function Update-Table { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds new columns or alters existing columns on an existing table. .DESCRIPTION The `Update-Table` operation adds, updates, and removes columns from a table. Columns are added, then updated, then removed. The new columns for the table should be created and returned in a script block, which is passed as the value of the `AddColumn` parameter. For example, Update-Table 'Suits' -AddColumn { Bit 'HasVest' -NotNull -Default 0 } The new definitions for existing columns should be created and returned in a script block, which is passed as the value of the `UpdateColumn` parameter. For example, Update-Table 'Suits' -UpdateColumn { VarChar 'Color' 256 -NotNull } .LINK bigint .LINK binary .LINK bit .LINK char .LINK date .LINK datetime .LINK datetime2 .LINK datetimeoffset .LINK decimal .LINK float .LINK hierarchyid .LINK int .LINK money .LINK nchar .LINK numeric .LINK nvarchar .LINK real .LINK rowversion .LINK smalldatetime .LINK smallint .LINK smallmoney .LINK sqlvariant .LINK time .LINK tinyint .LINK uniqueidentifier .LINK varbinary .LINK varchar .LINK xml .EXAMPLE Update-Table -Name 'Ties' -AddColumn { VarChar 'Color' 50 -NotNull } Adds a new `Color` column to the `Ties` table. Pretty! .EXAMPLE Update-Table -Name 'Ties' -UpdateColumn { VarChar 'Color' 100 -NotNull } Demonstrates how to change the definition of an existing column. .EXAMPLE Update-Table -Name 'Ties' -RemoveColumn 'Pattern','Manufacturer' Demonstrates how to remove columns from a table. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=0)] [string] # The name of the table. $Name, [string] # The table's schema. Defaults to `dbo`. $SchemaName = 'dbo', [Alias('Add')] [ScriptBlock] # A script block that returns the new columns to add to a table. $AddColumn, [Alias('Update')] [Alias('Alter')] [ScriptBlock] # A script block that returns new column definitions for existing columns $UpdateColumn, [Alias('Remove')] [string[]] # Columns to remove. $RemoveColumn ) Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest' $newColumns = @() if ($AddColumn) { [Object[]]$newColumns = & $AddColumn } $updatedColumns = @() if ($UpdateColumn) { [Object[]]$updatedColumns = & $UpdateColumn } New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.UpdateTableOperation' $SchemaName,$Name,$newColumns,$updatedColumns,$RemoveColumn foreach ($i in $newColumns) { if ($i.Description) { Add-Description -Description $i.Description -SchemaName $SchemaName -TableName $Name -ColumnName $i.Name } } foreach ($i in $updatedColumns) { if ($i.Description) { Update-Description -Description $i.Description -SchemaName $SchemaName -TableName $Name -ColumnName $i.Name } } } |