
function Start-RubrikVMDownload
    Download a file from the Rubrik cluster from a specific snapshot

    The Start-RubrikVMDownload cmdlet will download files from the Rubrik cluster, it can either take a uri or a snapshot object paired with a path (paths). Returns the file object
    Based on Start-RubrikDownload cmdlet created by Jaap Brasser and modified to VM snapshots

    Written by Jaap Brasser for community usage
    Twitter: @jaap_brasser
    GitHub: jaapbrasser
    Modified by Mats Ekman for community usage
    Twitter: @MatsBEkman


     $snapshot = Get-RubrikVMSnapshot -id <snapshotid>
     $RubrikVMDownload = $snapshot | Start-RubrikVMDownload -Path <downloaded filename> -paths "C:\path\to\file"

    Will download the specified file from the Rubrik cluster from the specific snapshot

     $vm = Get-RubrikVM -Name <hostname>
     $RubrikFile = $vm | Find-RubrikFile -SearchString <tag file created for the backup>
     $snapshot = Get-RubrikVMSnapshot -id $rubrikFile.fileVersions.snapshotId
     $RubrikVMDownload = $snapshot | Start-RubrikVMDownload -Path <downloaded filename> -paths "C:\path\to\file"

    Will download the specified file from the Rubrik cluster to the <dowloaded filename>
    Important here is to make sure that $rubrikFile.fileVersions.snapshotId is not empty

  [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Uri')]
    # The URI to download
      ParameterSetName= 'uri',
      Position = 0,
    [string] $Uri,
    # The SLA Object that should be downloaded
      ParameterSetName = "pipeline",
      Position = 0,
    [PSCustomObject] $SLAObject,
    # The path where the folder where the zip files should be downloaded to, if no file extension is specified the file will downloaded with default filename
      ParameterSetName = "pipeline",
      Position = 1
      ParameterSetName = "uri",
      Position = 1
    [string] $Path,
    # Which filename and path where the downloaded file(s) ends up
      ParameterSetName = "pipeline",
      Position = 1
      ParameterSetName = "uri",
      Position = 1
    [string[]] $paths = @('/')
    #Which file(s) should be included. You must be sure that this file exists

  Process {
    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'pipeline') {
      $LinkSplat = @{
        SlaObject = $SLAObject
        paths = $paths
      $uri = Get-RubrikVMDownloadLink @LinkSplat

    $WebRequestSplat = @{
      Uri = $Uri

    if ($Path -match '\.' -and (-not (Get-Item -EA 0 -LiteralPath $Path|Where-Object psiscontainer -eq $true))) {
      $WebRequestSplat.OutFile = $Path
    } elseif ($Path) {
      $WebRequestSplat.OutFile = Join-Path $Path (Split-Path -Path $uri -Leaf)
    } else {
      $WebRequestSplat.OutFile = Split-Path -Path $uri -Leaf

    if (Test-PowerShellSix) {
      $WebRequestSplat.SkipCertificateCheck = $true
      Invoke-WebRequest @WebRequestSplat
    } else {
      Invoke-WebRequest @WebRequestSplat

    return Get-Item $WebRequestSplat.OutFile
  } # End of process
} # End of function