
$Connection = New-Object Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection

$RivetSchemaName = 'rivet'
$RivetMigrationsTableName = 'Migrations'
$RivetMigrationsTableFullName = "[$($RivetSchemaName)].[$($RivetMigrationsTableName)]"
$RivetActivityTableName = 'Activity'
$rivetModuleRoot = $PSScriptRoot
$script:firstMigrationId = [Int64]'00010101000000' # 1/1/1 00:00:00
$script:schemaMigrationId = [Int64]'00010000000000' # Special ID for schema.ps1, 1/0/0 00:00:00.
$script:schemaFileName = 'schema.ps1'
$script:defaultSchemaPs1Content = @"
# DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE. The current database schema is saved to this file as a Rivet migration when you checkpoint
# your database. Any changes manually made to this file will eventually be lost. This file should be checked into source
# control alongside normal database migrations.
function Push-Migration
function Pop-Migration

$timer = New-Object 'Diagnostics.Stopwatch'
$timerForWrites = New-Object 'Diagnostics.Stopwatch'
$timingLevel = 0

$plugins = @()

function Write-Timing



    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    if( -not $timer.IsRunning )

    if( -not $timerForWrites.IsRunning )

    if( $Outdent )
        $script:timingLevel -= 1

    $prefix = ' ' * ($timingLevel * 2)

    function ConvertTo-DurationString

            Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

            $hours = ''
            if( $TimeSpan.Hours )
                $hours = "$($TimeSpan.Hours.ToString())h "

            $minutes = ''
            if( $TimeSpan.Minutes )
                $minutes = "$($TimeSpan.Minutes.ToString('00'))m "

            $seconds = ''
            if( $TimeSpan.Seconds )
                $seconds = "$($TimeSpan.Seconds.ToString('00'))s "

            return "$($hours)$($minutes)$($seconds)$($TimeSpan.Milliseconds.ToString('000'))ms"
    # $DebugPreference = 'Continue'

    if( $DebugPreference -eq 'Continue' )
        Write-Debug -Message ('{0,17} {1,17} {2}{3}' -f ($timer.Elapsed | ConvertTo-DurationString),($timerForWrites.Elapsed | ConvertTo-DurationString),$prefix,$Message)


    if( $Indent )
        $script:timingLevel += 1

    if( $timingLevel -lt 0 )
        $timingLevel = 0

function Test-RivetTypeDataMember
        # The type name to check.

        # The name of the member to check.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    $typeData = Get-TypeData -TypeName $TypeName
    if( -not $typeData )
        # The type isn't defined or there is no extended type data on it.
        return $false

    return $typeData.Members.ContainsKey( $MemberName )

$oldVersionLoadedMsg = 'You have an old version of Rivet loaded. Please restart your PowerShell session.'
function New-RivetObject


        return (New-Object -TypeName $TypeName -ArgumentList $ArgumentList -ErrorAction Ignore)
        Write-Error -Message ('Unable to find type "{0}". {1}' -f $TypeName,$oldVersionLoadedMsg) -ErrorAction Stop

if( -not (Test-RivetTypeDataMember -TypeName 'Rivet.OperationResult' -MemberName 'MigrationID') )
    Update-TypeData -TypeName 'Rivet.OperationResult' -MemberType ScriptProperty -MemberName 'MigrationID' -Value { $this.Migration.ID }

# Added in Rivet 0.10.0
Test-RivetTypeDataMember -TypeName 'Rivet.Scale' -MemberName 'Value'

# Import functions on developer computers.
& {
    Join-Path -Path $rivetModuleRoot -ChildPath 'Functions'
    Join-Path -Path $rivetModuleRoot -ChildPath 'Functions\Columns'
    Join-Path -Path $rivetModuleRoot -ChildPath 'Functions\Operations'
} |
    Where-Object { Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Container } |
    Get-ChildItem -Filter '*-*.ps1' |
    ForEach-Object { . $_.FullName }

function Checkpoint-Migration
    Checkpoints the current state of the database so that it can be re-created.
    The `Checkpoint-Migration` function captures the state of a database after all migrations have been applied. The
    captured state is exported to a `schema.ps1` file that can be applied with Rivet to re-create that state of the
    database. Migrations must be pushed before they can be checkpointed.
    Checkpoint-Migration -Database $Database -Environment $Environment -ConfigFilePath $ConfigFilePath
    Demonstrates how to checkpoint a migration.

        # The database(s) to migrate.
        [String[]] $Database,

        # The environment you're working in.
        [String] $Environment,

        # The path to the Rivet configuration file. Default behavior is to look in the current directory for a `rivet.json` file.
        [String] $ConfigFilePath,

        # If a schema.ps1 script already exists at the output path it will be overwritten when Force is given.
        [Switch] $Force

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    [Rivet.Configuration.Configuration]$settings = Get-RivetConfig -Database $Database -Path $ConfigFilePath -Environment $Environment

    foreach( $databaseItem in $settings.Databases )
        $OutputPath = Join-Path -Path $databaseItem.MigrationsRoot -ChildPath "schema.ps1"

        if ( (Test-Path -Path $OutputPath) -and -not $Force )
            Write-Error "Checkpoint output path ""$($OutputPath)"" already exists. Use the -Force switch to overwrite."

