteComputeSetting # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteExocomputeConfigs operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: DeleteExocomputeConfigs $query = New-RscMutationAws -DeleteExocomputeConfigs # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED configIdsToBeDeleted = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: DeleteAwsExocomputeConfigsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the DisconnectExocomputeCluster operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: DisconnectExocomputeCluster $query = New-RscMutationAws -DisconnectExocomputeCluster # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the ExocomputeClusterConnect operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: ExocomputeClusterConnect $query = New-RscMutationAws -ExocomputeClusterConnect # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL clusterName = $someString # REQUIRED exocomputeConfigId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AwsExocomputeClusterConnectReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the FinalizeCloudAccountDeletion operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: FinalizeCloudAccountDeletion $query = New-RscMutationAws -FinalizeCloudAccountDeletion # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED cloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED feature = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: FinalizeAwsCloudAccountDeletionReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the FinalizeCloudAccountProtection operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: FinalizeCloudAccountProtection $query = New-RscMutationAws -FinalizeCloudAccountProtection # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED action = $someCloudAccountAction # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountAction]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL features = @( $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsAdminAccount = @{ # OPTIONAL id = $someString # OPTIONAL nativeId = $someString # OPTIONAL accountName = $someString # OPTIONAL seamlessFlowEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL cloudType = $someAwsCloudType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsCloudType]) for enum values. } # REQUIRED awsChildAccounts = @( @{ # OPTIONAL id = $someString # OPTIONAL nativeId = $someString # OPTIONAL accountName = $someString # OPTIONAL seamlessFlowEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL cloudType = $someAwsCloudType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsCloudType]) for enum values. } ) # OPTIONAL awsRegions = @( $someAwsCloudAccountRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsCloudAccountRegion]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL stackName = $someString # OPTIONAL stackSetName = $someString # OPTIONAL externalId = $someString # OPTIONAL featureVersion = @( @{ # REQUIRED feature = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL version = $someInt # OPTIONAL permissionsGroupVersions = @( @{ # REQUIRED permissionsGroup = $somePermissionsGroup # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.PermissionsGroup]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL version = $someInt } ) } ) # OPTIONAL featuresWithPermissionsGroups = @( @{ # OPTIONAL featureType = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL permissionsGroups = @( $somePermissionsGroup # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.PermissionsGroup]) for enum values. ) } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: FinalizeAwsCloudAccountProtectionReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the PatchAuthenticationServerBasedCloudAccount operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: PatchAuthenticationServerBasedCloudAccount $query = New-RscMutationAws -PatchAuthenticationServerBasedCloudAccount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED awsCloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED feature = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL awsRegions = @{ # REQUIRED regions = @( $someAwsAuthServerBasedCloudAccountRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsAuthServerBasedCloudAccountRegion]) for enum values. ) } # OPTIONAL roleName = @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString } # OPTIONAL authServerUserClientCertId = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someInt64 } # OPTIONAL authServerCaCertId = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someInt64 } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the PatchIamUserBasedCloudAccount operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: PatchIamUserBasedCloudAccount $query = New-RscMutationAws -PatchIamUserBasedCloudAccount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED awsCloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED feature = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL awsRegions = @{ # REQUIRED regions = @( $someAwsCloudAccountRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsCloudAccountRegion]) for enum values. ) } # OPTIONAL awsUserKeys = @{ # REQUIRED accessKey = $someString # REQUIRED secretKey = $someString } # OPTIONAL awsRoleArn = @{ # REQUIRED roleArn = $someString } # OPTIONAL externalArtifactMap = @( @{ # OPTIONAL externalArtifactKey = $someAwsCloudExternalArtifact # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsCloudExternalArtifact]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL externalArtifactValue = $someString } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the PrepareCloudAccountDeletion operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: PrepareCloudAccountDeletion $query = New-RscMutationAws -PrepareCloudAccountDeletion # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED cloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED feature = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL awsRoleCustomization = @{ # OPTIONAL crossAccountRoleName = $someString # OPTIONAL crossAccountRolePath = $someString # OPTIONAL masterRoleName = $someString # OPTIONAL masterRolePath = $someString # OPTIONAL workerRoleName = $someString # OPTIONAL workerRolePath = $someString # OPTIONAL instanceProfileName = $someString # OPTIONAL instanceProfilePath = $someString # OPTIONAL ec2RecoveryRolePath = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: PrepareAwsCloudAccountDeletionReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the PrepareFeatureUpdateForCloudAccount operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: PrepareFeatureUpdateForCloudAccount $query = New-RscMutationAws -PrepareFeatureUpdateForCloudAccount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED cloudAccountId = $someString # OPTIONAL features = @( $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL featuresWithPermissionsGroups = @( @{ # OPTIONAL featureType = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL permissionsGroups = @( $somePermissionsGroup # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.PermissionsGroup]) for enum values. ) } ) # OPTIONAL awsRoleCustomization = @{ # OPTIONAL crossAccountRoleName = $someString # OPTIONAL crossAccountRolePath = $someString # OPTIONAL masterRoleName = $someString # OPTIONAL masterRolePath = $someString # OPTIONAL workerRoleName = $someString # OPTIONAL workerRolePath = $someString # OPTIONAL instanceProfileName = $someString # OPTIONAL instanceProfilePath = $someString # OPTIONAL ec2RecoveryRolePath = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: PrepareFeatureUpdateForAwsCloudAccountReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the RegisterFeatureArtifacts operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: RegisterFeatureArtifacts $query = New-RscMutationAws -RegisterFeatureArtifacts # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED awsArtifacts = @( @{ # REQUIRED awsNativeId = $someString # REQUIRED externalArtifacts = @( @{ # REQUIRED externalArtifactValue = $someString # OPTIONAL externalArtifactKey = $someAwsCloudExternalArtifact # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsCloudExternalArtifact]) for enum values. } ) # REQUIRED features = @( $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. ) } ) # OPTIONAL cloudType = $someAwsCloudType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsCloudType]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RegisterAwsFeatureArtifactsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the StartExocomputeDisableJob operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: StartExocomputeDisableJob $query = New-RscMutationAws -StartExocomputeDisableJob # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED cloudAccountId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncJobStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateAccount operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: UpdateAccount $query = New-RscMutationAws -UpdateAccount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString # OPTIONAL description = $someString # REQUIRED accessKey = $someString # REQUIRED secretKey = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CloudAccount </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateAutomaticTargetMapping operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: UpdateAutomaticTargetMapping $query = New-RscMutationAws -UpdateAutomaticTargetMapping # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL cloudAccountId = $someString # OPTIONAL storageClass = $someAwsStorageClass # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsStorageClass]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL isConsolidationEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL proxySettings = @{ # OPTIONAL proxyServer = $someString # OPTIONAL portNumber = $someInt # OPTIONAL username = $someString # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL protocol = $someString } # OPTIONAL clusterUuidList = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL awsComputeSettingsId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: TargetMapping </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateCloudAccount operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: UpdateCloudAccount $query = New-RscMutationAws -UpdateCloudAccount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED cloudAccountId = $someString # OPTIONAL awsAccountName = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateCloudAccountFeature operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: UpdateCloudAccountFeature $query = New-RscMutationAws -UpdateCloudAccountFeature # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED cloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED action = $someCloudAccountAction # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountAction]) for enum values. # REQUIRED feature = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL awsRegions = @( $someAwsCloudAccountRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsCloudAccountRegion]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL roleArn = $someString # OPTIONAL stackArn = $someString # OPTIONAL awsAccountName = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateAwsCloudAccountFeatureReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateCloudNativeStorageSetting operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: UpdateCloudNativeStorageSetting $query = New-RscMutationAws -UpdateCloudNativeStorageSetting # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL storageClass = $someAwsStorageClass # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsStorageClass]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL kmsMasterKeyId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateCloudNativeAwsStorageSettingReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateComputeSetting operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: UpdateComputeSetting $query = New-RscMutationAws -UpdateComputeSetting # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL id = $someString # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL subnetId = $someString # OPTIONAL vpcId = $someString # OPTIONAL securityGroupId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AwsComputeSettings </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateExocomputeConfigs operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: UpdateExocomputeConfigs $query = New-RscMutationAws -UpdateExocomputeConfigs # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED cloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED configs = @( @{ # REQUIRED region = $someAwsCloudAccountRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsCloudAccountRegion]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL clusterSecurityGroupId = $someString # OPTIONAL vpcId = $someString # OPTIONAL nodeSecurityGroupId = $someString # OPTIONAL subnets = @( @{ # REQUIRED subnetId = $someString # REQUIRED availabilityZone = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL isRscManaged = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL clusterName = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL triggerHealthCheck = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateAwsExocomputeConfigsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateTarget operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: UpdateTarget $query = New-RscMutationAws -UpdateTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL cloudAccountId = $someString # OPTIONAL storageClass = $someAwsStorageClass # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsStorageClass]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL isConsolidationEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL proxySettings = @{ # OPTIONAL proxyServer = $someString # OPTIONAL portNumber = $someInt # OPTIONAL username = $someString # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL protocol = $someString } # OPTIONAL awsComputeSettingsId = $someString # OPTIONAL cloudComputeSettings = @{ # OPTIONAL subnetId = $someString # OPTIONAL vpcId = $someString # OPTIONAL securityGroupId = $someString # OPTIONAL computeProxySettings = @{ # OPTIONAL proxyServer = $someString # OPTIONAL portNumber = $someInt # OPTIONAL username = $someString # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL protocol = $someString } } # OPTIONAL computeProxySettings = @{ # OPTIONAL proxyServer = $someString # OPTIONAL portNumber = $someInt # OPTIONAL username = $someString # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL protocol = $someString } # OPTIONAL awsRetrievalTier = $someAwsRetrievalTier # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsRetrievalTier]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL immutabilitySettings = @{ # OPTIONAL lockDurationDays = $someInt } # OPTIONAL s3Endpoint = $someString # OPTIONAL kmsEndpoint = $someString # OPTIONAL bypassProxy = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Target </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpgradeCloudAccountFeaturesWithoutCft operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: UpgradeCloudAccountFeaturesWithoutCft $query = New-RscMutationAws -UpgradeCloudAccountFeaturesWithoutCft # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED awsCloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED features = @( $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpgradeIamUserBasedCloudAccountPermissions operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: UpgradeIamUserBasedCloudAccountPermissions $query = New-RscMutationAws -UpgradeIamUserBasedCloudAccountPermissions # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED awsCloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED features = @( $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the ValidateAndCreateCloudAccount operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: ValidateAndCreateCloudAccount $query = New-RscMutationAws -ValidateAndCreateCloudAccount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED action = $someCloudAccountAction # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountAction]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL features = @( $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsAdminAccount = @{ # OPTIONAL id = $someString # OPTIONAL nativeId = $someString # OPTIONAL accountName = $someString # OPTIONAL seamlessFlowEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL cloudType = $someAwsCloudType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsCloudType]) for enum values. } # REQUIRED awsChildAccounts = @( @{ # OPTIONAL id = $someString # OPTIONAL nativeId = $someString # OPTIONAL accountName = $someString # OPTIONAL seamlessFlowEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL cloudType = $someAwsCloudType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsCloudType]) for enum values. } ) # OPTIONAL awsRoleCustomization = @{ # OPTIONAL crossAccountRoleName = $someString # OPTIONAL crossAccountRolePath = $someString # OPTIONAL masterRoleName = $someString # OPTIONAL masterRolePath = $someString # OPTIONAL workerRoleName = $someString # OPTIONAL workerRolePath = $someString # OPTIONAL instanceProfileName = $someString # OPTIONAL instanceProfilePath = $someString # OPTIONAL ec2RecoveryRolePath = $someString } # OPTIONAL featuresWithPermissionsGroups = @( @{ # OPTIONAL featureType = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL permissionsGroups = @( $somePermissionsGroup # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.PermissionsGroup]) for enum values. ) } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ValidateAndCreateAwsCloudAccountReply </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationAwsNative"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 8 operations in the 'AWS Native' API domain: ExcludeEbsVolumesFromSnapshot, StartAccountDisableJob, StartCreateEbsVolumeSnapshotsJob, StartEc2InstanceSnapshotsJob, StartExportEbsVolumeSnapshotJob, StartRdsInstanceSnapshotsJob, StartRefreshAccountsJob, or StartRestoreEc2InstanceSnapshotJob. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationAwsNative creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'AWS Native' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 8 operations in the 'AWS Native' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: ExcludeEbsVolumesFromSnapshot, StartAccountDisableJob, StartCreateEbsVolumeSnapshotsJob, StartEc2InstanceSnapshotsJob, StartExportEbsVolumeSnapshotJob, StartRdsInstanceSnapshotsJob, StartRefreshAccountsJob, or StartRestoreEc2InstanceSnapshotJob. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationAwsNative -ExcludeEbsVolumesFromSnapshot).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationAwsNative -ExcludeEbsVolumesFromSnapshot).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the ExcludeEbsVolumesFromSnapshot operation of the 'AWS Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AwsNative # API Operation: ExcludeEbsVolumesFromSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationAwsNative -ExcludeEbsVolumesFromSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED awsNativeEc2InstanceId = $someString # REQUIRED volumeIdExclusions = @( @{ # REQUIRED volumeId = $someString # REQUIRED isExcluded = $someBoolean } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the StartAccountDisableJob operation of the 'AWS Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AwsNative # API Operation: StartAccountDisableJob $query = New-RscMutationAwsNative -StartAccountDisableJob # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED awsAccountRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED shouldDeleteNativeSnapshots = $someBoolean # REQUIRED awsNativeProtectionFeature = $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncJobStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the StartCreateEbsVolumeSnapshotsJob operation of the 'AWS Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AwsNative # API Operation: StartCreateEbsVolumeSnapshotsJob $query = New-RscMutationAwsNative -StartCreateEbsVolumeSnapshotsJob # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED ebsVolumeIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL retentionSlaId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchAsyncJobStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the StartEc2InstanceSnapshotsJob operation of the 'AWS Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AwsNative # API Operation: StartEc2InstanceSnapshotsJob $query = New-RscMutationAwsNative -StartEc2InstanceSnapshotsJob # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED ec2InstanceIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL retentionSlaId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchAsyncJobStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the StartExportEbsVolumeSnapshotJob operation of the 'AWS Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AwsNative # API Operation: StartExportEbsVolumeSnapshotJob $query = New-RscMutationAwsNative -StartExportEbsVolumeSnapshotJob # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED destinationAwsAccountRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED destinationRegionNativeId = $someAwsNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRegion]) for enum values. # REQUIRED volumeName = $someString # REQUIRED volumeSize = $someInt # REQUIRED volumeType = $someAwsNativeEbsVolumeType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeEbsVolumeType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED availabilityZone = $someString # REQUIRED iops = $someInt # REQUIRED shouldCopyTags = $someBoolean # REQUIRED shouldReplaceAttached = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL kmsKeyId = $someString # OPTIONAL snapshotType = $someSnapshotType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnapshotType]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncJobStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the StartRdsInstanceSnapshotsJob operation of the 'AWS Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AwsNative # API Operation: StartRdsInstanceSnapshotsJob $query = New-RscMutationAwsNative -StartRdsInstanceSnapshotsJob # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED rdsInstanceIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL retentionSlaId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchAsyncJobStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the StartRefreshAccountsJob operation of the 'AWS Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AwsNative # API Operation: StartRefreshAccountsJob $query = New-RscMutationAwsNative -StartRefreshAccountsJob # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED awsAccountRubrikIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED awsNativeProtectionFeatures = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchAsyncJobStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the StartRestoreEc2InstanceSnapshotJob operation of the 'AWS Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AwsNative # API Operation: StartRestoreEc2InstanceSnapshotJob $query = New-RscMutationAwsNative -StartRestoreEc2InstanceSnapshotJob # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED shouldPowerOn = $someBoolean # REQUIRED shouldRestoreTags = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL snapshotTypeToUseIfSourceExpired = $someSnapshotTypeToUseIfSourceExpired # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnapshotTypeToUseIfSourceExpired]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncJobStatus </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationAzure"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 42 operations in the 'Azure' API domain: AddCloudAccount, AddCloudAccountExocomputeConfigurations, AddCloudAccountWithoutOauth, BackupAdDirectory, CompleteAdAppSetup, CompleteAdAppUpdate, CompleteCloudAccountOauth, CreateAccount, CreateAutomaticTargetMapping, CreateCloudNativeRcvStorageSetting, CreateCloudNativeStorageSetting, CreateCluster, CreateReaderTarget, CreateSaasAppAad, CreateTarget, DeleteAdDirectory, DeleteCloudAccount, DeleteCloudAccountExocomputeConfigurations, DeleteCloudAccountWithoutOauth, MapCloudAccountExocomputeSubscription, MapCloudAccountToPersistentStorageLocation, OauthConsentComplete, OauthConsentKickoff, RestoreAdObjectsWithPasswords, SetCloudAccountCustomerAppCredentials, StartAdAppSetup, StartAdAppUpdate, StartCloudAccountOauth, StartDisableCloudAccountJob, StartExportSqlDatabaseDbJob, StartExportSqlManagedInstanceDbJob, UnmapCloudAccountExocomputeSubscription, UnmapPersistentStorageSubscription, UpdateAccount, UpdateAutomaticTargetMapping, UpdateCloudAccount, UpdateCloudNativeRcvStorageSetting, UpdateCloudNativeStorageSetting, UpdateCustomerAppPermissionForSql, UpdateTarget, UpgradeCloudAccount, or UpgradeCloudAccountPermissionsWithoutOauth. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationAzure creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Azure' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 42 operations in the 'Azure' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: AddCloudAccount, AddCloudAccountExocomputeConfigurations, AddCloudAccountWithoutOauth, BackupAdDirectory, CompleteAdAppSetup, CompleteAdAppUpdate, CompleteCloudAccountOauth, CreateAccount, CreateAutomaticTargetMapping, CreateCloudNativeRcvStorageSetting, CreateCloudNativeStorageSetting, CreateCluster, CreateReaderTarget, CreateSaasAppAad, CreateTarget, DeleteAdDirectory, DeleteCloudAccount, DeleteCloudAccountExocomputeConfigurations, DeleteCloudAccountWithoutOauth, MapCloudAccountExocomputeSubscription, MapCloudAccountToPersistentStorageLocation, OauthConsentComplete, OauthConsentKickoff, RestoreAdObjectsWithPasswords, SetCloudAccountCustomerAppCredentials, StartAdAppSetup, StartAdAppUpdate, StartCloudAccountOauth, StartDisableCloudAccountJob, StartExportSqlDatabaseDbJob, StartExportSqlManagedInstanceDbJob, UnmapCloudAccountExocomputeSubscription, UnmapPersistentStorageSubscription, UpdateAccount, UpdateAutomaticTargetMapping, UpdateCloudAccount, UpdateCloudNativeRcvStorageSetting, UpdateCloudNativeStorageSetting, UpdateCustomerAppPermissionForSql, UpdateTarget, UpgradeCloudAccount, or UpgradeCloudAccountPermissionsWithoutOauth. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationAzure -AddCloudAccount).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationAzure -AddCloudAccount).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the AddCloudAccount operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: AddCloudAccount $query = New-RscMutationAzure -AddCloudAccount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED sessionId = $someString # REQUIRED tenantDomainName = $someString # REQUIRED subscriptions = @( @{ # REQUIRED features = @( @{ # OPTIONAL resourceGroup = @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # OPTIONAL tags = @{ # REQUIRED tagList = @( @{ # REQUIRED key = $someString # REQUIRED value = $someString } ) } # REQUIRED region = $someAzureCloudAccountRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureCloudAccountRegion]) for enum values. } # REQUIRED featureType = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL permissionsGroups = @( $somePermissionsGroup # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.PermissionsGroup]) for enum values. ) } ) # REQUIRED subscription = @{ # REQUIRED nativeId = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString } } ) # REQUIRED regions = @( $someAzureCloudAccountRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureCloudAccountRegion]) for enum values. ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AddAzureCloudAccountReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the AddCloudAccountExocomputeConfigurations operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: AddCloudAccountExocomputeConfigurations $query = New-RscMutationAzure -AddCloudAccountExocomputeConfigurations # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED cloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED azureExocomputeRegionConfigs = @( @{ # REQUIRED region = $someAzureCloudAccountRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureCloudAccountRegion]) for enum values. # REQUIRED subnetNativeId = $someString # REQUIRED isRscManaged = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL podSubnetNativeId = $someString # OPTIONAL podOverlayNetworkCidr = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL triggerHealthCheck = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AddAzureCloudAccountExocomputeConfigurationsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the AddCloudAccountWithoutOauth operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: AddCloudAccountWithoutOauth $query = New-RscMutationAzure -AddCloudAccountWithoutOauth # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED tenantDomainName = $someString # REQUIRED subscriptions = @( @{ # REQUIRED features = @( @{ # REQUIRED policyVersion = $someInt # OPTIONAL resourceGroup = @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # OPTIONAL tags = @{ # REQUIRED tagList = @( @{ # REQUIRED key = $someString # REQUIRED value = $someString } ) } # REQUIRED region = $someAzureCloudAccountRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureCloudAccountRegion]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL specificFeatureInput = @{ # REQUIRED userAssignedManagedIdentityInput = @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED resourceGroupName = $someString # REQUIRED principalId = $someString # REQUIRED region = $someAzureCloudAccountRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureCloudAccountRegion]) for enum values. } } # REQUIRED featureType = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL permissionsGroups = @( @{ # REQUIRED permissionsGroup = $somePermissionsGroup # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.PermissionsGroup]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL version = $someInt } ) } ) # REQUIRED subscription = @{ # REQUIRED nativeId = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString } } ) # REQUIRED regions = @( $someAzureCloudAccountRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureCloudAccountRegion]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL azureCloudType = $someAzureCloudType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureCloudType]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AddAzureCloudAccountWithoutOauthReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the BackupAdDirectory operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: BackupAdDirectory $query = New-RscMutationAzure -BackupAdDirectory # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED workloadFids = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL snapshotRetentionSlaId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<CreateOnDemandJobReply> </code> </example> <example> Runs the CompleteAdAppSetup operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: CompleteAdAppSetup $query = New-RscMutationAzure -CompleteAdAppSetup # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED domainName = $someString # REQUIRED stateToken = $someString # OPTIONAL kmsSpec = @{ # OPTIONAL cloudType = $someO365AzureCloudType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.O365AzureCloudType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tenantId = $someString # OPTIONAL kmsId = $someString # OPTIONAL appId = $someString # OPTIONAL appSecret = $someString # OPTIONAL keyName = $someString # OPTIONAL kekNameColossus = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CompleteAzureAdAppSetupReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CompleteAdAppUpdate operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: CompleteAdAppUpdate $query = New-RscMutationAzure -CompleteAdAppUpdate # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED workloadFid = $someString # REQUIRED stateToken = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the CompleteCloudAccountOauth operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: CompleteCloudAccountOauth $query = New-RscMutationAzure -CompleteCloudAccountOauth # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED sessionId = $someString # REQUIRED tenantDomainName = $someString # REQUIRED authorizationCode = $someString # REQUIRED redirectUrl = $someString # REQUIRED features = @( $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL appId = $someString # OPTIONAL appSecretKey = $someString # REQUIRED shouldSkipPermissionChecks = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureCloudType = $someAzureCloudType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureCloudType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL resource = $someAzureOauthResource # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureOauthResource]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL performBasicOauth = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldKeepRefreshToken = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CompleteAzureCloudAccountOauthReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateAccount operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: CreateAccount $query = New-RscMutationAzure -CreateAccount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # OPTIONAL description = $someString # REQUIRED subscriptionId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CloudAccount </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateAutomaticTargetMapping operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: CreateAutomaticTargetMapping $query = New-RscMutationAzure -CreateAutomaticTargetMapping # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED storageAccountName = $someString # REQUIRED accessKey = $someString # REQUIRED containerNamePrefix = $someString # REQUIRED cloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED instanceType = $someInstanceTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.InstanceTypeEnum]) for enum values. # REQUIRED rsaKey = $someString # OPTIONAL computeSettings = @{ # OPTIONAL appId = $someString # OPTIONAL appSecretKey = $someString # OPTIONAL region = $someAzureRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureRegion]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL generalPurposeStorageName = $someString # OPTIONAL generalPurposeStorageContainer = $someString # OPTIONAL resourceGroup = $someString # OPTIONAL virtualNetworkId = $someString # OPTIONAL subnetId = $someString # OPTIONAL securityGroupId = $someString # OPTIONAL computeProxySettings = @{ # OPTIONAL proxyServer = $someString # OPTIONAL portNumber = $someInt # OPTIONAL username = $someString # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL protocol = $someString } # OPTIONAL cloudAccountId = $someString } # OPTIONAL proxySettings = @{ # OPTIONAL proxyServer = $someString # OPTIONAL portNumber = $someInt # OPTIONAL username = $someString # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL protocol = $someString } # OPTIONAL clusterUuidList = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED isConsolidationEnabled = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: TargetMapping </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateCloudNativeRcvStorageSetting operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: CreateCloudNativeRcvStorageSetting $query = New-RscMutationAzure -CreateCloudNativeRcvStorageSetting # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED region = $someAzureRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureRegion]) for enum values. # REQUIRED cloudNativeLocTemplateType = $someCloudNativeLocTemplateType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudNativeLocTemplateType]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateCloudNativeRcvAzureStorageSettingReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateCloudNativeStorageSetting operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: CreateCloudNativeStorageSetting $query = New-RscMutationAzure -CreateCloudNativeStorageSetting # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED cloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED storageAccountName = $someString # REQUIRED containerName = $someString # OPTIONAL storageAccountTags = @{ # REQUIRED tagList = @( @{ # REQUIRED key = $someString # REQUIRED value = $someString } ) } # OPTIONAL storageAccountRegion = $someAzureRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureRegion]) for enum values. # REQUIRED storageTier = $someAzureStorageTier # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureStorageTier]) for enum values. # REQUIRED redundancy = $someAzureRedundancy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureRedundancy]) for enum values. # REQUIRED subscriptionNativeId = $someString # REQUIRED cloudNativeLocTemplateType = $someCloudNativeLocTemplateType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudNativeLocTemplateType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL cmkInfo = @( @{ # OPTIONAL keyVaultName = $someString # OPTIONAL keyName = $someString # OPTIONAL region = $someAzureRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureRegion]) for enum values. } ) # OPTIONAL azureCloudType = $someAzureCloudType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureCloudType]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateCloudNativeAzureStorageSettingReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateCluster operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: CreateCluster $query = New-RscMutationAzure -CreateCluster # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL cloudAccountId = $someString # OPTIONAL isEsType = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL keepClusterOnFailure = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL clusterConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL userEmail = $someString # OPTIONAL adminPassword = $someString # OPTIONAL clusterName = $someString # OPTIONAL numNodes = $someInt # OPTIONAL dnsSearchDomains = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL dnsNameServers = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL ntpServers = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL azureEsConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL storageAccount = $someString # OPTIONAL resourceGroup = $someString # OPTIONAL storageSecret = $someString # OPTIONAL containerName = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldCreateContainer = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL enableImmutability = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL managedIdentity = @{ # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL clientId = $someString # OPTIONAL resourceGroup = $someString } } # OPTIONAL awsEsConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL bucketName = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldCreateBucket = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL enableObjectLock = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL enableImmutability = $someBoolean } } # OPTIONAL vmConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL resourceGroup = $someString # OPTIONAL cdmVersion = $someString # OPTIONAL location = $someString # OPTIONAL nodeSizeGb = $someInt # OPTIONAL networkResourceGroup = $someString # OPTIONAL vnetResourceGroup = $someString # OPTIONAL networkSecurityGroup = $someString # OPTIONAL networkSecurityResourceGroup = $someString # OPTIONAL vnet = $someString # OPTIONAL subnet = $someString # OPTIONAL tags = $someString # OPTIONAL vmImage = $someString # OPTIONAL cdmProduct = $someString # OPTIONAL availabilityZone = $someString # OPTIONAL vmType = $someVmType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VmType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL instanceType = $someAzureInstanceType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureInstanceType]) for enum values. } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CcProvisionJobReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateReaderTarget operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: CreateReaderTarget $query = New-RscMutationAzure -CreateReaderTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED storageAccountName = $someString # REQUIRED accessKey = $someString # REQUIRED containerName = $someString # REQUIRED cloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED instanceType = $someInstanceTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.InstanceTypeEnum]) for enum values. # REQUIRED rsaKey = $someString # OPTIONAL computeSettings = @{ # OPTIONAL appId = $someString # OPTIONAL appSecretKey = $someString # OPTIONAL region = $someAzureRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureRegion]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL generalPurposeStorageName = $someString # OPTIONAL generalPurposeStorageContainer = $someString # OPTIONAL resourceGroup = $someString # OPTIONAL virtualNetworkId = $someString # OPTIONAL subnetId = $someString # OPTIONAL securityGroupId = $someString # OPTIONAL computeProxySettings = @{ # OPTIONAL proxyServer = $someString # OPTIONAL portNumber = $someInt # OPTIONAL username = $someString # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL protocol = $someString } # OPTIONAL cloudAccountId = $someString } # OPTIONAL proxySettings = @{ # OPTIONAL proxyServer = $someString # OPTIONAL portNumber = $someInt # OPTIONAL username = $someString # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL protocol = $someString } # REQUIRED isConsolidationEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL immutabilitySettings = @{ # OPTIONAL lockDurationDays = $someInt } # REQUIRED readerRetrievalMethod = $someReaderRetrievalMethod # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReaderRetrievalMethod]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL retrievalTier = $someAzureRetrievalTier # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureRetrievalTier]) for enum values. # REQUIRED bypassProxy = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Target </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateSaasAppAad operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: CreateSaasAppAad $query = New-RscMutationAzure -CreateSaasAppAad # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateAzureSaasAppAadReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateTarget operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: CreateTarget $query = New-RscMutationAzure -CreateTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED storageAccountName = $someString # REQUIRED accessKey = $someString # REQUIRED containerName = $someString # REQUIRED cloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED instanceType = $someInstanceTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.InstanceTypeEnum]) for enum values. # REQUIRED rsaKey = $someString # OPTIONAL computeSettings = @{ # OPTIONAL appId = $someString # OPTIONAL appSecretKey = $someString # OPTIONAL region = $someAzureRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureRegion]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL generalPurposeStorageName = $someString # OPTIONAL generalPurposeStorageContainer = $someString # OPTIONAL resourceGroup = $someString # OPTIONAL virtualNetworkId = $someString # OPTIONAL subnetId = $someString # OPTIONAL securityGroupId = $someString # OPTIONAL computeProxySettings = @{ # OPTIONAL proxyServer = $someString # OPTIONAL portNumber = $someInt # OPTIONAL username = $someString # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL protocol = $someString } # OPTIONAL cloudAccountId = $someString } # OPTIONAL proxySettings = @{ # OPTIONAL proxyServer = $someString # OPTIONAL portNumber = $someInt # OPTIONAL username = $someString # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL protocol = $someString } # REQUIRED isConsolidationEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL immutabilitySettings = @{ # OPTIONAL lockDurationDays = $someInt } # OPTIONAL retrievalTier = $someAzureRetrievalTier # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureRetrievalTier]) for enum values. # REQUIRED bypassProxy = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Target </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteAdDirectory operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: DeleteAdDirectory $query = New-RscMutationAzure -DeleteAdDirectory # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED workloadFid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateOnDemandJobReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteCloudAccount operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: DeleteCloudAccount $query = New-RscMutationAzure -DeleteCloudAccount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED sessionId = $someString # REQUIRED features = @( $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. ) # REQUIRED azureSubscriptionRubrikIds = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: DeleteAzureCloudAccountReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteCloudAccountExocomputeConfigurations operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: DeleteCloudAccountExocomputeConfigurations $query = New-RscMutationAzure -DeleteCloudAccountExocomputeConfigurations # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED cloudAccountIds = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: DeleteAzureCloudAccountExocomputeConfigurationsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteCloudAccountWithoutOauth operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: DeleteCloudAccountWithoutOauth $query = New-RscMutationAzure -DeleteCloudAccountWithoutOauth # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED features = @( $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. ) # REQUIRED azureSubscriptionRubrikIds = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: DeleteAzureCloudAccountWithoutOauthReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the MapCloudAccountExocomputeSubscription operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: MapCloudAccountExocomputeSubscription $query = New-RscMutationAzure -MapCloudAccountExocomputeSubscription # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED cloudAccountIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED exocomputeCloudAccountId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MapAzureCloudAccountExocomputeSubscriptionReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the MapCloudAccountToPersistentStorageLocation operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: MapCloudAccountToPersistentStorageLocation $query = New-RscMutationAzure -MapCloudAccountToPersistentStorageLocation # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED cloudAccountIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED persistentStorageId = $someString # REQUIRED azureNativeProtectionFeature = $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MapAzureCloudAccountToPersistentStorageLocationReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the OauthConsentComplete operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: OauthConsentComplete $query = New-RscMutationAzure -OauthConsentComplete # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED tenantId = $someString # REQUIRED code = $someString # REQUIRED stateToken = $someString # REQUIRED redirectUrl = $someString # OPTIONAL azureAppId = $someString # OPTIONAL azureAppSecret = $someString # REQUIRED azureCloudType = $someO365AzureCloudType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.O365AzureCloudType]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the OauthConsentKickoff operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: OauthConsentKickoff $query = New-RscMutationAzure -OauthConsentKickoff # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureOauthConsentKickoffReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the RestoreAdObjectsWithPasswords operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: RestoreAdObjectsWithPasswords $query = New-RscMutationAzure -RestoreAdObjectsWithPasswords # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED workloadFid = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotFid = $someString # REQUIRED passwordByUserIdMap = @( @{ # REQUIRED userId = $someString # REQUIRED password = $someString } ) # REQUIRED objectTypeToIdMap = @( @{ # REQUIRED objectId = $someString # REQUIRED azureAdObjectType = $someAzureAdObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureAdObjectType]) for enum values. } ) # REQUIRED forceChangePasswordWithMfa = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RestoreAzureAdObjectsWithPasswordsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the SetCloudAccountCustomerAppCredentials operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: SetCloudAccountCustomerAppCredentials $query = New-RscMutationAzure -SetCloudAccountCustomerAppCredentials # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED appId = $someString # REQUIRED appSecretKey = $someString # OPTIONAL appTenantId = $someString # OPTIONAL appName = $someString # OPTIONAL tenantDomainName = $someString # REQUIRED shouldReplace = $someBoolean # REQUIRED azureCloudType = $someAzureCloudType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureCloudType]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the StartAdAppSetup operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: StartAdAppSetup $query = New-RscMutationAzure -StartAdAppSetup # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED domainName = $someString # REQUIRED region = $someAzureAdRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureAdRegion]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL azureAdApp = @{ # OPTIONAL clientId = $someString # OPTIONAL clientSecret = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: StartAzureAdAppSetupReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the StartAdAppUpdate operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: StartAdAppUpdate $query = New-RscMutationAzure -StartAdAppUpdate # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED workloadFid = $someString # OPTIONAL azureAdApp = @{ # OPTIONAL clientId = $someString # OPTIONAL clientSecret = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: StartAzureAdAppUpdateReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the StartCloudAccountOauth operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: StartCloudAccountOauth $query = New-RscMutationAzure -StartCloudAccountOauth # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL tenantDomainName = $someString # OPTIONAL azureCloudType = $someAzureCloudType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureCloudType]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: StartAzureCloudAccountOauthReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the StartDisableCloudAccountJob operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: StartDisableCloudAccountJob $query = New-RscMutationAzure -StartDisableCloudAccountJob # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED feature = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # REQUIRED cloudAccountIds = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchAsyncJobStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the StartExportSqlDatabaseDbJob operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: StartExportSqlDatabaseDbJob $query = New-RscMutationAzure -StartExportSqlDatabaseDbJob # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED sourceDatabaseRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED destinationDatabaseName = $someString # OPTIONAL destinationServerRubrikId = $someString # OPTIONAL elasticPoolName = $someString # REQUIRED shouldExportTags = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureSqlDatabaseDbPitExportInput = @{ # REQUIRED restorePointInTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL dbBackupRedundancy = $someAzureSqlBackupStorageRedundancyType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureSqlBackupStorageRedundancyType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL azureSqlDatabaseDbLtrExportInput = @{ # REQUIRED sourceSnapshotRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED destinationResourceGroupName = $someString # REQUIRED destinationServerName = $someString # REQUIRED destinationRegionName = $someString # OPTIONAL dbBackupRedundancy = $someAzureSqlBackupStorageRedundancyType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureSqlBackupStorageRedundancyType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL persistentBackupExportInput = @{ # REQUIRED sourceSnapshotRubrikId = $someString # OPTIONAL destinationServerCredentials = @{ # REQUIRED login = $someString # REQUIRED password = $someString } # OPTIONAL authMechanism = $someSqlAuthenticationMechanism # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SqlAuthenticationMechanism]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sessionId = $someString # OPTIONAL dbBackupRedundancy = $someAzureSqlBackupStorageRedundancyType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureSqlBackupStorageRedundancyType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL serviceTier = $someString # OPTIONAL serviceObjectiveName = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncJobStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the StartExportSqlManagedInstanceDbJob operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: StartExportSqlManagedInstanceDbJob $query = New-RscMutationAzure -StartExportSqlManagedInstanceDbJob # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED sourceManagedInstanceDatabaseRubrikId = $someString # OPTIONAL destinationManagedInstanceRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED destinationDatabaseName = $someString # REQUIRED destinationManagedInstanceName = $someString # REQUIRED destinationResourceGroupName = $someString # OPTIONAL azureSqlManagedInstanceDbPitExportInput = @{ # REQUIRED restorePointInTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL azureSqlManagedInstanceDbLtrExportInput = @{ # REQUIRED sourceSnapshotRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED destinationRegionName = $someString } # OPTIONAL persistentBackupExportInput = @{ # REQUIRED sourceSnapshotRubrikId = $someString # OPTIONAL destinationServerCredentials = @{ # REQUIRED login = $someString # REQUIRED password = $someString } # OPTIONAL authMechanism = $someSqlAuthenticationMechanism # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SqlAuthenticationMechanism]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sessionId = $someString # OPTIONAL dbBackupRedundancy = $someAzureSqlBackupStorageRedundancyType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureSqlBackupStorageRedundancyType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL serviceTier = $someString # OPTIONAL serviceObjectiveName = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncJobStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the UnmapCloudAccountExocomputeSubscription operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: UnmapCloudAccountExocomputeSubscription $query = New-RscMutationAzure -UnmapCloudAccountExocomputeSubscription # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED cloudAccountIds = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UnmapAzureCloudAccountExocomputeSubscriptionReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UnmapPersistentStorageSubscription operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: UnmapPersistentStorageSubscription $query = New-RscMutationAzure -UnmapPersistentStorageSubscription # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED applicationCloudAccountIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED feature = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # REQUIRED unmappingValidationType = $someUnmappingValidationType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmappingValidationType]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateAccount operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: UpdateAccount $query = New-RscMutationAzure -UpdateAccount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL description = $someString # OPTIONAL subscriptionId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CloudAccount </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateAutomaticTargetMapping operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: UpdateAutomaticTargetMapping $query = New-RscMutationAzure -UpdateAutomaticTargetMapping # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL storageAccountName = $someString # OPTIONAL accessKey = $someString # OPTIONAL cloudAccountId = $someString # OPTIONAL computeSettings = @{ # OPTIONAL appId = $someString # OPTIONAL appSecretKey = $someString # OPTIONAL region = $someAzureRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureRegion]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL generalPurposeStorageName = $someString # OPTIONAL generalPurposeStorageContainer = $someString # OPTIONAL resourceGroup = $someString # OPTIONAL virtualNetworkId = $someString # OPTIONAL subnetId = $someString # OPTIONAL securityGroupId = $someString # OPTIONAL computeProxySettings = @{ # OPTIONAL proxyServer = $someString # OPTIONAL portNumber = $someInt # OPTIONAL username = $someString # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL protocol = $someString } # OPTIONAL cloudAccountId = $someString } # OPTIONAL proxySettings = @{ # OPTIONAL proxyServer = $someString # OPTIONAL portNumber = $someInt # OPTIONAL username = $someString # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL protocol = $someString } # OPTIONAL clusterUuidList = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL isConsolidationEnabled = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: TargetMapping </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateCloudAccount operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: UpdateCloudAccount $query = New-RscMutationAzure -UpdateCloudAccount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED subscriptions = @( @{ # OPTIONAL id = $someString # OPTIONAL name = $someString } ) # REQUIRED features = @( $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL regionsToAdd = @( $someAzureCloudAccountRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureCloudAccountRegion]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL regionsToRemove = @( $someAzureCloudAccountRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureCloudAccountRegion]) for enum values. ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateAzureCloudAccountReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateCloudNativeRcvStorageSetting operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: UpdateCloudNativeRcvStorageSetting $query = New-RscMutationAzure -UpdateCloudNativeRcvStorageSetting # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateCloudNativeRcvAzureStorageSettingReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateCloudNativeStorageSetting operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: UpdateCloudNativeStorageSetting $query = New-RscMutationAzure -UpdateCloudNativeStorageSetting # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED storageAccountTags = @{ # REQUIRED tagList = @( @{ # REQUIRED key = $someString # REQUIRED value = $someString } ) } # REQUIRED storageTier = $someAzureStorageTier # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureStorageTier]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL cmkInfo = @( @{ # OPTIONAL keyVaultName = $someString # OPTIONAL keyName = $someString # OPTIONAL region = $someAzureRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureRegion]) for enum values. } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateCloudNativeAzureStorageSettingReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateCustomerAppPermissionForSql operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: UpdateCustomerAppPermissionForSql $query = New-RscMutationAzure -UpdateCustomerAppPermissionForSql # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateTarget operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: UpdateTarget $query = New-RscMutationAzure -UpdateTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL storageAccountName = $someString # OPTIONAL accessKey = $someString # OPTIONAL cloudAccountId = $someString # OPTIONAL computeSettings = @{ # OPTIONAL appId = $someString # OPTIONAL appSecretKey = $someString # OPTIONAL region = $someAzureRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureRegion]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL generalPurposeStorageName = $someString # OPTIONAL generalPurposeStorageContainer = $someString # OPTIONAL resourceGroup = $someString # OPTIONAL virtualNetworkId = $someString # OPTIONAL subnetId = $someString # OPTIONAL securityGroupId = $someString # OPTIONAL computeProxySettings = @{ # OPTIONAL proxyServer = $someString # OPTIONAL portNumber = $someInt # OPTIONAL username = $someString # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL protocol = $someString } # OPTIONAL cloudAccountId = $someString } # OPTIONAL proxySettings = @{ # OPTIONAL proxyServer = $someString # OPTIONAL portNumber = $someInt # OPTIONAL username = $someString # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL protocol = $someString } # OPTIONAL isConsolidationEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL immutabilitySettings = @{ # OPTIONAL lockDurationDays = $someInt } # OPTIONAL retrievalTier = $someAzureRetrievalTier # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureRetrievalTier]) for enum values. # REQUIRED bypassProxy = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Target </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpgradeCloudAccount operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: UpgradeCloudAccount $query = New-RscMutationAzure -UpgradeCloudAccount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED sessionId = $someString # OPTIONAL features = @( $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL featuresToUpgrade = @( @{ # REQUIRED featureType = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # REQUIRED permissionsGroups = @( $somePermissionsGroup # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.PermissionsGroup]) for enum values. ) } ) # REQUIRED azureSubscriptionRubrikIds = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpgradeAzureCloudAccountReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpgradeCloudAccountPermissionsWithoutOauth operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: UpgradeCloudAccountPermissionsWithoutOauth $query = New-RscMutationAzure -UpgradeCloudAccountPermissionsWithoutOauth # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED cloudAccountId = $someString # OPTIONAL feature = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL featureToUpgrade = @( @{ # REQUIRED featureType = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # REQUIRED permissionsGroups = @( $somePermissionsGroup # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.PermissionsGroup]) for enum values. ) } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpgradeAzureCloudAccountPermissionsWithoutOauthReply </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationAzureNative"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 8 operations in the 'Azure Native' API domain: ExcludeManagedDisksFromSnapshot, StartCreateManagedDiskSnapshotsJob, StartCreateVirtualMachineSnapshotsJob, StartDisableSubscriptionProtectionJob, StartExportManagedDiskJob, StartExportVirtualMachineJob, StartRefreshSubscriptionsJob, or StartRestoreVirtualMachineJob. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationAzureNative creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Azure Native' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 8 operations in the 'Azure Native' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: ExcludeManagedDisksFromSnapshot, StartCreateManagedDiskSnapshotsJob, StartCreateVirtualMachineSnapshotsJob, StartDisableSubscriptionProtectionJob, StartExportManagedDiskJob, StartExportVirtualMachineJob, StartRefreshSubscriptionsJob, or StartRestoreVirtualMachineJob. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationAzureNative -ExcludeManagedDisksFromSnapshot).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationAzureNative -ExcludeManagedDisksFromSnapshot).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the ExcludeManagedDisksFromSnapshot operation of the 'Azure Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureNative # API Operation: ExcludeManagedDisksFromSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationAzureNative -ExcludeManagedDisksFromSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED virtualMachineRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED managedDiskExclusions = @( @{ # REQUIRED managedDiskRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED isExcludedFromSnapshot = $someBoolean } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the StartCreateManagedDiskSnapshotsJob operation of the 'Azure Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureNative # API Operation: StartCreateManagedDiskSnapshotsJob $query = New-RscMutationAzureNative -StartCreateManagedDiskSnapshotsJob # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED managedDiskRubrikIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL retentionSlaId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchAsyncJobStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the StartCreateVirtualMachineSnapshotsJob operation of the 'Azure Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureNative # API Operation: StartCreateVirtualMachineSnapshotsJob $query = New-RscMutationAzureNative -StartCreateVirtualMachineSnapshotsJob # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED virtualMachineRubrikIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL retentionSlaId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchAsyncJobStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the StartDisableSubscriptionProtectionJob operation of the 'Azure Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureNative # API Operation: StartDisableSubscriptionProtectionJob $query = New-RscMutationAzureNative -StartDisableSubscriptionProtectionJob # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED azureSubscriptionRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED shouldDeleteNativeSnapshots = $someBoolean # REQUIRED azureNativeProtectionFeature = $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncJobStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the StartExportManagedDiskJob operation of the 'Azure Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureNative # API Operation: StartExportManagedDiskJob $query = New-RscMutationAzureNative -StartExportManagedDiskJob # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED diskName = $someString # OPTIONAL diskEncryptionSetNativeId = $someString # REQUIRED diskStorageTier = $someAzureNativeManagedDiskType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeManagedDiskType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED diskSize = $someInt # REQUIRED resourceGroup = $someString # REQUIRED destinationRegion = $someAzureNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeRegion]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL destinationAvailabilityZone = $someString # OPTIONAL destinationSubscriptionRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED shouldExportTags = $someBoolean # REQUIRED shouldReplaceAttachedManagedDisk = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldUseReplica = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL snapshotType = $someAzureSnapshotType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureSnapshotType]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncJobStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the StartExportVirtualMachineJob operation of the 'Azure Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureNative # API Operation: StartExportVirtualMachineJob $query = New-RscMutationAzureNative -StartExportVirtualMachineJob # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED virtualMachineName = $someString # OPTIONAL diskEncryptionSetNativeId = $someString # REQUIRED resourceGroupName = $someString # REQUIRED destinationRegion = $someAzureNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeRegion]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL destinationAvailabilityZone = $someString # OPTIONAL destinationSubscriptionRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED virtualMachineSize = $someString # REQUIRED subnetNativeId = $someString # OPTIONAL networkSecurityGroupNativeId = $someString # REQUIRED shouldExportTags = $someBoolean # REQUIRED shouldPowerOff = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldUseReplica = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL availabilitySetNativeId = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldEnableAcceleratedNetworking = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL snapshotType = $someAzureSnapshotType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureSnapshotType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL recoveryDiskIds = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncJobStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the StartRefreshSubscriptionsJob operation of the 'Azure Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureNative # API Operation: StartRefreshSubscriptionsJob $query = New-RscMutationAzureNative -StartRefreshSubscriptionsJob # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED azureSubscriptionRubrikIds = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchAsyncJobStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the StartRestoreVirtualMachineJob operation of the 'Azure Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureNative # API Operation: StartRestoreVirtualMachineJob $query = New-RscMutationAzureNative -StartRestoreVirtualMachineJob # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED shouldPowerOn = $someBoolean # REQUIRED shouldRestoreTags = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL snapshotTypeToUseIfSourceExpired = $someSnapshotTypeForRestoreIfSourceExpired # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnapshotTypeForRestoreIfSourceExpired]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL recoveryDiskIds = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncJobStatus </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationAzureO365"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 1 operations in the 'Azure Office365' API domain: ['SetupExocompute']. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationAzureO365 creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Azure Office365' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 1 operations in the 'Azure Office365' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: ['SetupExocompute']. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationAzureO365 -SetupExocompute).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationAzureO365 -SetupExocompute).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the SetupExocompute operation of the 'Azure Office365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureO365 # API Operation: SetupExocompute $query = New-RscMutationAzureO365 -SetupExocompute # REQUIRED $query.Var.tenantId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.subscriptionId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.exocomputeConfig = @{ # REQUIRED regionName = $someString # OPTIONAL newGroupConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL failoverGroupId = $someString } # OPTIONAL existingGroupConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL failoverGroupId = $someString } # OPTIONAL newComputeConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL vnetName = $someString # OPTIONAL subnetName = $someString # OPTIONAL securityGroupName = $someString # OPTIONAL failoverVnetName = $someString # OPTIONAL failoverSubnetName = $someString # OPTIONAL failoverSecurityGroupName = $someString } # OPTIONAL existingComputeConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL vnetId = $someString # OPTIONAL subnetId = $someString } # OPTIONAL newStorageAccountConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL tier = $someStorageAccountTier # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.StorageAccountTier]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sku = $someStorageAccountSku # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.StorageAccountSku]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL storages = @( @{ # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL tier = $someStorageAccountTier # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.StorageAccountTier]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sku = $someStorageAccountSku # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.StorageAccountSku]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL containerImmutabilityStatus = $someColossusStorageContainerImmutabilityStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ColossusStorageContainerImmutabilityStatus]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL versioningEnabled = $someBoolean } ) } # OPTIONAL existingStorageAccountConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL id = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SetupAzureO365ExocomputeResp </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationCassandra"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 5 operations in the 'Cassandra' API domain: BulkDeleteSources, CreateSource, DeleteSource, RecoverSource, or UpdateSource. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationCassandra creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Cassandra' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 5 operations in the 'Cassandra' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: BulkDeleteSources, CreateSource, DeleteSource, RecoverSource, or UpdateSource. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationCassandra -BulkDeleteSources).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationCassandra -BulkDeleteSources).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the BulkDeleteSources operation of the 'Cassandra' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cassandra # API Operation: BulkDeleteSources $query = New-RscMutationCassandra -BulkDeleteSources # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL sourceType = $someV2BulkDeleteMosaicSourcesRequestSourceType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.V2BulkDeleteMosaicSourcesRequestSourceType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED sourceData = @{ # OPTIONAL async = $someBoolean # REQUIRED sourceNames = @( $someString ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MosaicAsyncResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateSource operation of the 'Cassandra' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cassandra # API Operation: CreateSource $query = New-RscMutationCassandra -CreateSource # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED sourceData = @{ # OPTIONAL async = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL cassandraYaml = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL dseYaml = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL enableSsl = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL httpsCertificate = $someString # OPTIONAL ignoreSecondaries = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL jmxPassword = $someString # OPTIONAL jmxUser = $someString # OPTIONAL parameterEncoded = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL sourceAuthKey = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceAuthKeyfile = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceAuthPassphrase = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceDriverPassword = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceDriverUser = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceHttpsPort = $someString # OPTIONAL sourcePassword = $someString # OPTIONAL sourcePort = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceRpcPort = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceSshPort = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceUser = $someString # OPTIONAL sslCaCerts = $someString # OPTIONAL sslCertfile = $someString # OPTIONAL sslKeyfile = $someString # REQUIRED sourceType = $someSourceSourceType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SourceSourceType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sslCertReqs = $someSourceSslCertReqs # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SourceSslCertReqs]) for enum values. # REQUIRED sourceIp = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED sourceName = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MosaicAsyncResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteSource operation of the 'Cassandra' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cassandra # API Operation: DeleteSource $query = New-RscMutationCassandra -DeleteSource # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL sourceType = $someV2DeleteMosaicSourceRequestSourceType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.V2DeleteMosaicSourceRequestSourceType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED sourceName = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MosaicAsyncResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the RecoverSource operation of the 'Cassandra' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cassandra # API Operation: RecoverSource $query = New-RscMutationCassandra -RecoverSource # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED recoveryData = @{ # OPTIONAL destinationManagementObjects = @{ # OPTIONAL databases = @( @{ # OPTIONAL dbName = $someString # OPTIONAL tables = @( $someString ) } ) } # OPTIONAL destinationSourceName = $someString # OPTIONAL keyspaceConfig = $someString # OPTIONAL maxDiskUsage = $someString # OPTIONAL restoreDbUserPwd = $someString # OPTIONAL restoreDbUsername = $someString # OPTIONAL startTimestamp = $someInt # OPTIONAL targetEncryptionKey = $someString # OPTIONAL targetQuery = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceType = $someMosaicRetrieveRequestSourceType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.MosaicRetrieveRequestSourceType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED destinationPath = $someString # REQUIRED managementObjects = @{ # OPTIONAL databases = @( @{ # OPTIONAL dbName = $someString # OPTIONAL tables = @( $someString ) } ) } # REQUIRED parameterEncoded = $someBoolean # REQUIRED sourceName = $someString # REQUIRED versionTime = $someInt } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MosaicAsyncResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateSource operation of the 'Cassandra' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cassandra # API Operation: UpdateSource $query = New-RscMutationCassandra -UpdateSource # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED sourceData = @{ # OPTIONAL async = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL cassandraYaml = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL dseYaml = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL enableSsl = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL httpsCertificate = $someString # OPTIONAL ignoreSecondaries = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL jmxPassword = $someString # OPTIONAL jmxUser = $someString # OPTIONAL parameterEncoded = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL sourceAuthKey = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceAuthKeyfile = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceAuthPassphrase = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceDriverPassword = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceDriverUser = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceHttpsPort = $someString # OPTIONAL sourcePassword = $someString # OPTIONAL sourcePort = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceRpcPort = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceSshPort = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceUser = $someString # OPTIONAL sslCaCerts = $someString # OPTIONAL sslCertfile = $someString # OPTIONAL sslKeyfile = $someString # REQUIRED sourceType = $someSourceSourceType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SourceSourceType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sslCertReqs = $someSourceSslCertReqs # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SourceSslCertReqs]) for enum values. # REQUIRED sourceIp = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED sourceName = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MosaicAsyncResponse </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationCertificate"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 12 operations in the 'Certificates' API domain: AddClusterCertificate, AddGlobalCertificate, Delete, DeleteCsr, DeleteGlobalCertificate, GenerateCsr, MarkAgentSecondary, SetSso, SetWebSigned, Update, UpdateGlobalCertificate, or UpdateHost. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationCertificate creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Certificates' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 12 operations in the 'Certificates' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: AddClusterCertificate, AddGlobalCertificate, Delete, DeleteCsr, DeleteGlobalCertificate, GenerateCsr, MarkAgentSecondary, SetSso, SetWebSigned, Update, UpdateGlobalCertificate, or UpdateHost. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationCertificate -AddClusterCertificate).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationCertificate -AddClusterCertificate).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the AddClusterCertificate operation of the 'Certificates' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Certificate # API Operation: AddClusterCertificate $query = New-RscMutationCertificate -AddClusterCertificate # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED certImportRequest = @{ # OPTIONAL csrId = $someString # OPTIONAL description = $someString # OPTIONAL privateKey = $someString # OPTIONAL isTrusted = $someBoolean # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED pemFile = $someString } # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AddClusterCertificateReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the AddGlobalCertificate operation of the 'Certificates' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Certificate # API Operation: AddGlobalCertificate $query = New-RscMutationCertificate -AddGlobalCertificate # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # OPTIONAL description = $someString # OPTIONAL privateKey = $someString # REQUIRED certificate = $someString # OPTIONAL clusters = @( @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED isTrusted = $someBoolean } ) # OPTIONAL csrFid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AddGlobalCertificateReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the Delete operation of the 'Certificates' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Certificate # API Operation: Delete $query = New-RscMutationCertificate -Delete # REQUIRED $query.Var.certificateId = $someInt64 # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteCsr operation of the 'Certificates' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Certificate # API Operation: DeleteCsr $query = New-RscMutationCertificate -DeleteCsr # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED csrFids = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteGlobalCertificate operation of the 'Certificates' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Certificate # API Operation: DeleteGlobalCertificate $query = New-RscMutationCertificate -DeleteGlobalCertificate # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED certificateId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: DeleteGlobalCertificateReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the GenerateCsr operation of the 'Certificates' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Certificate # API Operation: GenerateCsr $query = New-RscMutationCertificate -GenerateCsr # REQUIRED $ = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.hostnames = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.organization = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.organizationUnit = $someString # OPTIONAL $ = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.state = $someString # OPTIONAL $ = $someString # OPTIONAL $ = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.surname = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.userId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Csr </code> </example> <example> Runs the MarkAgentSecondary operation of the 'Certificates' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Certificate # API Operation: MarkAgentSecondary $query = New-RscMutationCertificate -MarkAgentSecondary # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED certId = $someString # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MarkAgentSecondaryCertificateReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the SetSso operation of the 'Certificates' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Certificate # API Operation: SetSso $query = New-RscMutationCertificate -SetSso # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED certificateId = $someInt # REQUIRED certificateType = $someSsoCertificateType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SsoCertificateType]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the SetWebSigned operation of the 'Certificates' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Certificate # API Operation: SetWebSigned $query = New-RscMutationCertificate -SetWebSigned # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED certificatePayload = @{ # REQUIRED certificateId = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the Update operation of the 'Certificates' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Certificate # API Operation: Update $query = New-RscMutationCertificate -Update # REQUIRED $query.Var.certificateId = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL $ = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.description = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.certificate = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateGlobalCertificate operation of the 'Certificates' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Certificate # API Operation: UpdateGlobalCertificate $query = New-RscMutationCertificate -UpdateGlobalCertificate # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED certificateId = $someString # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL description = $someString # REQUIRED clusters = @( @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED isTrusted = $someBoolean } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateGlobalCertificateReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateHost operation of the 'Certificates' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Certificate # API Operation: UpdateHost $query = New-RscMutationCertificate -UpdateHost # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateCertificateHostReply </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationCloudAccount"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 2 operations in the 'Cloud Account' API domain: MapExocomputeAccount, or UnmapExocomputeAccount. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationCloudAccount creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Cloud Account' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 2 operations in the 'Cloud Account' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: MapExocomputeAccount, or UnmapExocomputeAccount. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationCloudAccount -MapExocomputeAccount).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationCloudAccount -MapExocomputeAccount).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the MapExocomputeAccount operation of the 'Cloud Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudAccount # API Operation: MapExocomputeAccount $query = New-RscMutationCloudAccount -MapExocomputeAccount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED cloudAccountIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED exocomputeCloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED cloudVendor = $someCloudVendor # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudVendor]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MapCloudAccountExocomputeAccountReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UnmapExocomputeAccount operation of the 'Cloud Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudAccount # API Operation: UnmapExocomputeAccount $query = New-RscMutationCloudAccount -UnmapExocomputeAccount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED cloudAccountIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED cloudVendor = $someCloudVendor # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudVendor]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UnmapCloudAccountExocomputeAccountReply </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationCloudNative"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 13 operations in the 'Cloud Native' API domain: AddSqlServerBackupCredentials, CheckRbaConnectivity, ClearSqlServerBackupCredentials, CreateLabelRule, CreateTagRule, DeleteLabelRule, DeleteTagRule, DownloadFiles, SetupSqlServerBackup, StartSnapshotsIndexJob, UpdateIndexingStatus, UpdateLabelRule, or UpdateTagRule. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationCloudNative creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Cloud Native' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 13 operations in the 'Cloud Native' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: AddSqlServerBackupCredentials, CheckRbaConnectivity, ClearSqlServerBackupCredentials, CreateLabelRule, CreateTagRule, DeleteLabelRule, DeleteTagRule, DownloadFiles, SetupSqlServerBackup, StartSnapshotsIndexJob, UpdateIndexingStatus, UpdateLabelRule, or UpdateTagRule. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationCloudNative -AddSqlServerBackupCredentials).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationCloudNative -AddSqlServerBackupCredentials).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the AddSqlServerBackupCredentials operation of the 'Cloud Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudNative # API Operation: AddSqlServerBackupCredentials $query = New-RscMutationCloudNative -AddSqlServerBackupCredentials # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED objectIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED workloadType = $someWorkloadLevelHierarchy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.WorkloadLevelHierarchy]) for enum values. # REQUIRED backupCredentials = @{ # REQUIRED login = $someString # REQUIRED password = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AddCloudNativeSqlServerBackupCredentialsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CheckRbaConnectivity operation of the 'Cloud Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudNative # API Operation: CheckRbaConnectivity $query = New-RscMutationCloudNative -CheckRbaConnectivity # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED workloadIds = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CloudNativeCheckRbaConnectivityReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the ClearSqlServerBackupCredentials operation of the 'Cloud Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudNative # API Operation: ClearSqlServerBackupCredentials $query = New-RscMutationCloudNative -ClearSqlServerBackupCredentials # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED objectIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED workloadType = $someWorkloadLevelHierarchy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.WorkloadLevelHierarchy]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ClearCloudNativeSqlServerBackupCredentialsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateLabelRule operation of the 'Cloud Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudNative # API Operation: CreateLabelRule $query = New-RscMutationCloudNative -CreateLabelRule # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED objectType = $someCloudNativeLabelObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudNativeLabelObjectType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED labelRuleName = $someString # REQUIRED label = @{ # REQUIRED labelKey = $someString # REQUIRED labelValue = $someString # REQUIRED matchAllValues = $someBoolean } # REQUIRED slaAssignType = $someTagRuleSlaAssignType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagRuleSlaAssignType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL slaId = $someString # OPTIONAL cloudNativeAccountIds = @{ # OPTIONAL awsNativeAccountIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL azureNativeSubscriptionIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL gcpNativeProjectIds = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL applyToAllCloudAccounts = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateCloudNativeLabelRuleReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateTagRule operation of the 'Cloud Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudNative # API Operation: CreateTagRule $query = New-RscMutationCloudNative -CreateTagRule # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED objectType = $someCloudNativeTagObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudNativeTagObjectType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED tagRuleName = $someString # REQUIRED tag = @{ # REQUIRED tagKey = $someString # REQUIRED tagValue = $someString # REQUIRED matchAllValues = $someBoolean } # REQUIRED slaAssignType = $someTagRuleSlaAssignType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagRuleSlaAssignType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL slaId = $someString # OPTIONAL cloudNativeAccountIds = @{ # OPTIONAL awsNativeAccountIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL azureNativeSubscriptionIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL gcpNativeProjectIds = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL applyToAllCloudAccounts = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateCloudNativeTagRuleReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteLabelRule operation of the 'Cloud Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudNative # API Operation: DeleteLabelRule $query = New-RscMutationCloudNative -DeleteLabelRule # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED ruleId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteTagRule operation of the 'Cloud Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudNative # API Operation: DeleteTagRule $query = New-RscMutationCloudNative -DeleteTagRule # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED ruleId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the DownloadFiles operation of the 'Cloud Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudNative # API Operation: DownloadFiles $query = New-RscMutationCloudNative -DownloadFiles # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED filePaths = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL snapshotType = $someSnapshotType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnapshotType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED fileRecoveryLocationDetails = @{ # OPTIONAL cloudDownloadLocationDetails = @{ # REQUIRED downloadLocation = $someString # REQUIRED createDownloadLocation = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL tags = @( @{ # REQUIRED tagKey = $someString # REQUIRED tagValue = $someString # REQUIRED matchAllValues = $someBoolean } ) } # OPTIONAL vmDownloadLocationDetails = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # OPTIONAL pathToRecover = $someString } } # REQUIRED downloadType = $someFileDownloadType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.FileDownloadType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL exocomputeCloudNativeAccountId = $someString # OPTIONAL exocomputeRegion = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: DownloadFilesReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the SetupSqlServerBackup operation of the 'Cloud Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudNative # API Operation: SetupSqlServerBackup $query = New-RscMutationCloudNative -SetupSqlServerBackup # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED databaseIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL adminCredentials = @{ # REQUIRED login = $someString # REQUIRED password = $someString } # OPTIONAL authMechanism = $someSqlAuthenticationMechanism # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SqlAuthenticationMechanism]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sessionId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchAsyncJobStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the StartSnapshotsIndexJob operation of the 'Cloud Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudNative # API Operation: StartSnapshotsIndexJob $query = New-RscMutationCloudNative -StartSnapshotsIndexJob # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snapshotIds = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchAsyncJobStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateIndexingStatus operation of the 'Cloud Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudNative # API Operation: UpdateIndexingStatus $query = New-RscMutationCloudNative -UpdateIndexingStatus # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED workloadIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED isIndexingEnabled = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateCloudNativeIndexingStatusReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateLabelRule operation of the 'Cloud Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudNative # API Operation: UpdateLabelRule $query = New-RscMutationCloudNative -UpdateLabelRule # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED labelRuleId = $someString # REQUIRED labelRuleName = $someString # REQUIRED slaAssignType = $someTagRuleSlaAssignType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagRuleSlaAssignType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL slaId = $someString # OPTIONAL cloudNativeAccountIds = @{ # OPTIONAL awsNativeAccountIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL azureNativeSubscriptionIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL gcpNativeProjectIds = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL applyToAllCloudAccounts = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateTagRule operation of the 'Cloud Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudNative # API Operation: UpdateTagRule $query = New-RscMutationCloudNative -UpdateTagRule # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED tagRuleId = $someString # REQUIRED tagRuleName = $someString # REQUIRED slaAssignType = $someTagRuleSlaAssignType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagRuleSlaAssignType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL slaId = $someString # OPTIONAL cloudNativeAccountIds = @{ # OPTIONAL awsNativeAccountIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL azureNativeSubscriptionIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL gcpNativeProjectIds = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL applyToAllCloudAccounts = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationCluster"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 13 operations in the 'Cluster' API domain: AddClusterNodes, AddNodesToCloud, GenerateClusterRegistrationToken, RecoverCloud, RegisterCloud, RemoveCdm, RemoveClusterNodes, UpdateClusterDefaultAddress, UpdateClusterLocation, UpdateClusterNtpServers, UpdateClusterPauseStatus, UpdateClusterSettings, or UpdatePreviewerClusterConfig. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationCluster creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Cluster' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 13 operations in the 'Cluster' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: AddClusterNodes, AddNodesToCloud, GenerateClusterRegistrationToken, RecoverCloud, RegisterCloud, RemoveCdm, RemoveClusterNodes, UpdateClusterDefaultAddress, UpdateClusterLocation, UpdateClusterNtpServers, UpdateClusterPauseStatus, UpdateClusterSettings, or UpdatePreviewerClusterConfig. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationCluster -AddClusterNodes).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationCluster -AddClusterNodes).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the AddClusterNodes operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: AddClusterNodes $query = New-RscMutationCluster -AddClusterNodes # REQUIRED $query.Var.AddClusterNodesInput = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED nodesMap = @( @{ # OPTIONAL key = $someString # REQUIRED value = @{ # OPTIONAL dataIpConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL vlan = $someInt # REQUIRED address = $someString # REQUIRED gateway = $someString # REQUIRED netmask = $someString } # REQUIRED ipmiIpConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL vlan = $someInt # REQUIRED address = $someString # REQUIRED gateway = $someString # REQUIRED netmask = $someString } # REQUIRED managementIpConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL vlan = $someInt # REQUIRED address = $someString # REQUIRED gateway = $someString # REQUIRED netmask = $someString } # OPTIONAL vlanIpConfigs = @( @{ # REQUIRED ip = $someString # REQUIRED vlan = $someInt } ) } } ) # REQUIRED request = @{ # OPTIONAL encryptionPassword = $someString # OPTIONAL isIpv4ManualDiscoveryMode = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isLinkLocalIpv4Mode = $someBoolean # REQUIRED ipmiPassword = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AddClusterNodesReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the AddNodesToCloud operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: AddNodesToCloud $query = New-RscMutationCluster -AddNodesToCloud # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL numberOfNodes = $someInt # OPTIONAL awsImageId = $someString # OPTIONAL azureImageName = $someString # REQUIRED cloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED vendor = $someCcpVendorType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CcpVendorType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED shouldKeepResourcesOnFailure = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CcProvisionJobReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the GenerateClusterRegistrationToken operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: GenerateClusterRegistrationToken $query = New-RscMutationCluster -GenerateClusterRegistrationToken # OPTIONAL $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL managedByPolaris = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL nodeConfigs = @( @{ # OPTIONAL id = $someString # OPTIONAL manufactureTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL serial = $someString # OPTIONAL systemUuid = $someString # OPTIONAL teleportToken = $someString # OPTIONAL clusterUuid = $someString # OPTIONAL platform = $someString # OPTIONAL capacity = $someString # OPTIONAL isEntitled = $someBoolean } ) # OPTIONAL isOfflineRegistration = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ClusterRegistrationToken </code> </example> <example> Runs the RecoverCloud operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: RecoverCloud $query = New-RscMutationCluster -RecoverCloud # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL adminPassword = $someString # OPTIONAL userEmail = $someString # REQUIRED cloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # OPTIONAL azureEsResourceGroup = $someString # OPTIONAL azureVmConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL resourceGroup = $someString # OPTIONAL cdmVersion = $someString # OPTIONAL location = $someString # OPTIONAL nodeSizeGb = $someInt # OPTIONAL networkResourceGroup = $someString # OPTIONAL vnetResourceGroup = $someString # OPTIONAL networkSecurityGroup = $someString # OPTIONAL networkSecurityResourceGroup = $someString # OPTIONAL vnet = $someString # OPTIONAL subnet = $someString # OPTIONAL tags = $someString # OPTIONAL vmImage = $someString # OPTIONAL cdmProduct = $someString # OPTIONAL availabilityZone = $someString # OPTIONAL vmType = $someVmType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VmType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL instanceType = $someAzureInstanceType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureInstanceType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL awsVmConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL cdmVersion = $someString # OPTIONAL nodeSizeGb = $someInt # OPTIONAL subnet = $someString # OPTIONAL tags = $someString # OPTIONAL imageId = $someString # OPTIONAL instanceProfileName = $someString # OPTIONAL cdmProduct = $someString # OPTIONAL vmType = $someVmType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VmType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL securityGroups = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL instanceType = $someAwsInstanceType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsInstanceType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL networkConfig = @( @{ # OPTIONAL availabilityZone = $someString # OPTIONAL subnet = $someString } ) } # OPTIONAL awsRegion = $someString # REQUIRED shouldDisableAwsApiTermination = $someBoolean # REQUIRED shouldKeepClusterOnFailure = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL ntpServers = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CcProvisionJobReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the RegisterCloud operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: RegisterCloud $query = New-RscMutationCluster -RegisterCloud # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RegisterCloudClusterReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the RemoveCdm operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: RemoveCdm $query = New-RscMutationCluster -RemoveCdm # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterUUID = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.isForce = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL $query.Var.expireInDays = $someInt64 # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the RemoveClusterNodes operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: RemoveClusterNodes $query = New-RscMutationCluster -RemoveClusterNodes # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL nodeIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL useQuickDrain = $someBoolean # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # OPTIONAL nodeMetadata = @( @{ # OPTIONAL nodeId = $someString # OPTIONAL chassisId = $someString # OPTIONAL platform = $someClusterNodePlatformType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterNodePlatformType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL status = $someClusterNodeStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterNodeStatus]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL useQuickDrain = $someBoolean } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CcProvisionJobReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateClusterDefaultAddress operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: UpdateClusterDefaultAddress $query = New-RscMutationCluster -UpdateClusterDefaultAddress # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # OPTIONAL address = $someString # OPTIONAL port = $someInt } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateClusterDefaultAddressReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateClusterLocation operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: UpdateClusterLocation $query = New-RscMutationCluster -UpdateClusterLocation # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterLocation = @{ # REQUIRED address = $someString # REQUIRED latitude = $someSingle # REQUIRED longitude = $someSingle } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Cluster </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateClusterNtpServers operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: UpdateClusterNtpServers $query = New-RscMutationCluster -UpdateClusterNtpServers # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED ntpServerConfigs = @( @{ # OPTIONAL symmetricKey = @{ # REQUIRED key = $someString # REQUIRED keyId = $someInt # REQUIRED keyType = $someString } # REQUIRED server = $someString } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ResponseSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateClusterPauseStatus operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: UpdateClusterPauseStatus $query = New-RscMutationCluster -UpdateClusterPauseStatus # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL clusterUuids = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL togglePauseStatus = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateClusterPauseStatusReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateClusterSettings operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: UpdateClusterSettings $query = New-RscMutationCluster -UpdateClusterSettings # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUpdate = @{ # OPTIONAL acceptedEulaVersion = $someString # OPTIONAL geolocation = @{ # REQUIRED address = $someString } # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL timezone = @{ # REQUIRED timezone = $someClusterTimezoneType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterTimezoneType]) for enum values. } } # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateClusterSettingsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdatePreviewerClusterConfig operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: UpdatePreviewerClusterConfig $query = New-RscMutationCluster -UpdatePreviewerClusterConfig # REQUIRED $query.Var.previewerClusterConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL clusterId = $someString # OPTIONAL enabled = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Cluster </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationCrossAccount"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 4 operations in the 'Cross Account' API domain: AddCrossAccountServiceConsumer, CreateCrossAccountPair, CreateCrossAccountRegOauthPayload, or DeleteCrossAccountPair. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationCrossAccount creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Cross Account' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 4 operations in the 'Cross Account' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: AddCrossAccountServiceConsumer, CreateCrossAccountPair, CreateCrossAccountRegOauthPayload, or DeleteCrossAccountPair. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationCrossAccount -AddCrossAccountServiceConsumer).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationCrossAccount -AddCrossAccountServiceConsumer).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the AddCrossAccountServiceConsumer operation of the 'Cross Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CrossAccount # API Operation: AddCrossAccountServiceConsumer $query = New-RscMutationCrossAccount -AddCrossAccountServiceConsumer # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED crossAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED fqdn = $someString # REQUIRED serviceConsumerSa = @{ # OPTIONAL clientId = $someString # OPTIONAL clientSecret = $someString # OPTIONAL accessTokenUrl = $someString } # OPTIONAL isRefresh = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AddCrossAccountServiceConsumerReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateCrossAccountPair operation of the 'Cross Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CrossAccount # API Operation: CreateCrossAccountPair $query = New-RscMutationCrossAccount -CreateCrossAccountPair # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED code = $someString # REQUIRED state = $someString # REQUIRED fqdn = $someString # OPTIONAL isRefresh = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateCrossAccountRegOauthPayload operation of the 'Cross Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CrossAccount # API Operation: CreateCrossAccountRegOauthPayload $query = New-RscMutationCrossAccount -CreateCrossAccountRegOauthPayload # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED fqdn = $someString # OPTIONAL isRefresh = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateCrossAccountRegOauthPayloadReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteCrossAccountPair operation of the 'Cross Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CrossAccount # API Operation: DeleteCrossAccountPair $query = New-RscMutationCrossAccount -DeleteCrossAccountPair # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED crossAccountId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationDb2"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 12 operations in the 'Db2' API domain: AddInstance, ConfigureRestore, CreateOnDemandBackup, DeleteDatabase, DeleteInstance, DiscoverInstance, DownloadSnapshot, DownloadSnapshotsForPointInTimeRecovery, ExpireDownloadedSnapshots, PatchDatabase, PatchInstance, or RefreshDatabase. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationDb2 creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Db2' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 12 operations in the 'Db2' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: AddInstance, ConfigureRestore, CreateOnDemandBackup, DeleteDatabase, DeleteInstance, DiscoverInstance, DownloadSnapshot, DownloadSnapshotsForPointInTimeRecovery, ExpireDownloadedSnapshots, PatchDatabase, PatchInstance, or RefreshDatabase. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationDb2 -AddInstance).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationDb2 -AddInstance).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the AddInstance operation of the 'Db2' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Db2 # API Operation: AddInstance $query = New-RscMutationDb2 -AddInstance # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED db2InstanceRequestConfig = @{ # REQUIRED hostIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED instanceName = $someString # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AddDb2InstanceReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the ConfigureRestore operation of the 'Db2' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Db2 # API Operation: ConfigureRestore $query = New-RscMutationDb2 -ConfigureRestore # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED restoreConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL expiryTimestamp = $someDateTime # REQUIRED hostIdsToAdd = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED hostIdsToRemove = @( $someString ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Db2ConfigureRestoreResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateOnDemandBackup operation of the 'Db2' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Db2 # API Operation: CreateOnDemandBackup $query = New-RscMutationDb2 -CreateOnDemandBackup # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL config = @{ # OPTIONAL slaId = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteDatabase operation of the 'Db2' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Db2 # API Operation: DeleteDatabase $query = New-RscMutationDb2 -DeleteDatabase # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteInstance operation of the 'Db2' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Db2 # API Operation: DeleteInstance $query = New-RscMutationDb2 -DeleteInstance # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DiscoverInstance operation of the 'Db2' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Db2 # API Operation: DiscoverInstance $query = New-RscMutationDb2 -DiscoverInstance # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DownloadSnapshot operation of the 'Db2' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Db2 # API Operation: DownloadSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationDb2 -DownloadSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED locationId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DownloadSnapshotsForPointInTimeRecovery operation of the 'Db2' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Db2 # API Operation: DownloadSnapshotsForPointInTimeRecovery $query = New-RscMutationDb2 -DownloadSnapshotsForPointInTimeRecovery # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED downloadConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL pointInTime = $someDateTime # REQUIRED preferredLocationId = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the ExpireDownloadedSnapshots operation of the 'Db2' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Db2 # API Operation: ExpireDownloadedSnapshots $query = New-RscMutationDb2 -ExpireDownloadedSnapshots # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL afterTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL beforeTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL shouldExpireLogsOnly = $someBoolean # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the PatchDatabase operation of the 'Db2' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Db2 # API Operation: PatchDatabase $query = New-RscMutationDb2 -PatchDatabase # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED db2DatabaseConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL backupParallelism = $someInt # OPTIONAL backupSessions = $someInt } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: PatchDb2DatabaseReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the PatchInstance operation of the 'Db2' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Db2 # API Operation: PatchInstance $query = New-RscMutationDb2 -PatchInstance # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED db2InstanceRequestConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL hostIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL username = $someString # OPTIONAL instanceName = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: PatchDb2InstanceReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the RefreshDatabase operation of the 'Db2' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Db2 # API Operation: RefreshDatabase $query = New-RscMutationDb2 -RefreshDatabase # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationDownload"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 17 operations in the 'Report Download' API domain: ActiveDirectorySnapshotFromLocation, AuditLogCsvAsync, ExchangeSnapshot, FilesetSnapshot, FilesetSnapshotFromLocation, ObjectFilesCsv, ObjectsListCsv, ReportCsvAsync, ReportPdfAsync, ResultsCsv, SapHanaSnapshot, SapHanaSnapshotFromLocation, SapHanaSnapshotsForPointInTimeRecovery, SnapshotResultsCsv, ThreatHuntCsv, VolumeGroupSnapshotFiles, or VolumeGroupSnapshotFromLocation. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationDownload creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Report Download' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 17 operations in the 'Report Download' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: ActiveDirectorySnapshotFromLocation, AuditLogCsvAsync, ExchangeSnapshot, FilesetSnapshot, FilesetSnapshotFromLocation, ObjectFilesCsv, ObjectsListCsv, ReportCsvAsync, ReportPdfAsync, ResultsCsv, SapHanaSnapshot, SapHanaSnapshotFromLocation, SapHanaSnapshotsForPointInTimeRecovery, SnapshotResultsCsv, ThreatHuntCsv, VolumeGroupSnapshotFiles, or VolumeGroupSnapshotFromLocation. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationDownload -ActiveDirectorySnapshotFromLocation).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationDownload -ActiveDirectorySnapshotFromLocation).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the ActiveDirectorySnapshotFromLocation operation of the 'Report Download' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Download # API Operation: ActiveDirectorySnapshotFromLocation $query = New-RscMutationDownload -ActiveDirectorySnapshotFromLocation # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL downloadConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL slaId = $someString } # REQUIRED locationId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the AuditLogCsvAsync operation of the 'Report Download' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Download # API Operation: AuditLogCsvAsync $query = New-RscMutationDownload -AuditLogCsvAsync # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED filters = @{ # OPTIONAL activityObjectType = @( $someActivityObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivityObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL objectType = @( $someObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL excludedObjectTypes = @( $someObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL lastActivityStatus = @( $someActivityStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivityStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL lastActivityType = @( $someActivityTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivityTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL slaDomainId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL clusterType = @( $someClusterTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL clusterId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL timeRange = @{ # OPTIONAL relativeTimeRange = @{ # REQUIRED magnitude = $someInt # REQUIRED unit = $someTimeUnitEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TimeUnitEnum]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL absoluteTimeRange = @{ # REQUIRED start = $someDateTime # REQUIRED end = $someDateTime } } # OPTIONAL slaTimeRange = $someSlaComplianceTimeRange # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SlaComplianceTimeRange]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL orgId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL managedId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL isAnomaly = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL searchTerm = $someString # OPTIONAL complianceStatus = @( $someComplianceStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ComplianceStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL protectionStatus = @( $someProtectionStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ProtectionStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL failoverStatus = @( $someFailoverStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.FailoverStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL failoverType = $someFailoverTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.FailoverTypeEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL source = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL targetSite = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL userAuditObjectType = @( $someUserAuditObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UserAuditObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL userAuditType = @( $someUserAuditTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UserAuditTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL userAuditStatus = @( $someUserAuditStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UserAuditStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL replicationSource = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL clusterLocation = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL taskCategory = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL taskStatus = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL taskType = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL policyId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL sonarObjectTypes = @( $someHierarchyObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL shouldApplyWhitelists = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL date = $someDateTime } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncDownloadReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the ExchangeSnapshot operation of the 'Report Download' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Download # API Operation: ExchangeSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationDownload -ExchangeSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED locationId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the FilesetSnapshot operation of the 'Report Download' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Download # API Operation: FilesetSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationDownload -FilesetSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the FilesetSnapshotFromLocation operation of the 'Report Download' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Download # API Operation: FilesetSnapshotFromLocation $query = New-RscMutationDownload -FilesetSnapshotFromLocation # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL downloadConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL slaId = $someString } # REQUIRED locationId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the ObjectFilesCsv operation of the 'Report Download' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Download # API Operation: ObjectFilesCsv $query = New-RscMutationDownload -ObjectFilesCsv # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED filters = @{ # OPTIONAL openAccessTypes = @( $someOpenAccessType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.OpenAccessType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL stalenessTypes = @( $someStalenessType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.StalenessType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL analyzerGroupIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL clusterIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL pathPrefix = $someString # OPTIONAL snappableTypes = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL searchText = $someString # OPTIONAL whitelistEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL fileCountTypes = @( $someFileCountType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.FileCountType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL accessTypes = @( $someAccessType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AccessType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL activityTypes = @( $someActivityAccessType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivityAccessType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL objectIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL inodeTypes = @( $someInodeType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.InodeType]) for enum values. ) # REQUIRED objectTypes = @( $someHierarchyObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) } # REQUIRED day = $someString # REQUIRED timezone = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: DownloadCsvReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the ObjectsListCsv operation of the 'Report Download' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Download # API Operation: ObjectsListCsv $query = New-RscMutationDownload -ObjectsListCsv # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED day = $someString # REQUIRED timezone = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: DownloadCsvReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the ReportCsvAsync operation of the 'Report Download' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Download # API Operation: ReportCsvAsync $query = New-RscMutationDownload -ReportCsvAsync # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someInt # OPTIONAL config = @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED focus = $someReportFocusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReportFocusEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL charts = @( @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED focus = $someReportFocusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReportFocusEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL groupBy = @( $someGroupByFieldEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GroupByFieldEnum]) for enum values. ) } ) # OPTIONAL tables = @( @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED focus = $someReportFocusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReportFocusEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL groupBy = @( $someGroupByFieldEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GroupByFieldEnum]) for enum values. ) # REQUIRED selectedColumns = @( $someReportTableColumnEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReportTableColumnEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL sortBy = $someSortByFieldEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortByFieldEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. } ) # REQUIRED filters = @{ # OPTIONAL activityObjectType = @( $someActivityObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivityObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL objectType = @( $someObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL excludedObjectTypes = @( $someObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL lastActivityStatus = @( $someActivityStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivityStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL lastActivityType = @( $someActivityTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivityTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL slaDomainId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL clusterType = @( $someClusterTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL clusterId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL timeRange = @{ # OPTIONAL relativeTimeRange = @{ # REQUIRED magnitude = $someInt # REQUIRED unit = $someTimeUnitEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TimeUnitEnum]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL absoluteTimeRange = @{ # REQUIRED start = $someDateTime # REQUIRED end = $someDateTime } } # OPTIONAL slaTimeRange = $someSlaComplianceTimeRange # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SlaComplianceTimeRange]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL orgId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL managedId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL isAnomaly = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL searchTerm = $someString # OPTIONAL complianceStatus = @( $someComplianceStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ComplianceStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL protectionStatus = @( $someProtectionStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ProtectionStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL failoverStatus = @( $someFailoverStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.FailoverStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL failoverType = $someFailoverTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.FailoverTypeEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL source = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL targetSite = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL userAuditObjectType = @( $someUserAuditObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UserAuditObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL userAuditType = @( $someUserAuditTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UserAuditTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL userAuditStatus = @( $someUserAuditStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UserAuditStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL replicationSource = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL clusterLocation = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL taskCategory = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL taskStatus = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL taskType = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL policyId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL sonarObjectTypes = @( $someHierarchyObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL shouldApplyWhitelists = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL date = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL isHidden = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isReadOnly = $someBoolean } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncDownloadReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the ReportPdfAsync operation of the 'Report Download' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Download # API Operation: ReportPdfAsync $query = New-RscMutationDownload -ReportPdfAsync # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someInt # OPTIONAL config = @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED focus = $someReportFocusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReportFocusEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL charts = @( @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED focus = $someReportFocusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReportFocusEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL groupBy = @( $someGroupByFieldEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GroupByFieldEnum]) for enum values. ) } ) # OPTIONAL tables = @( @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED focus = $someReportFocusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReportFocusEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL groupBy = @( $someGroupByFieldEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GroupByFieldEnum]) for enum values. ) # REQUIRED selectedColumns = @( $someReportTableColumnEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReportTableColumnEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL sortBy = $someSortByFieldEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortByFieldEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. } ) # REQUIRED filters = @{ # OPTIONAL activityObjectType = @( $someActivityObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivityObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL objectType = @( $someObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL excludedObjectTypes = @( $someObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL lastActivityStatus = @( $someActivityStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivityStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL lastActivityType = @( $someActivityTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivityTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL slaDomainId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL clusterType = @( $someClusterTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL clusterId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL timeRange = @{ # OPTIONAL relativeTimeRange = @{ # REQUIRED magnitude = $someInt # REQUIRED unit = $someTimeUnitEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TimeUnitEnum]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL absoluteTimeRange = @{ # REQUIRED start = $someDateTime # REQUIRED end = $someDateTime } } # OPTIONAL slaTimeRange = $someSlaComplianceTimeRange # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SlaComplianceTimeRange]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL orgId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL managedId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL isAnomaly = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL searchTerm = $someString # OPTIONAL complianceStatus = @( $someComplianceStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ComplianceStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL protectionStatus = @( $someProtectionStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ProtectionStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL failoverStatus = @( $someFailoverStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.FailoverStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL failoverType = $someFailoverTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.FailoverTypeEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL source = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL targetSite = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL userAuditObjectType = @( $someUserAuditObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UserAuditObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL userAuditType = @( $someUserAuditTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UserAuditTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL userAuditStatus = @( $someUserAuditStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UserAuditStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL replicationSource = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL clusterLocation = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL taskCategory = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL taskStatus = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL taskType = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL policyId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL sonarObjectTypes = @( $someHierarchyObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL shouldApplyWhitelists = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL date = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL isHidden = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isReadOnly = $someBoolean } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncDownloadReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the ResultsCsv operation of the 'Report Download' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Download # API Operation: ResultsCsv $query = New-RscMutationDownload -ResultsCsv # REQUIRED $query.Var.crawlId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.downloadFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL analyzerGroupIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL browseDirectorySnappablePath = @{ # OPTIONAL snappableFid = $someString # OPTIONAL stdPath = $someString } # OPTIONAL listFileResultsSnappablePaths = @( @{ # OPTIONAL snappableFid = $someString # OPTIONAL stdPath = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL listFileResultsSnappableTypes = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL listFileResultsSearchText = $someString # OPTIONAL whitelistEnabled = $someBoolean # REQUIRED fileType = $someFileCountType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.FileCountType]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: DownloadResultsCsvReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the SapHanaSnapshot operation of the 'Report Download' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Download # API Operation: SapHanaSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationDownload -SapHanaSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED locationId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the SapHanaSnapshotFromLocation operation of the 'Report Download' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Download # API Operation: SapHanaSnapshotFromLocation $query = New-RscMutationDownload -SapHanaSnapshotFromLocation # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL downloadConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL slaId = $someString } # REQUIRED locationId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the SapHanaSnapshotsForPointInTimeRecovery operation of the 'Report Download' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Download # API Operation: SapHanaSnapshotsForPointInTimeRecovery $query = New-RscMutationDownload -SapHanaSnapshotsForPointInTimeRecovery # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED downloadConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL pointInTime = $someDateTime # REQUIRED preferredLocationId = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the SnapshotResultsCsv operation of the 'Report Download' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Download # API Operation: SnapshotResultsCsv $query = New-RscMutationDownload -SnapshotResultsCsv # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotFid = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.downloadFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL analyzerGroupIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL browseDirectorySnappablePath = @{ # OPTIONAL snappableFid = $someString # OPTIONAL stdPath = $someString } # OPTIONAL listFileResultsSnappablePaths = @( @{ # OPTIONAL snappableFid = $someString # OPTIONAL stdPath = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL listFileResultsSnappableTypes = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL listFileResultsSearchText = $someString # OPTIONAL whitelistEnabled = $someBoolean # REQUIRED fileType = $someFileCountType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.FileCountType]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: DownloadCsvReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the ThreatHuntCsv operation of the 'Report Download' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Download # API Operation: ThreatHuntCsv $query = New-RscMutationDownload -ThreatHuntCsv # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED huntId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: DownloadThreatHuntCsvReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the VolumeGroupSnapshotFiles operation of the 'Report Download' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Download # API Operation: VolumeGroupSnapshotFiles $query = New-RscMutationDownload -VolumeGroupSnapshotFiles # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # OPTIONAL nextSnapshotFid = $someString # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL legalHoldDownloadConfig = @{ # REQUIRED isLegalHoldDownload = $someBoolean } # REQUIRED paths = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL deltaTypeFilter = @( $someDeltaType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DeltaType]) for enum values. ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the VolumeGroupSnapshotFromLocation operation of the 'Report Download' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Download # API Operation: VolumeGroupSnapshotFromLocation $query = New-RscMutationDownload -VolumeGroupSnapshotFromLocation # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL downloadConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL slaId = $someString } # REQUIRED locationId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationExchange"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 4 operations in the 'Microsoft Exchange' API domain: BulkUpdateDag, CreateMount, CreateOnDemandBackup, or DeleteSnapshotMount. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationExchange creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Microsoft Exchange' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 4 operations in the 'Microsoft Exchange' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: BulkUpdateDag, CreateMount, CreateOnDemandBackup, or DeleteSnapshotMount. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationExchange -BulkUpdateDag).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationExchange -BulkUpdateDag).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the BulkUpdateDag operation of the 'Microsoft Exchange' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Exchange # API Operation: BulkUpdateDag $query = New-RscMutationExchange -BulkUpdateDag # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED dagUpdateProperties = @( @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED updateProperties = @{ # REQUIRED backupPreference = $someExchangeBackupPreference # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ExchangeBackupPreference]) for enum values. } } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: V1BulkUpdateExchangeDagResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateMount operation of the 'Microsoft Exchange' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Exchange # API Operation: CreateMount $query = New-RscMutationExchange -CreateMount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL smbDomainName = $someString # OPTIONAL smbValidIps = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL smbValidUsers = @( $someString ) } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateOnDemandBackup operation of the 'Microsoft Exchange' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Exchange # API Operation: CreateOnDemandBackup $query = New-RscMutationExchange -CreateOnDemandBackup # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL forceFullSnapshot = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL baseOnDemandSnapshotConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL slaId = $someString } } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteSnapshotMount operation of the 'Microsoft Exchange' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Exchange # API Operation: DeleteSnapshotMount $query = New-RscMutationExchange -DeleteSnapshotMount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationFailoverCluster"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 8 operations in the 'Failover Cluster' API domain: BulkDelete, BulkDeleteApp, Create, CreateApp, Delete, DeleteApp, Update, or UpdateApp. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationFailoverCluster creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Failover Cluster' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 8 operations in the 'Failover Cluster' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: BulkDelete, BulkDeleteApp, Create, CreateApp, Delete, DeleteApp, Update, or UpdateApp. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationFailoverCluster -BulkDelete).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationFailoverCluster -BulkDelete).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the BulkDelete operation of the 'Failover Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: FailoverCluster # API Operation: BulkDelete $query = New-RscMutationFailoverCluster -BulkDelete # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL preserveSnapshots = $someBoolean # REQUIRED ids = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ResponseSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the BulkDeleteApp operation of the 'Failover Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: FailoverCluster # API Operation: BulkDeleteApp $query = New-RscMutationFailoverCluster -BulkDeleteApp # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL preserveSnapshots = $someBoolean # REQUIRED ids = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ResponseSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the Create operation of the 'Failover Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: FailoverCluster # API Operation: Create $query = New-RscMutationFailoverCluster -Create # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL configuredSlaDomainId = $someString # REQUIRED hostIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED name = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateFailoverClusterReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateApp operation of the 'Failover Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: FailoverCluster # API Operation: CreateApp $query = New-RscMutationFailoverCluster -CreateApp # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL configuredSlaDomainId = $someString # REQUIRED failoverClusterType = $someFailoverClusterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.FailoverClusterType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED failoverClusterAppSource = @{ # OPTIONAL nodeOrders = @( @{ # OPTIONAL nodeName = $someString # REQUIRED nodeId = $someString # REQUIRED order = $someInt } ) # OPTIONAL virtualIps = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL vips = @( $someString ) } # REQUIRED failoverClusterId = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateFailoverClusterAppReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the Delete operation of the 'Failover Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: FailoverCluster # API Operation: Delete $query = New-RscMutationFailoverCluster -Delete # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL preserveSnapshots = $someBoolean # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ResponseSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteApp operation of the 'Failover Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: FailoverCluster # API Operation: DeleteApp $query = New-RscMutationFailoverCluster -DeleteApp # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL preserveSnapshots = $someBoolean # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ResponseSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the Update operation of the 'Failover Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: FailoverCluster # API Operation: Update $query = New-RscMutationFailoverCluster -Update # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED updateProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL configuredSlaDomainId = $someString # REQUIRED hostIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED name = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateFailoverClusterReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateApp operation of the 'Failover Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: FailoverCluster # API Operation: UpdateApp $query = New-RscMutationFailoverCluster -UpdateApp # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED updateProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL configuredSlaDomainId = $someString # REQUIRED failoverClusterType = $someFailoverClusterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.FailoverClusterType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED failoverClusterAppSource = @{ # OPTIONAL nodeOrders = @( @{ # OPTIONAL nodeName = $someString # REQUIRED nodeId = $someString # REQUIRED order = $someInt } ) # OPTIONAL virtualIps = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL vips = @( $someString ) } # REQUIRED failoverClusterId = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateFailoverClusterAppReply </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationFileset"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 6 operations in the 'Fileset' API domain: BulkCreate, BulkCreateTemplates, BulkDelete, BulkDeleteTemplate, BulkUpdateTemplate, or RecoverFiles. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationFileset creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Fileset' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 6 operations in the 'Fileset' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: BulkCreate, BulkCreateTemplates, BulkDelete, BulkDeleteTemplate, BulkUpdateTemplate, or RecoverFiles. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationFileset -BulkCreate).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationFileset -BulkCreate).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the BulkCreate operation of the 'Fileset' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Fileset # API Operation: BulkCreate $query = New-RscMutationFileset -BulkCreate # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED definitions = @( @{ # OPTIONAL arraySpec = @{ # OPTIONAL proxyHostId = $someString } # OPTIONAL hostId = $someString # OPTIONAL isPassthrough = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shareId = $someString # OPTIONAL enableHardlinkSupport = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL enableSymlinkResolution = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL failoverClusterAppId = $someString # OPTIONAL snapMirrorLabelForFullBackup = $someString # OPTIONAL snapMirrorLabelForIncrementalBackup = $someString # OPTIONAL isManagedByPolaris = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isPolarisNasModel = $someBoolean # REQUIRED templateId = $someString } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BulkCreateFilesetsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the BulkCreateTemplates operation of the 'Fileset' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Fileset # API Operation: BulkCreateTemplates $query = New-RscMutationFileset -BulkCreateTemplates # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED definitions = @( @{ # OPTIONAL backupScriptErrorHandling = $someString # OPTIONAL backupScriptTimeout = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL exceptions = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL excludes = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL isArrayEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL postBackupScript = $someString # OPTIONAL preBackupScript = $someString # OPTIONAL isCreatedByKupr = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isCreatedByPolarisNas = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL filesetOptions = @{ # OPTIONAL allowBackupHiddenFoldersInNetworkMounts = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL allowBackupNetworkMounts = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL useWindowsVss = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL operatingSystemType = $someFilesetTemplateCreateOperatingSystemType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.FilesetTemplateCreateOperatingSystemType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL shareType = $someFilesetTemplateCreateShareType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.FilesetTemplateCreateShareType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED includes = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED name = $someString } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BulkCreateFilesetTemplatesReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the BulkDelete operation of the 'Fileset' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Fileset # API Operation: BulkDelete $query = New-RscMutationFileset -BulkDelete # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL preserveSnapshots = $someBoolean # REQUIRED ids = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ResponseSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the BulkDeleteTemplate operation of the 'Fileset' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Fileset # API Operation: BulkDeleteTemplate $query = New-RscMutationFileset -BulkDeleteTemplate # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL preserveSnapshots = $someBoolean # REQUIRED ids = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ResponseSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the BulkUpdateTemplate operation of the 'Fileset' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Fileset # API Operation: BulkUpdateTemplate $query = New-RscMutationFileset -BulkUpdateTemplate # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED definitions = @( @{ # OPTIONAL backupScriptErrorHandling = $someString # OPTIONAL backupScriptTimeout = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL exceptions = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL excludes = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL includes = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL postBackupScript = $someString # OPTIONAL preBackupScript = $someString # OPTIONAL isCreatedByKupr = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isCreatedByPolarisNas = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL filesetOptions = @{ # OPTIONAL allowBackupHiddenFoldersInNetworkMounts = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL allowBackupNetworkMounts = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL useWindowsVss = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL operatingSystemType = $someFilesetTemplatePatchOperatingSystemType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.FilesetTemplatePatchOperatingSystemType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL shareType = $someFilesetTemplatePatchShareType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.FilesetTemplatePatchShareType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED id = $someString } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BulkUpdateFilesetTemplateReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the RecoverFiles operation of the 'Fileset' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Fileset # API Operation: RecoverFiles $query = New-RscMutationFileset -RecoverFiles # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snapshotFid = $someString # OPTIONAL nextSnapshotFid = $someString # REQUIRED restorePathPairList = @( @{ # OPTIONAL path = $someString # OPTIONAL restorePath = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL deltaTypeFilter = @( $someDeltaType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DeltaType]) for enum values. ) # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL ignoreErrors = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldRecreateDirectoryStructure = $someBoolean # REQUIRED restoreConfig = @( @{ # OPTIONAL restorePathPair = @{ # OPTIONAL restorePath = $someString # REQUIRED path = $someString } } ) } # REQUIRED shareType = $someShareTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ShareTypeEnum]) for enum values. # REQUIRED osType = $someGuestOsType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GuestOsType]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationGcp"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 11 operations in the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain: CloudAccountAddManualAuthProject, CloudAccountAddProjects, CloudAccountDeleteProjects, CloudAccountOauthComplete, CloudAccountOauthInitiate, CloudAccountUpgradeProjects, CreateReaderTarget, CreateTarget, SetDefaultServiceAccountJwtConfig, UpdateTarget, or UpgradeCloudAccountPermissionsWithoutOauth. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationGcp creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 11 operations in the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: CloudAccountAddManualAuthProject, CloudAccountAddProjects, CloudAccountDeleteProjects, CloudAccountOauthComplete, CloudAccountOauthInitiate, CloudAccountUpgradeProjects, CreateReaderTarget, CreateTarget, SetDefaultServiceAccountJwtConfig, UpdateTarget, or UpgradeCloudAccountPermissionsWithoutOauth. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationGcp -CloudAccountAddManualAuthProject).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationGcp -CloudAccountAddManualAuthProject).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the CloudAccountAddManualAuthProject operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Gcp # API Operation: CloudAccountAddManualAuthProject $query = New-RscMutationGcp -CloudAccountAddManualAuthProject # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED gcpNativeProjectId = $someString # REQUIRED gcpProjectName = $someString # REQUIRED gcpProjectNumber = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL organizationName = $someString # OPTIONAL serviceAccountJwtConfig = $someString # REQUIRED features = @( $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the CloudAccountAddProjects operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Gcp # API Operation: CloudAccountAddProjects $query = New-RscMutationGcp -CloudAccountAddProjects # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED sessionId = $someString # REQUIRED nativeProtectionProjectIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED sharedVpcHostProjectIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED cloudAccountsProjectIds = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GcpCloudAccountAddProjectsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CloudAccountDeleteProjects operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Gcp # API Operation: CloudAccountDeleteProjects $query = New-RscMutationGcp -CloudAccountDeleteProjects # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL sessionId = $someString # REQUIRED nativeProtectionProjectIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED sharedVpcHostProjectIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED cloudAccountsProjectIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED skipResourceDeletion = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GcpCloudAccountDeleteProjectsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CloudAccountOauthComplete operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Gcp # API Operation: CloudAccountOauthComplete $query = New-RscMutationGcp -CloudAccountOauthComplete # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED sessionId = $someString # REQUIRED authorizationCode = $someString # REQUIRED redirectUrl = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GcpCloudAccountOauthCompleteReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CloudAccountOauthInitiate operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Gcp # API Operation: CloudAccountOauthInitiate $query = New-RscMutationGcp -CloudAccountOauthInitiate # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED customerUrl = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GcpCloudAccountOauthInitiateReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CloudAccountUpgradeProjects operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Gcp # API Operation: CloudAccountUpgradeProjects $query = New-RscMutationGcp -CloudAccountUpgradeProjects # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED sessionId = $someString # REQUIRED projectIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED feature = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GcpCloudAccountUpgradeProjectsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateReaderTarget operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Gcp # API Operation: CreateReaderTarget $query = New-RscMutationGcp -CreateReaderTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED region = $someGcpRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GcpRegion]) for enum values. # REQUIRED storageClass = $someGcpStorageClass # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GcpStorageClass]) for enum values. # REQUIRED bucket = $someString # REQUIRED encryptionPassword = $someString # REQUIRED serviceAccountJsonKey = $someString # OPTIONAL archivalProxySettings = @{ # OPTIONAL proxyServer = $someString # OPTIONAL portNumber = $someInt # OPTIONAL username = $someString # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL protocol = $someString } # REQUIRED readerRetrievalMethod = $someReaderRetrievalMethod # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReaderRetrievalMethod]) for enum values. # REQUIRED bypassProxy = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Target </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateTarget operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Gcp # API Operation: CreateTarget $query = New-RscMutationGcp -CreateTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED region = $someGcpRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GcpRegion]) for enum values. # REQUIRED storageClass = $someGcpStorageClass # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GcpStorageClass]) for enum values. # REQUIRED bucket = $someString # REQUIRED encryptionPassword = $someString # REQUIRED serviceAccountJsonKey = $someString # OPTIONAL archivalProxySettings = @{ # OPTIONAL proxyServer = $someString # OPTIONAL portNumber = $someInt # OPTIONAL username = $someString # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL protocol = $someString } # REQUIRED bypassProxy = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Target </code> </example> <example> Runs the SetDefaultServiceAccountJwtConfig operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Gcp # API Operation: SetDefaultServiceAccountJwtConfig $query = New-RscMutationGcp -SetDefaultServiceAccountJwtConfig # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED serviceAccountName = $someString # REQUIRED serviceAccountJwtConfig = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateTarget operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Gcp # API Operation: UpdateTarget $query = New-RscMutationGcp -UpdateTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL region = $someGcpRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GcpRegion]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL storageClass = $someGcpStorageClass # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GcpStorageClass]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL bucket = $someString # OPTIONAL encryptionPassword = $someString # OPTIONAL serviceAccountJsonKey = $someString # OPTIONAL archivalProxySettings = @{ # OPTIONAL proxyServer = $someString # OPTIONAL portNumber = $someInt # OPTIONAL username = $someString # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL protocol = $someString } # OPTIONAL bypassProxy = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Target </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpgradeCloudAccountPermissionsWithoutOauth operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Gcp # API Operation: UpgradeCloudAccountPermissionsWithoutOauth $query = New-RscMutationGcp -UpgradeCloudAccountPermissionsWithoutOauth # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED cloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED feature = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpgradeGcpCloudAccountPermissionsWithoutOauthReply </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationGcpNative"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 6 operations in the 'Google Cloud Platform Native' API domain: DisableProject, ExcludeDisksFromInstanceSnapshot, ExportDisk, ExportGceInstance, RefreshProjects, or RestoreGceInstance. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationGcpNative creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Google Cloud Platform Native' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 6 operations in the 'Google Cloud Platform Native' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: DisableProject, ExcludeDisksFromInstanceSnapshot, ExportDisk, ExportGceInstance, RefreshProjects, or RestoreGceInstance. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationGcpNative -DisableProject).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationGcpNative -DisableProject).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the DisableProject operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: GcpNative # API Operation: DisableProject $query = New-RscMutationGcpNative -DisableProject # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED projectId = $someString # REQUIRED shouldDeleteNativeSnapshots = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncJobStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the ExcludeDisksFromInstanceSnapshot operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: GcpNative # API Operation: ExcludeDisksFromInstanceSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationGcpNative -ExcludeDisksFromInstanceSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED instanceId = $someString # REQUIRED diskIdToIsExcluded = @( @{ # REQUIRED diskId = $someString # REQUIRED isExcluded = $someBoolean } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the ExportDisk operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: GcpNative # API Operation: ExportDisk $query = New-RscMutationGcpNative -ExportDisk # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED targetRegion = $someString # OPTIONAL targetZone = $someString # REQUIRED targetDiskName = $someString # REQUIRED targetDiskType = $someString # REQUIRED targetDiskSizeGb = $someInt # REQUIRED replaceAttached = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL replicaZones = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED shouldCopyLabels = $someBoolean # REQUIRED shouldAddRubrikLabels = $someBoolean # REQUIRED diskEncryptionType = $someDiskEncryptionType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DiskEncryptionType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL kmsCryptoKey = @{ # OPTIONAL projectNativeId = $someString # OPTIONAL location = $someString # OPTIONAL keyRing = $someString # OPTIONAL key = $someString } # OPTIONAL kmsCryptoKeyResourceId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncJobStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the ExportGceInstance operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: GcpNative # API Operation: ExportGceInstance $query = New-RscMutationGcpNative -ExportGceInstance # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED targetZone = $someString # REQUIRED targetInstanceName = $someString # REQUIRED targetMachineType = $someString # REQUIRED targetSubnetName = $someString # OPTIONAL targetNetworkTags = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED shouldPowerOff = $someBoolean # REQUIRED shouldCopyLabels = $someBoolean # REQUIRED shouldAddRubrikLabels = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL sharedVpcHostProjectNativeId = $someString # REQUIRED diskEncryptionType = $someDiskEncryptionType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DiskEncryptionType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL kmsCryptoKey = @{ # OPTIONAL projectNativeId = $someString # OPTIONAL location = $someString # OPTIONAL keyRing = $someString # OPTIONAL key = $someString } # OPTIONAL kmsCryptoKeyResourceId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncJobStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the RefreshProjects operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: GcpNative # API Operation: RefreshProjects $query = New-RscMutationGcpNative -RefreshProjects # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED projectIds = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchAsyncJobStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the RestoreGceInstance operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: GcpNative # API Operation: RestoreGceInstance $query = New-RscMutationGcpNative -RestoreGceInstance # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED shouldAddRubrikLabels = $someBoolean # REQUIRED shouldRestoreLabels = $someBoolean # REQUIRED shouldStartRestoredInstance = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncJobStatus </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationHost"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 7 operations in the 'Host' API domain: BulkDelete, BulkRefresh, BulkRegister, BulkRegisterAsync, BulkUpdate, ChangeVfd, or Refresh. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationHost creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Host' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 7 operations in the 'Host' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: BulkDelete, BulkRefresh, BulkRegister, BulkRegisterAsync, BulkUpdate, ChangeVfd, or Refresh. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationHost -BulkDelete).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationHost -BulkDelete).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the BulkDelete operation of the 'Host' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Host # API Operation: BulkDelete $query = New-RscMutationHost -BulkDelete # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED ids = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ResponseSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the BulkRefresh operation of the 'Host' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Host # API Operation: BulkRefresh $query = New-RscMutationHost -BulkRefresh # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED ids = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED shouldRunAsynchronously = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BulkRefreshHostsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the BulkRegister operation of the 'Host' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Host # API Operation: BulkRegister $query = New-RscMutationHost -BulkRegister # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED hosts = @( @{ # OPTIONAL hasAgent = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL nasConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL apiCertificate = $someString # OPTIONAL apiEndpoint = $someString # OPTIONAL apiHostname = $someString # OPTIONAL apiPassword = $someString # OPTIONAL apiToken = $someString # OPTIONAL apiUsername = $someString # OPTIONAL zoneName = $someString # OPTIONAL isSnapdiffEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isIsilonChangelistEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isNetAppSnapDiffEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isShareAutoDiscoveryEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isNutanixCftEnabled = $someBoolean # REQUIRED vendorType = $someString } # OPTIONAL oracleQueryUser = $someString # OPTIONAL oracleSysDbaUser = $someString # OPTIONAL organizationId = $someString # OPTIONAL alias = $someString # OPTIONAL hdfsConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL hdfsBaseConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL apiToken = $someString # OPTIONAL kerberosTicket = $someString # OPTIONAL nameservices = $someString # OPTIONAL username = $someString # REQUIRED hosts = @( @{ # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } ) } } # OPTIONAL isOracleHost = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL mssqlSddUserCredentials = @{ # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # OPTIONAL orgNetworkId = $someString # OPTIONAL osType = $someHostRegisterOsType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HostRegisterOsType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED hostname = $someString } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BulkRegisterHostReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the BulkRegisterAsync operation of the 'Host' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Host # API Operation: BulkRegisterAsync $query = New-RscMutationHost -BulkRegisterAsync # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED hosts = @( @{ # OPTIONAL hasAgent = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL nasConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL apiCertificate = $someString # OPTIONAL apiEndpoint = $someString # OPTIONAL apiHostname = $someString # OPTIONAL apiPassword = $someString # OPTIONAL apiToken = $someString # OPTIONAL apiUsername = $someString # OPTIONAL zoneName = $someString # OPTIONAL isSnapdiffEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isIsilonChangelistEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isNetAppSnapDiffEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isShareAutoDiscoveryEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isNutanixCftEnabled = $someBoolean # REQUIRED vendorType = $someString } # OPTIONAL oracleQueryUser = $someString # OPTIONAL oracleSysDbaUser = $someString # OPTIONAL organizationId = $someString # OPTIONAL alias = $someString # OPTIONAL hdfsConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL hdfsBaseConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL apiToken = $someString # OPTIONAL kerberosTicket = $someString # OPTIONAL nameservices = $someString # OPTIONAL username = $someString # REQUIRED hosts = @( @{ # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } ) } } # OPTIONAL isOracleHost = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL mssqlSddUserCredentials = @{ # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # OPTIONAL orgNetworkId = $someString # OPTIONAL osType = $someHostRegisterOsType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HostRegisterOsType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED hostname = $someString } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BulkRegisterHostAsyncReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the BulkUpdate operation of the 'Host' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Host # API Operation: BulkUpdate $query = New-RscMutationHost -BulkUpdate # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED hostUpdateProperties = @( @{ # REQUIRED hostId = $someString # REQUIRED updateProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL compressionEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL hostVfdDriverInstalled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL hostname = $someString # OPTIONAL mssqlCbtDriverInstalled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL nasConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL apiCertificate = $someString # OPTIONAL apiEndpoint = $someString # OPTIONAL apiHostname = $someString # OPTIONAL apiPassword = $someString # OPTIONAL apiToken = $someString # OPTIONAL apiUsername = $someString # OPTIONAL zoneName = $someString # OPTIONAL isSnapdiffEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isIsilonChangelistEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isNetAppSnapDiffEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isShareAutoDiscoveryEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isNutanixCftEnabled = $someBoolean # REQUIRED vendorType = $someString } # OPTIONAL oracleQueryUser = $someString # OPTIONAL oracleSysDbaUser = $someString # OPTIONAL alias = $someString # OPTIONAL hdfsConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL hdfsBaseConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL apiToken = $someString # OPTIONAL kerberosTicket = $someString # OPTIONAL nameservices = $someString # OPTIONAL username = $someString # REQUIRED hosts = @( @{ # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } ) } } # OPTIONAL isOracleHost = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isUpdateCertAndAgentIdEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isRefreshPaused = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL mssqlSddUserCredentials = @{ # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # OPTIONAL hostVfdEnabled = $someHostVfdInstallConfig # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HostVfdInstallConfig]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL mssqlCbtEnabled = $someMssqlCbtStatusType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.MssqlCbtStatusType]) for enum values. } } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BulkUpdateHostReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the ChangeVfd operation of the 'Host' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Host # API Operation: ChangeVfd $query = New-RscMutationHost -ChangeVfd # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # REQUIRED hostIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED install = $someBoolean } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ChangeVfdOnHostReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the Refresh operation of the 'Host' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Host # API Operation: Refresh $query = New-RscMutationHost -Refresh # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RefreshHostReply </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationHyperv"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 26 operations in the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain: BatchExportVm, BatchInstantRecoverVm, BatchMountVm, BatchOnDemandBackupVm, CreateVirtualMachineSnapshotDiskMount, CreateVirtualMachineSnapshotMount, DeleteAllSnapshots, DeleteVirtualMachineSnapshot, DeleteVirtualMachineSnapshotMount, DownloadSnapshotFromLocation, DownloadVirtualMachineLevelFiles, DownloadVirtualMachineSnapshot, DownloadVirtualMachineSnapshotFiles, ExportVirtualMachine, InplaceExportVirtualMachine, InstantRecoverVirtualMachineSnapshot, OnDemandSnapshot, RefreshScvmm, RefreshServer, RegisterAgentVirtualMachine, RegisterScvmm, RestoreVirtualMachineSnapshotFiles, ScvmmDelete, ScvmmUpdate, UpdateVirtualMachine, or UpdateVirtualMachineSnapshotMount. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationHyperv creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 26 operations in the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: BatchExportVm, BatchInstantRecoverVm, BatchMountVm, BatchOnDemandBackupVm, CreateVirtualMachineSnapshotDiskMount, CreateVirtualMachineSnapshotMount, DeleteAllSnapshots, DeleteVirtualMachineSnapshot, DeleteVirtualMachineSnapshotMount, DownloadSnapshotFromLocation, DownloadVirtualMachineLevelFiles, DownloadVirtualMachineSnapshot, DownloadVirtualMachineSnapshotFiles, ExportVirtualMachine, InplaceExportVirtualMachine, InstantRecoverVirtualMachineSnapshot, OnDemandSnapshot, RefreshScvmm, RefreshServer, RegisterAgentVirtualMachine, RegisterScvmm, RestoreVirtualMachineSnapshotFiles, ScvmmDelete, ScvmmUpdate, UpdateVirtualMachine, or UpdateVirtualMachineSnapshotMount. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationHyperv -BatchExportVm).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationHyperv -BatchExportVm).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the BatchExportVm operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: BatchExportVm $query = New-RscMutationHyperv -BatchExportVm # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED config = @{ # REQUIRED snapshots = @( @{ # OPTIONAL snapshotAfterDate = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snapshotBeforeDate = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString # OPTIONAL vmNamePrefix = $someString # REQUIRED exportConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL disableNetwork = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL hostId = $someString # OPTIONAL powerOn = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL removeNetworkDevices = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL vmName = $someString # REQUIRED path = $someString } # REQUIRED vmId = $someString } ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchExportHypervVmReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the BatchInstantRecoverVm operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: BatchInstantRecoverVm $query = New-RscMutationHyperv -BatchInstantRecoverVm # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED config = @{ # REQUIRED snapshots = @( @{ # OPTIONAL snapshotAfterDate = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snapshotBeforeDate = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED instantRecoveryConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL hostId = $someString # OPTIONAL vmName = $someString } # REQUIRED vmId = $someString } ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchInstantRecoverHypervVmReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the BatchMountVm operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: BatchMountVm $query = New-RscMutationHyperv -BatchMountVm # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED config = @{ # REQUIRED snapshots = @( @{ # OPTIONAL snapshotAfterDate = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snapshotBeforeDate = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString # OPTIONAL vmNamePrefix = $someString # REQUIRED mountConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL disableNetwork = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL hostId = $someString # OPTIONAL powerOn = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL removeNetworkDevices = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL vmName = $someString } # REQUIRED vmId = $someString } ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchMountHypervVmReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the BatchOnDemandBackupVm operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: BatchOnDemandBackupVm $query = New-RscMutationHyperv -BatchOnDemandBackupVm # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL userNote = $someString # REQUIRED config = @{ # REQUIRED vms = @( @{ # OPTIONAL backupConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL slaId = $someString } # OPTIONAL vmId = $someString } ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchOnDemandBackupHypervVmReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateVirtualMachineSnapshotDiskMount operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: CreateVirtualMachineSnapshotDiskMount $query = New-RscMutationHyperv -CreateVirtualMachineSnapshotDiskMount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # REQUIRED targetVirtualMachineId = $someString # REQUIRED virtualDiskIds = @( $someString ) } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateVirtualMachineSnapshotMount operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: CreateVirtualMachineSnapshotMount $query = New-RscMutationHyperv -CreateVirtualMachineSnapshotMount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL config = @{ # OPTIONAL disableNetwork = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL hostId = $someString # OPTIONAL powerOn = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL removeNetworkDevices = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL vmName = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteAllSnapshots operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: DeleteAllSnapshots $query = New-RscMutationHyperv -DeleteAllSnapshots # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RequestSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteVirtualMachineSnapshot operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: DeleteVirtualMachineSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationHyperv -DeleteVirtualMachineSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED location = $someInternalDeleteHypervVirtualMachineSnapshotRequestLocation # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.InternalDeleteHypervVirtualMachineSnapshotRequestLocation]) for enum values. # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RequestSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteVirtualMachineSnapshotMount operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: DeleteVirtualMachineSnapshotMount $query = New-RscMutationHyperv -DeleteVirtualMachineSnapshotMount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL force = $someBoolean # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DownloadSnapshotFromLocation operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: DownloadSnapshotFromLocation $query = New-RscMutationHyperv -DownloadSnapshotFromLocation # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED locationId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED downloadConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL slaId = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DownloadVirtualMachineLevelFiles operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: DownloadVirtualMachineLevelFiles $query = New-RscMutationHyperv -DownloadVirtualMachineLevelFiles # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # REQUIRED configFileExtensions = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED virtualDiskIds = @( $someString ) } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DownloadVirtualMachineSnapshot operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: DownloadVirtualMachineSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationHyperv -DownloadVirtualMachineSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DownloadVirtualMachineSnapshotFiles operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: DownloadVirtualMachineSnapshotFiles $query = New-RscMutationHyperv -DownloadVirtualMachineSnapshotFiles # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL legalHoldDownloadConfig = @{ # REQUIRED isLegalHoldDownload = $someBoolean } # REQUIRED paths = @( $someString ) } # REQUIRED id = $someString # OPTIONAL userNote = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the ExportVirtualMachine operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: ExportVirtualMachine $query = New-RscMutationHyperv -ExportVirtualMachine # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL disableNetwork = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL hostId = $someString # OPTIONAL powerOn = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL removeNetworkDevices = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL vmName = $someString # REQUIRED path = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the InplaceExportVirtualMachine operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: InplaceExportVirtualMachine $query = New-RscMutationHyperv -InplaceExportVirtualMachine # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL exportVmPath = $someString # OPTIONAL hostId = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldKeepHypervVmCopyAfterRecovery = $someBoolean } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the InstantRecoverVirtualMachineSnapshot operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: InstantRecoverVirtualMachineSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationHyperv -InstantRecoverVirtualMachineSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL hostId = $someString # OPTIONAL vmName = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the OnDemandSnapshot operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: OnDemandSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationHyperv -OnDemandSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL config = @{ # OPTIONAL slaId = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString # OPTIONAL userNote = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the RefreshScvmm operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: RefreshScvmm $query = New-RscMutationHyperv -RefreshScvmm # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the RefreshServer operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: RefreshServer $query = New-RscMutationHyperv -RefreshServer # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the RegisterAgentVirtualMachine operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: RegisterAgentVirtualMachine $query = New-RscMutationHyperv -RegisterAgentVirtualMachine # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RequestSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the RegisterScvmm operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: RegisterScvmm $query = New-RscMutationHyperv -RegisterScvmm # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED scvmm = @{ # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED runAsAccount = $someString # REQUIRED shouldDeployAgent = $someBoolean } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the RestoreVirtualMachineSnapshotFiles operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: RestoreVirtualMachineSnapshotFiles $query = New-RscMutationHyperv -RestoreVirtualMachineSnapshotFiles # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL targetVirtualMachineId = $someString # REQUIRED restoreConfig = @( @{ # REQUIRED path = $someString # REQUIRED restorePath = $someString } ) } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the ScvmmDelete operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: ScvmmDelete $query = New-RscMutationHyperv -ScvmmDelete # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ResponseSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the ScvmmUpdate operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: ScvmmUpdate $query = New-RscMutationHyperv -ScvmmUpdate # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED updateProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL configuredSlaDomainId = $someString # OPTIONAL hostname = $someString # OPTIONAL runAsAccount = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldDeployAgent = $someBoolean } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: HypervScvmmUpdateReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateVirtualMachine operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: UpdateVirtualMachine $query = New-RscMutationHyperv -UpdateVirtualMachine # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED vmUpdateProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL cloudInstantiationSpec = @{ # REQUIRED imageRetentionInSeconds = $someInt64 } # OPTIONAL configuredSlaDomainId = $someString # OPTIONAL virtualDiskIdsExcludedFromSnapshot = @( $someString ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateHypervVirtualMachineReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateVirtualMachineSnapshotMount operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: UpdateVirtualMachineSnapshotMount $query = New-RscMutationHyperv -UpdateVirtualMachineSnapshotMount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # REQUIRED powerStatus = $someBoolean } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateHypervVirtualMachineSnapshotMountReply </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationIntegration"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 6 operations in the 'Integration' API domain: CreateIntegration, CreateIntegrations, DeleteIntegration, DeleteIntegrations, UpdateIntegration, or UpdateIntegrations. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationIntegration creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Integration' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 6 operations in the 'Integration' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: CreateIntegration, CreateIntegrations, DeleteIntegration, DeleteIntegrations, UpdateIntegration, or UpdateIntegrations. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationIntegration -CreateIntegration).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationIntegration -CreateIntegration).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the CreateIntegration operation of the 'Integration' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Integration # API Operation: CreateIntegration $query = New-RscMutationIntegration -CreateIntegration # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED integrationType = $someIntegrationType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.IntegrationType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL dataLossPrevention = @{ # OPTIONAL policies = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL genericNas = @{ # REQUIRED workloadId = $someString # REQUIRED shareType = $someDlpConfigShareType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DlpConfigShareType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED shareId = $someString # REQUIRED path = $someString } # OPTIONAL vmwareVm = @{ # REQUIRED workloadId = $someString # REQUIRED osType = $someDlpConfigOsType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DlpConfigOsType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED path = $someString } # OPTIONAL serviceAccountId = $someString # OPTIONAL serviceAccountName = $someString # OPTIONAL status = @{ # OPTIONAL code = $someDlpStatusCode # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DlpStatusCode]) for enum values. } # REQUIRED targetType = $someDlpConfigTargetType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DlpConfigTargetType]) for enum values. } } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateIntegrationReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateIntegrations operation of the 'Integration' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Integration # API Operation: CreateIntegrations $query = New-RscMutationIntegration -CreateIntegrations # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED integrations = @( @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED integrationType = $someIntegrationType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.IntegrationType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL dataLossPrevention = @{ # OPTIONAL policies = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL genericNas = @{ # REQUIRED workloadId = $someString # REQUIRED shareType = $someDlpConfigShareType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DlpConfigShareType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED shareId = $someString # REQUIRED path = $someString } # OPTIONAL vmwareVm = @{ # REQUIRED workloadId = $someString # REQUIRED osType = $someDlpConfigOsType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DlpConfigOsType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED path = $someString } # OPTIONAL serviceAccountId = $someString # OPTIONAL serviceAccountName = $someString # OPTIONAL status = @{ # OPTIONAL code = $someDlpStatusCode # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DlpStatusCode]) for enum values. } # REQUIRED targetType = $someDlpConfigTargetType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DlpConfigTargetType]) for enum values. } } } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateIntegrationsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteIntegration operation of the 'Integration' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Integration # API Operation: DeleteIntegration $query = New-RscMutationIntegration -DeleteIntegration # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someInt64 } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteIntegrations operation of the 'Integration' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Integration # API Operation: DeleteIntegrations $query = New-RscMutationIntegration -DeleteIntegrations # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED ids = @( $someInt64 ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateIntegration operation of the 'Integration' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Integration # API Operation: UpdateIntegration $query = New-RscMutationIntegration -UpdateIntegration # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someInt64 # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED integrationType = $someIntegrationType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.IntegrationType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL dataLossPrevention = @{ # OPTIONAL policies = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL genericNas = @{ # REQUIRED workloadId = $someString # REQUIRED shareType = $someDlpConfigShareType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DlpConfigShareType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED shareId = $someString # REQUIRED path = $someString } # OPTIONAL vmwareVm = @{ # REQUIRED workloadId = $someString # REQUIRED osType = $someDlpConfigOsType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DlpConfigOsType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED path = $someString } # OPTIONAL serviceAccountId = $someString # OPTIONAL serviceAccountName = $someString # OPTIONAL status = @{ # OPTIONAL code = $someDlpStatusCode # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DlpStatusCode]) for enum values. } # REQUIRED targetType = $someDlpConfigTargetType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DlpConfigTargetType]) for enum values. } } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateIntegrations operation of the 'Integration' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Integration # API Operation: UpdateIntegrations $query = New-RscMutationIntegration -UpdateIntegrations # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED integrations = @( @{ # REQUIRED id = $someInt64 # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED integrationType = $someIntegrationType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.IntegrationType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL dataLossPrevention = @{ # OPTIONAL policies = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL genericNas = @{ # REQUIRED workloadId = $someString # REQUIRED shareType = $someDlpConfigShareType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DlpConfigShareType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED shareId = $someString # REQUIRED path = $someString } # OPTIONAL vmwareVm = @{ # REQUIRED workloadId = $someString # REQUIRED osType = $someDlpConfigOsType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DlpConfigOsType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED path = $someString } # OPTIONAL serviceAccountId = $someString # OPTIONAL serviceAccountName = $someString # OPTIONAL status = @{ # OPTIONAL code = $someDlpStatusCode # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DlpStatusCode]) for enum values. } # REQUIRED targetType = $someDlpConfigTargetType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DlpConfigTargetType]) for enum values. } } } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationK8s"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 17 operations in the 'Kubernetes' API domain: AddCluster, AddProtectionSet, ArchiveCluster, CreateAgentManifest, CreateCluster, CreateNamespaceSnapshots, CreateProtectionSetSnapshot, DeleteCluster, DeleteProtectionSet, ExportNamespace, ExportProtectionSetSnapshot, RefreshCluster, RefreshV2Cluster, RestoreNamespace, RestoreProtectionSetSnapshot, UpdateCluster, or UpdateProtectionSet. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationK8s creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Kubernetes' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 17 operations in the 'Kubernetes' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: AddCluster, AddProtectionSet, ArchiveCluster, CreateAgentManifest, CreateCluster, CreateNamespaceSnapshots, CreateProtectionSetSnapshot, DeleteCluster, DeleteProtectionSet, ExportNamespace, ExportProtectionSetSnapshot, RefreshCluster, RefreshV2Cluster, RestoreNamespace, RestoreProtectionSetSnapshot, UpdateCluster, or UpdateProtectionSet. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationK8s -AddCluster).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationK8s -AddCluster).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the AddCluster operation of the 'Kubernetes' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: K8s # API Operation: AddCluster $query = New-RscMutationK8s -AddCluster # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL id = $someString # OPTIONAL kubeconfig = $someString # OPTIONAL registry = $someString # OPTIONAL serviceAccountName = $someString # OPTIONAL eksConfig = @{ # REQUIRED cloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED eksClusterArn = $someString } # OPTIONAL distribution = $someString # OPTIONAL clientSecret = $someString # OPTIONAL accessToken = $someString # OPTIONAL region = $someString # OPTIONAL clientId = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: K8sClusterSummary </code> </example> <example> Runs the AddProtectionSet operation of the 'Kubernetes' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: K8s # API Operation: AddProtectionSet $query = New-RscMutationK8s -AddProtectionSet # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL kubernetesNamespace = $someString # OPTIONAL hookConfigs = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED definition = $someString # REQUIRED kubernetesClusterId = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED rsType = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: K8sProtectionSetSummary </code> </example> <example> Runs the ArchiveCluster operation of the 'Kubernetes' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: K8s # API Operation: ArchiveCluster $query = New-RscMutationK8s -ArchiveCluster # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ArchiveK8sClusterReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateAgentManifest operation of the 'Kubernetes' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: K8s # API Operation: CreateAgentManifest $query = New-RscMutationK8s -CreateAgentManifest # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterId = $someString # REQUIRED timeoutMinutes = $someInt } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateK8sAgentManifestReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateCluster operation of the 'Kubernetes' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: K8s # API Operation: CreateCluster $query = New-RscMutationK8s -CreateCluster # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL cdmClusterId = $someString # REQUIRED hostList = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt # REQUIRED rbsPortRanges = @( @{ # OPTIONAL portMin = $someInt # OPTIONAL portMax = $someInt } ) # OPTIONAL userDrivenPortRanges = @( @{ # OPTIONAL portMin = $someInt # OPTIONAL portMax = $someInt } ) # REQUIRED type = $someK8sClusterProtoType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.K8sClusterProtoType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL proxyUrl = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateK8sClusterReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateNamespaceSnapshots operation of the 'Kubernetes' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: K8s # API Operation: CreateNamespaceSnapshots $query = New-RscMutationK8s -CreateNamespaceSnapshots # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snapshotInput = @( @{ # REQUIRED namespaceId = $someString # OPTIONAL onDemandSnapshotSlaId = $someString } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<CreateOnDemandJobReply> </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateProtectionSetSnapshot operation of the 'Kubernetes' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: K8s # API Operation: CreateProtectionSetSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationK8s -CreateProtectionSetSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL config = @{ # OPTIONAL slaId = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteCluster operation of the 'Kubernetes' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: K8s # API Operation: DeleteCluster $query = New-RscMutationK8s -DeleteCluster # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL preserveSnapshots = $someBoolean # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteProtectionSet operation of the 'Kubernetes' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: K8s # API Operation: DeleteProtectionSet $query = New-RscMutationK8s -DeleteProtectionSet # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL preserveSnapshots = $someBoolean # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ResponseSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the ExportNamespace operation of the 'Kubernetes' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: K8s # API Operation: ExportNamespace $query = New-RscMutationK8s -ExportNamespace # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snapshotUuid = $someString # REQUIRED targetClusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED targetNamespaceName = $someString # OPTIONAL labelSelector = @{ # OPTIONAL matchExpressions = @( @{ # OPTIONAL key = $someString # OPTIONAL operator = $someString # OPTIONAL values = @( $someString ) } ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateOnDemandJobReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the ExportProtectionSetSnapshot operation of the 'Kubernetes' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: K8s # API Operation: ExportProtectionSetSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationK8s -ExportProtectionSetSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED jobConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL filter = $someString # OPTIONAL pvcNames = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL shouldDeleteNamespaceIfExportFailed = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL ignoreErrors = $someBoolean # REQUIRED targetClusterId = $someString # REQUIRED targetNamespaceName = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the RefreshCluster operation of the 'Kubernetes' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: K8s # API Operation: RefreshCluster $query = New-RscMutationK8s -RefreshCluster # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED k8sClusterId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateOnDemandJobReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the RefreshV2Cluster operation of the 'Kubernetes' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: K8s # API Operation: RefreshV2Cluster $query = New-RscMutationK8s -RefreshV2Cluster # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the RestoreNamespace operation of the 'Kubernetes' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: K8s # API Operation: RestoreNamespace $query = New-RscMutationK8s -RestoreNamespace # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snapshotUuid = $someString # REQUIRED targetClusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED targetNamespaceName = $someString # OPTIONAL labelSelector = @{ # OPTIONAL matchExpressions = @( @{ # OPTIONAL key = $someString # OPTIONAL operator = $someString # OPTIONAL values = @( $someString ) } ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateOnDemandJobReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the RestoreProtectionSetSnapshot operation of the 'Kubernetes' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: K8s # API Operation: RestoreProtectionSetSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationK8s -RestoreProtectionSetSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED jobConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL filter = $someString # OPTIONAL pvcNames = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL ignoreErrors = $someBoolean } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateCluster operation of the 'Kubernetes' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: K8s # API Operation: UpdateCluster $query = New-RscMutationK8s -UpdateCluster # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL kubeconfig = $someString # OPTIONAL registry = $someString # OPTIONAL serviceAccountName = $someString # OPTIONAL clientSecret = $someString # OPTIONAL accessToken = $someString # OPTIONAL cloudAccountId = $someString # OPTIONAL clientId = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ResponseSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateProtectionSet operation of the 'Kubernetes' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: K8s # API Operation: UpdateProtectionSet $query = New-RscMutationK8s -UpdateProtectionSet # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL definition = $someString # OPTIONAL hookConfigs = @( $someString ) } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ResponseSuccess </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationLdap"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 4 operations in the 'LDAP' API domain: DeletePrincipals, RemoveIntegration, SetMfaSetting, or UpdateIntegration. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationLdap creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'LDAP' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 4 operations in the 'LDAP' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: DeletePrincipals, RemoveIntegration, SetMfaSetting, or UpdateIntegration. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationLdap -DeletePrincipals).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationLdap -DeletePrincipals).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the DeletePrincipals operation of the 'LDAP' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Ldap # API Operation: DeletePrincipals $query = New-RscMutationLdap -DeletePrincipals # REQUIRED $query.Var.principalIds = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the RemoveIntegration operation of the 'LDAP' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Ldap # API Operation: RemoveIntegration $query = New-RscMutationLdap -RemoveIntegration # REQUIRED $ = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the SetMfaSetting operation of the 'LDAP' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Ldap # API Operation: SetMfaSetting $query = New-RscMutationLdap -SetMfaSetting # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL ldapId = $someString # OPTIONAL isTotpEnforced = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateIntegration operation of the 'LDAP' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Ldap # API Operation: UpdateIntegration $query = New-RscMutationLdap -UpdateIntegration # OPTIONAL $ = $someString # REQUIRED $ = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.bindUserName = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.bindUserPassword = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.baseDn = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.trustedCerts = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.dynamicDnsName = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.ldapServers = @( @{ # OPTIONAL hostname = $someString # OPTIONAL port = $someInt # OPTIONAL useTls = $someBoolean } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.userSearchFilter = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.userNameAttr = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.groupMembershipAttr = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.groupSearchFilter = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.groupMemberAttr = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationM365"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 4 operations in the 'Microsoft 365' API domain: BackupMailbox, BackupOnedrive, BackupSharepointDrive, or BackupTeam. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationM365 creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Microsoft 365' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 4 operations in the 'Microsoft 365' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: BackupMailbox, BackupOnedrive, BackupSharepointDrive, or BackupTeam. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationM365 -BackupMailbox).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationM365 -BackupMailbox).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the BackupMailbox operation of the 'Microsoft 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: M365 # API Operation: BackupMailbox $query = New-RscMutationM365 -BackupMailbox # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED workloadUuids = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<CreateOnDemandJobReply> </code> </example> <example> Runs the BackupOnedrive operation of the 'Microsoft 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: M365 # API Operation: BackupOnedrive $query = New-RscMutationM365 -BackupOnedrive # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED workloadUuids = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<CreateOnDemandJobReply> </code> </example> <example> Runs the BackupSharepointDrive operation of the 'Microsoft 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: M365 # API Operation: BackupSharepointDrive $query = New-RscMutationM365 -BackupSharepointDrive # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED workloadUuids = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<CreateOnDemandJobReply> </code> </example> <example> Runs the BackupTeam operation of the 'Microsoft 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: M365 # API Operation: BackupTeam $query = New-RscMutationM365 -BackupTeam # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED workloadUuids = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<CreateOnDemandJobReply> </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationManagedVolume"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 11 operations in the 'Managed Volume' API domain: Add, BeginSnapshot, Delete, DeleteSnapshotExport, DownloadFiles, DownloadFromLocation, EndSnapshot, ExportSnapshot, Resize, TakeOnDemandSnapshot, or Update. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationManagedVolume creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Managed Volume' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 11 operations in the 'Managed Volume' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: Add, BeginSnapshot, Delete, DeleteSnapshotExport, DownloadFiles, DownloadFromLocation, EndSnapshot, ExportSnapshot, Resize, TakeOnDemandSnapshot, or Update. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationManagedVolume -Add).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationManagedVolume -Add).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the Add operation of the 'Managed Volume' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ManagedVolume # API Operation: Add $query = New-RscMutationManagedVolume -Add # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED managedVolumeConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL numChannels = $someInt # OPTIONAL subnet = $someString # OPTIONAL slaClientConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL postBackupScriptOnBackupFailure = @{ # OPTIONAL timeout = $someInt64 # REQUIRED scriptCommand = $someString } # OPTIONAL postBackupScriptOnBackupSuccess = @{ # OPTIONAL timeout = $someInt64 # REQUIRED scriptCommand = $someString } # OPTIONAL preBackupScript = @{ # OPTIONAL timeout = $someInt64 # REQUIRED scriptCommand = $someString } # OPTIONAL shouldCancelBackupOnPreBackupScriptFailure = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldEnableLogExport = $someBoolean # REQUIRED backupScript = @{ # OPTIONAL timeout = $someInt64 # REQUIRED scriptCommand = $someString } # REQUIRED channelHostMountPaths = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED clientHostId = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # OPTIONAL applicationTag = $someManagedVolumeApplicationTag # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedVolumeApplicationTag]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL mvType = $someCdmManagedVolumeType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CdmManagedVolumeType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED exportConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL subnet = $someString # OPTIONAL managedVolumePatchConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL hostPatterns = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL nodeHint = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL smbDomainName = $someString # OPTIONAL smbValidIps = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL smbValidUsers = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL shareType = $someManagedVolumeShareType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedVolumeShareType]) for enum values. } # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED volumeSize = $someInt64 } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AddManagedVolumeReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the BeginSnapshot operation of the 'Managed Volume' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ManagedVolume # API Operation: BeginSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationManagedVolume -BeginSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL config = @{ # OPTIONAL isAsync = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL managedVolumeSnapshotReferenceWrapper = @{ # OPTIONAL reference = @{ # OPTIONAL managedVolumeSnapshotReferenceDefinition = @{ # OPTIONAL managedVolumeSnapshotReferencePatch = @{ # OPTIONAL expiryDurationInMinutes = $someInt } # REQUIRED ownerId = $someString } # REQUIRED refId = $someString } } } # OPTIONAL ownerId = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BeginManagedVolumeSnapshotReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the Delete operation of the 'Managed Volume' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ManagedVolume # API Operation: Delete $query = New-RscMutationManagedVolume -Delete # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL preserveSnapshots = $someBoolean # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: DeleteManagedVolumeReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteSnapshotExport operation of the 'Managed Volume' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ManagedVolume # API Operation: DeleteSnapshotExport $query = New-RscMutationManagedVolume -DeleteSnapshotExport # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DownloadFiles operation of the 'Managed Volume' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ManagedVolume # API Operation: DownloadFiles $query = New-RscMutationManagedVolume -DownloadFiles # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL legalHoldDownloadConfig = @{ # REQUIRED isLegalHoldDownload = $someBoolean } # REQUIRED paths = @( $someString ) } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DownloadFromLocation operation of the 'Managed Volume' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ManagedVolume # API Operation: DownloadFromLocation $query = New-RscMutationManagedVolume -DownloadFromLocation # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL downloadConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL slaId = $someString } # REQUIRED locationId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the EndSnapshot operation of the 'Managed Volume' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ManagedVolume # API Operation: EndSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationManagedVolume -EndSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL params = @{ # OPTIONAL isAsync = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL retentionConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL slaId = $someString } } # OPTIONAL endSnapshotDelayInSeconds = $someInt # OPTIONAL ownerId = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: EndManagedVolumeSnapshotReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the ExportSnapshot operation of the 'Managed Volume' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ManagedVolume # API Operation: ExportSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationManagedVolume -ExportSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # OPTIONAL params = @{ # OPTIONAL shouldDownloadToLocal = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL managedVolumeExportConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL subnet = $someString # OPTIONAL managedVolumePatchConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL hostPatterns = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL nodeHint = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL smbDomainName = $someString # OPTIONAL smbValidIps = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL smbValidUsers = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL shareType = $someManagedVolumeShareType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedVolumeShareType]) for enum values. } } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the Resize operation of the 'Managed Volume' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ManagedVolume # API Operation: Resize $query = New-RscMutationManagedVolume -Resize # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED size = @{ # OPTIONAL newSize = $someInt64 } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the TakeOnDemandSnapshot operation of the 'Managed Volume' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ManagedVolume # API Operation: TakeOnDemandSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationManagedVolume -TakeOnDemandSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL config = @{ # OPTIONAL retentionConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL slaId = $someString } } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the Update operation of the 'Managed Volume' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ManagedVolume # API Operation: Update $query = New-RscMutationManagedVolume -Update # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED update = @{ # OPTIONAL config = @{ # OPTIONAL hostPatterns = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL nodeHint = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL smbDomainName = $someString # OPTIONAL smbValidIps = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL smbValidUsers = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL configuredSlaDomainId = $someString # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL volumeSize = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL slaClientConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL backupScriptCommand = $someString # OPTIONAL backupScriptTimeout = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL channelHostMountPaths = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL clientHostId = $someString # OPTIONAL postBackupScriptOnBackupFailureCommand = $someString # OPTIONAL postBackupScriptOnBackupFailureTimeout = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL postBackupScriptOnBackupSuccessCommand = $someString # OPTIONAL postBackupScriptOnBackupSuccessTimeout = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL preBackupScriptCommand = $someString # OPTIONAL preBackupScriptTimeout = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL shouldCancelBackupOnPreBackupScriptFailure = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL username = $someString # REQUIRED shouldDisablePostBackupScriptOnBackupFailure = $someBoolean # REQUIRED shouldDisablePostBackupScriptOnBackupSuccess = $someBoolean # REQUIRED shouldDisablePreBackupScript = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL subnet = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateManagedVolumeReply </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationMisc"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 123 operations in the 'Miscellaneous' API domain: AddAdGroupsToHierarchy, AddConfiguredGroupToHierarchy, AddInventoryWorkloads, AddRoleAssignments, AddVlan, AddVmAppConsistentSpecs, ArchiveCrawl, AssignProtection, BatchDeassignRoleFromUserGroups, BulkCreateNasFilesets, CancelDownloadPackage, CancelScheduledUpgrade, CancelTaskchain, ChangePassword, CreateCustomAnalyzer, CreateEventDigestBatch, CreateGuestCredential, CreateLegalHold, CreateOnDemandVolumeGroupBackup, CreateVappsInstantRecovery, DeactivateCustomAnalyzer, DeleteAdGroupsFromHierarchy, DeleteDistributionListDigestBatch, DeleteEventDigest, DeleteGuestCredentialById, DeleteVolumeGroupMount, DisableSupportUserAccess, DissolveLegalHold, EnableAutomaticFmdUpload, EnableDisableAppConsistency, EnableSupportUserAccess, ExcludeVmDisks, ExpireSnoozedDirectories, GenerateConfigProtectionRestoreForm, GenerateSupportBundle, GetDownloadUrl, HideRevealNasNamespaces, InstallIoFilter, InviteSsoGroup, ListCidrsForComputeSetting, LockUsersByAdmin, LogoutFromRubrikSupportPortal, MakePrimary, ModifyEventDigestBatch, ModifyIpmi, MountDisk, NotificationForGetLicense, RecoverCloudDirectMultiPaths, RecoverCloudDirectPath, RefreshDomain, RefreshGlobalManagerConnectivityStatus, RemoveDisk, RemoveInventoryWorkloads, RemovePrivateEndpointList, RemoveProxyConfig, RemoveVlans, ReseedLogShippingSecondary, ResetAllOrgUsersPasswords, ResetUsersPasswordsWithUserIds, ResizeDisk, ResolveAnomaly, ResolveVolumeGroupsConflict, RetryBackup, RetryDownloadPackageJob, RevokeAllOrgRoles, RunCustomAnalyzer, ScheduleUpgradeBatchJob, SetAnalyzerRisks, SetBundleApprovalStatus, SetCustomerTags, SetDatastoreFreespaceThresholds, SetIpWhitelistEnabled, SetMfaSetting, SetPrivateContainerRegistry, SetTotpConfig, SetUpgradeType, SetUserLevelTotpEnforcement, SetWorkloadAlertSetting, SetupDisk, StartCrawl, StartDownloadPackageBatchJob, StartExportRdsInstanceJob, StartPeriodicUpgradePrechecksOnDemandJob, StartUpgradeBatchJob, StartVolumeGroupMount, StopJobInstance, StopJobInstanceFromEventSeries, SupportPortalLogin, SwitchProductToOnboardingMode, TriggerCloudComputeConnectivityCheck, TriggerExocomputeHealthCheck, UninstallIoFilter, UnlockUsersByAdmin, UnmountDisk, UpdateAccountOwner, UpdateAgentDeploymentSetting, UpdateAuthDomainUsersHiddenStatus, UpdateBadDiskLedStatus, UpdateConfiguredGroup, UpdateCustomAnalyzer, UpdateCustomerAppPermissions, UpdateDistributionListDigest, UpdateDnsServersAndSearchDomains, UpdateEventDigest, UpdateFloatingIps, UpdateGuestCredential, UpdateInsightState, UpdateIpWhitelist, UpdateLambdaSettings, UpdateLockoutConfig, UpdateManagedIdentities, UpdateNetworkThrottle, UpdateProxyConfig, UpdateRoleAssignments, UpdateSupportUserAccess, UpdateTunnelStatus, UpdateVlan, UpdateVolumeGroup, UpdateWhitelistedAnalyzers, UpgradeIoFilter, UpgradeToRsc, ValidateAndSaveCustomerKmsInfo, or WarmSearchCache. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationMisc creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 123 operations in the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: AddAdGroupsToHierarchy, AddConfiguredGroupToHierarchy, AddInventoryWorkloads, AddRoleAssignments, AddVlan, AddVmAppConsistentSpecs, ArchiveCrawl, AssignProtection, BatchDeassignRoleFromUserGroups, BulkCreateNasFilesets, CancelDownloadPackage, CancelScheduledUpgrade, CancelTaskchain, ChangePassword, CreateCustomAnalyzer, CreateEventDigestBatch, CreateGuestCredential, CreateLegalHold, CreateOnDemandVolumeGroupBackup, CreateVappsInstantRecovery, DeactivateCustomAnalyzer, DeleteAdGroupsFromHierarchy, DeleteDistributionListDigestBatch, DeleteEventDigest, DeleteGuestCredentialById, DeleteVolumeGroupMount, DisableSupportUserAccess, DissolveLegalHold, EnableAutomaticFmdUpload, EnableDisableAppConsistency, EnableSupportUserAccess, ExcludeVmDisks, ExpireSnoozedDirectories, GenerateConfigProtectionRestoreForm, GenerateSupportBundle, GetDownloadUrl, HideRevealNasNamespaces, InstallIoFilter, InviteSsoGroup, ListCidrsForComputeSetting, LockUsersByAdmin, LogoutFromRubrikSupportPortal, MakePrimary, ModifyEventDigestBatch, ModifyIpmi, MountDisk, NotificationForGetLicense, RecoverCloudDirectMultiPaths, RecoverCloudDirectPath, RefreshDomain, RefreshGlobalManagerConnectivityStatus, RemoveDisk, RemoveInventoryWorkloads, RemovePrivateEndpointList, RemoveProxyConfig, RemoveVlans, ReseedLogShippingSecondary, ResetAllOrgUsersPasswords, ResetUsersPasswordsWithUserIds, ResizeDisk, ResolveAnomaly, ResolveVolumeGroupsConflict, RetryBackup, RetryDownloadPackageJob, RevokeAllOrgRoles, RunCustomAnalyzer, ScheduleUpgradeBatchJob, SetAnalyzerRisks, SetBundleApprovalStatus, SetCustomerTags, SetDatastoreFreespaceThresholds, SetIpWhitelistEnabled, SetMfaSetting, SetPrivateContainerRegistry, SetTotpConfig, SetUpgradeType, SetUserLevelTotpEnforcement, SetWorkloadAlertSetting, SetupDisk, StartCrawl, StartDownloadPackageBatchJob, StartExportRdsInstanceJob, StartPeriodicUpgradePrechecksOnDemandJob, StartUpgradeBatchJob, StartVolumeGroupMount, StopJobInstance, StopJobInstanceFromEventSeries, SupportPortalLogin, SwitchProductToOnboardingMode, TriggerCloudComputeConnectivityCheck, TriggerExocomputeHealthCheck, UninstallIoFilter, UnlockUsersByAdmin, UnmountDisk, UpdateAccountOwner, UpdateAgentDeploymentSetting, UpdateAuthDomainUsersHiddenStatus, UpdateBadDiskLedStatus, UpdateConfiguredGroup, UpdateCustomAnalyzer, UpdateCustomerAppPermissions, UpdateDistributionListDigest, UpdateDnsServersAndSearchDomains, UpdateEventDigest, UpdateFloatingIps, UpdateGuestCredential, UpdateInsightState, UpdateIpWhitelist, UpdateLambdaSettings, UpdateLockoutConfig, UpdateManagedIdentities, UpdateNetworkThrottle, UpdateProxyConfig, UpdateRoleAssignments, UpdateSupportUserAccess, UpdateTunnelStatus, UpdateVlan, UpdateVolumeGroup, UpdateWhitelistedAnalyzers, UpgradeIoFilter, UpgradeToRsc, ValidateAndSaveCustomerKmsInfo, or WarmSearchCache. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationMisc -AddAdGroupsToHierarchy).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationMisc -AddAdGroupsToHierarchy).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the AddAdGroupsToHierarchy operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: AddAdGroupsToHierarchy $query = New-RscMutationMisc -AddAdGroupsToHierarchy # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED orgId = $someString # REQUIRED naturalIds = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the AddConfiguredGroupToHierarchy operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: AddConfiguredGroupToHierarchy $query = New-RscMutationMisc -AddConfiguredGroupToHierarchy # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED orgId = $someString # REQUIRED displayName = $someString # OPTIONAL wildcard = $someString # REQUIRED pdls = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AddConfiguredGroupToHierarchyReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the AddInventoryWorkloads operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: AddInventoryWorkloads $query = New-RscMutationMisc -AddInventoryWorkloads # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED inventoryCards = @( $someInventoryCard # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.InventoryCard]) for enum values. ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the AddRoleAssignments operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: AddRoleAssignments $query = New-RscMutationMisc -AddRoleAssignments # OPTIONAL $query.Var.userIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.groupIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.roleIds = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the AddVlan operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: AddVlan $query = New-RscMutationMisc -AddVlan # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED vlanInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL gateway = $someString # OPTIONAL alias = $someString # REQUIRED interfaces = @( @{ # REQUIRED ip = $someString # REQUIRED node = $someString } ) # REQUIRED netmask = $someString # REQUIRED vlan = $someInt } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ResponseSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the AddVmAppConsistentSpecs operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: AddVmAppConsistentSpecs $query = New-RscMutationMisc -AddVmAppConsistentSpecs # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snappableIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL preSnapshotScriptPath = $someString # OPTIONAL preSnapshotScriptTimeoutInSeconds = $someInt # OPTIONAL postSnapshotScriptPath = $someString # OPTIONAL postSnapshotScriptTimeoutInSeconds = $someInt # REQUIRED cancelBackupIfPreScriptFails = $someBoolean # REQUIRED objectType = $someCloudNativeVmAppConsistentObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudNativeVmAppConsistentObjectType]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AddVmAppConsistentSpecsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the ArchiveCrawl operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: ArchiveCrawl $query = New-RscMutationMisc -ArchiveCrawl # REQUIRED $query.Var.crawlId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the AssignProtection operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: AssignProtection $query = New-RscMutationMisc -AssignProtection # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL globalSlaOptionalFid = $someString # REQUIRED globalSlaAssignType = $someSlaAssignTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SlaAssignTypeEnum]) for enum values. # REQUIRED objectIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED backupInput = @{ # OPTIONAL mosaicBackupStoreInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL storeName = $someString } # OPTIONAL mosaicMonitorInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL isEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL frequency = $someInt # OPTIONAL frequencyUnit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL shouldBackupIndex = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldDelete = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldDeleteData = $someBoolean } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SlaAssignResult </code> </example> <example> Runs the BatchDeassignRoleFromUserGroups operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: BatchDeassignRoleFromUserGroups $query = New-RscMutationMisc -BatchDeassignRoleFromUserGroups # REQUIRED $query.Var.userGroupToRoles = @( @{ # OPTIONAL userGroupId = $someString # OPTIONAL roleIds = @( $someString ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the BulkCreateNasFilesets operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: BulkCreateNasFilesets $query = New-RscMutationMisc -BulkCreateNasFilesets # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED bulkRequest = @{ # OPTIONAL isHardlinkSupportEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isPassthrough = $someBoolean # REQUIRED filesetTemplate = @{ # OPTIONAL backupScriptErrorHandling = $someString # OPTIONAL backupScriptTimeout = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL exceptions = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL excludes = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL isArrayEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL postBackupScript = $someString # OPTIONAL preBackupScript = $someString # OPTIONAL isCreatedByKupr = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isCreatedByPolarisNas = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL filesetOptions = @{ # OPTIONAL allowBackupHiddenFoldersInNetworkMounts = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL allowBackupNetworkMounts = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL useWindowsVss = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL operatingSystemType = $someFilesetTemplateCreateOperatingSystemType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.FilesetTemplateCreateOperatingSystemType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL shareType = $someFilesetTemplateCreateShareType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.FilesetTemplateCreateShareType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED includes = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED name = $someString } # REQUIRED nasShareIds = @( $someString ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BulkCreateNasFilesetsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CancelDownloadPackage operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: CancelDownloadPackage $query = New-RscMutationMisc -CancelDownloadPackage # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterUuid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CancelJobReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CancelScheduledUpgrade operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: CancelScheduledUpgrade $query = New-RscMutationMisc -CancelScheduledUpgrade # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterUuid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CancelJobReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CancelTaskchain operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: CancelTaskchain $query = New-RscMutationMisc -CancelTaskchain # REQUIRED $query.Var.taskchainId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the ChangePassword operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: ChangePassword $query = New-RscMutationMisc -ChangePassword # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL email = $someString # OPTIONAL password = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateCustomAnalyzer operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: CreateCustomAnalyzer $query = New-RscMutationMisc -CreateCustomAnalyzer # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL analyzerType = $someAnalyzerTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AnalyzerTypeEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL id = $someString # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL dictionaryCsv = $someString # OPTIONAL dictionary = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL regex = $someString # OPTIONAL analyzerRiskInstance = @{ # OPTIONAL analyzerId = $someString # OPTIONAL riskVersion = $someInt # OPTIONAL risk = $someRiskLevelType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RiskLevelType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL tagId = $someInt # OPTIONAL risk = $someRiskLevelType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RiskLevelType]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Analyzer </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateEventDigestBatch operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: CreateEventDigestBatch $query = New-RscMutationMisc -CreateEventDigestBatch # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED digests = @( @{ # OPTIONAL digestId = $someInt # REQUIRED digestName = $someString # REQUIRED frequencyHours = $someInt # REQUIRED isImmediate = $someBoolean # REQUIRED includeAudits = $someBoolean # REQUIRED includeEvents = $someBoolean # REQUIRED eventDigestConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL objectType = @( $someActivityObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivityObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL activityStatus = @( $someActivityStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivityStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL activityType = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL auditType = @( $someUserAuditTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UserAuditTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL activitySeverity = @( $someActivitySeverityEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivitySeverityEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL clusters = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL emailAddresses = @( $someString ) } # REQUIRED recipientUserId = $someString # REQUIRED clusterUuids = @( $someString ) } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateGuestCredential operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: CreateGuestCredential $query = New-RscMutationMisc -CreateGuestCredential # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED definition = @{ # OPTIONAL domain = $someString # OPTIONAL baseGuestCredential = @{ # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # OPTIONAL description = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateGuestCredentialReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateLegalHold operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: CreateLegalHold $query = New-RscMutationMisc -CreateLegalHold # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL snapshotIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL holdConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL shouldHoldInPlace = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL userNote = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateLegalHoldReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateOnDemandVolumeGroupBackup operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: CreateOnDemandVolumeGroupBackup $query = New-RscMutationMisc -CreateOnDemandVolumeGroupBackup # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL config = @{ # OPTIONAL volumeIdsIncludedInSnapshot = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL baseOnDemandSnapshotConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL slaId = $someString } } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateVappsInstantRecovery operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: CreateVappsInstantRecovery $query = New-RscMutationMisc -CreateVappsInstantRecovery # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED inputs = @( @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL shouldPowerOnVmsAfterRecovery = $someBoolean # REQUIRED vmsToRestore = @( @{ # OPTIONAL storagePolicyId = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED networkConnections = @( @{ # OPTIONAL ipAddress = $someString # OPTIONAL macAddress = $someString # OPTIONAL vappNetworkName = $someString # OPTIONAL networkAdapterType = $someString # REQUIRED addressingMode = $someVappVmIpAddressingMode # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VappVmIpAddressingMode]) for enum values. # REQUIRED isConnected = $someBoolean # REQUIRED nicIndex = $someInt } ) # REQUIRED vcdMoid = $someString } ) } # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateVappsInstantRecoveryReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeactivateCustomAnalyzer operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: DeactivateCustomAnalyzer $query = New-RscMutationMisc -DeactivateCustomAnalyzer # REQUIRED $query.Var.analyzerId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteAdGroupsFromHierarchy operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: DeleteAdGroupsFromHierarchy $query = New-RscMutationMisc -DeleteAdGroupsFromHierarchy # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED orgId = $someString # REQUIRED groupIds = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteDistributionListDigestBatch operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: DeleteDistributionListDigestBatch $query = New-RscMutationMisc -DeleteDistributionListDigestBatch # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED digestIds = @( $someInt ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteEventDigest operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: DeleteEventDigest $query = New-RscMutationMisc -DeleteEventDigest # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED recipientUserIds = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteGuestCredentialById operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: DeleteGuestCredentialById $query = New-RscMutationMisc -DeleteGuestCredentialById # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteVolumeGroupMount operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: DeleteVolumeGroupMount $query = New-RscMutationMisc -DeleteVolumeGroupMount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DisableSupportUserAccess operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: DisableSupportUserAccess $query = New-RscMutationMisc -DisableSupportUserAccess # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL id = $someInt # OPTIONAL impersonatedUserId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the DissolveLegalHold operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: DissolveLegalHold $query = New-RscMutationMisc -DissolveLegalHold # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL snapshotIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL userNote = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: DissolveLegalHoldReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the EnableAutomaticFmdUpload operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: EnableAutomaticFmdUpload $query = New-RscMutationMisc -EnableAutomaticFmdUpload # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterId = $someString # REQUIRED enabled = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: EnableAutomaticFmdUploadReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the EnableDisableAppConsistency operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: EnableDisableAppConsistency $query = New-RscMutationMisc -EnableDisableAppConsistency # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED workloadIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED enable = $someBoolean # REQUIRED objectType = $someCloudNativeVmAppConsistentObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudNativeVmAppConsistentObjectType]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: EnableDisableAppConsistencyReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the EnableSupportUserAccess operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: EnableSupportUserAccess $query = New-RscMutationMisc -EnableSupportUserAccess # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL impersonatedUserId = $someString # OPTIONAL ticketNumber = $someString # OPTIONAL durationInHours = $someInt } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the ExcludeVmDisks operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: ExcludeVmDisks $query = New-RscMutationMisc -ExcludeVmDisks # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @( @{ # REQUIRED virtualDiskFid = $someString # REQUIRED excludeFromSnapshots = $someBoolean } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RequestSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the ExpireSnoozedDirectories operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: ExpireSnoozedDirectories $query = New-RscMutationMisc -ExpireSnoozedDirectories # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL directories = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ExpireSnoozedDirectoriesReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the GenerateConfigProtectionRestoreForm operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: GenerateConfigProtectionRestoreForm $query = New-RscMutationMisc -GenerateConfigProtectionRestoreForm # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED restoreFormRequest = @{ # REQUIRED backupFileName = $someString # REQUIRED encryptionPassword = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GenerateConfigProtectionRestoreFormReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the GenerateSupportBundle operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: GenerateSupportBundle $query = New-RscMutationMisc -GenerateSupportBundle # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL definitions = @{ # OPTIONAL eventId = $someString # OPTIONAL requestIds = @( $someString ) } # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the GetDownloadUrl operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: GetDownloadUrl $query = New-RscMutationMisc -GetDownloadUrl # REQUIRED $query.Var.downloadId = $someInt64 # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UserDownloadUrl </code> </example> <example> Runs the HideRevealNasNamespaces operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: HideRevealNasNamespaces $query = New-RscMutationMisc -HideRevealNasNamespaces # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED hideNasNamespacesRequest = @{ # REQUIRED action = $someHideRevealAction # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HideRevealAction]) for enum values. # REQUIRED ids = @( $someString ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the InstallIoFilter operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: InstallIoFilter $query = New-RscMutationMisc -InstallIoFilter # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED fqdnInfo = @{ # REQUIRED fqdn = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RequestSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the InviteSsoGroup operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: InviteSsoGroup $query = New-RscMutationMisc -InviteSsoGroup # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED groupName = $someString # REQUIRED roleIds = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the ListCidrsForComputeSetting operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: ListCidrsForComputeSetting $query = New-RscMutationMisc -ListCidrsForComputeSetting # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL clusterIds = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ListCidrsForComputeSettingReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the LockUsersByAdmin operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: LockUsersByAdmin $query = New-RscMutationMisc -LockUsersByAdmin # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED userIds = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the LogoutFromRubrikSupportPortal operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: LogoutFromRubrikSupportPortal $query = New-RscMutationMisc -LogoutFromRubrikSupportPortal # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SupportPortalLogoutReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the MakePrimary operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: MakePrimary $query = New-RscMutationMisc -MakePrimary # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED hosts = @{ # OPTIONAL ids = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL oldPrimaryClusterUuid = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the ModifyEventDigestBatch operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: ModifyEventDigestBatch $query = New-RscMutationMisc -ModifyEventDigestBatch # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED digests = @( @{ # OPTIONAL digestId = $someInt # REQUIRED digestName = $someString # REQUIRED frequencyHours = $someInt # REQUIRED isImmediate = $someBoolean # REQUIRED includeAudits = $someBoolean # REQUIRED includeEvents = $someBoolean # REQUIRED eventDigestConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL objectType = @( $someActivityObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivityObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL activityStatus = @( $someActivityStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivityStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL activityType = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL auditType = @( $someUserAuditTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UserAuditTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL activitySeverity = @( $someActivitySeverityEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivitySeverityEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL clusters = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL emailAddresses = @( $someString ) } # REQUIRED recipientUserId = $someString # REQUIRED clusterUuids = @( $someString ) } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the ModifyIpmi operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: ModifyIpmi $query = New-RscMutationMisc -ModifyIpmi # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED updateProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL access = @{ # OPTIONAL https = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL iKvm = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL password = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ModifyIpmiReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the MountDisk operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: MountDisk $query = New-RscMutationMisc -MountDisk # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED targetWorkloadId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotType = $someSnapshotType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnapshotType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED mountDiskIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED workloadType = $someCloudNativeObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudNativeObjectType]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MountDiskReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the NotificationForGetLicense operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: NotificationForGetLicense $query = New-RscMutationMisc -NotificationForGetLicense # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NotificationForGetLicenseReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the RecoverCloudDirectMultiPaths operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: RecoverCloudDirectMultiPaths $query = New-RscMutationMisc -RecoverCloudDirectMultiPaths # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snapshotFid = $someString # REQUIRED restorePathPairList = @( @{ # REQUIRED srcPath = $someString # REQUIRED dstPath = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL dstExportId = $someInt } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the RecoverCloudDirectPath operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: RecoverCloudDirectPath $query = New-RscMutationMisc -RecoverCloudDirectPath # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snapshotFid = $someString # REQUIRED srcPath = $someString # OPTIONAL dstPath = $someString # OPTIONAL dstExportId = $someInt } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the RefreshDomain operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: RefreshDomain $query = New-RscMutationMisc -RefreshDomain # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the RefreshGlobalManagerConnectivityStatus operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: RefreshGlobalManagerConnectivityStatus $query = New-RscMutationMisc -RefreshGlobalManagerConnectivityStatus # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterUuid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GlobalManagerConnectivity </code> </example> <example> Runs the RemoveDisk operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: RemoveDisk $query = New-RscMutationMisc -RemoveDisk # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED diskId = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ResponseSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the RemoveInventoryWorkloads operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: RemoveInventoryWorkloads $query = New-RscMutationMisc -RemoveInventoryWorkloads # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED inventoryCards = @( $someInventoryCard # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.InventoryCard]) for enum values. ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the RemovePrivateEndpointList operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: RemovePrivateEndpointList $query = New-RscMutationMisc -RemovePrivateEndpointList # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED locationId = $someString # REQUIRED privateEndpointId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the RemoveProxyConfig operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: RemoveProxyConfig $query = New-RscMutationMisc -RemoveProxyConfig # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ResponseSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the RemoveVlans operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: RemoveVlans $query = New-RscMutationMisc -RemoveVlans # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED vlanIds = @( $someInt ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RemoveVlansReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the ReseedLogShippingSecondary operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: ReseedLogShippingSecondary $query = New-RscMutationMisc -ReseedLogShippingSecondary # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL mssqlLogShippingTargetStateOptions = @{ # OPTIONAL shouldDisconnectStandbyUsers = $someBoolean # REQUIRED state = $someMssqlLogShippingOkState # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.MssqlLogShippingOkState]) for enum values. } } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the ResetAllOrgUsersPasswords operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: ResetAllOrgUsersPasswords $query = New-RscMutationMisc -ResetAllOrgUsersPasswords # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the ResetUsersPasswordsWithUserIds operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: ResetUsersPasswordsWithUserIds $query = New-RscMutationMisc -ResetUsersPasswordsWithUserIds # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED userIds = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the ResizeDisk operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: ResizeDisk $query = New-RscMutationMisc -ResizeDisk # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED diskId = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ResponseSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the ResolveAnomaly operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: ResolveAnomaly $query = New-RscMutationMisc -ResolveAnomaly # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED anomalyType = $someAnomalyType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AnomalyType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED workloadId = $someString # REQUIRED anomalyId = $someString # OPTIONAL falsePositiveReport = @{ # REQUIRED falsePositiveType = $someAnomalyFalsePositiveType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AnomalyFalsePositiveType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL otherReason = $someString } # OPTIONAL directoriesToSnooze = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the ResolveVolumeGroupsConflict operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: ResolveVolumeGroupsConflict $query = New-RscMutationMisc -ResolveVolumeGroupsConflict # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RequestSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the RetryBackup operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: RetryBackup $query = New-RscMutationMisc -RetryBackup # REQUIRED $query.Var.backupObjects = @( @{ # OPTIONAL objectFid = $someString # OPTIONAL eventSeriesId = $someString # OPTIONAL monitoringId = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.backupRunConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL runNow = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RetryBackupResp </code> </example> <example> Runs the RetryDownloadPackageJob operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: RetryDownloadPackageJob $query = New-RscMutationMisc -RetryDownloadPackageJob # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterUuid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: DownloadPackageReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the RevokeAllOrgRoles operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: RevokeAllOrgRoles $query = New-RscMutationMisc -RevokeAllOrgRoles # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL userIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL groupIds = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the RunCustomAnalyzer operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: RunCustomAnalyzer $query = New-RscMutationMisc -RunCustomAnalyzer # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL dictionaryCsv = $someString # OPTIONAL regex = $someString # OPTIONAL content = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RunCustomAnalyzerReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the ScheduleUpgradeBatchJob operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: ScheduleUpgradeBatchJob $query = New-RscMutationMisc -ScheduleUpgradeBatchJob # REQUIRED $query.Var.listClusterUuid = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.mode = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.action = $someActionType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActionType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.version = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.scheduleAt = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL $query.Var.context_tag = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<UpgradeJobReplyWithUuid> </code> </example> <example> Runs the SetAnalyzerRisks operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: SetAnalyzerRisks $query = New-RscMutationMisc -SetAnalyzerRisks # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED risks = @( @{ # OPTIONAL analyzerId = $someString # OPTIONAL risk = $someRiskLevelType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RiskLevelType]) for enum values. } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SetAnalyzerRisksReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the SetBundleApprovalStatus operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: SetBundleApprovalStatus $query = New-RscMutationMisc -SetBundleApprovalStatus # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED bundleVersion = $someString # REQUIRED approvalStatus = $someExoBundleApprovalStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ExoBundleApprovalStatus]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the SetCustomerTags operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: SetCustomerTags $query = New-RscMutationMisc -SetCustomerTags # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED cloudVendor = $someCloudVendor # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudVendor]) for enum values. # REQUIRED customerTags = @{ # REQUIRED tagList = @( @{ # REQUIRED key = $someString # REQUIRED value = $someString } ) } # REQUIRED shouldOverrideResourceTags = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the SetDatastoreFreespaceThresholds operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: SetDatastoreFreespaceThresholds $query = New-RscMutationMisc -SetDatastoreFreespaceThresholds # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED thresholds = @( @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED datastoreFreespaceThreshold = @{ # OPTIONAL vmId = $someString # REQUIRED threshold = $someSingle } } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SetDatastoreFreespaceThresholdsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the SetIpWhitelistEnabled operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: SetIpWhitelistEnabled $query = New-RscMutationMisc -SetIpWhitelistEnabled # REQUIRED $query.Var.enabled = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the SetMfaSetting operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: SetMfaSetting $query = New-RscMutationMisc -SetMfaSetting # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL isTotpEnforcedGlobal = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL totpReminderHours = $someInt # OPTIONAL mfaRememberHours = $someInt } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the SetPrivateContainerRegistry operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: SetPrivateContainerRegistry $query = New-RscMutationMisc -SetPrivateContainerRegistry # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED exocomputeAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED registryUrl = $someString # OPTIONAL pcrAwsImagePullDetails = @{ # OPTIONAL awsNativeId = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the SetTotpConfig operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: SetTotpConfig $query = New-RscMutationMisc -SetTotpConfig # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL userId = $someString # OPTIONAL secret = $someString # OPTIONAL otp = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the SetUpgradeType operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: SetUpgradeType $query = New-RscMutationMisc -SetUpgradeType # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED upgradeType = $someUpgradeType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UpgradeType]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SetUpgradeTypeReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the SetUserLevelTotpEnforcement operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: SetUserLevelTotpEnforcement $query = New-RscMutationMisc -SetUserLevelTotpEnforcement # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL userIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL isEnforced = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the SetWorkloadAlertSetting operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: SetWorkloadAlertSetting $query = New-RscMutationMisc -SetWorkloadAlertSetting # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL clusterId = $someString # OPTIONAL workloadFid = $someString # OPTIONAL enabled = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SetWorkloadAlertSettingReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the SetupDisk operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: SetupDisk $query = New-RscMutationMisc -SetupDisk # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED diskId = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: DiskInfo </code> </example> <example> Runs the StartCrawl operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: StartCrawl $query = New-RscMutationMisc -StartCrawl # REQUIRED $ = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.resources = @( @{ # OPTIONAL snappableFid = $someString # OPTIONAL snapshotFid = $someString } ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.analyzerGroups = @( @{ # OPTIONAL groupType = $someAnalyzerGroupTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AnalyzerGroupTypeEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL id = $someString # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL analyzers = @( @{ # OPTIONAL analyzerType = $someAnalyzerTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AnalyzerTypeEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL id = $someString # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL dictionaryCsv = $someString # OPTIONAL dictionary = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL regex = $someString # OPTIONAL analyzerRiskInstance = @{ # OPTIONAL analyzerId = $someString # OPTIONAL riskVersion = $someInt # OPTIONAL risk = $someRiskLevelType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RiskLevelType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL tagId = $someInt # OPTIONAL risk = $someRiskLevelType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RiskLevelType]) for enum values. } ) } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.extWhiteList = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: StartCrawlReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the StartDownloadPackageBatchJob operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: StartDownloadPackageBatchJob $query = New-RscMutationMisc -StartDownloadPackageBatchJob # REQUIRED $query.Var.listClusterUuid = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.downloadVersion = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.packageUrl = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.md5checksum = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.size = $someInt64 # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<DownloadPackageReplyWithUuid> </code> </example> <example> Runs the StartExportRdsInstanceJob operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: StartExportRdsInstanceJob $query = New-RscMutationMisc -StartExportRdsInstanceJob # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED rdsInstanceId = $someString # REQUIRED isPointInTime = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString # OPTIONAL exportTime = $someDateTime # REQUIRED dbInstanceName = $someString # REQUIRED destinationAwsNativeAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED destinationRegionNativeId = $someAwsNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRegion]) for enum values. # REQUIRED dbInstanceClass = $someAwsNativeRdsDbInstanceClass # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRdsDbInstanceClass]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL databaseInstanceClass = $someString # OPTIONAL primaryAz = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL optionGroupName = $someString # OPTIONAL parameterGroupName = $someString # OPTIONAL subnetGroupName = $someString # OPTIONAL storageType = $someAwsNativeRdsStorageType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRdsStorageType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL securityGroupIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL iops = $someInt # REQUIRED isPubliclyAccessible = $someBoolean # REQUIRED shouldExportTags = $someBoolean # REQUIRED isMultiAz = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL kmsKeyId = $someString # OPTIONAL subnetIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL snapshotType = $someSnapshotType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnapshotType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL dbClusterName = $someString # OPTIONAL dbClusterParameterGroupName = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncJobStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the StartPeriodicUpgradePrechecksOnDemandJob operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: StartPeriodicUpgradePrechecksOnDemandJob $query = New-RscMutationMisc -StartPeriodicUpgradePrechecksOnDemandJob # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterUuid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: PrechecksJobReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the StartUpgradeBatchJob operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: StartUpgradeBatchJob $query = New-RscMutationMisc -StartUpgradeBatchJob # REQUIRED $query.Var.listClusterUuid = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.mode = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.action = $someActionType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActionType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.version = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.context_tag = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<UpgradeJobReplyWithUuid> </code> </example> <example> Runs the StartVolumeGroupMount operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: StartVolumeGroupMount $query = New-RscMutationMisc -StartVolumeGroupMount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL smbDomainName = $someString # OPTIONAL smbValidIps = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL smbValidUsers = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL targetHostId = $someString # REQUIRED volumeConfigs = @( @{ # OPTIONAL mountPointOnHost = $someString # REQUIRED volumeId = $someString } ) } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the StopJobInstance operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: StopJobInstance $query = New-RscMutationMisc -StopJobInstance # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL jobInstanceId = $someString # OPTIONAL eventSeriesId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: StopJobInstanceReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the StopJobInstanceFromEventSeries operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: StopJobInstanceFromEventSeries $query = New-RscMutationMisc -StopJobInstanceFromEventSeries # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED eventSeriesId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the SupportPortalLogin operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: SupportPortalLogin $query = New-RscMutationMisc -SupportPortalLogin # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL account = $someString # OPTIONAL hostname = $someString # OPTIONAL organizationId = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString # REQUIRED password = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SupportPortalLoginReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the SwitchProductToOnboardingMode operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: SwitchProductToOnboardingMode $query = New-RscMutationMisc -SwitchProductToOnboardingMode # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL orgId = $someString # REQUIRED workloadType = $someM365DashboardWorkloadType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.M365DashboardWorkloadType]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SwitchProductToOnboardingModeReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the TriggerCloudComputeConnectivityCheck operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: TriggerCloudComputeConnectivityCheck $query = New-RscMutationMisc -TriggerCloudComputeConnectivityCheck # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL shouldCheckCloudConnectivityForCloudOut = $someBoolean # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED shouldCheckCloudConnectivityForCloudOn = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the TriggerExocomputeHealthCheck operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: TriggerExocomputeHealthCheck $query = New-RscMutationMisc -TriggerExocomputeHealthCheck # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED cloudVendor = $someCloudVendor # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudVendor]) for enum values. # REQUIRED exocomputeConfigId = $someString # OPTIONAL nodeType = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: TriggerExocomputeHealthCheckReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UninstallIoFilter operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UninstallIoFilter $query = New-RscMutationMisc -UninstallIoFilter # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RequestSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the UnlockUsersByAdmin operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UnlockUsersByAdmin $query = New-RscMutationMisc -UnlockUsersByAdmin # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED userIds = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the UnmountDisk operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UnmountDisk $query = New-RscMutationMisc -UnmountDisk # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED liveMountId = $someInt64 # REQUIRED mountIds = @( $someInt64 ) # REQUIRED targetWorkloadId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateAccountOwner operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UpdateAccountOwner $query = New-RscMutationMisc -UpdateAccountOwner # REQUIRED $query.Var.userId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateAgentDeploymentSetting operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UpdateAgentDeploymentSetting $query = New-RscMutationMisc -UpdateAgentDeploymentSetting # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED settings = @{ # REQUIRED isAutomatic = $someBoolean } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AgentDeploymentSettings </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateAuthDomainUsersHiddenStatus operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UpdateAuthDomainUsersHiddenStatus $query = New-RscMutationMisc -UpdateAuthDomainUsersHiddenStatus # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED userIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED isHidden = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateBadDiskLedStatus operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UpdateBadDiskLedStatus $query = New-RscMutationMisc -UpdateBadDiskLedStatus # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL diskSerial = $someString # OPTIONAL turnOff = $someBoolean # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED nodeId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateBadDiskLedStatusReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateConfiguredGroup operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UpdateConfiguredGroup $query = New-RscMutationMisc -UpdateConfiguredGroup # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED orgId = $someString # REQUIRED groupId = $someString # OPTIONAL updatedDisplayName = $someString # OPTIONAL updatedWildcard = $someString # REQUIRED updatedPdls = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED performArchival = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateCustomAnalyzer operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UpdateCustomAnalyzer $query = New-RscMutationMisc -UpdateCustomAnalyzer # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL analyzerType = $someAnalyzerTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AnalyzerTypeEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL id = $someString # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL dictionaryCsv = $someString # OPTIONAL dictionary = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL regex = $someString # OPTIONAL analyzerRiskInstance = @{ # OPTIONAL analyzerId = $someString # OPTIONAL riskVersion = $someInt # OPTIONAL risk = $someRiskLevelType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RiskLevelType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL tagId = $someInt # OPTIONAL risk = $someRiskLevelType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RiskLevelType]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Analyzer </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateCustomerAppPermissions operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UpdateCustomerAppPermissions $query = New-RscMutationMisc -UpdateCustomerAppPermissions # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED appPermissions = @( $someAzureAppPermission # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureAppPermission]) for enum values. ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateCustomerAppPermissionsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateDistributionListDigest operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UpdateDistributionListDigest $query = New-RscMutationMisc -UpdateDistributionListDigest # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL digestId = $someInt # OPTIONAL digestName = $someString # OPTIONAL frequencyHours = $someInt # OPTIONAL isImmediate = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL includeAudits = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL includeEvents = $someBoolean # REQUIRED eventDigestConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL objectType = @( $someActivityObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivityObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL activityStatus = @( $someActivityStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivityStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL activityType = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL auditType = @( $someUserAuditTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UserAuditTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL activitySeverity = @( $someActivitySeverityEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivitySeverityEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL clusters = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL emailAddresses = @( $someString ) } # REQUIRED recipientUserIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL clusterUuids = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateDistributionListDigestReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateDnsServersAndSearchDomains operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UpdateDnsServersAndSearchDomains $query = New-RscMutationMisc -UpdateDnsServersAndSearchDomains # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED servers = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED domains = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ResponseSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateEventDigest operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UpdateEventDigest $query = New-RscMutationMisc -UpdateEventDigest # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL digestId = $someInt # OPTIONAL digestName = $someString # OPTIONAL frequencyHours = $someInt # OPTIONAL isImmediate = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL includeAudits = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL includeEvents = $someBoolean # REQUIRED eventDigestConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL objectType = @( $someActivityObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivityObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL activityStatus = @( $someActivityStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivityStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL activityType = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL auditType = @( $someUserAuditTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UserAuditTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL activitySeverity = @( $someActivitySeverityEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivitySeverityEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL clusters = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL emailAddresses = @( $someString ) } # REQUIRED recipientUserIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL clusterUuids = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateEventDigestReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateFloatingIps operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UpdateFloatingIps $query = New-RscMutationMisc -UpdateFloatingIps # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED newClusterIps = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateFloatingIpsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateGuestCredential operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UpdateGuestCredential $query = New-RscMutationMisc -UpdateGuestCredential # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED definition = @{ # OPTIONAL domain = $someString # OPTIONAL baseGuestCredential = @{ # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # OPTIONAL description = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateGuestCredentialReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateInsightState operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UpdateInsightState $query = New-RscMutationMisc -UpdateInsightState # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL insightId = $someString # OPTIONAL isDismissed = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateInsightStateReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateIpWhitelist operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UpdateIpWhitelist $query = New-RscMutationMisc -UpdateIpWhitelist # REQUIRED $query.Var.whitelistMode = $someWhitelistModeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.WhitelistModeEnum]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.ipCidrs = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateLambdaSettings operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UpdateLambdaSettings $query = New-RscMutationMisc -UpdateLambdaSettings # OPTIONAL $query.Var.anomalyThreshold = $someSingle # OPTIONAL $query.Var.ransomwareThreshold = $someSingle # OPTIONAL $query.Var.isAnomalyAlertEnabled = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: LambdaSettings </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateLockoutConfig operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UpdateLockoutConfig $query = New-RscMutationMisc -UpdateLockoutConfig # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL loginAttemptsLimit = $someInt # OPTIONAL selfServiceTokenValidityInMins = $someInt # OPTIONAL selfServiceAttemptsLimit = $someInt # OPTIONAL isSelfServiceEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL accountAutoUnlockDurationInMins = $someInt # OPTIONAL isBruteForceLockoutEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isAutoUnlockFeatureEnabled = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateLockoutConfigReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateManagedIdentities operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UpdateManagedIdentities $query = New-RscMutationMisc -UpdateManagedIdentities # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED cloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # OPTIONAL managedIdentity = @{ # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL clientId = $someString # OPTIONAL resourceGroup = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateManagedIdentitiesReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateNetworkThrottle operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UpdateNetworkThrottle $query = New-RscMutationMisc -UpdateNetworkThrottle # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED throttleUpdate = @{ # OPTIONAL defaultThrottleLimit = $someSingle # OPTIONAL isEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL scheduledThrottles = @( @{ # REQUIRED daysOfWeek = @( $someInt ) # REQUIRED endTime = $someInt64 # REQUIRED startTime = $someInt64 # REQUIRED throttleLimit = $someSingle } ) # OPTIONAL networkInterface = $someString # OPTIONAL archivalThrottlePort = $someInt } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateNetworkThrottleReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateProxyConfig operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UpdateProxyConfig $query = New-RscMutationMisc -UpdateProxyConfig # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED proxy = @{ # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL port = $someInt # OPTIONAL username = $someString # REQUIRED host = $someString # REQUIRED protocol = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateProxyConfigReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateRoleAssignments operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UpdateRoleAssignments $query = New-RscMutationMisc -UpdateRoleAssignments # OPTIONAL $query.Var.userIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.groupIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.roleIds = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateSupportUserAccess operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UpdateSupportUserAccess $query = New-RscMutationMisc -UpdateSupportUserAccess # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL id = $someInt # OPTIONAL impersonatedUserId = $someString # OPTIONAL newDurationInHours = $someInt } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateTunnelStatus operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UpdateTunnelStatus $query = New-RscMutationMisc -UpdateTunnelStatus # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL inactivityTimeoutInSeconds = $someInt64 # REQUIRED isTunnelEnabled = $someBoolean } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateTunnelStatusReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateVlan operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UpdateVlan $query = New-RscMutationMisc -UpdateVlan # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED vlanInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL gateway = $someString # OPTIONAL alias = $someString # REQUIRED interfaces = @( @{ # REQUIRED ip = $someString # REQUIRED node = $someString } ) # REQUIRED netmask = $someString # REQUIRED vlan = $someInt } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateVolumeGroup operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UpdateVolumeGroup $query = New-RscMutationMisc -UpdateVolumeGroup # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED patchProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL configuredSlaDomainId = $someString # OPTIONAL isPaused = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL volumeIdsIncludedInSnapshots = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL forceFull = $someBoolean } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateVolumeGroupReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateWhitelistedAnalyzers operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UpdateWhitelistedAnalyzers $query = New-RscMutationMisc -UpdateWhitelistedAnalyzers # REQUIRED $query.Var.stdPath = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.analyzerIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.runAsync = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpgradeIoFilter operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UpgradeIoFilter $query = New-RscMutationMisc -UpgradeIoFilter # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED fqdnInfo = @{ # REQUIRED fqdn = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RequestSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpgradeToRsc operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UpgradeToRsc $query = New-RscMutationMisc -UpgradeToRsc # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the ValidateAndSaveCustomerKmsInfo operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: ValidateAndSaveCustomerKmsInfo $query = New-RscMutationMisc -ValidateAndSaveCustomerKmsInfo # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL kmsSpec = @{ # OPTIONAL cloudType = $someO365AzureCloudType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.O365AzureCloudType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tenantId = $someString # OPTIONAL kmsId = $someString # OPTIONAL appId = $someString # OPTIONAL appSecret = $someString # OPTIONAL keyName = $someString # OPTIONAL kekNameColossus = $someString } # REQUIRED appSecret = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ValidateAndSaveCustomerKmsInfoReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the WarmSearchCache operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: WarmSearchCache $query = New-RscMutationMisc -WarmSearchCache # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED workloadFid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationMongo"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 6 operations in the 'Mongo' API domain: AddSource, DeleteSource, DiscoverSource, PatchSource, RecoverSource, or RetryAddSource. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationMongo creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Mongo' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 6 operations in the 'Mongo' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: AddSource, DeleteSource, DiscoverSource, PatchSource, RecoverSource, or RetryAddSource. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationMongo -AddSource).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationMongo -AddSource).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the AddSource operation of the 'Mongo' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mongo # API Operation: AddSource $query = New-RscMutationMongo -AddSource # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED mongoSourceAddRequestConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL caCertfilePath = $someString # OPTIONAL ignoreSecondaries = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL sourceDriverPassword = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceDriverUser = $someString # OPTIONAL sslKeyfilePath = $someString # OPTIONAL sslCertfilePath = $someString # REQUIRED mongoType = $someMongoType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.MongoType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sourceAuthenticationType = $someMongoAuthenticationType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.MongoAuthenticationType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sslCertificateRequired = $someMongoSslCertificateRequirement # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.MongoSslCertificateRequirement]) for enum values. # REQUIRED mongoClientHosts = @( @{ # REQUIRED configurationPort = $someInt # REQUIRED hostId = $someString } ) # REQUIRED sourceName = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AddMongoSourceReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteSource operation of the 'Mongo' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mongo # API Operation: DeleteSource $query = New-RscMutationMongo -DeleteSource # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DiscoverSource operation of the 'Mongo' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mongo # API Operation: DiscoverSource $query = New-RscMutationMongo -DiscoverSource # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the PatchSource operation of the 'Mongo' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mongo # API Operation: PatchSource $query = New-RscMutationMongo -PatchSource # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED mongoSourcePatchRequestConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL caCertfilePath = $someString # OPTIONAL ignoreSecondaries = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL sourceDriverPassword = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceDriverUser = $someString # OPTIONAL sslKeyfilePath = $someString # OPTIONAL sslCertfilePath = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceAuthenticationType = $someMongoAuthenticationType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.MongoAuthenticationType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sslCertificateRequired = $someMongoSslCertificateRequirement # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.MongoSslCertificateRequirement]) for enum values. } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the RecoverSource operation of the 'Mongo' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mongo # API Operation: RecoverSource $query = New-RscMutationMongo -RecoverSource # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED input = @{ # OPTIONAL prefix = $someString # OPTIONAL restoreDbPassword = $someString # OPTIONAL restoreDbUsername = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldDropExistingCollection = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL sourceCollectionIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL sourceDatabaseIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL targetCollectionName = $someString # OPTIONAL targetDatabaseName = $someString # OPTIONAL versionTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL restoreThrottleInBytesPerSecond = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL isRestoreWithIndex = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL targetAuthenticationType = $someMongoAuthenticationType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.MongoAuthenticationType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED sourceMongoClusterId = $someString # REQUIRED targetMongoClusterId = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the RetryAddSource operation of the 'Mongo' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mongo # API Operation: RetryAddSource $query = New-RscMutationMongo -RetryAddSource # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED mongoSourceRequestConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL caCertfilePath = $someString # OPTIONAL ignoreSecondaries = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL sourceDriverPassword = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceDriverUser = $someString # OPTIONAL sslKeyfilePath = $someString # OPTIONAL sslCertfilePath = $someString # REQUIRED mongoType = $someMongoType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.MongoType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sourceAuthenticationType = $someMongoAuthenticationType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.MongoAuthenticationType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sslCertificateRequired = $someMongoSslCertificateRequirement # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.MongoSslCertificateRequirement]) for enum values. # REQUIRED mongoClientHosts = @( @{ # REQUIRED configurationPort = $someInt # REQUIRED hostId = $someString } ) # REQUIRED sourceName = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationMongoDb"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 6 operations in the 'Mongo DB' API domain: AssignSlaToCollection, BulkDeleteSources, CreateSource, DeleteSource, RecoverSource, or UpdateSource. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationMongoDb creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Mongo DB' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 6 operations in the 'Mongo DB' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: AssignSlaToCollection, BulkDeleteSources, CreateSource, DeleteSource, RecoverSource, or UpdateSource. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationMongoDb -AssignSlaToCollection).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationMongoDb -AssignSlaToCollection).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the AssignSlaToCollection operation of the 'Mongo DB' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: MongoDb # API Operation: AssignSlaToCollection $query = New-RscMutationMongoDb -AssignSlaToCollection # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED input = @{ # REQUIRED ids = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED slaId = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the BulkDeleteSources operation of the 'Mongo DB' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: MongoDb # API Operation: BulkDeleteSources $query = New-RscMutationMongoDb -BulkDeleteSources # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL sourceType = $someV2BulkDeleteMosaicSourcesRequestSourceType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.V2BulkDeleteMosaicSourcesRequestSourceType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED sourceData = @{ # OPTIONAL async = $someBoolean # REQUIRED sourceNames = @( $someString ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MosaicAsyncResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateSource operation of the 'Mongo DB' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: MongoDb # API Operation: CreateSource $query = New-RscMutationMongoDb -CreateSource # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED sourceData = @{ # OPTIONAL async = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL cassandraYaml = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL dseYaml = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL enableSsl = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL httpsCertificate = $someString # OPTIONAL ignoreSecondaries = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL jmxPassword = $someString # OPTIONAL jmxUser = $someString # OPTIONAL parameterEncoded = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL sourceAuthKey = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceAuthKeyfile = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceAuthPassphrase = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceDriverPassword = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceDriverUser = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceHttpsPort = $someString # OPTIONAL sourcePassword = $someString # OPTIONAL sourcePort = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceRpcPort = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceSshPort = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceUser = $someString # OPTIONAL sslCaCerts = $someString # OPTIONAL sslCertfile = $someString # OPTIONAL sslKeyfile = $someString # REQUIRED sourceType = $someSourceSourceType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SourceSourceType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sslCertReqs = $someSourceSslCertReqs # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SourceSslCertReqs]) for enum values. # REQUIRED sourceIp = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED sourceName = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MosaicAsyncResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteSource operation of the 'Mongo DB' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: MongoDb # API Operation: DeleteSource $query = New-RscMutationMongoDb -DeleteSource # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL sourceType = $someV2DeleteMosaicSourceRequestSourceType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.V2DeleteMosaicSourceRequestSourceType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED sourceName = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MosaicAsyncResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the RecoverSource operation of the 'Mongo DB' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: MongoDb # API Operation: RecoverSource $query = New-RscMutationMongoDb -RecoverSource # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED recoveryData = @{ # OPTIONAL destinationManagementObjects = @{ # OPTIONAL databases = @( @{ # OPTIONAL dbName = $someString # OPTIONAL tables = @( $someString ) } ) } # OPTIONAL destinationSourceName = $someString # OPTIONAL keyspaceConfig = $someString # OPTIONAL maxDiskUsage = $someString # OPTIONAL restoreDbUserPwd = $someString # OPTIONAL restoreDbUsername = $someString # OPTIONAL startTimestamp = $someInt # OPTIONAL targetEncryptionKey = $someString # OPTIONAL targetQuery = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceType = $someMosaicRetrieveRequestSourceType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.MosaicRetrieveRequestSourceType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED destinationPath = $someString # REQUIRED managementObjects = @{ # OPTIONAL databases = @( @{ # OPTIONAL dbName = $someString # OPTIONAL tables = @( $someString ) } ) } # REQUIRED parameterEncoded = $someBoolean # REQUIRED sourceName = $someString # REQUIRED versionTime = $someInt } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MosaicAsyncResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateSource operation of the 'Mongo DB' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: MongoDb # API Operation: UpdateSource $query = New-RscMutationMongoDb -UpdateSource # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED sourceData = @{ # OPTIONAL async = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL cassandraYaml = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL dseYaml = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL enableSsl = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL httpsCertificate = $someString # OPTIONAL ignoreSecondaries = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL jmxPassword = $someString # OPTIONAL jmxUser = $someString # OPTIONAL parameterEncoded = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL sourceAuthKey = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceAuthKeyfile = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceAuthPassphrase = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceDriverPassword = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceDriverUser = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceHttpsPort = $someString # OPTIONAL sourcePassword = $someString # OPTIONAL sourcePort = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceRpcPort = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceSshPort = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceUser = $someString # OPTIONAL sslCaCerts = $someString # OPTIONAL sslCertfile = $someString # OPTIONAL sslKeyfile = $someString # REQUIRED sourceType = $someSourceSourceType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SourceSourceType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sslCertReqs = $someSourceSslCertReqs # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SourceSslCertReqs]) for enum values. # REQUIRED sourceIp = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED sourceName = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MosaicAsyncResponse </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationMosaic"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 3 operations in the 'Mosaic' API domain: AddStore, DeleteStore, or UpdateStore. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationMosaic creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Mosaic' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 3 operations in the 'Mosaic' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: AddStore, DeleteStore, or UpdateStore. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationMosaic -AddStore).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationMosaic -AddStore).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the AddStore operation of the 'Mosaic' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mosaic # API Operation: AddStore $query = New-RscMutationMosaic -AddStore # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED addStoreData = @{ # OPTIONAL accessKeyId = $someString # OPTIONAL nfsServer = $someString # OPTIONAL nfsServerMountPath = $someString # OPTIONAL secretKey = $someString # OPTIONAL skipKeyFileConfig = $someBoolean # REQUIRED storeType = $someMosaicAddStoreRequestStoreType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.MosaicAddStoreRequestStoreType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED storeName = $someString # REQUIRED storeUrl = $someString } # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MosaicAsyncResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteStore operation of the 'Mosaic' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mosaic # API Operation: DeleteStore $query = New-RscMutationMosaic -DeleteStore # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED storeName = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MosaicAsyncResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateStore operation of the 'Mosaic' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mosaic # API Operation: UpdateStore $query = New-RscMutationMosaic -UpdateStore # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED modifyStoreData = @{ # OPTIONAL accessKeyId = $someString # OPTIONAL secretKey = $someString # OPTIONAL skipKeyFileConfig = $someBoolean # REQUIRED storeName = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MosaicAsyncResponse </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationMssql"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 22 operations in the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain: AssignSlaDomainProperties, AssignSlaDomainPropertiesAsync, BrowseDatabaseSnapshot, BulkCreateOnDemandBackup, BulkUpdateAvailabilityGroup, BulkUpdateDbs, BulkUpdateInstance, BulkUpdatePropertiesOnHost, BulkUpdatePropertiesOnWindowsCluster, CreateLiveMount, CreateLogShippingConfiguration, CreateOnDemandBackup, DeleteDbSnapshots, DeleteLiveMount, DeleteLogShipping, DownloadDatabaseBackupFiles, DownloadDatabaseFilesFromArchivalLocation, ExportDatabase, RestoreDatabase, TakeLogBackup, UpdateDefaultProperties, or UpdateLogShippingConfiguration. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationMssql creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 22 operations in the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: AssignSlaDomainProperties, AssignSlaDomainPropertiesAsync, BrowseDatabaseSnapshot, BulkCreateOnDemandBackup, BulkUpdateAvailabilityGroup, BulkUpdateDbs, BulkUpdateInstance, BulkUpdatePropertiesOnHost, BulkUpdatePropertiesOnWindowsCluster, CreateLiveMount, CreateLogShippingConfiguration, CreateOnDemandBackup, DeleteDbSnapshots, DeleteLiveMount, DeleteLogShipping, DownloadDatabaseBackupFiles, DownloadDatabaseFilesFromArchivalLocation, ExportDatabase, RestoreDatabase, TakeLogBackup, UpdateDefaultProperties, or UpdateLogShippingConfiguration. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationMssql -AssignSlaDomainProperties).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationMssql -AssignSlaDomainProperties).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the AssignSlaDomainProperties operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: AssignSlaDomainProperties $query = New-RscMutationMssql -AssignSlaDomainProperties # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED updateInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL shouldApplyToExistingSnapshots = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldApplyToNonPolicySnapshots = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL mssqlSlaPatchProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL configuredSlaDomainId = $someString # OPTIONAL useConfiguredDefaultLogRetention = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL mssqlSlaRelatedProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL copyOnly = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL logBackupFrequencyInSeconds = $someInt # OPTIONAL logRetentionHours = $someInt # OPTIONAL hasLogConfigFromSla = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL hostLogRetention = $someInt } } # OPTIONAL existingSnapshotRetention = $someExistingSnapshotRetention # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ExistingSnapshotRetention]) for enum values. # REQUIRED ids = @( $someString ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ResponseSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the AssignSlaDomainPropertiesAsync operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: AssignSlaDomainPropertiesAsync $query = New-RscMutationMssql -AssignSlaDomainPropertiesAsync # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED updateInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL shouldApplyToExistingSnapshots = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldApplyToNonPolicySnapshots = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL mssqlSlaPatchProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL configuredSlaDomainId = $someString # OPTIONAL useConfiguredDefaultLogRetention = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL mssqlSlaRelatedProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL copyOnly = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL logBackupFrequencyInSeconds = $someInt # OPTIONAL logRetentionHours = $someInt # OPTIONAL hasLogConfigFromSla = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL hostLogRetention = $someInt } } # OPTIONAL existingSnapshotRetention = $someExistingSnapshotRetention # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ExistingSnapshotRetention]) for enum values. # REQUIRED ids = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL userNote = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AssignMssqlSlaDomainPropertiesAsyncReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the BrowseDatabaseSnapshot operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: BrowseDatabaseSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationMssql -BrowseDatabaseSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL endPoint = @{ # OPTIONAL lsnPoint = @{ # OPTIONAL recoveryForkGuid = $someString # REQUIRED lsn = $someString } # OPTIONAL timestampMs = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL date = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL legalHoldDownloadConfig = @{ # REQUIRED isLegalHoldDownload = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL recoveryPoint = @{ # OPTIONAL lsnPoint = @{ # OPTIONAL recoveryForkGuid = $someString # REQUIRED lsn = $someString } # OPTIONAL timestampMs = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL date = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL startPoint = @{ # OPTIONAL lsnPoint = @{ # OPTIONAL recoveryForkGuid = $someString # REQUIRED lsn = $someString } # OPTIONAL timestampMs = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL date = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL backupType = $someMssqlBackupType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.MssqlBackupType]) for enum values. } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BrowseMssqlDatabaseSnapshotReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the BulkCreateOnDemandBackup operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: BulkCreateOnDemandBackup $query = New-RscMutationMssql -BulkCreateOnDemandBackup # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL availabilityGroupIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL databaseIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL forceFullSnapshot = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL hostIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL instanceIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL windowsClusterIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL baseOnDemandSnapshotConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL slaId = $someString } } # OPTIONAL userNote = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the BulkUpdateAvailabilityGroup operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: BulkUpdateAvailabilityGroup $query = New-RscMutationMssql -BulkUpdateAvailabilityGroup # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED availabilityGroupsUpdateProperties = @( @{ # REQUIRED availabilityGroupId = $someString # REQUIRED updateProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL mssqlNonSlaProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL copyOnly = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL logBackupFrequencyInSeconds = $someInt # OPTIONAL logRetentionHours = $someInt } # OPTIONAL mssqlSlaRelatedProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL copyOnly = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL logBackupFrequencyInSeconds = $someInt # OPTIONAL logRetentionHours = $someInt # OPTIONAL hasLogConfigFromSla = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL hostLogRetention = $someInt } # OPTIONAL mssqlSlaPatchProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL configuredSlaDomainId = $someString # OPTIONAL useConfiguredDefaultLogRetention = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL mssqlSlaRelatedProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL copyOnly = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL logBackupFrequencyInSeconds = $someInt # OPTIONAL logRetentionHours = $someInt # OPTIONAL hasLogConfigFromSla = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL hostLogRetention = $someInt } } # OPTIONAL configuredSlaDomainId = $someString } } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BulkUpdateMssqlAvailabilityGroupReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the BulkUpdateDbs operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: BulkUpdateDbs $query = New-RscMutationMssql -BulkUpdateDbs # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED dbsUpdateProperties = @( @{ # REQUIRED databaseId = $someString # REQUIRED updateProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL configuredSlaDomainId = $someString # OPTIONAL maxDataStreams = $someInt # OPTIONAL postBackupScript = @{ # REQUIRED scriptErrorAction = $someScriptErrorAction # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ScriptErrorAction]) for enum values. # REQUIRED scriptPath = $someString # REQUIRED timeoutMs = $someInt64 } # OPTIONAL preBackupScript = @{ # REQUIRED scriptErrorAction = $someScriptErrorAction # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ScriptErrorAction]) for enum values. # REQUIRED scriptPath = $someString # REQUIRED timeoutMs = $someInt64 } # OPTIONAL isPaused = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldForceFull = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL mssqlNonSlaProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL copyOnly = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL logBackupFrequencyInSeconds = $someInt # OPTIONAL logRetentionHours = $someInt } # OPTIONAL mssqlSlaPatchProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL configuredSlaDomainId = $someString # OPTIONAL useConfiguredDefaultLogRetention = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL mssqlSlaRelatedProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL copyOnly = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL logBackupFrequencyInSeconds = $someInt # OPTIONAL logRetentionHours = $someInt # OPTIONAL hasLogConfigFromSla = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL hostLogRetention = $someInt } } # OPTIONAL mssqlSlaRelatedProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL copyOnly = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL logBackupFrequencyInSeconds = $someInt # OPTIONAL logRetentionHours = $someInt # OPTIONAL hasLogConfigFromSla = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL hostLogRetention = $someInt } } } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BulkUpdateMssqlDbsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the BulkUpdateInstance operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: BulkUpdateInstance $query = New-RscMutationMssql -BulkUpdateInstance # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED instancesUpdateProperties = @( @{ # REQUIRED instanceId = $someString # REQUIRED updateProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL mssqlNonSlaProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL copyOnly = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL logBackupFrequencyInSeconds = $someInt # OPTIONAL logRetentionHours = $someInt } # OPTIONAL mssqlSlaRelatedProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL copyOnly = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL logBackupFrequencyInSeconds = $someInt # OPTIONAL logRetentionHours = $someInt # OPTIONAL hasLogConfigFromSla = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL hostLogRetention = $someInt } # OPTIONAL mssqlSlaPatchProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL configuredSlaDomainId = $someString # OPTIONAL useConfiguredDefaultLogRetention = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL mssqlSlaRelatedProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL copyOnly = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL logBackupFrequencyInSeconds = $someInt # OPTIONAL logRetentionHours = $someInt # OPTIONAL hasLogConfigFromSla = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL hostLogRetention = $someInt } } # OPTIONAL configuredSlaDomainId = $someString } } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BulkUpdateMssqlInstanceReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the BulkUpdatePropertiesOnHost operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: BulkUpdatePropertiesOnHost $query = New-RscMutationMssql -BulkUpdatePropertiesOnHost # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED hostsUpdateProperties = @( @{ # REQUIRED hostId = $someString # REQUIRED updateProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL mssqlSlaRelatedProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL copyOnly = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL logBackupFrequencyInSeconds = $someInt # OPTIONAL logRetentionHours = $someInt # OPTIONAL hasLogConfigFromSla = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL hostLogRetention = $someInt } } } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BulkUpdateMssqlPropertiesOnHostReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the BulkUpdatePropertiesOnWindowsCluster operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: BulkUpdatePropertiesOnWindowsCluster $query = New-RscMutationMssql -BulkUpdatePropertiesOnWindowsCluster # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED windowsClustersUpdateProperties = @( @{ # REQUIRED updateProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL mssqlSlaRelatedProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL copyOnly = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL logBackupFrequencyInSeconds = $someInt # OPTIONAL logRetentionHours = $someInt # OPTIONAL hasLogConfigFromSla = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL hostLogRetention = $someInt } } # REQUIRED windowsClusterId = $someString } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BulkUpdateMssqlPropertiesOnWindowsClusterReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateLiveMount operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: CreateLiveMount $query = New-RscMutationMssql -CreateLiveMount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL targetInstanceId = $someString # OPTIONAL recoveryModel = $someMssqlDatabaseRecoveryModel # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.MssqlDatabaseRecoveryModel]) for enum values. # REQUIRED mountedDatabaseName = $someString # REQUIRED recoveryPoint = @{ # OPTIONAL lsnPoint = @{ # OPTIONAL recoveryForkGuid = $someString # REQUIRED lsn = $someString } # OPTIONAL timestampMs = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL date = $someDateTime } } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateLogShippingConfiguration operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: CreateLogShippingConfiguration $query = New-RscMutationMssql -CreateLogShippingConfiguration # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL makeupReseedLimit = $someInt # OPTIONAL mssqlLogShippingCreateConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL maxDataStreams = $someInt # OPTIONAL targetDataFilePath = $someString # OPTIONAL targetFilePaths = @( @{ # OPTIONAL newFilename = $someString # OPTIONAL newLogicalName = $someString # REQUIRED exportPath = $someString # REQUIRED logicalName = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL targetLogFilePath = $someString # OPTIONAL mssqlLogShippingTargetStateOptions = @{ # OPTIONAL shouldDisconnectStandbyUsers = $someBoolean # REQUIRED state = $someMssqlLogShippingOkState # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.MssqlLogShippingOkState]) for enum values. } # REQUIRED targetDatabaseName = $someString # REQUIRED targetInstanceId = $someString } } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateOnDemandBackup operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: CreateOnDemandBackup $query = New-RscMutationMssql -CreateOnDemandBackup # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL forceFullSnapshot = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL baseOnDemandSnapshotConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL slaId = $someString } } # REQUIRED id = $someString # OPTIONAL userNote = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteDbSnapshots operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: DeleteDbSnapshots $query = New-RscMutationMssql -DeleteDbSnapshots # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ResponseSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteLiveMount operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: DeleteLiveMount $query = New-RscMutationMssql -DeleteLiveMount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL force = $someBoolean # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteLogShipping operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: DeleteLogShipping $query = New-RscMutationMssql -DeleteLogShipping # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL deleteSecondaryDatabase = $someBoolean # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DownloadDatabaseBackupFiles operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: DownloadDatabaseBackupFiles $query = New-RscMutationMssql -DownloadDatabaseBackupFiles # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL legalHoldDownloadConfig = @{ # REQUIRED isLegalHoldDownload = $someBoolean } # REQUIRED items = @( $someString ) } # REQUIRED id = $someString # OPTIONAL userNote = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DownloadDatabaseFilesFromArchivalLocation operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: DownloadDatabaseFilesFromArchivalLocation $query = New-RscMutationMssql -DownloadDatabaseFilesFromArchivalLocation # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # REQUIRED recoveryPoint = @{ # OPTIONAL lsnPoint = @{ # OPTIONAL recoveryForkGuid = $someString # REQUIRED lsn = $someString } # OPTIONAL timestampMs = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL date = $someDateTime } } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the ExportDatabase operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: ExportDatabase $query = New-RscMutationMssql -ExportDatabase # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL allowOverwrite = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL finishRecovery = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL maxDataStreams = $someInt # OPTIONAL targetDataFilePath = $someString # OPTIONAL targetFilePaths = @( @{ # OPTIONAL newFilename = $someString # OPTIONAL newLogicalName = $someString # REQUIRED exportPath = $someString # REQUIRED logicalName = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL targetLogFilePath = $someString # REQUIRED recoveryPoint = @{ # OPTIONAL lsnPoint = @{ # OPTIONAL recoveryForkGuid = $someString # REQUIRED lsn = $someString } # OPTIONAL timestampMs = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL date = $someDateTime } # REQUIRED targetDatabaseName = $someString # REQUIRED targetInstanceId = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the RestoreDatabase operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: RestoreDatabase $query = New-RscMutationMssql -RestoreDatabase # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL finishRecovery = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL maxDataStreams = $someInt # REQUIRED recoveryPoint = @{ # OPTIONAL lsnPoint = @{ # OPTIONAL recoveryForkGuid = $someString # REQUIRED lsn = $someString } # OPTIONAL timestampMs = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL date = $someDateTime } } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the TakeLogBackup operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: TakeLogBackup $query = New-RscMutationMssql -TakeLogBackup # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateDefaultProperties operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: UpdateDefaultProperties $query = New-RscMutationMssql -UpdateDefaultProperties # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED defaultProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL cbtStatus = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL logBackupFrequencyInSeconds = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL logRetentionTimeInHours = $someInt # OPTIONAL shouldUseDefaultBackupLocation = $someBoolean } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateMssqlDefaultPropertiesReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateLogShippingConfiguration operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: UpdateLogShippingConfiguration $query = New-RscMutationMssql -UpdateLogShippingConfiguration # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL makeupReseedLimit = $someInt } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateMssqlLogShippingConfigurationReply </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationNas"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 10 operations in the 'NAS' API domain: BulkAddNasShares, BulkDeleteNasShares, BulkDeleteNasSystems, BulkUpdateNasShares, DeleteNasSystem, HideRevealNasShares, RefreshNasSystems, RegisterNasSystem, UpdateNasShares, or UpdateNasSystem. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationNas creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'NAS' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 10 operations in the 'NAS' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: BulkAddNasShares, BulkDeleteNasShares, BulkDeleteNasSystems, BulkUpdateNasShares, DeleteNasSystem, HideRevealNasShares, RefreshNasSystems, RegisterNasSystem, UpdateNasShares, or UpdateNasSystem. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationNas -BulkAddNasShares).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationNas -BulkAddNasShares).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the BulkAddNasShares operation of the 'NAS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nas # API Operation: BulkAddNasShares $query = New-RscMutationNas -BulkAddNasShares # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED bulkAddNasShareInput = @{ # REQUIRED nasShares = @( @{ # OPTIONAL credentials = @{ # OPTIONAL password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # REQUIRED shareType = $someCreateNasShareInputShareType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CreateNasShareInputShareType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED exportPoint = $someString } ) # REQUIRED nasSourceId = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BulkAddNasSharesReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the BulkDeleteNasShares operation of the 'NAS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nas # API Operation: BulkDeleteNasShares $query = New-RscMutationNas -BulkDeleteNasShares # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED bulkDeleteNasShareRequest = @{ # REQUIRED ids = @( $someString ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the BulkDeleteNasSystems operation of the 'NAS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nas # API Operation: BulkDeleteNasSystems $query = New-RscMutationNas -BulkDeleteNasSystems # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED bulkDeleteNasSystemRequest = @{ # REQUIRED ids = @( $someString ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchAsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the BulkUpdateNasShares operation of the 'NAS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nas # API Operation: BulkUpdateNasShares $query = New-RscMutationNas -BulkUpdateNasShares # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED bulkUpdateNasShareInput = @{ # REQUIRED nasShares = @( @{ # OPTIONAL isIsilonChangelistEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL exportPoint = $someString # OPTIONAL credentials = @{ # OPTIONAL password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # OPTIONAL nasSourceId = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BulkUpdateNasSharesReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteNasSystem operation of the 'NAS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nas # API Operation: DeleteNasSystem $query = New-RscMutationNas -DeleteNasSystem # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the HideRevealNasShares operation of the 'NAS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nas # API Operation: HideRevealNasShares $query = New-RscMutationNas -HideRevealNasShares # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED hideNasSharesRequest = @{ # REQUIRED action = $someHideRevealAction # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HideRevealAction]) for enum values. # REQUIRED ids = @( $someString ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ResponseSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the RefreshNasSystems operation of the 'NAS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nas # API Operation: RefreshNasSystems $query = New-RscMutationNas -RefreshNasSystems # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED discoverNasSystemRequest = @{ # REQUIRED ids = @( $someString ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RefreshNasSystemsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the RegisterNasSystem operation of the 'NAS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nas # API Operation: RegisterNasSystem $query = New-RscMutationNas -RegisterNasSystem # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED nasSystem = @{ # OPTIONAL genericNasSystemParameters = @{ # OPTIONAL smbCredentials = @{ # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # REQUIRED hasNfsSupport = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hasSmbSupport = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL isIsilonChangelistEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL nasTmpApiCredentials = @{ # OPTIONAL apiCertificate = $someString # OPTIONAL apiPassword = $someString # OPTIONAL apiUsername = $someString # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString } # OPTIONAL nasFlashBladeApiCredentials = @{ # OPTIONAL apiCertificate = $someString # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # OPTIONAL smbCredentials = @{ # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # REQUIRED apiToken = $someString # REQUIRED hasSmbSupport = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL smbCredentials = @{ # OPTIONAL password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # OPTIONAL nutanixFileServerParameters = @{ # OPTIONAL apiCertificate = $someString # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # OPTIONAL smbCredentials = @{ # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # OPTIONAL apiPassword = $someString # OPTIONAL apiUsername = $someString # REQUIRED hasSmbSupport = $someBoolean } # REQUIRED nasVendorType = $someNasVendorType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.NasVendorType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED hostname = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RegisterNasSystemReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateNasShares operation of the 'NAS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nas # API Operation: UpdateNasShares $query = New-RscMutationNas -UpdateNasShares # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED updateNasSharesRequest = @{ # REQUIRED nasShareProperties = @( @{ # OPTIONAL isIsilonChangelistEnabled = $someBoolean # REQUIRED id = $someString } ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateNasSystem operation of the 'NAS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nas # API Operation: UpdateNasSystem $query = New-RscMutationNas -UpdateNasSystem # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED nasSystemUpdateProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL genericNasSystemParameters = @{ # OPTIONAL smbCredentials = @{ # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # REQUIRED hasNfsSupport = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hasSmbSupport = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL hostname = $someString # OPTIONAL isIsilonChangelistEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL nasApiCredentials = @{ # OPTIONAL apiCertificate = $someString # OPTIONAL apiPassword = $someString # OPTIONAL apiUsername = $someString # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString } # OPTIONAL nasFlashBladeApiCredentials = @{ # OPTIONAL apiCertificate = $someString # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # OPTIONAL smbCredentials = @{ # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # REQUIRED apiToken = $someString # REQUIRED hasSmbSupport = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL smbCredentials = @{ # OPTIONAL password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # OPTIONAL nutanixFileServerParameters = @{ # OPTIONAL apiCertificate = $someString # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # OPTIONAL smbCredentials = @{ # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # OPTIONAL apiPassword = $someString # OPTIONAL apiUsername = $someString # REQUIRED hasSmbSupport = $someBoolean } } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateNasSystemReply </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationNfs"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 3 operations in the 'NFS' API domain: CreateReaderTarget, CreateTarget, or UpdateTarget. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationNfs creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'NFS' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 3 operations in the 'NFS' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: CreateReaderTarget, CreateTarget, or UpdateTarget. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationNfs -CreateReaderTarget).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationNfs -CreateReaderTarget).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the CreateReaderTarget operation of the 'NFS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nfs # API Operation: CreateReaderTarget $query = New-RscMutationNfs -CreateReaderTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED host = $someString # REQUIRED exportDir = $someString # OPTIONAL nfsVersion = $someInt # REQUIRED nfsAuthType = $someAuthTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AuthTypeEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL otherNfsOptions = $someString # REQUIRED fileLockPeriodInSeconds = $someInt # REQUIRED destinationFolder = $someString # REQUIRED isConsolidationEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL encryptionPassword = $someString # REQUIRED readerRetrievalMethod = $someReaderRetrievalMethod # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReaderRetrievalMethod]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Target </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateTarget operation of the 'NFS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nfs # API Operation: CreateTarget $query = New-RscMutationNfs -CreateTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED host = $someString # REQUIRED exportDir = $someString # OPTIONAL nfsVersion = $someInt # REQUIRED nfsAuthType = $someAuthTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AuthTypeEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL otherNfsOptions = $someString # REQUIRED fileLockPeriodInSeconds = $someInt # REQUIRED destinationFolder = $someString # REQUIRED isConsolidationEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL encryptionPassword = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Target </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateTarget operation of the 'NFS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nfs # API Operation: UpdateTarget $query = New-RscMutationNfs -UpdateTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL host = $someString # OPTIONAL exportDir = $someString # OPTIONAL nfsAuthType = $someAuthTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AuthTypeEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL fileLockPeriodInSeconds = $someInt # OPTIONAL isConsolidationEnabled = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Target </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationNutanix"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 25 operations in the 'Nutanix' API domain: BatchExportVm, BatchMountVm, BulkOnDemandSnapshotVm, CreateCluster, CreateOnDemandBackup, CreatePrismCentral, DeleteCluster, DeleteMountV1, DeletePrismCentral, DeleteSnapshot, DeleteSnapshots, DownloadFilesSnapshot, DownloadSnapshot, DownloadVmFromLocation, ExportSnapshot, MigrateMountV1, MountSnapshotV1, PatchMountV1, RefreshCluster, RefreshPrismCentral, RegisterAgentVm, RestoreFilesSnapshot, UpdateCluster, UpdatePrismCentral, or UpdateVm. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationNutanix creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Nutanix' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 25 operations in the 'Nutanix' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: BatchExportVm, BatchMountVm, BulkOnDemandSnapshotVm, CreateCluster, CreateOnDemandBackup, CreatePrismCentral, DeleteCluster, DeleteMountV1, DeletePrismCentral, DeleteSnapshot, DeleteSnapshots, DownloadFilesSnapshot, DownloadSnapshot, DownloadVmFromLocation, ExportSnapshot, MigrateMountV1, MountSnapshotV1, PatchMountV1, RefreshCluster, RefreshPrismCentral, RegisterAgentVm, RestoreFilesSnapshot, UpdateCluster, UpdatePrismCentral, or UpdateVm. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationNutanix -BatchExportVm).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationNutanix -BatchExportVm).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the BatchExportVm operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: BatchExportVm $query = New-RscMutationNutanix -BatchExportVm # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # REQUIRED snapshots = @( @{ # OPTIONAL snapshotAfterDate = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snapshotBeforeDate = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString # OPTIONAL vmNamePrefix = $someString # REQUIRED exportConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL nutanixClusterId = $someString # OPTIONAL powerOn = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL removeNetworkDevices = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL vmName = $someString # OPTIONAL keepMacAddresses = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL nicNetworkUuids = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED containerNaturalId = $someString } # REQUIRED vmId = $someString } ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchExportNutanixVmReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the BatchMountVm operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: BatchMountVm $query = New-RscMutationNutanix -BatchMountVm # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # REQUIRED snapshots = @( @{ # OPTIONAL snapshotAfterDate = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snapshotBeforeDate = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString # OPTIONAL vmNamePrefix = $someString # REQUIRED mountConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL containerNaturalId = $someString # OPTIONAL nutanixClusterId = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldMigrateImmediately = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldPowerOn = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldRemoveNetwork = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL targetNetwork = $someString # OPTIONAL vmName = $someString # OPTIONAL keepMacAddresses = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL nicNetworkUuids = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED shouldDisableMigration = $someBoolean } # REQUIRED vmId = $someString } ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchMountNutanixVmReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the BulkOnDemandSnapshotVm operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: BulkOnDemandSnapshotVm $query = New-RscMutationNutanix -BulkOnDemandSnapshotVm # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # REQUIRED vms = @( @{ # REQUIRED backupConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL slaId = $someString } # REQUIRED vmId = $someString } ) } # OPTIONAL userNote = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BulkOnDemandSnapshotNutanixVmReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateCluster operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: CreateCluster $query = New-RscMutationNutanix -CreateCluster # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED nutanixClusterConfig = @{ # REQUIRED caCerts = $someString # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED nutanixClusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateOnDemandBackup operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: CreateOnDemandBackup $query = New-RscMutationNutanix -CreateOnDemandBackup # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL config = @{ # OPTIONAL slaId = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString # OPTIONAL userNote = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreatePrismCentral operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: CreatePrismCentral $query = New-RscMutationNutanix -CreatePrismCentral # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED prismCentralConfig = @{ # REQUIRED caCerts = $someString # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # REQUIRED prismElementCdmTuple = @( @{ # REQUIRED nutanixClusterId = $someString # REQUIRED cdmClusterId = $someString } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchAsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteCluster operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: DeleteCluster $query = New-RscMutationNutanix -DeleteCluster # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteMountV1 operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: DeleteMountV1 $query = New-RscMutationNutanix -DeleteMountV1 # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeletePrismCentral operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: DeletePrismCentral $query = New-RscMutationNutanix -DeletePrismCentral # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchAsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteSnapshot operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: DeleteSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationNutanix -DeleteSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED location = $someInternalDeleteNutanixSnapshotRequestLocation # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.InternalDeleteNutanixSnapshotRequestLocation]) for enum values. # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RequestSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteSnapshots operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: DeleteSnapshots $query = New-RscMutationNutanix -DeleteSnapshots # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RequestSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the DownloadFilesSnapshot operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: DownloadFilesSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationNutanix -DownloadFilesSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL legalHoldDownloadConfig = @{ # REQUIRED isLegalHoldDownload = $someBoolean } # REQUIRED paths = @( $someString ) } # REQUIRED id = $someString # OPTIONAL userNote = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DownloadSnapshot operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: DownloadSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationNutanix -DownloadSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DownloadVmFromLocation operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: DownloadVmFromLocation $query = New-RscMutationNutanix -DownloadVmFromLocation # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL downloadConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL slaId = $someString } # REQUIRED locationId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the ExportSnapshot operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: ExportSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationNutanix -ExportSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL nutanixClusterId = $someString # OPTIONAL powerOn = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL removeNetworkDevices = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL vmName = $someString # OPTIONAL keepMacAddresses = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL nicNetworkUuids = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED containerNaturalId = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the MigrateMountV1 operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: MigrateMountV1 $query = New-RscMutationNutanix -MigrateMountV1 # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the MountSnapshotV1 operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: MountSnapshotV1 $query = New-RscMutationNutanix -MountSnapshotV1 # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL containerNaturalId = $someString # OPTIONAL nutanixClusterId = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldMigrateImmediately = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldPowerOn = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldRemoveNetwork = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL targetNetwork = $someString # OPTIONAL vmName = $someString # OPTIONAL keepMacAddresses = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL nicNetworkUuids = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED shouldDisableMigration = $someBoolean } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the PatchMountV1 operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: PatchMountV1 $query = New-RscMutationNutanix -PatchMountV1 # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # REQUIRED shouldPowerOn = $someBoolean } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: PatchNutanixMountV1Reply </code> </example> <example> Runs the RefreshCluster operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: RefreshCluster $query = New-RscMutationNutanix -RefreshCluster # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the RefreshPrismCentral operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: RefreshPrismCentral $query = New-RscMutationNutanix -RefreshPrismCentral # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchAsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the RegisterAgentVm operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: RegisterAgentVm $query = New-RscMutationNutanix -RegisterAgentVm # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RequestSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the RestoreFilesSnapshot operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: RestoreFilesSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationNutanix -RestoreFilesSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL targetVirtualMachineId = $someString # REQUIRED restoreConfig = @( @{ # REQUIRED path = $someString # REQUIRED restorePath = $someString } ) } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateCluster operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: UpdateCluster $query = New-RscMutationNutanix -UpdateCluster # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED patchProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL caCerts = $someString # OPTIONAL configuredSlaDomainId = $someString # OPTIONAL hostname = $someString # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL username = $someString # OPTIONAL snapshotConsistencyMandate = $someCdmNutanixSnapshotConsistencyMandate # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CdmNutanixSnapshotConsistencyMandate]) for enum values. } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateNutanixClusterReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdatePrismCentral operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: UpdatePrismCentral $query = New-RscMutationNutanix -UpdatePrismCentral # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED patchProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL caCerts = $someString # OPTIONAL configuredSlaDomainId = $someString # OPTIONAL hostname = $someString # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL username = $someString # OPTIONAL isDrEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL nutanixClusters = @( @{ # OPTIONAL name = $someString # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateNutanixPrismCentralReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateVm operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: UpdateVm $query = New-RscMutationNutanix -UpdateVm # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED vmPatchProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL configuredSlaDomainId = $someString # OPTIONAL excludedDiskIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL isPaused = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL postBackupScript = @{ # REQUIRED failureHandling = $someNutanixVirtualMachineScriptDetailFailureHandling # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.NutanixVirtualMachineScriptDetailFailureHandling]) for enum values. # REQUIRED scriptPath = $someString # REQUIRED timeoutMs = $someInt64 } # OPTIONAL postSnapScript = @{ # REQUIRED failureHandling = $someNutanixVirtualMachineScriptDetailFailureHandling # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.NutanixVirtualMachineScriptDetailFailureHandling]) for enum values. # REQUIRED scriptPath = $someString # REQUIRED timeoutMs = $someInt64 } # OPTIONAL preBackupScript = @{ # REQUIRED failureHandling = $someNutanixVirtualMachineScriptDetailFailureHandling # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.NutanixVirtualMachineScriptDetailFailureHandling]) for enum values. # REQUIRED scriptPath = $someString # REQUIRED timeoutMs = $someInt64 } # OPTIONAL snapshotConsistencyMandate = $someCdmNutanixSnapshotConsistencyMandate # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CdmNutanixSnapshotConsistencyMandate]) for enum values. } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationO365"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 31 operations in the 'Office 365' API domain: AddOrg, BackupMailbox, BackupOnedrive, BackupSharePointSite, BackupSharepointDrive, BackupSharepointList, BackupTeam, CreateAppComplete, CreateAppKickoff, DeleteAzureApp, DeleteOrg, DeleteServiceAccount, EnableSharePoint, EnableTeams, ExportMailbox, InsertCustomerApp, OauthConsentComplete, OauthConsentKickoff, PdlGroups, RefreshOrg, RestoreMailbox, RestoreSnappable, RestoreTeamsConversations, RestoreTeamsFiles, SaaSSetupKickoff, SaasSetupComplete, SetServiceAccount, SetupKickoff, UpdateAppAuthStatus, UpdateAppPermissions, or UpdateOrgCustomName. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationO365 creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Office 365' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 31 operations in the 'Office 365' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: AddOrg, BackupMailbox, BackupOnedrive, BackupSharePointSite, BackupSharepointDrive, BackupSharepointList, BackupTeam, CreateAppComplete, CreateAppKickoff, DeleteAzureApp, DeleteOrg, DeleteServiceAccount, EnableSharePoint, EnableTeams, ExportMailbox, InsertCustomerApp, OauthConsentComplete, OauthConsentKickoff, PdlGroups, RefreshOrg, RestoreMailbox, RestoreSnappable, RestoreTeamsConversations, RestoreTeamsFiles, SaaSSetupKickoff, SaasSetupComplete, SetServiceAccount, SetupKickoff, UpdateAppAuthStatus, UpdateAppPermissions, or UpdateOrgCustomName. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationO365 -AddOrg).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationO365 -AddOrg).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the AddOrg operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: AddOrg $query = New-RscMutationO365 -AddOrg # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED tenantId = $someString # REQUIRED stateToken = $someString # REQUIRED exocomputeClusterId = $someString # REQUIRED appTypes = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AddO365OrgResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the BackupMailbox operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: BackupMailbox $query = New-RscMutationO365 -BackupMailbox # REQUIRED $query.Var.mailboxIds = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchAsyncJobStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the BackupOnedrive operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: BackupOnedrive $query = New-RscMutationO365 -BackupOnedrive # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snappableUuids = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchAsyncJobStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the BackupSharePointSite operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: BackupSharePointSite $query = New-RscMutationO365 -BackupSharePointSite # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED siteFid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateOnDemandJobReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the BackupSharepointDrive operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: BackupSharepointDrive $query = New-RscMutationO365 -BackupSharepointDrive # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snappableUuids = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchAsyncJobStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the BackupSharepointList operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: BackupSharepointList $query = New-RscMutationO365 -BackupSharepointList # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snappableUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateOnDemandJobReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the BackupTeam operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: BackupTeam $query = New-RscMutationO365 -BackupTeam # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snappableUuids = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchAsyncJobStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateAppComplete operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: CreateAppComplete $query = New-RscMutationO365 -CreateAppComplete # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED appClientId = $someString # REQUIRED stateToken = $someString # REQUIRED tenantId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateAppKickoff operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: CreateAppKickoff $query = New-RscMutationO365 -CreateAppKickoff # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED orgId = $someString # REQUIRED appType = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateO365AppKickoffResp </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteAzureApp operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: DeleteAzureApp $query = New-RscMutationO365 -DeleteAzureApp # REQUIRED $query.Var.o365AppClientId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.o365AppType = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteOrg operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: DeleteOrg $query = New-RscMutationO365 -DeleteOrg # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateOnDemandJobReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteServiceAccount operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: DeleteServiceAccount $query = New-RscMutationO365 -DeleteServiceAccount # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the EnableSharePoint operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: EnableSharePoint $query = New-RscMutationO365 -EnableSharePoint # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED exocomputeClusterId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the EnableTeams operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: EnableTeams $query = New-RscMutationO365 -EnableTeams # REQUIRED $query.Var.exocomputeClusterId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the ExportMailbox operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: ExportMailbox $query = New-RscMutationO365 -ExportMailbox # REQUIRED $query.Var.exportConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL orgUuid = $someString # REQUIRED fromMailboxUuid = $someString # REQUIRED toMailboxUuid = $someString # OPTIONAL snapshotUuid = $someString # REQUIRED exportConfigs = @( @{ # REQUIRED SnapshotUUID = $someString # OPTIONAL EmailID = $someString # OPTIONAL FolderID = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL actionType = $someO365RestoreActionType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.O365RestoreActionType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL inplaceRestoreConfig = @{ # REQUIRED nameCollisionRule = $someNameCollisionRule # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.NameCollisionRule]) for enum values. } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateOnDemandJobReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the InsertCustomerApp operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: InsertCustomerApp $query = New-RscMutationO365 -InsertCustomerApp # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED appType = $someString # REQUIRED appClientId = $someString # REQUIRED appClientSecret = $someString # REQUIRED subscriptionId = $someString # OPTIONAL base64AppCertificate = $someString # OPTIONAL base64AppPrivateKey = $someString # OPTIONAL updateAppCredentials = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the OauthConsentComplete operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: OauthConsentComplete $query = New-RscMutationO365 -OauthConsentComplete # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED tenantId = $someString # REQUIRED code = $someString # REQUIRED stateToken = $someString # REQUIRED redirectUrl = $someString # REQUIRED resourceNaturalId = $someString # OPTIONAL resourceId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365OauthConsentCompleteReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the OauthConsentKickoff operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: OauthConsentKickoff $query = New-RscMutationO365 -OauthConsentKickoff # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED orgId = $someString # REQUIRED appType = $someString # OPTIONAL resourceId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365OauthConsentKickoffReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the PdlGroups operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: PdlGroups $query = New-RscMutationO365 -PdlGroups # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED orgId = $someString # REQUIRED pdlAndWorkloadPairs = @( @{ # REQUIRED pdl = $someString # REQUIRED workload = $someWorkloadLevelHierarchy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.WorkloadLevelHierarchy]) for enum values. } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365PdlGroupsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the RefreshOrg operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: RefreshOrg $query = New-RscMutationO365 -RefreshOrg # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateOnDemandJobReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the RestoreMailbox operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: RestoreMailbox $query = New-RscMutationO365 -RestoreMailbox # REQUIRED $query.Var.restoreConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL orgUuid = $someString # REQUIRED mailboxUuid = $someString # OPTIONAL snapshotUuid = $someString # REQUIRED restoreConfigs = @( @{ # REQUIRED SnapshotUUID = $someString # OPTIONAL EmailID = $someString # OPTIONAL FolderID = $someString } ) # REQUIRED actionType = $someO365RestoreActionType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.O365RestoreActionType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL inplaceRestoreConfig = @{ # REQUIRED nameCollisionRule = $someNameCollisionRule # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.NameCollisionRule]) for enum values. } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateOnDemandJobReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the RestoreSnappable operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: RestoreSnappable $query = New-RscMutationO365 -RestoreSnappable # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snappableType = $someSnappableType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnappableType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED sourceSnappableUuid = $someString # REQUIRED destinationSnappableUuid = $someString # REQUIRED restoreConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL destinationOrgUuid = $someString # OPTIONAL SharePointDriveRestoreConfig = @{ # REQUIRED driveRestoreConfig = @{ # REQUIRED filesToRestore = @( @{ # REQUIRED fileId = $someString # REQUIRED fileName = $someString # REQUIRED fileSnapshotsToRestore = @( @{ # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotNum = $someInt # REQUIRED fileSize = $someInt64 } ) # OPTIONAL channelInfo = @{ # REQUIRED TeamID = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelID = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelName = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelFolderName = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelNaturalId = $someString # REQUIRED channelMembershipType = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. } } ) # REQUIRED foldersToRestore = @( @{ # REQUIRED folderId = $someString # REQUIRED folderName = $someString # REQUIRED folderSize = $someInt64 # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotNum = $someInt # OPTIONAL channelInfo = @{ # REQUIRED TeamID = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelID = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelName = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelFolderName = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelNaturalId = $someString # REQUIRED channelMembershipType = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. } } ) # REQUIRED restoreFolderPath = $someString } # OPTIONAL docLibName = $someString # OPTIONAL parentSiteUuid = $someString } # OPTIONAL sharePointListRestoreConfig = @{ # REQUIRED itemsToRestore = @( @{ # REQUIRED itemId = $someString # REQUIRED itemName = $someString # REQUIRED itemSnapshotsToRestore = @( @{ # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotNum = $someInt } ) } ) # REQUIRED foldersToRestore = @( @{ # REQUIRED folderId = $someString # REQUIRED folderName = $someString # REQUIRED folderSize = $someInt64 # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotNum = $someInt # OPTIONAL channelInfo = @{ # REQUIRED TeamID = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelID = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelName = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelFolderName = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelNaturalId = $someString # REQUIRED channelMembershipType = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. } } ) # REQUIRED restoreFolderPath = $someString # OPTIONAL listName = $someString # OPTIONAL parentSiteUuid = $someString } # OPTIONAL sharePointFullRestoreConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL spObjectToRestore = @{ # REQUIRED objectSharepointId = $someString # OPTIONAL objectId = $someString # REQUIRED objectName = $someString # OPTIONAL objectType = $someSnappableType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnappableType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotNum = $someInt # OPTIONAL siteOwnerEmail = $someString } # OPTIONAL spItemsToRestore = @{ # REQUIRED sharepointId = $someString # OPTIONAL objectId = $someString # OPTIONAL snappableType = $someSnappableType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnappableType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED listItems = @( @{ # REQUIRED itemId = $someString # REQUIRED itemName = $someString # REQUIRED itemSnapshotsToRestore = @( @{ # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotNum = $someInt } ) } ) # REQUIRED folderItems = @( @{ # REQUIRED folderId = $someString # REQUIRED folderName = $someString # REQUIRED folderSize = $someInt64 # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotNum = $someInt # OPTIONAL channelInfo = @{ # REQUIRED TeamID = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelID = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelName = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelFolderName = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelNaturalId = $someString # REQUIRED channelMembershipType = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. } } ) # REQUIRED fileItems = @( @{ # REQUIRED fileId = $someString # REQUIRED fileName = $someString # REQUIRED fileSnapshotsToRestore = @( @{ # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotNum = $someInt # REQUIRED fileSize = $someInt64 } ) # OPTIONAL channelInfo = @{ # REQUIRED TeamID = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelID = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelName = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelFolderName = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelNaturalId = $someString # REQUIRED channelMembershipType = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. } } ) # REQUIRED arePageLibraryItems = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL targetObjectUuid = $someString # OPTIONAL targetObjectType = $someSnappableType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnappableType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED shouldCreateNewObject = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL newObjectType = $someSnappableType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnappableType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL newObjectName = $someString } # OPTIONAL OneDriveRestoreConfig = @{ # REQUIRED filesToRestore = @( @{ # REQUIRED fileId = $someString # REQUIRED fileName = $someString # REQUIRED fileSnapshotsToRestore = @( @{ # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotNum = $someInt # REQUIRED fileSize = $someInt64 } ) # OPTIONAL channelInfo = @{ # REQUIRED TeamID = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelID = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelName = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelFolderName = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelNaturalId = $someString # REQUIRED channelMembershipType = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. } } ) # REQUIRED foldersToRestore = @( @{ # REQUIRED folderId = $someString # REQUIRED folderName = $someString # REQUIRED folderSize = $someInt64 # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotNum = $someInt # OPTIONAL channelInfo = @{ # REQUIRED TeamID = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelID = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelName = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelFolderName = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelNaturalId = $someString # REQUIRED channelMembershipType = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. } } ) # REQUIRED restoreFolderPath = $someString } # OPTIONAL TeamsRestoreConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL filesRestoreConfig = @{ # REQUIRED filesToRestore = @( @{ # REQUIRED fileId = $someString # REQUIRED fileName = $someString # REQUIRED fileSnapshotsToRestore = @( @{ # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotNum = $someInt # REQUIRED fileSize = $someInt64 } ) # OPTIONAL channelInfo = @{ # REQUIRED TeamID = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelID = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelName = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelFolderName = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelNaturalId = $someString # REQUIRED channelMembershipType = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. } } ) # REQUIRED foldersToRestore = @( @{ # REQUIRED folderId = $someString # REQUIRED folderName = $someString # REQUIRED folderSize = $someInt64 # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotNum = $someInt # OPTIONAL channelInfo = @{ # REQUIRED TeamID = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelID = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelName = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelFolderName = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelNaturalId = $someString # REQUIRED channelMembershipType = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. } } ) # REQUIRED restoreFolderPath = $someString } # OPTIONAL conversationsRestoreConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL SearchFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL PostedTime = @{ # OPTIONAL FromTime = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL UntilTime = $someInt64 } # OPTIONAL PostedBy = $someString # OPTIONAL SnapshotId = $someString } # OPTIONAL ChannelInfoForFullRestore = @{ # REQUIRED TeamID = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelID = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelName = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelFolderName = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelFolderId = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelNaturalId = $someString } # REQUIRED RefreshTokenEncrypted = $someString # REQUIRED O365AppID = $someString # REQUIRED ChannelsToRestore = @( @{ # REQUIRED TeamID = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelID = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelName = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelFolderName = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelFolderId = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelNaturalId = $someString } ) # REQUIRED ShouldRestoreFileAttachments = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL destChannelInfo = @{ # REQUIRED TeamID = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelID = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelName = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelFolderName = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelNaturalId = $someString # REQUIRED channelMembershipType = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. } # REQUIRED shouldCreateDestChannel = $someBoolean # REQUIRED channelType = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED restoreLatestPermissions = $someBoolean # REQUIRED snapshotSequenceNum = $someInt } # OPTIONAL MailboxRestoreConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL SnapshotUUID = $someString # REQUIRED RestoreConfigs = @( @{ # REQUIRED SnapshotUUID = $someString # OPTIONAL EmailID = $someString # OPTIONAL FolderID = $someString } ) } # OPTIONAL calendarRestoreConfig = @{ # REQUIRED eventsToRestore = @( @{ # REQUIRED eventId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString } ) # REQUIRED calendarsToRestore = @( @{ # REQUIRED calendarId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString } ) # REQUIRED calendarGroupsToRestore = @( @{ # REQUIRED calendarGroupId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString } ) } # OPTIONAL contactsRestoreConfig = @{ # REQUIRED contactsToRestore = @( @{ # REQUIRED contactId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotNum = $someInt } ) # REQUIRED contactFoldersToRestore = @( @{ # REQUIRED contactFolderId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotNum = $someInt } ) } # OPTIONAL inplaceRestoreConfig = @{ # REQUIRED nameCollisionRule = $someNameCollisionRule # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.NameCollisionRule]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL failedItemsRecoveryConfig = @{ # REQUIRED failedItemsInstanceId = $someString } # OPTIONAL relicRestoreConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL unused = $someBoolean } } # REQUIRED actionType = $someO365RestoreActionType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.O365RestoreActionType]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateOnDemandJobReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the RestoreTeamsConversations operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: RestoreTeamsConversations $query = New-RscMutationO365 -RestoreTeamsConversations # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED teamUuid = $someString # OPTIONAL destTeamsChannelInfo = @{ # REQUIRED TeamID = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelID = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelName = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelFolderName = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelNaturalId = $someString # REQUIRED channelMembershipType = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. } # REQUIRED shouldCreateDestChannel = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL channelInfoForFullRestore = @{ # REQUIRED naturalId = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED folderId = $someString # REQUIRED membershipType = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. } # REQUIRED shouldRestoreFileAttachments = $someBoolean # REQUIRED teamChannels = @( @{ # REQUIRED naturalId = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED folderId = $someString # REQUIRED membershipType = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. } ) # OPTIONAL teamsConversationsSearchFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL postedTime = @{ # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL untilTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL channelNaturalId = $someString # OPTIONAL postedBy = $someString # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString # OPTIONAL parentId = $someString # OPTIONAL convId = $someString # OPTIONAL snapshotNum = $someInt # OPTIONAL includeArchived = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL fetchAllPostSenders = $someString # OPTIONAL skipPostsAttachments = $someBoolean } # REQUIRED refreshTokenEncrypted = $someString # REQUIRED o365AppId = $someString # REQUIRED channelRecoveryType = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED recoverWithLatestPermissions = $someBoolean # REQUIRED snapshotSequenceNum = $someInt } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateOnDemandJobReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the RestoreTeamsFiles operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: RestoreTeamsFiles $query = New-RscMutationO365 -RestoreTeamsFiles # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED filesToRestore = @( @{ # REQUIRED fileId = $someString # REQUIRED fileName = $someString # REQUIRED fileSnapshotsToRestore = @( @{ # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotNum = $someInt # REQUIRED fileSize = $someInt64 } ) # OPTIONAL channelInfo = @{ # REQUIRED TeamID = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelID = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelName = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelFolderName = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelNaturalId = $someString # REQUIRED channelMembershipType = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. } } ) # REQUIRED foldersToRestore = @( @{ # REQUIRED folderId = $someString # REQUIRED folderName = $someString # REQUIRED folderSize = $someInt64 # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotNum = $someInt # OPTIONAL channelInfo = @{ # REQUIRED TeamID = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelID = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelName = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelFolderName = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelNaturalId = $someString # REQUIRED channelMembershipType = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. } } ) # OPTIONAL destTeamsChannelInfo = @{ # REQUIRED TeamID = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelID = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelName = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelFolderName = $someString # OPTIONAL ChannelNaturalId = $someString # REQUIRED channelMembershipType = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. } # REQUIRED shouldCreateDestChannel = $someBoolean # REQUIRED actionType = $someO365RestoreActionType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.O365RestoreActionType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED channelRecoveryType = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED recoverWithLatestPermissions = $someBoolean # REQUIRED snapshotSequenceNum = $someInt } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateOnDemandJobReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the SaaSSetupKickoff operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: SaaSSetupKickoff $query = New-RscMutationO365 -SaaSSetupKickoff # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365SaasSetupKickoffReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the SaasSetupComplete operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: SaasSetupComplete $query = New-RscMutationO365 -SaasSetupComplete # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED tenantId = $someString # REQUIRED regionName = $someString # REQUIRED stateToken = $someString # REQUIRED appTypes = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL kmsSpec = @{ # OPTIONAL cloudType = $someO365AzureCloudType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.O365AzureCloudType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tenantId = $someString # OPTIONAL kmsId = $someString # OPTIONAL appId = $someString # OPTIONAL appSecret = $someString # OPTIONAL keyName = $someString # OPTIONAL kekNameColossus = $someString } # REQUIRED storeBackupInSameRegionAsData = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AddO365OrgResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the SetServiceAccount operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: SetServiceAccount $query = New-RscMutationO365 -SetServiceAccount # REQUIRED $query.Var.username = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.appPassword = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the SetupKickoff operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: SetupKickoff $query = New-RscMutationO365 -SetupKickoff # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365SetupKickoffResp </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateAppAuthStatus operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: UpdateAppAuthStatus $query = New-RscMutationO365 -UpdateAppAuthStatus # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED o365OrgId = $someString # REQUIRED o365AppId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateO365AppAuthStatusReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateAppPermissions operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: UpdateAppPermissions $query = New-RscMutationO365 -UpdateAppPermissions # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED o365AppType = $someO365AppType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.O365AppType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED o365AppId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateOrgCustomName operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: UpdateOrgCustomName $query = New-RscMutationO365 -UpdateOrgCustomName # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED orgUuid = $someString # REQUIRED customName = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateO365OrgCustomNameReply </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationOracle"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 18 operations in the 'Oracle' API domain: BulkUpdateDatabases, BulkUpdateHosts, BulkUpdateRacs, CreatePdbRestore, DeleteAllDatabaseSnapshots, DeleteMount, DownloadDatabaseSnapshot, ExportDatabase, ExportTablespace, InstantRecoverSnapshot, MountDatabase, RefreshDatabase, RestoreLogs, TakeOnDemandDatabaseSnapshot, TakeOnDemandLogSnapshot, UpdateDataGuardGroup, ValidateAcoFile, or ValidateDatabaseBackups. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationOracle creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Oracle' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 18 operations in the 'Oracle' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: BulkUpdateDatabases, BulkUpdateHosts, BulkUpdateRacs, CreatePdbRestore, DeleteAllDatabaseSnapshots, DeleteMount, DownloadDatabaseSnapshot, ExportDatabase, ExportTablespace, InstantRecoverSnapshot, MountDatabase, RefreshDatabase, RestoreLogs, TakeOnDemandDatabaseSnapshot, TakeOnDemandLogSnapshot, UpdateDataGuardGroup, ValidateAcoFile, or ValidateDatabaseBackups. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationOracle -BulkUpdateDatabases).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationOracle -BulkUpdateDatabases).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the BulkUpdateDatabases operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: BulkUpdateDatabases $query = New-RscMutationOracle -BulkUpdateDatabases # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED bulkUpdateProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL oracleUpdate = @{ # OPTIONAL configuredSlaDomainId = $someString # OPTIONAL hostMount = $someString # OPTIONAL logBackupFrequencyInMinutes = $someInt # OPTIONAL logRetentionHours = $someInt # OPTIONAL numChannels = $someInt # OPTIONAL hostLogRetentionHours = $someInt # OPTIONAL configuredSlaDomainIdDeprecated = $someString # OPTIONAL nodeOrder = @( @{ # REQUIRED nodeName = $someString # REQUIRED order = $someInt } ) # OPTIONAL shouldDistributeBackupsAutomatically = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL oracleUpdateCommon = @{ # OPTIONAL hostLogRetentionHours = $someInt # OPTIONAL hostMount = $someString # OPTIONAL logBackupFrequencyInMinutes = $someInt # OPTIONAL logRetentionHours = $someInt # OPTIONAL numChannels = $someInt # OPTIONAL hasLogConfigFromSla = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldEnableHighFileCountSupport = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldUseSecureThriftForDataTransfer = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL sectionSizeInGb = $someInt # OPTIONAL isPaused = $someBoolean } } # REQUIRED ids = @( $someString ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BulkUpdateOracleDatabasesReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the BulkUpdateHosts operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: BulkUpdateHosts $query = New-RscMutationOracle -BulkUpdateHosts # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED bulkUpdateProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL oracleUpdate = @{ # OPTIONAL configuredSlaDomainId = $someString # OPTIONAL hostMount = $someString # OPTIONAL logBackupFrequencyInMinutes = $someInt # OPTIONAL logRetentionHours = $someInt # OPTIONAL numChannels = $someInt # OPTIONAL hostLogRetentionHours = $someInt # OPTIONAL configuredSlaDomainIdDeprecated = $someString # OPTIONAL nodeOrder = @( @{ # REQUIRED nodeName = $someString # REQUIRED order = $someInt } ) # OPTIONAL shouldDistributeBackupsAutomatically = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL oracleUpdateCommon = @{ # OPTIONAL hostLogRetentionHours = $someInt # OPTIONAL hostMount = $someString # OPTIONAL logBackupFrequencyInMinutes = $someInt # OPTIONAL logRetentionHours = $someInt # OPTIONAL numChannels = $someInt # OPTIONAL hasLogConfigFromSla = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldEnableHighFileCountSupport = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldUseSecureThriftForDataTransfer = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL sectionSizeInGb = $someInt # OPTIONAL isPaused = $someBoolean } } # REQUIRED ids = @( $someString ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BulkUpdateOracleHostsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the BulkUpdateRacs operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: BulkUpdateRacs $query = New-RscMutationOracle -BulkUpdateRacs # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED bulkUpdateProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL oracleUpdate = @{ # OPTIONAL configuredSlaDomainId = $someString # OPTIONAL hostMount = $someString # OPTIONAL logBackupFrequencyInMinutes = $someInt # OPTIONAL logRetentionHours = $someInt # OPTIONAL numChannels = $someInt # OPTIONAL hostLogRetentionHours = $someInt # OPTIONAL configuredSlaDomainIdDeprecated = $someString # OPTIONAL nodeOrder = @( @{ # REQUIRED nodeName = $someString # REQUIRED order = $someInt } ) # OPTIONAL shouldDistributeBackupsAutomatically = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL oracleUpdateCommon = @{ # OPTIONAL hostLogRetentionHours = $someInt # OPTIONAL hostMount = $someString # OPTIONAL logBackupFrequencyInMinutes = $someInt # OPTIONAL logRetentionHours = $someInt # OPTIONAL numChannels = $someInt # OPTIONAL hasLogConfigFromSla = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldEnableHighFileCountSupport = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldUseSecureThriftForDataTransfer = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL sectionSizeInGb = $someInt # OPTIONAL isPaused = $someBoolean } } # REQUIRED ids = @( $someString ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BulkUpdateOracleRacsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreatePdbRestore operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: CreatePdbRestore $query = New-RscMutationOracle -CreatePdbRestore # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # REQUIRED pdbsToRestore = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED recoveryPoint = @{ # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString # OPTIONAL timestampMs = $someInt64 } } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteAllDatabaseSnapshots operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: DeleteAllDatabaseSnapshots $query = New-RscMutationOracle -DeleteAllDatabaseSnapshots # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteMount operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: DeleteMount $query = New-RscMutationOracle -DeleteMount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL force = $someBoolean # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DownloadDatabaseSnapshot operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: DownloadDatabaseSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationOracle -DownloadDatabaseSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the ExportDatabase operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: ExportDatabase $query = New-RscMutationOracle -ExportDatabase # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED request = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL restoreFilesPath = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldRestoreFilesOnly = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL targetMountPath = $someString # OPTIONAL advancedRecoveryConfigBase64 = $someString # OPTIONAL archiveLogPath = $someString # OPTIONAL cloneDbName = $someString # OPTIONAL customPfilePath = $someString # OPTIONAL numChannels = $someInt # OPTIONAL postScriptPath = $someString # OPTIONAL preScriptPath = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldStopRecoveryOnPreScriptFailure = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL pdbsToClone = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL shouldSkipDropDbInUndo = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL targetRacHostIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL targetRacPrimaryHostId = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldAllowRenameToSource = $someBoolean # REQUIRED recoveryPoint = @{ # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString # OPTIONAL timestampMs = $someInt64 } # REQUIRED targetOracleHostOrRacId = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # OPTIONAL advancedRecoveryConfigMap = @( @{ # OPTIONAL key = $someString # OPTIONAL value = $someString } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the ExportTablespace operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: ExportTablespace $query = New-RscMutationOracle -ExportTablespace # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL exposeAllLogs = $someBoolean # REQUIRED auxiliaryDestinationPath = $someString # REQUIRED recoveryPoint = @{ # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString # OPTIONAL timestampMs = $someInt64 } # REQUIRED tablespaceName = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the InstantRecoverSnapshot operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: InstantRecoverSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationOracle -InstantRecoverSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL numChannels = $someInt # OPTIONAL shouldSkipDropDbInUndo = $someBoolean # REQUIRED recoveryPoint = @{ # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString # OPTIONAL timestampMs = $someInt64 } } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the MountDatabase operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: MountDatabase $query = New-RscMutationOracle -MountDatabase # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED request = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL shouldMountFilesOnly = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL targetMountPath = $someString # OPTIONAL advancedRecoveryConfigBase64 = $someString # OPTIONAL customPfilePath = $someString # OPTIONAL numChannels = $someInt # OPTIONAL postScriptPath = $someString # OPTIONAL preScriptPath = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldStopRecoveryOnPreScriptFailure = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL pdbsToLiveMount = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL targetRacHostIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL shouldSkipDropDbInUndo = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL lmDbName = $someString # OPTIONAL targetRacPrimaryHostId = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldAllowRenameToSource = $someBoolean # REQUIRED recoveryPoint = @{ # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString # OPTIONAL timestampMs = $someInt64 } # REQUIRED targetOracleHostOrRacId = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # OPTIONAL advancedRecoveryConfigMap = @( @{ # OPTIONAL key = $someString # OPTIONAL value = $someString } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the RefreshDatabase operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: RefreshDatabase $query = New-RscMutationOracle -RefreshDatabase # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the RestoreLogs operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: RestoreLogs $query = New-RscMutationOracle -RestoreLogs # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL targetMountPath = $someString # REQUIRED oracleLogRecoveryRange = @{ # OPTIONAL oracleTimeRange = @{ # OPTIONAL endTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL startTime = $someDateTime } } # REQUIRED shouldMountFilesOnly = $someBoolean # REQUIRED targetOracleHostOrRacId = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the TakeOnDemandDatabaseSnapshot operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: TakeOnDemandDatabaseSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationOracle -TakeOnDemandDatabaseSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL forceFullSnapshot = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL baseOnDemandSnapshotConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL slaId = $someString } } # REQUIRED id = $someString # OPTIONAL userNote = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the TakeOnDemandLogSnapshot operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: TakeOnDemandLogSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationOracle -TakeOnDemandLogSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateDataGuardGroup operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: UpdateDataGuardGroup $query = New-RscMutationOracle -UpdateDataGuardGroup # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED updateProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL preferredDgMemberUniqueNames = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL shouldBackupFromPrimaryOnly = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL oracleUpdateCommon = @{ # OPTIONAL hostLogRetentionHours = $someInt # OPTIONAL hostMount = $someString # OPTIONAL logBackupFrequencyInMinutes = $someInt # OPTIONAL logRetentionHours = $someInt # OPTIONAL numChannels = $someInt # OPTIONAL hasLogConfigFromSla = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldEnableHighFileCountSupport = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldUseSecureThriftForDataTransfer = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL sectionSizeInGb = $someInt # OPTIONAL isPaused = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL shouldUseSepsWallet = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldForceDisableDgDiscovery = $someBoolean } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: OracleDbDetail </code> </example> <example> Runs the ValidateAcoFile operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: ValidateAcoFile $query = New-RscMutationOracle -ValidateAcoFile # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED acoContentsBase64 = $someString # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED isLiveMount = $someBoolean # REQUIRED dbId = $someString # OPTIONAL isDifferentTargetDbName = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ValidateOracleAcoFileReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the ValidateDatabaseBackups operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: ValidateDatabaseBackups $query = New-RscMutationOracle -ValidateDatabaseBackups # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL numChannels = $someInt # OPTIONAL sgaMaxSizeInMb = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL targetMountPath = $someString # OPTIONAL targetOracleHome = $someString # REQUIRED recoveryPoint = @{ # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString # OPTIONAL timestampMs = $someInt64 } # REQUIRED targetOracleHostOrRacId = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationPolicy"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 12 operations in the 'Policy' API domain: AddPolicyObjects, CreatePolicy, DeactivatePolicy, GetHealthMonitorPolicyStatus, RemovePolicyObjects, SeedEnabledPolicies, SeedInitialPolicies, SetPasswordComplexityPolicy, UpdateAutoEnablePolicyClusterConfig, UpdateHealthMonitorPolicyStatus, UpdateOrgSecurityPolicy, or UpdatePolicy. