
function New-BodyString($bodykeys, $parameters) {
    Function to create the body payload for an API request

    This function compares the defined body parameters within Get-RubrikAPIData with any parameters set within the invocation process.
    If matches are found, a properly formatted and valid body payload is created and returned.

    .PARAMETER bodykeys
    All of the body options available to the endpoint
    .PARAMETER parameters
    All of the parameter options available within the parent function

  # If sending a GET request, no body is needed
  if ($resources.Method -eq 'Get') {
    return $null

  # Look at the list of parameters that were set by the invocation process
  # This is how we know which params were actually set by the call, versus defaulting to some zero, null, or false value
  # We can also add any custom variables here, such as SLAID which is populated after the invocation resolves the name
  if ($slaid -and $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey('SLAID')) {
    $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.SLAID = $slaid
  elseif ($slaid) {
    $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.Add('SLAID', $slaid)
  # Now that custom params are added, let's inventory all invoked params
  $setParameters = $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters
  Write-Verbose -Message "List of set parameters: $($setParameters.GetEnumerator())"

  Write-Verbose -Message 'Build the body parameters'
  $bodystring = @{ }
  # Walk through all of the available body options presented by the endpoint
  # Note: Keys are used to search in case the value changes in the future across different API versions
  foreach ($body in $bodykeys) {
    Write-Verbose "Adding $body..."
    # Array Object
    if ($resources.Body.$body.GetType().BaseType.Name -eq 'Array') {
      $bodyarray = $resources.Body.$body.Keys
      $arraystring = @{ }
      foreach ($arrayitem in $bodyarray) {
        # Walk through all of the parameters defined in the function
        # Both the parameter name and parameter alias are used to match against a body option
        # It is suggested to make the parameter name "human friendly" and set an alias corresponding to the body option name
        foreach ($param in $parameters) {
          # If the parameter name or alias matches the body option name, build a body string
          if ($param.Name -eq $arrayitem -or $param.Aliases -eq $arrayitem) {
            # Switch variable types
            if ((Get-Variable -Name $param.Name).Value.GetType().Name -eq 'SwitchParameter') {
              $arraystring.Add($arrayitem, (Get-Variable -Name $param.Name).Value.IsPresent)
            # All other variable types
            elseif ($null -ne (Get-Variable -Name $param.Name).Value) {
                $arraystring.Add($arrayitem, (Get-Variable -Name $param.Name).Value)
      $bodystring.Add($body, @($arraystring))

    # Non-Array Object
    else {
      # Walk through all of the parameters defined in the function
      # Both the parameter name and parameter alias are used to match against a body option
      # It is suggested to make the parameter name "human friendly" and set an alias corresponding to the body option name
      foreach ($param in $parameters) {
        # If the parameter name or alias matches the body option name, build a body string
        if (($param.Name -eq $body -or $param.Aliases -eq $body) -and $setParameters.ContainsKey($param.Name)) {
          # Switch variable types
          if ((Get-Variable -Name $param.Name).Value.GetType().Name -eq 'SwitchParameter') {
            $bodystring.Add($body, (Get-Variable -Name $param.Name).Value.IsPresent)
          # All other variable types
          elseif ($null -ne (Get-Variable -Name $param.Name).Value -and (Get-Variable -Name $param.Name).Value.Length -gt 0) {
            # These variables will be cast to upper or lower, depending on what the API endpoint expects
            $ToUpperVariable = @('Protocol')
            $ToLowerVariable = @('')
            if ($body -in $ToUpperVariable) {
              $bodystring.Add($body, (Get-Variable -Name $param.Name).Value.ToUpper())
            } elseif ($body -in $ToLowerVariable) {
              $bodystring.Add($body, (Get-Variable -Name $param.Name).Value.ToLower())
            } else {
              $bodystring.Add($body, (Get-Variable -Name $param.Name).Value)

  # Store the results into a JSON string
  if (0 -ne $bodystring.count) {
    $bodystring = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $bodystring
    Write-Verbose -Message "Body = $bodystring"
  else {
    Write-Verbose -Message 'No body for this request'
  return $bodystring