        $query = @"
        SELECT CONCAT( FORMAT(ID, '00000000000000'), '_', Name) as MigrationFileName
        FROM rivet.Migrations
        WHERE ID > $($script:firstMigrationId)

            Connect-Database -SqlServerName $settings.SqlServerName `
                            -Database $databaseItem.Name `
                            -ConnectionTimeout $settings.ConnectionTimeout

            $pushedMigrations = Invoke-Query -Query $query

        Write-Debug "Checkpoint-Migration: Exporting migration on database $($databaseItem.Name)"
        $migration = Export-Migration -SqlServerName $settings.SqlServerName -Database $databaseItem.Name
        $migration = $migration -join [Environment]::NewLine
        Set-Content -Path $OutputPath -Value $migration

        foreach( $migration in $pushedMigrations )
            $migrationFilePath = Join-Path -Path $databaseItem.MigrationsRoot -ChildPath "$($migration.MigrationFileName).ps1"
            Remove-Item -Path $migrationFilePath

function Connect-Database
        # The SQL Server instance to connect to.
        # The database to connect to.
        # The time (in seconds) to wait for a connection to open. The default is 10 seconds.
        $ConnectionTimeout = 10
    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    $startedAt = Get-Date

    if( -not $Connection -or $Connection.DataSource -ne $SqlServerName -or $Connection.State -eq [Data.ConnectionState]::Closed)

        $connString = 'Server={0};Database=master;Integrated Security=True;Connection Timeout={1}' -f $SqlServerName,$ConnectionTimeout
        Set-Variable -Name 'Connection' -Scope 1 -Value (New-Object 'Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection' ($connString)) -Confirm:$False -WhatIf:$false
            $ex = $_.Exception
            while( $ex.InnerException )
                $ex = $ex.InnerException

            Write-Error ('Failed to connect to SQL Server "{0}" (connection string: {1}). Does this database server exist? ({2})' -f $SqlServerName,$connString,$ex.Message)
            return $false

    if( -not ($Connection | Get-Member -Name 'Transaction' ) )
        $Connection |
            Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Transaction' -Value $null

    if( $Connection.Database -ne 'master' )
        $Connection.ChangeDatabase( 'master' )

    $query = 'select 1 from sys.databases where name=''{0}''' -f $Database
    $dbExists = Invoke-Query -Query $query -AsScalar
    if( -not $dbExists )
        Write-Debug -Message ('Creating database {0}.{1}.' -f $SqlServerName,$Database)
        $query = 'create database [{0}]' -f $Database
        Invoke-Query -Query $query -NonQuery

    $Connection.ChangeDatabase( $Database )

    Write-Debug -Message ('{0,8} (ms) Connect-Database' -f ([int]((Get-Date) - $startedAt).TotalMilliseconds))
    return $true

function Convert-FileInfoToMigration
    Converts a `System.IO.FileInfo` object containing a migration into a `Rivet.Operations.Operation` object.

        # The Rivet configuration to use.

        # The database whose migrations to get.

        Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

        Write-Timing -Message 'Convert-FileInfoToMigration BEGIN' -Indent
        function Clear-Migration
            ('function:Push-Migration','function:Pop-Migration') |
                Where-Object { Test-Path -Path $_ } |
                Remove-Item -WhatIf:$false -Confirm:$false


        filter Add-Operation
                # The migration object to invoke.



            Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

            foreach( $operationItem in $Operation )
                if( $operationItem -isnot [Rivet.Operations.Operation] )

                $pluginParameter = @{ Migration = $m ; Operation = $_ }

                [Rivet.Operations.Operation[]]$operations = & {
                        Invoke-RivetPlugin -Event ([Rivet.Events]::BeforeOperationLoad) -Parameter $pluginParameter
                        Invoke-RivetPlugin -Event ([Rivet.Events]::AfterOperationLoad) -Parameter $pluginParameter
                    } | 
                    Where-Object { $_ -is [Rivet.Operations.Operation] } |


        foreach( $fileInfo in $InputObject )
            $dbName = Split-Path -Parent -Path $fileInfo.FullName
            $dbName = Split-Path -Parent -Path $dbName
            $dbName = Split-Path -Leaf -Path $dbName

            $m = New-Object 'Rivet.Migration' $fileInfo.MigrationID, $fileInfo.MigrationName, $fileInfo.FullName, $dbName
            Write-Timing -Message ('Convert-FileInfoToMigration {0}' -f $m.FullName)

            # Do not remove. It's a variable expected in some migrations.
            $DBMigrationsRoot = Split-Path -Parent -Path $fileInfo.FullName

            . $fileInfo.FullName | Out-Null

                if( -not (Test-Path -Path 'function:Push-Migration') )
                    throw (@'
Push-Migration function not found. All migrations are required to have a Push-Migration function that contains at least one operation. Here's some sample code to get you started:
    function Push-Migration
        Add-Table 'LetsCreateATable' {
            int 'ID' -NotNull

                Push-Migration | Add-Operation -OperationsList $m.PushOperations
                if( $m.PushOperations.Count -eq 0 )
                if( -not (Test-Path -Path 'function:Pop-Migration') )
                    throw (@'
Pop-Migration function not found. All migrations are required to have a Pop-Migration function that contains at least one operation. Here's some sample code to get you started:
    function Pop-Migration
        Remove-Table 'LetsCreateATable'

                Pop-Migration | Add-Operation -OperationsList $m.PopOperations
                if( $m.PopOperations.Count -eq 0 )

                $afterMigrationLoadParameter = @{ Migration = $m }
                & { Invoke-RivetPlugin -Event ([Rivet.Events]::AfterMigrationLoad) -Parameter $afterMigrationLoadParameter }
                $m | Write-Output
                Write-RivetError -Message ('Loading migration "{0}" failed' -f $m.Path) `
                                 -CategoryInfo $_.CategoryInfo.Category `
                                 -ErrorID $_.FullyQualifiedErrorID `
                                 -Exception $_.Exception `
                                 -CallStack ($_.ScriptStackTrace) 

        Write-Timing -Message 'Convert-FileInfoToMigration END' -Outdent

function Disconnect-Database
    if( $Connection -and $Connection.State -ne [Data.ConnectionState]::Closed )

function Export-Migration
    Exports objects from a database as Rivet migrations.
    The `Export-Migration` function exports database objects, schemas, and data types as a Rivet migration. By default, it exports *all* non-system, non-Rivet objects, data types, and schemas. You can filter specific objects by passing their full name to the `Include` parameter. Wildcards are supported. Objects are matched on their schema *and* name.
    Extended properties are *not* exported, except table and column descriptions.
    Export-Migration -SqlServerName 'some\instance' -Database 'database'
    Demonstrates how to export an entire database.