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationPolicy creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Policy' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 12 operations in the 'Policy' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: AddPolicyObjects, CreatePolicy, DeactivatePolicy, GetHealthMonitorPolicyStatus, RemovePolicyObjects, SeedEnabledPolicies, SeedInitialPolicies, SetPasswordComplexityPolicy, UpdateAutoEnablePolicyClusterConfig, UpdateHealthMonitorPolicyStatus, UpdateOrgSecurityPolicy, or UpdatePolicy. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationPolicy -AddPolicyObjects).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationPolicy -AddPolicyObjects).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the AddPolicyObjects operation of the 'Policy' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Policy # API Operation: AddPolicyObjects $query = New-RscMutationPolicy -AddPolicyObjects # REQUIRED $query.Var.policyIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.objectIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.objectRootIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterIds = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreatePolicy operation of the 'Policy' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Policy # API Operation: CreatePolicy $query = New-RscMutationPolicy -CreatePolicy # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL id = $someString # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL description = $someString # OPTIONAL colorEnum = $someClassificationPolicyColor # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClassificationPolicyColor]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL mode = $someClassificationPolicyMode # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClassificationPolicyMode]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL analyzerIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL updateName = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL updateDescription = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL updateMode = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL updateAnalyzerIds = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ClassificationPolicyDetail </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeactivatePolicy operation of the 'Policy' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Policy # API Operation: DeactivatePolicy $query = New-RscMutationPolicy -DeactivatePolicy # REQUIRED $query.Var.policyId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.runAsync = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<System.String> </code> </example> <example> Runs the GetHealthMonitorPolicyStatus operation of the 'Policy' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Policy # API Operation: GetHealthMonitorPolicyStatus $query = New-RscMutationPolicy -GetHealthMonitorPolicyStatus # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL hasDetailedStatus = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL nodeIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL policyIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GetHealthMonitorPolicyStatusReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the RemovePolicyObjects operation of the 'Policy' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Policy # API Operation: RemovePolicyObjects $query = New-RscMutationPolicy -RemovePolicyObjects # REQUIRED $query.Var.policyIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.objectIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.objectRootIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.runAsync = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<System.String> </code> </example> <example> Runs the SeedEnabledPolicies operation of the 'Policy' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Policy # API Operation: SeedEnabledPolicies $query = New-RscMutationPolicy -SeedEnabledPolicies # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SeedEnabledPoliciesReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the SeedInitialPolicies operation of the 'Policy' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Policy # API Operation: SeedInitialPolicies $query = New-RscMutationPolicy -SeedInitialPolicies # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SeedInitialPoliciesReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the SetPasswordComplexityPolicy operation of the 'Policy' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Policy # API Operation: SetPasswordComplexityPolicy $query = New-RscMutationPolicy -SetPasswordComplexityPolicy # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED policy = @{ # REQUIRED lengthPolicy = @{ # OPTIONAL minValue = $someInt # OPTIONAL maxValue = $someInt # OPTIONAL defaultValue = $someInt # REQUIRED isActive = $someBoolean } # REQUIRED lowercasePolicy = @{ # OPTIONAL minValue = $someInt # OPTIONAL maxValue = $someInt # OPTIONAL defaultValue = $someInt # REQUIRED isActive = $someBoolean } # REQUIRED uppercasePolicy = @{ # OPTIONAL minValue = $someInt # OPTIONAL maxValue = $someInt # OPTIONAL defaultValue = $someInt # REQUIRED isActive = $someBoolean } # REQUIRED specialCharsPolicy = @{ # OPTIONAL minValue = $someInt # OPTIONAL maxValue = $someInt # OPTIONAL defaultValue = $someInt # REQUIRED isActive = $someBoolean } # REQUIRED numericPolicy = @{ # OPTIONAL minValue = $someInt # OPTIONAL maxValue = $someInt # OPTIONAL defaultValue = $someInt # REQUIRED isActive = $someBoolean } # REQUIRED passwordReusePolicy = @{ # OPTIONAL minValue = $someInt # OPTIONAL maxValue = $someInt # OPTIONAL defaultValue = $someInt # REQUIRED isActive = $someBoolean } # REQUIRED passwordExpirationPolicy = @{ # OPTIONAL minValue = $someInt # OPTIONAL maxValue = $someInt # OPTIONAL defaultValue = $someInt # REQUIRED isActive = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL leakedDetectionPolicy = @{ # OPTIONAL minValue = $someInt # OPTIONAL maxValue = $someInt # OPTIONAL defaultValue = $someInt # REQUIRED isActive = $someBoolean } } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateAutoEnablePolicyClusterConfig operation of the 'Policy' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Policy # API Operation: UpdateAutoEnablePolicyClusterConfig $query = New-RscMutationPolicy -UpdateAutoEnablePolicyClusterConfig # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL clusterId = $someString # OPTIONAL enabled = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateAutoEnablePolicyClusterConfigReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateHealthMonitorPolicyStatus operation of the 'Policy' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Policy # API Operation: UpdateHealthMonitorPolicyStatus $query = New-RscMutationPolicy -UpdateHealthMonitorPolicyStatus # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED runRequest = @{ # OPTIONAL nodeIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED policyIds = @( $someString ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateHealthMonitorPolicyStatusReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateOrgSecurityPolicy operation of the 'Policy' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Policy # API Operation: UpdateOrgSecurityPolicy $query = New-RscMutationPolicy -UpdateOrgSecurityPolicy # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL disallowWeakerPolicy = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdatePolicy operation of the 'Policy' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Policy # API Operation: UpdatePolicy $query = New-RscMutationPolicy -UpdatePolicy # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL id = $someString # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL description = $someString # OPTIONAL colorEnum = $someClassificationPolicyColor # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClassificationPolicyColor]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL mode = $someClassificationPolicyMode # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClassificationPolicyMode]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL analyzerIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL updateName = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL updateDescription = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL updateMode = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL updateAnalyzerIds = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ClassificationPolicyDetail </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationRansomware"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 2 operations in the 'Ransomware' API domain: BulkUpdateInvestigationStatus, or TriggerDetection. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationRansomware creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Ransomware' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 2 operations in the 'Ransomware' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: BulkUpdateInvestigationStatus, or TriggerDetection. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationRansomware -BulkUpdateInvestigationStatus).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationRansomware -BulkUpdateInvestigationStatus).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the BulkUpdateInvestigationStatus operation of the 'Ransomware' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Ransomware # API Operation: BulkUpdateInvestigationStatus $query = New-RscMutationRansomware -BulkUpdateInvestigationStatus # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED entities = @( @{ # REQUIRED entityType = $someDataThreatAnalyticsEnablementEntity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DataThreatAnalyticsEnablementEntity]) for enum values. # REQUIRED entityId = $someString } ) # REQUIRED isRansomwareMonitoringEnabled = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the TriggerDetection operation of the 'Ransomware' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Ransomware # API Operation: TriggerDetection $query = New-RscMutationRansomware -TriggerDetection # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL clusterUuid = $someString # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString # OPTIONAL managedId = $someString # OPTIONAL previousSnapshotId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: TriggerRansomwareDetectionReply </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationRcs"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 4 operations in the 'RCS' API domain: CreateAutomaticRcsTargetMapping, CreateRcsReaderTarget, CreateRcsTarget, or UpdateRcsAutomaticTargetMapping. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationRcs creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'RCS' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 4 operations in the 'RCS' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: CreateAutomaticRcsTargetMapping, CreateRcsReaderTarget, CreateRcsTarget, or UpdateRcsAutomaticTargetMapping. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationRcs -CreateAutomaticRcsTargetMapping).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationRcs -CreateAutomaticRcsTargetMapping).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the CreateAutomaticRcsTargetMapping operation of the 'RCS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Rcs # API Operation: CreateAutomaticRcsTargetMapping $query = New-RscMutationRcs -CreateAutomaticRcsTargetMapping # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED region = $someRcsRegionEnumType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RcsRegionEnumType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL rsaKey = $someString # REQUIRED tier = $someRcsTierEnumType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RcsTierEnumType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL lockDurationDays = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL clusterUuidList = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL ipMapping = @( @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED ips = @( $someString ) } ) # OPTIONAL shouldBypassProxy = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: TargetMapping </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateRcsReaderTarget operation of the 'RCS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Rcs # API Operation: CreateRcsReaderTarget $query = New-RscMutationRcs -CreateRcsReaderTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED readerLocationName = $someString # REQUIRED rcsArchivalLocationName = $someString # REQUIRED readerRetrievalMethod = $someReaderRetrievalMethod # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReaderRetrievalMethod]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Target </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateRcsTarget operation of the 'RCS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Rcs # API Operation: CreateRcsTarget $query = New-RscMutationRcs -CreateRcsTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED tier = $someRcsTierEnumType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RcsTierEnumType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED instanceType = $someInstanceTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.InstanceTypeEnum]) for enum values. # REQUIRED rsaKey = $someString # REQUIRED region = $someRcsRegionEnumType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RcsRegionEnumType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED spaceUsageAlertThreshold = $someInt # REQUIRED lockDurationDays = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL shouldBypassProxy = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Target </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateRcsAutomaticTargetMapping operation of the 'RCS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Rcs # API Operation: UpdateRcsAutomaticTargetMapping $query = New-RscMutationRcs -UpdateRcsAutomaticTargetMapping # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # OPTIONAL name = $someString # REQUIRED lockDurationDays = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL clusterUuidList = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL shouldBypassProxy = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: TargetMapping </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationRcv"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 4 operations in the 'RCV' API domain: ApprovePrivateEndpoint, CreateLocationsFromTemplate, CreatePrivateEndpointApprovalRequest, or UpdateTarget. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationRcv creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'RCV' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 4 operations in the 'RCV' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: ApprovePrivateEndpoint, CreateLocationsFromTemplate, CreatePrivateEndpointApprovalRequest, or UpdateTarget. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationRcv -ApprovePrivateEndpoint).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationRcv -ApprovePrivateEndpoint).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the ApprovePrivateEndpoint operation of the 'RCV' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Rcv # API Operation: ApprovePrivateEndpoint $query = New-RscMutationRcv -ApprovePrivateEndpoint # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED locationId = $someString # REQUIRED privateEndpointId = $someString # REQUIRED requestMessage = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ApproveRcvPrivateEndpointReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateLocationsFromTemplate operation of the 'RCV' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Rcv # API Operation: CreateLocationsFromTemplate $query = New-RscMutationRcv -CreateLocationsFromTemplate # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED region = $someRcsRegionEnumType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RcsRegionEnumType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED tier = $someRcsTierEnumType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RcsTierEnumType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL lockDurationDays = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL clusterUuidList = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL ipMapping = @( @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED ips = @( $someString ) } ) # OPTIONAL shouldBypassProxy = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL rsaKey = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<Target> </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreatePrivateEndpointApprovalRequest operation of the 'RCV' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Rcv # API Operation: CreatePrivateEndpointApprovalRequest $query = New-RscMutationRcv -CreatePrivateEndpointApprovalRequest # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED locationId = $someString # REQUIRED privateEndpointId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateRcvPrivateEndpointApprovalRequestReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateTarget operation of the 'RCV' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Rcv # API Operation: UpdateTarget $query = New-RscMutationRcv -UpdateTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # OPTIONAL name = $someString # REQUIRED lockDurationDays = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL ipMapping = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED ips = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL shouldBypassProxy = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Target </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationReplication"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 6 operations in the 'Replication' API domain: CreatePair, DeletePair, DisablePause, EnablePause, UpdateNetworkThrottleBypass, or UpdateTarget. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationReplication creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Replication' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 6 operations in the 'Replication' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: CreatePair, DeletePair, DisablePause, EnablePause, UpdateNetworkThrottleBypass, or UpdateTarget. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationReplication -CreatePair).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationReplication -CreatePair).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the CreatePair operation of the 'Replication' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Replication # API Operation: CreatePair $query = New-RscMutationReplication -CreatePair # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL sourceGateway = @{ # REQUIRED address = $someString # REQUIRED ports = @( $someInt ) } # OPTIONAL targetGateway = @{ # REQUIRED address = $someString # REQUIRED ports = @( $someInt ) } # OPTIONAL targetNetworkInterface = @{ # OPTIONAL type = $someReplicationInterfaceType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReplicationInterfaceType]) for enum values. } # REQUIRED sourceClusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED targetClusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED setupType = $someReplicationSetupType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReplicationSetupType]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeletePair operation of the 'Replication' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Replication # API Operation: DeletePair $query = New-RscMutationReplication -DeletePair # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED sourceClusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED targetClusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the DisablePause operation of the 'Replication' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Replication # API Operation: DisablePause $query = New-RscMutationReplication -DisablePause # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED disablePerLocationPause = @{ # REQUIRED shouldSkipOldSnapshots = $someBoolean # REQUIRED sourceClusterUuids = @( $someString ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ResponseSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the EnablePause operation of the 'Replication' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Replication # API Operation: EnablePause $query = New-RscMutationReplication -EnablePause # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED enablePerLocationPause = @{ # OPTIONAL shouldPauseImmediately = $someBoolean # REQUIRED shouldCancelImmediately = $someBoolean # REQUIRED sourceClusterUuids = @( $someString ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ResponseSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateNetworkThrottleBypass operation of the 'Replication' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Replication # API Operation: UpdateNetworkThrottleBypass $query = New-RscMutationReplication -UpdateNetworkThrottleBypass # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED config = @{ # REQUIRED shouldBypassReplicationThrottle = $someBoolean } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ResponseSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateTarget operation of the 'Replication' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Replication # API Operation: UpdateTarget $query = New-RscMutationReplication -UpdateTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL sourceGateway = @{ # REQUIRED address = $someString # REQUIRED ports = @( $someInt ) } # OPTIONAL targetGateway = @{ # REQUIRED address = $someString # REQUIRED ports = @( $someInt ) } # OPTIONAL targetNetworkInterface = @{ # OPTIONAL type = $someReplicationInterfaceType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReplicationInterfaceType]) for enum values. } # REQUIRED sourceClusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED targetClusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED setupType = $someReplicationSetupType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReplicationSetupType]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationReport"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 10 operations in the 'Report' API domain: CreateCustom, CreateScheduled, DeleteCustom, DeleteScheduledReport, SendPdf, SendScheduledReportAsync, StartClusterMigrationJob, UpdateCustom, UpdateDatabaseLogingPropertiesForCluster, or UpdateScheduledReport. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationReport creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Report' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 10 operations in the 'Report' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: CreateCustom, CreateScheduled, DeleteCustom, DeleteScheduledReport, SendPdf, SendScheduledReportAsync, StartClusterMigrationJob, UpdateCustom, UpdateDatabaseLogingPropertiesForCluster, or UpdateScheduledReport. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationReport -CreateCustom).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationReport -CreateCustom).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the CreateCustom operation of the 'Report' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Report # API Operation: CreateCustom $query = New-RscMutationReport -CreateCustom # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED focus = $someReportFocusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReportFocusEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL charts = @( @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED focus = $someReportFocusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReportFocusEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL groupBy = @( $someGroupByFieldEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GroupByFieldEnum]) for enum values. ) } ) # OPTIONAL tables = @( @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED focus = $someReportFocusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReportFocusEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL groupBy = @( $someGroupByFieldEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GroupByFieldEnum]) for enum values. ) # REQUIRED selectedColumns = @( $someReportTableColumnEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReportTableColumnEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL sortBy = $someSortByFieldEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortByFieldEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. } ) # REQUIRED filters = @{ # OPTIONAL activityObjectType = @( $someActivityObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivityObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL objectType = @( $someObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL excludedObjectTypes = @( $someObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL lastActivityStatus = @( $someActivityStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivityStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL lastActivityType = @( $someActivityTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivityTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL slaDomainId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL clusterType = @( $someClusterTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL clusterId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL timeRange = @{ # OPTIONAL relativeTimeRange = @{ # REQUIRED magnitude = $someInt # REQUIRED unit = $someTimeUnitEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TimeUnitEnum]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL absoluteTimeRange = @{ # REQUIRED start = $someDateTime # REQUIRED end = $someDateTime } } # OPTIONAL slaTimeRange = $someSlaComplianceTimeRange # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SlaComplianceTimeRange]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL orgId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL managedId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL isAnomaly = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL searchTerm = $someString # OPTIONAL complianceStatus = @( $someComplianceStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ComplianceStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL protectionStatus = @( $someProtectionStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ProtectionStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL failoverStatus = @( $someFailoverStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.FailoverStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL failoverType = $someFailoverTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.FailoverTypeEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL source = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL targetSite = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL userAuditObjectType = @( $someUserAuditObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UserAuditObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL userAuditType = @( $someUserAuditTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UserAuditTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL userAuditStatus = @( $someUserAuditStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UserAuditStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL replicationSource = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL clusterLocation = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL taskCategory = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL taskStatus = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL taskType = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL policyId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL sonarObjectTypes = @( $someHierarchyObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL shouldApplyWhitelists = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL date = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL isHidden = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isReadOnly = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.reportRoom = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateCustomReportReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateScheduled operation of the 'Report' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Report # API Operation: CreateScheduled $query = New-RscMutationReport -CreateScheduled # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED reportId = $someInt # REQUIRED title = $someString # OPTIONAL dailyTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL weeklyTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL monthlyDate = $someInt # OPTIONAL monthlyTime = $someDateTime # REQUIRED rubrikRecipientUserIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED nonRubrikRecipientEmails = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL updateCreator = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL weeklyDays = @( $someWeekDay # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.WeekDay]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL attachmentTypes = @( $someReportAttachmentType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReportAttachmentType]) for enum values. ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateScheduledReportReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteCustom operation of the 'Report' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Report # API Operation: DeleteCustom $query = New-RscMutationReport -DeleteCustom # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someInt } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteScheduledReport operation of the 'Report' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Report # API Operation: DeleteScheduledReport $query = New-RscMutationReport -DeleteScheduledReport # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someInt # OPTIONAL reportId = $someInt } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the SendPdf operation of the 'Report' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Report # API Operation: SendPdf $query = New-RscMutationReport -SendPdf # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED rubrikRecipientUserIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED nonRubrikRecipientEmailIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED password = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SendPdfReportReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the SendScheduledReportAsync operation of the 'Report' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Report # API Operation: SendScheduledReportAsync $query = New-RscMutationReport -SendScheduledReportAsync # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED reportId = $someInt # OPTIONAL rubrikUserIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL nonRubrikUserEmails = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL attachmentTypes = @( $someReportAttachmentType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReportAttachmentType]) for enum values. ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncDownloadReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the StartClusterMigrationJob operation of the 'Report' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Report # API Operation: StartClusterMigrationJob $query = New-RscMutationReport -StartClusterMigrationJob # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL clusterUuid = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldDeleteCdmSchedules = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: StartClusterReportMigrationJobReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateCustom operation of the 'Report' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Report # API Operation: UpdateCustom $query = New-RscMutationReport -UpdateCustom # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someInt # REQUIRED config = @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED focus = $someReportFocusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReportFocusEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL charts = @( @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED focus = $someReportFocusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReportFocusEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL groupBy = @( $someGroupByFieldEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GroupByFieldEnum]) for enum values. ) } ) # OPTIONAL tables = @( @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED focus = $someReportFocusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReportFocusEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL groupBy = @( $someGroupByFieldEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GroupByFieldEnum]) for enum values. ) # REQUIRED selectedColumns = @( $someReportTableColumnEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReportTableColumnEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL sortBy = $someSortByFieldEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortByFieldEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. } ) # REQUIRED filters = @{ # OPTIONAL activityObjectType = @( $someActivityObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivityObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL objectType = @( $someObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL excludedObjectTypes = @( $someObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL lastActivityStatus = @( $someActivityStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivityStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL lastActivityType = @( $someActivityTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivityTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL slaDomainId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL clusterType = @( $someClusterTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL clusterId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL timeRange = @{ # OPTIONAL relativeTimeRange = @{ # REQUIRED magnitude = $someInt # REQUIRED unit = $someTimeUnitEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TimeUnitEnum]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL absoluteTimeRange = @{ # REQUIRED start = $someDateTime # REQUIRED end = $someDateTime } } # OPTIONAL slaTimeRange = $someSlaComplianceTimeRange # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SlaComplianceTimeRange]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL orgId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL managedId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL isAnomaly = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL searchTerm = $someString # OPTIONAL complianceStatus = @( $someComplianceStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ComplianceStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL protectionStatus = @( $someProtectionStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ProtectionStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL failoverStatus = @( $someFailoverStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.FailoverStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL failoverType = $someFailoverTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.FailoverTypeEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL source = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL targetSite = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL userAuditObjectType = @( $someUserAuditObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UserAuditObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL userAuditType = @( $someUserAuditTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UserAuditTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL userAuditStatus = @( $someUserAuditStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UserAuditStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL replicationSource = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL clusterLocation = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL taskCategory = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL taskStatus = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL taskType = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL policyId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL sonarObjectTypes = @( $someHierarchyObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL shouldApplyWhitelists = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL date = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL isHidden = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isReadOnly = $someBoolean } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateCustomReportReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateDatabaseLogingPropertiesForCluster operation of the 'Report' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Report # API Operation: UpdateDatabaseLogingPropertiesForCluster $query = New-RscMutationReport -UpdateDatabaseLogingPropertiesForCluster # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED properties = @{ # OPTIONAL enableDelayNotification = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL logDelayThresholdInMin = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL logDelayNotificationFrequencyInMin = $someInt64 } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: DbLogReportProperties </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateScheduledReport operation of the 'Report' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Report # API Operation: UpdateScheduledReport $query = New-RscMutationReport -UpdateScheduledReport # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someInt # REQUIRED config = @{ # REQUIRED reportId = $someInt # REQUIRED title = $someString # OPTIONAL dailyTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL weeklyTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL monthlyDate = $someInt # OPTIONAL monthlyTime = $someDateTime # REQUIRED rubrikRecipientUserIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED nonRubrikRecipientEmails = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL updateCreator = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL weeklyDays = @( $someWeekDay # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.WeekDay]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL attachmentTypes = @( $someReportAttachmentType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReportAttachmentType]) for enum values. ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateScheduledReportReply </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationSapHana"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 11 operations in the 'SAP HANA' API domain: AddSystem, ConfigureRestore, CreateOnDemandBackup, CreateOnDemandStorageSnapshot, CreateSystemRefresh, DeleteDbSnapshot, DeleteSystem, ExpireDownloadedSnapshots, PatchSystem, RestoreSystemStorage, or UnconfigureRestore. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationSapHana creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'SAP HANA' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 11 operations in the 'SAP HANA' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: AddSystem, ConfigureRestore, CreateOnDemandBackup, CreateOnDemandStorageSnapshot, CreateSystemRefresh, DeleteDbSnapshot, DeleteSystem, ExpireDownloadedSnapshots, PatchSystem, RestoreSystemStorage, or UnconfigureRestore. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationSapHana -AddSystem).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationSapHana -AddSystem).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the AddSystem operation of the 'SAP HANA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: SapHana # API Operation: AddSystem $query = New-RscMutationSapHana -AddSystem # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED sapHanaSystem = @{ # OPTIONAL dataPathSpec = @{ # OPTIONAL dataPathType = $someSapHanaDataPathType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SapHanaDataPathType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL sslInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL cryptoLibPath = $someString # OPTIONAL hostNameInCertificate = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldEncrypt = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldValidateCertificate = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL trustStorePath = $someString # REQUIRED encryptionProvider = $someSapHanaSslInfoEncryptionProvider # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SapHanaSslInfoEncryptionProvider]) for enum values. # REQUIRED keyStorePath = $someString } # OPTIONAL authTypeSpec = @{ # REQUIRED authType = $someSapHanaSystemAuthTypeSpecAuthType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SapHanaSystemAuthTypeSpecAuthType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL azureFeatureId = $someString # REQUIRED hostIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED instanceNumber = $someString # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED sid = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AddSapHanaSystemReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the ConfigureRestore operation of the 'SAP HANA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: SapHana # API Operation: ConfigureRestore $query = New-RscMutationSapHana -ConfigureRestore # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED sourceConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL snappableId = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateOnDemandBackup operation of the 'SAP HANA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: SapHana # API Operation: CreateOnDemandBackup $query = New-RscMutationSapHana -CreateOnDemandBackup # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL config = @{ # OPTIONAL slaId = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateOnDemandStorageSnapshot operation of the 'SAP HANA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: SapHana # API Operation: CreateOnDemandStorageSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationSapHana -CreateOnDemandStorageSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL config = @{ # OPTIONAL slaId = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateSystemRefresh operation of the 'SAP HANA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: SapHana # API Operation: CreateSystemRefresh $query = New-RscMutationSapHana -CreateSystemRefresh # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteDbSnapshot operation of the 'SAP HANA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: SapHana # API Operation: DeleteDbSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationSapHana -DeleteDbSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ResponseSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteSystem operation of the 'SAP HANA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: SapHana # API Operation: DeleteSystem $query = New-RscMutationSapHana -DeleteSystem # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the ExpireDownloadedSnapshots operation of the 'SAP HANA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: SapHana # API Operation: ExpireDownloadedSnapshots $query = New-RscMutationSapHana -ExpireDownloadedSnapshots # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL afterTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL beforeTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL shouldExpireLogsOnly = $someBoolean # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the PatchSystem operation of the 'SAP HANA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: SapHana # API Operation: PatchSystem $query = New-RscMutationSapHana -PatchSystem # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED updateProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL configuredSlaDomainId = $someString # OPTIONAL hostIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL instanceNumber = $someString # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL sid = $someString # OPTIONAL username = $someString # OPTIONAL sslInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL cryptoLibPath = $someString # OPTIONAL hostNameInCertificate = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldEncrypt = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldValidateCertificate = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL trustStorePath = $someString # REQUIRED encryptionProvider = $someSapHanaSslInfoEncryptionProvider # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SapHanaSslInfoEncryptionProvider]) for enum values. # REQUIRED keyStorePath = $someString } # OPTIONAL authTypeSpec = @{ # REQUIRED authType = $someSapHanaSystemAuthTypeSpecAuthType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SapHanaSystemAuthTypeSpecAuthType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL azureFeatureId = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: PatchSapHanaSystemReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the RestoreSystemStorage operation of the 'SAP HANA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: SapHana # API Operation: RestoreSystemStorage $query = New-RscMutationSapHana -RestoreSystemStorage # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the UnconfigureRestore operation of the 'SAP HANA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: SapHana # API Operation: UnconfigureRestore $query = New-RscMutationSapHana -UnconfigureRestore # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationServiceAccount"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 4 operations in the 'Service Account' API domain: Create, Delete, Rotate, or Update. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationServiceAccount creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Service Account' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 4 operations in the 'Service Account' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: Create, Delete, Rotate, or Update. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationServiceAccount -Create).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationServiceAccount -Create).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the Create operation of the 'Service Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ServiceAccount # API Operation: Create $query = New-RscMutationServiceAccount -Create # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # OPTIONAL description = $someString # REQUIRED roleIds = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateServiceAccountReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the Delete operation of the 'Service Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ServiceAccount # API Operation: Delete $query = New-RscMutationServiceAccount -Delete # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED ids = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the Rotate operation of the 'Service Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ServiceAccount # API Operation: Rotate $query = New-RscMutationServiceAccount -Rotate # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RotateServiceAccountSecretReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the Update operation of the 'Service Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ServiceAccount # API Operation: Update $query = New-RscMutationServiceAccount -Update # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # OPTIONAL description = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateServiceAccountReply </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationSharepoint"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 1 operations in the 'Sharepoint' API domain: ['ExcludeObjectsFromProtection']. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationSharepoint creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Sharepoint' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 1 operations in the 'Sharepoint' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: ['ExcludeObjectsFromProtection']. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationSharepoint -ExcludeObjectsFromProtection).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationSharepoint -ExcludeObjectsFromProtection).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the ExcludeObjectsFromProtection operation of the 'Sharepoint' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sharepoint # API Operation: ExcludeObjectsFromProtection $query = New-RscMutationSharepoint -ExcludeObjectsFromProtection # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED orgId = $someString # REQUIRED exclusions = @( @{ # REQUIRED siteFid = $someString # REQUIRED excludedObjects = @( @{ # REQUIRED fid = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED url = $someString # REQUIRED objectType = $someSharePointDescendantType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SharePointDescendantType]) for enum values. } ) } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationSla"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 11 operations in the 'SLA' API domain: Assign, AssignRetentionToSnappables, AssignRetentionToSnapshots, AssignsForSnappableHierarchies, CreateGlobal, DeleteGlobal, ExportManagedVolumeSnapshot, GetPendingAssignments, Pause, UpdateGlobal, or Upgrades. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationSla creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'SLA' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 11 operations in the 'SLA' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: Assign, AssignRetentionToSnappables, AssignRetentionToSnapshots, AssignsForSnappableHierarchies, CreateGlobal, DeleteGlobal, ExportManagedVolumeSnapshot, GetPendingAssignments, Pause, UpdateGlobal, or Upgrades. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationSla -Assign).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationSla -Assign).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the Assign operation of the 'SLA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sla # API Operation: Assign $query = New-RscMutationSla -Assign # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED slaDomainAssignType = $someSlaAssignTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SlaAssignTypeEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL slaOptionalId = $someString # REQUIRED objectIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL applicableWorkloadType = $someWorkloadLevelHierarchy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.WorkloadLevelHierarchy]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL shouldApplyToExistingSnapshots = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldApplyToNonPolicySnapshots = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL existingSnapshotRetention = $someGlobalExistingSnapshotRetention # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GlobalExistingSnapshotRetention]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL userNote = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SlaAssignResult </code> </example> <example> Runs the AssignRetentionToSnappables operation of the 'SLA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sla # API Operation: AssignRetentionToSnappables $query = New-RscMutationSla -AssignRetentionToSnappables # OPTIONAL $query.Var.globalSlaOptionalFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.globalSlaAssignType = $someSlaAssignTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SlaAssignTypeEnum]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.objectIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.applicableSnappableType = $someWorkloadLevelHierarchy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.WorkloadLevelHierarchy]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.shouldApplyToNonPolicySnapshots = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL $query.Var.userNote = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SlaAssignResult </code> </example> <example> Runs the AssignRetentionToSnapshots operation of the 'SLA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sla # API Operation: AssignRetentionToSnapshots $query = New-RscMutationSla -AssignRetentionToSnapshots # OPTIONAL $query.Var.globalSlaOptionalFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.globalSlaAssignType = $someSlaAssignTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SlaAssignTypeEnum]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotFids = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.userNote = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SlaAssignResult </code> </example> <example> Runs the AssignsForSnappableHierarchies operation of the 'SLA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sla # API Operation: AssignsForSnappableHierarchies $query = New-RscMutationSla -AssignsForSnappableHierarchies # OPTIONAL $query.Var.globalSlaOptionalFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.globalSlaAssignType = $someSlaAssignTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SlaAssignTypeEnum]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.objectIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.applicableSnappableTypes = @( $someWorkloadLevelHierarchy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.WorkloadLevelHierarchy]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.shouldApplyToExistingSnapshots = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL $query.Var.shouldApplyToNonPolicySnapshots = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL $query.Var.globalExistingSnapshotRetention = $someGlobalExistingSnapshotRetention # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GlobalExistingSnapshotRetention]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.userNote = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<SlaAssignResult> </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateGlobal operation of the 'SLA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sla # API Operation: CreateGlobal $query = New-RscMutationSla -CreateGlobal # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL description = $someString # OPTIONAL snapshotSchedule = @{ # OPTIONAL minute = @{ # OPTIONAL basicSchedule = @{ # OPTIONAL frequency = $someInt # OPTIONAL retention = $someInt # OPTIONAL retentionUnit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } } # OPTIONAL hourly = @{ # OPTIONAL basicSchedule = @{ # OPTIONAL frequency = $someInt # OPTIONAL retention = $someInt # OPTIONAL retentionUnit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } } # OPTIONAL daily = @{ # OPTIONAL basicSchedule = @{ # OPTIONAL frequency = $someInt # OPTIONAL retention = $someInt # OPTIONAL retentionUnit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } } # OPTIONAL weekly = @{ # OPTIONAL basicSchedule = @{ # OPTIONAL frequency = $someInt # OPTIONAL retention = $someInt # OPTIONAL retentionUnit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL dayOfWeek = $someDayOfWeek # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DayOfWeek]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL monthly = @{ # OPTIONAL basicSchedule = @{ # OPTIONAL frequency = $someInt # OPTIONAL retention = $someInt # OPTIONAL retentionUnit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL dayOfMonth = $someDayOfMonth # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DayOfMonth]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL quarterly = @{ # OPTIONAL basicSchedule = @{ # OPTIONAL frequency = $someInt # OPTIONAL retention = $someInt # OPTIONAL retentionUnit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL dayOfQuarter = $someDayOfQuarter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DayOfQuarter]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL quarterStartMonth = $someMonth # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.Month]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL yearly = @{ # OPTIONAL basicSchedule = @{ # OPTIONAL frequency = $someInt # OPTIONAL retention = $someInt # OPTIONAL retentionUnit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL dayOfYear = $someDayOfYear # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DayOfYear]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL yearStartMonth = $someMonth # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.Month]) for enum values. } } # OPTIONAL replicationSpecInput = @{ # OPTIONAL replicationType = $someReplicationType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReplicationType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL specificReplicationSpecInput = @{ # OPTIONAL unidirectionalSpecInput = @{ # OPTIONAL replicationTargetId = $someString # OPTIONAL retention = $someInt # OPTIONAL retentionUnit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL bidirectionalSpecInput = @{ # OPTIONAL replicationSpec1 = @{ # OPTIONAL replicationTargetId = $someString # OPTIONAL retention = $someInt # OPTIONAL retentionUnit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL replicationSpec2 = @{ # OPTIONAL replicationTargetId = $someString # OPTIONAL retention = $someInt # OPTIONAL retentionUnit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } } # OPTIONAL cloudRegionSpecInput = @{ # OPTIONAL replicationTargetRegion = $someString # OPTIONAL cloudProvider = $someCloudProvider # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudProvider]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL retention = $someInt # OPTIONAL retentionUnit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL cloudLocationSpecInput = @{ # OPTIONAL replicationTargetId = $someString # OPTIONAL cloudProvider = $someCloudProvider # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudProvider]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL retentionDuration = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } } } } # OPTIONAL localRetentionLimit = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL firstFullBackupWindows = @( @{ # OPTIONAL durationInHours = $someInt # OPTIONAL startTimeAttributes = @{ # OPTIONAL dayOfWeek = @{ # OPTIONAL day = $someDayOfWeek # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DayOfWeek]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL hour = $someInt # OPTIONAL minute = $someInt } } ) # OPTIONAL backupWindows = @( @{ # OPTIONAL durationInHours = $someInt # OPTIONAL startTimeAttributes = @{ # OPTIONAL dayOfWeek = @{ # OPTIONAL day = $someDayOfWeek # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DayOfWeek]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL hour = $someInt # OPTIONAL minute = $someInt } } ) # OPTIONAL logConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL slaLogFrequencyConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL retention = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } } } # OPTIONAL objectSpecificConfigsInput = @{ # OPTIONAL sapHanaConfigInput = @{ # OPTIONAL incrementalFrequency = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL logRetention = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL differentialFrequency = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL storageSnapshotConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL frequency = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL retention = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } } } # OPTIONAL awsRdsConfigInput = @{ # OPTIONAL logRetention = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } } # OPTIONAL vmwareVmConfigInput = @{ # OPTIONAL logRetentionSeconds = $someInt64 } # OPTIONAL azureSqlDatabaseDbConfigInput = @{ # OPTIONAL logRetentionInDays = $someInt } # OPTIONAL azureSqlManagedInstanceDbConfigInput = @{ # OPTIONAL logRetentionInDays = $someInt } # OPTIONAL db2ConfigInput = @{ # OPTIONAL incrementalFrequency = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL logRetention = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL differentialFrequency = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL logArchivalMethod = $someLogArchivalMethod # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.LogArchivalMethod]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL mssqlConfigInput = @{ # OPTIONAL frequency = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL logRetention = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } } # OPTIONAL oracleConfigInput = @{ # OPTIONAL frequency = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL logRetention = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL hostLogRetention = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } } # OPTIONAL mongoConfigInput = @{ # OPTIONAL logFrequency = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL logRetention = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } } # OPTIONAL azureBlobConfigInput = @{ # OPTIONAL continuousBackupRetentionInDays = $someInt # OPTIONAL backupLocationId = $someString } # OPTIONAL awsNativeS3SlaConfigInput = @{ # OPTIONAL archivalLocationId = $someString # OPTIONAL continuousBackupRetentionInDays = $someInt } # OPTIONAL managedVolumeSlaConfigInput = @{ # OPTIONAL logRetention = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } } # OPTIONAL postgresDbClusterSlaConfigInput = @{ # OPTIONAL logRetention = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } } } # OPTIONAL archivalSpecs = @( @{ # OPTIONAL archivalGroupId = $someString # OPTIONAL threshold = $someInt # OPTIONAL thresholdUnit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL archivalTieringSpecInput = @{ # OPTIONAL isInstantTieringEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL minAccessibleDurationInSeconds = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL coldStorageClass = $someColdStorageClass # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ColdStorageClass]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL shouldTierExistingSnapshots = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL frequencies = @( $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL archivalLocationToClusterMapping = @( @{ # OPTIONAL clusterUuid = $someString # OPTIONAL locationId = $someString } ) } ) # OPTIONAL replicationSpecsV2 = @( @{ # OPTIONAL clusterUuid = $someString # OPTIONAL storageSettingId = $someString # OPTIONAL retentionDuration = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL awsAccount = $someString # OPTIONAL azureSubscription = $someString # OPTIONAL replicationLocalRetentionDuration = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL cascadingArchivalSpecs = @( @{ # OPTIONAL archivalLocationId = $someString # OPTIONAL archivalThreshold = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL archivalTieringSpecInput = @{ # OPTIONAL isInstantTieringEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL minAccessibleDurationInSeconds = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL coldStorageClass = $someColdStorageClass # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ColdStorageClass]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL shouldTierExistingSnapshots = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL frequency = @( $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. ) } ) # OPTIONAL awsRegion = $someAwsNativeRegionForReplication # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRegionForReplication]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL azureRegion = $someAzureNativeRegionForReplication # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeRegionForReplication]) for enum values. } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypes = @( $someSlaObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SlaObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isRetentionLockedSla = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL retentionLockMode = $someRetentionLockMode # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionLockMode]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GlobalSlaReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteGlobal operation of the 'SLA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sla # API Operation: DeleteGlobal $query = New-RscMutationSla -DeleteGlobal # REQUIRED $ = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.userNote = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SlaResult </code> </example> <example> Runs the ExportManagedVolumeSnapshot operation of the 'SLA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sla # API Operation: ExportManagedVolumeSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationSla -ExportManagedVolumeSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # OPTIONAL params = @{ # OPTIONAL shouldDownloadToLocal = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL managedVolumeSlaExportConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL managedVolumeExportConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL subnet = $someString # OPTIONAL managedVolumePatchConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL hostPatterns = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL nodeHint = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL smbDomainName = $someString # OPTIONAL smbValidIps = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL smbValidUsers = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL shareType = $someManagedVolumeShareType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedVolumeShareType]) for enum values. } # REQUIRED hostId = $someString # REQUIRED hostMountPaths = @( $someString ) } } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the GetPendingAssignments operation of the 'SLA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sla # API Operation: GetPendingAssignments $query = New-RscMutationSla -GetPendingAssignments # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED pendingAssignmentsRequest = @{ # REQUIRED objectIds = @( $someString ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GetPendingSlaAssignmentsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the Pause operation of the 'SLA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sla # API Operation: Pause $query = New-RscMutationSla -Pause # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED slaId = $someString # REQUIRED clusterUuids = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED pauseSla = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: PauseSlaReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateGlobal operation of the 'SLA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sla # API Operation: UpdateGlobal $query = New-RscMutationSla -UpdateGlobal # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL id = $someString # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL description = $someString # OPTIONAL snapshotSchedule = @{ # OPTIONAL minute = @{ # OPTIONAL basicSchedule = @{ # OPTIONAL frequency = $someInt # OPTIONAL retention = $someInt # OPTIONAL retentionUnit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } } # OPTIONAL hourly = @{ # OPTIONAL basicSchedule = @{ # OPTIONAL frequency = $someInt # OPTIONAL retention = $someInt # OPTIONAL retentionUnit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } } # OPTIONAL daily = @{ # OPTIONAL basicSchedule = @{ # OPTIONAL frequency = $someInt # OPTIONAL retention = $someInt # OPTIONAL retentionUnit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } } # OPTIONAL weekly = @{ # OPTIONAL basicSchedule = @{ # OPTIONAL frequency = $someInt # OPTIONAL retention = $someInt # OPTIONAL retentionUnit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL dayOfWeek = $someDayOfWeek # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DayOfWeek]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL monthly = @{ # OPTIONAL basicSchedule = @{ # OPTIONAL frequency = $someInt # OPTIONAL retention = $someInt # OPTIONAL retentionUnit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL dayOfMonth = $someDayOfMonth # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DayOfMonth]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL quarterly = @{ # OPTIONAL basicSchedule = @{ # OPTIONAL frequency = $someInt # OPTIONAL retention = $someInt # OPTIONAL retentionUnit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL dayOfQuarter = $someDayOfQuarter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DayOfQuarter]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL quarterStartMonth = $someMonth # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.Month]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL yearly = @{ # OPTIONAL basicSchedule = @{ # OPTIONAL frequency = $someInt # OPTIONAL retention = $someInt # OPTIONAL retentionUnit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL dayOfYear = $someDayOfYear # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DayOfYear]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL yearStartMonth = $someMonth # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.Month]) for enum values. } } # OPTIONAL stateVersion = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL replicationSpecInput = @{ # OPTIONAL replicationType = $someReplicationType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReplicationType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL specificReplicationSpecInput = @{ # OPTIONAL unidirectionalSpecInput = @{ # OPTIONAL replicationTargetId = $someString # OPTIONAL retention = $someInt # OPTIONAL retentionUnit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL bidirectionalSpecInput = @{ # OPTIONAL replicationSpec1 = @{ # OPTIONAL replicationTargetId = $someString # OPTIONAL retention = $someInt # OPTIONAL retentionUnit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL replicationSpec2 = @{ # OPTIONAL replicationTargetId = $someString # OPTIONAL retention = $someInt # OPTIONAL retentionUnit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } } # OPTIONAL cloudRegionSpecInput = @{ # OPTIONAL replicationTargetRegion = $someString # OPTIONAL cloudProvider = $someCloudProvider # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudProvider]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL retention = $someInt # OPTIONAL retentionUnit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL cloudLocationSpecInput = @{ # OPTIONAL replicationTargetId = $someString # OPTIONAL cloudProvider = $someCloudProvider # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudProvider]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL retentionDuration = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } } } } # OPTIONAL localRetentionLimit = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL firstFullBackupWindows = @( @{ # OPTIONAL durationInHours = $someInt # OPTIONAL startTimeAttributes = @{ # OPTIONAL dayOfWeek = @{ # OPTIONAL day = $someDayOfWeek # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DayOfWeek]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL hour = $someInt # OPTIONAL minute = $someInt } } ) # OPTIONAL backupWindows = @( @{ # OPTIONAL durationInHours = $someInt # OPTIONAL startTimeAttributes = @{ # OPTIONAL dayOfWeek = @{ # OPTIONAL day = $someDayOfWeek # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DayOfWeek]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL hour = $someInt # OPTIONAL minute = $someInt } } ) # OPTIONAL logConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL slaLogFrequencyConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL retention = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } } } # OPTIONAL objectSpecificConfigsInput = @{ # OPTIONAL sapHanaConfigInput = @{ # OPTIONAL incrementalFrequency = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL logRetention = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL differentialFrequency = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL storageSnapshotConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL frequency = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL retention = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } } } # OPTIONAL awsRdsConfigInput = @{ # OPTIONAL logRetention = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } } # OPTIONAL vmwareVmConfigInput = @{ # OPTIONAL logRetentionSeconds = $someInt64 } # OPTIONAL azureSqlDatabaseDbConfigInput = @{ # OPTIONAL logRetentionInDays = $someInt } # OPTIONAL azureSqlManagedInstanceDbConfigInput = @{ # OPTIONAL logRetentionInDays = $someInt } # OPTIONAL db2ConfigInput = @{ # OPTIONAL incrementalFrequency = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL logRetention = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL differentialFrequency = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL logArchivalMethod = $someLogArchivalMethod # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.LogArchivalMethod]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL mssqlConfigInput = @{ # OPTIONAL frequency = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL logRetention = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } } # OPTIONAL oracleConfigInput = @{ # OPTIONAL frequency = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL logRetention = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL hostLogRetention = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } } # OPTIONAL mongoConfigInput = @{ # OPTIONAL logFrequency = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL logRetention = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } } # OPTIONAL azureBlobConfigInput = @{ # OPTIONAL continuousBackupRetentionInDays = $someInt # OPTIONAL backupLocationId = $someString } # OPTIONAL awsNativeS3SlaConfigInput = @{ # OPTIONAL archivalLocationId = $someString # OPTIONAL continuousBackupRetentionInDays = $someInt } # OPTIONAL managedVolumeSlaConfigInput = @{ # OPTIONAL logRetention = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } } # OPTIONAL postgresDbClusterSlaConfigInput = @{ # OPTIONAL logRetention = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } } } # OPTIONAL shouldApplyToExistingSnapshots = @{ # OPTIONAL value = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL shouldApplyToNonPolicySnapshots = @{ # OPTIONAL value = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL userNote = $someString # OPTIONAL archivalSpecs = @( @{ # OPTIONAL archivalGroupId = $someString # OPTIONAL threshold = $someInt # OPTIONAL thresholdUnit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL archivalTieringSpecInput = @{ # OPTIONAL isInstantTieringEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL minAccessibleDurationInSeconds = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL coldStorageClass = $someColdStorageClass # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ColdStorageClass]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL shouldTierExistingSnapshots = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL frequencies = @( $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL archivalLocationToClusterMapping = @( @{ # OPTIONAL clusterUuid = $someString # OPTIONAL locationId = $someString } ) } ) # OPTIONAL replicationSpecsV2 = @( @{ # OPTIONAL clusterUuid = $someString # OPTIONAL storageSettingId = $someString # OPTIONAL retentionDuration = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL awsAccount = $someString # OPTIONAL azureSubscription = $someString # OPTIONAL replicationLocalRetentionDuration = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL cascadingArchivalSpecs = @( @{ # OPTIONAL archivalLocationId = $someString # OPTIONAL archivalThreshold = @{ # OPTIONAL duration = $someInt # OPTIONAL unit = $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL archivalTieringSpecInput = @{ # OPTIONAL isInstantTieringEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL minAccessibleDurationInSeconds = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL coldStorageClass = $someColdStorageClass # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ColdStorageClass]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL shouldTierExistingSnapshots = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL frequency = @( $someRetentionUnit # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionUnit]) for enum values. ) } ) # OPTIONAL awsRegion = $someAwsNativeRegionForReplication # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRegionForReplication]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL azureRegion = $someAzureNativeRegionForReplication # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeRegionForReplication]) for enum values. } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypes = @( $someSlaObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SlaObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isRetentionLockedSla = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL retentionLockMode = $someRetentionLockMode # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RetentionLockMode]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GlobalSlaReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the Upgrades operation of the 'SLA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sla # API Operation: Upgrades $query = New-RscMutationSla -Upgrades # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED slaIds = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpgradeSlasReply </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationSmb"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 4 operations in the 'SMB' API domain: AddAndJoinDomain, DeleteDomain, JoinDomain, or PutConfiguration. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationSmb creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'SMB' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 4 operations in the 'SMB' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: AddAndJoinDomain, DeleteDomain, JoinDomain, or PutConfiguration. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationSmb -AddAndJoinDomain).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationSmb -AddAndJoinDomain).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the AddAndJoinDomain operation of the 'SMB' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Smb # API Operation: AddAndJoinDomain $query = New-RscMutationSmb -AddAndJoinDomain # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL smbDomainJoinRequest = @{ # OPTIONAL computerAccountName = $someString # OPTIONAL creationOrganizationUnit = $someString # OPTIONAL domainControllers = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL isStickySmbService = $someBoolean # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # REQUIRED name = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AddAndJoinSmbDomainReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteDomain operation of the 'SMB' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Smb # API Operation: DeleteDomain $query = New-RscMutationSmb -DeleteDomain # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED domainName = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the JoinDomain operation of the 'SMB' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Smb # API Operation: JoinDomain $query = New-RscMutationSmb -JoinDomain # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL computerAccountName = $someString # OPTIONAL creationOrganizationUnit = $someString # OPTIONAL domainControllers = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL isStickySmbService = $someBoolean # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # REQUIRED domainName = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the PutConfiguration operation of the 'SMB' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Smb # API Operation: PutConfiguration $query = New-RscMutationSmb -PutConfiguration # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED config = @{ # REQUIRED enforceSmbSecurity = $someBoolean } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: PutSmbConfigurationReply </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationSnapshot"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 18 operations in the 'Snapshot' API domain: BatchQuarantine, BatchReleaseFromQuarantine, BulkTierExistings, CreateDomainController, CreateDownloadForVolumeGroup, CreateFileset, DeleteCloudWorkloadSnapshot, DeleteFilesetSnapshots, DeleteUnmanageds, DeletesOfUnmanagedObjects, FilesetDownloadFiles, FilesetExportFiles, RestoreDomainController, RestoreVolumeGroupFiles, StartEc2InstanceExportJob, StartRecoverS3Job, TakeOnDemand, or UploadDatabaseToBlobstore. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationSnapshot creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Snapshot' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 18 operations in the 'Snapshot' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: BatchQuarantine, BatchReleaseFromQuarantine, BulkTierExistings, CreateDomainController, CreateDownloadForVolumeGroup, CreateFileset, DeleteCloudWorkloadSnapshot, DeleteFilesetSnapshots, DeleteUnmanageds, DeletesOfUnmanagedObjects, FilesetDownloadFiles, FilesetExportFiles, RestoreDomainController, RestoreVolumeGroupFiles, StartEc2InstanceExportJob, StartRecoverS3Job, TakeOnDemand, or UploadDatabaseToBlobstore. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationSnapshot -BatchQuarantine).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationSnapshot -BatchQuarantine).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the BatchQuarantine operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: BatchQuarantine $query = New-RscMutationSnapshot -BatchQuarantine # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED quarantineSpecs = @( @{ # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED filesDetails = @( @{ # REQUIRED fileName = $someString } ) } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchQuarantineSnapshotReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the BatchReleaseFromQuarantine operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: BatchReleaseFromQuarantine $query = New-RscMutationSnapshot -BatchReleaseFromQuarantine # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED quarantineSpecs = @( @{ # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED filesDetails = @( @{ # REQUIRED fileName = $someString } ) } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchReleaseFromQuarantineSnapshotReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the BulkTierExistings operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: BulkTierExistings $query = New-RscMutationSnapshot -BulkTierExistings # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED objectTierInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL locationId = $someString # REQUIRED objectIds = @( $someString ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateDomainController operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: CreateDomainController $query = New-RscMutationSnapshot -CreateDomainController # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL config = @{ # OPTIONAL slaId = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString # OPTIONAL userNote = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateDownloadForVolumeGroup operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: CreateDownloadForVolumeGroup $query = New-RscMutationSnapshot -CreateDownloadForVolumeGroup # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateFileset operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: CreateFileset $query = New-RscMutationSnapshot -CreateFileset # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL config = @{ # OPTIONAL slaId = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString # OPTIONAL userNote = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteCloudWorkloadSnapshot operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: DeleteCloudWorkloadSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationSnapshot -DeleteCloudWorkloadSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteFilesetSnapshots operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: DeleteFilesetSnapshots $query = New-RscMutationSnapshot -DeleteFilesetSnapshots # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ResponseSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteUnmanageds operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: DeleteUnmanageds $query = New-RscMutationSnapshot -DeleteUnmanageds # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snapshotIds = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RequestSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeletesOfUnmanagedObjects operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: DeletesOfUnmanagedObjects $query = New-RscMutationSnapshot -DeletesOfUnmanagedObjects # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED objectIds = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RequestSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the FilesetDownloadFiles operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: FilesetDownloadFiles $query = New-RscMutationSnapshot -FilesetDownloadFiles # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # OPTIONAL nextSnapshotFid = $someString # OPTIONAL userNote = $someString # OPTIONAL zipPassword = $someString # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL legalHoldDownloadConfig = @{ # REQUIRED isLegalHoldDownload = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL zipPassword = $someString # REQUIRED sourceDirs = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL deltaTypeFilter = @( $someDeltaType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DeltaType]) for enum values. ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the FilesetExportFiles operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: FilesetExportFiles $query = New-RscMutationSnapshot -FilesetExportFiles # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # OPTIONAL nextSnapshotFid = $someString # OPTIONAL deltaTypeFilter = @( $someDeltaType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DeltaType]) for enum values. ) # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL hostId = $someString # OPTIONAL ignoreErrors = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shareId = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldRecreateDirectoryStructure = $someBoolean # REQUIRED exportPathPairs = @( @{ # OPTIONAL exportPathPair = @{ # REQUIRED dstPath = $someString # REQUIRED srcPath = $someString } } ) } # REQUIRED shareType = $someShareTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ShareTypeEnum]) for enum values. # REQUIRED osType = $someGuestOsType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GuestOsType]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the RestoreDomainController operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: RestoreDomainController $query = New-RscMutationSnapshot -RestoreDomainController # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL snapshotForAuthoritativeRestore = $someString # REQUIRED domainControllerRestoreConfigs = @( @{ # OPTIONAL hostId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString } ) # REQUIRED shouldPerformAuthoritativeAdObjectsRestore = $someBoolean # REQUIRED shouldPerformAuthoritativeSysvolRestore = $someBoolean } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the RestoreVolumeGroupFiles operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: RestoreVolumeGroupFiles $query = New-RscMutationSnapshot -RestoreVolumeGroupFiles # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # OPTIONAL nextSnapshotFid = $someString # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL targetHostId = $someString # REQUIRED restoreConfigs = @( @{ # REQUIRED path = $someString # REQUIRED restorePath = $someString } ) } # OPTIONAL deltaTypeFilter = @( $someDeltaType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DeltaType]) for enum values. ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the StartEc2InstanceExportJob operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: StartEc2InstanceExportJob $query = New-RscMutationSnapshot -StartEc2InstanceExportJob # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED destinationAwsAccountRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED instanceType = $someAwsNativeEc2InstanceType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeEc2InstanceType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED instanceName = $someString # REQUIRED securityGroupIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED subnetId = $someString # REQUIRED destinationRegionId = $someAwsNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRegion]) for enum values. # REQUIRED shouldCopyTags = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL kmsKeyId = $someString # OPTIONAL sshKeyPairName = $someString # OPTIONAL exportInstanceInPoweredOffState = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL snapshotType = $someSnapshotType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnapshotType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL amiId = $someString # OPTIONAL iamInstanceProfileArn = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncJobStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the StartRecoverS3Job operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: StartRecoverS3Job $query = New-RscMutationSnapshot -StartRecoverS3Job # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED workloadId = $someString # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString # OPTIONAL restoreDate = $someDateTime # REQUIRED destinationBucketArn = $someString # REQUIRED shouldRecoverFullBucket = $someBoolean # REQUIRED objectKeys = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL targetAwsAccountRubrikId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncJobStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the TakeOnDemand operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: TakeOnDemand $query = New-RscMutationSnapshot -TakeOnDemand # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED workloadIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED slaId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: TakeOnDemandSnapshotReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UploadDatabaseToBlobstore operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: UploadDatabaseToBlobstore $query = New-RscMutationSnapshot -UploadDatabaseToBlobstore # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # OPTIONAL targetStorageAccountConfigInput = @{ # REQUIRED subscriptionCloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED resourceGroupName = $someString # REQUIRED storageAccountName = $someString # OPTIONAL tags = @{ # REQUIRED tagList = @( @{ # REQUIRED key = $someString # REQUIRED value = $someString } ) } } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncJobStatus </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationSnmp"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 1 operations in the 'SNMP' API domain: ['UpdateConfig']. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationSnmp creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'SNMP' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 1 operations in the 'SNMP' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: ['UpdateConfig']. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationSnmp -UpdateConfig).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationSnmp -UpdateConfig).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the UpdateConfig operation of the 'SNMP' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snmp # API Operation: UpdateConfig $query = New-RscMutationSnmp -UpdateConfig # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL snmpConfigV50 = @{ # OPTIONAL communityString = $someString # OPTIONAL trapReceiverConfigs = @( @{ # OPTIONAL user = $someString # OPTIONAL securityLevel = $someSnmpSecurityLevel # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnmpSecurityLevel]) for enum values. # REQUIRED address = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } ) # OPTIONAL users = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED isEnabled = $someBoolean # REQUIRED snmpAgentPort = $someInt } # OPTIONAL snmpConfigV51 = @{ # OPTIONAL communityString = $someString # OPTIONAL trapReceiverConfigs = @( @{ # OPTIONAL user = $someString # OPTIONAL securityLevel = $someSnmpSecurityLevel # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnmpSecurityLevel]) for enum values. # REQUIRED address = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } ) # OPTIONAL users = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED isEnabled = $someBoolean # REQUIRED snmpAgentPort = $someInt } # OPTIONAL snmpConfigV52 = @{ # OPTIONAL communityString = $someString # OPTIONAL trapReceiverConfigs = @( @{ # OPTIONAL user = $someString # OPTIONAL securityLevel = $someSnmpSecurityLevel # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnmpSecurityLevel]) for enum values. # REQUIRED address = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } ) # OPTIONAL users = @( @{ # REQUIRED authPassword = $someString # REQUIRED privPassword = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } ) # REQUIRED isEnabled = $someBoolean # REQUIRED snmpAgentPort = $someInt } # OPTIONAL snmpConfigV53 = @{ # OPTIONAL communityString = $someString # OPTIONAL trapReceiverConfigs = @( @{ # OPTIONAL user = $someString # OPTIONAL securityLevel = $someSnmpSecurityLevel # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnmpSecurityLevel]) for enum values. # REQUIRED address = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } ) # OPTIONAL users = @( @{ # REQUIRED authPassword = $someString # REQUIRED privPassword = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } ) # REQUIRED isEnabled = $someBoolean # REQUIRED snmpAgentPort = $someInt } # OPTIONAL snmpConfigV60 = @{ # OPTIONAL communityString = $someString # OPTIONAL trapReceiverConfigs = @( @{ # OPTIONAL user = $someString # OPTIONAL securityLevel = $someSnmpSecurityLevel # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnmpSecurityLevel]) for enum values. # REQUIRED address = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } ) # OPTIONAL users = @( @{ # REQUIRED authPassword = $someString # REQUIRED privPassword = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } ) # REQUIRED isEnabled = $someBoolean # REQUIRED snmpAgentPort = $someInt } # OPTIONAL snmpConfigV70 = @{ # OPTIONAL communityString = $someString # OPTIONAL trapReceiverConfigs = @( @{ # OPTIONAL user = $someString # OPTIONAL securityLevel = $someSnmpSecurityLevel # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnmpSecurityLevel]) for enum values. # REQUIRED address = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } ) # OPTIONAL users = @( @{ # REQUIRED authPassword = $someString # REQUIRED privPassword = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } ) # REQUIRED isEnabled = $someBoolean # REQUIRED snmpAgentPort = $someInt } # OPTIONAL snmpConfigV80 = @{ # OPTIONAL communityString = $someString # OPTIONAL trapReceiverConfigs = @( @{ # OPTIONAL user = $someString # OPTIONAL securityLevel = $someSnmpSecurityLevel # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnmpSecurityLevel]) for enum values. # REQUIRED address = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } ) # OPTIONAL users = @( @{ # REQUIRED authPassword = $someString # REQUIRED privPassword = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } ) # REQUIRED isEnabled = $someBoolean # REQUIRED snmpAgentPort = $someInt } # OPTIONAL snmpConfigV81 = @{ # OPTIONAL communityString = $someString # OPTIONAL trapReceiverConfigs = @( @{ # OPTIONAL user = $someString # OPTIONAL securityLevel = $someSnmpSecurityLevel # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnmpSecurityLevel]) for enum values. # REQUIRED address = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } ) # OPTIONAL users = @( @{ # REQUIRED authPassword = $someString # REQUIRED privPassword = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } ) # REQUIRED isEnabled = $someBoolean # REQUIRED snmpAgentPort = $someInt } # OPTIONAL snmpConfigV90 = @{ # OPTIONAL communityString = $someString # OPTIONAL trapReceiverConfigs = @( @{ # OPTIONAL user = $someString # OPTIONAL securityLevel = $someSnmpSecurityLevel # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnmpSecurityLevel]) for enum values. # REQUIRED address = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } ) # OPTIONAL users = @( @{ # REQUIRED authPassword = $someString # REQUIRED privPassword = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } ) # REQUIRED isEnabled = $someBoolean # REQUIRED snmpAgentPort = $someInt } # OPTIONAL snmpConfigV91 = @{ # OPTIONAL communityString = $someString # OPTIONAL trapReceiverConfigs = @( @{ # OPTIONAL user = $someString # OPTIONAL securityLevel = $someSnmpSecurityLevel # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnmpSecurityLevel]) for enum values. # REQUIRED address = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } ) # OPTIONAL users = @( @{ # REQUIRED authPassword = $someString # REQUIRED privPassword = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } ) # REQUIRED isEnabled = $someBoolean # REQUIRED snmpAgentPort = $someInt } # OPTIONAL snmpConfigV92 = @{ # OPTIONAL communityString = $someString # OPTIONAL trapReceiverConfigs = @( @{ # OPTIONAL user = $someString # OPTIONAL securityLevel = $someSnmpSecurityLevel # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnmpSecurityLevel]) for enum values. # REQUIRED address = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } ) # OPTIONAL users = @( @{ # REQUIRED authPassword = $someString # REQUIRED privPassword = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } ) # REQUIRED isEnabled = $someBoolean # REQUIRED snmpAgentPort = $someInt } # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateSnmpConfigReply </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationStorageArray"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 4 operations in the 'Storage Arrays' API domain: Add, Delete, Refresh, or Update. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationStorageArray creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Storage Arrays' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 4 operations in the 'Storage Arrays' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: Add, Delete, Refresh, or Update. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationStorageArray -Add).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationStorageArray -Add).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the Add operation of the 'Storage Arrays' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: StorageArray # API Operation: Add $query = New-RscMutationStorageArray -Add # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED configs = @( @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED definition = @{ # OPTIONAL caCerts = $someString # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # REQUIRED arrayType = $someStorageArrayType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.StorageArrayType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AddStorageArraysReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the Delete operation of the 'Storage Arrays' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: StorageArray # API Operation: Delete $query = New-RscMutationStorageArray -Delete # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED inputs = @( @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: DeleteStorageArraysReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the Refresh operation of the 'Storage Arrays' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: StorageArray # API Operation: Refresh $query = New-RscMutationStorageArray -Refresh # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED inputs = @( @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RefreshStorageArraysReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the Update operation of the 'Storage Arrays' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: StorageArray # API Operation: Update $query = New-RscMutationStorageArray -Update # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED configs = @( @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED definition = @{ # OPTIONAL caCerts = $someString # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # REQUIRED arrayType = $someStorageArrayType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.StorageArrayType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateStorageArraysReply </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationSyslog"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 4 operations in the 'Syslog' API domain: AddExportRule, DeleteExportRule, TestExportRule, or UpdateExportRule. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationSyslog creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Syslog' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 4 operations in the 'Syslog' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: AddExportRule, DeleteExportRule, TestExportRule, or UpdateExportRule. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationSyslog -AddExportRule).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationSyslog -AddExportRule).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the AddExportRule operation of the 'Syslog' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Syslog # API Operation: AddExportRule $query = New-RscMutationSyslog -AddExportRule # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL syslogExportRuleV51 = @{ # OPTIONAL syslogCertificateInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL serverCertificate = $someString # OPTIONAL serverCertificateName = $someString } # OPTIONAL syslogExportRuleFull = @{ # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # REQUIRED facility = $someSyslogFacility # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogFacility]) for enum values. # REQUIRED protocol = $someTransportLayerProtocol # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TransportLayerProtocol]) for enum values. # REQUIRED severity = $someSyslogSeverity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogSeverity]) for enum values. # REQUIRED enableTls = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } } # OPTIONAL syslogExportRuleV52 = @{ # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # REQUIRED facility = $someSyslogFacility # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogFacility]) for enum values. # REQUIRED protocol = $someTransportLayerProtocol # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TransportLayerProtocol]) for enum values. # REQUIRED severity = $someSyslogSeverity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogSeverity]) for enum values. # REQUIRED enableTls = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } # OPTIONAL syslogExportRuleV53 = @{ # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # REQUIRED facility = $someSyslogFacility # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogFacility]) for enum values. # REQUIRED protocol = $someTransportLayerProtocol # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TransportLayerProtocol]) for enum values. # REQUIRED severity = $someSyslogSeverity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogSeverity]) for enum values. # REQUIRED enableTls = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } # OPTIONAL syslogExportRuleV60 = @{ # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # REQUIRED facility = $someSyslogFacility # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogFacility]) for enum values. # REQUIRED protocol = $someTransportLayerProtocol # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TransportLayerProtocol]) for enum values. # REQUIRED severity = $someSyslogSeverity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogSeverity]) for enum values. # REQUIRED enableTls = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } # OPTIONAL syslogExportRuleV70 = @{ # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # REQUIRED facility = $someSyslogFacility # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogFacility]) for enum values. # REQUIRED protocol = $someTransportLayerProtocol # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TransportLayerProtocol]) for enum values. # REQUIRED severity = $someSyslogSeverity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogSeverity]) for enum values. # REQUIRED enableTls = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } # OPTIONAL syslogExportRuleV80 = @{ # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # REQUIRED facility = $someSyslogFacility # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogFacility]) for enum values. # REQUIRED protocol = $someTransportLayerProtocol # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TransportLayerProtocol]) for enum values. # REQUIRED severity = $someSyslogSeverity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogSeverity]) for enum values. # REQUIRED enableTls = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } # OPTIONAL syslogExportRuleV81 = @{ # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # REQUIRED facility = $someSyslogFacility # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogFacility]) for enum values. # REQUIRED protocol = $someTransportLayerProtocol # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TransportLayerProtocol]) for enum values. # REQUIRED severity = $someSyslogSeverity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogSeverity]) for enum values. # REQUIRED enableTls = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } # OPTIONAL syslogExportRuleV90 = @{ # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # REQUIRED facility = $someSyslogFacility # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogFacility]) for enum values. # REQUIRED protocol = $someTransportLayerProtocol # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TransportLayerProtocol]) for enum values. # REQUIRED severity = $someSyslogSeverity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogSeverity]) for enum values. # REQUIRED enableTls = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } # OPTIONAL syslogExportRuleV91 = @{ # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # REQUIRED facility = $someSyslogFacility # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogFacility]) for enum values. # REQUIRED protocol = $someTransportLayerProtocol # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TransportLayerProtocol]) for enum values. # REQUIRED severity = $someSyslogSeverity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogSeverity]) for enum values. # REQUIRED enableTls = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } # OPTIONAL syslogExportRuleV92 = @{ # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # REQUIRED facility = $someSyslogFacility # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogFacility]) for enum values. # REQUIRED protocol = $someTransportLayerProtocol # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TransportLayerProtocol]) for enum values. # REQUIRED severity = $someSyslogSeverity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogSeverity]) for enum values. # REQUIRED enableTls = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AddSyslogExportRuleReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteExportRule operation of the 'Syslog' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Syslog # API Operation: DeleteExportRule $query = New-RscMutationSyslog -DeleteExportRule # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the TestExportRule operation of the 'Syslog' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Syslog # API Operation: TestExportRule $query = New-RscMutationSyslog -TestExportRule # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL syslogExportRuleV51 = @{ # OPTIONAL syslogCertificateInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL serverCertificate = $someString # OPTIONAL serverCertificateName = $someString } # OPTIONAL syslogExportRuleFull = @{ # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # REQUIRED facility = $someSyslogFacility # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogFacility]) for enum values. # REQUIRED protocol = $someTransportLayerProtocol # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TransportLayerProtocol]) for enum values. # REQUIRED severity = $someSyslogSeverity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogSeverity]) for enum values. # REQUIRED enableTls = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } } # OPTIONAL syslogExportRuleV52 = @{ # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # REQUIRED facility = $someSyslogFacility # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogFacility]) for enum values. # REQUIRED protocol = $someTransportLayerProtocol # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TransportLayerProtocol]) for enum values. # REQUIRED severity = $someSyslogSeverity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogSeverity]) for enum values. # REQUIRED enableTls = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } # OPTIONAL syslogExportRuleV53 = @{ # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # REQUIRED facility = $someSyslogFacility # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogFacility]) for enum values. # REQUIRED protocol = $someTransportLayerProtocol # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TransportLayerProtocol]) for enum values. # REQUIRED severity = $someSyslogSeverity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogSeverity]) for enum values. # REQUIRED enableTls = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } # OPTIONAL syslogExportRuleV60 = @{ # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # REQUIRED facility = $someSyslogFacility # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogFacility]) for enum values. # REQUIRED protocol = $someTransportLayerProtocol # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TransportLayerProtocol]) for enum values. # REQUIRED severity = $someSyslogSeverity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogSeverity]) for enum values. # REQUIRED enableTls = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } # OPTIONAL syslogExportRuleV70 = @{ # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # REQUIRED facility = $someSyslogFacility # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogFacility]) for enum values. # REQUIRED protocol = $someTransportLayerProtocol # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TransportLayerProtocol]) for enum values. # REQUIRED severity = $someSyslogSeverity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogSeverity]) for enum values. # REQUIRED enableTls = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } # OPTIONAL syslogExportRuleV80 = @{ # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # REQUIRED facility = $someSyslogFacility # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogFacility]) for enum values. # REQUIRED protocol = $someTransportLayerProtocol # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TransportLayerProtocol]) for enum values. # REQUIRED severity = $someSyslogSeverity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogSeverity]) for enum values. # REQUIRED enableTls = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } # OPTIONAL syslogExportRuleV81 = @{ # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # REQUIRED facility = $someSyslogFacility # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogFacility]) for enum values. # REQUIRED protocol = $someTransportLayerProtocol # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TransportLayerProtocol]) for enum values. # REQUIRED severity = $someSyslogSeverity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogSeverity]) for enum values. # REQUIRED enableTls = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } # OPTIONAL syslogExportRuleV90 = @{ # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # REQUIRED facility = $someSyslogFacility # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogFacility]) for enum values. # REQUIRED protocol = $someTransportLayerProtocol # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TransportLayerProtocol]) for enum values. # REQUIRED severity = $someSyslogSeverity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogSeverity]) for enum values. # REQUIRED enableTls = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } # OPTIONAL syslogExportRuleV91 = @{ # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # REQUIRED facility = $someSyslogFacility # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogFacility]) for enum values. # REQUIRED protocol = $someTransportLayerProtocol # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TransportLayerProtocol]) for enum values. # REQUIRED severity = $someSyslogSeverity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogSeverity]) for enum values. # REQUIRED enableTls = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } # OPTIONAL syslogExportRuleV92 = @{ # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # REQUIRED facility = $someSyslogFacility # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogFacility]) for enum values. # REQUIRED protocol = $someTransportLayerProtocol # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TransportLayerProtocol]) for enum values. # REQUIRED severity = $someSyslogSeverity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogSeverity]) for enum values. # REQUIRED enableTls = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED port = $someInt } # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: TestSyslogExportRuleReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateExportRule operation of the 'Syslog' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Syslog # API Operation: UpdateExportRule $query = New-RscMutationSyslog -UpdateExportRule # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL syslogSettingsV51 = @{ # OPTIONAL syslogCertificateInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL serverCertificate = $someString # OPTIONAL serverCertificateName = $someString } # OPTIONAL syslogExportRulePartial = @{ # OPTIONAL enableTls = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL hostname = $someString # OPTIONAL port = $someInt # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # OPTIONAL facility = $someSyslogFacility # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogFacility]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL protocol = $someTransportLayerProtocol # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TransportLayerProtocol]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL severity = $someSyslogSeverity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogSeverity]) for enum values. } } # OPTIONAL syslogSettingsV52 = @{ # OPTIONAL enableTls = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL hostname = $someString # OPTIONAL port = $someInt # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # OPTIONAL facility = $someSyslogFacility # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogFacility]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL protocol = $someTransportLayerProtocol # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TransportLayerProtocol]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL severity = $someSyslogSeverity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogSeverity]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL syslogSettingsV53 = @{ # OPTIONAL enableTls = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL hostname = $someString # OPTIONAL port = $someInt # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # OPTIONAL facility = $someSyslogFacility # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogFacility]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL protocol = $someTransportLayerProtocol # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TransportLayerProtocol]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL severity = $someSyslogSeverity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogSeverity]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL syslogSettingsV60 = @{ # OPTIONAL enableTls = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL hostname = $someString # OPTIONAL port = $someInt # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # OPTIONAL facility = $someSyslogFacility # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogFacility]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL protocol = $someTransportLayerProtocol # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TransportLayerProtocol]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL severity = $someSyslogSeverity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogSeverity]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL syslogSettingsV70 = @{ # OPTIONAL enableTls = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL hostname = $someString # OPTIONAL port = $someInt # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # OPTIONAL facility = $someSyslogFacility # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogFacility]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL protocol = $someTransportLayerProtocol # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TransportLayerProtocol]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL severity = $someSyslogSeverity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogSeverity]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL syslogSettingsV80 = @{ # OPTIONAL enableTls = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL hostname = $someString # OPTIONAL port = $someInt # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # OPTIONAL facility = $someSyslogFacility # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogFacility]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL protocol = $someTransportLayerProtocol # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TransportLayerProtocol]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL severity = $someSyslogSeverity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogSeverity]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL syslogSettingsV81 = @{ # OPTIONAL enableTls = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL hostname = $someString # OPTIONAL port = $someInt # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # OPTIONAL facility = $someSyslogFacility # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogFacility]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL protocol = $someTransportLayerProtocol # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TransportLayerProtocol]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL severity = $someSyslogSeverity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogSeverity]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL syslogSettingsV90 = @{ # OPTIONAL enableTls = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL hostname = $someString # OPTIONAL port = $someInt # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # OPTIONAL facility = $someSyslogFacility # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogFacility]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL protocol = $someTransportLayerProtocol # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TransportLayerProtocol]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL severity = $someSyslogSeverity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogSeverity]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL syslogSettingsV91 = @{ # OPTIONAL enableTls = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL hostname = $someString # OPTIONAL port = $someInt # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # OPTIONAL facility = $someSyslogFacility # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogFacility]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL protocol = $someTransportLayerProtocol # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TransportLayerProtocol]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL severity = $someSyslogSeverity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogSeverity]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL syslogSettingsV92 = @{ # OPTIONAL enableTls = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL hostname = $someString # OPTIONAL port = $someInt # OPTIONAL certificateId = $someString # OPTIONAL facility = $someSyslogFacility # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogFacility]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL protocol = $someTransportLayerProtocol # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TransportLayerProtocol]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL severity = $someSyslogSeverity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SyslogSeverity]) for enum values. } # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateSyslogExportRuleReply </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationTape"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 3 operations in the 'Tape' API domain: CreateReaderTarget, CreateTarget, or UpdateTarget. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationTape creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Tape' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 3 operations in the 'Tape' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: CreateReaderTarget, CreateTarget, or UpdateTarget. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationTape -CreateReaderTarget).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationTape -CreateReaderTarget).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the CreateReaderTarget operation of the 'Tape' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Tape # API Operation: CreateReaderTarget $query = New-RscMutationTape -CreateReaderTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED hostName = $someString # REQUIRED hostPort = $someInt # REQUIRED integralVolumeName = $someString # REQUIRED destinationFolderName = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED encryptionPassword = $someString # REQUIRED readerRetrievalMethod = $someReaderRetrievalMethod # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReaderRetrievalMethod]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Target </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateTarget operation of the 'Tape' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Tape # API Operation: CreateTarget $query = New-RscMutationTape -CreateTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED hostName = $someString # REQUIRED hostPort = $someInt # REQUIRED integralVolumeName = $someString # REQUIRED destinationFolderName = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED encryptionPassword = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Target </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateTarget operation of the 'Tape' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Tape # API Operation: UpdateTarget $query = New-RscMutationTape -UpdateTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL hostName = $someString # OPTIONAL hostPort = $someInt # OPTIONAL username = $someString # OPTIONAL password = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Target </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationThreat"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 3 operations in the 'Threat' API domain: CancelHunt, EnableMonitoring, or StartHunt. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationThreat creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Threat' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 3 operations in the 'Threat' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: CancelHunt, EnableMonitoring, or StartHunt. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationThreat -CancelHunt).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationThreat -CancelHunt).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the CancelHunt operation of the 'Threat' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Threat # API Operation: CancelHunt $query = New-RscMutationThreat -CancelHunt # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL huntId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the EnableMonitoring operation of the 'Threat' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Threat # API Operation: EnableMonitoring $query = New-RscMutationThreat -EnableMonitoring # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED status = @{ # REQUIRED entityId = $someString # REQUIRED entityType = $someThreatMonitoringEnablementEntity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ThreatMonitoringEnablementEntity]) for enum values. # REQUIRED enabled = $someBoolean } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the StartHunt operation of the 'Threat' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Threat # API Operation: StartHunt $query = New-RscMutationThreat -StartHunt # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL notes = $someString # OPTIONAL fileScanCriteria = @{ # OPTIONAL fileSizeLimits = @{ # OPTIONAL maximumSizeInBytes = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL minimumSizeInBytes = $someInt64 } # OPTIONAL fileTimeLimits = @{ # OPTIONAL earliestCreationTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL earliestModificationTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL latestCreationTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL latestModificationTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL pathFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL exceptions = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL excludes = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL includes = @( $someString ) } } # REQUIRED indicatorsOfCompromise = @( @{ # REQUIRED iocKind = $someIndicatorOfCompromiseKind # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.IndicatorOfCompromiseKind]) for enum values. # REQUIRED iocValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL maxMatchesPerSnapshot = $someInt # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED objectFids = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL requestedMatchDetails = @{ # OPTIONAL requestedHashTypes = @( $someHashType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HashType]) for enum values. ) } # OPTIONAL shouldTrustFilesystemTimeInfo = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL snapshotScanLimit = @{ # OPTIONAL endTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL maxSnapshotsPerObject = $someInt # OPTIONAL snapshotsToScanPerObject = @( @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED snapshots = @( $someString ) } ) # OPTIONAL startTime = $someDateTime } # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: StartThreatHuntReply </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationVcenter"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 6 operations in the 'VMware vSphere vCenter' API domain: Create, Delete, Refresh, Update, UpdateHotAddBandwidth, or UpdateHotAddNetwork. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationVcenter creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'VMware vSphere vCenter' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 6 operations in the 'VMware vSphere vCenter' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: Create, Delete, Refresh, Update, UpdateHotAddBandwidth, or UpdateHotAddNetwork. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationVcenter -Create).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationVcenter -Create).