function Test-Migration { <# .SYNOPSIS Tests if a migration was applied to the database. .DESCRIPTION Returns `true` if a migration with the given ID has already been applied. `False` otherwise. .EXAMPLE Test-Migration -ID 20120211235838 Returns `True` if a migration with ID `20120211235838` already exists or `False` if it doesn't. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Int64] $ID, [Switch] # Returns the migration info. $PassThru ) $query = 'select ID, Name, Who, AtUtc from {0} where ID=@ID' -f $RivetMigrationsTableFullName,$ID $info = Invoke-Query -Query $query -Parameter @{ ID = $ID } -Verbose:$false if( $info ) { Write-Debug -Message ('{0} {1,-35} {2,14:00000000000000}_{3}' -f $info.AtUtc.ToLocalTime().ToString('yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm'),$info.Who,$info.ID,$info.Name) if( $PassThru ) { return $info } return $true } return $false } |