        # The connection string for the database to connect to.

        # The database to connect to.

        # The names of the objects to export. Must include the schema if exporting a specific object. Wildcards supported.
        # The default behavior is to export all non-system objects.

        # The names of any objects *not* to export. Matches the object name *and* its schema name, i.e. `schema.name`. Wildcards supported.

        # Any object types to exclude.


    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $pops = New-Object 'Collections.Generic.Stack[string]'
    $popsHash = @{}
    $exportedObjects = @{ }
    $exportedSchemas = @{ 
                            'dbo' = $true;
                            'guest' = $true;
                            'sys' = $true;
                            'INFORMATION_SCHEMA' = $true;
    $exportedTypes = @{ }
    $exportedIndexes = @{ }
    $exportedXmlSchemas = @{ }
    $rivetColumnTypes = Get-Alias | 
                            Where-Object { $_.Source -eq 'Rivet' } | 
                            Where-Object { $_.ReferencedCommand -like 'New-*Column' } | 
                            Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Name'

    $dependencies = @{ }
    $externalDependencies = @{ }
    $indentLevel = 0

    $timer = New-Object 'Timers.Timer' 100

    $checkConstraints = @()
    $checkConstraintsByID = @{}
    $columns = @()
    $columnsByTable = @{}
    $dataTypes = @()
    $defaultConstraints = @()
    $defaultConstraintsByID = @{}
    $foreignKeys = @()
    $foreignKeysByID = @{}
    $foreignKeyColumns = @()
    $foreignKeyColumnsByObjectID = @{}
    $indexes = @()
    $indexesByObjectID = @{}
    $indexColumns = @()
    $indexColumnsByObjectID = @{}
    $objects = @()
    $objectsByID = @{}
    $objectsByParentID = @{}
    $primaryKeys = @()
    $primaryKeysByID = @{}
    $primaryKeyColumns = @()
    $primaryKeyColumnsByObjectID = @{}
    $schemas = @()
    $schemasByName = @{}
    $modules = @()
    $modulesByID = @{}
    $storedProcedures = @()
    $storedProceduresByID = @{}
    $synonyms = @()
    $synonymsByID = @{}
    $triggers = @()
    $triggersByID = @{}
    $triggersByTable = @{}
    $uniqueKeys = @()
    $uniqueKeysByID = @{}
    $uniqueKeysByTable = @{}
    $uniqueKeyColumnsByObjectID = @()
    $uniqueKeyColumnsByObjectID = @{}
    $functions = @()
    $functionsByID = @{}
    $views = @()
    $viewByID = @{}
    $xmlSchemaDependencies = @{ }
    $xmlSchemasByID = @{ }

    $exclusionTypeMap = @{ 
        'CheckConstraint' = 'CHECK_CONSTRAINT';
        'DefaultConstraint' = 'DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT';
        'ForeignKey' = 'FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT';
        'PrimaryKey' = 'PRIMARY_KEY_CONSTRAINT';
        'StoredProcedure' = 'SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE';
        'Synonym' = 'SYNONYM';
        'Table' = 'USER_TABLE';
        'Trigger' = 'SQL_TRIGGER';
        'UniqueKey' = 'UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT';
        'View' = 'VIEW';

    function ConvertTo-SchemaParameter

            $ParameterName = 'SchemaName'

        $parameter = ''
        if( $SchemaName -and $SchemaName -ne 'dbo' )
            $parameter = ' -{0} ''{1}''' -f $ParameterName,$SchemaName
        return $parameter

    function Get-ChildObject


        if( $objectsByParentID.ContainsKey($TableID) )
            $objectsByParentID[$TableID] | Where-Object { $_.type -eq $Type }

    $checkConstraintsQuery = '
    schema_name(sys.tables.schema_id) as schema_name,
    sys.tables.name as table_name,
    sys.check_constraints.name as name,
            on sys.check_constraints.parent_object_id = sys.tables.object_id
-- sys.check_constraints.object_id = @object_id'

    function Export-CheckConstraint



        if( $TableID )
            $objects = Get-ChildObject -TableID $TableID -Type 'C'
            foreach( $object in $objects )
                Export-CheckConstraint -Object $object -ForTable:$ForTable

        $constraint = $checkConstraintsByID[$Object.object_id]
        if( -not $ForTable )
            Export-Object -ObjectID $Object.parent_object_id

        if( $exportedObjects.ContainsKey($Object.object_id) )
        Export-DependentObject -ObjectID $constraint.object_id

        Write-ExportingMessage -Schema $constraint.schema_name -Name $constraint.name -Type CheckConstraint

        $notChecked = ''
        if( $constraint.is_not_trusted )
            $notChecked = ' -NoCheck'

        $notForReplication = ''
        if( $constraint.is_not_for_replication )
            $notForReplication = ' -NotForReplication'