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the Create operation of the 'VMware vSphere vCenter' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vcenter # API Operation: Create $query = New-RscMutationVcenter -Create # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED vcenterDetail = @{ # OPTIONAL caCerts = $someString # OPTIONAL computeVisibilityFilter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL isVmwareMetroStorageCluster = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hostGroupFilter = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED id = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL shouldEnableHotAddProxyForOnPrem = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL orgNetworkId = $someString # OPTIONAL conflictResolutionAuthz = $someVcenterConfigV2ConflictResolutionAuthz # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VcenterConfigV2ConflictResolutionAuthz]) for enum values. # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateVsphereVcenterReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the Delete operation of the 'VMware vSphere vCenter' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vcenter # API Operation: Delete $query = New-RscMutationVcenter -Delete # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the Refresh operation of the 'VMware vSphere vCenter' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vcenter # API Operation: Refresh $query = New-RscMutationVcenter -Refresh # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED fid = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldDiagnose = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the Update operation of the 'VMware vSphere vCenter' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vcenter # API Operation: Update $query = New-RscMutationVcenter -Update # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL updatePropertiesV50 = @{ # OPTIONAL caCerts = $someString # OPTIONAL computeVisibilityFilter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL isVmwareMetroStorageCluster = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hostGroupFilter = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED id = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL shouldEnableHotAddProxyForOnPrem = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL conflictResolutionAuthz = $someVcenterConfigConflictResolutionAuthz # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VcenterConfigConflictResolutionAuthz]) for enum values. # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # OPTIONAL updatePropertiesV51 = @{ # OPTIONAL caCerts = $someString # OPTIONAL computeVisibilityFilter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL isVmwareMetroStorageCluster = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hostGroupFilter = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED id = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL shouldEnableHotAddProxyForOnPrem = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL conflictResolutionAuthz = $someVcenterConfigConflictResolutionAuthz # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VcenterConfigConflictResolutionAuthz]) for enum values. # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # OPTIONAL updatePropertiesV52 = @{ # OPTIONAL caCerts = $someString # OPTIONAL computeVisibilityFilter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL isVmwareMetroStorageCluster = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hostGroupFilter = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED id = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL shouldEnableHotAddProxyForOnPrem = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL conflictResolutionAuthz = $someVcenterConfigConflictResolutionAuthz # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VcenterConfigConflictResolutionAuthz]) for enum values. # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # OPTIONAL updatePropertiesV53 = @{ # OPTIONAL caCerts = $someString # OPTIONAL computeVisibilityFilter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL isVmwareMetroStorageCluster = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hostGroupFilter = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED id = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL shouldEnableHotAddProxyForOnPrem = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL conflictResolutionAuthz = $someVcenterConfigConflictResolutionAuthz # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VcenterConfigConflictResolutionAuthz]) for enum values. # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # OPTIONAL updatePropertiesV60 = @{ # OPTIONAL caCerts = $someString # OPTIONAL computeVisibilityFilter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL isVmwareMetroStorageCluster = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hostGroupFilter = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED id = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL shouldEnableHotAddProxyForOnPrem = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL conflictResolutionAuthz = $someVcenterConfigConflictResolutionAuthz # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VcenterConfigConflictResolutionAuthz]) for enum values. # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # OPTIONAL updatePropertiesV70 = @{ # OPTIONAL caCerts = $someString # OPTIONAL computeVisibilityFilter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL isVmwareMetroStorageCluster = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hostGroupFilter = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED id = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL shouldEnableHotAddProxyForOnPrem = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL conflictResolutionAuthz = $someVcenterConfigConflictResolutionAuthz # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VcenterConfigConflictResolutionAuthz]) for enum values. # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # OPTIONAL updatePropertiesV80 = @{ # OPTIONAL caCerts = $someString # OPTIONAL computeVisibilityFilter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL isVmwareMetroStorageCluster = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hostGroupFilter = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED id = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL shouldEnableHotAddProxyForOnPrem = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL conflictResolutionAuthz = $someVcenterConfigConflictResolutionAuthz # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VcenterConfigConflictResolutionAuthz]) for enum values. # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # OPTIONAL updatePropertiesV81 = @{ # OPTIONAL caCerts = $someString # OPTIONAL computeVisibilityFilter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL isVmwareMetroStorageCluster = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hostGroupFilter = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED id = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL shouldEnableHotAddProxyForOnPrem = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL conflictResolutionAuthz = $someVcenterConfigConflictResolutionAuthz # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VcenterConfigConflictResolutionAuthz]) for enum values. # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # OPTIONAL updatePropertiesV90 = @{ # OPTIONAL caCerts = $someString # OPTIONAL computeVisibilityFilter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL isVmwareMetroStorageCluster = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hostGroupFilter = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED id = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL shouldEnableHotAddProxyForOnPrem = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL conflictResolutionAuthz = $someVcenterConfigConflictResolutionAuthz # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VcenterConfigConflictResolutionAuthz]) for enum values. # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # OPTIONAL updatePropertiesV91 = @{ # OPTIONAL caCerts = $someString # OPTIONAL computeVisibilityFilter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL isVmwareMetroStorageCluster = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hostGroupFilter = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED id = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL shouldEnableHotAddProxyForOnPrem = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL conflictResolutionAuthz = $someVcenterConfigConflictResolutionAuthz # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VcenterConfigConflictResolutionAuthz]) for enum values. # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # OPTIONAL updatePropertiesV92 = @{ # OPTIONAL vcenterConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL caCerts = $someString # OPTIONAL computeVisibilityFilter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL isVmwareMetroStorageCluster = $someBoolean # REQUIRED hostGroupFilter = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED id = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL shouldEnableHotAddProxyForOnPrem = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL conflictResolutionAuthz = $someVcenterConfigConflictResolutionAuthz # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VcenterConfigConflictResolutionAuthz]) for enum values. # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # OPTIONAL shouldUpdateComputeVisibilityFilter = $someBoolean } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateVcenterReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateHotAddBandwidth operation of the 'VMware vSphere vCenter' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vcenter # API Operation: UpdateHotAddBandwidth $query = New-RscMutationVcenter -UpdateHotAddBandwidth # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED hotAddBandwidthInfo = @{ # REQUIRED exportLimit = $someInt # REQUIRED ingestLimit = $someInt } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RequestSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateHotAddNetwork operation of the 'VMware vSphere vCenter' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vcenter # API Operation: UpdateHotAddNetwork $query = New-RscMutationVcenter -UpdateHotAddNetwork # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED hotAddNetworkInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL staticIpInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL dnsServers = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL gateway = $someString # REQUIRED ipAddresses = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED subnetMask = $someString } # REQUIRED networkId = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RequestSuccess </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationVmware"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 1 operations in the 'VMware' API domain: ['DownloadSnapshotFromLocation']. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationVmware creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'VMware' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 1 operations in the 'VMware' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: ['DownloadSnapshotFromLocation']. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationVmware -DownloadSnapshotFromLocation).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationVmware -DownloadSnapshotFromLocation).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the DownloadSnapshotFromLocation operation of the 'VMware' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vmware # API Operation: DownloadSnapshotFromLocation $query = New-RscMutationVmware -DownloadSnapshotFromLocation # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL downloadConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL slaId = $someString } # REQUIRED locationId = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationVsphere"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 8 operations in the 'VMware vSphere' API domain: BulkOnDemandSnapshot, CreateAdvancedTag, DeleteAdvancedTag, DeleteLiveMount, DownloadVirtualMachineFiles, ExportSnapshotToStandaloneHostV2, OnDemandSnapshot, or UpdateAdvancedTag. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationVsphere creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 8 operations in the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: BulkOnDemandSnapshot, CreateAdvancedTag, DeleteAdvancedTag, DeleteLiveMount, DownloadVirtualMachineFiles, ExportSnapshotToStandaloneHostV2, OnDemandSnapshot, or UpdateAdvancedTag. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationVsphere -BulkOnDemandSnapshot).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationVsphere -BulkOnDemandSnapshot).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the BulkOnDemandSnapshot operation of the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vsphere # API Operation: BulkOnDemandSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationVsphere -BulkOnDemandSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL slaId = $someString # REQUIRED vms = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL userNote = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchAsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the CreateAdvancedTag operation of the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vsphere # API Operation: CreateAdvancedTag $query = New-RscMutationVsphere -CreateAdvancedTag # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED filterInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL description = $someString # REQUIRED condition = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateVsphereAdvancedTagReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteAdvancedTag operation of the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vsphere # API Operation: DeleteAdvancedTag $query = New-RscMutationVsphere -DeleteAdvancedTag # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED filterId = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RequestSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteLiveMount operation of the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vsphere # API Operation: DeleteLiveMount $query = New-RscMutationVsphere -DeleteLiveMount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL force = $someBoolean # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DownloadVirtualMachineFiles operation of the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vsphere # API Operation: DownloadVirtualMachineFiles $query = New-RscMutationVsphere -DownloadVirtualMachineFiles # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # REQUIRED fileNamesToDownload = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED vmId = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the ExportSnapshotToStandaloneHostV2 operation of the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vsphere # API Operation: ExportSnapshotToStandaloneHostV2 $query = New-RscMutationVsphere -ExportSnapshotToStandaloneHostV2 # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL mountExportSnapshotJobCommonOptions = @{ # OPTIONAL disableNetwork = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL keepMacAddresses = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL powerOn = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL removeNetworkDevices = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL vmName = $someString } # REQUIRED datastoreName = $someString # REQUIRED hostIpAddress = $someString # REQUIRED hostPassword = $someString # REQUIRED hostUsername = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the OnDemandSnapshot operation of the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vsphere # API Operation: OnDemandSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationVsphere -OnDemandSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL config = @{ # OPTIONAL slaId = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString # OPTIONAL userNote = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpdateAdvancedTag operation of the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vsphere # API Operation: UpdateAdvancedTag $query = New-RscMutationVsphere -UpdateAdvancedTag # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED filterId = $someString # REQUIRED filterInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL description = $someString # REQUIRED condition = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateVsphereAdvancedTagReply </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationVsphereVm"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 24 operations in the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain: BatchExport, BatchExportV3, BatchInPlaceRecovery, DeleteSnapshot, DownloadSnapshot, DownloadSnapshotFiles, ExcludeVmDisks, ExportSnapshotV2, ExportSnapshotV3, ExportSnapshotWithDownloadFromCloud, InitiateBatchInstantRecovery, InitiateBatchLiveMountV2, InitiateDiskMount, InitiateInPlaceRecovery, InitiateInstantRecoveryV2, InitiateLiveMountV2, ListEsxiDatastores, MountRelocate, MountRelocateV2, PowerOnOffLiveMount, RecoverFiles, RecoverFilesNew, RegisterAgent, or Update. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationVsphereVm creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 24 operations in the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: BatchExport, BatchExportV3, BatchInPlaceRecovery, DeleteSnapshot, DownloadSnapshot, DownloadSnapshotFiles, ExcludeVmDisks, ExportSnapshotV2, ExportSnapshotV3, ExportSnapshotWithDownloadFromCloud, InitiateBatchInstantRecovery, InitiateBatchLiveMountV2, InitiateDiskMount, InitiateInPlaceRecovery, InitiateInstantRecoveryV2, InitiateLiveMountV2, ListEsxiDatastores, MountRelocate, MountRelocateV2, PowerOnOffLiveMount, RecoverFiles, RecoverFilesNew, RegisterAgent, or Update. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationVsphereVm -BatchExport).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationVsphereVm -BatchExport).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the BatchExport operation of the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: VsphereVm # API Operation: BatchExport $query = New-RscMutationVsphereVm -BatchExport # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED config = @{ # REQUIRED snapshots = @( @{ # OPTIONAL snapshotAfterDate = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snapshotBeforeDate = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString # OPTIONAL vmNamePrefix = $someString # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL hostId = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldRecoverTags = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL unregisterVm = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL clusterId = $someString # OPTIONAL resourcePoolId = $someString # OPTIONAL vNicBindings = @( @{ # REQUIRED backingNetworkInfo = @{ # REQUIRED moid = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString } # REQUIRED networkDeviceInfo = @{ # REQUIRED key = $someInt # REQUIRED name = $someString } } ) # OPTIONAL shouldUseHotAddProxy = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL mountExportSnapshotJobCommonOptionsV2 = @{ # OPTIONAL disableNetwork = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL keepMacAddresses = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL powerOn = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL removeNetworkDevices = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL vmName = $someString } # OPTIONAL requiredRecoveryParameters = @{ # OPTIONAL recoveryPoint = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString } # OPTIONAL folderId = $someString # OPTIONAL contentLibraryId = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldConvertToTemplate = $someBoolean # REQUIRED datastoreId = $someString } # REQUIRED vmId = $someString } ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchAsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the BatchExportV3 operation of the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: VsphereVm # API Operation: BatchExportV3 $query = New-RscMutationVsphereVm -BatchExportV3 # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED config = @{ # REQUIRED snapshots = @( @{ # OPTIONAL snapshotAfterDate = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snapshotBeforeDate = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString # OPTIONAL vmNamePrefix = $someString # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL clusterId = $someString # OPTIONAL diskDeviceKeyToStorageId = @( @{ # OPTIONAL storageLocationId = $someString # REQUIRED deviceKey = $someInt } ) # OPTIONAL hostId = $someString # OPTIONAL resourcePoolId = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldRecoverTags = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldUseHotAddProxy = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL storageLocationId = $someString # OPTIONAL unregisterVm = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL vNicBindings = @( @{ # REQUIRED backingNetworkInfo = @{ # REQUIRED moid = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString } # REQUIRED networkDeviceInfo = @{ # REQUIRED key = $someInt # REQUIRED name = $someString } } ) # OPTIONAL mountExportSnapshotJobCommonOptionsV2 = @{ # OPTIONAL disableNetwork = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL keepMacAddresses = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL powerOn = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL removeNetworkDevices = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL vmName = $someString } # OPTIONAL requiredRecoveryParameters = @{ # OPTIONAL recoveryPoint = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString } # OPTIONAL folderId = $someString # OPTIONAL contentLibraryId = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldConvertToTemplate = $someBoolean } # REQUIRED vmId = $someString } ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchAsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the BatchInPlaceRecovery operation of the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: VsphereVm # API Operation: BatchInPlaceRecovery $query = New-RscMutationVsphereVm -BatchInPlaceRecovery # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED config = @{ # REQUIRED snapshots = @( @{ # OPTIONAL snapshotAfterDate = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snapshotBeforeDate = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL shouldKeepVsphereSnapshotAfterRecovery = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL requiredRecoveryParameters = @{ # OPTIONAL recoveryPoint = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString } } # REQUIRED vmId = $someString } ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchAsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeleteSnapshot operation of the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: VsphereVm # API Operation: DeleteSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationVsphereVm -DeleteSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED location = $someDeleteVmwareSnapshotRequestLocation # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DeleteVmwareSnapshotRequestLocation]) for enum values. # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the DownloadSnapshot operation of the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: VsphereVm # API Operation: DownloadSnapshot $query = New-RscMutationVsphereVm -DownloadSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DownloadSnapshotFiles operation of the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: VsphereVm # API Operation: DownloadSnapshotFiles $query = New-RscMutationVsphereVm -DownloadSnapshotFiles # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snapshotFid = $someString # REQUIRED paths = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL deltaTypeFilter = @( $someDeltaType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DeltaType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL nextSnapshotFid = $someString # OPTIONAL isLegalHoldDownload = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL userNote = $someString # OPTIONAL zipPassword = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the ExcludeVmDisks operation of the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: VsphereVm # API Operation: ExcludeVmDisks $query = New-RscMutationVsphereVm -ExcludeVmDisks # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @( @{ # REQUIRED virtualDiskFid = $someString # OPTIONAL excludeFromSnapshots = $someBoolean } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RequestSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the ExportSnapshotV2 operation of the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: VsphereVm # API Operation: ExportSnapshotV2 $query = New-RscMutationVsphereVm -ExportSnapshotV2 # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL hostId = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldRecoverTags = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL unregisterVm = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL clusterId = $someString # OPTIONAL resourcePoolId = $someString # OPTIONAL vNicBindings = @( @{ # REQUIRED backingNetworkInfo = @{ # REQUIRED moid = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString } # REQUIRED networkDeviceInfo = @{ # REQUIRED key = $someInt # REQUIRED name = $someString } } ) # OPTIONAL shouldUseHotAddProxy = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL mountExportSnapshotJobCommonOptionsV2 = @{ # OPTIONAL disableNetwork = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL keepMacAddresses = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL powerOn = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL removeNetworkDevices = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL vmName = $someString } # OPTIONAL requiredRecoveryParameters = @{ # OPTIONAL recoveryPoint = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString } # OPTIONAL folderId = $someString # OPTIONAL contentLibraryId = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldConvertToTemplate = $someBoolean # REQUIRED datastoreId = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the ExportSnapshotV3 operation of the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: VsphereVm # API Operation: ExportSnapshotV3 $query = New-RscMutationVsphereVm -ExportSnapshotV3 # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL clusterId = $someString # OPTIONAL diskDeviceKeyToStorageId = @( @{ # OPTIONAL storageLocationId = $someString # REQUIRED deviceKey = $someInt } ) # OPTIONAL hostId = $someString # OPTIONAL resourcePoolId = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldRecoverTags = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldUseHotAddProxy = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL storageLocationId = $someString # OPTIONAL unregisterVm = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL vNicBindings = @( @{ # REQUIRED backingNetworkInfo = @{ # REQUIRED moid = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString } # REQUIRED networkDeviceInfo = @{ # REQUIRED key = $someInt # REQUIRED name = $someString } } ) # OPTIONAL mountExportSnapshotJobCommonOptionsV2 = @{ # OPTIONAL disableNetwork = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL keepMacAddresses = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL powerOn = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL removeNetworkDevices = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL vmName = $someString } # OPTIONAL requiredRecoveryParameters = @{ # OPTIONAL recoveryPoint = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString } # OPTIONAL folderId = $someString # OPTIONAL contentLibraryId = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldConvertToTemplate = $someBoolean } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the ExportSnapshotWithDownloadFromCloud operation of the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: VsphereVm # API Operation: ExportSnapshotWithDownloadFromCloud $query = New-RscMutationVsphereVm -ExportSnapshotWithDownloadFromCloud # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL hostId = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldRecoverTags = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL unregisterVm = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL clusterId = $someString # OPTIONAL resourcePoolId = $someString # OPTIONAL vNicBindings = @( @{ # REQUIRED backingNetworkInfo = @{ # REQUIRED moid = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString } # REQUIRED networkDeviceInfo = @{ # REQUIRED key = $someInt # REQUIRED name = $someString } } ) # OPTIONAL shouldUseHotAddProxy = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL mountExportSnapshotJobCommonOptionsV2 = @{ # OPTIONAL disableNetwork = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL keepMacAddresses = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL powerOn = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL removeNetworkDevices = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL vmName = $someString } # OPTIONAL requiredRecoveryParameters = @{ # OPTIONAL recoveryPoint = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString } # OPTIONAL folderId = $someString # OPTIONAL contentLibraryId = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldConvertToTemplate = $someBoolean # REQUIRED datastoreId = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the InitiateBatchInstantRecovery operation of the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: VsphereVm # API Operation: InitiateBatchInstantRecovery $query = New-RscMutationVsphereVm -InitiateBatchInstantRecovery # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED config = @{ # REQUIRED snapshots = @( @{ # OPTIONAL snapshotAfterDate = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snapshotBeforeDate = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL hostId = $someString # OPTIONAL preserveMoid = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldRecoverTags = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL vlan = $someInt # OPTIONAL clusterId = $someString # OPTIONAL resourcePoolId = $someString # OPTIONAL vNicBindings = @( @{ # REQUIRED backingNetworkInfo = @{ # REQUIRED moid = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString } # REQUIRED networkDeviceInfo = @{ # REQUIRED key = $someInt # REQUIRED name = $someString } } ) # OPTIONAL mountExportSnapshotJobCommonOptionsV2 = @{ # OPTIONAL disableNetwork = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL keepMacAddresses = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL powerOn = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL removeNetworkDevices = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL vmName = $someString } # OPTIONAL requiredRecoveryParameters = @{ # OPTIONAL recoveryPoint = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString } # OPTIONAL migrationConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL diskDeviceKeyToStorageId = @( @{ # OPTIONAL storageLocationId = $someString # REQUIRED deviceKey = $someInt } ) # OPTIONAL storageLocationId = $someString # OPTIONAL computeClusterId = $someString # OPTIONAL hostId = $someString # OPTIONAL networkDeviceKeyToNetworkName = @( @{ # REQUIRED deviceKey = $someInt # REQUIRED networkName = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL resourcePoolId = $someString } # OPTIONAL shouldMigrateImmediately = $someBoolean } # REQUIRED vmId = $someString } ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchAsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the InitiateBatchLiveMountV2 operation of the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: VsphereVm # API Operation: InitiateBatchLiveMountV2 $query = New-RscMutationVsphereVm -InitiateBatchLiveMountV2 # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED config = @{ # REQUIRED snapshots = @( @{ # OPTIONAL snapshotAfterDate = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snapshotBeforeDate = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString # OPTIONAL vmNamePrefix = $someString # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL createDatastoreOnly = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL dataStoreName = $someString # OPTIONAL hostId = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldRecoverTags = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL vlan = $someInt # OPTIONAL clusterId = $someString # OPTIONAL resourcePoolId = $someString # OPTIONAL vNicBindings = @( @{ # REQUIRED backingNetworkInfo = @{ # REQUIRED moid = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString } # REQUIRED networkDeviceInfo = @{ # REQUIRED key = $someInt # REQUIRED name = $someString } } ) # OPTIONAL migrationConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL diskDeviceKeyToStorageId = @( @{ # OPTIONAL storageLocationId = $someString # REQUIRED deviceKey = $someInt } ) # OPTIONAL storageLocationId = $someString # OPTIONAL computeClusterId = $someString # OPTIONAL hostId = $someString # OPTIONAL networkDeviceKeyToNetworkName = @( @{ # REQUIRED deviceKey = $someInt # REQUIRED networkName = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL resourcePoolId = $someString } # OPTIONAL shouldMigrateImmediately = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL mountExportSnapshotJobCommonOptionsV2 = @{ # OPTIONAL disableNetwork = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL keepMacAddresses = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL powerOn = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL removeNetworkDevices = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL vmName = $someString } # OPTIONAL requiredRecoveryParameters = @{ # OPTIONAL recoveryPoint = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString } # OPTIONAL folderId = $someString } # REQUIRED vmId = $someString } ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchAsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the InitiateDiskMount operation of the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: VsphereVm # API Operation: InitiateDiskMount $query = New-RscMutationVsphereVm -InitiateDiskMount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL targetVmId = $someString # OPTIONAL vlan = $someInt # OPTIONAL vmdkIds = @( $someString ) } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the InitiateInPlaceRecovery operation of the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: VsphereVm # API Operation: InitiateInPlaceRecovery $query = New-RscMutationVsphereVm -InitiateInPlaceRecovery # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL shouldKeepVsphereSnapshotAfterRecovery = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL requiredRecoveryParameters = @{ # OPTIONAL recoveryPoint = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString } } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the InitiateInstantRecoveryV2 operation of the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: VsphereVm # API Operation: InitiateInstantRecoveryV2 $query = New-RscMutationVsphereVm -InitiateInstantRecoveryV2 # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL hostId = $someString # OPTIONAL preserveMoid = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldRecoverTags = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL vlan = $someInt # OPTIONAL clusterId = $someString # OPTIONAL resourcePoolId = $someString # OPTIONAL vNicBindings = @( @{ # REQUIRED backingNetworkInfo = @{ # REQUIRED moid = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString } # REQUIRED networkDeviceInfo = @{ # REQUIRED key = $someInt # REQUIRED name = $someString } } ) # OPTIONAL mountExportSnapshotJobCommonOptionsV2 = @{ # OPTIONAL disableNetwork = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL keepMacAddresses = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL powerOn = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL removeNetworkDevices = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL vmName = $someString } # OPTIONAL requiredRecoveryParameters = @{ # OPTIONAL recoveryPoint = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString } # OPTIONAL migrationConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL diskDeviceKeyToStorageId = @( @{ # OPTIONAL storageLocationId = $someString # REQUIRED deviceKey = $someInt } ) # OPTIONAL storageLocationId = $someString # OPTIONAL computeClusterId = $someString # OPTIONAL hostId = $someString # OPTIONAL networkDeviceKeyToNetworkName = @( @{ # REQUIRED deviceKey = $someInt # REQUIRED networkName = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL resourcePoolId = $someString } # OPTIONAL shouldMigrateImmediately = $someBoolean } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the InitiateLiveMountV2 operation of the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: VsphereVm # API Operation: InitiateLiveMountV2 $query = New-RscMutationVsphereVm -InitiateLiveMountV2 # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL config = @{ # OPTIONAL createDatastoreOnly = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL dataStoreName = $someString # OPTIONAL hostId = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldRecoverTags = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL vlan = $someInt # OPTIONAL clusterId = $someString # OPTIONAL resourcePoolId = $someString # OPTIONAL vNicBindings = @( @{ # REQUIRED backingNetworkInfo = @{ # REQUIRED moid = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString } # REQUIRED networkDeviceInfo = @{ # REQUIRED key = $someInt # REQUIRED name = $someString } } ) # OPTIONAL migrationConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL diskDeviceKeyToStorageId = @( @{ # OPTIONAL storageLocationId = $someString # REQUIRED deviceKey = $someInt } ) # OPTIONAL storageLocationId = $someString # OPTIONAL computeClusterId = $someString # OPTIONAL hostId = $someString # OPTIONAL networkDeviceKeyToNetworkName = @( @{ # REQUIRED deviceKey = $someInt # REQUIRED networkName = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL resourcePoolId = $someString } # OPTIONAL shouldMigrateImmediately = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL mountExportSnapshotJobCommonOptionsV2 = @{ # OPTIONAL disableNetwork = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL keepMacAddresses = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL powerOn = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL removeNetworkDevices = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL vmName = $someString } # OPTIONAL requiredRecoveryParameters = @{ # OPTIONAL recoveryPoint = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString } # OPTIONAL folderId = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the ListEsxiDatastores operation of the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: VsphereVm # API Operation: ListEsxiDatastores $query = New-RscMutationVsphereVm -ListEsxiDatastores # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED loginInfo = @{ # REQUIRED ip = $someString # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VsphereVmListEsxiDatastoresReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the MountRelocate operation of the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: VsphereVm # API Operation: MountRelocate $query = New-RscMutationVsphereVm -MountRelocate # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # REQUIRED datastoreId = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the MountRelocateV2 operation of the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: VsphereVm # API Operation: MountRelocateV2 $query = New-RscMutationVsphereVm -MountRelocateV2 # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL diskDeviceKeyToStorageId = @( @{ # OPTIONAL storageLocationId = $someString # REQUIRED deviceKey = $someInt } ) # OPTIONAL storageLocationId = $someString # OPTIONAL computeClusterId = $someString # OPTIONAL hostId = $someString # OPTIONAL networkDeviceKeyToNetworkName = @( @{ # REQUIRED deviceKey = $someInt # REQUIRED networkName = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL resourcePoolId = $someString } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the PowerOnOffLiveMount operation of the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: VsphereVm # API Operation: PowerOnOffLiveMount $query = New-RscMutationVsphereVm -PowerOnOffLiveMount # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL shouldForce = $someBoolean # REQUIRED powerStatus = $someBoolean } # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VsphereVmPowerOnOffLiveMountReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the RecoverFiles operation of the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: VsphereVm # API Operation: RecoverFiles $query = New-RscMutationVsphereVm -RecoverFiles # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snapshotFid = $someString # REQUIRED restoreConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL restoreFilesConfig = @( @{ # OPTIONAL path = $someString # OPTIONAL restorePath = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL domainName = $someString # OPTIONAL username = $someString # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldIgnoreErrors = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldSaveCredentials = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldUseAgent = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldRestoreXAttrs = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL deltaTypeFilter = @( $someDeltaType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DeltaType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL nextSnapshotFid = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VsphereAsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the RecoverFilesNew operation of the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: VsphereVm # API Operation: RecoverFilesNew $query = New-RscMutationVsphereVm -RecoverFilesNew # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED config = @{ # OPTIONAL domainName = $someString # OPTIONAL ignoreErrors = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL password = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldSaveCredentials = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL username = $someString # OPTIONAL destObjectId = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldRestoreXAttrs = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL shouldUseAgent = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL guestCredentialId = $someString # OPTIONAL description = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldUseMountDisks = $someBoolean # REQUIRED restoreConfig = @( @{ # OPTIONAL restorePathPair = @{ # OPTIONAL restorePath = $someString # REQUIRED path = $someString } } ) } # OPTIONAL deltaRequest = @{ # REQUIRED nextSnapshotFid = $someString # REQUIRED deltaTypeFilter = @( $someDeltaType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DeltaType]) for enum values. ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the RegisterAgent operation of the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: VsphereVm # API Operation: RegisterAgent $query = New-RscMutationVsphereVm -RegisterAgent # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL orgNetworkId = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RequestSuccess </code> </example> <example> Runs the Update operation of the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: VsphereVm # API Operation: Update $query = New-RscMutationVsphereVm -Update # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED vmUpdateProperties = @{ # OPTIONAL guestCredential = @{ # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # OPTIONAL shouldRefreshCacheAfterUpdate = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL guestCredentialId = $someString # OPTIONAL virtualMachineUpdate = @{ # OPTIONAL cloudInstantiationSpec = @{ # REQUIRED imageRetentionInSeconds = $someInt64 } # OPTIONAL configuredSlaDomainId = $someString # OPTIONAL isArrayIntegrationEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isVmPaused = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL maxNestedVsphereSnapshots = $someInt # OPTIONAL postBackupScript = @{ # REQUIRED failureHandling = $someVirtualMachineScriptDetailFailureHandling # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VirtualMachineScriptDetailFailureHandling]) for enum values. # REQUIRED scriptPath = $someString # REQUIRED timeoutMs = $someInt64 } # OPTIONAL postSnapScript = @{ # REQUIRED failureHandling = $someVirtualMachineScriptDetailFailureHandling # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VirtualMachineScriptDetailFailureHandling]) for enum values. # REQUIRED scriptPath = $someString # REQUIRED timeoutMs = $someInt64 } # OPTIONAL preBackupScript = @{ # REQUIRED failureHandling = $someVirtualMachineScriptDetailFailureHandling # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VirtualMachineScriptDetailFailureHandling]) for enum values. # REQUIRED scriptPath = $someString # REQUIRED timeoutMs = $someInt64 } # OPTIONAL throttlingSettings = @{ # OPTIONAL cpuUtilizationThreshold = $someInt # OPTIONAL datastoreIoLatencyThreshold = $someInt # OPTIONAL ioLatencyThreshold = $someInt } # OPTIONAL snapshotConsistencyMandate = $someVirtualMachineUpdateSnapshotConsistencyMandate # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VirtualMachineUpdateSnapshotConsistencyMandate]) for enum values. } } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RequestSuccess </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscMutationWebhook"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 5 operations in the 'Webhook' API domain: Create, Delete, Test, TestExisting, or Update. </summary> <description> New-RscMutationWebhook creates a new mutation object for operations in the 'Webhook' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 5 operations in the 'Webhook' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: Create, Delete, Test, TestExisting, or Update. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationWebhook -Create).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscMutationWebhook -Create).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the Create operation of the 'Webhook' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Webhook # API Operation: Create $query = New-RscMutationWebhook -Create # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL description = $someString # OPTIONAL serverCertificate = $someString # OPTIONAL serviceAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED url = $someString # REQUIRED subscriptionType = @{ # OPTIONAL eventTypes = @( $someActivityTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivityTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL auditTypes = @( $someUserAuditTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UserAuditTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isSubscribedToAllEvents = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSubscribedToAllAudits = $someBoolean } # REQUIRED subscriptionSeverity = @{ # OPTIONAL eventSeverities = @( $someActivitySeverityEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivitySeverityEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL auditSeverities = @( $someUserAuditSeverityEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UserAuditSeverityEnum]) for enum values. ) } # REQUIRED providerType = $someProviderType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ProviderType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL authInfo = @{ # REQUIRED authType = $someAuthenticationType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AuthenticationType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL token = $someString # OPTIONAL userCredentials = @{ # REQUIRED username = $someString # REQUIRED password = $someString } # OPTIONAL customHeader = @{ # REQUIRED headerKey = $someString # REQUIRED headerValue = $someString } } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CreateWebhookReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the Delete operation of the 'Webhook' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Webhook # API Operation: Delete $query = New-RscMutationWebhook -Delete # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someInt } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the Test operation of the 'Webhook' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Webhook # API Operation: Test $query = New-RscMutationWebhook -Test # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL serverCertificate = $someString # REQUIRED providerType = $someProviderType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ProviderType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL authInfo = @{ # REQUIRED authType = $someAuthenticationType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AuthenticationType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL token = $someString # OPTIONAL userCredentials = @{ # REQUIRED username = $someString # REQUIRED password = $someString } # OPTIONAL customHeader = @{ # REQUIRED headerKey = $someString # REQUIRED headerValue = $someString } } # REQUIRED url = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: TestWebhookReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the TestExisting operation of the 'Webhook' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Webhook # API Operation: TestExisting $query = New-RscMutationWebhook -TestExisting # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someInt } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: TestExistingWebhookReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the Update operation of the 'Webhook' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Webhook # API Operation: Update $query = New-RscMutationWebhook -Update # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL description = $someString # OPTIONAL serverCertificate = $someString # OPTIONAL serviceAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someInt # OPTIONAL subscriptionType = @{ # OPTIONAL eventTypes = @( $someActivityTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivityTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL auditTypes = @( $someUserAuditTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UserAuditTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isSubscribedToAllEvents = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSubscribedToAllAudits = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL subscriptionSeverity = @{ # OPTIONAL eventSeverities = @( $someActivitySeverityEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivitySeverityEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL auditSeverities = @( $someUserAuditSeverityEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UserAuditSeverityEnum]) for enum values. ) } # OPTIONAL providerType = $someProviderType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ProviderType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL authInfo = @{ # REQUIRED authType = $someAuthenticationType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AuthenticationType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL token = $someString # OPTIONAL userCredentials = @{ # REQUIRED username = $someString # REQUIRED password = $someString } # OPTIONAL customHeader = @{ # REQUIRED headerKey = $someString # REQUIRED headerValue = $someString } } # OPTIONAL status = $someWebhookStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.WebhookStatus]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL url = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldSendTestEvent = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateWebhookReply </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryAccount"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 9 operations in the 'Account' API domain: CurrentUser, CurrentUserLoginContext, EnabledFeatures, Id, Lookup, Owners, Products, Settings, or Users. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryAccount creates a new query object for operations in the 'Account' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 9 operations in the 'Account' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: CurrentUser, CurrentUserLoginContext, EnabledFeatures, Id, Lookup, Owners, Products, Settings, or Users. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryAccount -CurrentUser).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryAccount -CurrentUser).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the CurrentUser operation of the 'Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Account # API Operation: CurrentUser $query = New-RscQueryAccount -CurrentUser # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: User </code> </example> <example> Runs the CurrentUserLoginContext operation of the 'Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Account # API Operation: CurrentUserLoginContext $query = New-RscQueryAccount -CurrentUserLoginContext # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UserLoginContext </code> </example> <example> Runs the EnabledFeatures operation of the 'Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Account # API Operation: EnabledFeatures $query = New-RscQueryAccount -EnabledFeatures # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AllEnabledFeaturesForAccountReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the Id operation of the 'Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Account # API Operation: Id $query = New-RscQueryAccount -Id # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the Lookup operation of the 'Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Account # API Operation: Lookup $query = New-RscQueryAccount -Lookup # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED includeExpiryDate = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: LookupAccountReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the Owners operation of the 'Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Account # API Operation: Owners $query = New-RscQueryAccount -Owners # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<User> </code> </example> <example> Runs the Products operation of the 'Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Account # API Operation: Products $query = New-RscQueryAccount -Products # REQUIRED $query.Var.nameFilter = @( $someProductName # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ProductName]) for enum values. ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.typeFilter = @( $someProductType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ProductType]) for enum values. ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.stateFilter = @( $someProductState # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ProductState]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.startDateArg = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL $query.Var.endDateArg = $someDateTime # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AccountProduct> </code> </example> <example> Runs the Settings operation of the 'Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Account # API Operation: Settings $query = New-RscQueryAccount -Settings # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AccountSetting </code> </example> <example> Runs the Users operation of the 'Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Account # API Operation: Users $query = New-RscQueryAccount -Users # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<User> </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryActiveDirectory"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 5 operations in the 'Active Directory' API domain: Domain, DomainController, DomainControllers, Domains, or SearchSnapshots. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryActiveDirectory creates a new query object for operations in the 'Active Directory' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 5 operations in the 'Active Directory' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: Domain, DomainController, DomainControllers, Domains, or SearchSnapshots. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryActiveDirectory -Domain).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryActiveDirectory -Domain).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the Domain operation of the 'Active Directory' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ActiveDirectory # API Operation: Domain $query = New-RscQueryActiveDirectory -Domain # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ActiveDirectoryDomain </code> </example> <example> Runs the DomainController operation of the 'Active Directory' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ActiveDirectory # API Operation: DomainController $query = New-RscQueryActiveDirectory -DomainController # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ActiveDirectoryDomainController </code> </example> <example> Runs the DomainControllers operation of the 'Active Directory' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ActiveDirectory # API Operation: DomainControllers $query = New-RscQueryActiveDirectory -DomainControllers # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ActiveDirectoryDomainControllerConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Domains operation of the 'Active Directory' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ActiveDirectory # API Operation: Domains $query = New-RscQueryActiveDirectory -Domains # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ActiveDirectoryDomainConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the SearchSnapshots operation of the 'Active Directory' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ActiveDirectory # API Operation: SearchSnapshots $query = New-RscQueryActiveDirectory -SearchSnapshots # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $ = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.snapshotAfterDate = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL $query.Var.snapshotBeforeDate = $someDateTime # REQUIRED $ = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.activeDirectoryObjectType = $someActiveDirectoryObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActiveDirectoryObjectType]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ActiveDirectorySnappableSearchResponseConnection </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryActivitySeries"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 4 operations in the 'Activity series' API domain: ActivitySeries, List, UserFileTimeline, or UserTimeline. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryActivitySeries creates a new query object for operations in the 'Activity series' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 4 operations in the 'Activity series' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: ActivitySeries, List, UserFileTimeline, or UserTimeline. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryActivitySeries -ActivitySeries).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryActivitySeries -ActivitySeries).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the ActivitySeries operation of the 'Activity series' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ActivitySeries # API Operation: ActivitySeries $query = New-RscQueryActivitySeries -ActivitySeries # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED activitySeriesId = $someString # OPTIONAL clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ActivitySeries </code> </example> <example> Runs the List operation of the 'Activity series' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ActivitySeries # API Operation: List $query = New-RscQueryActivitySeries -List # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someActivitySeriesSortField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivitySeriesSortField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filters = @{ # OPTIONAL lastActivityStatus = @( $someEventStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.EventStatus]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL lastActivityType = @( $someEventType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.EventType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL severity = @( $someEventSeverity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.EventSeverity]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL objectName = $someString # OPTIONAL objectType = @( $someEventObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.EventObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL startTimeGt = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL startTimeLt = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL lastUpdatedTimeGt = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL lastUpdatedTimeLt = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL clusterId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL clusterType = @( $someEventClusterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.EventClusterType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL objectFid = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL ancestorId = $someString # OPTIONAL searchTerm = $someString # OPTIONAL orgIds = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ActivitySeriesConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the UserFileTimeline operation of the 'Activity series' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ActivitySeries # API Operation: UserFileTimeline $query = New-RscQueryActivitySeries -UserFileTimeline # REQUIRED $query.Var.userId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.resource = @{ # OPTIONAL snappableFid = $someString # OPTIONAL snapshotFid = $someString } # REQUIRED $query.Var.nativePath = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.startDay = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.timezone = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.timeGranularity = $someTimeGranularity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TimeGranularity]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ActivityTimelineResultConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the UserTimeline operation of the 'Activity series' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ActivitySeries # API Operation: UserTimeline $query = New-RscQueryActivitySeries -UserTimeline # REQUIRED $query.Var.userId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.startDay = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.timezone = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.uniqueActivities = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ActivityTimelineResultConnection </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryArchival"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 8 operations in the 'Archival' API domain: HierarchyObjectRecoveryTarget, IsTotpMandatoryInTargetVersion, RcsLocationsConsumptionStats, StorageUsage, Target, TargetMapping, TargetMappings, or Targets. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryArchival creates a new query object for operations in the 'Archival' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 8 operations in the 'Archival' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: HierarchyObjectRecoveryTarget, IsTotpMandatoryInTargetVersion, RcsLocationsConsumptionStats, StorageUsage, Target, TargetMapping, TargetMappings, or Targets. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryArchival -HierarchyObjectRecoveryTarget).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryArchival -HierarchyObjectRecoveryTarget).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the HierarchyObjectRecoveryTarget operation of the 'Archival' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Archival # API Operation: HierarchyObjectRecoveryTarget $query = New-RscQueryArchival -HierarchyObjectRecoveryTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: HierarchyObject </code> </example> <example> Runs the IsTotpMandatoryInTargetVersion operation of the 'Archival' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Archival # API Operation: IsTotpMandatoryInTargetVersion $query = New-RscQueryArchival -IsTotpMandatoryInTargetVersion # REQUIRED $query.Var.version = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the RcsLocationsConsumptionStats operation of the 'Archival' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Archival # API Operation: RcsLocationsConsumptionStats $query = New-RscQueryArchival -RcsLocationsConsumptionStats # REQUIRED $query.Var.rcsAzureTargetConsumptionStatsRequest = @{ # REQUIRED locationIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED metricName = $someRcsConsumptionMetricNameType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RcsConsumptionMetricNameType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL doForecasting = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RcsAzureArchivalLocationsConsumptionStatsOutput </code> </example> <example> Runs the StorageUsage operation of the 'Archival' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Archival # API Operation: StorageUsage $query = New-RscQueryArchival -StorageUsage # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<ArchivalStorageUsage> </code> </example> <example> Runs the Target operation of the 'Archival' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Archival # API Operation: Target $query = New-RscQueryArchival -Target # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Target </code> </example> <example> Runs the TargetMapping operation of the 'Archival' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Archival # API Operation: TargetMapping $query = New-RscQueryArchival -TargetMapping # REQUIRED $query.Var.targetMappingId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: TargetMapping </code> </example> <example> Runs the TargetMappings operation of the 'Archival' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Archival # API Operation: TargetMappings $query = New-RscQueryArchival -TargetMappings # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someArchivalGroupQuerySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ArchivalGroupQuerySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someTargetMappingQueryFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TargetMappingQueryFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL text = $someString # OPTIONAL textList = @( $someString ) } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.contextFilter = $someContextFilterTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ContextFilterTypeEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.isRcsStatsRequired = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<TargetMapping> </code> </example> <example> Runs the Targets operation of the 'Archival' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Archival # API Operation: Targets $query = New-RscQueryArchival -Targets # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someArchivalLocationQuerySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ArchivalLocationQuerySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someTargetQueryFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TargetQueryFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL text = $someString # OPTIONAL textList = @( $someString ) } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.contextFilter = $someContextFilterTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ContextFilterTypeEnum]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: TargetConnection </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryAws"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 29 operations in the 'AWS' API domain: ArtifactsToDelete, AvailabilityZonesByRegion, CdmVersions, CloudAccountConfigs, CloudAccountListSecurityGroups, CloudAccountListSubnets, CloudAccountListVpcs, CloudAccountWithFeatures, CloudAccountsWithFeatures, ComputeSettings, DbParameterGroupsByRegion, DbSubnetGroupsByRegion, Ec2KeyPairsByRegion, ExocomputeConfigs, InstanceProfileNames, IsS3BucketNameAvailable, KmsEncryptionKeysByRegion, OptionGroupsByRegion, PermissionPolicies, RdsInstanceDetails, Regions, S3BucketStateForRecovery, S3Buckets, S3BucketsDetails, SupportedRdsDatabaseInstanceClasses, TrustPolicy, ValidateCreateClusterInput, Vpcs, or VpcsByRegion. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryAws creates a new query object for operations in the 'AWS' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 29 operations in the 'AWS' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: ArtifactsToDelete, AvailabilityZonesByRegion, CdmVersions, CloudAccountConfigs, CloudAccountListSecurityGroups, CloudAccountListSubnets, CloudAccountListVpcs, CloudAccountWithFeatures, CloudAccountsWithFeatures, ComputeSettings, DbParameterGroupsByRegion, DbSubnetGroupsByRegion, Ec2KeyPairsByRegion, ExocomputeConfigs, InstanceProfileNames, IsS3BucketNameAvailable, KmsEncryptionKeysByRegion, OptionGroupsByRegion, PermissionPolicies, RdsInstanceDetails, Regions, S3BucketStateForRecovery, S3Buckets, S3BucketsDetails, SupportedRdsDatabaseInstanceClasses, TrustPolicy, ValidateCreateClusterInput, Vpcs, or VpcsByRegion. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryAws -ArtifactsToDelete).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryAws -ArtifactsToDelete).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the ArtifactsToDelete operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: ArtifactsToDelete $query = New-RscQueryAws -ArtifactsToDelete # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED awsNativeId = $someString # REQUIRED features = @( $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AwsArtifactsToDelete </code> </example> <example> Runs the AvailabilityZonesByRegion operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: AvailabilityZonesByRegion $query = New-RscQueryAws -AvailabilityZonesByRegion # REQUIRED $query.Var.awsAccountRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.region = $someAwsNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRegion]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<System.String> </code> </example> <example> Runs the CdmVersions operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: CdmVersions $query = New-RscQueryAws -CdmVersions # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL cloudAccountId = $someString # OPTIONAL region = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AwsCdmVersion> </code> </example> <example> Runs the CloudAccountConfigs operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: CloudAccountConfigs $query = New-RscQueryAws -CloudAccountConfigs # REQUIRED $query.Var.awsCloudAccountsArg = @{ # REQUIRED feature = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # REQUIRED statusFilters = @( $someCloudAccountStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountStatus]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsAdminAccountFilter = $someString # OPTIONAL columnSearchFilter = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AwsFeatureConfig> </code> </example> <example> Runs the CloudAccountListSecurityGroups operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: CloudAccountListSecurityGroups $query = New-RscQueryAws -CloudAccountListSecurityGroups # REQUIRED $query.Var.cloudAccountUuid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.feature = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.region = $someAwsRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsRegion]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.vpcID = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AwsCloudAccountListSecurityGroupsResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the CloudAccountListSubnets operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: CloudAccountListSubnets $query = New-RscQueryAws -CloudAccountListSubnets # REQUIRED $query.Var.cloudAccountUuid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.feature = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.region = $someAwsRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsRegion]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.vpcID = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AwsCloudAccountListSubnetsResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the CloudAccountListVpcs operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: CloudAccountListVpcs $query = New-RscQueryAws -CloudAccountListVpcs # REQUIRED $query.Var.cloudAccountUuid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.feature = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.region = $someAwsRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsRegion]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AwsCloudAccountListVpcResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the CloudAccountWithFeatures operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: CloudAccountWithFeatures $query = New-RscQueryAws -CloudAccountWithFeatures # REQUIRED $query.Var.cloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.awsCloudAccountArg = @{ # REQUIRED features = @( $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AwsCloudAccountWithFeatures </code> </example> <example> Runs the CloudAccountsWithFeatures operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: CloudAccountsWithFeatures $query = New-RscQueryAws -CloudAccountsWithFeatures # REQUIRED $query.Var.awsCloudAccountsArg = @{ # REQUIRED feature = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # REQUIRED statusFilters = @( $someCloudAccountStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountStatus]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsAdminAccountFilter = $someString # OPTIONAL columnSearchFilter = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AwsCloudAccountWithFeatures> </code> </example> <example> Runs the ComputeSettings operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: ComputeSettings $query = New-RscQueryAws -ComputeSettings # REQUIRED $query.Var.computeSettingId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AwsComputeSettings </code> </example> <example> Runs the DbParameterGroupsByRegion operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: DbParameterGroupsByRegion $query = New-RscQueryAws -DbParameterGroupsByRegion # REQUIRED $query.Var.awsAccountRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.region = $someAwsNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRegion]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.dbEngine = $someAwsNativeRdsDbEngine # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRdsDbEngine]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.dbEngineVersion = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.rdsType = $someAwsNativeRdsType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRdsType]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<DbParameterGroup> </code> </example> <example> Runs the DbSubnetGroupsByRegion operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: DbSubnetGroupsByRegion $query = New-RscQueryAws -DbSubnetGroupsByRegion # REQUIRED $query.Var.awsAccountRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.region = $someAwsNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRegion]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<SubnetGroup> </code> </example> <example> Runs the Ec2KeyPairsByRegion operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: Ec2KeyPairsByRegion $query = New-RscQueryAws -Ec2KeyPairsByRegion # REQUIRED $query.Var.awsAccountRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.region = $someAwsNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRegion]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<System.String> </code> </example> <example> Runs the ExocomputeConfigs operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: ExocomputeConfigs $query = New-RscQueryAws -ExocomputeConfigs # REQUIRED $query.Var.awsNativeAccountIdOrNamePrefix = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AwsExocomputeConfig> </code> </example> <example> Runs the InstanceProfileNames operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: InstanceProfileNames $query = New-RscQueryAws -InstanceProfileNames # REQUIRED $query.Var.cloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.region = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<System.String> </code> </example> <example> Runs the IsS3BucketNameAvailable operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: IsS3BucketNameAvailable $query = New-RscQueryAws -IsS3BucketNameAvailable # REQUIRED $query.Var.bucketName = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.awsAccountRubrikId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the KmsEncryptionKeysByRegion operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: KmsEncryptionKeysByRegion $query = New-RscQueryAws -KmsEncryptionKeysByRegion # REQUIRED $query.Var.awsAccountRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.region = $someAwsNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRegion]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<KmsEncryptionKey> </code> </example> <example> Runs the OptionGroupsByRegion operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: OptionGroupsByRegion $query = New-RscQueryAws -OptionGroupsByRegion # REQUIRED $query.Var.awsAccountRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.region = $someAwsNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRegion]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.dbEngine = $someAwsNativeRdsDbEngine # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRdsDbEngine]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.dbEngineVersion = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.majorEngineVersion = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<OptionGroup> </code> </example> <example> Runs the PermissionPolicies operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: PermissionPolicies $query = New-RscQueryAws -PermissionPolicies # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL cloudType = $someAwsCloudType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsCloudType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL features = @( $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL featureSpecificDetails = @{ # OPTIONAL ec2RecoveryRolePath = $someString } # OPTIONAL featuresWithPermissionsGroups = @( @{ # OPTIONAL featureType = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL permissionsGroups = @( $somePermissionsGroup # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.PermissionsGroup]) for enum values. ) } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<PermissionPolicy> </code> </example> <example> Runs the RdsInstanceDetails operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: RdsInstanceDetails $query = New-RscQueryAws -RdsInstanceDetails # REQUIRED $query.Var.awsAccountRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.region = $someAwsNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRegion]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.rdsInstanceName = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.rdsDatabaseRubrikId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RdsInstanceDetailsFromAws </code> </example> <example> Runs the Regions operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: Regions $query = New-RscQueryAws -Regions # REQUIRED $query.Var.cloudAccountId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AwsCloudAccountRegion> </code> </example> <example> Runs the S3BucketStateForRecovery operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: S3BucketStateForRecovery $query = New-RscQueryAws -S3BucketStateForRecovery # REQUIRED $query.Var.bucketName = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.awsAccountRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.region = $someAwsNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRegion]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GetS3BucketStateForRecoveryReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the S3Buckets operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: S3Buckets $query = New-RscQueryAws -S3Buckets # REQUIRED $query.Var.awsAccountRubrikId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<System.String> </code> </example> <example> Runs the S3BucketsDetails operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: S3BucketsDetails $query = New-RscQueryAws -S3BucketsDetails # REQUIRED $query.Var.awsAccountRubrikId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.region = $someAwsNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRegion]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<S3BucketDetails> </code> </example> <example> Runs the SupportedRdsDatabaseInstanceClasses operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: SupportedRdsDatabaseInstanceClasses $query = New-RscQueryAws -SupportedRdsDatabaseInstanceClasses # REQUIRED $query.Var.awsAccountRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.region = $someAwsNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRegion]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.dbEngine = $someAwsNativeRdsDbEngine # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRdsDbEngine]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.dbEngineVersion = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<System.String> </code> </example> <example> Runs the TrustPolicy operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: TrustPolicy $query = New-RscQueryAws -TrustPolicy # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL cloudType = $someAwsCloudType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsCloudType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED features = @( $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. ) # REQUIRED awsNativeAccounts = @( @{ # OPTIONAL externalId = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AwsTrustPolicy </code> </example> <example> Runs the ValidateCreateClusterInput operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: ValidateCreateClusterInput $query = New-RscQueryAws -ValidateCreateClusterInput # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL cloudAccountId = $someString # OPTIONAL isEsType = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL keepClusterOnFailure = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL region = $someString # OPTIONAL disableApiTermination = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL clusterConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL userEmail = $someString # OPTIONAL adminPassword = $someString # OPTIONAL clusterName = $someString # OPTIONAL numNodes = $someInt # OPTIONAL dnsSearchDomains = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL dnsNameServers = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL ntpServers = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL azureEsConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL storageAccount = $someString # OPTIONAL resourceGroup = $someString # OPTIONAL storageSecret = $someString # OPTIONAL containerName = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldCreateContainer = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL enableImmutability = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL managedIdentity = @{ # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL clientId = $someString # OPTIONAL resourceGroup = $someString } } # OPTIONAL awsEsConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL bucketName = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldCreateBucket = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL enableObjectLock = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL enableImmutability = $someBoolean } } # OPTIONAL vmConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL cdmVersion = $someString # OPTIONAL nodeSizeGb = $someInt # OPTIONAL subnet = $someString # OPTIONAL tags = $someString # OPTIONAL imageId = $someString # OPTIONAL instanceProfileName = $someString # OPTIONAL cdmProduct = $someString # OPTIONAL vmType = $someVmType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VmType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL securityGroups = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL instanceType = $someAwsInstanceType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsInstanceType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL networkConfig = @( @{ # OPTIONAL availabilityZone = $someString # OPTIONAL subnet = $someString } ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ValidationReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the Vpcs operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: Vpcs $query = New-RscQueryAws -Vpcs # OPTIONAL $query.Var.awsAccountRubrikId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AwsVpc> </code> </example> <example> Runs the VpcsByRegion operation of the 'AWS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Aws # API Operation: VpcsByRegion $query = New-RscQueryAws -VpcsByRegion # REQUIRED $query.Var.awsAccountRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.region = $someAwsNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRegion]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AwsVpc> </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryAwsNative"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 19 operations in the 'AWS Native' API domain: Account, Accounts, AmiTypeForArchivedSnapshotExport, EbsVolume, EbsVolumes, EbsVolumesByName, Ec2Instance, Ec2Instances, Ec2InstancesByName, IsEbsVolumeSnapshotRestorable, IsRdsInstanceLaunchConfigurationValid, RdsExportDefaults, RdsInstance, RdsInstances, RdsPointInTimeRestoreWindow, Root, S3Bucket, ValidateRdsClusterNameForExport, or ValidateRdsInstanceNameForExport. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryAwsNative creates a new query object for operations in the 'AWS Native' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 19 operations in the 'AWS Native' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: Account, Accounts, AmiTypeForArchivedSnapshotExport, EbsVolume, EbsVolumes, EbsVolumesByName, Ec2Instance, Ec2Instances, Ec2InstancesByName, IsEbsVolumeSnapshotRestorable, IsRdsInstanceLaunchConfigurationValid, RdsExportDefaults, RdsInstance, RdsInstances, RdsPointInTimeRestoreWindow, Root, S3Bucket, ValidateRdsClusterNameForExport, or ValidateRdsInstanceNameForExport. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryAwsNative -Account).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryAwsNative -Account).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the Account operation of the 'AWS Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AwsNative # API Operation: Account $query = New-RscQueryAwsNative -Account # REQUIRED $query.Var.awsNativeAccountRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.awsNativeProtectionFeature = $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AwsNativeAccount </code> </example> <example> Runs the Accounts operation of the 'AWS Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AwsNative # API Operation: Accounts $query = New-RscQueryAwsNative -Accounts # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someAwsNativeAccountSortFields # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeAccountSortFields]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.accountFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL nameSubstringFilter = @{ # REQUIRED nameSubstring = $someString } # OPTIONAL effectiveSlaFilter = @{ # REQUIRED effectiveSlaIds = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL cloudTypeFilter = @{ # REQUIRED cloudTypes = @( $someAwsCloudType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsCloudType]) for enum values. ) } } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.authorizedOperationFilter = $someOperation # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.Operation]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.awsNativeProtectionFeature = $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AwsNativeAccountConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the AmiTypeForArchivedSnapshotExport operation of the 'AWS Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AwsNative # API Operation: AmiTypeForArchivedSnapshotExport $query = New-RscQueryAwsNative -AmiTypeForArchivedSnapshotExport # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED destinationRegionId = $someAwsNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRegion]) for enum values. # REQUIRED destinationAwsAccountRubrikId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AmiTypeForAwsNativeArchivedSnapshotExportReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the EbsVolume operation of the 'AWS Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AwsNative # API Operation: EbsVolume $query = New-RscQueryAwsNative -EbsVolume # REQUIRED $query.Var.ebsVolumeRubrikId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AwsNativeEbsVolume </code> </example> <example> Runs the EbsVolumes operation of the 'AWS Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AwsNative # API Operation: EbsVolumes $query = New-RscQueryAwsNative -EbsVolumes # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someAwsNativeEbsVolumeSortFields # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeEbsVolumeSortFields]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.ebsVolumeFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL nameOrIdSubstringFilter = @{ # REQUIRED nameOrIdSubstring = $someString } # OPTIONAL fileRecoveryStatusFilter = @{ # REQUIRED statuses = @( $someAwsNativeFileRecoveryStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeFileRecoveryStatus]) for enum values. ) } # OPTIONAL typeFilter = @{ # REQUIRED ebsVolumeTypes = @( $someAwsNativeEbsVolumeType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeEbsVolumeType]) for enum values. ) } # OPTIONAL attachedInstanceFilter = @{ # REQUIRED ec2InstanceIds = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL effectiveSlaFilter = @{ # REQUIRED effectiveSlaIds = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL accountFilter = @{ # REQUIRED accountIds = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL regionFilter = @{ # REQUIRED regions = @( $someAwsNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRegion]) for enum values. ) } # OPTIONAL relicFilter = @{ # REQUIRED relic = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL tagFilter = @{ # REQUIRED tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) } # OPTIONAL orgFilter = @{ # REQUIRED orgIds = @( $someString ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AwsNativeEbsVolumeConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the EbsVolumesByName operation of the 'AWS Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AwsNative # API Operation: EbsVolumesByName $query = New-RscQueryAwsNative -EbsVolumesByName # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someAwsNativeEbsVolumeSortFields # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeEbsVolumeSortFields]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.ebsVolumeName = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AwsNativeEbsVolumeConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Ec2Instance operation of the 'AWS Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AwsNative # API Operation: Ec2Instance $query = New-RscQueryAwsNative -Ec2Instance # REQUIRED $query.Var.ec2InstanceRubrikId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AwsNativeEc2Instance </code> </example> <example> Runs the Ec2Instances operation of the 'AWS Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AwsNative # API Operation: Ec2Instances $query = New-RscQueryAwsNative -Ec2Instances # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someAwsNativeEc2InstanceSortFields # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeEc2InstanceSortFields]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.descendantTypeFilter = @( $someHierarchyObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.ec2InstanceFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL nameOrIdSubstringFilter = @{ # REQUIRED nameOrIdSubstring = $someString } # OPTIONAL effectiveSlaFilter = @{ # REQUIRED effectiveSlaIds = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL accountFilter = @{ # REQUIRED accountIds = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL fileRecoveryStatusFilter = @{ # REQUIRED statuses = @( $someAwsNativeFileRecoveryStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeFileRecoveryStatus]) for enum values. ) } # OPTIONAL regionFilter = @{ # REQUIRED regions = @( $someAwsNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRegion]) for enum values. ) } # OPTIONAL typeFilter = @{ # REQUIRED ec2InstanceTypes = @( $someAwsNativeEc2InstanceType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeEc2InstanceType]) for enum values. ) } # OPTIONAL vpcFilter = @{ # REQUIRED vpcIds = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL relicFilter = @{ # REQUIRED relic = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL tagFilter = @{ # REQUIRED tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) } # OPTIONAL appProtectionStatusFilter = @{ # REQUIRED isProtectionSetup = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL rbsStatusFilter = @{ # REQUIRED status = $someCloudInstanceRbsConnectionStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudInstanceRbsConnectionStatus]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL orgFilter = @{ # REQUIRED orgIds = @( $someString ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AwsNativeEc2InstanceConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Ec2InstancesByName operation of the 'AWS Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AwsNative # API Operation: Ec2InstancesByName $query = New-RscQueryAwsNative -Ec2InstancesByName # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someAwsNativeEc2InstanceSortFields # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeEc2InstanceSortFields]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.ec2InstanceName = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AwsNativeEc2InstanceConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the IsEbsVolumeSnapshotRestorable operation of the 'AWS Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AwsNative # API Operation: IsEbsVolumeSnapshotRestorable $query = New-RscQueryAwsNative -IsEbsVolumeSnapshotRestorable # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: IsVolumeSnapshotRestorableReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the IsRdsInstanceLaunchConfigurationValid operation of the 'AWS Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AwsNative # API Operation: IsRdsInstanceLaunchConfigurationValid $query = New-RscQueryAwsNative -IsRdsInstanceLaunchConfigurationValid # REQUIRED $query.Var.awsAccountRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.region = $someAwsNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRegion]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.dbEngine = $someAwsNativeRdsDbEngine # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRdsDbEngine]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.dbEngineVersion = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.dbClass = $someAwsNativeRdsDbInstanceClass # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRdsDbInstanceClass]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.databaseInstanceClass = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.primaryAz = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.storageType = $someAwsNativeRdsStorageType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRdsStorageType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.isMultiAz = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL $query.Var.kmsKeyId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.iops = $someInt # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the RdsExportDefaults operation of the 'AWS Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AwsNative # API Operation: RdsExportDefaults $query = New-RscQueryAwsNative -RdsExportDefaults # REQUIRED $query.Var.rdsInstanceRubrikId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.isPointInTime = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RdsInstanceExportDefaults </code> </example> <example> Runs the RdsInstance operation of the 'AWS Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AwsNative # API Operation: RdsInstance $query = New-RscQueryAwsNative -RdsInstance # REQUIRED $query.Var.rdsInstanceRubrikId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AwsNativeRdsInstance </code> </example> <example> Runs the RdsInstances operation of the 'AWS Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AwsNative # API Operation: RdsInstances $query = New-RscQueryAwsNative -RdsInstances # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someAwsNativeRdsInstanceSortFields # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRdsInstanceSortFields]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.rdsInstanceFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL nameSubstringFilter = @{ # REQUIRED nameSubstring = $someString } # OPTIONAL effectiveSlaFilter = @{ # REQUIRED effectiveSlaIds = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL accountFilter = @{ # REQUIRED accountIds = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL vpcFilter = @{ # REQUIRED vpcIds = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL relicFilter = @{ # REQUIRED relic = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL tagFilter = @{ # REQUIRED tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) } # OPTIONAL regionFilter = @{ # REQUIRED regions = @( $someAwsNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRegion]) for enum values. ) } # OPTIONAL dbEngineFilter = @{ # REQUIRED dbEngines = @( $someAwsNativeRdsDbEngine # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRdsDbEngine]) for enum values. ) } # OPTIONAL dbInstanceClassFilter = @{ # REQUIRED dbInstanceClasses = @( $someAwsNativeRdsDbInstanceClass # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRdsDbInstanceClass]) for enum values. ) } # OPTIONAL orgFilter = @{ # REQUIRED orgIds = @( $someString ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AwsNativeRdsInstanceConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the RdsPointInTimeRestoreWindow operation of the 'AWS Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AwsNative # API Operation: RdsPointInTimeRestoreWindow $query = New-RscQueryAwsNative -RdsPointInTimeRestoreWindow # REQUIRED $query.Var.awsAccountRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.region = $someAwsNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRegion]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.rdsInstanceName = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.rdsDatabaseRubrikId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AwsNativeRdsPointInTimeRestoreWindow </code> </example> <example> Runs the Root operation of the 'AWS Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AwsNative # API Operation: Root $query = New-RscQueryAwsNative -Root # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AwsNativeRoot </code> </example> <example> Runs the S3Bucket operation of the 'AWS Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AwsNative # API Operation: S3Bucket $query = New-RscQueryAwsNative -S3Bucket # REQUIRED $query.Var.s3BucketRubrikId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AwsNativeS3Bucket </code> </example> <example> Runs the ValidateRdsClusterNameForExport operation of the 'AWS Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AwsNative # API Operation: ValidateRdsClusterNameForExport $query = New-RscQueryAwsNative -ValidateRdsClusterNameForExport # REQUIRED $query.Var.awsAccountRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.region = $someAwsNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRegion]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.rdsClusterName = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ValidateAwsNativeRdsClusterNameForExportReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the ValidateRdsInstanceNameForExport operation of the 'AWS Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AwsNative # API Operation: ValidateRdsInstanceNameForExport $query = New-RscQueryAwsNative -ValidateRdsInstanceNameForExport # REQUIRED $query.Var.awsAccountRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.region = $someAwsNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRegion]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.rdsInstanceName = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ValidateAwsNativeRdsInstanceNameForExportReply </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryAzure"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 46 operations in the 'Azure' API domain: AdDirectories, AdDirectory, AdObjectsByType, ArmTemplatesByFeature, CdmVersions, CheckPersistentStorageSubscriptionCanUnmap, CloudAccountDetailsForFeature, CloudAccountMissingPermissions, CloudAccountPermissionConfig, CloudAccountSubnetsByRegion, CloudAccountSubscriptionWithFeatures, CloudAccountSubscriptionsByFeature, CloudAccountTenant, CloudAccountTenantWithExoConfigs, CloudAccountTenants, DiskEncryptionSetsByRegion, EncryptionKeys, ExocomputeConfigsInAccount, HasRelicAdSnapshot, HostedAzureRegions, IsStorageAccountNameAvailable, KeyVaultsByRegion, ManagedIdentities, Nsgs, Regions, ResourceGroups, SearchAdSnapshot, SqlDatabase, SqlDatabaseDbPointInTimeRestoreWindowFromAzure, SqlDatabaseServer, SqlDatabaseServerElasticPools, SqlDatabaseServers, SqlDatabases, SqlManagedInstanceDatabase, SqlManagedInstanceDatabases, SqlManagedInstanceDbPointInTimeRestoreWindowFromAzure, SqlManagedInstanceServer, SqlManagedInstanceServers, StorageAccounts, StorageAccountsByRegion, Subnets, SubscriptionWithExocomputeMappings, Subscriptions, VNets, ValidateCloudAccountExocomputeConfigurations, or ValidateCreateClusterInput. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryAzure creates a new query object for operations in the 'Azure' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 46 operations in the 'Azure' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: AdDirectories, AdDirectory, AdObjectsByType, ArmTemplatesByFeature, CdmVersions, CheckPersistentStorageSubscriptionCanUnmap, CloudAccountDetailsForFeature, CloudAccountMissingPermissions, CloudAccountPermissionConfig, CloudAccountSubnetsByRegion, CloudAccountSubscriptionWithFeatures, CloudAccountSubscriptionsByFeature, CloudAccountTenant, CloudAccountTenantWithExoConfigs, CloudAccountTenants, DiskEncryptionSetsByRegion, EncryptionKeys, ExocomputeConfigsInAccount, HasRelicAdSnapshot, HostedAzureRegions, IsStorageAccountNameAvailable, KeyVaultsByRegion, ManagedIdentities, Nsgs, Regions, ResourceGroups, SearchAdSnapshot, SqlDatabase, SqlDatabaseDbPointInTimeRestoreWindowFromAzure, SqlDatabaseServer, SqlDatabaseServerElasticPools, SqlDatabaseServers, SqlDatabases, SqlManagedInstanceDatabase, SqlManagedInstanceDatabases, SqlManagedInstanceDbPointInTimeRestoreWindowFromAzure, SqlManagedInstanceServer, SqlManagedInstanceServers, StorageAccounts, StorageAccountsByRegion, Subnets, SubscriptionWithExocomputeMappings, Subscriptions, VNets, ValidateCloudAccountExocomputeConfigurations, or ValidateCreateClusterInput. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryAzure -AdDirectories).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryAzure -AdDirectories).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the AdDirectories operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: AdDirectories $query = New-RscQueryAzure -AdDirectories # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureAdDirectoryConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the AdDirectory operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: AdDirectory $query = New-RscQueryAzure -AdDirectory # REQUIRED $query.Var.workloadFid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureAdDirectory </code> </example> <example> Runs the AdObjectsByType operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: AdObjectsByType $query = New-RscQueryAzure -AdObjectsByType # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortByOption = @( $someAzureAdObjectSearchType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureAdObjectSearchType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED workloadFid = $someString # REQUIRED keywordSearchFilters = @( @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeyword = $someString # OPTIONAL searchKeywordType = $someString } ) # REQUIRED azureAdObjectType = $someAzureAdObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureAdObjectType]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureAdObjectConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the ArmTemplatesByFeature operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: ArmTemplatesByFeature $query = New-RscQueryAzure -ArmTemplatesByFeature # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED customerTenantDomainName = $someString # OPTIONAL features = @( $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. ) # REQUIRED operationType = $someCloudAccountOperation # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountOperation]) for enum values. # REQUIRED cloudType = $someAzureCloudType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureCloudType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL featuresToInclude = @( @{ # OPTIONAL permissionsGroups = @( $somePermissionsGroup # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.PermissionsGroup]) for enum values. ) # REQUIRED featureType = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AzureArmTemplateByFeature> </code> </example> <example> Runs the CdmVersions operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: CdmVersions $query = New-RscQueryAzure -CdmVersions # REQUIRED $query.Var.cdmVersionRequest = @{ # OPTIONAL cloudAccountId = $someString # OPTIONAL location = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AzureCdmVersion> </code> </example> <example> Runs the CheckPersistentStorageSubscriptionCanUnmap operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: CheckPersistentStorageSubscriptionCanUnmap $query = New-RscQueryAzure -CheckPersistentStorageSubscriptionCanUnmap # REQUIRED $query.Var.cloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.feature = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.unmappingValidationType = $someUnmappingValidationType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmappingValidationType]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CheckAzurePersistentStorageSubscriptionCanUnmapReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CloudAccountDetailsForFeature operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: CloudAccountDetailsForFeature $query = New-RscQueryAzure -CloudAccountDetailsForFeature # REQUIRED $query.Var.featureId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureCloudAccountDetailsForFeatureReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CloudAccountMissingPermissions operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: CloudAccountMissingPermissions $query = New-RscQueryAzure -CloudAccountMissingPermissions # REQUIRED $query.Var.sessionId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.subscriptionIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.cloudAccountAction = $someCloudAccountAction # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountAction]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AzureSubscriptionMissingPermissions> </code> </example> <example> Runs the CloudAccountPermissionConfig operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: CloudAccountPermissionConfig $query = New-RscQueryAzure -CloudAccountPermissionConfig # REQUIRED $query.Var.feature = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.permissionsGroups = @( $somePermissionsGroup # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.PermissionsGroup]) for enum values. ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureCloudAccountPermissionConfigResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the CloudAccountSubnetsByRegion operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: CloudAccountSubnetsByRegion $query = New-RscQueryAzure -CloudAccountSubnetsByRegion # REQUIRED $query.Var.cloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.region = $someAzureCloudAccountRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureCloudAccountRegion]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AzureNativeSubnet> </code> </example> <example> Runs the CloudAccountSubscriptionWithFeatures operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: CloudAccountSubscriptionWithFeatures $query = New-RscQueryAzure -CloudAccountSubscriptionWithFeatures # REQUIRED $query.Var.cloudAccountId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureCloudAccountSubscriptionWithFeatures </code> </example> <example> Runs the CloudAccountSubscriptionsByFeature operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: CloudAccountSubscriptionsByFeature $query = New-RscQueryAzure -CloudAccountSubscriptionsByFeature # REQUIRED $query.Var.feature = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.subscriptionStatusFilters = @( $someCloudAccountStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountStatus]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.permissionsGroupFilters = @( @{ # OPTIONAL featureType = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL permissionsGroups = @( $somePermissionsGroup # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.PermissionsGroup]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AzureSubscriptionWithFeaturesType> </code> </example> <example> Runs the CloudAccountTenant operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: CloudAccountTenant $query = New-RscQueryAzure -CloudAccountTenant # REQUIRED $query.Var.tenantId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.feature = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.subscriptionStatusFilters = @( $someCloudAccountStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountStatus]) for enum values. ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.subscriptionSearchText = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.subscriptionIdsFilter = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureCloudAccountTenant </code> </example> <example> Runs the CloudAccountTenantWithExoConfigs operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: CloudAccountTenantWithExoConfigs $query = New-RscQueryAzure -CloudAccountTenantWithExoConfigs # REQUIRED $query.Var.tenantId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.feature = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.subscriptionStatusFilters = @( $someCloudAccountStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountStatus]) for enum values. ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.subscriptionSearchText = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.subscriptionIdsFilter = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureCloudAccountTenantWithExoConfigs </code> </example> <example> Runs the CloudAccountTenants operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: CloudAccountTenants $query = New-RscQueryAzure -CloudAccountTenants # OPTIONAL $query.Var.features = @( $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.feature = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.includeSubscriptionDetails = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AzureCloudAccountTenant> </code> </example> <example> Runs the DiskEncryptionSetsByRegion operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: DiskEncryptionSetsByRegion $query = New-RscQueryAzure -DiskEncryptionSetsByRegion # REQUIRED $query.Var.azureSubscriptionRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.region = $someAzureNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeRegion]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AzureNativeDiskEncryptionSet> </code> </example> <example> Runs the EncryptionKeys operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: EncryptionKeys $query = New-RscQueryAzure -EncryptionKeys # REQUIRED $query.Var.azureEncryptionKeysInput = @{ # REQUIRED cloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED keyVaultName = $someString # REQUIRED resourceGroupName = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AzureEncryptionKey> </code> </example> <example> Runs the ExocomputeConfigsInAccount operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: ExocomputeConfigsInAccount $query = New-RscQueryAzure -ExocomputeConfigsInAccount # OPTIONAL $query.Var.azureExocomputeSearchQuery = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.cloudAccountIDs = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AzureExocomputeConfigsInAccount> </code> </example> <example> Runs the HasRelicAdSnapshot operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: HasRelicAdSnapshot $query = New-RscQueryAzure -HasRelicAdSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED domainName = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: HasRelicAzureAdSnapshotReplyType </code> </example> <example> Runs the HostedAzureRegions operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: HostedAzureRegions $query = New-RscQueryAzure -HostedAzureRegions # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureRegionsResp </code> </example> <example> Runs the IsStorageAccountNameAvailable operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: IsStorageAccountNameAvailable $query = New-RscQueryAzure -IsStorageAccountNameAvailable # REQUIRED $query.Var.azureSubscriptionRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.storageAccountName = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the KeyVaultsByRegion operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: KeyVaultsByRegion $query = New-RscQueryAzure -KeyVaultsByRegion # REQUIRED $query.Var.azureKeyVaultsInput = @{ # REQUIRED cloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED region = $someAzureRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureRegion]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL userAssignedManagedIdentityPrincipalId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AzureKeyVault> </code> </example> <example> Runs the ManagedIdentities operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: ManagedIdentities $query = New-RscQueryAzure -ManagedIdentities # REQUIRED $query.Var.managedIdentitiesRequest = @{ # REQUIRED cloudAccountId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AzureManagedIdentity> </code> </example> <example> Runs the Nsgs operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: Nsgs $query = New-RscQueryAzure -Nsgs # REQUIRED $query.Var.nsgRequest = @{ # OPTIONAL cloudAccountId = $someString # OPTIONAL resourceGroup = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<System.String> </code> </example> <example> Runs the Regions operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: Regions $query = New-RscQueryAzure -Regions # REQUIRED $query.Var.tenantId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.subscriptionId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RegionConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the ResourceGroups operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: ResourceGroups $query = New-RscQueryAzure -ResourceGroups # REQUIRED $query.Var.cloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.azureSubscriptionNativeId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.feature = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AzureResourceGroup> </code> </example> <example> Runs the SearchAdSnapshot operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: SearchAdSnapshot $query = New-RscQueryAzure -SearchAdSnapshot # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED workloadFid = $someString # REQUIRED keywordSearchFilters = @( @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeyword = $someString # OPTIONAL searchKeywordType = $someString } ) # REQUIRED azureAdObjectType = $someAzureAdObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureAdObjectType]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureAdObjectConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the SqlDatabase operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: SqlDatabase $query = New-RscQueryAzure -SqlDatabase # REQUIRED $query.Var.azureSqlDatabaseRubrikId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureSqlDatabaseDb </code> </example> <example> Runs the SqlDatabaseDbPointInTimeRestoreWindowFromAzure operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: SqlDatabaseDbPointInTimeRestoreWindowFromAzure $query = New-RscQueryAzure -SqlDatabaseDbPointInTimeRestoreWindowFromAzure # REQUIRED $query.Var.subscriptionId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.resourceGroupName = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.azureSqlDatabaseServerName = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.azureSqlDatabaseName = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureNativeSqlDatabasePointInTimeRestoreWindow </code> </example> <example> Runs the SqlDatabaseServer operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: SqlDatabaseServer $query = New-RscQueryAzure -SqlDatabaseServer # REQUIRED $query.Var.azureSqlDatabaseServerRubrikId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureSqlDatabaseServer </code> </example> <example> Runs the SqlDatabaseServerElasticPools operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: SqlDatabaseServerElasticPools $query = New-RscQueryAzure -SqlDatabaseServerElasticPools # REQUIRED $query.Var.subscriptionId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.resourceGroupName = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.azureSqlDatabaseServerName = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.azureSqlDatabaseServerRubrikId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AzureSqlDatabaseServerElasticPool> </code> </example> <example> Runs the SqlDatabaseServers operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: SqlDatabaseServers $query = New-RscQueryAzure -SqlDatabaseServers # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someAzureSqlDatabaseServerSortFields # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureSqlDatabaseServerSortFields]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.azureSqlDatabaseServerFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL nameSubstringFilter = @{ # REQUIRED nameSubstring = $someString } # OPTIONAL effectiveSlaFilter = @{ # REQUIRED effectiveSlaIds = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL resourceGroupFilter = @{ # REQUIRED resourceGroupNames = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL subscriptionFilter = @{ # REQUIRED subscriptionIds = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL regionFilter = @{ # REQUIRED regions = @( $someAzureNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeRegion]) for enum values. ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureSqlDatabaseServerConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the SqlDatabases operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: SqlDatabases $query = New-RscQueryAzure -SqlDatabases # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someAzureSqlDatabaseSortFields # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureSqlDatabaseSortFields]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.azureSqlDatabaseFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL nameSubstringFilter = @{ # REQUIRED nameSubstring = $someString } # OPTIONAL effectiveSlaFilter = @{ # REQUIRED effectiveSlaIds = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL resourceGroupFilter = @{ # REQUIRED resourceGroupNames = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL subscriptionFilter = @{ # REQUIRED subscriptionIds = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL regionFilter = @{ # REQUIRED regions = @( $someAzureNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeRegion]) for enum values. ) } # OPTIONAL relicFilter = @{ # REQUIRED relic = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL tagFilter = @{ # REQUIRED tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) } # OPTIONAL serverFilter = @{ # REQUIRED serverNames = @( $someString ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureSqlDatabaseDbConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the SqlManagedInstanceDatabase operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: SqlManagedInstanceDatabase $query = New-RscQueryAzure -SqlManagedInstanceDatabase # REQUIRED $query.Var.azureSqlManagedInstanceDatabaseRubrikId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureSqlManagedInstanceDatabase </code> </example> <example> Runs the SqlManagedInstanceDatabases operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: SqlManagedInstanceDatabases $query = New-RscQueryAzure -SqlManagedInstanceDatabases # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someAzureSqlManagedInstanceDatabaseSortFields # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureSqlManagedInstanceDatabaseSortFields]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.azureSqlManagedInstanceDatabaseFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL nameSubstringFilter = @{ # REQUIRED nameSubstring = $someString } # OPTIONAL effectiveSlaFilter = @{ # REQUIRED effectiveSlaIds = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL resourceGroupFilter = @{ # REQUIRED resourceGroupNames = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL subscriptionFilter = @{ # REQUIRED subscriptionIds = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL regionFilter = @{ # REQUIRED regions = @( $someAzureNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeRegion]) for enum values. ) } # OPTIONAL relicFilter = @{ # REQUIRED relic = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL serverFilter = @{ # REQUIRED serverNames = @( $someString ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureSqlManagedInstanceDatabaseConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the SqlManagedInstanceDbPointInTimeRestoreWindowFromAzure operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: SqlManagedInstanceDbPointInTimeRestoreWindowFromAzure $query = New-RscQueryAzure -SqlManagedInstanceDbPointInTimeRestoreWindowFromAzure # REQUIRED $query.Var.subscriptionId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.resourceGroupName = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.azureSqlManagedInstanceName = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.azureSqlDatabaseName = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureNativeSqlDatabasePointInTimeRestoreWindow </code> </example> <example> Runs the SqlManagedInstanceServer operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: SqlManagedInstanceServer $query = New-RscQueryAzure -SqlManagedInstanceServer # REQUIRED $query.Var.azureSqlManagedInstanceServerRubrikId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureSqlManagedInstanceServer </code> </example> <example> Runs the SqlManagedInstanceServers operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: SqlManagedInstanceServers $query = New-RscQueryAzure -SqlManagedInstanceServers # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someAzureSqlManagedInstanceServerSortFields # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureSqlManagedInstanceServerSortFields]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.azureSqlManagedInstanceServerFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL nameSubstringFilter = @{ # REQUIRED nameSubstring = $someString } # OPTIONAL effectiveSlaFilter = @{ # REQUIRED effectiveSlaIds = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL resourceGroupFilter = @{ # REQUIRED resourceGroupNames = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL subscriptionFilter = @{ # REQUIRED subscriptionIds = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL regionFilter = @{ # REQUIRED regions = @( $someAzureNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeRegion]) for enum values. ) } # OPTIONAL tagFilter = @{ # REQUIRED tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureSqlManagedInstanceServerConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the StorageAccounts operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: StorageAccounts $query = New-RscQueryAzure -StorageAccounts # REQUIRED $query.Var.tenantId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.subscriptionId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.regionName = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: StorageAccountConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the StorageAccountsByRegion operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: StorageAccountsByRegion $query = New-RscQueryAzure -StorageAccountsByRegion # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL cloudAccountId = $someString # OPTIONAL region = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AzureStorageAccountCcprovision> </code> </example> <example> Runs the Subnets operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: Subnets $query = New-RscQueryAzure -Subnets # REQUIRED $query.Var.tenantId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.subscriptionId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.vNetId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SubnetConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the SubscriptionWithExocomputeMappings operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: SubscriptionWithExocomputeMappings $query = New-RscQueryAzure -SubscriptionWithExocomputeMappings # OPTIONAL $query.Var.features = @( $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.exocomputeSubscriptionIdsFilter = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AzureSubscriptionWithExocomputeMapping> </code> </example> <example> Runs the Subscriptions operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: Subscriptions $query = New-RscQueryAzure -Subscriptions # REQUIRED $query.Var.tenantId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureSubscriptionConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the VNets operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: VNets $query = New-RscQueryAzure -VNets # REQUIRED $query.Var.tenantId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.subscriptionId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.regionName = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VnetConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the ValidateCloudAccountExocomputeConfigurations operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: ValidateCloudAccountExocomputeConfigurations $query = New-RscQueryAzure -ValidateCloudAccountExocomputeConfigurations # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED cloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED azureExocomputeRegionConfigs = @( @{ # REQUIRED region = $someAzureCloudAccountRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureCloudAccountRegion]) for enum values. # REQUIRED subnetNativeId = $someString # REQUIRED isRscManaged = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL podSubnetNativeId = $someString # OPTIONAL podOverlayNetworkCidr = $someString } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ValidateAzureSubnetsForCloudAccountExocomputeReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the ValidateCreateClusterInput operation of the 'Azure' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Azure # API Operation: ValidateCreateClusterInput $query = New-RscQueryAzure -ValidateCreateClusterInput # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL cloudAccountId = $someString # OPTIONAL isEsType = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL keepClusterOnFailure = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL clusterConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL userEmail = $someString # OPTIONAL adminPassword = $someString # OPTIONAL clusterName = $someString # OPTIONAL numNodes = $someInt # OPTIONAL dnsSearchDomains = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL dnsNameServers = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL ntpServers = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL azureEsConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL storageAccount = $someString # OPTIONAL resourceGroup = $someString # OPTIONAL storageSecret = $someString # OPTIONAL containerName = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldCreateContainer = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL enableImmutability = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL managedIdentity = @{ # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL clientId = $someString # OPTIONAL resourceGroup = $someString } } # OPTIONAL awsEsConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL bucketName = $someString # OPTIONAL shouldCreateBucket = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL enableObjectLock = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL enableImmutability = $someBoolean } } # OPTIONAL vmConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL resourceGroup = $someString # OPTIONAL cdmVersion = $someString # OPTIONAL location = $someString # OPTIONAL nodeSizeGb = $someInt # OPTIONAL networkResourceGroup = $someString # OPTIONAL vnetResourceGroup = $someString # OPTIONAL networkSecurityGroup = $someString # OPTIONAL networkSecurityResourceGroup = $someString # OPTIONAL vnet = $someString # OPTIONAL subnet = $someString # OPTIONAL tags = $someString # OPTIONAL vmImage = $someString # OPTIONAL cdmProduct = $someString # OPTIONAL availabilityZone = $someString # OPTIONAL vmType = $someVmType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VmType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL instanceType = $someAzureInstanceType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureInstanceType]) for enum values. } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ValidationReply </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryAzureNative"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 23 operations in the 'Azure Native' API domain: AvailabilitySetsByRegionFromAzure, DoesResourceGroupExist, ExportCompatibleDiskTypesByRegionFromAzure, ExportCompatibleVmSizesByRegionFromAzure, IsManagedDiskSnapshotRestorable, IsSqlDatabaseSnapshotPersistent, ManagedDisk, ManagedDisks, ResourceGroup, ResourceGroups, ResourceGroupsInfoIfExist, Root, SecurityGroupsByRegionFromAzure, StorageAccountsFromAzure, SubnetsByRegionFromAzure, Subscription, Subscriptions, ValidateSqlDatabaseDbNameForExport, ValidateSqlManagedInstanceDbNameForExport, VirtualMachine, VirtualMachineSizes, VirtualMachines, or VirtualNetworks. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryAzureNative creates a new query object for operations in the 'Azure Native' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 23 operations in the 'Azure Native' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: AvailabilitySetsByRegionFromAzure, DoesResourceGroupExist, ExportCompatibleDiskTypesByRegionFromAzure, ExportCompatibleVmSizesByRegionFromAzure, IsManagedDiskSnapshotRestorable, IsSqlDatabaseSnapshotPersistent, ManagedDisk, ManagedDisks, ResourceGroup, ResourceGroups, ResourceGroupsInfoIfExist, Root, SecurityGroupsByRegionFromAzure, StorageAccountsFromAzure, SubnetsByRegionFromAzure, Subscription, Subscriptions, ValidateSqlDatabaseDbNameForExport, ValidateSqlManagedInstanceDbNameForExport, VirtualMachine, VirtualMachineSizes, VirtualMachines, or VirtualNetworks. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryAzureNative -AvailabilitySetsByRegionFromAzure).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryAzureNative -AvailabilitySetsByRegionFromAzure).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the AvailabilitySetsByRegionFromAzure operation of the 'Azure Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureNative # API Operation: AvailabilitySetsByRegionFromAzure $query = New-RscQueryAzureNative -AvailabilitySetsByRegionFromAzure # REQUIRED $query.Var.azureSubscriptionRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.resourceGroupName = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.region = $someAzureNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeRegion]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AzureNativeAvailabilitySet> </code> </example> <example> Runs the DoesResourceGroupExist operation of the 'Azure Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureNative # API Operation: DoesResourceGroupExist $query = New-RscQueryAzureNative -DoesResourceGroupExist # REQUIRED $query.Var.cloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.azureSubscriptionNativeId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.resourceGroupName = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.feature = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the ExportCompatibleDiskTypesByRegionFromAzure operation of the 'Azure Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureNative # API Operation: ExportCompatibleDiskTypesByRegionFromAzure $query = New-RscQueryAzureNative -ExportCompatibleDiskTypesByRegionFromAzure # REQUIRED $query.Var.azureSubscriptionRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.region = $someAzureNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeRegion]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AzureNativeExportCompatibleDiskTypes> </code> </example> <example> Runs the ExportCompatibleVmSizesByRegionFromAzure operation of the 'Azure Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureNative # API Operation: ExportCompatibleVmSizesByRegionFromAzure $query = New-RscQueryAzureNative -ExportCompatibleVmSizesByRegionFromAzure # REQUIRED $query.Var.azureSubscriptionRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.region = $someAzureNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeRegion]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.vmSnapshotId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AzureNativeExportCompatibleVmSizes> </code> </example> <example> Runs the IsManagedDiskSnapshotRestorable operation of the 'Azure Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureNative # API Operation: IsManagedDiskSnapshotRestorable $query = New-RscQueryAzureNative -IsManagedDiskSnapshotRestorable # REQUIRED $query.Var.azureSubscriptionRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.diskSnapshotId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the IsSqlDatabaseSnapshotPersistent operation of the 'Azure Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureNative # API Operation: IsSqlDatabaseSnapshotPersistent $query = New-RscQueryAzureNative -IsSqlDatabaseSnapshotPersistent # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the ManagedDisk operation of the 'Azure Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureNative # API Operation: ManagedDisk $query = New-RscQueryAzureNative -ManagedDisk # REQUIRED $query.Var.azureManagedDiskRubrikId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureNativeManagedDisk </code> </example> <example> Runs the ManagedDisks operation of the 'Azure Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureNative # API Operation: ManagedDisks $query = New-RscQueryAzureNative -ManagedDisks # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someAzureNativeDiskSortFields # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeDiskSortFields]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.diskFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL nameSubstringFilter = @{ # REQUIRED nameSubstring = $someString } # OPTIONAL effectiveSlaFilter = @{ # REQUIRED effectiveSlaIds = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL resourceGroupFilter = @{ # REQUIRED resourceGroupNames = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL subscriptionFilter = @{ # REQUIRED subscriptionIds = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL regionFilter = @{ # REQUIRED regions = @( $someAzureNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeRegion]) for enum values. ) } # OPTIONAL diskTypeFilter = @{ # REQUIRED diskTypes = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL attachedVmFilter = @{ # REQUIRED virtualMachineIds = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL relicFilter = @{ # REQUIRED relic = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL tagFilter = @{ # REQUIRED tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) } # OPTIONAL exocomputeConnectedFilter = @{ # REQUIRED isConnected = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL fileIndexingFilter = @{ # REQUIRED statuses = @( $someAzureNativeFileIndexingStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeFileIndexingStatus]) for enum values. ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureNativeManagedDiskConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the ResourceGroup operation of the 'Azure Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureNative # API Operation: ResourceGroup $query = New-RscQueryAzureNative -ResourceGroup # REQUIRED $query.Var.resourceGroupId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureNativeResourceGroup </code> </example> <example> Runs the ResourceGroups operation of the 'Azure Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureNative # API Operation: ResourceGroups $query = New-RscQueryAzureNative -ResourceGroups # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someAzureNativeCommonResourceGroupSortFields # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeCommonResourceGroupSortFields]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.commonResourceGroupFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL nameSubstringFilter = @{ # REQUIRED nameSubstring = $someString } # OPTIONAL subscriptionFilter = @{ # REQUIRED subscriptionIds = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL regionFilter = @{ # REQUIRED regions = @( $someAzureNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeRegion]) for enum values. ) } # OPTIONAL effectiveSlaFilter = @{ # REQUIRED effectiveSlaIds = @( $someString ) } } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.protectedObjectTypes = @( $someWorkloadLevelHierarchy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.WorkloadLevelHierarchy]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.azureNativeProtectionFeatures = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureNativeResourceGroupConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the ResourceGroupsInfoIfExist operation of the 'Azure Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureNative # API Operation: ResourceGroupsInfoIfExist $query = New-RscQueryAzureNative -ResourceGroupsInfoIfExist # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED sessionId = $someString # REQUIRED resourceGroupInputs = @( @{ # REQUIRED subscriptionNativeId = $someString # REQUIRED resourceGroupName = $someString } ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AzureResourceGroupInfo> </code> </example> <example> Runs the Root operation of the 'Azure Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureNative # API Operation: Root $query = New-RscQueryAzureNative -Root # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureNativeRoot </code> </example> <example> Runs the SecurityGroupsByRegionFromAzure operation of the 'Azure Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureNative # API Operation: SecurityGroupsByRegionFromAzure $query = New-RscQueryAzureNative -SecurityGroupsByRegionFromAzure # REQUIRED $query.Var.azureSubscriptionRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.region = $someAzureNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeRegion]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AzureNativeSecurityGroup> </code> </example> <example> Runs the StorageAccountsFromAzure operation of the 'Azure Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureNative # API Operation: StorageAccountsFromAzure $query = New-RscQueryAzureNative -StorageAccountsFromAzure # REQUIRED $query.Var.azureSubscriptionRubrikId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AzureNativeStorageAccount> </code> </example> <example> Runs the SubnetsByRegionFromAzure operation of the 'Azure Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureNative # API Operation: SubnetsByRegionFromAzure $query = New-RscQueryAzureNative -SubnetsByRegionFromAzure # REQUIRED $query.Var.azureSubscriptionRubrikId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.region = $someAzureNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeRegion]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AzureNativeSubnet> </code> </example> <example> Runs the Subscription operation of the 'Azure Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureNative # API Operation: Subscription $query = New-RscQueryAzureNative -Subscription # REQUIRED $query.Var.azureSubscriptionRubrikId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureNativeSubscription </code> </example> <example> Runs the Subscriptions operation of the 'Azure Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureNative # API Operation: Subscriptions $query = New-RscQueryAzureNative -Subscriptions # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someAzureNativeSubscriptionSortFields # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeSubscriptionSortFields]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.subscriptionFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL nameSubstringFilter = @{ # REQUIRED nameSubstring = $someString } # OPTIONAL effectiveSlaFilter = @{ # REQUIRED effectiveSlaIds = @( $someString ) } } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.authorizedOperationFilter = $someOperation # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.Operation]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.workloadHierarchy = $someWorkloadLevelHierarchy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.WorkloadLevelHierarchy]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.azureNativeProtectionFeature = $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureNativeSubscriptionConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the ValidateSqlDatabaseDbNameForExport operation of the 'Azure Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureNative # API Operation: ValidateSqlDatabaseDbNameForExport $query = New-RscQueryAzureNative -ValidateSqlDatabaseDbNameForExport # REQUIRED $query.Var.azureSqlDatabaseName = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.azureSqlDatabaseServerRubrikId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ValidateAzureNativeSqlDatabaseDbNameForExportReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the ValidateSqlManagedInstanceDbNameForExport operation of the 'Azure Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureNative # API Operation: ValidateSqlManagedInstanceDbNameForExport $query = New-RscQueryAzureNative -ValidateSqlManagedInstanceDbNameForExport # REQUIRED $query.Var.azureSqlDatabaseName = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.azureSqlManagedInstanceServerRubrikId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ValidateAzureNativeSqlManagedInstanceDbNameForExportReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the VirtualMachine operation of the 'Azure Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureNative # API Operation: VirtualMachine $query = New-RscQueryAzureNative -VirtualMachine # REQUIRED $query.Var.azureVirtualMachineRubrikId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureNativeVirtualMachine </code> </example> <example> Runs the VirtualMachineSizes operation of the 'Azure Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureNative # API Operation: VirtualMachineSizes $query = New-RscQueryAzureNative -VirtualMachineSizes # OPTIONAL $query.Var.azureSubscriptionRubrikId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<System.String> </code> </example> <example> Runs the VirtualMachines operation of the 'Azure Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureNative # API Operation: VirtualMachines $query = New-RscQueryAzureNative -VirtualMachines # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someAzureNativeVirtualMachineSortFields # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeVirtualMachineSortFields]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.descendantTypeFilter = @( $someHierarchyObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.virtualMachineFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL nameSubstringFilter = @{ # REQUIRED nameSubstring = $someString } # OPTIONAL effectiveSlaFilter = @{ # REQUIRED effectiveSlaIds = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL resourceGroupFilter = @{ # REQUIRED resourceGroupNames = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL subscriptionFilter = @{ # REQUIRED subscriptionIds = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL regionFilter = @{ # REQUIRED regions = @( $someAzureNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeRegion]) for enum values. ) } # OPTIONAL vmSizeFilter = @{ # REQUIRED vmSizes = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL vnetFilter = @{ # REQUIRED vnetNames = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL relicFilter = @{ # REQUIRED relic = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL tagFilter = @{ # REQUIRED tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) } # OPTIONAL exocomputeConnectedFilter = @{ # REQUIRED isConnected = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL fileIndexingFilter = @{ # REQUIRED statuses = @( $someAzureNativeFileIndexingStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeFileIndexingStatus]) for enum values. ) } # OPTIONAL appProtectionStatusFilter = @{ # REQUIRED isProtectionSetup = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL rbsStatusFilter = @{ # REQUIRED status = $someCloudInstanceRbsConnectionStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudInstanceRbsConnectionStatus]) for enum values. } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureNativeVirtualMachineConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the VirtualNetworks operation of the 'Azure Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureNative # API Operation: VirtualNetworks $query = New-RscQueryAzureNative -VirtualNetworks # OPTIONAL $query.Var.azureSubscriptionRubrikId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AzureNativeVirtualNetwork> </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryAzureO365"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 11 operations in the 'Azure Office365' API domain: CheckNSGOutboundRules, CheckNetworkSubnet, CheckResourceGroupName, CheckStorageAccountAccessibility, CheckStorageAccountName, CheckSubscriptionQuota, CheckVirtualNetworkName, Exocompute, GetAzureHostType, GetNetworkSubnetUnusedAddr, or ValidateUserRoles. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryAzureO365 creates a new query object for operations in the 'Azure Office365' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 11 operations in the 'Azure Office365' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: CheckNSGOutboundRules, CheckNetworkSubnet, CheckResourceGroupName, CheckStorageAccountAccessibility, CheckStorageAccountName, CheckSubscriptionQuota, CheckVirtualNetworkName, Exocompute, GetAzureHostType, GetNetworkSubnetUnusedAddr, or ValidateUserRoles. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryAzureO365 -CheckNSGOutboundRules).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryAzureO365 -CheckNSGOutboundRules).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the CheckNSGOutboundRules operation of the 'Azure Office365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureO365 # API Operation: CheckNSGOutboundRules $query = New-RscQueryAzureO365 -CheckNSGOutboundRules # REQUIRED $query.Var.tenantId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.subscriptionId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.resourceGroupName = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.vnet_name = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.subnet_name = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureNetworkSecurityGroupResp </code> </example> <example> Runs the CheckNetworkSubnet operation of the 'Azure Office365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureO365 # API Operation: CheckNetworkSubnet $query = New-RscQueryAzureO365 -CheckNetworkSubnet # REQUIRED $query.Var.tenantId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.subscriptionId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.resourceGroupName = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.vnet_name = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.subnet_name = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.strict_addr_check = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureNetworkSubnetResp </code> </example> <example> Runs the CheckResourceGroupName operation of the 'Azure Office365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureO365 # API Operation: CheckResourceGroupName $query = New-RscQueryAzureO365 -CheckResourceGroupName # REQUIRED $query.Var.tenantId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.subscriptionId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.groupName = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureResourceAvailabilityResp </code> </example> <example> Runs the CheckStorageAccountAccessibility operation of the 'Azure Office365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureO365 # API Operation: CheckStorageAccountAccessibility $query = New-RscQueryAzureO365 -CheckStorageAccountAccessibility # REQUIRED $query.Var.tenantId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.subscriptionId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.storage_account_name = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.groupName = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureResourceAvailabilityResp </code> </example> <example> Runs the CheckStorageAccountName operation of the 'Azure Office365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureO365 # API Operation: CheckStorageAccountName $query = New-RscQueryAzureO365 -CheckStorageAccountName # REQUIRED $query.Var.tenantId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.subscriptionId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.storage_account_name = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureResourceAvailabilityResp </code> </example> <example> Runs the CheckSubscriptionQuota operation of the 'Azure Office365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureO365 # API Operation: CheckSubscriptionQuota $query = New-RscQueryAzureO365 -CheckSubscriptionQuota # REQUIRED $query.Var.tenantId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.subscriptionId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.regionName = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureResourceAvailabilityResp </code> </example> <example> Runs the CheckVirtualNetworkName operation of the 'Azure Office365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureO365 # API Operation: CheckVirtualNetworkName $query = New-RscQueryAzureO365 -CheckVirtualNetworkName # REQUIRED $query.Var.tenantId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.subscriptionId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.groupName = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.vnet_name = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureResourceAvailabilityResp </code> </example> <example> Runs the Exocompute operation of the 'Azure Office365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureO365 # API Operation: Exocompute $query = New-RscQueryAzureO365 -Exocompute # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.exocomputeClusterId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GetAzureO365ExocomputeResp </code> </example> <example> Runs the GetAzureHostType operation of the 'Azure Office365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureO365 # API Operation: GetAzureHostType $query = New-RscQueryAzureO365 -GetAzureHostType # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GetAzureHostTypeResp </code> </example> <example> Runs the GetNetworkSubnetUnusedAddr operation of the 'Azure Office365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureO365 # API Operation: GetNetworkSubnetUnusedAddr $query = New-RscQueryAzureO365 -GetNetworkSubnetUnusedAddr # REQUIRED $query.Var.tenantId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.subscriptionId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.resourceGroupName = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.vnet_name = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.subnet_name = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.strict_addr_check = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureNetworkSubnetUnusedAddrResp </code> </example> <example> Runs the ValidateUserRoles operation of the 'Azure Office365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: AzureO365 # API Operation: ValidateUserRoles $query = New-RscQueryAzureO365 -ValidateUserRoles # REQUIRED $query.Var.tenantId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.subscriptionId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AzureUserRoleResp </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryCassandra"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 8 operations in the 'Cassandra' API domain: ColumnFamilies, ColumnFamily, ColumnFamilyRecoverableRange, ColumnFamilySchema, Keyspace, Keyspaces, Source, or Sources. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryCassandra creates a new query object for operations in the 'Cassandra' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 8 operations in the 'Cassandra' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: ColumnFamilies, ColumnFamily, ColumnFamilyRecoverableRange, ColumnFamilySchema, Keyspace, Keyspaces, Source, or Sources. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryCassandra -ColumnFamilies).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryCassandra -ColumnFamilies).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the ColumnFamilies operation of the 'Cassandra' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cassandra # API Operation: ColumnFamilies $query = New-RscQueryCassandra -ColumnFamilies # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CassandraColumnFamilyConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the ColumnFamily operation of the 'Cassandra' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cassandra # API Operation: ColumnFamily $query = New-RscQueryCassandra -ColumnFamily # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CassandraColumnFamily </code> </example> <example> Runs the ColumnFamilyRecoverableRange operation of the 'Cassandra' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cassandra # API Operation: ColumnFamilyRecoverableRange $query = New-RscQueryCassandra -ColumnFamilyRecoverableRange # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED recoveryRangeRequestData = @{ # OPTIONAL sourceType = $someMosaicRecoverableRangeRequestSourceType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.MosaicRecoverableRangeRequestSourceType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED databaseName = $someString # REQUIRED sourceName = $someString # REQUIRED tableName = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GetMosaicRecoverableRangeResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the ColumnFamilySchema operation of the 'Cassandra' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cassandra # API Operation: ColumnFamilySchema $query = New-RscQueryCassandra -ColumnFamilySchema # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED schemaRequestData = @{ # REQUIRED databaseName = $someString # REQUIRED sourceName = $someString # REQUIRED tableName = $someString # REQUIRED versionTimestamp = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GetSchemaResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the Keyspace operation of the 'Cassandra' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cassandra # API Operation: Keyspace $query = New-RscQueryCassandra -Keyspace # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CassandraKeyspace </code> </example> <example> Runs the Keyspaces operation of the 'Cassandra' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cassandra # API Operation: Keyspaces $query = New-RscQueryCassandra -Keyspaces # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CassandraKeyspaceConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Source operation of the 'Cassandra' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cassandra # API Operation: Source $query = New-RscQueryCassandra -Source # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CassandraSource </code> </example> <example> Runs the Sources operation of the 'Cassandra' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cassandra # API Operation: Sources $query = New-RscQueryCassandra -Sources # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CassandraSourceConnection </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryCertificate"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 11 operations in the 'Certificates' API domain: AssignableGlobalCertificates, Certificates, CertificatesWithKey, ClusterCertificates, ClusterCsr, ClusterWebSigned, GlobalCertificate, GlobalCertificates, Info, SigningRequest, or SigningRequests. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryCertificate creates a new query object for operations in the 'Certificates' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 11 operations in the 'Certificates' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: AssignableGlobalCertificates, Certificates, CertificatesWithKey, ClusterCertificates, ClusterCsr, ClusterWebSigned, GlobalCertificate, GlobalCertificates, Info, SigningRequest, or SigningRequests. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryCertificate -AssignableGlobalCertificates).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryCertificate -AssignableGlobalCertificates).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the AssignableGlobalCertificates operation of the 'Certificates' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Certificate # API Operation: AssignableGlobalCertificates $query = New-RscQueryCertificate -AssignableGlobalCertificates # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someGlobalCertificateSortBy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GlobalCertificateSortBy]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL searchText = $someString # OPTIONAL hasKey = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL statuses = @( $someGlobalCertificateStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GlobalCertificateStatus]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL clusterIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL isTrustedAny = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isRscBorn = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GlobalCertificateConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Certificates operation of the 'Certificates' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Certificate # API Operation: Certificates $query = New-RscQueryCertificate -Certificates # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someCertMgmtSortBy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CertMgmtSortBy]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.searchTerm = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CertificateConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the CertificatesWithKey operation of the 'Certificates' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Certificate # API Operation: CertificatesWithKey $query = New-RscQueryCertificate -CertificatesWithKey # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CertificateConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the ClusterCertificates operation of the 'Certificates' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Certificate # API Operation: ClusterCertificates $query = New-RscQueryCertificate -ClusterCertificates # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL description = $someString # OPTIONAL expiration = $someString # OPTIONAL hasKey = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL includeExpired = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isTrusted = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL sortBy = $someV1QueryCertificatesRequestSortBy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.V1QueryCertificatesRequestSortBy]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortOrder = $someV1QueryCertificatesRequestSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.V1QueryCertificatesRequestSortOrder]) for enum values. # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CertificateSummaryListResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the ClusterCsr operation of the 'Certificates' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Certificate # API Operation: ClusterCsr $query = New-RscQueryCertificate -ClusterCsr # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ClusterCsr </code> </example> <example> Runs the ClusterWebSigned operation of the 'Certificates' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Certificate # API Operation: ClusterWebSigned $query = New-RscQueryCertificate -ClusterWebSigned # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ClusterWebSignedCertificateReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the GlobalCertificate operation of the 'Certificates' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Certificate # API Operation: GlobalCertificate $query = New-RscQueryCertificate -GlobalCertificate # REQUIRED $query.Var.certificateId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GlobalCertificate </code> </example> <example> Runs the GlobalCertificates operation of the 'Certificates' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Certificate # API Operation: GlobalCertificates $query = New-RscQueryCertificate -GlobalCertificates # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someGlobalCertificateSortBy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GlobalCertificateSortBy]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL searchText = $someString # OPTIONAL hasKey = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL statuses = @( $someGlobalCertificateStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GlobalCertificateStatus]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL clusterIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL isTrustedAny = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isRscBorn = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GlobalCertificateConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Info operation of the 'Certificates' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Certificate # API Operation: Info $query = New-RscQueryCertificate -Info # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED certificatePem = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GetCertificateInfoReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the SigningRequest operation of the 'Certificates' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Certificate # API Operation: SigningRequest $query = New-RscQueryCertificate -SigningRequest # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED csrFid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Csr </code> </example> <example> Runs the SigningRequests operation of the 'Certificates' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Certificate # API Operation: SigningRequests $query = New-RscQueryCertificate -SigningRequests # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someCertMgmtSortBy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CertMgmtSortBy]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.searchTerm = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CsrConnection </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryCloudAccount"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 6 operations in the 'Cloud Account' API domain: CloudAccount, CloudAccounts, CurrentFeaturePermissions, ExocomputeMappings, LatestFeaturePermissions, or WithExocomputeMappings. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryCloudAccount creates a new query object for operations in the 'Cloud Account' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 6 operations in the 'Cloud Account' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: CloudAccount, CloudAccounts, CurrentFeaturePermissions, ExocomputeMappings, LatestFeaturePermissions, or WithExocomputeMappings. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryCloudAccount -CloudAccount).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryCloudAccount -CloudAccount).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the CloudAccount operation of the 'Cloud Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudAccount # API Operation: CloudAccount $query = New-RscQueryCloudAccount -CloudAccount # REQUIRED $query.Var.cloudAccountId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CloudAccount </code> </example> <example> Runs the CloudAccounts operation of the 'Cloud Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudAccount # API Operation: CloudAccounts $query = New-RscQueryCloudAccount -CloudAccounts # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someCloudAccountSortByFieldEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountSortByFieldEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someCloudAccountFilterFieldEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFilterFieldEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL text = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.features = @( $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<CloudAccount> </code> </example> <example> Runs the CurrentFeaturePermissions operation of the 'Cloud Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudAccount # API Operation: CurrentFeaturePermissions $query = New-RscQueryCloudAccount -CurrentFeaturePermissions # REQUIRED $query.Var.cloudVendor = $someCloudVendor # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudVendor]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.cloudAccountIds = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<CloudAccountFeaturePermission> </code> </example> <example> Runs the ExocomputeMappings operation of the 'Cloud Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudAccount # API Operation: ExocomputeMappings $query = New-RscQueryCloudAccount -ExocomputeMappings # REQUIRED $query.Var.cloudVendor = $someCloudVendor # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudVendor]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.exocomputeAccountIdsFilter = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<CloudAccountsExocomputeAccountMapping> </code> </example> <example> Runs the LatestFeaturePermissions operation of the 'Cloud Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudAccount # API Operation: LatestFeaturePermissions $query = New-RscQueryCloudAccount -LatestFeaturePermissions # REQUIRED $query.Var.cloudVendor = $someCloudVendor # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudVendor]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.cloudAccountIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.features = @( $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.featuresWithPermissionsGroups = @( @{ # OPTIONAL featureType = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL permissionsGroups = @( $somePermissionsGroup # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.PermissionsGroup]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<CloudAccountFeaturePermission> </code> </example> <example> Runs the WithExocomputeMappings operation of the 'Cloud Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudAccount # API Operation: WithExocomputeMappings $query = New-RscQueryCloudAccount -WithExocomputeMappings # REQUIRED $query.Var.cloudVendor = $someCloudVendor # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudVendor]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.features = @( $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.exocomputeAccountIdsFilter = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<CloudAccountWithExocomputeMapping> </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryCloudNative"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 19 operations in the 'Cloud Native' API domain: CheckArchivedSnapshotsLocked, CheckLabelRuleNameUniqueness, CheckRequiredPermissionsForFeature, CheckTagRuleNameUniqueness, CustomerTags, FileRecoveryEligibleSnapshots, IsFileRecoveryFeasible, LabelKeys, LabelRules, LabelValues, RbaInstallers, SnapshotDetailsForRecovery, SnapshotTypeDetails, Snapshots, SqlServerSetupScript, TagKeys, TagRules, TagValues, or WorkloadVersionedFiles. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryCloudNative creates a new query object for operations in the 'Cloud Native' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 19 operations in the 'Cloud Native' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: CheckArchivedSnapshotsLocked, CheckLabelRuleNameUniqueness, CheckRequiredPermissionsForFeature, CheckTagRuleNameUniqueness, CustomerTags, FileRecoveryEligibleSnapshots, IsFileRecoveryFeasible, LabelKeys, LabelRules, LabelValues, RbaInstallers, SnapshotDetailsForRecovery, SnapshotTypeDetails, Snapshots, SqlServerSetupScript, TagKeys, TagRules, TagValues, or WorkloadVersionedFiles. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryCloudNative -CheckArchivedSnapshotsLocked).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryCloudNative -CheckArchivedSnapshotsLocked).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the CheckArchivedSnapshotsLocked operation of the 'Cloud Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudNative # API Operation: CheckArchivedSnapshotsLocked $query = New-RscQueryCloudNative -CheckArchivedSnapshotsLocked # REQUIRED $query.Var.workloadId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.snapshotIds = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CheckArchivedSnapshotsLockedReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CheckLabelRuleNameUniqueness operation of the 'Cloud Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudNative # API Operation: CheckLabelRuleNameUniqueness $query = New-RscQueryCloudNative -CheckLabelRuleNameUniqueness # REQUIRED $query.Var.ruleName = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.objectType = $someCloudNativeLabelObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudNativeLabelObjectType]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: IsCloudNativeTagRuleNameUniqueReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CheckRequiredPermissionsForFeature operation of the 'Cloud Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudNative # API Operation: CheckRequiredPermissionsForFeature $query = New-RscQueryCloudNative -CheckRequiredPermissionsForFeature # REQUIRED $query.Var.cloudNativeAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.featurePermissionCheck = @{ # OPTIONAL azureFeature = $someAzureFeatureForPermissionCheck # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureFeatureForPermissionCheck]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL awsFeature = $someAwsFeatureForPermissionCheck # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsFeatureForPermissionCheck]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the CheckTagRuleNameUniqueness operation of the 'Cloud Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudNative # API Operation: CheckTagRuleNameUniqueness $query = New-RscQueryCloudNative -CheckTagRuleNameUniqueness # REQUIRED $query.Var.ruleName = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.objectType = $someCloudNativeTagObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudNativeTagObjectType]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: IsCloudNativeTagRuleNameUniqueReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CustomerTags operation of the 'Cloud Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudNative # API Operation: CustomerTags $query = New-RscQueryCloudNative -CustomerTags # REQUIRED $query.Var.cloudVendor = $someCloudVendor # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudVendor]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.cloudAccountId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CloudNativeCustomerTagsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the FileRecoveryEligibleSnapshots operation of the 'Cloud Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudNative # API Operation: FileRecoveryEligibleSnapshots $query = New-RscQueryCloudNative -FileRecoveryEligibleSnapshots # REQUIRED $query.Var.workloadId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<System.String> </code> </example> <example> Runs the IsFileRecoveryFeasible operation of the 'Cloud Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudNative # API Operation: IsFileRecoveryFeasible $query = New-RscQueryCloudNative -IsFileRecoveryFeasible # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotIds = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ValidateCloudNativeFileRecoveryFeasibilityReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the LabelKeys operation of the 'Cloud Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudNative # API Operation: LabelKeys $query = New-RscQueryCloudNative -LabelKeys # REQUIRED $query.Var.keySubStr = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.limit = $someInt # REQUIRED $query.Var.objectType = $someCloudNativeLabelObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudNativeLabelObjectType]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<System.String> </code> </example> <example> Runs the LabelRules operation of the 'Cloud Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudNative # API Operation: LabelRules $query = New-RscQueryCloudNative -LabelRules # REQUIRED $query.Var.objectType = $someCloudNativeLabelObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudNativeLabelObjectType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filters = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someCloudNativeTagRuleFilterFields # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudNativeTagRuleFilterFields]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someCloudNativeTagRuleSortByFields # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudNativeTagRuleSortByFields]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GetCloudNativeLabelRulesReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the LabelValues operation of the 'Cloud Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudNative # API Operation: LabelValues $query = New-RscQueryCloudNative -LabelValues # REQUIRED $query.Var.valueSubStr = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.key = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.limit = $someInt # REQUIRED $query.Var.objectType = $someCloudNativeLabelObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudNativeLabelObjectType]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<System.String> </code> </example> <example> Runs the RbaInstallers operation of the 'Cloud Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudNative # API Operation: RbaInstallers $query = New-RscQueryCloudNative -RbaInstallers # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RbaInstallerUrls </code> </example> <example> Runs the SnapshotDetailsForRecovery operation of the 'Cloud Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudNative # API Operation: SnapshotDetailsForRecovery $query = New-RscQueryCloudNative -SnapshotDetailsForRecovery # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CloudNativeSnapshotDetailsForRecoveryReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the SnapshotTypeDetails operation of the 'Cloud Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudNative # API Operation: SnapshotTypeDetails $query = New-RscQueryCloudNative -SnapshotTypeDetails # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CloudNativeSnapshotTypeDetailsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the Snapshots operation of the 'Cloud Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudNative # API Operation: Snapshots $query = New-RscQueryCloudNative -Snapshots # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.path = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotFid = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.searchPrefix = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SnapshotFileConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the SqlServerSetupScript operation of the 'Cloud Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudNative # API Operation: SqlServerSetupScript $query = New-RscQueryCloudNative -SqlServerSetupScript # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CloudNativeSqlServerSetupScript </code> </example> <example> Runs the TagKeys operation of the 'Cloud Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudNative # API Operation: TagKeys $query = New-RscQueryCloudNative -TagKeys # REQUIRED $query.Var.keySubStr = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.limit = $someInt # REQUIRED $query.Var.objectType = $someCloudNativeTagObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudNativeTagObjectType]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<System.String> </code> </example> <example> Runs the TagRules operation of the 'Cloud Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudNative # API Operation: TagRules $query = New-RscQueryCloudNative -TagRules # REQUIRED $query.Var.objectType = $someCloudNativeTagObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudNativeTagObjectType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filters = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someCloudNativeTagRuleFilterFields # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudNativeTagRuleFilterFields]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someCloudNativeTagRuleSortByFields # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudNativeTagRuleSortByFields]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GetCloudNativeTagRulesReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the TagValues operation of the 'Cloud Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudNative # API Operation: TagValues $query = New-RscQueryCloudNative -TagValues # REQUIRED $query.Var.valueSubStr = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.key = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.limit = $someInt # REQUIRED $query.Var.objectType = $someCloudNativeTagObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudNativeTagObjectType]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<System.String> </code> </example> <example> Runs the WorkloadVersionedFiles operation of the 'Cloud Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: CloudNative # API Operation: WorkloadVersionedFiles $query = New-RscQueryCloudNative -WorkloadVersionedFiles # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.searchQuery = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CloudNativeVersionedFileConnection </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryCluster"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 30 operations in the 'Cluster' API domain: Cluster, ComputeClusterStatus, Connected, DefaultGateway, Dns, FloatingIps, GetCdmReleaseDetailsForClusterFromSupportPortal, GetGroupCountByCdmClusterStatus, GroupByList, Ipmi, Ipv6Mode, IsTotpAckNecessary, Kubernetes, LicensesForClusterProductSummary, List, NetworkInterfaces, Nodes, NtpServers, OperationJobProgress, Proxy, RadarClusterList, RegistrationProductInfo, ReplicationTargets, TotpAckStatus, TypeList, ValidateClusterLicenseCapacity, Vlans, WebCertsAndIpmis, Windows, or WithUpgradesInfo. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryCluster creates a new query object for operations in the 'Cluster' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 30 operations in the 'Cluster' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: Cluster, ComputeClusterStatus, Connected, DefaultGateway, Dns, FloatingIps, GetCdmReleaseDetailsForClusterFromSupportPortal, GetGroupCountByCdmClusterStatus, GroupByList, Ipmi, Ipv6Mode, IsTotpAckNecessary, Kubernetes, LicensesForClusterProductSummary, List, NetworkInterfaces, Nodes, NtpServers, OperationJobProgress, Proxy, RadarClusterList, RegistrationProductInfo, ReplicationTargets, TotpAckStatus, TypeList, ValidateClusterLicenseCapacity, Vlans, WebCertsAndIpmis, Windows, or WithUpgradesInfo. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryCluster -Cluster).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryCluster -Cluster).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the Cluster operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: Cluster $query = New-RscQueryCluster -Cluster # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterUuid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Cluster </code> </example> <example> Runs the ComputeClusterStatus operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: ComputeClusterStatus $query = New-RscQueryCluster -ComputeClusterStatus # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ComputeClusterDetail </code> </example> <example> Runs the Connected operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: Connected $query = New-RscQueryCluster -Connected # OPTIONAL $query.Var.clusterFilterArg = $someClusterTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterTypeEnum]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<DataLocationSupportedCluster> </code> </example> <example> Runs the DefaultGateway operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: DefaultGateway $query = New-RscQueryCluster -DefaultGateway # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: InternalGetDefaultGatewayResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the Dns operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: Dns $query = New-RscQueryCluster -Dns # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterUuid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ClusterDnsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the FloatingIps operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: FloatingIps $query = New-RscQueryCluster -FloatingIps # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: InternalGetClusterIpsResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the GetCdmReleaseDetailsForClusterFromSupportPortal operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: GetCdmReleaseDetailsForClusterFromSupportPortal $query = New-RscQueryCluster -GetCdmReleaseDetailsForClusterFromSupportPortal # REQUIRED $query.Var.listClusterUuid = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.filterVersion = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.fetchLinks = $someBoolean # REQUIRED $query.Var.filterUpgradeable = $someBoolean # REQUIRED $query.Var.shouldShowAll = $someBoolean # REQUIRED $query.Var.filterAfterSource = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CdmUpgradeReleaseDetailsFromSupportPortalReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the GetGroupCountByCdmClusterStatus operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: GetGroupCountByCdmClusterStatus $query = New-RscQueryCluster -GetGroupCountByCdmClusterStatus # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GroupCountListWithTotal </code> </example> <example> Runs the GroupByList operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: GroupByList $query = New-RscQueryCluster -GroupByList # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.groupBy = $someClusterGroupByEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterGroupByEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @{ # OPTIONAL id = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL name = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL type = @( $someClusterTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL objectType = @( $someObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL registrationTime_gt = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL registrationTime_lt = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL minSoftwareVersion = $someString # OPTIONAL clusterLocation = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL excludeEmptyCluster = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL productType = @( $someClusterProductEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterProductEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL registeredMode = @( $someClusterRegistrationMode # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterRegistrationMode]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL product = $someProduct # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.Product]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL orgId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL productFilters = @( @{ # REQUIRED productType = $someClusterProductEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterProductEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL minSoftwareVersion = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL excludeId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL systemStatus = @( $someClusterSystemStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterSystemStatus]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL connectionState = @( $someClusterStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterStatus]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isInFatalOrDisconnectedState = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.timezoneOffset = $someSingle # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ClusterGroupByConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Ipmi operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: Ipmi $query = New-RscQueryCluster -Ipmi # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ModifyIpmiReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the Ipv6Mode operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: Ipv6Mode $query = New-RscQueryCluster -Ipv6Mode # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ClusterIpv6ModeReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the IsTotpAckNecessary operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: IsTotpAckNecessary $query = New-RscQueryCluster -IsTotpAckNecessary # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterUuid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the Kubernetes operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: Kubernetes $query = New-RscQueryCluster -Kubernetes # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: KubernetesClusterConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the LicensesForClusterProductSummary operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: LicensesForClusterProductSummary $query = New-RscQueryCluster -LicensesForClusterProductSummary # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL product = $someProduct # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.Product]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: LicensesForClusterProductReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the List operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: List $query = New-RscQueryCluster -List # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @{ # OPTIONAL id = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL name = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL type = @( $someClusterTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL objectType = @( $someObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL registrationTime_gt = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL registrationTime_lt = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL minSoftwareVersion = $someString # OPTIONAL clusterLocation = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL excludeEmptyCluster = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL productType = @( $someClusterProductEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterProductEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL registeredMode = @( $someClusterRegistrationMode # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterRegistrationMode]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL product = $someProduct # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.Product]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL orgId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL productFilters = @( @{ # REQUIRED productType = $someClusterProductEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterProductEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL minSoftwareVersion = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL excludeId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL systemStatus = @( $someClusterSystemStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterSystemStatus]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL connectionState = @( $someClusterStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterStatus]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isInFatalOrDisconnectedState = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someClusterSortByEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterSortByEnum]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ClusterConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the NetworkInterfaces operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: NetworkInterfaces $query = New-RscQueryCluster -NetworkInterfaces # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL interface = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NetworkInterfaceListResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the Nodes operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: Nodes $query = New-RscQueryCluster -Nodes # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NodeStatusListResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the NtpServers operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: NtpServers $query = New-RscQueryCluster -NtpServers # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NtpServerConfigurationListResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the OperationJobProgress operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: OperationJobProgress $query = New-RscQueryCluster -OperationJobProgress # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED jobType = $someCcpJobType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CcpJobType]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ClusterOperationJobProgress </code> </example> <example> Runs the Proxy operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: Proxy $query = New-RscQueryCluster -Proxy # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterUuid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ClusterProxyReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the RadarClusterList operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: RadarClusterList $query = New-RscQueryCluster -RadarClusterList # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @{ # OPTIONAL id = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL name = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL type = @( $someClusterTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL objectType = @( $someObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL registrationTime_gt = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL registrationTime_lt = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL minSoftwareVersion = $someString # OPTIONAL clusterLocation = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL excludeEmptyCluster = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL productType = @( $someClusterProductEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterProductEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL registeredMode = @( $someClusterRegistrationMode # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterRegistrationMode]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL product = $someProduct # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.Product]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL orgId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL productFilters = @( @{ # REQUIRED productType = $someClusterProductEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterProductEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL minSoftwareVersion = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL excludeId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL systemStatus = @( $someClusterSystemStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterSystemStatus]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL connectionState = @( $someClusterStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterStatus]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isInFatalOrDisconnectedState = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someClusterSortByEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterSortByEnum]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ClusterConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the RegistrationProductInfo operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: RegistrationProductInfo $query = New-RscQueryCluster -RegistrationProductInfo # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ClusterRegistrationProductInfoType </code> </example> <example> Runs the ReplicationTargets operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: ReplicationTargets $query = New-RscQueryCluster -ReplicationTargets # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterUuid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<ClusterReplicationTarget> </code> </example> <example> Runs the TotpAckStatus operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: TotpAckStatus $query = New-RscQueryCluster -TotpAckStatus # REQUIRED $query.Var.listClusterUuid = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<System.Boolean> </code> </example> <example> Runs the TypeList operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: TypeList $query = New-RscQueryCluster -TypeList # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<GroupCount> </code> </example> <example> Runs the ValidateClusterLicenseCapacity operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: ValidateClusterLicenseCapacity $query = New-RscQueryCluster -ValidateClusterLicenseCapacity # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED nodes = @( @{ # OPTIONAL id = $someString # OPTIONAL manufactureTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL serial = $someString # OPTIONAL systemUuid = $someString # OPTIONAL teleportToken = $someString # OPTIONAL clusterUuid = $someString # OPTIONAL platform = $someString # OPTIONAL capacity = $someString # OPTIONAL isEntitled = $someBoolean } ) # REQUIRED managedByRubrik = $someManagedByRubrik # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedByRubrik]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ClusterLicenseCapacityValidations </code> </example> <example> Runs the Vlans operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: Vlans $query = New-RscQueryCluster -Vlans # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL vlan = $someInt # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VlanConfigListResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the WebCertsAndIpmis operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: WebCertsAndIpmis $query = New-RscQueryCluster -WebCertsAndIpmis # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuids = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<ClusterWebCertAndIpmi> </code> </example> <example> Runs the Windows operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: Windows $query = New-RscQueryCluster -Windows # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: WindowsCluster </code> </example> <example> Runs the WithUpgradesInfo operation of the 'Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Cluster # API Operation: WithUpgradesInfo $query = New-RscQueryCluster -WithUpgradesInfo # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.upgradeFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL id = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL name = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL type = @( $someClusterTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL registrationTime_gt = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL registrationTime_lt = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL minSoftwareVersion = $someString # OPTIONAL downloadedVersion = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL installedVersion = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL eosStatus = @( $someClusterEosStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterEosStatus]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL upgradeJobStatus = @( $someClusterJobStatusTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterJobStatusTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL clusterLocation = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL versionStatus = @( $someVersionStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VersionStatus]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL prechecksStatus = @( $somePrechecksStatusTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.PrechecksStatusTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL connectionState = @( $someClusterStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterStatus]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL upgradeScheduled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL productType = @( $someClusterProductEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterProductEnum]) for enum values. ) } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someUpgradeInfoSortByEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UpgradeInfoSortByEnum]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ClusterConnection </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryDb2"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 9 operations in the 'Db2' API domain: Database, DatabaseJobStatus, Databases, Instance, Instances, LogSnapshot, LogSnapshots, RecoverableRange, or RecoverableRanges. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryDb2 creates a new query object for operations in the 'Db2' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 9 operations in the 'Db2' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: Database, DatabaseJobStatus, Databases, Instance, Instances, LogSnapshot, LogSnapshots, RecoverableRange, or RecoverableRanges. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryDb2 -Database).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryDb2 -Database).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the Database operation of the 'Db2' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Db2 # API Operation: Database $query = New-RscQueryDb2 -Database # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Db2Database </code> </example> <example> Runs the DatabaseJobStatus operation of the 'Db2' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Db2 # API Operation: DatabaseJobStatus $query = New-RscQueryDb2 -DatabaseJobStatus # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the Databases operation of the 'Db2' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Db2 # API Operation: Databases $query = New-RscQueryDb2 -Databases # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Db2DatabaseConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Instance operation of the 'Db2' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Db2 # API Operation: Instance $query = New-RscQueryDb2 -Instance # REQUIRED $ = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Db2Instance </code> </example> <example> Runs the Instances operation of the 'Db2' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Db2 # API Operation: Instances $query = New-RscQueryDb2 -Instances # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Db2InstanceConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the LogSnapshot operation of the 'Db2' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Db2 # API Operation: LogSnapshot $query = New-RscQueryDb2 -LogSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.db2LogSnapshotFid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Db2LogSnapshot </code> </example> <example> Runs the LogSnapshots operation of the 'Db2' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Db2 # API Operation: LogSnapshots $query = New-RscQueryDb2 -LogSnapshots # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someDb2LogSnapshotSortBy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.Db2LogSnapshotSortBy]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @{ # OPTIONAL workloadId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL clusterUuid = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL toTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL isArchived = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Db2LogSnapshotConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the RecoverableRange operation of the 'Db2' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Db2 # API Operation: RecoverableRange $query = New-RscQueryDb2 -RecoverableRange # REQUIRED $query.Var.db2RecoverableRangeFid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Db2RecoverableRange </code> </example> <example> Runs the RecoverableRanges operation of the 'Db2' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Db2 # API Operation: RecoverableRanges $query = New-RscQueryDb2 -RecoverableRanges # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someDb2RecoverableRangeSortBy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.Db2RecoverableRangeSortBy]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @{ # OPTIONAL clusterUuid = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL databaseId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL toTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL isArchived = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Db2RecoverableRangeConnection </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryDownload"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 3 operations in the 'Report Download' API domain: CdmUpgradesPdf, DownloadedVersionList, or PackageStatus. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryDownload creates a new query object for operations in the 'Report Download' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 3 operations in the 'Report Download' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: CdmUpgradesPdf, DownloadedVersionList, or PackageStatus. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryDownload -CdmUpgradesPdf).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryDownload -CdmUpgradesPdf).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the CdmUpgradesPdf operation of the 'Report Download' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Download # API Operation: CdmUpgradesPdf $query = New-RscQueryDownload -CdmUpgradesPdf # OPTIONAL $query.Var.downloadFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL clusterUuids = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL clusterNames = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL clusterTypes = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL downloadedVersions = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL installedVersions = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL clusterLocations = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL upgradeJobStatus = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL prechecksStatus = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL versionStatus = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: DownloadCdmUpgradesPdfReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the DownloadedVersionList operation of the 'Report Download' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Download # API Operation: DownloadedVersionList $query = New-RscQueryDownload -DownloadedVersionList # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<GroupCount> </code> </example> <example> Runs the PackageStatus operation of the 'Report Download' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Download # API Operation: PackageStatus $query = New-RscQueryDownload -PackageStatus # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterUuid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: DownloadPackageStatusReply </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryExchange"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 7 operations in the 'Microsoft Exchange' API domain: Dag, Dags, Database, Databases, LiveMounts, Server, or Servers. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryExchange creates a new query object for operations in the 'Microsoft Exchange' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 7 operations in the 'Microsoft Exchange' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: Dag, Dags, Database, Databases, LiveMounts, Server, or Servers. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryExchange -Dag).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryExchange -Dag).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the Dag operation of the 'Microsoft Exchange' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Exchange # API Operation: Dag $query = New-RscQueryExchange -Dag # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ExchangeDag </code> </example> <example> Runs the Dags operation of the 'Microsoft Exchange' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Exchange # API Operation: Dags $query = New-RscQueryExchange -Dags # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ExchangeDagConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Database operation of the 'Microsoft Exchange' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Exchange # API Operation: Database $query = New-RscQueryExchange -Database # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ExchangeDatabase </code> </example> <example> Runs the Databases operation of the 'Microsoft Exchange' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Exchange # API Operation: Databases $query = New-RscQueryExchange -Databases # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ExchangeDatabaseConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the LiveMounts operation of the 'Microsoft Exchange' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Exchange # API Operation: LiveMounts $query = New-RscQueryExchange -LiveMounts # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filters = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someExchangeLiveMountFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ExchangeLiveMountFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someExchangeLiveMountSortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ExchangeLiveMountSortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ExchangeLiveMountConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Server operation of the 'Microsoft Exchange' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Exchange # API Operation: Server $query = New-RscQueryExchange -Server # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ExchangeServer </code> </example> <example> Runs the Servers operation of the 'Microsoft Exchange' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Exchange # API Operation: Servers $query = New-RscQueryExchange -Servers # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ExchangeServerConnection </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryFailoverCluster"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 5 operations in the 'Failover Cluster' API domain: App, Apps, Host, Hosts, or TopLevelDescendants. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryFailoverCluster creates a new query object for operations in the 'Failover Cluster' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 5 operations in the 'Failover Cluster' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: App, Apps, Host, Hosts, or TopLevelDescendants. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryFailoverCluster -App).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryFailoverCluster -App).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the App operation of the 'Failover Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: FailoverCluster # API Operation: App $query = New-RscQueryFailoverCluster -App # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: FailoverClusterApp </code> </example> <example> Runs the Apps operation of the 'Failover Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: FailoverCluster # API Operation: Apps $query = New-RscQueryFailoverCluster -Apps # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.hostFailoverClusterRoot = $someHostFailoverClusterRoot # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HostFailoverClusterRoot]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: FailoverClusterAppConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Host operation of the 'Failover Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: FailoverCluster # API Operation: Host $query = New-RscQueryFailoverCluster -Host # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: HostFailoverCluster </code> </example> <example> Runs the Hosts operation of the 'Failover Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: FailoverCluster # API Operation: Hosts $query = New-RscQueryFailoverCluster -Hosts # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.hostFailoverClusterRoot = $someHostFailoverClusterRoot # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HostFailoverClusterRoot]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: HostFailoverClusterConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the TopLevelDescendants operation of the 'Failover Cluster' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: FailoverCluster # API Operation: TopLevelDescendants $query = New-RscQueryFailoverCluster -TopLevelDescendants # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.typeFilter = @( $someHierarchyObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.hostFailoverClusterRoot = $someHostFailoverClusterRoot # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HostFailoverClusterRoot]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: FailoverClusterTopLevelDescendantTypeConnection </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryFileset"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 6 operations in the 'Fileset' API domain: Linux, RequestStatus, Share, Template, Templates, or Windows. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryFileset creates a new query object for operations in the 'Fileset' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 6 operations in the 'Fileset' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: Linux, RequestStatus, Share, Template, Templates, or Windows. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryFileset -Linux).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryFileset -Linux).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the Linux operation of the 'Fileset' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Fileset # API Operation: Linux $query = New-RscQueryFileset -Linux # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: LinuxFileset </code> </example> <example> Runs the RequestStatus operation of the 'Fileset' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Fileset # API Operation: RequestStatus $query = New-RscQueryFileset -RequestStatus # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the Share operation of the 'Fileset' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Fileset # API Operation: Share $query = New-RscQueryFileset -Share # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ShareFileset </code> </example> <example> Runs the Template operation of the 'Fileset' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Fileset # API Operation: Template $query = New-RscQueryFileset -Template # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: FilesetTemplate </code> </example> <example> Runs the Templates operation of the 'Fileset' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Fileset # API Operation: Templates $query = New-RscQueryFileset -Templates # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.hostRoot = $someHostRoot # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HostRoot]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: FilesetTemplateConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Windows operation of the 'Fileset' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Fileset # API Operation: Windows $query = New-RscQueryFileset -Windows # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: WindowsFileset </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryGcp"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 16 operations in the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain: CloudAccountMissingPermissionsForAddition, CloudAccountProjectsByFeature, CloudAccountProjectsForOauth, FeaturePermissionsForCloudAccount, GetDefaultCredentialsServiceAccount, NativeAvailableKmsCryptoKeys, NativeCompatibleMachineTypes, NativeNetworks, NativeProjectsWithAccessibleNetworks, NativeRegions, NativeStoredMachineTypes, NativeStoredMachineTypesInProject, NativeStoredNetworkNames, NativeStoredNetworkNamesInProject, NativeStoredRegions, or NativeStoredRegionsInProject. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryGcp creates a new query object for operations in the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 16 operations in the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: CloudAccountMissingPermissionsForAddition, CloudAccountProjectsByFeature, CloudAccountProjectsForOauth, FeaturePermissionsForCloudAccount, GetDefaultCredentialsServiceAccount, NativeAvailableKmsCryptoKeys, NativeCompatibleMachineTypes, NativeNetworks, NativeProjectsWithAccessibleNetworks, NativeRegions, NativeStoredMachineTypes, NativeStoredMachineTypesInProject, NativeStoredNetworkNames, NativeStoredNetworkNamesInProject, NativeStoredRegions, or NativeStoredRegionsInProject. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryGcp -CloudAccountMissingPermissionsForAddition).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryGcp -CloudAccountMissingPermissionsForAddition).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the CloudAccountMissingPermissionsForAddition operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Gcp # API Operation: CloudAccountMissingPermissionsForAddition $query = New-RscQueryGcp -CloudAccountMissingPermissionsForAddition # REQUIRED $query.Var.sessionId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.projectIds = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<GcpCloudAccountMissingPermissionsForAddition> </code> </example> <example> Runs the CloudAccountProjectsByFeature operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Gcp # API Operation: CloudAccountProjectsByFeature $query = New-RscQueryGcp -CloudAccountProjectsByFeature # REQUIRED $query.Var.feature = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.projectStatusFilters = @( $someCloudAccountStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountStatus]) for enum values. ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.projectSearchText = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<GcpCloudAccountProjectDetail> </code> </example> <example> Runs the CloudAccountProjectsForOauth operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Gcp # API Operation: CloudAccountProjectsForOauth $query = New-RscQueryGcp -CloudAccountProjectsForOauth # REQUIRED $query.Var.sessionId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.features = @( $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.checkPermissions = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<GcpCloudAccountProjectForOauth> </code> </example> <example> Runs the FeaturePermissionsForCloudAccount operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Gcp # API Operation: FeaturePermissionsForCloudAccount $query = New-RscQueryGcp -FeaturePermissionsForCloudAccount # REQUIRED $query.Var.feature = $someCloudAccountFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudAccountFeature]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<GcpPermission> </code> </example> <example> Runs the GetDefaultCredentialsServiceAccount operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Gcp # API Operation: GetDefaultCredentialsServiceAccount $query = New-RscQueryGcp -GetDefaultCredentialsServiceAccount # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the NativeAvailableKmsCryptoKeys operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Gcp # API Operation: NativeAvailableKmsCryptoKeys $query = New-RscQueryGcp -NativeAvailableKmsCryptoKeys # REQUIRED $query.Var.projectId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.regionName = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<GcpNativeKmsCryptoKey> </code> </example> <example> Runs the NativeCompatibleMachineTypes operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Gcp # API Operation: NativeCompatibleMachineTypes $query = New-RscQueryGcp -NativeCompatibleMachineTypes # REQUIRED $query.Var.targetZone = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<System.String> </code> </example> <example> Runs the NativeNetworks operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Gcp # API Operation: NativeNetworks $query = New-RscQueryGcp -NativeNetworks # REQUIRED $query.Var.projectId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<GcpNativeNetwork> </code> </example> <example> Runs the NativeProjectsWithAccessibleNetworks operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Gcp # API Operation: NativeProjectsWithAccessibleNetworks $query = New-RscQueryGcp -NativeProjectsWithAccessibleNetworks # REQUIRED $query.Var.projectId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<NetworkHostProject> </code> </example> <example> Runs the NativeRegions operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Gcp # API Operation: NativeRegions $query = New-RscQueryGcp -NativeRegions # REQUIRED $query.Var.projectId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<GcpNativeRegion> </code> </example> <example> Runs the NativeStoredMachineTypes operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Gcp # API Operation: NativeStoredMachineTypes $query = New-RscQueryGcp -NativeStoredMachineTypes # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<System.String> </code> </example> <example> Runs the NativeStoredMachineTypesInProject operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Gcp # API Operation: NativeStoredMachineTypesInProject $query = New-RscQueryGcp -NativeStoredMachineTypesInProject # REQUIRED $query.Var.projectId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<System.String> </code> </example> <example> Runs the NativeStoredNetworkNames operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Gcp # API Operation: NativeStoredNetworkNames $query = New-RscQueryGcp -NativeStoredNetworkNames # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<System.String> </code> </example> <example> Runs the NativeStoredNetworkNamesInProject operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Gcp # API Operation: NativeStoredNetworkNamesInProject $query = New-RscQueryGcp -NativeStoredNetworkNamesInProject # REQUIRED $query.Var.projectId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<System.String> </code> </example> <example> Runs the NativeStoredRegions operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Gcp # API Operation: NativeStoredRegions $query = New-RscQueryGcp -NativeStoredRegions # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<System.String> </code> </example> <example> Runs the NativeStoredRegionsInProject operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Gcp # API Operation: NativeStoredRegionsInProject $query = New-RscQueryGcp -NativeStoredRegionsInProject # REQUIRED $query.Var.projectId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<System.String> </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryGcpNative"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 7 operations in the 'Google Cloud Platform Native' API domain: Disk, Disks, GceInstance, GceInstances, Project, Projects, or StoredDiskLocations. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryGcpNative creates a new query object for operations in the 'Google Cloud Platform Native' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 7 operations in the 'Google Cloud Platform Native' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: Disk, Disks, GceInstance, GceInstances, Project, Projects, or StoredDiskLocations. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryGcpNative -Disk).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryGcpNative -Disk).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the Disk operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: GcpNative # API Operation: Disk $query = New-RscQueryGcpNative -Disk # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GcpNativeDisk </code> </example> <example> Runs the Disks operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: GcpNative # API Operation: Disks $query = New-RscQueryGcpNative -Disks # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someGcpNativeDiskSortFields # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GcpNativeDiskSortFields]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.diskFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL nameOrIdSubstringFilter = @{ # REQUIRED nameOrIdSubstring = $someString } # OPTIONAL effectiveSlaFilter = @{ # REQUIRED effectiveSlaIds = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL projectFilter = @{ # REQUIRED projectIds = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL locationFilter = @{ # REQUIRED locations = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL diskTypeFilter = @{ # REQUIRED diskTypes = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL relicFilter = @{ # REQUIRED relic = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL labelFilter = @{ # REQUIRED labelFilterParams = @( @{ # REQUIRED filterType = $someGcpNativeLabelFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GcpNativeLabelFilterType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED labelKey = $someString # REQUIRED labelValue = $someString } ) } # OPTIONAL orgFilter = @{ # REQUIRED orgIds = @( $someString ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GcpNativeDiskConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the GceInstance operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: GcpNative # API Operation: GceInstance $query = New-RscQueryGcpNative -GceInstance # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GcpNativeGceInstance </code> </example> <example> Runs the GceInstances operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: GcpNative # API Operation: GceInstances $query = New-RscQueryGcpNative -GceInstances # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someGcpNativeGceInstanceSortFields # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GcpNativeGceInstanceSortFields]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.gceInstanceFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL nameOrIdSubstringFilter = @{ # REQUIRED nameOrIdSubstring = $someString } # OPTIONAL projectFilter = @{ # REQUIRED projectIds = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL regionFilter = @{ # REQUIRED regions = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL machineTypeFilter = @{ # REQUIRED machineTypes = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL networkFilter = @{ # REQUIRED networkNames = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL labelFilter = @{ # REQUIRED labelFilterParams = @( @{ # REQUIRED filterType = $someGcpNativeLabelFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GcpNativeLabelFilterType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED labelKey = $someString # REQUIRED labelValue = $someString } ) } # OPTIONAL effectiveSlaFilter = @{ # REQUIRED effectiveSlaIds = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL relicFilter = @{ # REQUIRED relic = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL orgFilter = @{ # REQUIRED orgIds = @( $someString ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GcpNativeGceInstanceConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Project operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: GcpNative # API Operation: Project $query = New-RscQueryGcpNative -Project # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GcpNativeProject </code> </example> <example> Runs the Projects operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: GcpNative # API Operation: Projects $query = New-RscQueryGcpNative -Projects # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someGcpNativeProjectSortFields # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GcpNativeProjectSortFields]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.projectFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL nameOrNumberSubstringFilter = @{ # REQUIRED nameOrNumberSubstring = $someString } # OPTIONAL idSubstringFilter = @{ # REQUIRED idSubstring = $someString } # OPTIONAL effectiveSlaFilter = @{ # REQUIRED effectiveSlaIds = @( $someString ) } } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.authorizedOperationFilter = $someOperation # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.Operation]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.workloadHierarchy = $someWorkloadLevelHierarchy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.WorkloadLevelHierarchy]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GcpNativeProjectConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the StoredDiskLocations operation of the 'Google Cloud Platform Native' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: GcpNative # API Operation: StoredDiskLocations $query = New-RscQueryGcpNative -StoredDiskLocations # OPTIONAL $query.Var.projectId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ListStoredDiskLocationsReply </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryHost"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 6 operations in the 'Host' API domain: Diagnosis, PhysicalHost, PhysicalHosts, Search, Share, or Shares. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryHost creates a new query object for operations in the 'Host' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 6 operations in the 'Host' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: Diagnosis, PhysicalHost, PhysicalHosts, Search, Share, or Shares. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryHost -Diagnosis).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryHost -Diagnosis).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the Diagnosis operation of the 'Host' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Host # API Operation: Diagnosis $query = New-RscQueryHost -Diagnosis # REQUIRED $ = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: HostDiagnosisSummary </code> </example> <example> Runs the PhysicalHost operation of the 'Host' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Host # API Operation: PhysicalHost $query = New-RscQueryHost -PhysicalHost # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: PhysicalHost </code> </example> <example> Runs the PhysicalHosts operation of the 'Host' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Host # API Operation: PhysicalHosts $query = New-RscQueryHost -PhysicalHosts # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.hostRoot = $someHostRoot # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HostRoot]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.isBulkPolicyAssignmentFlow = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: PhysicalHostConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Search operation of the 'Host' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Host # API Operation: Search $query = New-RscQueryHost -Search # REQUIRED $ = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.path = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SearchResponseListResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the Share operation of the 'Host' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Host # API Operation: Share $query = New-RscQueryHost -Share # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: HostShare </code> </example> <example> Runs the Shares operation of the 'Host' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Host # API Operation: Shares $query = New-RscQueryHost -Shares # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: HostShareConnection </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryHyperv"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 16 operations in the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain: Cluster, HostAsyncRequestStatus, Mounts, Scvmm, ScvmmAsyncRequestStatus, Scvmms, Server, Servers, ServersPaginated, TopLevelDescendants, UniqueServersCount, VirtualMachine, VirtualMachineAsyncRequestStatus, VirtualMachineLevelFileInfo, VirtualMachines, or VmDetail. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryHyperv creates a new query object for operations in the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 16 operations in the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: Cluster, HostAsyncRequestStatus, Mounts, Scvmm, ScvmmAsyncRequestStatus, Scvmms, Server, Servers, ServersPaginated, TopLevelDescendants, UniqueServersCount, VirtualMachine, VirtualMachineAsyncRequestStatus, VirtualMachineLevelFileInfo, VirtualMachines, or VmDetail. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryHyperv -Cluster).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryHyperv -Cluster).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the Cluster operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: Cluster $query = New-RscQueryHyperv -Cluster # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: HyperVcluster </code> </example> <example> Runs the HostAsyncRequestStatus operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: HostAsyncRequestStatus $query = New-RscQueryHyperv -HostAsyncRequestStatus # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the Mounts operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: Mounts $query = New-RscQueryHyperv -Mounts # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filters = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHypervLiveMountFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HypervLiveMountFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHypervLiveMountSortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HypervLiveMountSortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: HyperVliveMountConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Scvmm operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: Scvmm $query = New-RscQueryHyperv -Scvmm # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: HyperVscvmm </code> </example> <example> Runs the ScvmmAsyncRequestStatus operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: ScvmmAsyncRequestStatus $query = New-RscQueryHyperv -ScvmmAsyncRequestStatus # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the Scvmms operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: Scvmms $query = New-RscQueryHyperv -Scvmms # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: HyperVscvmmConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Server operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: Server $query = New-RscQueryHyperv -Server # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: HypervServer </code> </example> <example> Runs the Servers operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: Servers $query = New-RscQueryHyperv -Servers # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL effectiveSlaDomainId = $someString # OPTIONAL limit = $someInt # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL offset = $someInt # OPTIONAL primaryClusterId = $someString # OPTIONAL slaAssignment = $someInternalQueryHypervHostRequestSlaAssignment # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.InternalQueryHypervHostRequestSlaAssignment]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortBy = $someInternalQueryHypervHostRequestSortBy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.InternalQueryHypervHostRequestSortBy]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortOrder = $someInternalQueryHypervHostRequestSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.InternalQueryHypervHostRequestSortOrder]) for enum values. # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: HypervHostSummaryListResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the ServersPaginated operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: ServersPaginated $query = New-RscQueryHyperv -ServersPaginated # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: HypervServerConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the TopLevelDescendants operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: TopLevelDescendants $query = New-RscQueryHyperv -TopLevelDescendants # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.typeFilter = @( $someHierarchyObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: HypervTopLevelDescendantTypeConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the UniqueServersCount operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: UniqueServersCount $query = New-RscQueryHyperv -UniqueServersCount # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Int32 </code> </example> <example> Runs the VirtualMachine operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: VirtualMachine $query = New-RscQueryHyperv -VirtualMachine # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: HyperVvirtualMachine </code> </example> <example> Runs the VirtualMachineAsyncRequestStatus operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: VirtualMachineAsyncRequestStatus $query = New-RscQueryHyperv -VirtualMachineAsyncRequestStatus # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the VirtualMachineLevelFileInfo operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: VirtualMachineLevelFileInfo $query = New-RscQueryHyperv -VirtualMachineLevelFileInfo # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL shouldRetrieveConfigFiles = $someBoolean # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: HypervVirtualMachineSnapshotFileDetails </code> </example> <example> Runs the VirtualMachines operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: VirtualMachines $query = New-RscQueryHyperv -VirtualMachines # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: HyperVvirtualMachineConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the VmDetail operation of the 'Microsoft Hyper-V' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Hyperv # API Operation: VmDetail $query = New-RscQueryHyperv -VmDetail # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: HypervVirtualMachineDetail </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryIntegration"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 2 operations in the 'Integration' API domain: Integration, or Integrations. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryIntegration creates a new query object for operations in the 'Integration' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 2 operations in the 'Integration' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: Integration, or Integrations. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryIntegration -Integration).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryIntegration -Integration).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the Integration operation of the 'Integration' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Integration # API Operation: Integration $query = New-RscQueryIntegration -Integration # REQUIRED $ = $someInt # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ReadIntegrationReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the Integrations operation of the 'Integration' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Integration # API Operation: Integrations $query = New-RscQueryIntegration -Integrations # REQUIRED $query.Var.integrationTypes = @( $someIntegrationType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.IntegrationType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.nameFilter = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ListIntegrationsReply </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryK8s"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 8 operations in the 'Kubernetes' API domain: AppManifest, Cluster, Clusters, Namespace, Namespaces, ProtectionSetSnapshots, ReplicaSnapshotInfos, or SnapshotInfo. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryK8s creates a new query object for operations in the 'Kubernetes' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 8 operations in the 'Kubernetes' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: AppManifest, Cluster, Clusters, Namespace, Namespaces, ProtectionSetSnapshots, ReplicaSnapshotInfos, or SnapshotInfo. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryK8s -AppManifest).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryK8s -AppManifest).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the AppManifest operation of the 'Kubernetes' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: K8s # API Operation: AppManifest $query = New-RscQueryK8s -AppManifest # REQUIRED $ = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.version = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.retrieveLatestVersion = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL $query.Var.targetVersion = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.k8sClusterId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: K8sAppManifest </code> </example> <example> Runs the Cluster operation of the 'Kubernetes' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: K8s # API Operation: Cluster $query = New-RscQueryK8s -Cluster # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: K8sCluster </code> </example> <example> Runs the Clusters operation of the 'Kubernetes' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: K8s # API Operation: Clusters $query = New-RscQueryK8s -Clusters # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: K8sClusterConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Namespace operation of the 'Kubernetes' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: K8s # API Operation: Namespace $query = New-RscQueryK8s -Namespace # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: K8sNamespace </code> </example> <example> Runs the Namespaces operation of the 'Kubernetes' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: K8s # API Operation: Namespaces $query = New-RscQueryK8s -Namespaces # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.k8sClusterId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: K8sNamespaceConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the ProtectionSetSnapshots operation of the 'Kubernetes' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: K8s # API Operation: ProtectionSetSnapshots $query = New-RscQueryK8s -ProtectionSetSnapshots # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: K8sSnapshotSummaryListResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the ReplicaSnapshotInfos operation of the 'Kubernetes' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: K8s # API Operation: ReplicaSnapshotInfos $query = New-RscQueryK8s -ReplicaSnapshotInfos # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<ReplicatedSnapshotInfo> </code> </example> <example> Runs the SnapshotInfo operation of the 'Kubernetes' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: K8s # API Operation: SnapshotInfo $query = New-RscQueryK8s -SnapshotInfo # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.namespaceId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.isReplica = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: K8sSnapshotInfo </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryLdap"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 3 operations in the 'LDAP' API domain: AuthorizedPrincipalList, IntegrationList, or PrincipalList. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryLdap creates a new query object for operations in the 'LDAP' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 3 operations in the 'LDAP' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: AuthorizedPrincipalList, IntegrationList, or PrincipalList. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryLdap -AuthorizedPrincipalList).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryLdap -AuthorizedPrincipalList).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the AuthorizedPrincipalList operation of the 'LDAP' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Ldap # API Operation: AuthorizedPrincipalList $query = New-RscQueryLdap -AuthorizedPrincipalList # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someLdapAuthorizedPrincipalFieldEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.LdapAuthorizedPrincipalFieldEnum]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.searchText = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.roleIds = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AuthorizedPrincipalConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the IntegrationList operation of the 'LDAP' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Ldap # API Operation: IntegrationList $query = New-RscQueryLdap -IntegrationList # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someLdapIntegrationFieldEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.LdapIntegrationFieldEnum]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: LdapIntegrationConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the PrincipalList operation of the 'LDAP' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Ldap # API Operation: PrincipalList $query = New-RscQueryLdap -PrincipalList # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someLdapPrincipalFieldEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.LdapPrincipalFieldEnum]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $ = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.searchText = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: PrincipalConnection </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryM365"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 7 operations in the 'Microsoft 365' API domain: DayToDayModeBackupStats, DayToDayModeStats, OnboardingModeBackupStats, OnboardingModeStats, OrgBackupLocations, OrgOperationModes, or Regions. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryM365 creates a new query object for operations in the 'Microsoft 365' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 7 operations in the 'Microsoft 365' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: DayToDayModeBackupStats, DayToDayModeStats, OnboardingModeBackupStats, OnboardingModeStats, OrgBackupLocations, OrgOperationModes, or Regions. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryM365 -DayToDayModeBackupStats).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryM365 -DayToDayModeBackupStats).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the DayToDayModeBackupStats operation of the 'Microsoft 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: M365 # API Operation: DayToDayModeBackupStats $query = New-RscQueryM365 -DayToDayModeBackupStats # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.dashboardWorkloadType = $someM365DashboardWorkloadType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.M365DashboardWorkloadType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.backupStatsTimeRange = $someBackupStatsTimeRange # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.BackupStatsTimeRange]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: DayToDayModeBackupStats </code> </example> <example> Runs the DayToDayModeStats operation of the 'Microsoft 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: M365 # API Operation: DayToDayModeStats $query = New-RscQueryM365 -DayToDayModeStats # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.dashboardWorkloadType = $someM365DashboardWorkloadType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.M365DashboardWorkloadType]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: DayToDayModeStats </code> </example> <example> Runs the OnboardingModeBackupStats operation of the 'Microsoft 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: M365 # API Operation: OnboardingModeBackupStats $query = New-RscQueryM365 -OnboardingModeBackupStats # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.dashboardWorkloadType = $someM365DashboardWorkloadType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.M365DashboardWorkloadType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.backupStatsTimeRange = $someBackupStatsTimeRange # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.BackupStatsTimeRange]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: OnboardingModeBackupStats </code> </example> <example> Runs the OnboardingModeStats operation of the 'Microsoft 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: M365 # API Operation: OnboardingModeStats $query = New-RscQueryM365 -OnboardingModeStats # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.dashboardWorkloadType = $someM365DashboardWorkloadType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.M365DashboardWorkloadType]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: OnboardingModeStats </code> </example> <example> Runs the OrgBackupLocations operation of the 'Microsoft 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: M365 # API Operation: OrgBackupLocations $query = New-RscQueryM365 -OrgBackupLocations # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: M365OrgBackupLocations </code> </example> <example> Runs the OrgOperationModes operation of the 'Microsoft 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: M365 # API Operation: OrgOperationModes $query = New-RscQueryM365 -OrgOperationModes # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: M365OrgOperationModes </code> </example> <example> Runs the Regions operation of the 'Microsoft 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: M365 # API Operation: Regions $query = New-RscQueryM365 -Regions # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: M365RegionsResp </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryManagedVolume"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 4 operations in the 'Managed Volume' API domain: InventoryStats, LiveMounts, ManagedVolume, or ManagedVolumes. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryManagedVolume creates a new query object for operations in the 'Managed Volume' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 4 operations in the 'Managed Volume' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: InventoryStats, LiveMounts, ManagedVolume, or ManagedVolumes. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryManagedVolume -InventoryStats).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryManagedVolume -InventoryStats).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the InventoryStats operation of the 'Managed Volume' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ManagedVolume # API Operation: InventoryStats $query = New-RscQueryManagedVolume -InventoryStats # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ManagedVolumeInventoryStats </code> </example> <example> Runs the LiveMounts operation of the 'Managed Volume' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ManagedVolume # API Operation: LiveMounts $query = New-RscQueryManagedVolume -LiveMounts # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ManagedVolumeMountConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the ManagedVolume operation of the 'Managed Volume' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ManagedVolume # API Operation: ManagedVolume $query = New-RscQueryManagedVolume -ManagedVolume # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ManagedVolume </code> </example> <example> Runs the ManagedVolumes operation of the 'Managed Volume' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ManagedVolume # API Operation: ManagedVolumes $query = New-RscQueryManagedVolume -ManagedVolumes # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ManagedVolumeConnection </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryMisc"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 180 operations in the 'Miscellaneous' API domain: ActiveCustomAnalyzers, AdVolumeExports, AgentDeploymentSetting, AgentDeploymentSettings, AllowedOrgAdminOperations, AnalyzerGroups, AnalyzerUsages, AnomalyResultOpt, AnomalyResults, AnomalyResultsGrouped, AreMultiGeoBackupsEnabled, AuthorizationsForGlobalResource, AuthorizationsForObject, AuthorizationsForObjects, AwsComputeSettings, AzureResourceGroups, AzureSubnets, BrowseCalendar, BrowseContacts, BrowseFolder, BrowseOnedrive, BrowseTeamsChannels, BrowseTeamsDrive, CdmGuestCredentials, CdmInventorySubHierarchyRoot, CdmOvaDetails, CdmVersionCheck, CdpVmsInfos, CheckCloudComputeConnectivityJobProgress, CheckLatestVersionMgmtAppExists, CloudDirectNasExport, CloudDirectShares, CloudDirectSites, CloudDirectSystems, ConfiguredGroupMembers, Crawl, Crawls, CrossAccountPairs, CurrentIpAddress, CurrentOrg, CurrentOrgAuthDomainConfig, CurrentOrgIdentityProviders, CustomAnalyzer, DashboardSummary, DatagovSecDesc, DecryptExportUrl, DeploymentIpAddresses, DeploymentVersion, DhrcActiveRecommendations, DhrcLatestMetrics, DhrcScores, DiffFmd, DiscoverNodes, DiscoveryTimeline, DistributionListDigest, DistributionListDigests, DummyFieldWithAdminOnlyTag, EdgeWindowsToolLink, EffectiveRbacPermissions, EventDigests, ExternalDeploymentName, FailedRestoreItemsInfo, FailuresAndWarningsStats, FederatedLoginStatus, FileActivities, GeoLocationList, GetAllRolesInOrgList, GetCdmReleaseDetailsForVersionFromSupportPortal, GetCdmReleaseDetailsFromSupportPortal, GetGroupCountByPrechecksStatus, GetGroupCountByUpgradeJobStatus, GetGroupCountByVersionStatus, GetKorgTaskchainStatus, GetPermissions, GetRolesByIds, GetUserDownloads, GlobalFileSearch, GlobalLockoutConfig, GlobalMfaSetting, GlobalSearchResults, GroupsInCurrentAndDescendantOrganization, GuestCredentials, GuestCredentialsV2, HasIdpConfigured, HelpContentSnippets, HierarchyObject, HierarchyObjects, InstalledVersionList, InventoryRoot, InventorySubHierarchyRoot, InventoryWorkloads, InvestigationCsvDownloadLink, IpWhitelist, IsIpmiEnabled, IsLoggedIntoRubrikSupportPortal, IsSfdcReachable, IsUpgradeAvailable, IsUpgradeRecommended, IsZrsAvailableForLocation, Issue, Issues, IssuesJobIds, JobInfo, KnowledgeBaseArticle, KubernetesProtectionSet, KubernetesProtectionSets, LambdaSettings, LicensedProducts, LockoutConfig, MaxProtectedAppsCount, MfaSetting, MinimumCdmVersionForFeatureSet, NetworkThrottle, NfAnomalyResults, NfAnomalyResultsGrouped, NodeRemovalCancelPermission, NodeToReplace, NosqlStorageLocations, OauthCodesForEdgeReg, ObjectFiles, ObjectTypeAccessSummary, ObjectsAlreadyAssignedToOrgs, Org, Orgs, OrgsByIds, OrgsForPrincipal, PendingAction, PendingActions, PhoenixRolloutProgress, PipelineHealthForTimeRange, PolarisInventorySubHierarchyRoot, PolicyDetails, PolicyObj, PolicyObjs, PrechecksStatus, PrechecksStatusWithNextJobInfo, PrivateContainerRegistry, ProductDocumentation, ProtectedObjectsList, ProtectedVolumesCount, QuarantinedDetailsForWorkload, QueryDatastoreFreespaceThresholds, RemovedNodeDetails, RoleTemplates, SearchFileByPrefix, SnoozedDirectories, SupportBundle, SupportUserAccesses, TableFilters, Targets, TaskDetailGroupByList, TaskDetailList, Taskchain, TeamChannelNameAvailable, TotpConfigStatus, TprStatusForNodeRemoval, TunnelStatus, UniqueVcdCount, UnmanagedObjects, UnmanagedObjectsSupportedTypes, UpgradeStatus, UserActivities, UserAnalyzerAccess, UserAuditList, UserDetail, UserFiles, UserGroups, UserNotifications, UserSessionManagementConfig, UserSettings, UsersInCurrentAndDescendantOrganization, UsersOnAccountList, ValidateOrgName, VcdVappVms, VirtualMachineFiles, VmRecoveryJobsInfo, VolumeGroupMounts, WorkloadAlertSetting, WorkloadAnomalies, or WorkloadForeverId. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryMisc creates a new query object for operations in the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 180 operations in the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: ActiveCustomAnalyzers, AdVolumeExports, AgentDeploymentSetting, AgentDeploymentSettings, AllowedOrgAdminOperations, AnalyzerGroups, AnalyzerUsages, AnomalyResultOpt, AnomalyResults, AnomalyResultsGrouped, AreMultiGeoBackupsEnabled, AuthorizationsForGlobalResource, AuthorizationsForObject, AuthorizationsForObjects, AwsComputeSettings, AzureResourceGroups, AzureSubnets, BrowseCalendar, BrowseContacts, BrowseFolder, BrowseOnedrive, BrowseTeamsChannels, BrowseTeamsDrive, CdmGuestCredentials, CdmInventorySubHierarchyRoot, CdmOvaDetails, CdmVersionCheck, CdpVmsInfos, CheckCloudComputeConnectivityJobProgress, CheckLatestVersionMgmtAppExists, CloudDirectNasExport, CloudDirectShares, CloudDirectSites, CloudDirectSystems, ConfiguredGroupMembers, Crawl, Crawls, CrossAccountPairs, CurrentIpAddress, CurrentOrg, CurrentOrgAuthDomainConfig, CurrentOrgIdentityProviders, CustomAnalyzer, DashboardSummary, DatagovSecDesc, DecryptExportUrl, DeploymentIpAddresses, DeploymentVersion, DhrcActiveRecommendations, DhrcLatestMetrics, DhrcScores, DiffFmd, DiscoverNodes, DiscoveryTimeline, DistributionListDigest, DistributionListDigests, DummyFieldWithAdminOnlyTag, EdgeWindowsToolLink, EffectiveRbacPermissions, EventDigests, ExternalDeploymentName, FailedRestoreItemsInfo, FailuresAndWarningsStats, FederatedLoginStatus, FileActivities, GeoLocationList, GetAllRolesInOrgList, GetCdmReleaseDetailsForVersionFromSupportPortal, GetCdmReleaseDetailsFromSupportPortal, GetGroupCountByPrechecksStatus, GetGroupCountByUpgradeJobStatus, GetGroupCountByVersionStatus, GetKorgTaskchainStatus, GetPermissions, GetRolesByIds, GetUserDownloads, GlobalFileSearch, GlobalLockoutConfig, GlobalMfaSetting, GlobalSearchResults, GroupsInCurrentAndDescendantOrganization, GuestCredentials, GuestCredentialsV2, HasIdpConfigured, HelpContentSnippets, HierarchyObject, HierarchyObjects, InstalledVersionList, InventoryRoot, InventorySubHierarchyRoot, InventoryWorkloads, InvestigationCsvDownloadLink, IpWhitelist, IsIpmiEnabled, IsLoggedIntoRubrikSupportPortal, IsSfdcReachable, IsUpgradeAvailable, IsUpgradeRecommended, IsZrsAvailableForLocation, Issue, Issues, IssuesJobIds, JobInfo, KnowledgeBaseArticle, KubernetesProtectionSet, KubernetesProtectionSets, LambdaSettings, LicensedProducts, LockoutConfig, MaxProtectedAppsCount, MfaSetting, MinimumCdmVersionForFeatureSet, NetworkThrottle, NfAnomalyResults, NfAnomalyResultsGrouped, NodeRemovalCancelPermission, NodeToReplace, NosqlStorageLocations, OauthCodesForEdgeReg, ObjectFiles, ObjectTypeAccessSummary, ObjectsAlreadyAssignedToOrgs, Org, Orgs, OrgsByIds, OrgsForPrincipal, PendingAction, PendingActions, PhoenixRolloutProgress, PipelineHealthForTimeRange, PolarisInventorySubHierarchyRoot, PolicyDetails, PolicyObj, PolicyObjs, PrechecksStatus, PrechecksStatusWithNextJobInfo, PrivateContainerRegistry, ProductDocumentation, ProtectedObjectsList, ProtectedVolumesCount, QuarantinedDetailsForWorkload, QueryDatastoreFreespaceThresholds, RemovedNodeDetails, RoleTemplates, SearchFileByPrefix, SnoozedDirectories, SupportBundle, SupportUserAccesses, TableFilters, Targets, TaskDetailGroupByList, TaskDetailList, Taskchain, TeamChannelNameAvailable, TotpConfigStatus, TprStatusForNodeRemoval, TunnelStatus, UniqueVcdCount, UnmanagedObjects, UnmanagedObjectsSupportedTypes, UpgradeStatus, UserActivities, UserAnalyzerAccess, UserAuditList, UserDetail, UserFiles, UserGroups, UserNotifications, UserSessionManagementConfig, UserSettings, UsersInCurrentAndDescendantOrganization, UsersOnAccountList, ValidateOrgName, VcdVappVms, VirtualMachineFiles, VmRecoveryJobsInfo, VolumeGroupMounts, WorkloadAlertSetting, WorkloadAnomalies, or WorkloadForeverId. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryMisc -ActiveCustomAnalyzers).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryMisc -ActiveCustomAnalyzers).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the ActiveCustomAnalyzers operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: ActiveCustomAnalyzers $query = New-RscQueryMisc -ActiveCustomAnalyzers # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AnalyzerConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the AdVolumeExports operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: AdVolumeExports $query = New-RscQueryMisc -AdVolumeExports # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filters = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someAdVolumeExportFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AdVolumeExportFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someAdVolumeExportSortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AdVolumeExportSortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AdVolumeExportConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the AgentDeploymentSetting operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: AgentDeploymentSetting $query = New-RscQueryMisc -AgentDeploymentSetting # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AgentDeploymentSettings </code> </example> <example> Runs the AgentDeploymentSettings operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: AgentDeploymentSettings $query = New-RscQueryMisc -AgentDeploymentSettings # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterUuids = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AgentDeploymentSettingsInfo> </code> </example> <example> Runs the AllowedOrgAdminOperations operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: AllowedOrgAdminOperations $query = New-RscQueryMisc -AllowedOrgAdminOperations # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<Operation> </code> </example> <example> Runs the AnalyzerGroups operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: AnalyzerGroups $query = New-RscQueryMisc -AnalyzerGroups # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AnalyzerGroupConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the AnalyzerUsages operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: AnalyzerUsages $query = New-RscQueryMisc -AnalyzerUsages # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AnalyzerUsageConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the AnomalyResultOpt operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: AnomalyResultOpt $query = New-RscQueryMisc -AnomalyResultOpt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.clusterUuid = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.snapshotId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.workloadId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.anomalyId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GetAnomalyDetailsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the AnomalyResults operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: AnomalyResults $query = New-RscQueryMisc -AnomalyResults # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someAnomalyResultSortBy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AnomalyResultSortBy]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @{ # OPTIONAL clusterUuid = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL managedId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL startTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL endTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL isAnomaly = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL workloadFid = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.timezoneOffset = $someSingle # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AnomalyResultConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the AnomalyResultsGrouped operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: AnomalyResultsGrouped $query = New-RscQueryMisc -AnomalyResultsGrouped # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.groupBy = $someAnomalyResultGroupBy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AnomalyResultGroupBy]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @{ # OPTIONAL clusterUuid = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL managedId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL startTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL endTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL isAnomaly = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL workloadFid = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.timezoneOffset = $someSingle # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AnomalyResultGroupedDataConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the AreMultiGeoBackupsEnabled operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: AreMultiGeoBackupsEnabled $query = New-RscQueryMisc -AreMultiGeoBackupsEnabled # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the AuthorizationsForGlobalResource operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: AuthorizationsForGlobalResource $query = New-RscQueryMisc -AuthorizationsForGlobalResource # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<Operation> </code> </example> <example> Runs the AuthorizationsForObject operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: AuthorizationsForObject $query = New-RscQueryMisc -AuthorizationsForObject # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<Operation> </code> </example> <example> Runs the AuthorizationsForObjects operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: AuthorizationsForObjects $query = New-RscQueryMisc -AuthorizationsForObjects # REQUIRED $query.Var.fids = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AuthorizedOperations> </code> </example> <example> Runs the AwsComputeSettings operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: AwsComputeSettings $query = New-RscQueryMisc -AwsComputeSettings # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someAwsCloudComputeSettingQuerySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsCloudComputeSettingQuerySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someAwsCloudComputeSettingFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsCloudComputeSettingFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL text = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.contextFilter = $someContextFilterTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ContextFilterTypeEnum]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AwsComputeSettings> </code> </example> <example> Runs the AzureResourceGroups operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: AzureResourceGroups $query = New-RscQueryMisc -AzureResourceGroups # REQUIRED $query.Var.cloudAccountId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.azureRegion = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<System.String> </code> </example> <example> Runs the AzureSubnets operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: AzureSubnets $query = New-RscQueryMisc -AzureSubnets # REQUIRED $query.Var.subnetRequest = @{ # OPTIONAL cloudAccountId = $someString # OPTIONAL resourceGroup = $someString # OPTIONAL vnetName = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<System.String> </code> </example> <example> Runs the BrowseCalendar operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: BrowseCalendar $query = New-RscQueryMisc -BrowseCalendar # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.folderId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.calendarSearchFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeywordFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeyword = $someString # OPTIONAL keywordType = $someCalendarSearchKeywordType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CalendarSearchKeywordType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL emailAddresses = @( @{ # OPTIONAL emailAddress = $someString # OPTIONAL filterType = $someCalendarEmailAddressFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CalendarEmailAddressFilterType]) for enum values. } ) # OPTIONAL timerange = @{ # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL untilTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL searchObjectFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchObjectType = $someO365CalendarSearchObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.O365CalendarSearchObjectType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL recurrenceFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL recurrenceType = $someCalendarRecurrenceType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CalendarRecurrenceType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL lambdaFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePaths = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePathCachePreload = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL parentFolderIdBatch = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL searchRecurseFolderId = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365ExchangeObjectConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the BrowseContacts operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: BrowseContacts $query = New-RscQueryMisc -BrowseContacts # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.folderId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.contactsSearchFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeywordFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeyword = $someString } # OPTIONAL searchObjectFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchObjectType = $someO365ContactsSearchObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.O365ContactsSearchObjectType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL lambdaFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePaths = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePathCachePreload = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL parentFolderIdBatch = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL searchRecurseFolderId = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365ExchangeObjectConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the BrowseFolder operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: BrowseFolder $query = New-RscQueryMisc -BrowseFolder # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.folderId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365ExchangeObjectConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the BrowseOnedrive operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: BrowseOnedrive $query = New-RscQueryMisc -BrowseOnedrive # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotFid = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.folderId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.onedriveSearchFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeywordFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeyword = $someString # OPTIONAL keywordType = $someOnedriveSearchKeywordType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.OnedriveSearchKeywordType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL modifiedTime = @{ # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL untilTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL createTime = @{ # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL untilTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL searchObjectFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchObjectType = $someOnedriveSearchObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.OnedriveSearchObjectType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL channelId = $someString # OPTIONAL channelFolderName = $someString # OPTIONAL channelMembershipType = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL excludeItemsUnderRoot = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL channelNameKeyword = $someString # OPTIONAL useExactVersionMatch = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL lambdaFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePaths = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePathCachePreload = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL parentFolderIdBatch = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL searchRecurseFolderId = $someString } } # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365OnedriveObjectConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the BrowseTeamsChannels operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: BrowseTeamsChannels $query = New-RscQueryMisc -BrowseTeamsChannels # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.channelMembershipTypeFilter = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.nameFilter = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365TeamsChannelConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the BrowseTeamsDrive operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: BrowseTeamsDrive $query = New-RscQueryMisc -BrowseTeamsDrive # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotFid = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.folderId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.teamsDriveSearchFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeywordFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeyword = $someString # OPTIONAL keywordType = $someOnedriveSearchKeywordType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.OnedriveSearchKeywordType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL modifiedTime = @{ # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL untilTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL createTime = @{ # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL untilTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL searchObjectFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchObjectType = $someOnedriveSearchObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.OnedriveSearchObjectType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL channelId = $someString # OPTIONAL channelFolderName = $someString # OPTIONAL channelMembershipType = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL excludeItemsUnderRoot = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL channelNameKeyword = $someString # OPTIONAL useExactVersionMatch = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL lambdaFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePaths = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePathCachePreload = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL parentFolderIdBatch = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL searchRecurseFolderId = $someString } } # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365OnedriveObjectConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the CdmGuestCredentials operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: CdmGuestCredentials $query = New-RscQueryMisc -CdmGuestCredentials # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterUuids = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<CdmGuestCredential> </code> </example> <example> Runs the CdmInventorySubHierarchyRoot operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: CdmInventorySubHierarchyRoot $query = New-RscQueryMisc -CdmInventorySubHierarchyRoot # REQUIRED $query.Var.rootEnum = $someInventorySubHierarchyRootEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.InventorySubHierarchyRootEnum]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CdmInventorySubHierarchyRoot </code> </example> <example> Runs the CdmOvaDetails operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: CdmOvaDetails $query = New-RscQueryMisc -CdmOvaDetails # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<CdmOvaDetail> </code> </example> <example> Runs the CdmVersionCheck operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: CdmVersionCheck $query = New-RscQueryMisc -CdmVersionCheck # REQUIRED $query.Var.featureToCdmVersion = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED featureType = $someCdmFeatureFlagType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CdmFeatureFlagType]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: FeatureCdmVersionReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CdpVmsInfos operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: CdpVmsInfos $query = New-RscQueryMisc -CdpVmsInfos # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.allCdpVmInfoSort = @{ # OPTIONAL type = $someCdpPerfDashboardSortType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CdpPerfDashboardSortType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.allCdpVmInfoFilter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterField = $someCdpPerfDashboardFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CdpPerfDashboardFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sourceClusterUuids = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL slaDomainIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL localStatus = @( $someCdpLocalStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CdpLocalStatus]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL replicationStatus = @( $someCdpReplicationStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CdpReplicationStatus]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL cdpIoFilterStatus = @( $someIoFilterStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.IoFilterStatus]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL vmName = $someString } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CdpVmInfoConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the CheckCloudComputeConnectivityJobProgress operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: CheckCloudComputeConnectivityJobProgress $query = New-RscQueryMisc -CheckCloudComputeConnectivityJobProgress # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the CheckLatestVersionMgmtAppExists operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: CheckLatestVersionMgmtAppExists $query = New-RscQueryMisc -CheckLatestVersionMgmtAppExists # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED o365OrgId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CheckLatestVersionMgmtAppExistsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the CloudDirectNasExport operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: CloudDirectNasExport $query = New-RscQueryMisc -CloudDirectNasExport # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CloudDirectNasExport </code> </example> <example> Runs the CloudDirectShares operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: CloudDirectShares $query = New-RscQueryMisc -CloudDirectShares # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED systemName = $someString # REQUIRED exportType = $someShareTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ShareTypeEnum]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<ShareExportIdPair> </code> </example> <example> Runs the CloudDirectSites operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: CloudDirectSites $query = New-RscQueryMisc -CloudDirectSites # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<CloudDirectSite> </code> </example> <example> Runs the CloudDirectSystems operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: CloudDirectSystems $query = New-RscQueryMisc -CloudDirectSystems # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CloudDirectSystems </code> </example> <example> Runs the ConfiguredGroupMembers operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: ConfiguredGroupMembers $query = New-RscQueryMisc -ConfiguredGroupMembers # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.wildcard = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.pdls = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365ConfiguredGroupMemberConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Crawl operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: Crawl $query = New-RscQueryMisc -Crawl # REQUIRED $query.Var.crawlId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Crawl </code> </example> <example> Runs the Crawls operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: Crawls $query = New-RscQueryMisc -Crawls # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CrawlConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the CrossAccountPairs operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: CrossAccountPairs $query = New-RscQueryMisc -CrossAccountPairs # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someGetCrossAccountPairsSortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GetCrossAccountPairsSortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someGetCrossAccountPairsFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GetCrossAccountPairsFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL text = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CrossAccountPairInfoConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the CurrentIpAddress operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: CurrentIpAddress $query = New-RscQueryMisc -CurrentIpAddress # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the CurrentOrg operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: CurrentOrg $query = New-RscQueryMisc -CurrentOrg # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Org </code> </example> <example> Runs the CurrentOrgAuthDomainConfig operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: CurrentOrgAuthDomainConfig $query = New-RscQueryMisc -CurrentOrgAuthDomainConfig # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: TenantAuthDomainConfig </code> </example> <example> Runs the CurrentOrgIdentityProviders operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: CurrentOrgIdentityProviders $query = New-RscQueryMisc -CurrentOrgIdentityProviders # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<IdentityProvider> </code> </example> <example> Runs the CustomAnalyzer operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: CustomAnalyzer $query = New-RscQueryMisc -CustomAnalyzer # REQUIRED $query.Var.analyzerId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Analyzer </code> </example> <example> Runs the DashboardSummary operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: DashboardSummary $query = New-RscQueryMisc -DashboardSummary # REQUIRED $query.Var.getWhitelistedResults = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GetDashboardSummaryReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the DatagovSecDesc operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: DatagovSecDesc $query = New-RscQueryMisc -DatagovSecDesc # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.stdPath = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.skipResolveSids = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filters = @{ # OPTIONAL resultsForSid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: QuerySddlReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the DecryptExportUrl operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: DecryptExportUrl $query = New-RscQueryMisc -DecryptExportUrl # OPTIONAL $query.Var.workloadFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.exportUrlSpecsEnc = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ExportUrlSpecs </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeploymentIpAddresses operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: DeploymentIpAddresses $query = New-RscQueryMisc -DeploymentIpAddresses # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<System.String> </code> </example> <example> Runs the DeploymentVersion operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: DeploymentVersion $query = New-RscQueryMisc -DeploymentVersion # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the DhrcActiveRecommendations operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: DhrcActiveRecommendations $query = New-RscQueryMisc -DhrcActiveRecommendations # OPTIONAL $query.Var.categories = @( $someDhrcCategory # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DhrcCategory]) for enum values. ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<DhrcActiveRecommendation> </code> </example> <example> Runs the DhrcLatestMetrics operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: DhrcLatestMetrics $query = New-RscQueryMisc -DhrcLatestMetrics # OPTIONAL $query.Var.categories = @( $someDhrcCategory # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DhrcCategory]) for enum values. ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<DhrcCollectedMetric> </code> </example> <example> Runs the DhrcScores operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: DhrcScores $query = New-RscQueryMisc -DhrcScores # OPTIONAL $query.Var.categories = @( $someDhrcCategory # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DhrcCategory]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.beginTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL $query.Var.timespan = $someDhrcScoreTimespan # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DhrcScoreTimespan]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<DhrcScore> </code> </example> <example> Runs the DiffFmd operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: DiffFmd $query = New-RscQueryMisc -DiffFmd # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.managedId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.browseDiffPath = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: DiffResult </code> </example> <example> Runs the DiscoverNodes operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: DiscoverNodes $query = New-RscQueryMisc -DiscoverNodes # REQUIRED $ = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BootstrappableNodeInfoListResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the DiscoveryTimeline operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: DiscoveryTimeline $query = New-RscQueryMisc -DiscoveryTimeline # REQUIRED $query.Var.startDay = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.endDay = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.timezone = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.getWhitelistedResults = $someBoolean # REQUIRED $query.Var.workloadTypes = @( $someDataGovObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DataGovObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.useOptimisedDiscoveryTimeline = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL $query.Var.subscriptionIdsFilter = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GetPoliciesTimelineReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the DistributionListDigest operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: DistributionListDigest $query = New-RscQueryMisc -DistributionListDigest # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL digestId = $someInt } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: EventDigest </code> </example> <example> Runs the DistributionListDigests operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: DistributionListDigests $query = New-RscQueryMisc -DistributionListDigests # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<EventDigest> </code> </example> <example> Runs the DummyFieldWithAdminOnlyTag operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: DummyFieldWithAdminOnlyTag $query = New-RscQueryMisc -DummyFieldWithAdminOnlyTag # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the EdgeWindowsToolLink operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: EdgeWindowsToolLink $query = New-RscQueryMisc -EdgeWindowsToolLink # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: EdgeWindowsToolLink </code> </example> <example> Runs the EffectiveRbacPermissions operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: EffectiveRbacPermissions $query = New-RscQueryMisc -EffectiveRbacPermissions # REQUIRED $query.Var.roleId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<RbacPermission> </code> </example> <example> Runs the EventDigests operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: EventDigests $query = New-RscQueryMisc -EventDigests # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED recipientUserIds = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<EventDigest> </code> </example> <example> Runs the ExternalDeploymentName operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: ExternalDeploymentName $query = New-RscQueryMisc -ExternalDeploymentName # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the FailedRestoreItemsInfo operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: FailedRestoreItemsInfo $query = New-RscQueryMisc -FailedRestoreItemsInfo # REQUIRED $query.Var.workloadFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.failedItemsInstanceId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: FailedRestoreItemsInfoReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the FailuresAndWarningsStats operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: FailuresAndWarningsStats $query = New-RscQueryMisc -FailuresAndWarningsStats # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: FailuresAndWarningsStatsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the FederatedLoginStatus operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: FederatedLoginStatus $query = New-RscQueryMisc -FederatedLoginStatus # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: FederatedLoginStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the FileActivities operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: FileActivities $query = New-RscQueryMisc -FileActivities # REQUIRED $query.Var.ListFileActivitiesInput = @{ # REQUIRED snappableFid = $someString # REQUIRED stdPath = $someString # REQUIRED startDateTime = $someString # REQUIRED timezone = $someString } # REQUIRED $query.Var.FileActivitiesSort = @{ # OPTIONAL sortBy = $someFileActivitiesSortBy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.FileActivitiesSortBy]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UserActivityResultConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the GeoLocationList operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: GeoLocationList $query = New-RscQueryMisc -GeoLocationList # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<GroupCount> </code> </example> <example> Runs the GetAllRolesInOrgList operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: GetAllRolesInOrgList $query = New-RscQueryMisc -GetAllRolesInOrgList # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someRoleFieldEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RoleFieldEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.nameFilter = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.assignedRoleIds = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RoleConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the GetCdmReleaseDetailsForVersionFromSupportPortal operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: GetCdmReleaseDetailsForVersionFromSupportPortal $query = New-RscQueryMisc -GetCdmReleaseDetailsForVersionFromSupportPortal # REQUIRED $query.Var.listClusterUuid = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.filterVersion = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.fetchLinks = $someBoolean # REQUIRED $query.Var.filterUpgradeable = $someBoolean # REQUIRED $query.Var.shouldShowAll = $someBoolean # REQUIRED $query.Var.filterAfterSource = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CdmUpgradeReleaseDetailsFromSupportPortalReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the GetCdmReleaseDetailsFromSupportPortal operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: GetCdmReleaseDetailsFromSupportPortal $query = New-RscQueryMisc -GetCdmReleaseDetailsFromSupportPortal # REQUIRED $query.Var.platform = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.nodeCount = $someInt64 # REQUIRED $query.Var.sourceVersion = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.filterVersion = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.fetchLinks = $someBoolean # REQUIRED $query.Var.filterUpgradeable = $someBoolean # REQUIRED $query.Var.shouldShowAll = $someBoolean # REQUIRED $query.Var.filterAfterSource = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CdmUpgradeReleaseDetailsFromSupportPortalReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the GetGroupCountByPrechecksStatus operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: GetGroupCountByPrechecksStatus $query = New-RscQueryMisc -GetGroupCountByPrechecksStatus # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<GroupCount> </code> </example> <example> Runs the GetGroupCountByUpgradeJobStatus operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: GetGroupCountByUpgradeJobStatus $query = New-RscQueryMisc -GetGroupCountByUpgradeJobStatus # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<GroupCount> </code> </example> <example> Runs the GetGroupCountByVersionStatus operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: GetGroupCountByVersionStatus $query = New-RscQueryMisc -GetGroupCountByVersionStatus # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<GroupCount> </code> </example> <example> Runs the GetKorgTaskchainStatus operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: GetKorgTaskchainStatus $query = New-RscQueryMisc -GetKorgTaskchainStatus # REQUIRED $query.Var.taskchainId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GetTaskchainStatusReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the GetPermissions operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: GetPermissions $query = New-RscQueryMisc -GetPermissions # REQUIRED $query.Var.roleId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<Permission> </code> </example> <example> Runs the GetRolesByIds operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: GetRolesByIds $query = New-RscQueryMisc -GetRolesByIds # REQUIRED $query.Var.roleIds = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<Role> </code> </example> <example> Runs the GetUserDownloads operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: GetUserDownloads $query = New-RscQueryMisc -GetUserDownloads # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<UserDownload> </code> </example> <example> Runs the GlobalFileSearch operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: GlobalFileSearch $query = New-RscQueryMisc -GlobalFileSearch # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED query = @{ # REQUIRED regex = $someString # REQUIRED snappableIds = @( $someString ) } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GlobalFileSearchReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the GlobalLockoutConfig operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: GlobalLockoutConfig $query = New-RscQueryMisc -GlobalLockoutConfig # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: LockoutConfig </code> </example> <example> Runs the GlobalMfaSetting operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: GlobalMfaSetting $query = New-RscQueryMisc -GlobalMfaSetting # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GetMfaSettingReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the GlobalSearchResults operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: GlobalSearchResults $query = New-RscQueryMisc -GlobalSearchResults # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: HierarchyObjectConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the GroupsInCurrentAndDescendantOrganization operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: GroupsInCurrentAndDescendantOrganization $query = New-RscQueryMisc -GroupsInCurrentAndDescendantOrganization # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @{ # OPTIONAL orgIdsFilter = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL roleIdsFilter = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL nameFilter = $someString } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someGroupSortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GroupSortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.shouldIncludeGroupsWithoutRole = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GroupConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the GuestCredentials operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: GuestCredentials $query = New-RscQueryMisc -GuestCredentials # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GuestCredentialDetailListResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the GuestCredentialsV2 operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: GuestCredentialsV2 $query = New-RscQueryMisc -GuestCredentialsV2 # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someGuestOsCredentialFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GuestOsCredentialFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someGuestOsCredentialSortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GuestOsCredentialSortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GuestOsCredentialConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the HasIdpConfigured operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: HasIdpConfigured $query = New-RscQueryMisc -HasIdpConfigured # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the HelpContentSnippets operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: HelpContentSnippets $query = New-RscQueryMisc -HelpContentSnippets # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.filter = @{ # OPTIONAL initiator = $someHelpContentSnippetsFilterInitiator # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HelpContentSnippetsFilterInitiator]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL query = $someString # OPTIONAL language = $someString # OPTIONAL source = $someHelpContentSource # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HelpContentSource]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL categories = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED productDocumentationTypes = @( $someProductDocumentationType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ProductDocumentationType]) for enum values. ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: HelpContentSnippetConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the HierarchyObject operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: HierarchyObject $query = New-RscQueryMisc -HierarchyObject # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: HierarchyObject </code> </example> <example> Runs the HierarchyObjects operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: HierarchyObjects $query = New-RscQueryMisc -HierarchyObjects # REQUIRED $query.Var.fids = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<HierarchyObject> </code> </example> <example> Runs the InstalledVersionList operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: InstalledVersionList $query = New-RscQueryMisc -InstalledVersionList # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<InstalledVersionGroupCount> </code> </example> <example> Runs the InventoryRoot operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: InventoryRoot $query = New-RscQueryMisc -InventoryRoot # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: InventoryRoot </code> </example> <example> Runs the InventorySubHierarchyRoot operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: InventorySubHierarchyRoot $query = New-RscQueryMisc -InventorySubHierarchyRoot # REQUIRED $query.Var.rootEnum = $someInventorySubHierarchyRootEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.InventorySubHierarchyRootEnum]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: InventorySubHierarchyRoot </code> </example> <example> Runs the InventoryWorkloads operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: InventoryWorkloads $query = New-RscQueryMisc -InventoryWorkloads # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<InventoryCard> </code> </example> <example> Runs the InvestigationCsvDownloadLink operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: InvestigationCsvDownloadLink $query = New-RscQueryMisc -InvestigationCsvDownloadLink # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.workloadId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: InvestigationCsvDownloadLinkReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the IpWhitelist operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: IpWhitelist $query = New-RscQueryMisc -IpWhitelist # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GetWhitelistReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the IsIpmiEnabled operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: IsIpmiEnabled $query = New-RscQueryMisc -IsIpmiEnabled # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the IsLoggedIntoRubrikSupportPortal operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: IsLoggedIntoRubrikSupportPortal $query = New-RscQueryMisc -IsLoggedIntoRubrikSupportPortal # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SupportPortalStatusReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the IsSfdcReachable operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: IsSfdcReachable $query = New-RscQueryMisc -IsSfdcReachable # REQUIRED $query.Var.hostname = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.organizationId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the IsUpgradeAvailable operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: IsUpgradeAvailable $query = New-RscQueryMisc -IsUpgradeAvailable # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterUuid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CdmUpgradeAvailabilityReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the IsUpgradeRecommended operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: IsUpgradeRecommended $query = New-RscQueryMisc -IsUpgradeRecommended # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterUuid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CdmUpgradeRecommendationReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the IsZrsAvailableForLocation operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: IsZrsAvailableForLocation $query = New-RscQueryMisc -IsZrsAvailableForLocation # REQUIRED $query.Var.serviceTier = $someServiceTier # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ServiceTier]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.region = $someAzureNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeRegion]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.subscriptionId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ZrsAvailabilityReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the Issue operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: Issue $query = New-RscQueryMisc -Issue # REQUIRED $query.Var.issueId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Issue </code> </example> <example> Runs the Issues operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: Issues $query = New-RscQueryMisc -Issues # REQUIRED $query.Var.status = $someIssueStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.IssueStatus]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: IssueConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the IssuesJobIds operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: IssuesJobIds $query = New-RscQueryMisc -IssuesJobIds # REQUIRED $query.Var.queryIds = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<System.String> </code> </example> <example> Runs the JobInfo operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: JobInfo $query = New-RscQueryMisc -JobInfo # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL accountName = $someString # OPTIONAL requestId = $someString # OPTIONAL clusterUuid = $someString # OPTIONAL type = $someJobType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.JobType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED additionalInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL unmountInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL liveMountFid = $someString } # OPTIONAL queryMountInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL snapshotFid = $someString } # OPTIONAL sapHanaSystemInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL sapHanaSystemFid = $someString } # OPTIONAL archivalLocationInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL polarisManagedLocId = $someString # OPTIONAL locationName = $someString # OPTIONAL locationType = $someString # OPTIONAL operationType = $someArchivalLocationOperationType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ArchivalLocationOperationType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL operationId = $someString } # OPTIONAL mosaicSourceInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL sourceNames = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL refreshEffectiveSla = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL sourceType = $someMosaicSourceNosqlSourceType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.MosaicSourceNosqlSourceType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL snapshotFileDownloadInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL downloadId = $someInt64 # OPTIONAL snappableType = $someSnapshotFileDownloadSnappableType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnapshotFileDownloadSnappableType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL mosaicStorageLocationInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL storageLocationName = $someString } # OPTIONAL pendingSlaInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL objectFids = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL volumeGroupUnmountInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL liveMountFid = $someString } # OPTIONAL db2InstanceInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL db2InstanceFid = $someString } # OPTIONAL mssqlDbInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL mssqlDbFid = $someString } # OPTIONAL logShippingInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL secondaryDatabaseName = $someString # OPTIONAL databaseFid = $someString } # OPTIONAL addManagedVolumeInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL managedVolumeFid = $someString } # OPTIONAL takeManagedVolumeOnDemandSnapshotInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL managedVolumeFid = $someString } # OPTIONAL beginManagedVolumeSnapshotInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL managedVolumeFid = $someString } # OPTIONAL endManagedVolumeSnapshotInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL managedVolumeFid = $someString } # OPTIONAL resizeManagedVolumeInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL managedVolumeFid = $someString } # OPTIONAL exportManagedVolumeSnapshotInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL snapshotFid = $someString # OPTIONAL exportId = $someString } # OPTIONAL oracleExportInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL isSameHostRestore = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL targetHostOrRacFid = $someString # OPTIONAL targetDbName = $someString } # OPTIONAL sapHanaDatabaseInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL sapHanaDatabaseFid = $someString # OPTIONAL syncDbLogSnapshot = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL exportVcdVappSnapshotInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL snapshotFid = $someString # OPTIONAL config = @{ # OPTIONAL newVappParams = @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED orgVdcId = $someString } # OPTIONAL shouldPowerOnVappAfterExport = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL targetVappId = $someString # REQUIRED exportMode = $someVappExportMode # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VappExportMode]) for enum values. # REQUIRED networksToRestore = @( @{ # OPTIONAL newName = $someString # OPTIONAL vappNetworkSummary = @{ # OPTIONAL parentNetworkId = $someString # REQUIRED isDeployed = $someBoolean # REQUIRED name = $someString } } ) # REQUIRED vmsToExport = @( @{ # OPTIONAL storagePolicyId = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED networkConnections = @( @{ # OPTIONAL ipAddress = $someString # OPTIONAL macAddress = $someString # OPTIONAL vappNetworkName = $someString # OPTIONAL networkAdapterType = $someString # REQUIRED addressingMode = $someVappVmIpAddressingMode # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VappVmIpAddressingMode]) for enum values. # REQUIRED isConnected = $someBoolean # REQUIRED nicIndex = $someInt } ) # REQUIRED vcdMoid = $someString } ) } } # OPTIONAL liveMountRelocateInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL liveMountFid = $someString } # OPTIONAL mongoSourceInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL mongoSourceFid = $someString } # OPTIONAL hypervMountSnapshotInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL snapshotFid = $someString } # OPTIONAL webCertificateInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL cdmCertificateId = $someString } # OPTIONAL db2DatabaseInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL db2DbFid = $someString } # OPTIONAL mongoCollectionsInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL collectionFids = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL vsphereFileRestoreInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL vmFid = $someString } # OPTIONAL configureManagedVolumeLogExportInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL managedVolumeFid = $someString } # OPTIONAL downloadSnapshotFromLocationInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString # OPTIONAL snappableType = $someDownloadSnapshotFromLocationSnappableType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DownloadSnapshotFromLocationSnappableType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL registeredHostInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL hostFid = $someString # OPTIONAL hostRegisteredTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL registerOracleHostsInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL addedOracleHostFids = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL hostRegisteredTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL llmInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL functionType = $someLlmFunctionCallFunctionType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.LlmFunctionCallFunctionType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL functionUuid = $someString # OPTIONAL subjectContexts = @( @{ # OPTIONAL organizationId = $someString # OPTIONAL subjectId = $someString # OPTIONAL subjectType = $someSubjectContextType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SubjectContextType]) for enum values. } ) } # OPTIONAL hostMakePrimaryInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL hostFids = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL vcenterDiagnosticRefreshInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL vcenterFid = $someString } # OPTIONAL postgresDbClusterInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL postgresDbClusterFid = $someString } } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: JobInfo </code> </example> <example> Runs the KnowledgeBaseArticle operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: KnowledgeBaseArticle $query = New-RscQueryMisc -KnowledgeBaseArticle # REQUIRED $ = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: KnowledgeBaseArticle </code> </example> <example> Runs the KubernetesProtectionSet operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: KubernetesProtectionSet $query = New-RscQueryMisc -KubernetesProtectionSet # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: KubernetesProtectionSet </code> </example> <example> Runs the KubernetesProtectionSets operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: KubernetesProtectionSets $query = New-RscQueryMisc -KubernetesProtectionSets # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.k8sClusterOptionalId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: KubernetesProtectionSetConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the LambdaSettings operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: LambdaSettings $query = New-RscQueryMisc -LambdaSettings # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: LambdaSettings </code> </example> <example> Runs the LicensedProducts operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: LicensedProducts $query = New-RscQueryMisc -LicensedProducts # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GetLicensedProductsInfoReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the LockoutConfig operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: LockoutConfig $query = New-RscQueryMisc -LockoutConfig # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: LockoutConfig </code> </example> <example> Runs the MaxProtectedAppsCount operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: MaxProtectedAppsCount $query = New-RscQueryMisc -MaxProtectedAppsCount # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Int32 </code> </example> <example> Runs the MfaSetting operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: MfaSetting $query = New-RscQueryMisc -MfaSetting # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GetMfaSettingReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the MinimumCdmVersionForFeatureSet operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: MinimumCdmVersionForFeatureSet $query = New-RscQueryMisc -MinimumCdmVersionForFeatureSet # REQUIRED $query.Var.featureListMinimumCdmVersion = @{ # REQUIRED featureTypes = @( $someCdmFeatureFlagType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CdmFeatureFlagType]) for enum values. ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: FeatureListMinimumCdmVersionReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the NetworkThrottle operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: NetworkThrottle $query = New-RscQueryMisc -NetworkThrottle # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL resourceId = $someInternalQueryNetworkThrottleRequestResourceId # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.InternalQueryNetworkThrottleRequestResourceId]) for enum values. # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NetworkThrottleSummaryListResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the NfAnomalyResults operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: NfAnomalyResults $query = New-RscQueryMisc -NfAnomalyResults # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someNfAnomalyResultSortBy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.NfAnomalyResultSortBy]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @{ # OPTIONAL clusterUuid = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL startTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL endTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL isAnomaly = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL workloadFid = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.timezoneOffset = $someSingle # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NfAnomalyResultConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the NfAnomalyResultsGrouped operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: NfAnomalyResultsGrouped $query = New-RscQueryMisc -NfAnomalyResultsGrouped # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.groupBy = $someNfAnomalyResultGroupBy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.NfAnomalyResultGroupBy]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @{ # OPTIONAL clusterUuid = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL startTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL endTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL isAnomaly = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL workloadFid = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.timezoneOffset = $someSingle # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NfAnomalyResultGroupedDataConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the NodeRemovalCancelPermission operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: NodeRemovalCancelPermission $query = New-RscQueryMisc -NodeRemovalCancelPermission # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NodeRemovalCancelPermissionReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the NodeToReplace operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: NodeToReplace $query = New-RscQueryMisc -NodeToReplace # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NodeToReplaceReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the NosqlStorageLocations operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: NosqlStorageLocations $query = New-RscQueryMisc -NosqlStorageLocations # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someMosaicStorageLocationQuerySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.MosaicStorageLocationQuerySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someMosaicStorageLocationFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.MosaicStorageLocationFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL text = $someString } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<MosaicStorageLocation> </code> </example> <example> Runs the OauthCodesForEdgeReg operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: OauthCodesForEdgeReg $query = New-RscQueryMisc -OauthCodesForEdgeReg # REQUIRED $query.Var.numberOfEdges = $someInt # REQUIRED $query.Var.cdmOvaLink = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: OauthCodesForEdgeRegReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the ObjectFiles operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: ObjectFiles $query = New-RscQueryMisc -ObjectFiles # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @{ # OPTIONAL openAccessTypes = @( $someOpenAccessType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.OpenAccessType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL stalenessTypes = @( $someStalenessType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.StalenessType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL analyzerGroupIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL clusterIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL pathPrefix = $someString # OPTIONAL snappableTypes = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL searchText = $someString # OPTIONAL whitelistEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL fileCountTypes = @( $someFileCountType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.FileCountType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL accessTypes = @( $someAccessType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AccessType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL activityTypes = @( $someActivityAccessType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivityAccessType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL objectIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL inodeTypes = @( $someInodeType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.InodeType]) for enum values. ) # REQUIRED objectTypes = @( $someHierarchyObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sort = @{ # OPTIONAL sortBy = $someFileResultSortBy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.FileResultSortBy]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL analyzerGroupId = $someString } # REQUIRED $ = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.timezone = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: FileResultConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the ObjectTypeAccessSummary operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: ObjectTypeAccessSummary $query = New-RscQueryMisc -ObjectTypeAccessSummary # REQUIRED $query.Var.timelineDate = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.historicalDeltaDays = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.includeWhitelistedResults = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @{ # OPTIONAL policyId = $someString # OPTIONAL objectTypes = @( $someDataGovObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DataGovObjectType]) for enum values. ) } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sort = $someObjectTypeAccessSummarySortBy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ObjectTypeAccessSummarySortBy]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ObjectTypeAccessSummaryConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the ObjectsAlreadyAssignedToOrgs operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: ObjectsAlreadyAssignedToOrgs $query = New-RscQueryMisc -ObjectsAlreadyAssignedToOrgs # REQUIRED $query.Var.objectIdsForHierarchyTypes = @( @{ # REQUIRED objectIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED snappableType = $someWorkloadLevelHierarchy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.WorkloadLevelHierarchy]) for enum values. } ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.allowedClusters = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.targetOrgId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<ObjectIdsForHierarchyType> </code> </example> <example> Runs the Org operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: Org $query = New-RscQueryMisc -Org # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Org </code> </example> <example> Runs the Orgs operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: Orgs $query = New-RscQueryMisc -Orgs # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someOrgField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.OrgField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.nameFilter = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.mfaEnforcedFilter = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL $query.Var.crossAccountEnabledFilter = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: OrgConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the OrgsByIds operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: OrgsByIds $query = New-RscQueryMisc -OrgsByIds # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgIds = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<Org> </code> </example> <example> Runs the OrgsForPrincipal operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: OrgsForPrincipal $query = New-RscQueryMisc -OrgsForPrincipal # OPTIONAL $query.Var.orgSearchFilter = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: OrgsForPrincipalReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the PendingAction operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: PendingAction $query = New-RscQueryMisc -PendingAction # REQUIRED $query.Var.pendingActionId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: PendingAction </code> </example> <example> Runs the PendingActions operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: PendingActions $query = New-RscQueryMisc -PendingActions # OPTIONAL $query.Var.clusterFilter = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.pendingActionGroupTypeFilter = @( $somePendingActionGroupTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.PendingActionGroupTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.pendingActionSubGroupTypeFilter = @( $somePendingActionSubGroupTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.PendingActionSubGroupTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.statusFilter = @( $somePendingActionStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.PendingActionStatus]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.objectIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortedOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.historyOnly = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL $query.Var.limit = $someInt64 # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<PendingAction> </code> </example> <example> Runs the PhoenixRolloutProgress operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: PhoenixRolloutProgress $query = New-RscQueryMisc -PhoenixRolloutProgress # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: PhoenixRolloutProgress </code> </example> <example> Runs the PipelineHealthForTimeRange operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: PipelineHealthForTimeRange $query = New-RscQueryMisc -PipelineHealthForTimeRange # REQUIRED $query.Var.beginTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL $query.Var.endTime = $someDateTime # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GetPipelineHealthReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the PolarisInventorySubHierarchyRoot operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: PolarisInventorySubHierarchyRoot $query = New-RscQueryMisc -PolarisInventorySubHierarchyRoot # REQUIRED $query.Var.rootEnum = $someInventorySubHierarchyRootEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.InventorySubHierarchyRootEnum]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: PolarisInventorySubHierarchyRoot </code> </example> <example> Runs the PolicyDetails operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: PolicyDetails $query = New-RscQueryMisc -PolicyDetails # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: PolicyDetailConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the PolicyObj operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: PolicyObj $query = New-RscQueryMisc -PolicyObj # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotFid = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.includeWhitelistedResults = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: PolicyObj </code> </example> <example> Runs the PolicyObjs operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: PolicyObjs $query = New-RscQueryMisc -PolicyObjs # REQUIRED $ = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.timezone = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.workloadTypes = @( $someDataGovObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DataGovObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.analysisStatusesFilter = @( $someAnalysisStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AnalysisStatus]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.policyIdsFilter = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.riskLevelsFilter = @( $someRiskLevelType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RiskLevelType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.clusterIdsFilter = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.searchObjectName = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.subscriptionIdsFilter = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.includeWhitelistedResults = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sids = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.insightsMetadataId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.includeInsightsMarker = $someBoolean # REQUIRED $query.Var.userAccessObjectsFilter = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL $query.Var.objectIdsFilter = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: PolicyObjConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the PrechecksStatus operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: PrechecksStatus $query = New-RscQueryMisc -PrechecksStatus # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterUuid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: PrechecksStatusReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the PrechecksStatusWithNextJobInfo operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: PrechecksStatusWithNextJobInfo $query = New-RscQueryMisc -PrechecksStatusWithNextJobInfo # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterUuid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: PrechecksStatusReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the PrivateContainerRegistry operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: PrivateContainerRegistry $query = New-RscQueryMisc -PrivateContainerRegistry # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED exocomputeAccountId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: PrivateContainerRegistryReplyType </code> </example> <example> Runs the ProductDocumentation operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: ProductDocumentation $query = New-RscQueryMisc -ProductDocumentation # REQUIRED $ = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ProductDocumentation </code> </example> <example> Runs the ProtectedObjectsList operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: ProtectedObjectsList $query = New-RscQueryMisc -ProtectedObjectsList # OPTIONAL $query.Var.rootOptionalFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.slaIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.objectTypeFilter = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ProtectedObjectsConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the ProtectedVolumesCount operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: ProtectedVolumesCount $query = New-RscQueryMisc -ProtectedVolumesCount # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Int32 </code> </example> <example> Runs the QuarantinedDetailsForWorkload operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: QuarantinedDetailsForWorkload $query = New-RscQueryMisc -QuarantinedDetailsForWorkload # REQUIRED $query.Var.workloadId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<QuarantineSpec> </code> </example> <example> Runs the QueryDatastoreFreespaceThresholds operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: QueryDatastoreFreespaceThresholds $query = New-RscQueryMisc -QueryDatastoreFreespaceThresholds # REQUIRED $query.Var.queryDatastoreFreespaceThresholdsInput = @( @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # OPTIONAL vmId = $someString } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: QueryDatastoreFreespaceThresholdsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the RemovedNodeDetails operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: RemovedNodeDetails $query = New-RscQueryMisc -RemovedNodeDetails # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED nodeNames = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RemoveNodeDetailsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the RoleTemplates operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: RoleTemplates $query = New-RscQueryMisc -RoleTemplates # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.nameFilter = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RoleTemplateConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the SearchFileByPrefix operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: SearchFileByPrefix $query = New-RscQueryMisc -SearchFileByPrefix # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.managedId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.searchFolderPath = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.filenamePrefix = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: DiffResult </code> </example> <example> Runs the SnoozedDirectories operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: SnoozedDirectories $query = New-RscQueryMisc -SnoozedDirectories # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.snoozeStatusFilter = @( $someSnoozeStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnoozeStatus]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.directorySearchFilter = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.falsePositiveTypeFilter = @( $someAnomalyFalsePositiveType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AnomalyFalsePositiveType]) for enum values. ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SnoozedDirectoryConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the SupportBundle operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: SupportBundle $query = New-RscQueryMisc -SupportBundle # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the SupportUserAccesses operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: SupportUserAccesses $query = New-RscQueryMisc -SupportUserAccesses # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someSupportUserAccessSortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SupportUserAccessSortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filters = @( @{ # OPTIONAL text = $someString # REQUIRED field = $someSupportUserAccessFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SupportUserAccessFilterField]) for enum values. } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SupportUserAccessConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the TableFilters operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: TableFilters $query = New-RscQueryMisc -TableFilters # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: TableFilters </code> </example> <example> Runs the Targets operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: Targets $query = New-RscQueryMisc -Targets # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someArchivalLocationQuerySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ArchivalLocationQuerySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someTargetQueryFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TargetQueryFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL text = $someString # OPTIONAL textList = @( $someString ) } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.contextFilter = $someContextFilterTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ContextFilterTypeEnum]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<Target> </code> </example> <example> Runs the TaskDetailGroupByList operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: TaskDetailGroupByList $query = New-RscQueryMisc -TaskDetailGroupByList # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @{ # OPTIONAL clusterUuid = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL clusterType = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL clusterLocation = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL objectType = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL slaDomain = @{ # OPTIONAL id = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL replicationSource = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL taskCategory = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL taskStatus = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL taskType = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL time_gt = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL time_lt = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL searchTerm = $someString # OPTIONAL orgId = @( $someString ) } # REQUIRED $query.Var.groupBy = $someTaskDetailGroupByEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TaskDetailGroupByEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.timezoneOffset = $someSingle # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: TaskDetailGroupByConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the TaskDetailList operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: TaskDetailList $query = New-RscQueryMisc -TaskDetailList # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @{ # OPTIONAL clusterUuid = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL clusterType = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL clusterLocation = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL objectType = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL slaDomain = @{ # OPTIONAL id = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL replicationSource = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL taskCategory = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL taskStatus = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL taskType = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL time_gt = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL time_lt = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL searchTerm = $someString # OPTIONAL orgId = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someTaskDetailSortByEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TaskDetailSortByEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.timezoneOffset = $someSingle # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: TaskDetailConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Taskchain operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: Taskchain $query = New-RscQueryMisc -Taskchain # REQUIRED $query.Var.taskchainId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: Taskchain </code> </example> <example> Runs the TeamChannelNameAvailable operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: TeamChannelNameAvailable $query = New-RscQueryMisc -TeamChannelNameAvailable # REQUIRED $query.Var.teamUUID = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.channelName = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the TotpConfigStatus operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: TotpConfigStatus $query = New-RscQueryMisc -TotpConfigStatus # REQUIRED $query.Var.userId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GetTotpStatusReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the TprStatusForNodeRemoval operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: TprStatusForNodeRemoval $query = New-RscQueryMisc -TprStatusForNodeRemoval # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED tprRequestId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: TprStatusForNodeRemoval </code> </example> <example> Runs the TunnelStatus operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: TunnelStatus $query = New-RscQueryMisc -TunnelStatus # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SupportTunnelInfo </code> </example> <example> Runs the UniqueVcdCount operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UniqueVcdCount $query = New-RscQueryMisc -UniqueVcdCount # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Int32 </code> </example> <example> Runs the UnmanagedObjects operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UnmanagedObjects $query = New-RscQueryMisc -UnmanagedObjects # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # OPTIONAL name = $someString # REQUIRED unmanagedStatuses = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) # REQUIRED objectTypes = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # REQUIRED retentionSlaDomainIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL sortParam = @{ # OPTIONAL type = $someUnmanagedObjectsSortType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectsSortType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL objectId = $someString # OPTIONAL regions = @( @{ # REQUIRED gcpNativeRegion = $someString # REQUIRED awsNativeRegion = $someAwsNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeRegion]) for enum values. # REQUIRED azureNativeRegion = $someAzureNativeRegion # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeRegion]) for enum values. } ) # OPTIONAL cloudAccountIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL managedBy = $someCloudVendor # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudVendor]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UnmanagedObjectDetailConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the UnmanagedObjectsSupportedTypes operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UnmanagedObjectsSupportedTypes $query = New-RscQueryMisc -UnmanagedObjectsSupportedTypes # OPTIONAL $query.Var.productType = $someProductTargetType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ProductTargetType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.cloudVendor = $someCloudVendor # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CloudVendor]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<ManagedObjectType> </code> </example> <example> Runs the UpgradeStatus operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UpgradeStatus $query = New-RscQueryMisc -UpgradeStatus # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterUuid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpgradeStatusReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UserActivities operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UserActivities $query = New-RscQueryMisc -UserActivities # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @{ # OPTIONAL openAccessTypes = @( $someOpenAccessType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.OpenAccessType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL stalenessTypes = @( $someStalenessType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.StalenessType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL analyzerGroupIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL clusterIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL pathPrefix = $someString # OPTIONAL snappableTypes = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL searchText = $someString # OPTIONAL whitelistEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL fileCountTypes = @( $someFileCountType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.FileCountType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL accessTypes = @( $someAccessType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AccessType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL activityTypes = @( $someActivityAccessType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivityAccessType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL objectIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL inodeTypes = @( $someInodeType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.InodeType]) for enum values. ) # REQUIRED objectTypes = @( $someHierarchyObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sort = @{ # OPTIONAL sortBy = $someFileResultSortBy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.FileResultSortBy]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL analyzerGroupId = $someString } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.timeRange = @{ # OPTIONAL startTime = $someString # OPTIONAL endTime = $someString # OPTIONAL timezone = $someString } # REQUIRED $query.Var.userId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: FileResultConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the UserAnalyzerAccess operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UserAnalyzerAccess $query = New-RscQueryMisc -UserAnalyzerAccess # REQUIRED $query.Var.userId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.startDay = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.timezone = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.limit = $someInt # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AnalyzerAccessUsageConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the UserAuditList operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UserAuditList $query = New-RscQueryMisc -UserAuditList # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someUserAuditSortField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UserAuditSortField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filters = @{ # OPTIONAL auditSeverity = @( $someAuditSeverity # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AuditSeverity]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL auditStatus = @( $someAuditStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AuditStatus]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL auditType = @( $someAuditType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AuditType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL auditObjectType = @( $someAuditObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AuditObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL clusterId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL objectIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL objectFids = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL timeGt = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL timeLt = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL hasUserNote = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL searchTerm = $someString # OPTIONAL orgIds = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UserAuditConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the UserDetail operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UserDetail $query = New-RscQueryMisc -UserDetail # REQUIRED $query.Var.userId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.startDay = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.timezone = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GetUserDetailReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UserFiles operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UserFiles $query = New-RscQueryMisc -UserFiles # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<GetCustomerFacingDownloadsReply> </code> </example> <example> Runs the UserGroups operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UserGroups $query = New-RscQueryMisc -UserGroups # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.roleIdsFilter = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<Group> </code> </example> <example> Runs the UserNotifications operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UserNotifications $query = New-RscQueryMisc -UserNotifications # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UserNotifications </code> </example> <example> Runs the UserSessionManagementConfig operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UserSessionManagementConfig $query = New-RscQueryMisc -UserSessionManagementConfig # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GetUserSessionManagementConfigReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the UserSettings operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UserSettings $query = New-RscQueryMisc -UserSettings # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UserSettings </code> </example> <example> Runs the UsersInCurrentAndDescendantOrganization operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UsersInCurrentAndDescendantOrganization $query = New-RscQueryMisc -UsersInCurrentAndDescendantOrganization # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someUserSortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UserSortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @{ # OPTIONAL emailFilter = $someString # OPTIONAL domainFilter = @( $someUserDomainEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UserDomainEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL orgIdsFilter = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL roleIdsFilter = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL lockoutStateFilter = $someLockoutStateFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.LockoutStateFilter]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL hiddenStateFilter = $someHiddenStateFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HiddenStateFilter]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.shouldIncludeUserWithoutRole = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UserConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the UsersOnAccountList operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: UsersOnAccountList $query = New-RscQueryMisc -UsersOnAccountList # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someUserFieldEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UserFieldEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.emailFilter = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.roleIdsFilter = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.lockoutStateFilter = $someLockoutStateFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.LockoutStateFilter]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.hiddenStateFilter = $someHiddenStateFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HiddenStateFilter]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.shouldGetLocalUsersOnly = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UserConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the ValidateOrgName operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: ValidateOrgName $query = New-RscQueryMisc -ValidateOrgName # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED fullName = $someString # OPTIONAL name = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ValidateOrgNameReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the VcdVappVms operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: VcdVappVms $query = New-RscQueryMisc -VcdVappVms # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VsphereVmConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the VirtualMachineFiles operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: VirtualMachineFiles $query = New-RscQueryMisc -VirtualMachineFiles # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VirtualMachineFilesReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the VmRecoveryJobsInfo operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: VmRecoveryJobsInfo $query = New-RscQueryMisc -VmRecoveryJobsInfo # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED failoverId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<VmRecoveryJobInfo> </code> </example> <example> Runs the VolumeGroupMounts operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: VolumeGroupMounts $query = New-RscQueryMisc -VolumeGroupMounts # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filters = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someVolumeGroupLiveMountFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VolumeGroupLiveMountFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someVolumeGroupLiveMountSortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VolumeGroupLiveMountSortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VolumeGroupLiveMountConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the WorkloadAlertSetting operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: WorkloadAlertSetting $query = New-RscQueryMisc -WorkloadAlertSetting # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.workloadId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GetWorkloadAlertSettingReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the WorkloadAnomalies operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: WorkloadAnomalies $query = New-RscQueryMisc -WorkloadAnomalies # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.beginTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL $query.Var.endTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL $query.Var.workloadNameSearch = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.objectTypeFilter = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.clusterUuidFilter = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.slaFidFilter = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.encryptionFilter = @( $someEncryptionLevel # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.EncryptionLevel]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.severityFilter = @( $someActivitySeverityEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ActivitySeverityEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.analyzerGroupFilter = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someWorkloadAnomaliesSortBy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.WorkloadAnomaliesSortBy]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.orderParentsFirst = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL $query.Var.blueprintRecoveryTypes = @( $someBlueprintRecoveryType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.BlueprintRecoveryType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.locationsFilter = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.resolutionStatusFilter = @( $someResolutionStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ResolutionStatus]) for enum values. ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: WorkloadAnomalyConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the WorkloadForeverId operation of the 'Miscellaneous' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Misc # API Operation: WorkloadForeverId $query = New-RscQueryMisc -WorkloadForeverId # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.managedId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryMongo"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 8 operations in the 'Mongo' API domain: BulkRecoverableRanges, Collection, Collections, Database, Databases, RecoverableRanges, Source, or Sources. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryMongo creates a new query object for operations in the 'Mongo' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 8 operations in the 'Mongo' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: BulkRecoverableRanges, Collection, Collections, Database, Databases, RecoverableRanges, Source, or Sources. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryMongo -BulkRecoverableRanges).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryMongo -BulkRecoverableRanges).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the BulkRecoverableRanges operation of the 'Mongo' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mongo # API Operation: BulkRecoverableRanges $query = New-RscQueryMongo -BulkRecoverableRanges # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED source = $someString # OPTIONAL databases = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL collections = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MongoRecoverableRanges </code> </example> <example> Runs the Collection operation of the 'Mongo' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mongo # API Operation: Collection $query = New-RscQueryMongo -Collection # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MongoCollection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Collections operation of the 'Mongo' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mongo # API Operation: Collections $query = New-RscQueryMongo -Collections # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MongoCollectionConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Database operation of the 'Mongo' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mongo # API Operation: Database $query = New-RscQueryMongo -Database # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MongoDatabase </code> </example> <example> Runs the Databases operation of the 'Mongo' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mongo # API Operation: Databases $query = New-RscQueryMongo -Databases # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MongoDatabaseConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the RecoverableRanges operation of the 'Mongo' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mongo # API Operation: RecoverableRanges $query = New-RscQueryMongo -RecoverableRanges # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED source = $someString # OPTIONAL databases = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL collections = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MongoRecoverableRanges </code> </example> <example> Runs the Source operation of the 'Mongo' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mongo # API Operation: Source $query = New-RscQueryMongo -Source # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MongoSource </code> </example> <example> Runs the Sources operation of the 'Mongo' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mongo # API Operation: Sources $query = New-RscQueryMongo -Sources # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MongoSourceConnection </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryMongoDb"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 8 operations in the 'Mongo DB' API domain: BulkRecoverableRange, Collection, CollectionRecoverableRange, Collections, Database, Databases, Source, or Sources. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryMongoDb creates a new query object for operations in the 'Mongo DB' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 8 operations in the 'Mongo DB' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: BulkRecoverableRange, Collection, CollectionRecoverableRange, Collections, Database, Databases, Source, or Sources. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryMongoDb -BulkRecoverableRange).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryMongoDb -BulkRecoverableRange).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the BulkRecoverableRange operation of the 'Mongo DB' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: MongoDb # API Operation: BulkRecoverableRange $query = New-RscQueryMongoDb -BulkRecoverableRange # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED recoveryRangeData = @{ # OPTIONAL sourceType = $someMosaicBulkRecoverableRangeRequestSourceType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.MosaicBulkRecoverableRangeRequestSourceType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED managementObjects = @{ # OPTIONAL databases = @( @{ # OPTIONAL dbName = $someString # OPTIONAL tables = @( $someString ) } ) } # REQUIRED sourceName = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MosaicRecoveryRangeResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the Collection operation of the 'Mongo DB' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: MongoDb # API Operation: Collection $query = New-RscQueryMongoDb -Collection # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MongodbCollection </code> </example> <example> Runs the CollectionRecoverableRange operation of the 'Mongo DB' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: MongoDb # API Operation: CollectionRecoverableRange $query = New-RscQueryMongoDb -CollectionRecoverableRange # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED recoveryRangeRequestData = @{ # OPTIONAL sourceType = $someMosaicRecoverableRangeRequestSourceType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.MosaicRecoverableRangeRequestSourceType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED databaseName = $someString # REQUIRED sourceName = $someString # REQUIRED tableName = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GetMosaicRecoverableRangeResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the Collections operation of the 'Mongo DB' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: MongoDb # API Operation: Collections $query = New-RscQueryMongoDb -Collections # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MongodbCollectionConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Database operation of the 'Mongo DB' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: MongoDb # API Operation: Database $query = New-RscQueryMongoDb -Database # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MongodbDatabase </code> </example> <example> Runs the Databases operation of the 'Mongo DB' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: MongoDb # API Operation: Databases $query = New-RscQueryMongoDb -Databases # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MongodbDatabaseConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Source operation of the 'Mongo DB' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: MongoDb # API Operation: Source $query = New-RscQueryMongoDb -Source # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MongodbSource </code> </example> <example> Runs the Sources operation of the 'Mongo DB' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: MongoDb # API Operation: Sources $query = New-RscQueryMongoDb -Sources # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MongodbSourceConnection </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryMosaic"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 4 operations in the 'Mosaic' API domain: BulkRecoveryRange, Snapshots, Stores, or Versions. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryMosaic creates a new query object for operations in the 'Mosaic' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 4 operations in the 'Mosaic' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: BulkRecoveryRange, Snapshots, Stores, or Versions. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryMosaic -BulkRecoveryRange).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryMosaic -BulkRecoveryRange).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the BulkRecoveryRange operation of the 'Mosaic' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mosaic # API Operation: BulkRecoveryRange $query = New-RscQueryMosaic -BulkRecoveryRange # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED recoveryRangeData = @{ # OPTIONAL sourceType = $someMosaicBulkRecoverableRangeRequestSourceType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.MosaicBulkRecoverableRangeRequestSourceType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED managementObjects = @{ # OPTIONAL databases = @( @{ # OPTIONAL dbName = $someString # OPTIONAL tables = @( $someString ) } ) } # REQUIRED sourceName = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MosaicRecoveryRangeResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the Snapshots operation of the 'Mosaic' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mosaic # API Operation: Snapshots $query = New-RscQueryMosaic -Snapshots # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED versionData = @{ # OPTIONAL maxEntries = $someInt # OPTIONAL since = $someInt # OPTIONAL upto = $someInt # OPTIONAL sourceType = $someVersionSourceType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VersionSourceType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED databaseName = $someString # REQUIRED sourceName = $someString # REQUIRED tableName = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ListVersionResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the Stores operation of the 'Mosaic' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mosaic # API Operation: Stores $query = New-RscQueryMosaic -Stores # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ListStoreResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the Versions operation of the 'Mosaic' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mosaic # API Operation: Versions $query = New-RscQueryMosaic -Versions # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED versionData = @{ # OPTIONAL maxEntries = $someInt # OPTIONAL since = $someInt # OPTIONAL upto = $someInt # OPTIONAL sourceType = $someVersionSourceType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VersionSourceType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED databaseName = $someString # REQUIRED sourceName = $someString # REQUIRED tableName = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ListVersionResponse </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryMssql"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 17 operations in the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain: AvailabilityGroup, CdmLogShippingTarget, CdmLogShippingTargets, CompatibleInstances, Database, DatabaseLiveMounts, DatabaseMissedRecoverableRanges, DatabaseMissedSnapshots, DatabaseRestoreEstimate, DatabaseRestoreFiles, Databases, DefaultProperties, DefaultPropertiesOnCluster, Instance, LogShippingTargets, RecoverableRanges, or TopLevelDescendants. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryMssql creates a new query object for operations in the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 17 operations in the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: AvailabilityGroup, CdmLogShippingTarget, CdmLogShippingTargets, CompatibleInstances, Database, DatabaseLiveMounts, DatabaseMissedRecoverableRanges, DatabaseMissedSnapshots, DatabaseRestoreEstimate, DatabaseRestoreFiles, Databases, DefaultProperties, DefaultPropertiesOnCluster, Instance, LogShippingTargets, RecoverableRanges, or TopLevelDescendants. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryMssql -AvailabilityGroup).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryMssql -AvailabilityGroup).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the AvailabilityGroup operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: AvailabilityGroup $query = New-RscQueryMssql -AvailabilityGroup # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MssqlAvailabilityGroup </code> </example> <example> Runs the CdmLogShippingTarget operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: CdmLogShippingTarget $query = New-RscQueryMssql -CdmLogShippingTarget # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MssqlLogShippingTarget </code> </example> <example> Runs the CdmLogShippingTargets operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: CdmLogShippingTargets $query = New-RscQueryMssql -CdmLogShippingTargets # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someMssqlLogShippingTargetSortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.MssqlLogShippingTargetSortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filters = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someMssqlLogShippingTargetFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.MssqlLogShippingTargetFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MssqlLogShippingTargetConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the CompatibleInstances operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: CompatibleInstances $query = New-RscQueryMssql -CompatibleInstances # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL recoveryTime = $someDateTime # REQUIRED recoveryType = $someV1GetCompatibleMssqlInstancesV1RequestRecoveryType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.V1GetCompatibleMssqlInstancesV1RequestRecoveryType]) for enum values. # REQUIRED id = $someString } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someMssqlCompatibleInstancesSortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.MssqlCompatibleInstancesSortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filters = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someMssqlCompatibleInstancesFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.MssqlCompatibleInstancesFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MssqlInstanceSummaryListResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the Database operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: Database $query = New-RscQueryMssql -Database # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MssqlDatabase </code> </example> <example> Runs the DatabaseLiveMounts operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: DatabaseLiveMounts $query = New-RscQueryMssql -DatabaseLiveMounts # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someMssqlDatabaseLiveMountSortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.MssqlDatabaseLiveMountSortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filters = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someMssqlDatabaseLiveMountFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.MssqlDatabaseLiveMountFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MssqlDatabaseLiveMountConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the DatabaseMissedRecoverableRanges operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: DatabaseMissedRecoverableRanges $query = New-RscQueryMssql -DatabaseMissedRecoverableRanges # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL afterTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL beforeTime = $someDateTime # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MssqlMissedRecoverableRangeListResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the DatabaseMissedSnapshots operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: DatabaseMissedSnapshots $query = New-RscQueryMssql -DatabaseMissedSnapshots # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL afterTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL beforeTime = $someDateTime # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MissedSnapshotListResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the DatabaseRestoreEstimate operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: DatabaseRestoreEstimate $query = New-RscQueryMssql -DatabaseRestoreEstimate # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL lsn = $someString # OPTIONAL recoveryForkGuid = $someString # OPTIONAL time = $someDateTime # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MssqlRestoreEstimateResult </code> </example> <example> Runs the DatabaseRestoreFiles operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: DatabaseRestoreFiles $query = New-RscQueryMssql -DatabaseRestoreFiles # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL lsn = $someString # OPTIONAL recoveryForkGuid = $someString # OPTIONAL time = $someDateTime # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: V1MssqlGetRestoreFilesV1Response </code> </example> <example> Runs the Databases operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: Databases $query = New-RscQueryMssql -Databases # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MssqlDatabaseConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the DefaultProperties operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: DefaultProperties $query = New-RscQueryMssql -DefaultProperties # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: UpdateMssqlDefaultPropertiesReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the DefaultPropertiesOnCluster operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: DefaultPropertiesOnCluster $query = New-RscQueryMssql -DefaultPropertiesOnCluster # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # OPTIONAL mssqlObjectId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MssqlDefaultPropertiesOnClusterReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the Instance operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: Instance $query = New-RscQueryMssql -Instance # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MssqlInstance </code> </example> <example> Runs the LogShippingTargets operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: LogShippingTargets $query = New-RscQueryMssql -LogShippingTargets # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL limit = $someInt # OPTIONAL location = $someString # OPTIONAL offset = $someInt # OPTIONAL primaryDatabaseId = $someString # OPTIONAL primaryDatabaseName = $someString # OPTIONAL secondaryDatabaseName = $someString # OPTIONAL sortBy = $someV2QueryLogShippingConfigurationsV2RequestSortBy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.V2QueryLogShippingConfigurationsV2RequestSortBy]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortOrder = $someV2QueryLogShippingConfigurationsV2RequestSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.V2QueryLogShippingConfigurationsV2RequestSortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL status = $someV2QueryLogShippingConfigurationsV2RequestStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.V2QueryLogShippingConfigurationsV2RequestStatus]) for enum values. # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MssqlLogShippingSummaryV2ListResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the RecoverableRanges operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: RecoverableRanges $query = New-RscQueryMssql -RecoverableRanges # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL afterTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL beforeTime = $someDateTime # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MssqlRecoverableRangeListResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the TopLevelDescendants operation of the 'Microsoft SQL Server' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Mssql # API Operation: TopLevelDescendants $query = New-RscQueryMssql -TopLevelDescendants # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.typeFilter = @( $someHierarchyObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MssqlTopLevelDescendantTypeConnection </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryNas"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 8 operations in the 'NAS' API domain: Fileset, Namespace, Namespaces, Share, System, Systems, TopLevelDescendants, or Volume. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryNas creates a new query object for operations in the 'NAS' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 8 operations in the 'NAS' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: Fileset, Namespace, Namespaces, Share, System, Systems, TopLevelDescendants, or Volume. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryNas -Fileset).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryNas -Fileset).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the Fileset operation of the 'NAS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nas # API Operation: Fileset $query = New-RscQueryNas -Fileset # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NasFileset </code> </example> <example> Runs the Namespace operation of the 'NAS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nas # API Operation: Namespace $query = New-RscQueryNas -Namespace # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NasNamespace </code> </example> <example> Runs the Namespaces operation of the 'NAS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nas # API Operation: Namespaces $query = New-RscQueryNas -Namespaces # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NasNamespaceConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Share operation of the 'NAS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nas # API Operation: Share $query = New-RscQueryNas -Share # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NasShare </code> </example> <example> Runs the System operation of the 'NAS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nas # API Operation: System $query = New-RscQueryNas -System # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NasSystem </code> </example> <example> Runs the Systems operation of the 'NAS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nas # API Operation: Systems $query = New-RscQueryNas -Systems # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NasSystemConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the TopLevelDescendants operation of the 'NAS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nas # API Operation: TopLevelDescendants $query = New-RscQueryNas -TopLevelDescendants # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.typeFilter = @( $someHierarchyObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CdmHierarchyObjectConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Volume operation of the 'NAS' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nas # API Operation: Volume $query = New-RscQueryNas -Volume # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NasVolume </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryNcd"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 7 operations in the 'NAS Cloud Direct' API domain: BackEndCapacity, FrontEndCapacity, ObjectProtectionStatus, ObjectsOverTimeData, TaskData, UsageOverTimeData, or VmImageUrl. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryNcd creates a new query object for operations in the 'NAS Cloud Direct' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 7 operations in the 'NAS Cloud Direct' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: BackEndCapacity, FrontEndCapacity, ObjectProtectionStatus, ObjectsOverTimeData, TaskData, UsageOverTimeData, or VmImageUrl. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryNcd -BackEndCapacity).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryNcd -BackEndCapacity).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the BackEndCapacity operation of the 'NAS Cloud Direct' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Ncd # API Operation: BackEndCapacity $query = New-RscQueryNcd -BackEndCapacity # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusters = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NcdBackEndCapacity </code> </example> <example> Runs the FrontEndCapacity operation of the 'NAS Cloud Direct' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Ncd # API Operation: FrontEndCapacity $query = New-RscQueryNcd -FrontEndCapacity # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusters = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NcdFrontEndCapacity </code> </example> <example> Runs the ObjectProtectionStatus operation of the 'NAS Cloud Direct' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Ncd # API Operation: ObjectProtectionStatus $query = New-RscQueryNcd -ObjectProtectionStatus # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusters = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NcdObjectProtectionStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the ObjectsOverTimeData operation of the 'NAS Cloud Direct' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Ncd # API Operation: ObjectsOverTimeData $query = New-RscQueryNcd -ObjectsOverTimeData # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusters = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<NcdObjectsOverTimeData> </code> </example> <example> Runs the TaskData operation of the 'NAS Cloud Direct' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Ncd # API Operation: TaskData $query = New-RscQueryNcd -TaskData # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusters = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<NcdTaskData> </code> </example> <example> Runs the UsageOverTimeData operation of the 'NAS Cloud Direct' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Ncd # API Operation: UsageOverTimeData $query = New-RscQueryNcd -UsageOverTimeData # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusters = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<NcdUsageOverTimeData> </code> </example> <example> Runs the VmImageUrl operation of the 'NAS Cloud Direct' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Ncd # API Operation: VmImageUrl $query = New-RscQueryNcd -VmImageUrl # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED hypervisorType = $someNcdHypervisorType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.NcdHypervisorType]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NcdVmImageUrl </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryNutanix"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 18 operations in the 'Nutanix' API domain: BrowseSnapshot, Category, CategoryValue, Cluster, ClusterAsyncRequestStatus, ClusterContainers, ClusterNetworks, Clusters, Mounts, PrismCentral, PrismCentrals, SearchVm, SnapshotDetail, TopLevelDescendants, Vm, VmAsyncRequestStatus, VmMissedSnapshots, or Vms. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryNutanix creates a new query object for operations in the 'Nutanix' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 18 operations in the 'Nutanix' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: BrowseSnapshot, Category, CategoryValue, Cluster, ClusterAsyncRequestStatus, ClusterContainers, ClusterNetworks, Clusters, Mounts, PrismCentral, PrismCentrals, SearchVm, SnapshotDetail, TopLevelDescendants, Vm, VmAsyncRequestStatus, VmMissedSnapshots, or Vms. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryNutanix -BrowseSnapshot).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryNutanix -BrowseSnapshot).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the BrowseSnapshot operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: BrowseSnapshot $query = New-RscQueryNutanix -BrowseSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL limit = $someInt # OPTIONAL offset = $someInt # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED path = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BrowseResponseListResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the Category operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: Category $query = New-RscQueryNutanix -Category # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NutanixCategory </code> </example> <example> Runs the CategoryValue operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: CategoryValue $query = New-RscQueryNutanix -CategoryValue # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NutanixCategoryValue </code> </example> <example> Runs the Cluster operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: Cluster $query = New-RscQueryNutanix -Cluster # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NutanixCluster </code> </example> <example> Runs the ClusterAsyncRequestStatus operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: ClusterAsyncRequestStatus $query = New-RscQueryNutanix -ClusterAsyncRequestStatus # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the ClusterContainers operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: ClusterContainers $query = New-RscQueryNutanix -ClusterContainers # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NutanixContainerListResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the ClusterNetworks operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: ClusterNetworks $query = New-RscQueryNutanix -ClusterNetworks # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NutanixNetworkListResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the Clusters operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: Clusters $query = New-RscQueryNutanix -Clusters # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NutanixClusterConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Mounts operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: Mounts $query = New-RscQueryNutanix -Mounts # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filters = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someNutanixLiveMountFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.NutanixLiveMountFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someNutanixLiveMountSortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.NutanixLiveMountSortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NutanixLiveMountConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the PrismCentral operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: PrismCentral $query = New-RscQueryNutanix -PrismCentral # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NutanixPrismCentral </code> </example> <example> Runs the PrismCentrals operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: PrismCentrals $query = New-RscQueryNutanix -PrismCentrals # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NutanixPrismCentralConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the SearchVm operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: SearchVm $query = New-RscQueryNutanix -SearchVm # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL cursor = $someString # OPTIONAL limit = $someInt # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED path = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SearchResponseListResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the SnapshotDetail operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: SnapshotDetail $query = New-RscQueryNutanix -SnapshotDetail # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NutanixVmSnapshotDetail </code> </example> <example> Runs the TopLevelDescendants operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: TopLevelDescendants $query = New-RscQueryNutanix -TopLevelDescendants # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.typeFilter = @( $someHierarchyObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CdmHierarchyObjectConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Vm operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: Vm $query = New-RscQueryNutanix -Vm # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NutanixVm </code> </example> <example> Runs the VmAsyncRequestStatus operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: VmAsyncRequestStatus $query = New-RscQueryNutanix -VmAsyncRequestStatus # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the VmMissedSnapshots operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: VmMissedSnapshots $query = New-RscQueryNutanix -VmMissedSnapshots # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MissedSnapshotListResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the Vms operation of the 'Nutanix' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Nutanix # API Operation: Vms $query = New-RscQueryNutanix -Vms # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NutanixVmConnection </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryO365"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 38 operations in the 'Office 365' API domain: AdGroups, BrowseTeamConvChannels, Calendar, Consumption, Groups, License, ListApps, Mailbox, Mailboxes, ObjectAncestors, Onedrive, Onedrives, Org, OrgAtSnappableLevel, OrgStatuses, OrgSummaries, Orgs, ServiceAccount, ServiceStatus, SharepointDrive, SharepointDrives, SharepointList, SharepointLists, SharepointObjectList, SharepointObjects, SharepointSite, SharepointSites, Site, Sites, StorageStats, SubscriptionsAppTypeCounts, Team, TeamChannels, TeamConversationsFolderID, TeamPostedBy, Teams, User, or UserObjects. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryO365 creates a new query object for operations in the 'Office 365' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 38 operations in the 'Office 365' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: AdGroups, BrowseTeamConvChannels, Calendar, Consumption, Groups, License, ListApps, Mailbox, Mailboxes, ObjectAncestors, Onedrive, Onedrives, Org, OrgAtSnappableLevel, OrgStatuses, OrgSummaries, Orgs, ServiceAccount, ServiceStatus, SharepointDrive, SharepointDrives, SharepointList, SharepointLists, SharepointObjectList, SharepointObjects, SharepointSite, SharepointSites, Site, Sites, StorageStats, SubscriptionsAppTypeCounts, Team, TeamChannels, TeamConversationsFolderID, TeamPostedBy, Teams, User, or UserObjects. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryO365 -AdGroups).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryO365 -AdGroups).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the AdGroups operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: AdGroups $query = New-RscQueryO365 -AdGroups # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.adGroupSearchFilter = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<AdGroup> </code> </example> <example> Runs the BrowseTeamConvChannels operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: BrowseTeamConvChannels $query = New-RscQueryO365 -BrowseTeamConvChannels # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.snapshotFidOpt = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.excludeArchived = $someBoolean # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.channelMembershipTypeFilter = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.nameFilter = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365TeamConvChannelConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Calendar operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: Calendar $query = New-RscQueryO365 -Calendar # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365Calendar </code> </example> <example> Runs the Consumption operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: Consumption $query = New-RscQueryO365 -Consumption # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL mspOrgId = $someString # OPTIONAL o365OrgId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365Consumption </code> </example> <example> Runs the Groups operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: Groups $query = New-RscQueryO365 -Groups # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.o365OrgId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableType = $someSnappableType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnappableType]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365GroupConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the License operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: License $query = New-RscQueryO365 -License # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365License </code> </example> <example> Runs the ListApps operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: ListApps $query = New-RscQueryO365 -ListApps # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.o365AppFilters = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someAppFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AppFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.o365AppSortByParam = @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someAppSortByParamField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AppSortByParamField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365AppConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Mailbox operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: Mailbox $query = New-RscQueryO365 -Mailbox # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365Mailbox </code> </example> <example> Runs the Mailboxes operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: Mailboxes $query = New-RscQueryO365 -Mailboxes # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.o365OrgId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365MailboxConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the ObjectAncestors operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: ObjectAncestors $query = New-RscQueryO365 -ObjectAncestors # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GetImplicitlyAuthorizedAncestorSummariesResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the Onedrive operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: Onedrive $query = New-RscQueryO365 -Onedrive # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365Onedrive </code> </example> <example> Runs the Onedrives operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: Onedrives $query = New-RscQueryO365 -Onedrives # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.o365OrgId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365OnedriveConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Org operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: Org $query = New-RscQueryO365 -Org # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365Org </code> </example> <example> Runs the OrgAtSnappableLevel operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: OrgAtSnappableLevel $query = New-RscQueryO365 -OrgAtSnappableLevel # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableType = $someSnappableType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnappableType]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365Org </code> </example> <example> Runs the OrgStatuses operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: OrgStatuses $query = New-RscQueryO365 -OrgStatuses # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<O365OrgInfo> </code> </example> <example> Runs the OrgSummaries operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: OrgSummaries $query = New-RscQueryO365 -OrgSummaries # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GetImplicitlyAuthorizedObjectSummariesResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the Orgs operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: Orgs $query = New-RscQueryO365 -Orgs # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.workloadHierarchy = $someWorkloadLevelHierarchy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.WorkloadLevelHierarchy]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365OrgConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the ServiceAccount operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: ServiceAccount $query = New-RscQueryO365 -ServiceAccount # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365ServiceAccountStatusResp </code> </example> <example> Runs the ServiceStatus operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: ServiceStatus $query = New-RscQueryO365 -ServiceStatus # OPTIONAL $query.Var.orgID = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GetO365ServiceStatusResp </code> </example> <example> Runs the SharepointDrive operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: SharepointDrive $query = New-RscQueryO365 -SharepointDrive # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365SharepointDrive </code> </example> <example> Runs the SharepointDrives operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: SharepointDrives $query = New-RscQueryO365 -SharepointDrives # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.o365OrgId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365SharepointDriveConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the SharepointList operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: SharepointList $query = New-RscQueryO365 -SharepointList # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365SharepointList </code> </example> <example> Runs the SharepointLists operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: SharepointLists $query = New-RscQueryO365 -SharepointLists # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.o365OrgId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365SharepointListConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the SharepointObjectList operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: SharepointObjectList $query = New-RscQueryO365 -SharepointObjectList # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.objectTypeFilter = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.includeEntireHierarchy = $someBoolean # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365SharepointObjectConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the SharepointObjects operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: SharepointObjects $query = New-RscQueryO365 -SharepointObjects # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365SharepointObjectConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the SharepointSite operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: SharepointSite $query = New-RscQueryO365 -SharepointSite # REQUIRED $query.Var.siteFid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365Site </code> </example> <example> Runs the SharepointSites operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: SharepointSites $query = New-RscQueryO365 -SharepointSites # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.o365OrgId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365SiteConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Site operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: Site $query = New-RscQueryO365 -Site # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365Site </code> </example> <example> Runs the Sites operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: Sites $query = New-RscQueryO365 -Sites # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.o365OrgId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.excludeChildSites = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365SiteConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the StorageStats operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: StorageStats $query = New-RscQueryO365 -StorageStats # OPTIONAL $query.Var.orgID = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GetO365StorageStatsResp </code> </example> <example> Runs the SubscriptionsAppTypeCounts operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: SubscriptionsAppTypeCounts $query = New-RscQueryO365 -SubscriptionsAppTypeCounts # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<O365SubscriptionAppTypeCounts> </code> </example> <example> Runs the Team operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: Team $query = New-RscQueryO365 -Team # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365Teams </code> </example> <example> Runs the TeamChannels operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: TeamChannels $query = New-RscQueryO365 -TeamChannels # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.excludeArchived = $someBoolean # REQUIRED $query.Var.channelMembershipTypeFilter = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.nameFilter = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365TeamsChannelConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the TeamConversationsFolderID operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: TeamConversationsFolderID $query = New-RscQueryO365 -TeamConversationsFolderID # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.o365OrgId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.String </code> </example> <example> Runs the TeamPostedBy operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: TeamPostedBy $query = New-RscQueryO365 -TeamPostedBy # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.o365OrgId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.nameFilter = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365TeamConversationsSenderConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Teams operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: Teams $query = New-RscQueryO365 -Teams # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.o365OrgId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365TeamsConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the User operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: User $query = New-RscQueryO365 -User # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365User </code> </example> <example> Runs the UserObjects operation of the 'Office 365' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: O365 # API Operation: UserObjects $query = New-RscQueryO365 -UserObjects # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365UserDescendantMetadataConnection </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryOracle"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 17 operations in the 'Oracle' API domain: AcoExampleDownloadLink, AcoParameters, DataGuardGroup, Database, DatabaseAsyncRequestDetails, DatabaseLogBackupConfig, Databases, Host, HostLogBackupConfig, LiveMounts, MissedRecoverableRanges, MissedSnapshots, PdbDetails, Rac, RacLogBackupConfig, RecoverableRanges, or TopLevelDescendants. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryOracle creates a new query object for operations in the 'Oracle' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 17 operations in the 'Oracle' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: AcoExampleDownloadLink, AcoParameters, DataGuardGroup, Database, DatabaseAsyncRequestDetails, DatabaseLogBackupConfig, Databases, Host, HostLogBackupConfig, LiveMounts, MissedRecoverableRanges, MissedSnapshots, PdbDetails, Rac, RacLogBackupConfig, RecoverableRanges, or TopLevelDescendants. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryOracle -AcoExampleDownloadLink).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryOracle -AcoExampleDownloadLink).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the AcoExampleDownloadLink operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: AcoExampleDownloadLink $query = New-RscQueryOracle -AcoExampleDownloadLink # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED dbId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: OracleFileDownloadLink </code> </example> <example> Runs the AcoParameters operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: AcoParameters $query = New-RscQueryOracle -AcoParameters # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED dbId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: OracleAcoParameterList </code> </example> <example> Runs the DataGuardGroup operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: DataGuardGroup $query = New-RscQueryOracle -DataGuardGroup # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: OracleDataGuardGroup </code> </example> <example> Runs the Database operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: Database $query = New-RscQueryOracle -Database # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: OracleDatabase </code> </example> <example> Runs the DatabaseAsyncRequestDetails operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: DatabaseAsyncRequestDetails $query = New-RscQueryOracle -DatabaseAsyncRequestDetails # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the DatabaseLogBackupConfig operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: DatabaseLogBackupConfig $query = New-RscQueryOracle -DatabaseLogBackupConfig # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: OracleLogBackupConfig </code> </example> <example> Runs the Databases operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: Databases $query = New-RscQueryOracle -Databases # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: OracleDatabaseConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Host operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: Host $query = New-RscQueryOracle -Host # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: OracleHost </code> </example> <example> Runs the HostLogBackupConfig operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: HostLogBackupConfig $query = New-RscQueryOracle -HostLogBackupConfig # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: OracleLogBackupConfig </code> </example> <example> Runs the LiveMounts operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: LiveMounts $query = New-RscQueryOracle -LiveMounts # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filters = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someOracleLiveMountFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.OracleLiveMountFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someOracleLiveMountSortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.OracleLiveMountSortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: OracleLiveMountConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the MissedRecoverableRanges operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: MissedRecoverableRanges $query = New-RscQueryOracle -MissedRecoverableRanges # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL afterTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL beforeTime = $someDateTime # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: OracleMissedRecoverableRangeListResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the MissedSnapshots operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: MissedSnapshots $query = New-RscQueryOracle -MissedSnapshots # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL afterTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL beforeTime = $someDateTime # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: MissedSnapshotListResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the PdbDetails operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: PdbDetails $query = New-RscQueryOracle -PdbDetails # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString # REQUIRED pdbDetailsRequest = @{ # REQUIRED recoveryPoint = @{ # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString # OPTIONAL timestampMs = $someInt64 } } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: OraclePdbDetails </code> </example> <example> Runs the Rac operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: Rac $query = New-RscQueryOracle -Rac # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: OracleRac </code> </example> <example> Runs the RacLogBackupConfig operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: RacLogBackupConfig $query = New-RscQueryOracle -RacLogBackupConfig # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: OracleLogBackupConfig </code> </example> <example> Runs the RecoverableRanges operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: RecoverableRanges $query = New-RscQueryOracle -RecoverableRanges # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL afterTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL beforeTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL shouldIncludeDbSnapshotSummaries = $someBoolean # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: OracleRecoverableRangeListResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the TopLevelDescendants operation of the 'Oracle' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Oracle # API Operation: TopLevelDescendants $query = New-RscQueryOracle -TopLevelDescendants # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.typeFilter = @( $someHierarchyObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: OracleTopLevelDescendantTypeConnection </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryPolicy"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 6 operations in the 'Policy' API domain: OrgSecurityPolicy, PasswordComplexityPolicy, Policies, Policy, PolicyObjectUsages, or TopRiskPolicySummaries. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryPolicy creates a new query object for operations in the 'Policy' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 6 operations in the 'Policy' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: OrgSecurityPolicy, PasswordComplexityPolicy, Policies, Policy, PolicyObjectUsages, or TopRiskPolicySummaries. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryPolicy -OrgSecurityPolicy).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryPolicy -OrgSecurityPolicy).