
#Requires -Version 3
function New-RscSnapshotSchedule {
    Creates a Snapshot Schedule for use with New-RscSlaDomain

    Creates a Snapshot Schedule for use with New-RscSlaDomain

    The Type of Schedule
    (Minute, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly)

    .PARAMETER Frequency
    The frequency to take a snapshot, based on the schedule type.

    .PARAMETER Retention
    Length of time to retain the snapshot

    .PARAMETER RetentionUnit
    Unit of time to retain the snapshot
    (Minute, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly)

    Schema reference:

    Create a Snapshot schedule to take a snapshot every 1 hour and retain that snapshot for 7 days. Then create the SLA Domain with that schedule.

    $hourlySchedule = New-RscSnapshotSchedule -Type Hourly -Frequency 1 -Retention 7 -RetentionUnit DAYS
    New-RscSlaDomain -Name "Platinum" -HourlySchedule $hourlySchedule -ObjectType VSPHERE_OBJECT_TYPE



        $DayOfWeek = [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DayOfWeek]::FRIDAY,

        $DayOfMonth = [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DayOfMonth]::LAST_DAY,

        $DayOfQuarter = [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DayOfQuarter]::LAST_DAY,

        $QuarterStartMonth = [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.Month]::JANUARY,

        $DayOfYear = [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.DayOfYear]::LAST_DAY,

        $YearStartMonth = [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.Month]::JANUARY

    Process {
        $schedule = New-Object -TypeName "RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.$($Type)SnapshotScheduleInput"
        $schedule.BasicSchedule = New-Object -TypeName RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.BasicSnapshotScheduleInput
        $schedule.BasicSchedule.Frequency = $Frequency
        $schedule.BasicSchedule.Retention = $Retention
        $schedule.BasicSchedule.RetentionUnit = $RetentionUnit

       if ($Type -eq "Weekly") {
            $schedule.DayOfWeek = $DayOfWeek
       } elseif ($Type -eq "Monthly") {
            $schedule.DayOfMonth = $DayOfMonth
       } elseif ($Type -eq "Quarterly") {
            $schedule.DayOfQuarter = $DayOfQuarter
            $schedule.QuarterStartMonth = $QuarterStartMonth
       } elseif ($Type -eq "Yearly") {
            $schedule.DayOfYear = $DayOfYear
            $schedule.YearStartMonth = $YearStartMonth