        $schema = ConvertTo-SchemaParameter -SchemaName $constraint.schema_name
        ' Add-CheckConstraint{0} -TableName ''{1}'' -Name ''{2}'' -Expression ''{3}''{4}{5}' -f $schema,$constraint.table_name,$constraint.name,($constraint.definition -replace '''',''''''),$notForReplication,$notChecked
        if( $constraint.is_disabled )
            ' Disable-Constraint{0} -TableName ''{1}'' -Name ''{2}''' -f $schema,$constraint.table_name,$constraint.name
        if( -not $ForTable )
            Push-PopOperation ('Remove-CheckConstraint{0} -TableName ''{1}'' -Name ''{2}''' -f $schema,$constraint.table_name,$constraint.name)
        $exportedObjects[$constraint.object_id] = $true

    $columnsQuery = '
    sys.types.name as type_name,
    sys.columns.name as column_name,
    sys.types.collation_name as type_collation_name,
    sys.columns.max_length as max_length,
    sys.extended_properties.value as description,
    sys.types.precision as default_precision,
    sys.types.scale as default_scale,
    serverproperty(''collation'') as default_collation_name,
    isnull(sys.identity_columns.is_not_for_replication, 0) as is_not_for_replication,
    sys.xml_schema_collections.name as xml_schema_name,
    sys.types.max_length as default_max_length
        inner join
            on columns.user_type_id = sys.types.user_type_id
        left join
            on sys.columns.object_id = sys.extended_properties.major_id
            and sys.columns.column_id = sys.extended_properties.minor_id
            and sys.extended_properties.name = ''MS_Description''
        left join
            on sys.columns.object_id = sys.identity_columns.object_id
            and sys.columns.column_id = sys.identity_columns.column_id
        left join
            on sys.columns.xml_collection_id=sys.xml_schema_collections.xml_collection_id

    function Export-Column

        foreach( $column in ($columnsByTable[$TableID] | Sort-Object -Property 'column_id') )
            $notNull = ''
            $parameters = & {
                $isBinaryVarColumn = $column.type_name -in @( 'varbinary', 'binary' )
                if( $column.type_collation_name -or $isBinaryVarColumn )
                    $isSizable = $column.type_name -in @( 'binary', 'char', 'nchar', 'nvarchar', 'varbinary', 'varchar' )
                    if( $isSizable )
                        $maxLength = $column.max_length
                        if( $maxLength -eq -1 )
                            if( $column.type_name -like 'n*' )
                                $maxLength = $maxLength / 2
                            '-Size {0}' -f $maxLength

                    if( $column.collation_name -ne $column.default_collation_name -and -not $isBinaryVarColumn )
                        '''{0}''' -f $column.collation_name

                if( $column.type_name -eq 'xml' )
                    if( $column.xml_schema_name )
                        if( $column.is_xml_document )
                        '''{0}''' -f $column.xml_schema_name

                if( $column.is_rowguidcol )

                $scaleOnlyTypes = @( 'time','datetime2', 'datetimeoffset' )
                if( $column.precision -ne $column.default_precision -and $column.type_name -notin $scaleOnlyTypes )
                if( $column.scale -ne $column.default_scale )

                if( $column.is_identity )
                    if( $column.seed_value -ne 1 -or $column.increment_value -ne 1 )
                if( $column.is_not_for_replication )
                if( -not $column.is_nullable )
                    if( -not $column.is_identity )
                if( $column.is_sparse )
                if( $column.description )
                    '-Description ''{0}''' -f ($column.description -replace '''','''''')

            if( $parameters )
                $parameters = $parameters -join ' '
                $parameters = ' {0}' -f $parameters

            if( $rivetColumnTypes -contains $column.type_name )
                ' {0} ''{1}''{2}' -f $column.type_name,$column.column_name,$parameters
                ' New-Column -DataType ''{0}'' -Name ''{1}''{2}' -f $column.type_name,$column.column_name,$parameters

    $dataTypesQuery = '
    schema_name(sys.types.schema_id) as schema_name,
    systype.name as from_name,
    systype.max_length as from_max_length,
    systype.precision as from_precision,
    systype.scale as from_scale,
    systype.collation_name as from_collation_name,
        left join
    sys.types systype
            on sys.types.system_type_id = systype.system_type_id
            and sys.types.system_type_id = systype.user_type_id
        left join
            on sys.types.user_type_id = sys.table_types.user_type_id
    sys.types.is_user_defined = 1'

    function Export-DataType

        if( $ExcludeType -contains 'DataType' )

        if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'All' )
            foreach( $object in $dataTypes )
                if( (Test-SkipObject -SchemaName $object.schema_name -Name $object.name) )
                Export-DataType -Object $object

        if( $exportedTypes.ContainsKey($Object.name) )
            Write-Debug ('Skipping ALREADY EXPORTED {0}' -f $Object.name)
        Export-Schema -Name $Object.schema_name

        Write-ExportingMessage -SchemaName $Object.schema_name -Name $Object.name -Type DataType

        $schema = ConvertTo-SchemaParameter -SchemaName $Object.schema_name
        if( $Object.is_table_type )
            ' Add-DataType{0} -Name ''{1}'' -AsTable {{' -f $schema,$Object.name
            Export-Column -TableID $Object.type_table_object_id
            ' }'
            $typeDef = $object.from_name
            if( $object.from_collation_name )
                if( $object.max_length -ne $object.from_max_length )
                    $maxLength = $object.max_length
                    if( $maxLength -eq -1 )
                        $maxLength = 'max'
                    $typeDef = '{0}({1})' -f $typeDef,$maxLength
                if( ($object.precision -ne $object.from_precision) -or ($object.scale -ne $object.from_scale) )
                    $typeDef = '{0}({1},{2})' -f $typeDef,$object.precision,$object.scale

            if( -not $object.is_nullable )
                $typeDef = '{0} not null' -f $typeDef

