about_Rivet SHORT DESCRIPTION Rivet is a database migration/change management/versioning tool inspired by Ruby on Rails' Migrations. It creates and applies migration scripts for SQL Server databases. Migration scripts describe changes to make to your database, e.g. add a table, add a column, remove an index, etc. Migrations scripts should get added to your version control system so they can be packaged and deployed with your application's code. Every Rivet migration is really a PowerShell script with a special name and that contains two migration functions. The migration filename should have the format `<timestamp>_<description>.ps1`. Timestamp is a unique number which increases every time a new migration is created. By default, Rivet uses a timestamp with second precision. `Description` is a short description of what the migration is doing. There should be two functions inside a migration, `Push-Migration` and `Pop-Migration`. The `Push-Migration` function should make changes to the database. The `Pop-Migration` function should reverse those changes, so you can put the database back in the state it was in before it was migrated. Once released, migrations are immutable and should not be changed. Rivet keeps track of which migrations have been applied against a database. If you change a migration once it has been applied to a database, it won't get re-applied because Rivet has already recorded that it was applied. Create a new migration to make the new change. All changes made in either `Push-Migration` or `Pop-Migration` are wrapped in a transaction. If any change fails to get made/applied, all changes are rolled back. SEE ALSO about_Rivet_Configuration about_Rivet_Intellisense about_Rivet_Migrations about_Rivet_Plugins |