
Function Invoke-RobocopyParser {
    Parse Robocopy.exe output
    This function will try and parse the output from when you run Robocopy.exe and give you information about what PowerShell stream should be used.
    PS$ >


    PARAM (
        # Robocopy text
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        # What unit the sizes are shown as
        [ValidateSet('Auto', 'PB', 'TB', 'GB', 'MB', 'KB', 'Bytes')]
        [String]$Unit = 'Auto',

        [System.Int64]$Precision = 4

    begin {
        # We have a corresponding $endtime to measure how long the code ran for
        $StartTime = $(Get-Date)

        # Regex for catching all text that will be sent to Error Stream
        $ErrorFilter = @(
            "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.",
            "\*\*\*\*\* You need these to perform Backup copies \(\/B or \/ZB\).",
            "ERROR \d{1,3} \(0x\d{1,11}\)",
            "ERROR : ",
            "ERROR 123"
        ) -join '|'

        # Regex for catching all text that will be sent to Warning Stream
        $WarningFilter = @(
            "Waiting $Wait seconds... Retrying..."
            "Pausing to wait for free space"
        ) -join '|'

        # Regex filter used for finding strings we want to handle in Robocopy output. This is also used when we find specific strings in the output
        [regex] $HeaderRegex = '\s+Total\s*Copied\s+Skipped\s+Mismatch\s+FAILED\s+Extras'
        [regex] $DirLineRegex = 'Dirs\s*:\s*(?<DirCount>\d+)(?:\s+\d+){3}\s+(?<DirFailed>\d+)\s+\d+'
        [regex] $FileLineRegex = 'Files\s*:\s*(?<FileCount>\d+)(?:\s+\d+){3}\s+(?<FileFailed>\d+)\s+\d+'
        [regex] $BytesLineRegex = 'Bytes\s*:\s*(?<ByteCount>\d+)(?:\s+\d+){3}\s+(?<BytesFailed>\d+)\s+\d+'
        [regex] $TimeLineRegex = 'Times\s*:\s*(?<TimeElapsed>\d+).*'
        [regex] $EndedLineRegex = 'Ended\s*:\s*(?<EndedTime>.+)'
        [regex] $SpeedLineRegex = 'Speed\s:\s+(\d+)\sBytes\/sec'
        [regex] $JobSummaryEndLineRegex = '[-]{78}'
        [regex] $SpeedInMinutesRegex = 'Speed\s:\s+(\d+).(\d+)\sMegaBytes\/min'
        [regex] $FileInfoRegex = "\s*(?<status>[\*A-Za-z]+|([\*A-Za-z]+\s+[A-Za-z]+)|)\s+(?<size>[0-9]+)\s+(?<timestamp>([0-9]{4}\/[01][0-9]\/[0-3][0-9])\s+([0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]))\s+(?<path>.+)\s*$"

    Process {
        try {

            If ($InputObject -match $ErrorFilter -or $ForceNextLineIntoError -eq $true) {
                # If any error happened we set $errorOccured to $true.
                # This is used in the output Property Success. If $errorOccured is $true we set Success to $false
                $errorOccured = $true

                If ($null -eq $Message) {
                    $Message = $inputobject
                    $ForceNextLineIntoError = $true
                else {
                    $LastMessage = ("{0}. {1}" -f $Message, $inputobject.trim())
                    $ForceNextLineIntoError = $false
                    $Message = $null
                    $SplitMessage = $LastMessage -split '(ERROR \d \(0x\d{1,11}\) )'
                        Value     = $LastMessage
                        Stream    = "Error"
                        Exception = $SplitMessage[2]
                        ErrorID   = $SplitMessage[1]

            ElseIf ($InputObject -match $FileInfoRegex) {
                $timestamp = [DateTime]::Parse($Matches.timestamp)
                $Extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($Matches.Path)
                $FileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($Matches.Path)

                    Extension = $Extension
                    Name      = $FileName
                    FullName  = $Matches.Path
                    Length    = $Matches.Size
                    TimeStamp = $TimeStamp
                    Status    = $Matches.Status
                    Stream    = "Verbose"

            ElseIf ($InputObject -match "$HeaderRegex|$DirLineRegex|$FileLineRegex|$BytesLineRegex|$TimeLineRegex|$EndedLineRegex|$SpeedLineRegex|$JobSummaryEndLineRegex|$SpeedInMinutesRegex") {
                # Some we will just assign to variables and dont use or dont do anything with
                Switch -Regex ($inputobject) {
                    $JobSummaryEndLine { }
                    $HeaderRegex { }
                    $DirLineRegex { $TotalDirs, $TotalDirCopied, $TotalDirIgnored, $TotalDirMismatched, $TotalDirFailed, $TotalDirExtra = $PSitem | Select-String -Pattern '\d+' -AllMatches | ForEach-Object { $PSitem.Matches } | ForEach-Object { $PSitem.Value } }
                    $FileLineRegex { $TotalFiles, $TotalFileCopied, $TotalFileIgnored, $TotalFileMismatched, $TotalFileFailed, $TotalFileExtra = $PSitem | Select-String -Pattern '\d+' -AllMatches | ForEach-Object { $PSitem.Matches } | ForEach-Object { $PSitem.Value } }
                    $BytesLineRegex { $TotalBytes, $TotalBytesCopied, $TotalBytesIgnored, $TotalBytesMismatched, $TotalBytesFailed, $TotalBytesExtra = $PSitem | Select-String -Pattern '\d+' -AllMatches | ForEach-Object { $PSitem.Matches } | ForEach-Object { $PSitem.Value } }
                    #$TimeLineRegex { [TimeSpan]$TotalDuration, [TimeSpan]$CopyDuration, [TimeSpan]$FailedDuration, [TimeSpan]$ExtraDuration = $PSitem | Select-String -Pattern '\d?\d\:\d{2}\:\d{2}' -AllMatches | ForEach-Object { $PSitem.Matches } | ForEach-Object { $PSitem.Value } }
                    $EndedLineRegex { }
                    $SpeedLineRegex { $TotalSpeedBytes, $null = $PSitem | Select-String -Pattern '\d+' -AllMatches | ForEach-Object { $PSitem.Matches } | ForEach-Object { $PSitem.Value } }
                    $SpeedInMinutesRegex { }

            elseif ($InputObject -match $WarningFilter) {
                    Value  = $InputObject
                    Stream = "Warning"