            ' Add-DataType{0} -Name ''{1}'' -From ''{2}''' -F $schema,$Object.name,$typeDef
        Push-PopOperation ('Remove-DataType{0} -Name ''{1}''' -f $schema,$Object.name)
        $exportedtypes[$object.name] = $true

    $defaultConstraintsQuery = '
    schema_name(sys.tables.schema_id) as schema_name,
    sys.tables.name as table_name,
    sys.default_constraints.name as name,
    sys.columns.name as column_name,
            on sys.default_constraints.object_id = sys.objects.object_id
            on sys.columns.object_id = sys.default_constraints.parent_object_id
            and sys.columns.column_id = sys.default_constraints.parent_column_id
        left join
            on sys.objects.parent_object_id = sys.tables.object_id
        left join
            on sys.schemas.schema_id = sys.tables.schema_id
-- where
-- sys.default_constraints.object_id = @object_id'

    function Export-DefaultConstraint



        if( $TableID )
            $objects = Get-ChildObject -TableID $TableID -Type 'D'
            foreach( $item in $objects )
                Export-DefaultConstraint -Object $item -ForTable:$ForTable

        $constraint = $defaultConstraintsByID[$Object.object_id]
        if( -not $constraint )
            Write-Warning -Message ('Unable to export default constraint [{0}].[{1}] ({2}): its metadata is missing from the databse.' -f $Object.schema_name,$Object.name,$Object.object_id)
            $exportedObjects[$Object.object_id] = $true

        # Default constraint isn't on a table
        if( $constraint.table_name -eq $null )
            $exportedObjects[$Object.object_id] = $true

        if( -not $ForTable )
            Export-Object -ObjectID $constraint.parent_object_id

        if( $exportedObjects.ContainsKey($constraint.object_id) )

        Export-DependentObject -ObjectID $constraint.object_id

        Write-ExportingMessage -Schema $Object.schema_name -Name $constraint.name -Type DefaultConstraint
        $schema = ConvertTo-SchemaParameter -SchemaName $constraint.schema_name
        ' Add-DefaultConstraint{0} -TableName ''{1}'' -ColumnName ''{2}'' -Name ''{3}'' -Expression ''{4}''' -f $schema,$Object.parent_object_name,$constraint.column_name,$constraint.name,($constraint.definition -replace '''','''''')
        if( -not $ForTable )
            Push-PopOperation ('Remove-DefaultConstraint{0} -TableName ''{1}'' -Name ''{2}''' -f $schema,$Object.parent_object_name,$constraint.name)
        $exportedObjects[$constraint.object_id] = $true

    function Export-DependentObject

        $indentLevel += 1
            if( $dependencies.ContainsKey($ObjectID) )
                foreach( $dependencyID in $dependencies[$ObjectID].Keys )
                    Export-Object -ObjectID $dependencyID

            if( $xmlSchemaDependencies.ContainsKey($ObjectID) )
                foreach( $xmlSchemaID in $xmlSchemaDependencies[$ObjectID] )
                    Export-XmlSchema -ID $xmlSchemaID
            $indentLevel -= 1

    $foreignKeysQuery = '
    schema_name(sys.objects.schema_id) as references_schema_name,
    sys.objects.name as references_table_name,
        on sys.foreign_keys.referenced_object_id = sys.objects.object_id

    $foreignKeyColumnsQuery = '
    sys.columns.name as name,
    referenced_columns.name as referenced_name,
            on sys.foreign_key_columns.parent_object_id = sys.columns.object_id
            and sys.foreign_key_columns.parent_column_id = sys.columns.column_id
    sys.columns as referenced_columns
            on sys.foreign_key_columns.referenced_object_id = referenced_columns.object_id
            and sys.foreign_key_columns.referenced_column_id = referenced_columns.column_id

    function Export-ForeignKey

        # Make sure the key's table is exported.
        Export-Object -ObjectID $Object.parent_object_id

        $schema = ConvertTo-SchemaParameter -SchemaName $Object.schema_name
        $foreignKey = $foreignKeysByID[$Object.object_id]

        # Make sure the key's referenced table is exported.
        Export-Object -ObjectID $foreignKey.referenced_object_id

        $referencesSchema = ConvertTo-SchemaParameter -SchemaName $foreignKey.references_schema_name -ParameterName 'ReferencesSchema'
        $referencesTableName = $foreignKey.references_table_name

        $columns = $foreignKeyColumnsByObjectID[$Object.object_id] | Sort-Object -Property 'constraint_column_id'

        $columnNames = $columns | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'name'
        $referencesColumnNames = $columns | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'referenced_name'

        $onDelete = ''
        if( $foreignKey.delete_referential_action_desc -ne 'NO_ACTION' )
            $onDelete = ' -OnDelete ''{0}''' -f $foreignKey.delete_referential_action_desc

        $onUpdate = ''
        if( $foreignKey.update_referential_action_desc -ne 'NO_ACTION' )
            $onUpdate = ' -OnUpdate ''{0}''' -f $foreignKey.update_referential_action_desc

        $notForReplication = ''
        if( $foreignKey.is_not_for_replication )
            $notForReplication = ' -NotForReplication'

        $noCheck = ''
        if( $foreignKey.is_not_trusted )
            $noCheck = ' -NoCheck'

        Write-ExportingMessage -Schema $Object.schema_name -Name $Object.name -Type ForeignKey

