function Complete-MigrationOperation { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Rivet.Migration] # The migration the operation is part of. $Migration, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Rivet.Operation] # The operation which was just applied. $Operation ) Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest' if( $Operation -isnot [Rivet.Operations.AddTableOperation] ) { return } $hasRowGuidCol = $Operation.Columns | Where-Object { $_.DataType -eq [Rivet.DataType]::UniqueIdentifier } | Where-Object { $_.RowGuidCol } | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'rowguid' } if( $hasRowGuidCol ) { Add-Index -ColumnName 'rowguid' -Unique -SchemaName $Operation.SchemaName -TableName $Operation.Name } $trigger = @' ON [{0}].[{1}] FOR UPDATE NOT FOR REPLICATION AS IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 RETURN --<< SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON --<< Update LastUpdated and SkipBit column on existing record --<< To bypass the execution of this trigger set SkipBit = 1 IF ( (TRIGGER_NESTLEVEL(@@PROCID) = 1 AND (NOT UPDATE(SkipBit) OR EXISTS(select SkipBit from Inserted where isnull(SkipBit, 0) = 0))) ) BEGIN UPDATE t1 SET LastUpdated = GETDATE(), SkipBit = 0 FROM [{0}].[{1}] t1 INNER JOIN Inserted ON t1.rowguidcol = Inserted.rowguidcol END '@ -f $Operation.SchemaName,$Operation.Name Add-Trigger -SchemaName $Operation.SchemaName -Name ('tr{0}_Activity' -f $Operation.Name) -Definition $trigger } |