function Get-Migration { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the migrations for all or specific databases. .DESCRIPTION The `Get-Migration` function returns `Rivet.Migration` objects for all the migrations in all or specific databases. With no parameters, looks in the current directory for a `rivet.json` file and returns all the migrations for all the databases based on that configuration. Use the `ConfigFilePath` to load and use a specific `rivet.json` file. You can return migrations from specific databases by passing those database names as values to the `Database` parameter. The `Environment` parameter is used to load the correct environment-specific settings from the `rivet.json` file. You can filter what migrations are returned using the `Include` or `Exclude` parameters, which support wildcards, and will match any part of the migration's filename, including the ID. Use the `Before` and `After` parameters to return migrations whose timestamps/IDs come before and after the given dates. .OUTPUTS Rivet.Migration. .EXAMPLE Get-Migration Returns `Rivet.Migration` objects for each migration in each database. .EXAMPLE Get-Migration -Database StarWars Returns `Rivet.Migration` objects for each migration in the `StarWars` database. .EXAMPLE Get-Migration -Include 'CreateDeathStarTable','20150101000648','20150101150448_CreateRebelBaseTable','*Hoth*','20150707*' Demonstrates how to get use the `Include` parameter to find migrations by name, ID, or file name. In this case, the following migrations will be returned: * The migration whose name is `CreateDeathStarTable`. * The migration whose ID is `20150101000648`. * The migration whose full name is `20150101150448_CreateRebelBaseTable`. * Any migration whose contains `Hoth`. * Any migration created on July 7th, 2015. .EXAMPLE Get-Migration -Exclude 'CreateDeathStarTable','20150101000648','20150101150448_CreateRebelBaseTable','*Hoth*','20150707*' Demonstrates how to get use the `Exclude` parameter to skip/not return certain migrations by name, ID, or file name. In this case, the following migrations will be *not* be returned: * The migration whose name is `CreateDeathStarTable`. * The migration whose ID is `20150101000648`. * The migration whose full name is `20150101150448_CreateRebelBaseTable`. * Any migration whose contains `Hoth`. * Any migration created on July 7th, 2015. #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='External')] [OutputType([Rivet.Migration])] param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName='External')] [string[]] # The database whose migrations to $Database, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='External')] [string] # The environment settings to use. $Environment, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='External')] [string] # The path to the rivet.json file to use. Defaults to `rivet.json` in the current directory. $ConfigFilePath, [string[]] # A list of migrations to include. Matches against the migration's ID or Name or the migration's file name (without extension). Wildcards permitted. $Include, [string[]] # A list of migrations to exclude. Matches against the migration's ID or Name or the migration's file name (without extension). Wildcards permitted. $Exclude, [DateTime] # Only get migrations before this date. Default is all. $Before, [DateTime] # Only get migrations after this date. Default is all. $After ) Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest' function Clear-Migration { ('function:Push-Migration','function:Pop-Migration') | Where-Object { Test-Path -Path $_ } | Remove-Item -WhatIf:$false -Confirm:$false } Clear-Migration $getRivetConfigParams = @{ } if( $Database ) { $getRivetConfigParams['Database'] = $Database } if( $ConfigFilePath ) { $getRivetConfigParams['Path'] = $ConfigFilePath } if( $Environment ) { $getRivetConfigParams['Environment'] = $Environment } $Configuration = Get-RivetConfig @getRivetConfigParams if( -not $Configuration ) { return } $getMigrationFileParams = @{} @( 'Include', 'Exclude' ) | ForEach-Object { if( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey($_) ) { $getMigrationFileParams[$_] = $PSBoundParameters[$_] } } Get-MigrationFile -Configuration $Configuration @getMigrationFileParams | Where-Object { if( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey( 'Before' ) ) { $beforeTimestamp = [uint64]$Before.ToString('yyyyMMddHHmmss') if( $_.MigrationID -gt $beforeTimestamp ) { return $false } } if( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey( 'After' ) ) { $afterTimestamp = [uint64]$After.ToString('yyyyMMddHHmmss') if( $_.MigrationID -lt $afterTimestamp ) { return $false } } return $true } | Convert-FileInfoToMigration -Configuration $Configuration } |