        ' Add-ForeignKey{0} -TableName ''{1}'' -ColumnName ''{2}''{3} -References ''{4}'' -ReferencedColumn ''{5}'' -Name ''{6}''{7}{8}{9}{10}' -f $schema,$Object.parent_object_name,($columnNames -join ''','''),$referencesSchema,$referencesTableName,($referencesColumnNames -join ''','''),$Object.name,$onDelete,$onUpdate,$notForReplication,$noCheck
        if( $foreignKey.is_disabled )
            ' Disable-Constraint{0} -TableName ''{1}'' -Name ''{2}''' -f $schema,$Object.parent_object_name,$Object.name
        Push-PopOperation ('Remove-ForeignKey{0} -TableName ''{1}'' -Name ''{2}''' -f $schema,$Object.parent_object_name,$Object.name)
        $exportedObjects[$Object.object_id] = $true

    $indexesQuery = '
    schema_name(sys.tables.schema_id) as schema_name,
    sys.tables.name as table_name,
            on sys.indexes.object_id = sys.tables.object_id
    is_primary_key = 0 and
    sys.indexes.type != 0 and
    sys.indexes.is_unique_constraint != 1 and
    sys.tables.is_ms_shipped = 0'

    $indexesColumnsQuery = '
            on sys.indexes.object_id = sys.index_columns.object_id
            and sys.indexes.index_id = sys.index_columns.index_id
            on sys.indexes.object_id = sys.columns.object_id
            and sys.index_columns.column_id = sys.columns.column_id
-- where
-- sys.indexes.object_id = @object_id and
-- sys.indexes.index_id = @index_id

    function Export-Index



        if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'All' )
            foreach( $object in $indexes )
                if( (Test-SkipObject -SchemaName $Object.schema_name -Name $Object.name) -or $ExcludeType -contains 'Index' )

                Export-Index -Object $object -ForTable:$ForTable
        elseif( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ByTable' )
            foreach( $object in $indexesByObjectID[$TableID] )
                Export-Index -Object $object -ForTable:$ForTable

        if( -not $ForTable )
            Export-Object -ObjectID $Object.object_id

        $indexKey = '{0}_{1}' -f $Object.object_id,$Object.index_id
        if( $exportedIndexes.ContainsKey($indexKey) )

        Export-DependentObject -ObjectID $Object.object_id

        $unique = ''
        if( $Object.is_unique )
            $unique = ' -Unique'
        $clustered = ''
        if( $Object.type_desc -eq 'CLUSTERED' )
            $clustered = ' -Clustered'
        $where = ''
        if( $Object.has_filter )
            $where = ' -Where ''{0}''' -f $Object.filter_definition

        $allColumns = $indexColumnsByObjectID[$Object.object_id] | Where-Object { $_.index_id -eq $Object.index_id }

        $includedColumns = $allColumns | Where-Object { $_.is_included_column } | Sort-Object -Property 'name' # I don't think order matters so order them discretely.
        $include = ''
        if( $includedColumns )
            $include = ' -Include ''{0}''' -f (($includedColumns | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'name') -join ''',''')

        $columns = $allColumns | Where-Object { -not $_.is_included_column } | Sort-Object -Property 'key_ordinal'

        $descending = ''
        if( $columns | Where-Object { $_.is_descending_key } )
            $descending = $columns | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'is_descending_key' | ForEach-Object { if( $_ ) { '$true' } else { '$false' } }
            $descending = ' -Descending {0}' -f ($descending -join ',')

        $columnNames = $columns | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'name'
        Write-ExportingMessage -Schema $Object.schema_name -Name $Object.name -Type Index
        $schema = ConvertTo-SchemaParameter -SchemaName $Object.schema_name
        ' Add-Index{0} -TableName ''{1}'' -ColumnName ''{2}'' -Name ''{3}''{4}{5}{6}{7}{8}' -f $schema,$Object.table_name,($columnNames -join ''','''),$Object.name,$clustered,$unique,$include,$descending,$where
        if( -not $ForTable )
            Push-PopOperation ('Remove-Index{0} -TableName ''{1}'' -Name ''{2}''' -f $schema,$Object.table_name,$Object.name)
        $exportedIndexes[$indexKey] = $true

    function Get-ModuleDefinition


    $objectsQuery = '
    sys.schemas.name as schema_name,
    sys.objects.name as object_name,
    sys.objects.name as name,
    sys.schemas.name + ''.'' + sys.objects.name as full_name,
    sys.extended_properties.value as description,
    parent_objects.name as parent_object_name,
    sys.objects.object_id as object_id,
    RTRIM(sys.objects.type) as type,
            on sys.objects.schema_id = sys.schemas.schema_id
        left join
            on sys.objects.object_id = sys.extended_properties.major_id
            and sys.extended_properties.minor_id = 0
            and sys.extended_properties.name = ''MS_Description''
        left join
    sys.objects parent_objects
        on sys.objects.parent_object_id = parent_objects.object_id
    sys.objects.is_ms_shipped = 0 and
    (parent_objects.is_ms_shipped is null or parent_objects.is_ms_shipped = 0) and
    sys.schemas.name != ''rivet'''

    function Export-Object
            $ObjectID = @()

        $filteredObjects = $objects
        if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ByObjectID' )
            $filteredObjects = $ObjectID | ForEach-Object { $objectsByID[$_] }

        foreach( $object in $filteredObjects )
            if( $exportedObjects.ContainsKey($object.object_id) )
                Write-Debug ('Skipping ALREADY EXPORTED {0}' -f $object.full_name)

            if( (Test-SkipObject -SchemaName $object.schema_name -Name $object.object_name -Type $object.type_desc) )

            if( $object.schema_name -eq 'rivet' )

