
function ConvertTo-QueryString {
        Converts uri filter parameters
        The Invoke-ApiRequest cmdlet converts & formats uri filter parameters
        from a function which are later used to make the full resource uri for
        an API call
        This is an internal helper function the ties in directly with the
        Invoke-ApiRequest & any public functions that define parameters
    .PARAMETER uri_Filter
        Hashtable of values to combine a functions parameters with
        the resource_Uri parameter.
        This allows for the full uri query to occur
    .PARAMETER resource_Uri
        Defines the short resource uri (url) to use when creating the API call
        ConvertTo-QueryString -uri_Filter $uri_Filter -resource_Uri '/account'
        Example: (From public function)
            $uri_Filter = @{}
            ForEach ( $Key in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator() ){
                if( $excludedParameters -contains $Key.Key ){$null}
                else{ $uri_Filter += @{ $Key.Key = $Key.Value } }
            1x key =
            2x key =

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



        if (-not $uri_Filter) {
            return ""

        $excludedParameters =   'Debug','ErrorAction','ErrorVariable','InformationAction',

        $query_Parameters = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString([String]::Empty)

        ForEach ( $Key in $uri_Filter.GetEnumerator() ){

            if( $excludedParameters -contains $Key.Key ){$null}
            elseif ( $Key.Value.GetType().IsArray ){
                Write-Verbose "[ $($Key.Key) ] is an array parameter"
                foreach ($Value in $Key.Value) {
                    #$ParameterName = $Key.Key
                    $query_Parameters.Add($Key.Key, $Value)
                $query_Parameters.Add($Key.Key, $Key.Value)


        # Build the request and load it with the query string.
        $uri_Request        = [System.UriBuilder]($RocketCyber_Base_URI + $resource_Uri)
        $uri_Request.Query  = $query_Parameters.ToString()

        return $uri_Request




function Invoke-APIRequest {
        Makes an API request
        The Invoke-ApiRequest cmdlet invokes an API request to RocketCyber API.
        This is an internal function that is used by all public functions
        As of 2023-03 the RocketCyber v3 API only supports GET requests
    .PARAMETER method
        Defines the type of API method to use
        Allowed values:
    .PARAMETER resource_Uri
        Defines the resource uri (url) to use when creating the API call
    .PARAMETER uri_Filter
        Used with the internal function [ ConvertTo-QueryString ] to combine
        a functions parameters with the resource_Uri parameter.
        This allows for the full uri query to occur
        The full resource path is made with the following data
        $RocketCyber_Base_URI + $resource_Uri + ConvertTo-QueryString
    .PARAMETER data
        Place holder parameter to use when other methods are supported
        by the RocketCyber v3 API
    .PARAMETER allPages
        Returns all items from an endpoint
        Invoke-ApiRequest -method GET -resource_Uri '/account' -uri_Filter $uri_Filter
        Invoke a rest method against the defined resource using any of the provided parameters
            Name Value
            ---- -----
            Method GET
            Headers {Authorization = Bearer 123456789}

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [String]$method = 'GET',

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Hashtable]$uri_Filter = $null,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Hashtable]$data = $null,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]




        $query_string = ConvertTo-QueryString -uri_Filter $uri_Filter -resource_Uri $resource_Uri

        Set-Variable -Name 'RocketCyber_queryString' -Value $query_string -Scope Global -Force

        if ($null -eq $data) {
            $body = $null
        } else {
            $body = @{'data'= $data} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth $RocketCyber_JSON_Conversion_Depth

        try {
            $Api_Token = Get-RocketCyberAPIKey -PlainText

            $parameters = [ordered] @{
                "Method"    = $method
                "Uri"       = $query_string.Uri
                "Headers"   = @{ 'Authorization' = 'Bearer {0}' -f $Api_Token }
                "Body"      = $body
            Set-Variable -Name 'RocketCyber_invokeParameters' -Value $parameters -Scope Global -Force

            if ($allPages){

                Write-Verbose "Gathering all items from [ $( $RocketCyber_Base_URI + $resource_Uri ) ] "

                $page_number = 1
                $all_responseData = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::new()

                do {

                    Write-Verbose "[ $page_number ] of [ $($current_page.totalPages) ] pages"

                    $parameters['Uri'] = $query_string.Uri -replace 'page=\d+',"page=$page_number"

                    $current_page = Invoke-RestMethod @parameters -ErrorAction Stop

                        foreach ($item in ${


                } while ($current_page.totalPages -ne $page_number - 1 -and $current_page.totalPages -ne 0)

                $api_response = Invoke-RestMethod @parameters -ErrorAction Stop

        catch {

            $exceptionError = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning 'The [ RocketCyber_invokeParameters, RocketCyber_queryString, & RocketCyber_CmdletNameParameters ] variables can provide extra details'

            switch -Wildcard ($exceptionError) {
                '*404*' { Write-Error "Invoke-ApiRequest : [ $resource_Uri ] not found!" }
                '*429*' { Write-Error 'Invoke-ApiRequest : API rate limited' }
                '*504*' { Write-Error "Invoke-ApiRequest : Gateway Timeout" }
                default { Write-Error $_ }

        finally {
            [void] ( $RocketCyber_Headers.Remove('Authorization') )


            #Making output consistent
            if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ ){
                $api_response = $null
                $api_response = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    data = $all_responseData

            return $api_response

        else{ return $api_response }


