function Update-Database { <# .SYNOPSIS Applies a set of migrations to the database. .DESCRIPTION By default, applies all unapplied migrations to the database. You can reverse all migrations with the `Down` switch. .EXAMPLE Update-Database -Path C:\Projects\Rivet\Databases\Rivet\Migrations Applies all un-applied migrations from the `C:\Projects\Rivet\Databases\Rivet\Migrations` directory. .EXAMPLE Update-Database -Path C:\Projects\Rivet\Databases\Rivet\Migrations -Pop Reverses all migrations in the `C:\Projects\Rivet\Databases\Rivet\Migrations` directory #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Push', SupportsShouldProcess=$True)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Rivet.Configuration.Configuration] $Configuration, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string[]] # The path to the migration. $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName='Pop')] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName='PopByName')] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName='PopByCount')] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName='PopAll')] [Switch] # Reverse the given migration(s). $Pop, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Push')] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName='PopByName')] [string[]] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName='PopByCount')] [UInt32] # Reverse the given migration(s). $Count, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName='PopAll')] [Switch] # Reverse the given migration(s). $All, [Switch] # Running internal Rivet migrations. This is for internal use only. If you use this flag, Rivet will break when you upgrade. You've been warned! $RivetSchema, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Pop')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='PopByCount')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='PopByName')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='PopAll')] [Switch] # Force popping a migration you didn't apply or that is old. $Force ) Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest' function ConvertTo-RelativeTime { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [DateTime] # The date time to convert to a relative time string. $DateTime ) [TimeSpan]$howLongAgo = (Get-Date) - $DateTime $howLongAgoMsg = New-Object 'Text.StringBuilder' if( $howLongAgo.Days ) { [void] $howLongAgoMsg.AppendFormat('{0} day', $howLongAgo.Days) if( $howLongAgo.Days -ne 1 ) { [void] $howLongAgoMsg.Append('s') } [void] $howLongAgoMsg.Append(', ') } if( $howLongAgo.Days -or $howLongAgo.Hours ) { [void] $howLongAgoMsg.AppendFormat('{0} hour', $howLongAgo.Hours) if( $howLongAgo.Hours -ne 1 ) { [void] $howLongAgoMsg.Append('s') } [void] $howLongAgoMsg.Append(', ') } if( $howLongAgo.Days -or $howLongAgo.Hours -or $howLongAgo.Minutes ) { [void] $howLongAgoMsg.AppendFormat('{0} minute', $howLongAgo.Minutes) if( $howLongAgo.Minutes -ne 1 ) { [void] $howLongAgoMsg.Append('s') } [void] $howLongAgoMsg.Append(', ') } [void] $howLongAgoMsg.AppendFormat('{0} second', $howLongAgo.Seconds) if( $howLongAgo.Minutes -ne 1 ) { [void] $howLongAgoMsg.Append('s') } [void] $howLongAgoMsg.Append( ' ago' ) return $howLongAgoMsg.ToString() } $stopMigrating = $false $popping = ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like 'Pop*') $numPopped = 0 $who = ('{0}\{1}' -f $env:USERDOMAIN,$env:USERNAME); #$matchedNames = @{ } $byName = @{ } if( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Name') ) { $byName['Include'] = $Name } Get-MigrationFile -Path $Path -Configuration $Configuration @byName -ErrorAction Stop | Sort-Object -Property 'MigrationID' -Descending:$popping | Where-Object { if( $RivetSchema ) { return $true } if( [int64]$_.MigrationID -lt 1000000000000 ) { Write-Error ('Migration ''{0}'' has an invalid ID. IDs lower than 01000000000000 are reserved for internal use.' -f $_.FullName) $stopMigrating = $true return $false } return $true } | Where-Object { $migration = $null $preErrorCount = $Global:Error.Count try { $migration = Test-Migration -ID $_.MigrationID -PassThru #-ErrorAction Ignore } catch { $errorCount = $Global:Error.Count - $preErrorCount for( $idx = 0; $idx -lt $errorCount; ++$idx ) { $Global:Error.RemoveAt(0) } } if( $popping ) { if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'PopByCount' -and $numPopped -ge $Count ) { return $false } $numPopped++ $youngerThan = ((Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()) - (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 20) if( $migration -and ($migration.Who -ne $who -or $migration.AtUtc -lt $youngerThan) ) { $howLongAgo = ConvertTo-RelativeTime -DateTime ($migration.AtUtc.ToLocalTime()) $confirmQuery = "Are you sure you want to pop migration {0} from database {1} on {2} applied by {3} {4}?" -f $_.FullName,$Connection.Database,$Connection.DataSource,$migration.Who,$howLongAgo $confirmCaption = "Pop Migration {0}?" -f $_.FullName if( -not $Force -and -not $PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue( $confirmQuery, $confirmCaption ) ) { return $false } } $migration } else { -not ($migration) } } | ForEach-Object { if( $stopMigrating ) { return } else { return $_ } } | Convert-FileInfoToMigration -Configuration $Configuration | ForEach-Object { $migrationInfo = $_ $migrationInfo.DataSource = $Connection.DataSource try { $Connection.Transaction = $Connection.BeginTransaction() if( $Pop ) { $operations = $migrationInfo.PopOperations $action = 'Pop' $sprocName = 'RemoveMigration' } else { $operations = $migrationInfo.PushOperations $action = 'Push' $sprocName = 'InsertMigration' } if( -not $operations.Count ) { Write-Error ('{0} migration''s {1}-Migration function is empty.' -f $migrationInfo.FullName,$action) return } $operations | Invoke-MigrationOperation -Migration $migrationInfo $query = 'exec [rivet].[{0}] @ID = @ID, @Name = @Name, @Who = @Who, @ComputerName = @ComputerName' -f $sprocName $parameters = @{ ID = [int64]$migrationInfo.ID; Name = $migrationInfo.Name; Who = $who; ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME; } Invoke-Query -Query $query -NonQuery -Parameter $parameters | Out-Null $target = '{0}.{1}' -f $Connection.DataSource,$Connection.Database $operation = '{0} migration {1} {2}' -f $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName,$migrationInfo.ID,$migrationInfo.Name if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($target, $operation)) { $Connection.Transaction.Commit() } else { $stopMigrating = $true $Connection.Transaction.Rollback() } } catch { $Connection.Transaction.Rollback() $stopMigrating = $true # TODO: Create custom exception for migration query errors so that we can report here when unknown things happen. if( $_.Exception -isnot [ApplicationException] ) { Write-RivetError -Message ('Migration {0} failed' -f $migrationInfo.Path) -CategoryInfo $_.CategoryInfo.Category -ErrorID $_.FullyQualifiedErrorID -Exception $_.Exception -CallStack ($_.ScriptStackTrace) } } finally { $Connection.Transaction = $null } } } |