            Export-Schema -Name $object.schema_name

            Export-DependentObject -ObjectID $object.object_id

            if( $exportedObjects.ContainsKey($object.object_id) )

            if( $externalDependencies.ContainsKey($object.object_id) )
                Write-Warning -Message ('Unable to export {0} {1}: it depends on external object {2}.' -f $object.type_desc,$object.full_name,$externalDependencies[$object.object_id])
                $exportedObjects[$object.object_id] = $true

            switch ($object.type_desc)
                    Export-CheckConstraint -Object $object
                    Export-DefaultConstraint -Object $object
                    Export-ForeignKey -Object $object
                    Export-PrimaryKey -Object $object
                    Export-UserDefinedFunction -Object $object
                    Export-UserDefinedFunction -Object $object
                    Export-StoredProcedure -Object $object
                    Export-UserDefinedFunction -Object $object
                    Export-Trigger -Object $object
                    Export-Synonym -Object $object
                    Export-UniqueKey -Object $object
                    Export-Table -Object $object
                    Export-View -Object $object

                    Write-Error -Message ('Unable to export object "{0}": unsupported object type "{1}".' -f $object.full_name,$object.type_desc)
            $exportedObjects[$object.object_id] = $true

    $primaryKeysQuery = '
            on sys.key_constraints.parent_object_id = sys.indexes.object_id
            and sys.key_constraints.unique_index_id = sys.indexes.index_id
    sys.key_constraints.type = ''PK''
    and sys.key_constraints.is_ms_shipped = 0'

    $primaryKeyColumnsQuery = '
    sys.schemas.name as schema_name,
    sys.tables.name as table_name,
    sys.columns.name as column_name,
    join sys.tables
        on sys.objects.parent_object_id = sys.tables.object_id
    join sys.schemas
        on sys.schemas.schema_id = sys.tables.schema_id
    join sys.indexes
        on sys.indexes.object_id = sys.tables.object_id
    join sys.index_columns
        on sys.indexes.object_id = sys.index_columns.object_id
        and sys.indexes.index_id = sys.index_columns.index_id
    join sys.columns
        on sys.indexes.object_id = sys.columns.object_id
        and sys.columns.column_id = sys.index_columns.column_id
-- sys.objects.object_id = @object_id and
    sys.objects.type = ''PK'' and
    sys.indexes.is_primary_key = 1'

    function Export-PrimaryKey



        if( $TableID )
            $Object = Get-ChildObject -TableID $TableID -Type 'PK'
            if( -not $Object )

        if( -not $ForTable )
            Export-Object -ObjectID $Object.parent_object_id

        if( $exportedObjects.ContainsKey($Object.object_id) )

        Export-DependentObject -ObjectID $Object.object_id

        $primaryKey = $primaryKeysByID[$Object.object_id]
        $columns = $primaryKeyColumnsByObjectID[$Object.object_id]
        if( -not $columns )
            # PK on a table-valued function.
            $exportedObjects[$Object.object_id] = $true

        $schema = ConvertTo-SchemaParameter -SchemaName $Object.schema_name
        $columnNames = $columns | Sort-Object -Property 'key_ordinal' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'column_name'
        $nonClustered = ''
        if( $primaryKey.type_desc -eq 'NONCLUSTERED' )
            $nonClustered = ' -NonClustered'
        Write-ExportingMessage -Schema $Object.schema_name -Name $Object.name -Type PrimaryKey
        ' Add-PrimaryKey{0} -TableName ''{1}'' -ColumnName ''{2}'' -Name ''{3}''{4}' -f $schema,$Object.parent_object_name,($columnNames -join ''','''),$object.object_name,$nonClustered
        if( -not $ForTable )
            Push-PopOperation ('Remove-PrimaryKey{0} -TableName ''{1}'' -Name ''{2}''' -f $schema,$Object.parent_object_name,$object.object_name)
        $exportedObjects[$Object.object_id] = $true

    $schemasQuery = '
    sys.sysusers.name as owner
        on sys.schemas.principal_id = sys.sysusers.uid'

    function Export-Schema

        if( $exportedSchemas.ContainsKey($Name) )

        $schema = $schemasByName[$Name]
        if( -not $schema )

        Write-ExportingMessage -Schema $Object.schema_name -Type Schema
        ' Add-Schema -Name ''{0}'' -Owner ''{1}''' -f $schema.name,$schema.owner
        $exportedSchemas[$schema.name] = $true
        Push-PopOperation ('Remove-Schema -Name ''{0}''' -f $schema.name)

    function Export-StoredProcedure

        Export-DependentObject -ObjectID $Object.object_id

        $query = 'select definition from sys.sql_modules where object_id = @object_id'
        $definition = Get-ModuleDefinition -ObjectID $Object.object_id

            if( -not $definition )
                Write-Warning -Message ('Unable to export stored procedure [{0}].[{1}]: definition not readable.' -f $Object.schema_name,$Object.name)

            $schema = ConvertTo-SchemaParameter -SchemaName $Object.schema_name
            $createPreambleRegex = '^CREATE\s+procedure\s+\[{0}\]\.\[{1}\]\s+' -f [regex]::Escape($Object.schema_name),[regex]::Escape($Object.object_name)
            Write-ExportingMessage -Schema $Object.schema_name -Name $Object.name -Type StoredProcedure
            if( $definition -match $createPreambleRegex )
                $definition = $definition -replace $createPreambleRegex,''
                ' Add-StoredProcedure{0} -Name ''{1}'' -Definition @''{2}{3}{2}''@' -f $schema,$Object.object_name,[Environment]::NewLine,$definition
                ' Invoke-Ddl -Query @''{0}{1}{0}''@' -f [Environment]::NewLine,$definition
            Push-PopOperation ('Remove-StoredProcedure{0} -Name ''{1}''' -f $schema,$Object.object_name)
            $exportedObjects[$Object.object_id] = $true