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the OrgSecurityPolicy operation of the 'Policy' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Policy # API Operation: OrgSecurityPolicy $query = New-RscQueryPolicy -OrgSecurityPolicy # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: OrgSecurityPolicy </code> </example> <example> Runs the PasswordComplexityPolicy operation of the 'Policy' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Policy # API Operation: PasswordComplexityPolicy $query = New-RscQueryPolicy -PasswordComplexityPolicy # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: PasswordComplexityPolicy </code> </example> <example> Runs the Policies operation of the 'Policy' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Policy # API Operation: Policies $query = New-RscQueryPolicy -Policies # OPTIONAL $query.Var.policyObjectFilter = $somePolicyObjectFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.PolicyObjectFilter]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.excludeHierarchyObjectList = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ClassificationPolicyDetailConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Policy operation of the 'Policy' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Policy # API Operation: Policy $query = New-RscQueryPolicy -Policy # REQUIRED $query.Var.policyId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.workloadTypes = @( $someDataGovObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DataGovObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $somePolicyDetailsSortBy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.PolicyDetailsSortBy]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.clusterIdsFilter = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.replicationFilter = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.searchObjectName = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.hierarchyAncestorIdFilter = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.policyAssignmentType = $somePolicyAssignmentType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.PolicyAssignmentType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ClassificationPolicyDetail </code> </example> <example> Runs the PolicyObjectUsages operation of the 'Policy' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Policy # API Operation: PolicyObjectUsages $query = New-RscQueryPolicy -PolicyObjectUsages # REQUIRED $query.Var.objectIds = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: PolicyObjectUsageConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the TopRiskPolicySummaries operation of the 'Policy' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Policy # API Operation: TopRiskPolicySummaries $query = New-RscQueryPolicy -TopRiskPolicySummaries # REQUIRED $query.Var.getWhitelistedResults = $someBoolean # REQUIRED $query.Var.limit = $someInt # REQUIRED $query.Var.workloadTypes = @( $someDataGovObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DataGovObjectType]) for enum values. ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<PolicySummary> </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryRansomware"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 9 operations in the 'Ransomware' API domain: DetectionWorkloadLocations, InvestigationAnalysisSummary, InvestigationEnablement, OverallInvestigationSummary, ProcessedInvestigationWorkloadCount, Result, ResultOpt, Results, or ResultsGrouped. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryRansomware creates a new query object for operations in the 'Ransomware' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 9 operations in the 'Ransomware' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: DetectionWorkloadLocations, InvestigationAnalysisSummary, InvestigationEnablement, OverallInvestigationSummary, ProcessedInvestigationWorkloadCount, Result, ResultOpt, Results, or ResultsGrouped. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryRansomware -DetectionWorkloadLocations).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryRansomware -DetectionWorkloadLocations).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the DetectionWorkloadLocations operation of the 'Ransomware' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Ransomware # API Operation: DetectionWorkloadLocations $query = New-RscQueryRansomware -DetectionWorkloadLocations # REQUIRED $query.Var.beginTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL $query.Var.endTime = $someDateTime # REQUIRED $query.Var.returnOnlyForAnomalousEntities = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ListLocationsReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the InvestigationAnalysisSummary operation of the 'Ransomware' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Ransomware # API Operation: InvestigationAnalysisSummary $query = New-RscQueryRansomware -InvestigationAnalysisSummary # REQUIRED $query.Var.startDay = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.endDay = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.timezone = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.objectTypeFilter = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.clusterUuidFilter = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.slaFidFilter = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.hideSuspiciousDataIfNonAnomalous = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RansomwareInvestigationAnalysisSummaryReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the InvestigationEnablement operation of the 'Ransomware' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Ransomware # API Operation: InvestigationEnablement $query = New-RscQueryRansomware -InvestigationEnablement # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RansomwareInvestigationEnablementReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the OverallInvestigationSummary operation of the 'Ransomware' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Ransomware # API Operation: OverallInvestigationSummary $query = New-RscQueryRansomware -OverallInvestigationSummary # REQUIRED $query.Var.historyNumHours = $someInt # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: OverallRansomwareInvestigationSummary </code> </example> <example> Runs the ProcessedInvestigationWorkloadCount operation of the 'Ransomware' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Ransomware # API Operation: ProcessedInvestigationWorkloadCount $query = New-RscQueryRansomware -ProcessedInvestigationWorkloadCount # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ProcessedRansomwareInvestigationWorkloadCountReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the Result operation of the 'Ransomware' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Ransomware # API Operation: Result $query = New-RscQueryRansomware -Result # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.managedId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RansomwareResult </code> </example> <example> Runs the ResultOpt operation of the 'Ransomware' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Ransomware # API Operation: ResultOpt $query = New-RscQueryRansomware -ResultOpt # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.managedId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RansomwareResult </code> </example> <example> Runs the Results operation of the 'Ransomware' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Ransomware # API Operation: Results $query = New-RscQueryRansomware -Results # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someRansomwareResultSortBy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RansomwareResultSortBy]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @{ # OPTIONAL clusterUuid = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL managedId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL startTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL endTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL isEncrypted = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.timezoneOffset = $someSingle # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RansomwareResultConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the ResultsGrouped operation of the 'Ransomware' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Ransomware # API Operation: ResultsGrouped $query = New-RscQueryRansomware -ResultsGrouped # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.groupBy = $someRansomwareResultGroupBy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RansomwareResultGroupBy]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @{ # OPTIONAL clusterUuid = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL managedId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL startTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL endTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL isEncrypted = $someBoolean } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.timezoneOffset = $someSingle # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RansomwareResultGroupedDataConnection </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryRcv"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 3 operations in the 'RCV' API domain: AccountEntitlement, AccountEntitlements, or PrivateEndpointConnections. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryRcv creates a new query object for operations in the 'RCV' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 3 operations in the 'RCV' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: AccountEntitlement, AccountEntitlements, or PrivateEndpointConnections. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryRcv -AccountEntitlement).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryRcv -AccountEntitlement).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the AccountEntitlement operation of the 'RCV' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Rcv # API Operation: AccountEntitlement $query = New-RscQueryRcv -AccountEntitlement # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RcvAccountEntitlement </code> </example> <example> Runs the AccountEntitlements operation of the 'RCV' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Rcv # API Operation: AccountEntitlements $query = New-RscQueryRcv -AccountEntitlements # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AllRcvAccountEntitlements </code> </example> <example> Runs the PrivateEndpointConnections operation of the 'RCV' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Rcv # API Operation: PrivateEndpointConnections $query = New-RscQueryRcv -PrivateEndpointConnections # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<DetailedPrivateEndpointConnection> </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryReplication"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 7 operations in the 'Replication' API domain: IncomingStats, NetworkThrottleBypass, NetworkThrottleBypassById, OutgoingStats, Pairs, ValidSources, or ValidTargets. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryReplication creates a new query object for operations in the 'Replication' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 7 operations in the 'Replication' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: IncomingStats, NetworkThrottleBypass, NetworkThrottleBypassById, OutgoingStats, Pairs, ValidSources, or ValidTargets. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryReplication -IncomingStats).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryReplication -IncomingStats).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the IncomingStats operation of the 'Replication' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Replication # API Operation: IncomingStats $query = New-RscQueryReplication -IncomingStats # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL range = $someString # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: InternalReplicationBandwidthIncomingResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the NetworkThrottleBypass operation of the 'Replication' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Replication # API Operation: NetworkThrottleBypass $query = New-RscQueryReplication -NetworkThrottleBypass # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ReplicationTargetThrottleBypassSummaryListResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the NetworkThrottleBypassById operation of the 'Replication' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Replication # API Operation: NetworkThrottleBypassById $query = New-RscQueryReplication -NetworkThrottleBypassById # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ReplicationNetworkThrottleBypassReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the OutgoingStats operation of the 'Replication' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Replication # API Operation: OutgoingStats $query = New-RscQueryReplication -OutgoingStats # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL range = $someString # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: InternalReplicationBandwidthOutgoingResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the Pairs operation of the 'Replication' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Replication # API Operation: Pairs $query = New-RscQueryReplication -Pairs # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someReplicationPairsQuerySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReplicationPairsQuerySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @{ # OPTIONAL clusterName = $someString # OPTIONAL sourceClusterUuids = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL targetClusterUuids = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL status = @( $someReplicationPairConnectionStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ReplicationPairConnectionStatus]) for enum values. ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ReplicationPairConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the ValidSources operation of the 'Replication' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Replication # API Operation: ValidSources $query = New-RscQueryReplication -ValidSources # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someListValidReplicationSourcesSortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ListValidReplicationSourcesSortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.isCrossAccount = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ValidReplicationSourceConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the ValidTargets operation of the 'Replication' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Replication # API Operation: ValidTargets $query = New-RscQueryReplication -ValidTargets # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someListValidReplicationTargetsSortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ListValidReplicationTargetsSortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.isCrossAccount = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ValidReplicationTargetConnection </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryReport"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 11 operations in the 'Report' API domain: ClusterMigrationCount, ClusterMigrationJobStatus, ClusterMigrationStatus, Data, DatabaseLogForCluster, DatabaseLogingPropertiesForCluster, ScheduledReport, ScheduledReports, Sonar, SonarContent, or SonarRow. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryReport creates a new query object for operations in the 'Report' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 11 operations in the 'Report' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: ClusterMigrationCount, ClusterMigrationJobStatus, ClusterMigrationStatus, Data, DatabaseLogForCluster, DatabaseLogingPropertiesForCluster, ScheduledReport, ScheduledReports, Sonar, SonarContent, or SonarRow. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryReport -ClusterMigrationCount).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryReport -ClusterMigrationCount).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the ClusterMigrationCount operation of the 'Report' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Report # API Operation: ClusterMigrationCount $query = New-RscQueryReport -ClusterMigrationCount # OPTIONAL $query.Var.clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.status = @( $someCdmReportMigrationStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CdmReportMigrationStatus]) for enum values. ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ReportsMigrationCount </code> </example> <example> Runs the ClusterMigrationJobStatus operation of the 'Report' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Report # API Operation: ClusterMigrationJobStatus $query = New-RscQueryReport -ClusterMigrationJobStatus # OPTIONAL $query.Var.clusterUuid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ClusterReportMigrationJobStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the ClusterMigrationStatus operation of the 'Report' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Report # API Operation: ClusterMigrationStatus $query = New-RscQueryReport -ClusterMigrationStatus # OPTIONAL $query.Var.clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.status = @( $someCdmReportMigrationStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CdmReportMigrationStatus]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ReportMigrationStatusConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Data operation of the 'Report' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Report # API Operation: Data $query = New-RscQueryReport -Data # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.dataView = $someDataViewTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DataViewTypeEnum]) for enum values. # REQUIRED $query.Var.columns = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filters = @( @{ # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED values = @( $someString ) } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.groupBy = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.secondaryGroupBy = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.aggregations = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.timezone = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RowConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the DatabaseLogForCluster operation of the 'Report' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Report # API Operation: DatabaseLogForCluster $query = New-RscQueryReport -DatabaseLogForCluster # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL logBackupDelay = $someInt # OPTIONAL limit = $someInt # OPTIONAL offset = $someInt # OPTIONAL effectiveSlaDomainId = $someString # OPTIONAL databaseType = $someString # OPTIONAL location = $someString # OPTIONAL sortBy = $someV1QueryLogReportRequestSortBy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.V1QueryLogReportRequestSortBy]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortOrder = $someV1QueryLogReportRequestSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.V1QueryLogReportRequestSortOrder]) for enum values. # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: DbLogReportSummaryListReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the DatabaseLogingPropertiesForCluster operation of the 'Report' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Report # API Operation: DatabaseLogingPropertiesForCluster $query = New-RscQueryReport -DatabaseLogingPropertiesForCluster # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: DbLogReportProperties </code> </example> <example> Runs the ScheduledReport operation of the 'Report' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Report # API Operation: ScheduledReport $query = New-RscQueryReport -ScheduledReport # REQUIRED $ = $someInt # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ScheduledReport </code> </example> <example> Runs the ScheduledReports operation of the 'Report' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Report # API Operation: ScheduledReports $query = New-RscQueryReport -ScheduledReports # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @{ # OPTIONAL reportId = $someInt } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ScheduledReportConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Sonar operation of the 'Report' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Report # API Operation: Sonar $query = New-RscQueryReport -Sonar # REQUIRED $query.Var.sonarReportGroupBy = $someDiscoveryReportGroupBy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DiscoveryReportGroupBy]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.timeFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL endTime = $someString # OPTIONAL startTime = $someString # OPTIONAL timeDuration = $someTimeDuration # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TimeDuration]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL timezone = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SonarReportConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the SonarContent operation of the 'Report' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Report # API Operation: SonarContent $query = New-RscQueryReport -SonarContent # REQUIRED $query.Var.groupBy = $someDiscoveryContentReportGroupBy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DiscoveryContentReportGroupBy]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someDiscoveryContentReportSortBy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DiscoveryContentReportSortBy]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filters = @{ # OPTIONAL search = $someString # OPTIONAL policyIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL clusterIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL applyWhitelists = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL subscriptionIds = @( $someString ) # REQUIRED objectTypes = @( $someHierarchyObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) } # REQUIRED $ = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.timezone = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.workloadTypes = @( $someDataGovObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DataGovObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SonarContentReportConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the SonarRow operation of the 'Report' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Report # API Operation: SonarRow $query = New-RscQueryReport -SonarRow # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someDiscoveryReportSortBy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DiscoveryReportSortBy]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.endTime = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SonarReportRowConnection </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQuerySapHana"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 8 operations in the 'SAP HANA' API domain: Database, Databases, LogSnapshot, LogSnapshots, RecoverableRange, RecoverableRanges, System, or Systems. </summary> <description> New-RscQuerySapHana creates a new query object for operations in the 'SAP HANA' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 8 operations in the 'SAP HANA' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: Database, Databases, LogSnapshot, LogSnapshots, RecoverableRange, RecoverableRanges, System, or Systems. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQuerySapHana -Database).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQuerySapHana -Database).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the Database operation of the 'SAP HANA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: SapHana # API Operation: Database $query = New-RscQuerySapHana -Database # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SapHanaDatabase </code> </example> <example> Runs the Databases operation of the 'SAP HANA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: SapHana # API Operation: Databases $query = New-RscQuerySapHana -Databases # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SapHanaDatabaseConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the LogSnapshot operation of the 'SAP HANA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: SapHana # API Operation: LogSnapshot $query = New-RscQuerySapHana -LogSnapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SapHanaLogSnapshot </code> </example> <example> Runs the LogSnapshots operation of the 'SAP HANA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: SapHana # API Operation: LogSnapshots $query = New-RscQuerySapHana -LogSnapshots # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someSapHanaLogSnapshotSortBy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SapHanaLogSnapshotSortBy]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @{ # OPTIONAL workloadId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL clusterUuid = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL toTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL isArchived = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SapHanaLogSnapshotConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the RecoverableRange operation of the 'SAP HANA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: SapHana # API Operation: RecoverableRange $query = New-RscQuerySapHana -RecoverableRange # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SapHanaRecoverableRange </code> </example> <example> Runs the RecoverableRanges operation of the 'SAP HANA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: SapHana # API Operation: RecoverableRanges $query = New-RscQuerySapHana -RecoverableRanges # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someSapHanaRecoverableRangeSortBy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SapHanaRecoverableRangeSortBy]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @{ # OPTIONAL clusterUuid = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL databaseId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL toTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL isArchived = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SapHanaRecoverableRangeConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the System operation of the 'SAP HANA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: SapHana # API Operation: System $query = New-RscQuerySapHana -System # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SapHanaSystem </code> </example> <example> Runs the Systems operation of the 'SAP HANA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: SapHana # API Operation: Systems $query = New-RscQuerySapHana -Systems # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SapHanaSystemConnection </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryServiceAccount"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 2 operations in the 'Service Account' API domain: IsOrgDisabled, or ServiceAccount. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryServiceAccount creates a new query object for operations in the 'Service Account' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 2 operations in the 'Service Account' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: IsOrgDisabled, or ServiceAccount. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryServiceAccount -IsOrgDisabled).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryServiceAccount -IsOrgDisabled).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the IsOrgDisabled operation of the 'Service Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ServiceAccount # API Operation: IsOrgDisabled $query = New-RscQueryServiceAccount -IsOrgDisabled # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the ServiceAccount operation of the 'Service Account' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: ServiceAccount # API Operation: ServiceAccount $query = New-RscQueryServiceAccount -ServiceAccount # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someServiceAccountSortBy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ServiceAccountSortBy]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.searchText = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.roleIds = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ServiceAccountConnection </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQuerySharepoint"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 8 operations in the 'Sharepoint' API domain: BrowseDrive, BrowseList, SiteDescendants, SiteExclusions, SiteSearch, SnappableDriveSearch, SnappableListSearch, or SnapshotDriveSearch. </summary> <description> New-RscQuerySharepoint creates a new query object for operations in the 'Sharepoint' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 8 operations in the 'Sharepoint' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: BrowseDrive, BrowseList, SiteDescendants, SiteExclusions, SiteSearch, SnappableDriveSearch, SnappableListSearch, or SnapshotDriveSearch. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQuerySharepoint -BrowseDrive).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQuerySharepoint -BrowseDrive).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the BrowseDrive operation of the 'Sharepoint' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sharepoint # API Operation: BrowseDrive $query = New-RscQuerySharepoint -BrowseDrive # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotFid = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.folderId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sharepointDriveSearchFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeywordFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeyword = $someString # OPTIONAL keywordType = $someOnedriveSearchKeywordType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.OnedriveSearchKeywordType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL modifiedTime = @{ # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL untilTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL createTime = @{ # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL untilTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL searchObjectFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchObjectType = $someOnedriveSearchObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.OnedriveSearchObjectType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL channelId = $someString # OPTIONAL channelFolderName = $someString # OPTIONAL channelMembershipType = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL excludeItemsUnderRoot = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL channelNameKeyword = $someString # OPTIONAL useExactVersionMatch = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL lambdaFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePaths = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePathCachePreload = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL parentFolderIdBatch = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL searchRecurseFolderId = $someString } } # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.siteChildId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.siteChildType = $someSharePointDescendantType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SharePointDescendantType]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365OnedriveObjectConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the BrowseList operation of the 'Sharepoint' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sharepoint # API Operation: BrowseList $query = New-RscQuerySharepoint -BrowseList # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotFid = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.folderId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sharepointDriveSearchFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeywordFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeyword = $someString # OPTIONAL keywordType = $someOnedriveSearchKeywordType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.OnedriveSearchKeywordType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL modifiedTime = @{ # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL untilTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL createTime = @{ # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL untilTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL searchObjectFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchObjectType = $someOnedriveSearchObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.OnedriveSearchObjectType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL channelId = $someString # OPTIONAL channelFolderName = $someString # OPTIONAL channelMembershipType = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL excludeItemsUnderRoot = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL channelNameKeyword = $someString # OPTIONAL useExactVersionMatch = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL lambdaFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePaths = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePathCachePreload = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL parentFolderIdBatch = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL searchRecurseFolderId = $someString } } # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.siteChildId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365OnedriveObjectConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the SiteDescendants operation of the 'Sharepoint' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sharepoint # API Operation: SiteDescendants $query = New-RscQuerySharepoint -SiteDescendants # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.siteFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotFid = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.naturalId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sharepointSiteSearchFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeywordFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeyword = $someString # OPTIONAL keywordType = $someSharePointSearchKeywordType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SharePointSearchKeywordType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL modifiedTime = @{ # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL untilTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL createTime = @{ # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL untilTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL searchObjectFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchObjectType = $someSharePointSearchObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SharePointSearchObjectType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL lambdaFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePaths = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePathCachePreload = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL parentFolderIdBatch = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL searchRecurseFolderId = $someString } } # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365FullSpObjectConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the SiteExclusions operation of the 'Sharepoint' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sharepoint # API Operation: SiteExclusions $query = New-RscQuerySharepoint -SiteExclusions # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.siteFids = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<FullSpSiteExclusions> </code> </example> <example> Runs the SiteSearch operation of the 'Sharepoint' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sharepoint # API Operation: SiteSearch $query = New-RscQuerySharepoint -SiteSearch # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.siteFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sharepointSiteSearchFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeywordFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeyword = $someString # OPTIONAL keywordType = $someSharePointSearchKeywordType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SharePointSearchKeywordType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL modifiedTime = @{ # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL untilTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL createTime = @{ # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL untilTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL searchObjectFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchObjectType = $someSharePointSearchObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SharePointSearchObjectType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL lambdaFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePaths = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePathCachePreload = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL parentFolderIdBatch = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL searchRecurseFolderId = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365FullSpObjectConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the SnappableDriveSearch operation of the 'Sharepoint' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sharepoint # API Operation: SnappableDriveSearch $query = New-RscQuerySharepoint -SnappableDriveSearch # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sharepointDriveSearchFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeywordFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeyword = $someString # OPTIONAL keywordType = $someOnedriveSearchKeywordType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.OnedriveSearchKeywordType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL modifiedTime = @{ # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL untilTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL createTime = @{ # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL untilTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL searchObjectFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchObjectType = $someOnedriveSearchObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.OnedriveSearchObjectType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL channelId = $someString # OPTIONAL channelFolderName = $someString # OPTIONAL channelMembershipType = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL excludeItemsUnderRoot = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL channelNameKeyword = $someString # OPTIONAL useExactVersionMatch = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL lambdaFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePaths = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePathCachePreload = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL parentFolderIdBatch = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL searchRecurseFolderId = $someString } } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.siteChildId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.siteChildType = $someSharePointDescendantType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SharePointDescendantType]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365OnedriveObjectConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the SnappableListSearch operation of the 'Sharepoint' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sharepoint # API Operation: SnappableListSearch $query = New-RscQuerySharepoint -SnappableListSearch # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sharepointDriveSearchFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeywordFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeyword = $someString # OPTIONAL keywordType = $someOnedriveSearchKeywordType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.OnedriveSearchKeywordType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL modifiedTime = @{ # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL untilTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL createTime = @{ # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL untilTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL searchObjectFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchObjectType = $someOnedriveSearchObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.OnedriveSearchObjectType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL channelId = $someString # OPTIONAL channelFolderName = $someString # OPTIONAL channelMembershipType = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL excludeItemsUnderRoot = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL channelNameKeyword = $someString # OPTIONAL useExactVersionMatch = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL lambdaFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePaths = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePathCachePreload = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL parentFolderIdBatch = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL searchRecurseFolderId = $someString } } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.siteChildId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365OnedriveObjectConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the SnapshotDriveSearch operation of the 'Sharepoint' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sharepoint # API Operation: SnapshotDriveSearch $query = New-RscQuerySharepoint -SnapshotDriveSearch # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sharepointDriveSearchFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeywordFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeyword = $someString # OPTIONAL keywordType = $someOnedriveSearchKeywordType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.OnedriveSearchKeywordType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL modifiedTime = @{ # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL untilTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL createTime = @{ # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL untilTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL searchObjectFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchObjectType = $someOnedriveSearchObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.OnedriveSearchObjectType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL channelId = $someString # OPTIONAL channelFolderName = $someString # OPTIONAL channelMembershipType = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL excludeItemsUnderRoot = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL channelNameKeyword = $someString # OPTIONAL useExactVersionMatch = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL lambdaFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePaths = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePathCachePreload = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL parentFolderIdBatch = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL searchRecurseFolderId = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365OnedriveObjectConnection </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQuerySla"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 15 operations in the 'SLA' API domain: AuditDetail, ClusterDomains, ClusterGlobals, ConflictObjects, CountOfObjectsProtected, Domain, Domains, DownloadWithReplicationCsv, GlobalFilterList, GlobalStatuses, ManagedVolume, ManagedVolumes, NcdComplianceData, SummariesByIds, or VerifyWithReplicationToCluster. </summary> <description> New-RscQuerySla creates a new query object for operations in the 'SLA' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 15 operations in the 'SLA' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: AuditDetail, ClusterDomains, ClusterGlobals, ConflictObjects, CountOfObjectsProtected, Domain, Domains, DownloadWithReplicationCsv, GlobalFilterList, GlobalStatuses, ManagedVolume, ManagedVolumes, NcdComplianceData, SummariesByIds, or VerifyWithReplicationToCluster. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQuerySla -AuditDetail).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQuerySla -AuditDetail).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the AuditDetail operation of the 'SLA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sla # API Operation: AuditDetail $query = New-RscQuerySla -AuditDetail # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.SlaId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someSLAAuditDetailFilterFieldEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SLAAuditDetailFilterFieldEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL text = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.timezone = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<SlaAuditDetail> </code> </example> <example> Runs the ClusterDomains operation of the 'SLA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sla # API Operation: ClusterDomains $query = New-RscQuerySla -ClusterDomains # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ClusterSlaDomainConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the ClusterGlobals operation of the 'SLA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sla # API Operation: ClusterGlobals $query = New-RscQuerySla -ClusterGlobals # REQUIRED $query.Var.cdmClusterUUID = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<SlaInfo> </code> </example> <example> Runs the ConflictObjects operation of the 'SLA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sla # API Operation: ConflictObjects $query = New-RscQuerySla -ConflictObjects # REQUIRED $query.Var.fids = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<HierarchyObject> </code> </example> <example> Runs the CountOfObjectsProtected operation of the 'SLA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sla # API Operation: CountOfObjectsProtected $query = New-RscQuerySla -CountOfObjectsProtected # OPTIONAL $query.Var.rootOptionalFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.slaIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.typeFilter = @( $someHierarchyObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CountOfObjectsProtectedBySlAsResult </code> </example> <example> Runs the Domain operation of the 'SLA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sla # API Operation: Domain $query = New-RscQuerySla -Domain # REQUIRED $ = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.shouldShowSyncStatus = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL $query.Var.shouldShowUpgradeInfo = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL $query.Var.shouldShowPausedClusters = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SlaDomain </code> </example> <example> Runs the Domains operation of the 'SLA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sla # API Operation: Domains $query = New-RscQuerySla -Domains # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someSlaQuerySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SlaQuerySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someGlobalSlaQueryFilterInputField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GlobalSlaQueryFilterInputField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL text = $someString # OPTIONAL objectTypeList = @( $someSlaObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SlaObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL textList = @( $someString ) } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.contextFilter = $someContextFilterTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ContextFilterTypeEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.contextFilterInput = @( @{ # REQUIRED field = $someString # REQUIRED text = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.shouldShowSyncStatus = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL $query.Var.shouldShowProtectedObjectCount = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL $query.Var.shouldShowUpgradeInfo = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL $query.Var.showRemoteSlas = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL $query.Var.shouldShowPausedClusters = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SlaDomainConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the DownloadWithReplicationCsv operation of the 'SLA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sla # API Operation: DownloadWithReplicationCsv $query = New-RscQuerySla -DownloadWithReplicationCsv # REQUIRED $query.Var.cdmClusterUUID = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.includeArchived = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: DownloadSlaWithReplicationCsvReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the GlobalFilterList operation of the 'SLA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sla # API Operation: GlobalFilterList $query = New-RscQuerySla -GlobalFilterList # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someSlaQuerySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SlaQuerySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someGlobalSlaQueryFilterInputField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GlobalSlaQueryFilterInputField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL text = $someString # OPTIONAL objectTypeList = @( $someSlaObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SlaObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL textList = @( $someString ) } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.contextFilter = $someContextFilterTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ContextFilterTypeEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.contextFilterInput = @( @{ # REQUIRED field = $someString # REQUIRED text = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.shouldShowSyncStatus = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL $query.Var.shouldShowProtectedObjectCount = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL $query.Var.shouldShowUpgradeInfo = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL $query.Var.showRemoteSlas = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL $query.Var.shouldShowPausedClusters = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GlobalSlaForFilterConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the GlobalStatuses operation of the 'SLA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sla # API Operation: GlobalStatuses $query = New-RscQuerySla -GlobalStatuses # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someSlaStatusFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SlaStatusFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL text = $someString } ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.SlaId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GlobalSlaStatusConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the ManagedVolume operation of the 'SLA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sla # API Operation: ManagedVolume $query = New-RscQuerySla -ManagedVolume # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ManagedVolume </code> </example> <example> Runs the ManagedVolumes operation of the 'SLA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sla # API Operation: ManagedVolumes $query = New-RscQuerySla -ManagedVolumes # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ManagedVolumeConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the NcdComplianceData operation of the 'SLA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sla # API Operation: NcdComplianceData $query = New-RscQuerySla -NcdComplianceData # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusters = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<NcdSlaComplianceData> </code> </example> <example> Runs the SummariesByIds operation of the 'SLA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sla # API Operation: SummariesByIds $query = New-RscQuerySla -SummariesByIds # REQUIRED $query.Var.slaIds = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<SlaDomain> </code> </example> <example> Runs the VerifyWithReplicationToCluster operation of the 'SLA' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sla # API Operation: VerifyWithReplicationToCluster $query = New-RscQuerySla -VerifyWithReplicationToCluster # REQUIRED $query.Var.cdmClusterUUID = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.includeArchived = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VerifySlaWithReplicationToClusterResponse </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQuerySmb"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 2 operations in the 'SMB' API domain: Configuration, or Domains. </summary> <description> New-RscQuerySmb creates a new query object for operations in the 'SMB' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 2 operations in the 'SMB' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: Configuration, or Domains. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQuerySmb -Configuration).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQuerySmb -Configuration).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the Configuration operation of the 'SMB' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Smb # API Operation: Configuration $query = New-RscQuerySmb -Configuration # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GetSmbConfigurationReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the Domains operation of the 'SMB' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Smb # API Operation: Domains $query = New-RscQuerySmb -Domains # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filters = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someSmbDomainFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SmbDomainFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someSmbDomainSortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SmbDomainSortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SmbDomainConnection </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQuerySnappable"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 13 operations in the 'Snappable' API domain: CdmHierarchySnappableNew, CdmHierarchySnappablesNew, ContactSearch, EmailSearch, EventSearch, GroupByList, Hierarchy, List, OnedriveSearch, Search, SearchVersionedFiles, TeamsConversationsSearch, or TeamsDriveSearch. </summary> <description> New-RscQuerySnappable creates a new query object for operations in the 'Snappable' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 13 operations in the 'Snappable' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: CdmHierarchySnappableNew, CdmHierarchySnappablesNew, ContactSearch, EmailSearch, EventSearch, GroupByList, Hierarchy, List, OnedriveSearch, Search, SearchVersionedFiles, TeamsConversationsSearch, or TeamsDriveSearch. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQuerySnappable -CdmHierarchySnappableNew).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQuerySnappable -CdmHierarchySnappableNew).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the CdmHierarchySnappableNew operation of the 'Snappable' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snappable # API Operation: CdmHierarchySnappableNew $query = New-RscQuerySnappable -CdmHierarchySnappableNew # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CdmHierarchySnappableNew </code> </example> <example> Runs the CdmHierarchySnappablesNew operation of the 'Snappable' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snappable # API Operation: CdmHierarchySnappablesNew $query = New-RscQuerySnappable -CdmHierarchySnappablesNew # REQUIRED $query.Var.fids = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<CdmHierarchySnappableNew> </code> </example> <example> Runs the ContactSearch operation of the 'Snappable' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snappable # API Operation: ContactSearch $query = New-RscQuerySnappable -ContactSearch # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.contactsSearchFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeywordFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeyword = $someString } # OPTIONAL searchObjectFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchObjectType = $someO365ContactsSearchObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.O365ContactsSearchObjectType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL lambdaFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePaths = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePathCachePreload = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL parentFolderIdBatch = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL searchRecurseFolderId = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365ExchangeObjectConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the EmailSearch operation of the 'Snappable' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snappable # API Operation: EmailSearch $query = New-RscQuerySnappable -EmailSearch # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.searchFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeywordFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeyword = $someString # OPTIONAL keywordType = $someSearchKeywordType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SearchKeywordType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL emailAddresses = @( @{ # OPTIONAL emailAddress = $someString # OPTIONAL emailAddressType = $someEmailAddressFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.EmailAddressFilterType]) for enum values. } ) # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL untilTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL searchObjectFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchObjectType = $someSearchObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SearchObjectType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL lambdaFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePaths = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePathCachePreload = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL parentFolderIdBatch = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL searchRecurseFolderId = $someString } # OPTIONAL archiveFolderAction = $someArchiveFolderAction # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ArchiveFolderAction]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365ExchangeObjectConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the EventSearch operation of the 'Snappable' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snappable # API Operation: EventSearch $query = New-RscQuerySnappable -EventSearch # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.calendarSearchFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeywordFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeyword = $someString # OPTIONAL keywordType = $someCalendarSearchKeywordType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CalendarSearchKeywordType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL emailAddresses = @( @{ # OPTIONAL emailAddress = $someString # OPTIONAL filterType = $someCalendarEmailAddressFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CalendarEmailAddressFilterType]) for enum values. } ) # OPTIONAL timerange = @{ # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL untilTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL searchObjectFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchObjectType = $someO365CalendarSearchObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.O365CalendarSearchObjectType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL recurrenceFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL recurrenceType = $someCalendarRecurrenceType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CalendarRecurrenceType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL lambdaFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePaths = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePathCachePreload = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL parentFolderIdBatch = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL searchRecurseFolderId = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365ExchangeObjectConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the GroupByList operation of the 'Snappable' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snappable # API Operation: GroupByList $query = New-RscQuerySnappable -GroupByList # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.groupBy = $someSnappableGroupByEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnappableGroupByEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @{ # OPTIONAL protectionStatus = @( $someProtectionStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ProtectionStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL slaDomain = @{ # OPTIONAL id = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL complianceStatus = @( $someComplianceStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ComplianceStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL objectType = @( $someObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL excludedObjectTypes = @( $someObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL cluster = @{ # OPTIONAL id = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL type = @( $someClusterTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) } # OPTIONAL timeRange = @{ # REQUIRED start = $someDateTime # REQUIRED end = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL slaTimeRange = $someSlaComplianceTimeRange # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SlaComplianceTimeRange]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL orgId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL objectState = @( $someObjectState # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ObjectState]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isLocal = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL objectFid = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.timezoneOffset = $someSingle # OPTIONAL $query.Var.requestedAggregations = @( $someSnappableAggregationsEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnappableAggregationsEnum]) for enum values. ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SnappableGroupByConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Hierarchy operation of the 'Snappable' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snappable # API Operation: Hierarchy $query = New-RscQuerySnappable -Hierarchy # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: HierarchySnappableConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the List operation of the 'Snappable' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snappable # API Operation: List $query = New-RscQuerySnappable -List # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someSnappableSortByEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnappableSortByEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @{ # OPTIONAL protectionStatus = @( $someProtectionStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ProtectionStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL slaDomain = @{ # OPTIONAL id = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL complianceStatus = @( $someComplianceStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ComplianceStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL objectType = @( $someObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL excludedObjectTypes = @( $someObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL cluster = @{ # OPTIONAL id = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL type = @( $someClusterTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) } # OPTIONAL searchTerm = $someString # OPTIONAL slaTimeRange = $someSlaComplianceTimeRange # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SlaComplianceTimeRange]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL orgId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL objectState = @( $someObjectState # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ObjectState]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isLocal = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL objectFid = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SnappableConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the OnedriveSearch operation of the 'Snappable' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snappable # API Operation: OnedriveSearch $query = New-RscQuerySnappable -OnedriveSearch # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.onedriveSearchFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeywordFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeyword = $someString # OPTIONAL keywordType = $someOnedriveSearchKeywordType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.OnedriveSearchKeywordType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL modifiedTime = @{ # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL untilTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL createTime = @{ # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL untilTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL searchObjectFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchObjectType = $someOnedriveSearchObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.OnedriveSearchObjectType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL channelId = $someString # OPTIONAL channelFolderName = $someString # OPTIONAL channelMembershipType = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL excludeItemsUnderRoot = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL channelNameKeyword = $someString # OPTIONAL useExactVersionMatch = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL lambdaFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePaths = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePathCachePreload = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL parentFolderIdBatch = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL searchRecurseFolderId = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365OnedriveObjectConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Search operation of the 'Snappable' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snappable # API Operation: Search $query = New-RscQuerySnappable -Search # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someSnappableSortByEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnappableSortByEnum]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @{ # OPTIONAL protectionStatus = @( $someProtectionStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ProtectionStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL slaDomain = @{ # OPTIONAL id = @( $someString ) } # OPTIONAL complianceStatus = @( $someComplianceStatusEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ComplianceStatusEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL objectType = @( $someObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL excludedObjectTypes = @( $someObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL cluster = @{ # OPTIONAL id = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL type = @( $someClusterTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ClusterTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) } # OPTIONAL timeRange = @{ # REQUIRED start = $someDateTime # REQUIRED end = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL searchTerm = $someString # OPTIONAL slaTimeRange = $someSlaComplianceTimeRange # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SlaComplianceTimeRange]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL orgId = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL objectState = @( $someObjectState # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ObjectState]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isLocal = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL objectFid = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SnappableConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the SearchVersionedFiles operation of the 'Snappable' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snappable # API Operation: SearchVersionedFiles $query = New-RscQuerySnappable -SearchVersionedFiles # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.searchQuery = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VersionedFileConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the TeamsConversationsSearch operation of the 'Snappable' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snappable # API Operation: TeamsConversationsSearch $query = New-RscQuerySnappable -TeamsConversationsSearch # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.snapshotFidOpt = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.teamConvChannels = @( @{ # REQUIRED naturalId = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED folderId = $someString # REQUIRED membershipType = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.teamsConversationsSearchFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL postedTime = @{ # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL untilTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL channelNaturalId = $someString # OPTIONAL postedBy = $someString # OPTIONAL snapshotId = $someString # OPTIONAL parentId = $someString # OPTIONAL convId = $someString # OPTIONAL snapshotNum = $someInt # OPTIONAL includeArchived = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL fetchAllPostSenders = $someString # OPTIONAL skipPostsAttachments = $someBoolean } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365TeamsConversationsConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the TeamsDriveSearch operation of the 'Snappable' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snappable # API Operation: TeamsDriveSearch $query = New-RscQuerySnappable -TeamsDriveSearch # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.channelId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.channelFolderName = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.teamsDriveSearchFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeywordFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeyword = $someString # OPTIONAL keywordType = $someOnedriveSearchKeywordType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.OnedriveSearchKeywordType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL modifiedTime = @{ # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL untilTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL createTime = @{ # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL untilTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL searchObjectFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchObjectType = $someOnedriveSearchObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.OnedriveSearchObjectType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL channelId = $someString # OPTIONAL channelFolderName = $someString # OPTIONAL channelMembershipType = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL excludeItemsUnderRoot = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL channelNameKeyword = $someString # OPTIONAL useExactVersionMatch = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL lambdaFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePaths = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePathCachePreload = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL parentFolderIdBatch = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL searchRecurseFolderId = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365OnedriveObjectConnection </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQuerySnapshot"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 21 operations in the 'Snapshot' API domain: BrowseFileList, ClosestToPointInTime, EmailSearch, EventSearch, FilesDelta, FilesDeltaV2, Fileset, FilesetFiles, LegalHoldSnappable, OnedriveSearch, Polaris, Pvcs, QuarantinedDetails, Results, SnappableList, SnappablesList, SnappablesWithLegalHoldsSummary, Snapshot, UnmanagedObject, VappInstantRecoveryOptions, or VappTemplateExportOptions. </summary> <description> New-RscQuerySnapshot creates a new query object for operations in the 'Snapshot' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 21 operations in the 'Snapshot' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: BrowseFileList, ClosestToPointInTime, EmailSearch, EventSearch, FilesDelta, FilesDeltaV2, Fileset, FilesetFiles, LegalHoldSnappable, OnedriveSearch, Polaris, Pvcs, QuarantinedDetails, Results, SnappableList, SnappablesList, SnappablesWithLegalHoldsSummary, Snapshot, UnmanagedObject, VappInstantRecoveryOptions, or VappTemplateExportOptions. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQuerySnapshot -BrowseFileList).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQuerySnapshot -BrowseFileList).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the BrowseFileList operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: BrowseFileList $query = New-RscQuerySnapshot -BrowseFileList # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.path = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotFid = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.searchPrefix = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SnapshotFileConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the ClosestToPointInTime operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: ClosestToPointInTime $query = New-RscQuerySnapshot -ClosestToPointInTime # OPTIONAL $query.Var.beforeTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL $query.Var.afterTime = $someDateTime # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.includeLinked = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL $query.Var.ignoreActiveWorkloadCheck = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL $query.Var.excludeQuarantined = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL $query.Var.excludeAnomalous = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<ClosestSnapshotSearchResult> </code> </example> <example> Runs the EmailSearch operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: EmailSearch $query = New-RscQuerySnapshot -EmailSearch # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.searchFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeywordFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeyword = $someString # OPTIONAL keywordType = $someSearchKeywordType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SearchKeywordType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL emailAddresses = @( @{ # OPTIONAL emailAddress = $someString # OPTIONAL emailAddressType = $someEmailAddressFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.EmailAddressFilterType]) for enum values. } ) # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL untilTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL searchObjectFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchObjectType = $someSearchObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SearchObjectType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL lambdaFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePaths = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePathCachePreload = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL parentFolderIdBatch = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL searchRecurseFolderId = $someString } # OPTIONAL archiveFolderAction = $someArchiveFolderAction # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ArchiveFolderAction]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365ExchangeObjectConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the EventSearch operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: EventSearch $query = New-RscQuerySnapshot -EventSearch # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.calendarSearchFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeywordFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeyword = $someString # OPTIONAL keywordType = $someCalendarSearchKeywordType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CalendarSearchKeywordType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL emailAddresses = @( @{ # OPTIONAL emailAddress = $someString # OPTIONAL filterType = $someCalendarEmailAddressFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CalendarEmailAddressFilterType]) for enum values. } ) # OPTIONAL timerange = @{ # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL untilTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL searchObjectFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchObjectType = $someO365CalendarSearchObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.O365CalendarSearchObjectType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL recurrenceFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL recurrenceType = $someCalendarRecurrenceType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CalendarRecurrenceType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL lambdaFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePaths = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePathCachePreload = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL parentFolderIdBatch = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL searchRecurseFolderId = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365ExchangeObjectConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the FilesDelta operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: FilesDelta $query = New-RscQuerySnapshot -FilesDelta # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.path = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotFid = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @{ # OPTIONAL deltaType = @( $someDeltaType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DeltaType]) for enum values. ) } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.searchPrefix = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.quarantineFilters = @( $someQuarantineFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.QuarantineFilter]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.workloadFieldsArg = @{ # OPTIONAL o365FileDelta = @{ # OPTIONAL folderId = $someString # OPTIONAL orgId = $someString } # OPTIONAL o365SharepointDelta = @{ # OPTIONAL folderId = $someString # OPTIONAL orgId = $someString # OPTIONAL sharepointSiteReq = @{ # OPTIONAL siteChildId = $someString # OPTIONAL siteChildType = $someSharePointDescendantType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SharePointDescendantType]) for enum values. } } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SnapshotFileDeltaConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the FilesDeltaV2 operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: FilesDeltaV2 $query = New-RscQuerySnapshot -FilesDeltaV2 # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.path = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotFid = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @{ # OPTIONAL deltaType = @( $someDeltaType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DeltaType]) for enum values. ) } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.searchPrefix = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.quarantineFilters = @( $someQuarantineFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.QuarantineFilter]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.workloadFieldsArg = @{ # OPTIONAL o365FileDelta = @{ # OPTIONAL folderId = $someString # OPTIONAL orgId = $someString } # OPTIONAL o365SharepointDelta = @{ # OPTIONAL folderId = $someString # OPTIONAL orgId = $someString # OPTIONAL sharepointSiteReq = @{ # OPTIONAL siteChildId = $someString # OPTIONAL siteChildType = $someSharePointDescendantType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SharePointDescendantType]) for enum values. } } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SnapshotFileDeltaV2Connection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Fileset operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: Fileset $query = New-RscQuerySnapshot -Fileset # REQUIRED $ = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.verbose = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: FilesetSnapshotDetail </code> </example> <example> Runs the FilesetFiles operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: FilesetFiles $query = New-RscQuerySnapshot -FilesetFiles # REQUIRED $ = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.limit = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.offset = $someInt # REQUIRED $query.Var.path = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BrowseResponseListResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the LegalHoldSnappable operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: LegalHoldSnappable $query = New-RscQuerySnapshot -LegalHoldSnappable # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED snappableId = $someString # REQUIRED filterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterField = $someLegalHoldQueryFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.LegalHoldQueryFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL beforeTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL afterTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snappableName = $someString # OPTIONAL snappableTypes = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL snapshotTypes = @( $someSnapshotTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnapshotTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL snapshotCustomizations = @( $someSnapshotCustomization # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnapshotCustomization]) for enum values. ) } ) # OPTIONAL sortParam = @{ # OPTIONAL type = $someLegalHoldSortType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.LegalHoldSortType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: LegalHoldSnapshotDetailConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the OnedriveSearch operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: OnedriveSearch $query = New-RscQuerySnapshot -OnedriveSearch # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.orgId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.onedriveSearchFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeywordFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchKeyword = $someString # OPTIONAL keywordType = $someOnedriveSearchKeywordType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.OnedriveSearchKeywordType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL modifiedTime = @{ # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL untilTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL createTime = @{ # OPTIONAL fromTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL untilTime = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL searchObjectFilter = @{ # OPTIONAL searchObjectType = $someOnedriveSearchObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.OnedriveSearchObjectType]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL channelId = $someString # OPTIONAL channelFolderName = $someString # OPTIONAL channelMembershipType = $someChannelMembershipType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ChannelMembershipType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL excludeItemsUnderRoot = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL channelNameKeyword = $someString # OPTIONAL useExactVersionMatch = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL lambdaFilters = @{ # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePaths = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL enableAbsolutePathCachePreload = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL parentFolderIdBatch = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL searchRecurseFolderId = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: O365OnedriveObjectConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Polaris operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: Polaris $query = New-RscQuerySnapshot -Polaris # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotFid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: PolarisSnapshot </code> </example> <example> Runs the Pvcs operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: Pvcs $query = New-RscQuerySnapshot -Pvcs # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableId = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.isReplica = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<PvcInformation> </code> </example> <example> Runs the QuarantinedDetails operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: QuarantinedDetails $query = New-RscQuerySnapshot -QuarantinedDetails # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotIds = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<QuarantineSpec> </code> </example> <example> Runs the Results operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: Results $query = New-RscQuerySnapshot -Results # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.startTimeMs = $someInt64 # REQUIRED $query.Var.endTimeMs = $someInt64 # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SnapshotResultConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the SnappableList operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: SnappableList $query = New-RscQuerySnapshot -SnappableList # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.workloadId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.snapshotFilter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someSnapshotQueryFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnapshotQueryFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL text = $someString # OPTIONAL typeFilters = @( $someSnapshotTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnapshotTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL shouldFetchLinked = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL textList = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL time = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL customizationFilters = @( $someSnapshotCustomization # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnapshotCustomization]) for enum values. ) } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someSnapshotQuerySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnapshotQuerySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.timeRange = @{ # REQUIRED start = $someDateTime # REQUIRED end = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.ignoreActiveWorkloadCheck = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GenericSnapshotConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the SnappablesList operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: SnappablesList $query = New-RscQuerySnapshot -SnappablesList # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.snapshotFilter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someSnapshotQueryFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnapshotQueryFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL text = $someString # OPTIONAL typeFilters = @( $someSnapshotTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnapshotTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL shouldFetchLinked = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL textList = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL time = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL customizationFilters = @( $someSnapshotCustomization # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnapshotCustomization]) for enum values. ) } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someSnapshotQuerySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnapshotQuerySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.timeRange = @{ # REQUIRED start = $someDateTime # REQUIRED end = $someDateTime } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.ignoreActiveWorkloadCheck = $someBoolean # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: GenericSnapshotConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the SnappablesWithLegalHoldsSummary operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: SnappablesWithLegalHoldsSummary $query = New-RscQuerySnapshot -SnappablesWithLegalHoldsSummary # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED filterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterField = $someLegalHoldQueryFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.LegalHoldQueryFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL beforeTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL afterTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL snappableName = $someString # OPTIONAL snappableTypes = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL snapshotTypes = @( $someSnapshotTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnapshotTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL snapshotCustomizations = @( $someSnapshotCustomization # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SnapshotCustomization]) for enum values. ) } ) # OPTIONAL sortParam = @{ # OPTIONAL type = $someLegalHoldSortType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.LegalHoldSortType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: LegalHoldSnappableDetailConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Snapshot operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: Snapshot $query = New-RscQuerySnapshot -Snapshot # REQUIRED $query.Var.snapshotFid = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.clusterUuid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CdmSnapshot </code> </example> <example> Runs the UnmanagedObject operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: UnmanagedObject $query = New-RscQuerySnapshot -UnmanagedObject # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL afterDate = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL beforeDate = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL limit = $someInt # OPTIONAL offset = $someInt # OPTIONAL searchValue = $someString # OPTIONAL snapshotType = $someV1QueryUnmanagedObjectSnapshotsV1RequestSnapshotType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.V1QueryUnmanagedObjectSnapshotsV1RequestSnapshotType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortBy = $someV1QueryUnmanagedObjectSnapshotsV1RequestSortBy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.V1QueryUnmanagedObjectSnapshotsV1RequestSortBy]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortOrder = $someV1QueryUnmanagedObjectSnapshotsV1RequestSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.V1QueryUnmanagedObjectSnapshotsV1RequestSortOrder]) for enum values. # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SnapshotSummaryConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the VappInstantRecoveryOptions operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: VappInstantRecoveryOptions $query = New-RscQuerySnapshot -VappInstantRecoveryOptions # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VappInstantRecoveryOptions </code> </example> <example> Runs the VappTemplateExportOptions operation of the 'Snapshot' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snapshot # API Operation: VappTemplateExportOptions $query = New-RscQuerySnapshot -VappTemplateExportOptions # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL orgVdcId = $someString # REQUIRED catalogId = $someString # REQUIRED name = $someString # REQUIRED snapshotId = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VappTemplateExportOptionsUnion </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQuerySnmp"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 1 operations in the 'SNMP' API domain: ['Configurations']. </summary> <description> New-RscQuerySnmp creates a new query object for operations in the 'SNMP' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 1 operations in the 'SNMP' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: ['Configurations']. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQuerySnmp -Configurations).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQuerySnmp -Configurations).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the Configurations operation of the 'SNMP' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Snmp # API Operation: Configurations $query = New-RscQuerySnmp -Configurations # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SnmpConfiguration </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQuerySonar"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 2 operations in the 'Sonar' API domain: UserGroups, or Users. </summary> <description> New-RscQuerySonar creates a new query object for operations in the 'Sonar' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 2 operations in the 'Sonar' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: UserGroups, or Users. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQuerySonar -UserGroups).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQuerySonar -UserGroups).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the UserGroups operation of the 'Sonar' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sonar # API Operation: UserGroups $query = New-RscQuerySonar -UserGroups # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @{ # OPTIONAL groupName = $someString # OPTIONAL userId = $someString } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AccessGroupConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Users operation of the 'Sonar' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Sonar # API Operation: Users $query = New-RscQuerySonar -Users # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sort = @{ # OPTIONAL sortBy = $someListAccessUsersSort # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ListAccessUsersSort]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @{ # OPTIONAL groupsIds = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL search = $someString # REQUIRED timeRange = @{ # OPTIONAL startTime = $someString # OPTIONAL endTime = $someString # OPTIONAL timezone = $someString } } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AccessUserConnection </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryStorageArray"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 1 operations in the 'Storage Arrays' API domain: ['StorageArray']. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryStorageArray creates a new query object for operations in the 'Storage Arrays' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 1 operations in the 'Storage Arrays' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: ['StorageArray']. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryStorageArray -StorageArray).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryStorageArray -StorageArray).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the StorageArray operation of the 'Storage Arrays' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: StorageArray # API Operation: StorageArray $query = New-RscQueryStorageArray -StorageArray # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AllStorageArraysReply </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQuerySyslog"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 1 operations in the 'Syslog' API domain: ['ExportRules']. </summary> <description> New-RscQuerySyslog creates a new query object for operations in the 'Syslog' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 1 operations in the 'Syslog' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: ['ExportRules']. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQuerySyslog -ExportRules).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQuerySyslog -ExportRules).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the ExportRules operation of the 'Syslog' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Syslog # API Operation: ExportRules $query = New-RscQuerySyslog -ExportRules # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: SyslogExportRuleSummaryListResponse </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryThreat"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 4 operations in the 'Threat' API domain: HuntDetail, HuntResult, HuntSummary, or Hunts. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryThreat creates a new query object for operations in the 'Threat' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 4 operations in the 'Threat' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: HuntDetail, HuntResult, HuntSummary, or Hunts. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryThreat -HuntDetail).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryThreat -HuntDetail).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the HuntDetail operation of the 'Threat' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Threat # API Operation: HuntDetail $query = New-RscQueryThreat -HuntDetail # REQUIRED $query.Var.huntId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ThreatHunt </code> </example> <example> Runs the HuntResult operation of the 'Threat' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Threat # API Operation: HuntResult $query = New-RscQueryThreat -HuntResult # REQUIRED $query.Var.huntId = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.objectId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ThreatHuntResult </code> </example> <example> Runs the HuntSummary operation of the 'Threat' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Threat # API Operation: HuntSummary $query = New-RscQueryThreat -HuntSummary # REQUIRED $query.Var.huntId = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ThreatHuntSummaryReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the Hunts operation of the 'Threat' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Threat # API Operation: Hunts $query = New-RscQueryThreat -Hunts # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.last = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.before = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.beginTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL $query.Var.endTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL $query.Var.clusterUuidFilter = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.statusFilter = @( $someThreatHuntStatus # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ThreatHuntStatus]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.matchesFoundFilter = @( $someThreatHuntMatchesFound # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ThreatHuntMatchesFound]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.quarantinedMatchesFilter = @( $someThreatHuntQuarantinedMatchType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ThreatHuntQuarantinedMatchType]) for enum values. ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: ThreatHuntConnection </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryVcenter"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 11 operations in the 'VMware vSphere vCenter' API domain: AdvancedTagPreview, AsyncRequestStatus, HotAddBandwidth, HotAddNetwork, HotAddProxy, HotAddProxyVmsV2, List, Networks, NumProxiesNeeded, PreAddInfo, or Vcenter. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryVcenter creates a new query object for operations in the 'VMware vSphere vCenter' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 11 operations in the 'VMware vSphere vCenter' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: AdvancedTagPreview, AsyncRequestStatus, HotAddBandwidth, HotAddNetwork, HotAddProxy, HotAddProxyVmsV2, List, Networks, NumProxiesNeeded, PreAddInfo, or Vcenter. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryVcenter -AdvancedTagPreview).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryVcenter -AdvancedTagPreview).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the AdvancedTagPreview operation of the 'VMware vSphere vCenter' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vcenter # API Operation: AdvancedTagPreview $query = New-RscQueryVcenter -AdvancedTagPreview # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL limit = $someInt # OPTIONAL offset = $someInt # REQUIRED filterCondition = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VcenterAdvancedTagPreviewReply </code> </example> <example> Runs the AsyncRequestStatus operation of the 'VMware vSphere vCenter' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vcenter # API Operation: AsyncRequestStatus $query = New-RscQueryVcenter -AsyncRequestStatus # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the HotAddBandwidth operation of the 'VMware vSphere vCenter' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vcenter # API Operation: HotAddBandwidth $query = New-RscQueryVcenter -HotAddBandwidth # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: HotAddBandwidthInfo </code> </example> <example> Runs the HotAddNetwork operation of the 'VMware vSphere vCenter' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vcenter # API Operation: HotAddNetwork $query = New-RscQueryVcenter -HotAddNetwork # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: HotAddNetworkConfigWithName </code> </example> <example> Runs the HotAddProxy operation of the 'VMware vSphere vCenter' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vcenter # API Operation: HotAddProxy $query = New-RscQueryVcenter -HotAddProxy # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterUuids = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<VcenterHotAddProxyVmInfo> </code> </example> <example> Runs the HotAddProxyVmsV2 operation of the 'VMware vSphere vCenter' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vcenter # API Operation: HotAddProxyVmsV2 $query = New-RscQueryVcenter -HotAddProxyVmsV2 # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someVcenterProxyVmsFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VcenterProxyVmsFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) } ) # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterUuids = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VsphereProxyVmInfoConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the List operation of the 'VMware vSphere vCenter' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vcenter # API Operation: List $query = New-RscQueryVcenter -List # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VsphereVcenterConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Networks operation of the 'VMware vSphere vCenter' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vcenter # API Operation: Networks $query = New-RscQueryVcenter -Networks # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: NetworkInfoListResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the NumProxiesNeeded operation of the 'VMware vSphere vCenter' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vcenter # API Operation: NumProxiesNeeded $query = New-RscQueryVcenter -NumProxiesNeeded # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Int32 </code> </example> <example> Runs the PreAddInfo operation of the 'VMware vSphere vCenter' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vcenter # API Operation: PreAddInfo $query = New-RscQueryVcenter -PreAddInfo # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED vcenterConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL connectionConfig = @{ # OPTIONAL caCerts = $someString # REQUIRED hostname = $someString # REQUIRED password = $someString # REQUIRED username = $someString } # OPTIONAL id = $someString } } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VcenterPreAddInfo </code> </example> <example> Runs the Vcenter operation of the 'VMware vSphere vCenter' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vcenter # API Operation: Vcenter $query = New-RscQueryVcenter -Vcenter # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VsphereVcenter </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryVmware"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 4 operations in the 'VMware' API domain: CdpStateInfos, IsManagementEnabled, MissedRecoverableRanges, or RecoverableRanges. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryVmware creates a new query object for operations in the 'VMware' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 4 operations in the 'VMware' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: CdpStateInfos, IsManagementEnabled, MissedRecoverableRanges, or RecoverableRanges. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryVmware -CdpStateInfos).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryVmware -CdpStateInfos).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the CdpStateInfos operation of the 'VMware' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vmware # API Operation: CdpStateInfos $query = New-RscQueryVmware -CdpStateInfos # REQUIRED $query.Var.ids = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<VmwareCdpStateInfo> </code> </example> <example> Runs the IsManagementEnabled operation of the 'VMware' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vmware # API Operation: IsManagementEnabled $query = New-RscQueryVmware -IsManagementEnabled # No variables for this query. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: System.Boolean </code> </example> <example> Runs the MissedRecoverableRanges operation of the 'VMware' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vmware # API Operation: MissedRecoverableRanges $query = New-RscQueryVmware -MissedRecoverableRanges # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL afterTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL beforeTime = $someDateTime # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VmwareRecoverableRangeListResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the RecoverableRanges operation of the 'VMware' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vmware # API Operation: RecoverableRanges $query = New-RscQueryVmware -RecoverableRanges # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # OPTIONAL afterTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL beforeTime = $someDateTime # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VmwareRecoverableRangeListResponse </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryVsphere"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 23 operations in the 'VMware vSphere' API domain: ComputeCluster, ComputeClusters, Datacenter, Datastore, DatastoreCluster, DatastoreClusters, DatastoreList, Folder, Folders, Host, HostDetails, HostList, HostsByFids, LiveMounts, Mount, MountList, Network, ResourcePool, RootRecoveryHierarchy, Tag, TagCategory, TopLevelDescendantsList, or VmwareCdpLiveInfo. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryVsphere creates a new query object for operations in the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 23 operations in the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: ComputeCluster, ComputeClusters, Datacenter, Datastore, DatastoreCluster, DatastoreClusters, DatastoreList, Folder, Folders, Host, HostDetails, HostList, HostsByFids, LiveMounts, Mount, MountList, Network, ResourcePool, RootRecoveryHierarchy, Tag, TagCategory, TopLevelDescendantsList, or VmwareCdpLiveInfo. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryVsphere -ComputeCluster).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryVsphere -ComputeCluster).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the ComputeCluster operation of the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vsphere # API Operation: ComputeCluster $query = New-RscQueryVsphere -ComputeCluster # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VsphereComputeCluster </code> </example> <example> Runs the ComputeClusters operation of the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vsphere # API Operation: ComputeClusters $query = New-RscQueryVsphere -ComputeClusters # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VsphereComputeClusterConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Datacenter operation of the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vsphere # API Operation: Datacenter $query = New-RscQueryVsphere -Datacenter # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VsphereDatacenter </code> </example> <example> Runs the Datastore operation of the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vsphere # API Operation: Datastore $query = New-RscQueryVsphere -Datastore # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VsphereDatastore </code> </example> <example> Runs the DatastoreCluster operation of the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vsphere # API Operation: DatastoreCluster $query = New-RscQueryVsphere -DatastoreCluster # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VsphereDatastoreCluster </code> </example> <example> Runs the DatastoreClusters operation of the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vsphere # API Operation: DatastoreClusters $query = New-RscQueryVsphere -DatastoreClusters # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VsphereDatastoreClusterConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the DatastoreList operation of the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vsphere # API Operation: DatastoreList $query = New-RscQueryVsphere -DatastoreList # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VsphereDatastoreConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Folder operation of the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vsphere # API Operation: Folder $query = New-RscQueryVsphere -Folder # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VsphereFolder </code> </example> <example> Runs the Folders operation of the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vsphere # API Operation: Folders $query = New-RscQueryVsphere -Folders # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VsphereFolderConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Host operation of the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vsphere # API Operation: Host $query = New-RscQueryVsphere -Host # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VsphereHost </code> </example> <example> Runs the HostDetails operation of the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vsphere # API Operation: HostDetails $query = New-RscQueryVsphere -HostDetails # REQUIRED $query.Var.input = @{ # REQUIRED id = $someString } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VmwareHostDetail </code> </example> <example> Runs the HostList operation of the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vsphere # API Operation: HostList $query = New-RscQueryVsphere -HostList # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VsphereHostConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the HostsByFids operation of the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vsphere # API Operation: HostsByFids $query = New-RscQueryVsphere -HostsByFids # REQUIRED $query.Var.fids = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: List<VsphereHost> </code> </example> <example> Runs the LiveMounts operation of the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vsphere # API Operation: LiveMounts $query = New-RscQueryVsphere -LiveMounts # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someVsphereLiveMountFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VsphereLiveMountFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) } ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someVsphereLiveMountSortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VsphereLiveMountSortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VsphereLiveMountConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Mount operation of the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vsphere # API Operation: Mount $query = New-RscQueryVsphere -Mount # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VsphereMount </code> </example> <example> Runs the MountList operation of the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vsphere # API Operation: MountList $query = New-RscQueryVsphere -MountList # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @{ # OPTIONAL name = $someString # OPTIONAL clusterUuid = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL powerStatus = @( $someBoolean ) # OPTIONAL sourceVmId = $someString } # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someVsphereMountSortBy # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.VsphereMountSortBy]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VsphereMountConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Network operation of the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vsphere # API Operation: Network $query = New-RscQueryVsphere -Network # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VsphereNetwork </code> </example> <example> Runs the ResourcePool operation of the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vsphere # API Operation: ResourcePool $query = New-RscQueryVsphere -ResourcePool # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VsphereResourcePool </code> </example> <example> Runs the RootRecoveryHierarchy operation of the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vsphere # API Operation: RootRecoveryHierarchy $query = New-RscQueryVsphere -RootRecoveryHierarchy # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CdmHierarchyObjectConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the Tag operation of the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vsphere # API Operation: Tag $query = New-RscQueryVsphere -Tag # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VsphereTag </code> </example> <example> Runs the TagCategory operation of the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vsphere # API Operation: TagCategory $query = New-RscQueryVsphere -TagCategory # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VsphereTagCategory </code> </example> <example> Runs the TopLevelDescendantsList operation of the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vsphere # API Operation: TopLevelDescendantsList $query = New-RscQueryVsphere -TopLevelDescendantsList # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.typeFilter = @( $someHierarchyObjectTypeEnum # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyObjectTypeEnum]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: CdmHierarchyObjectConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the VmwareCdpLiveInfo operation of the 'VMware vSphere' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Vsphere # API Operation: VmwareCdpLiveInfo $query = New-RscQueryVsphere -VmwareCdpLiveInfo # REQUIRED $query.Var.ids = @( $someString ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchVmwareCdpLiveInfo </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryVsphereVm"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 6 operations in the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain: AsyncRequestStatus, MissedRecoverableRange, New, NewList, RecoverableRange, or RecoverableRangeInBatch. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryVsphereVm creates a new query object for operations in the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 6 operations in the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: AsyncRequestStatus, MissedRecoverableRange, New, NewList, RecoverableRange, or RecoverableRangeInBatch. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryVsphereVm -AsyncRequestStatus).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryVsphereVm -AsyncRequestStatus).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the AsyncRequestStatus operation of the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: VsphereVm # API Operation: AsyncRequestStatus $query = New-RscQueryVsphereVm -AsyncRequestStatus # REQUIRED $query.Var.clusterUuid = $someString # REQUIRED $ = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: AsyncRequestStatus </code> </example> <example> Runs the MissedRecoverableRange operation of the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: VsphereVm # API Operation: MissedRecoverableRange $query = New-RscQueryVsphereVm -MissedRecoverableRange # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.beforeTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL $query.Var.afterTime = $someDateTime # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RecoverableRangeResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the New operation of the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: VsphereVm # API Operation: New $query = New-RscQueryVsphereVm -New # REQUIRED $query.Var.fid = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VsphereVm </code> </example> <example> Runs the NewList operation of the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: VsphereVm # API Operation: NewList $query = New-RscQueryVsphereVm -NewList # OPTIONAL $query.Var.first = $someInt # OPTIONAL $query.Var.after = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortBy = $someHierarchySortByField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchySortByField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.sortOrder = $someSortOrder # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SortOrder]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL $query.Var.filter = @( @{ # OPTIONAL field = $someHierarchyFilterField # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL texts = @( $someString ) # OPTIONAL tagFilterParams = @( @{ # OPTIONAL filterType = $someTagFilterType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TagFilterType]) for enum values. # OPTIONAL tagKey = $someString # OPTIONAL tagValue = $someString } ) # OPTIONAL objectTypeFilterParams = @( $someManagedObjectType # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ManagedObjectType]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL awsNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAwsNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AwsNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL isNegative = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL isSlowSearchEnabled = $someBoolean # OPTIONAL azureNativeProtectionFeatureNames = @( $someAzureNativeProtectionFeature # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.AzureNativeProtectionFeature]) for enum values. ) # OPTIONAL unmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter = @( $someUnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter # Call [Enum]::GetValues([RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.UnmanagedObjectAvailabilityFilter]) for enum values. ) } ) # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: VsphereVmConnection </code> </example> <example> Runs the RecoverableRange operation of the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: VsphereVm # API Operation: RecoverableRange $query = New-RscQueryVsphereVm -RecoverableRange # REQUIRED $query.Var.snappableFid = $someString # OPTIONAL $query.Var.beforeTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL $query.Var.afterTime = $someDateTime # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: RecoverableRangeResponse </code> </example> <example> Runs the RecoverableRangeInBatch operation of the 'VMware vSphere VM' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: VsphereVm # API Operation: RecoverableRangeInBatch $query = New-RscQueryVsphereVm -RecoverableRangeInBatch # REQUIRED $query.Var.requestInfo = @{ # OPTIONAL afterTime = $someDateTime # OPTIONAL beforeTime = $someDateTime # REQUIRED vmIds = @( $someString ) } # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: BatchVmwareVmRecoverableRanges </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Cmdlets.New_RscQueryWebhook"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object for any of the 1 operations in the 'Webhook' API domain: ['Webhook']. </summary> <description> New-RscQueryWebhook creates a new query object for operations in the 'Webhook' API domain. It only creates a data structure, it does not execute the operation. This cmdlet does not need a connection to run. To execute the operation, either call Invoke() on the object returned by this cmdlet, or pass the object to Invoke-Rsc. There are 1 operations in the 'Webhook' API domain. Select the operation this query is for by specifying the appropriate value for the -Operation parameter; one of: ['Webhook']. Each operation has its own set of variables that can be set with the -Var parameter. For more info about the variables, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryWebhook -Webhook).Info(). Each operation also has its own set of fields that can be selected for retrieval. If you do not specify any fields, a set of default fields will be selected. The selection is rule-based, and tries to select the most commonly used fields. For example if a field is named 'id' or 'name', it will be selected. If you give -FieldProfile DETAIL, then another set of rules will be used to select more fields on top of the default fields. The set of rules for selecting fields is called a field profile. You can specify a field profile with the -FieldProfile parameter. You can add or remove fields from the field profile with the -AddField and -RemoveField parameters. If you end up with too many -AddField and -RemoveField parameters, you can list them in a text file, one per line, with a '+' or '-' prefix, and pass the file name to the -FilePatch parameter. Profiles and Patches are one way to customize the fields that are selected. Another way is to specify the fields by passing the -Field parameter an object that contains the fields you want to select as properties. Any property that is not null in that object is interpreted as a field to select (and the actual values they are set to do not matter). The [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] namespace contains a set of classes that you can use to specify fields. To know what [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types] object to use for a specific operation, call Info() on the object returned by this cmdlet, for example: (New-RscQueryWebhook -Webhook).Info(). You can combine a -Field parameter with patching parameters. -Field is applied first, then -FilePatch, -AddField and -RemoveField. </description> <example> Runs the Webhook operation of the 'Webhook' API domain. <code> PS > # Create an RscQuery object for: # API Domain: Webhook # API Operation: Webhook $query = New-RscQueryWebhook -Webhook # OPTIONAL $ = $someString # Execute the query $result = $query | Invoke-Rsc Write-Host $result.GetType().Name # prints: WebhookConnection </code> </example> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Private.RscBasePSCmdlet"> <summary> Base class for all RSC PowerShell cmdlets. </summary> </member> <member name="M:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Private.RscBasePSCmdlet.#ctor(System.Boolean)"> <summary> Create a new RSC PowerShell cmdlet with logging and a client. Client is left null until RetrieveConnection() is called from the derived class, or if the cmdlet is constructed with retrieveConnection=true. Note that `retrieveConnection=true` retrieves an existing connection if any ; if there are none, it does not create a new connection. </summary> </member> <member name="M:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Private.RscBasePSCmdlet.GetProfileDir"> <summary> Get the RSC SDK's user profile directory. Typically "$(Split-Path $PROFILE -Parent)/rubrik-powershell-sdk" But resolves to the current directory if $PROFILE is not defined. </summary> </member> <member name="M:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Private.RscBasePSCmdlet.GetValueFromParameterSet(System.String)"> <summary> If a cmdlet parameter exists with given name, within the current parameter set, return its value. </summary> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Private.RscGqlPSCmdletConfig"> <summary> Configuration for RscGqlPSCmdlet HasPatchingDynamicParam: If true, add patching dynamic parameter to the cmdlet (-AddField and -RemoveField) SendQueryOnExitIfAny: If true, send the query to the server when the cmdlet exits. If false, return the query object instead (if any). </summary> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Private.RscGqlPSCmdlet"> <summary> Base class for all RSC PowerShell cmdlets that use a GraphQL query. </summary> </member> <member name="M:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Private.RscGqlPSCmdlet.#ctor(RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Private.RscGqlPSCmdletConfig)"> <summary> Create a new RSC PowerShell cmdlet. </summary> </member> <member name="M:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Private.RscGqlPSCmdlet.Initialize(System.Tuple{System.String,System.String}[],System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,RubrikSecurityCloud.QueryDocMethod,RubrikSecurityCloud.QueryFieldSpecMethod,System.String)"> <summary> Initialize the query object. Initialize() is called by the cmdlet's ProcessRecord() method. </summary> <param name="opArgDefs"> Operation argument definitions. e.g. { Tuple.Create("first", "Int"), Tuple.Create("sortOrder", "SortOrder") } </param> <param name="opKind">"query" or "mutation"</param> <param name="opName">e.g. "QueryClusterConnection"</param> <param name="opArgs"> e.g. "($first: Int ,$sortOrder: SortOrder)"</param> <param name="opReturnType">e.g. "ClusterConnection"</param> <param name="queryDocMethod"> Method that returns the query document as a string. It does not explore. It takes a field object as input, and returns the query document as a string. "query document": the text of the operation: the operation name, the operation arguments, and the fields to select for retrieval. For example in the final query, it's all the text inside query QueryClusterConnection($first: Int ...) { -- query document -- } So it's: the query name, the query arguments, and the field spec. </param> <param name="queryFieldSpecMethod"> Method that builds the field object for this query using exploration. It takes for input an exploration context, and returns the field object. </param> <param name="varUsageExample"> Example text of how to initialize the variables </param> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Private.RscSessionInfo"> <summary> Used to return information on the user session and SDK/Server versions in use. </summary> </member> <member name="M:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Private.RscSessionInfo.#ctor(RubrikSecurityCloud.NetSDK.Client.RscGraphQLClient,RubrikSecurityCloud.IRscLogger)"> <summary> Constructor </summary> <param name="rscClient">Instance of RscGraphQLClient</param> <param name="logger">Instance of type implementing IRscLogger</param> <exception cref="T:System.Exception"></exception> </member> <member name="M:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Private.RscSessionInfo.GetRscPsVersion"> <summary> Returns an instance of RscPsVersionTable containing the server deployment version and the SDK schema version. </summary> <returns>Instance of RscPsVersionTable</returns> </member> <member name="M:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Private.RscSessionInfo.GetSessionInfo"> <summary> Returns an instance of RscPsSession info containing the client information, authentication state and version info. </summary> <returns>Instance of RscPsSessionInfo</returns> </member> <member name="M:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Private.RscTypeInitializer.GetAllTypeNames(System.String,System.Boolean)"> <summary> Get a list of all RSC schema types whose names contain a given string. </summary> <param name="nameFilter">string to match, case insensitive</param> <param name="interfaces">if true, return interfaces; if false return classes</param> </member> <member name="M:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Private.RscTypeInitializer.GetTypeByName(System.String)"> <summary> Get an RSC schema type by name. </summary> </member> <member name="M:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Private.RscTypeInitializer.InitializeInputWithSelectedFields(System.String,System.Collections.Hashtable)"> <summary> Return an instance of an input, with fields contained in inputFields initialized to non-null values. </summary> <param name="inputTypeName"></param> <param name="providedInputFields"></param> <returns>object</returns> <exception cref="T:System.Exception"></exception> </member> <member name="M:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Private.RscTypeInitializer.InitializeTypeWithSelectedProperties(System.String,System.String[])"> <summary> Return an instance of an class, with properties listed in requestedProperties initialized to non-null values. </summary> <param name="objectClassName"></param> <param name="requestedProperties"></param> <returns>object</returns> <exception cref="T:System.Exception"></exception> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Properties.Resources"> <summary> A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. This class was generated by MSBuild using the GenerateResource task. To add or remove a member, edit your .resx file then rerun MSBuild. </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Properties.Resources.ResourceManager"> <summary> Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class. </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.PowerShell.Properties.Resources.Culture"> <summary> Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class. </summary> </member> <member name="T:RubrikSecurityCloud.RscGqlOperation"> <summary> A GraphQL Operation. </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.RscGqlOperation.Kind"> <summary> The kind of operation: "query" or "mutation". </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.RscGqlOperation.Name"> <summary> The name of the operation. By convention, the name of the operation is the capitalized version of the name of the root field. e.g. : - root field: "clusterConnection", - operation name: "ClusterConnection" </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.RscGqlOperation.Args"> <summary> The arguments of the operation. e.g. : "(id: $id)" </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.RscGqlOperation.ReturnType"> <summary> The return type of the operation, which can either be a simple type (int, string, etc.) or a RubrikSecurityCloud.Schema type (e.g. "ClusterConnection", "Cluster", etc.) </summary> </member> <member name="P:RubrikSecurityCloud.RscGqlOperation.FieldSpec"> <summary> The field spec of the operation. e.g. : "id name" </summary> </member> <member name="M:RubrikSecurityCloud.RscGqlOperation.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)"> <summary> Create a new RscGqlOperation object. The RscGqlOperation is a collection of string properties that are assembled by the Query() method to produce the exact, final GraphQL query that is sent to the API server. </summary> <param name="kind">The kind of operation (query, mutation, subscription).</param> <param name="name">The name of the operation.</param> <param name="args">The arguments of the operation.</param> <param name="returnType">The return type of the operation.</param> <param name="fieldSpec">The field spec of the operation.</param> <returns>A new RscGqlOperation object.</returns> </member> <member name="M:RubrikSecurityCloud.RscGqlOperation.Query"> <summary> Return the query for the API server. </summary> </member> <member name="F:RubrikSecurityCloud.RscQuery.queryDocMethod"> <summary> Method that returns the query document as a string. It does not explore. It takes a field object as input, and returns the query document as a string. "query document": the text of the operation: the operation name, the operation arguments, and the fields to select for retrieval. For example in the final query, it's all the text inside query QueryClusterConnection($first: Int ...) { -- query document -- } So it's: the query name, the query arguments, and the field spec. </summary> </member> <member name="F:RubrikSecurityCloud.RscQuery.queryFieldSpecMethod"> <summary> Method that builds the field object for this query using exploration. It takes for input an exploration context, and returns the field object. </summary> </member> <member name="M:RubrikSecurityCloud.RscQuery.#ctor(RubrikSecurityCloud.RscOp,RubrikSecurityCloud.RscGqlVars,System.Object,RubrikSecurityCloud.RscGqlOperation)"> <summary> Create a new RscQuery object. </summary> </member> <member name="M:RubrikSecurityCloud.RscQuery.Invoke"> <summary> Invoke the GraphQL query (send it to the API server) and return the result as a PowerShell object of the appropriate schema type. </summary> <returns></returns> <exception cref="T:System.Exception"></exception> </member> <member name="M:RubrikSecurityCloud.RscQuery.GqlOperation"> <summary> The name of the underlying GQL operation. </summary> </member> <member name="M:RubrikSecurityCloud.RscQuery.AllFields(System.Int32)"> <summary> Return a flattened list of all the fields in the Field object. </summary> </member> <member name="M:RubrikSecurityCloud.RscQuery.Info"> <summary> Return documentation links for variables and Field object. </summary> </member> <member name="M:RubrikSecurityCloud.RscQuery.Example"> <summary> Return an example of how the variables can be initialized. </summary> </member> <member name="M:RubrikSecurityCloud.RscQuery.GqlRequest(System.Boolean)"> <summary> Build the GraphQL request </summary> </member> <member name="M:RubrikSecurityCloud.RscQuery.OpInfo"> <summary> Return the RscOp object for this query. </summary> </member> <member name="M:RubrikSecurityCloud.RscQuery.ToString"> <summary> String representation of this object. </summary> </member> </members> </doc> |