function Start-RubrikDownload { <# .SYNOPSIS Download a file from the Rubrik cluster .DESCRIPTION The Start-RubrikDownload cmdlet will download files from the Rubrik cluster, it can either take a uri or a snapshot object paired with a sourceDirs path. Returns the file object .NOTES Written by Jaap Brasser for community usage Twitter: @jaap_brasser GitHub: jaapbrasser .LINK .EXAMPLE Start-RubrikDownload -Uri Will download the specified file from the Rubrik cluster to the current folder .EXAMPLE Start-RubrikDownload -Uri -Path /Temp Will download the specified file from the Rubrik cluster to the 'Temp' folder .EXAMPLE Start-RubrikDownload -Uri -Path "/Temp/" Will download the specified file from the Rubrik cluster to the 'Temp' folder with the '' filename .EXAMPLE Get-RubrikFileSet -HostName | Get-RubrikSnapshot -Latest | Start-RubrikDownload -Verbose Will download the complete set of data from the hostname while displaying verbose information .EXAMPLE Get-RubrikFileSet -HostName | Get-RubrikSnapshot -Latest | Start-RubrikDownload -sourceDirs '\test' Will only download files and folders located in the root folder 'test' of the selected fileset #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Uri')] Param( # The URI to download [Parameter( ParameterSetName= 'uri', Position = 0, Mandatory )] [string] $Uri, # The SLA Object that should be downloaded [Parameter( ParameterSetName = "pipeline", Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory )] [PSCustomObject] $SLAObject, # The path where the folder where the zip files should be downloaded to, if no file extension is specified the file will downloaded with default filename [Parameter( ParameterSetName = "pipeline", Position = 1 )] [Parameter( ParameterSetName = "uri", Position = 1 )] [string] $Path, # Which folders and files should be included, defaults to all "/" [Parameter( ParameterSetName = "pipeline", Position = 1 )] [Parameter( ParameterSetName = "uri", Position = 1 )] [string[]] $sourceDirs = @('/') ) Process { if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'pipeline') { $LinkSplat = @{ SlaObject = $SLAObject sourceDirs = $sourceDirs } $uri = Get-RubrikDownloadLink @LinkSplat } $WebRequestSplat = @{ Uri = $Uri } if ($Path -match '\.' -and (-not (Get-Item -EA 0 -LiteralPath $Path|Where-Object psiscontainer -eq $true))) { $WebRequestSplat.OutFile = $Path } elseif ($Path) { $WebRequestSplat.OutFile = Join-Path $Path (Split-Path -Path $uri -Leaf) } else { $WebRequestSplat.OutFile = Split-Path -Path $uri -Leaf } if (Test-PowerShellSix) { $WebRequestSplat.SkipCertificateCheck = $true Invoke-WebRequest @WebRequestSplat } else { Invoke-WebRequest @WebRequestSplat } return Get-Item $WebRequestSplat.OutFile } # End of process } # End of function |