function Invoke-RubrikRESTCall { <# .SYNOPSIS Provides generic interface to make Rubrik REST API calls .DESCRIPTION The Invoke-RubrikRESTCall allows users to make raw API endpoint calls to the Rubrik REST interface. The user will need to manage the format of both the endpoint call(including resource ids) and body, but provides the option to make cmdlet independent API calls for automating Rubrik actions through PowerShell. The Rubrik API reference is found on the Rubrik device at: <Rubrik IP>/docs/v1 <Rubrik IP>/docs/v1/playground .NOTES Written by Matt Altimar & Mike Fal for community usage Twitter: @Mike_Fal GitHub: mikefal .LINK .EXAMPLE Invoke-RubrikRESTCall -Endpoint 'vmware/vm' -Method GET Retrieve the raw output for all VMWare VMs being managed by the Rubrik device. .EXAMPLE Invoke-RubrikRESTCall -Endpoint 'vmware/vm' -Method GET -Query @{'name'='msf-sql2016'} Retrieve the raw output for the VMWare VM msf-sql2016 using a query parameter. .EXAMPLE $body = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{'slaID'='INHERIT';'ForceFullSnapshot'='FALSE'} Invoke-RubrikRESTCall -Endpoint 'vmware/vm/VirtualMachine:::fbcb1f51-9520-4227-a68c-6fe145982f48-vm-649/snapshot' -Method POST -Body $body Execute an on-demand snapshot for the VMWare VM where the id is part of the endpoint. .EXAMPLE $body = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{'isPassthrough'=$true;'shareId'='HostShare:::11111';'templateId'='FilesetTemplate:::22222'} Invoke-RubrikRESTCall -Endpoint 'fileset_template/bulk' -Method POST -Body $body -BodyAsArray Creates a new fileset from the given fileset template and the given host id supporting Direct Archive. Since fileset_template/bulk expects an array, we force the single item array with the BodyAsArray parameter. #> [cmdletbinding()] Param ( #Rubrik API endpoint, DO NOT USE LEADING '/' [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,HelpMessage = 'REST Endpoint')] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [System.String]$Endpoint, #REST API method [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,HelpMessage = 'REST Method')] [ValidateSET('GET','PUT','PATCH','DELETE','POST','HEAD','OPTIONS')] [System.String]$Method, #Hash table body to pass to API call [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,HelpMessage = 'REST Content')] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [psobject]$Query, #Hash table body to pass to API call [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,HelpMessage = 'REST Content')] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [psobject]$Body, #Force the body as an array (For endpoints requiring single item arrays) [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Force Body to be an array')] [Switch]$BodyAsArray, # Rubrik server IP or FQDN [String]$Server = $global:RubrikConnection.server, # API version [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [String]$api = $global:RubrikConnection.api ) BEGIN { #connect to Rubrik if not already connected Test-RubrikConnection } PROCESS { #execute REST operation try { if($api -ne 'internal') { $api = "v$api" } #construct uri [string]$uri = New-URIString -server $Server -endpoint "/api/$api/$Endpoint" #If query object, add query parameters to URI if($query) { $querystring = @() foreach($q in $query.Keys) { $querystring += "$q=$($query[$q])" } $uri = New-QueryString -query $querystring -uri $uri } #If Method is not a GET call and a REST Body is passed, build the JSON body if($Method -ne 'GET' -and $body){ if ($BodyAsArray) { [string]$JsonBody = ConvertTo-Json -inputobject @($Body) -Depth 10 } else { [string]$JsonBody = $Body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 } } Write-Verbose "URI string: $uri" Write-Verbose "Body string: $JsonBody" $result = Submit-Request -uri $uri -header $Header -method $Method -body $JsonBody } catch { throw $_ } return $result } } |