            ElseIf ($InputObject) {
                # Write all strings to Information stream that we dont have rules for
                    Value  = $InputObject
                    Stream = "Information"
        catch {
            Write-Warning "cannot parse output line: ${InputObject}: $($PSItem.Exception.Message)"
                Value  = $InputObject
                Stream = "Information"

    end {

        # Exit Code lookup "table"
        $LastExitCodeMessage = switch ($LASTEXITCODE) {
            0 { 'No files were copied. No failure was encountered. No files were mismatched. The files already exist in the destination directory; therefore, the copy operation was skipped.' }
            1 { 'All files were copied successfully.' }
            2 { 'There are some additional files in the destination directory that are not present in the source directory. No files were copied.' }
            3 { 'Some files were copied. Additional files were present. No failure was encountered.' }
            4 { 'Some Mismatched files or directories were detected. Examine the output log. Housekeeping might be required.' }
            5 { 'Some files were copied. Some files were mismatched. No failure was encountered.' }
            6 { 'Additional files and mismatched files exist. No files were copied and no failures were encountered. This means that the files already exist in the destination directory.' }
            7 { 'Files were copied, a file mismatch was present, and additional files were present.' }
            8 { 'Several files did not copy.(copy errors occurred and the retry limit was exceeded). Check these errors further.' }
            9 { 'Some files did copy, but copy errors occurred and the retry limit was exceeded. Check these errors further.' }
            10 { 'Copy errors occurred and the retry limit was exceeded. Some Extra files or directories were detected.' }
            11 { 'Some files were copied. Copy errors occurred and the retry limit was exceeded. Some Extra files or directories were detected.' }
            12 { 'Copy errors occurred and the retry limit was exceeded. Some Mismatched files or directories were detected.' }
            13 { 'Some files were copied. Copy errors occurred and the retry limit was exceeded. Some Mismatched files or directories were detected.' }
            14 { 'Copy errors occurred and the retry limit was exceeded. Some Mismatched files or directories were detected. Some Extra files or directories were detected.' }
            15 { 'Some files were copied. Copy errors occurred and the retry limit was exceeded. Some Mismatched files or directories were detected. Some Extra files or directories were detected.' }
            16 { 'Robocopy did not copy any files. Either a usage error or an error due to insufficient access privileges on the source or destination directories.' }
            default { '[WARNING]No message associated with this exit code. ExitCode: {0}' -f $LASTEXITCODE }

        # We have a corresponding $starttime to measure how long the code ran for
        $endtime = $(Get-Date)

        $FormatSpeedSplatting = @{
            Unit = $Unit
            Precision = $Precision

            'Source'                = [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Source
            'Destination'           = [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Destination
            'Command'               = 'Robocopy.exe ' + ($RoboArgs | ForEach-Object {[string]$_}) -join " "
            'DirCount'              = [int]$TotalDirs
            'FileCount'             = [int]$TotalFiles
            #'Duration' = $TotalDuration
            'DirCopied'             = [int]$TotalDirCopied
            'FileCopied'            = [int]$TotalFileCopied
            #'CopyDuration' = $CopyDuration
            'DirIgnored'            = [int]$TotalDirIgnored
            'FileIgnored'           = [int]$TotalFileIgnored
            'DirMismatched'         = [int]$TotalDirMismatched
            'FileMismatched'        = [int]$TotalFileMismatched
            'DirFailed'             = [int]$TotalDirFailed
            'FileFailed'            = [int]$TotalFileFailed
            #'FailedDuration' = $FailedDuration
            'DirExtra'              = [int]$TotalDirExtra
            'FileExtra'             = [int]$TotalFileExtra
            #'ExtraDuration' = $ExtraDuration
            'TotalTime'             = "{0:g}" -f ($endtime - $StartTime)
            'StartedTime'           = [datetime]$StartTime
            'EndedTime'             = [datetime]$endTime
            'TotalSize'             = (Format-SpeedHumanReadable $Totalbytes @FormatSpeedSplatting)
            'TotalSizeCopied'       = (Format-SpeedHumanReadable $TotalBytesCopied @FormatSpeedSplatting)
            'TotalSizeIgnored'      = (Format-SpeedHumanReadable $TotalBytesIgnored @FormatSpeedSplatting)
            'TotalSizeMismatched'   = (Format-SpeedHumanReadable $TotalBytesMismatched @FormatSpeedSplatting)
            'TotalSizeFailed'       = (Format-SpeedHumanReadable $TotalBytesFailed @FormatSpeedSplatting)
            'TotalSizeExtra'        = (Format-SpeedHumanReadable $TotalBytesExtra @FormatSpeedSplatting)
            'TotalSizeBytes'        = [int64]$Totalbytes
            'Speed'                 = (Format-SpeedHumanReadable $TotalSpeedBytes @FormatSpeedSplatting) + '/s'
            'ExitCode'              = $LASTEXITCODE
            'Success'               = If ($LASTEXITCODE -lt 8 -and $errorOccured -ne $true) { $true } else { $false }
            'LastExitCodeMessage'   = [string]$LastExitCodeMessage