function Add-RowGuidCol { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds the `rowguidcol` property to a column in a table. .DESCRIPTION The `Add-RowGuidCol` operation adds the `rowguidcol` property to a `uniqueidentifier` column in a table. A table can only have one `rowguidcol` column. If a table has an existing `rowguidcol` column, use `Remove-RowGuidCol` to remove it before adding a new one. The `Add-RowGuidCol` operation was added in Rivet 0.7. .LINK .LINK Remove-RowGuidCol .EXAMPLE Add-RowGuidCol -TableName 'MyTable' -ColumnName 'MyUniqueIdentifier' Demonstrates how to add the `rowguidcol` property to a column in a table. In this example, the `dbo.MyTable` table's `MyUniqueIdentifier` column will get the propery. .EXAMPLE Add-RowGuidCol -SchemaName 'cstm' -TableName 'MyTable' -ColumnName 'MyUniqueIdentifier' Demonstrates how to add the `rowguidcol` property to a column in a table whose schema isn't `dbo`, in this case the `cstm.MyTable` table's `MyUniqueIdentifier` column will get the property. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [string] # The table's schema. Default is `dbo`. $SchemaName = 'dbo', [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=0)] [string] # The table's name. $TableName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=1)] [string] # The name of the column that should get the `rowguidcol` property. $ColumnName ) Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest' New-Object -TypeName 'Rivet.Operations.AddRowGuidColOperation' -ArgumentList $SchemaName,$TableName,$ColumnName } |