    $synonymsQuery = '
    parsename(base_object_name,3) as database_name,
    parsename(base_object_name,2) as schema_name,
    parsename(base_object_name,1) as object_name,
    sys.objects.object_id as target_object_id
        left join
            on parsename(sys.synonyms.base_object_name,2) = schema_name(sys.objects.schema_id)
            and parsename(sys.synonyms.base_object_name,1) = sys.objects.name

    function Export-Synonym
        $schema = ConvertTo-SchemaParameter -SchemaName $Object.schema_name
        $synonym = $synonymsByID[$Object.object_id]

        if( $synonym.target_object_id -and $synonym.target_object_id -ne $synonym.object_id )
            Export-Object -ObjectID $synonym.target_object_id

        if( $synonym.database_name -and $synonym.database_name -ne $Database )
            Write-Warning -Message ('Unable to export SYNONYM {0}.{1}: it depends on external object [{2}].[{3}].[{4}].' -f $Object.schema_name,$Object.name,$synonym.database_name,$synonym.schema_name,$synonym.object_name)
            $exportedObjects[$Object.object_id] = $true

        $targetDBName = ''
        if( $synonym.database_name )
            $targetDBName = ' -TargetDatabaseName ''{0}''' -f $synonym.database_name

        $targetSchemaName = ''
        if( $synonym.schema_name )
            $targetSchemaName = ' -TargetSchemaName ''{0}''' -f $synonym.schema_name

        Write-ExportingMessage -Schema $Object.schema_name -Name $Object.name -Type Synonym
        ' Add-Synonym{0} -Name ''{1}''{2}{3} -TargetObjectName ''{4}''' -f $schema,$Object.name,$targetDBName,$targetSchemaName,$synonym.object_name
        Push-PopOperation ('Remove-Synonym{0} -Name ''{1}''' -f $schema,$Object.name)
        $exportedObjects[$Object.object_id] = $true

    function Export-Table

        $schema = ConvertTo-SchemaParameter -SchemaName $Object.schema_name

        $description = $Object.description
        if( $description )
            $description = ' -Description ''{0}''' -f ($description -replace '''','''''')

        Write-ExportingMessage -Schema $Object.schema_name -Name $Object.name -Type Table
        ' Add-Table{0} -Name ''{1}''{2} -Column {{' -f $schema,$object.object_name,$description
        Export-Column -TableID $object.object_id
        ' }'

        $exportedObjects[$object.object_id] = $true

        Export-PrimaryKey -TableID $Object.object_id -ForTable
        Export-DefaultConstraint -TableID $Object.object_id -ForTable
        Export-CheckConstraint -TableID $Object.object_id -ForTable
        Export-Index -TableID $Object.object_id -ForTable
        Export-UniqueKey -TableID $Object.object_id -ForTable
        Export-Trigger -TableID $Object.object_id -ForTable

        # Do this last because table objects can reference other objects and those would need to get removed before the table
        Push-PopOperation ('Remove-Table{0} -Name ''{1}''' -f $schema,$object.object_name)

    $triggersQuery = '
    schema_name(sys.objects.schema_id) as schema_name,
        on sys.triggers.object_id = sys.objects.object_id'

    function Export-Trigger



        if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ByTable' )
            foreach( $object in $triggersByTable[$TableID] )
                Export-Trigger -Object $object -ForTable:$ForTable

        if( -not $ForTable )
            Export-Object -ObjectID $Object.parent_object_id

        if( $exportedObjects.ContainsKey($Object.object_id) )

        Export-DependentObject -ObjectID $Object.object_id

        $schema = ConvertTo-SchemaParameter -SchemaName $object.schema_name
        $trigger = Get-ModuleDefinition -ObjectID $Object.object_id
        $createPreambleRegex = '^create\s+trigger\s+\[{0}\]\.\[{1}\]\s+' -f [regex]::Escape($Object.schema_name),[regex]::Escape($Object.name)
        Write-ExportingMessage -Schema $Object.schema_name -Name $Object.name -Type Trigger
        if( $trigger -match $createPreambleRegex )
            $trigger = $trigger -replace $createPreambleRegex,''
            ' Add-Trigger{0} -Name ''{1}'' -Definition @''{2}{3}{2}''@' -f $schema,$Object.name,[Environment]::NewLine,$trigger
            ' Invoke-Ddl -Query @''{0}{1}{0}''@' -f [Environment]::NewLine,$trigger
        if( -not $ForTable )
            Push-PopOperation ('Remove-Trigger{0} -Name ''{1}''' -f $schema,$Object.name)
        $exportedObjects[$Object.object_id] = $true

    $uniqueKeysQuery = '
    schema_name(sys.key_constraints.schema_id) as schema_name,
    sys.tables.name as parent_object_name,
            on sys.key_constraints.parent_object_id = sys.tables.object_id
            on sys.indexes.object_id = sys.tables.object_id
            and sys.key_constraints.unique_index_id = sys.indexes.index_id
    sys.key_constraints.type = ''UQ'''

    $uniqueKeysColumnsQuery = '
            on sys.key_constraints.parent_object_id = sys.indexes.object_id
            and sys.key_constraints.unique_index_id = sys.indexes.index_id
            on sys.indexes.object_id = sys.index_columns.object_id
            and sys.indexes.index_id = sys.index_columns.index_id
            on sys.indexes.object_id = sys.columns.object_id
            and sys.index_columns.column_id = sys.columns.column_id
    sys.key_constraints.type = ''UQ'''

    function Export-UniqueKey



        if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ForTable' )
            foreach( $object in $uniqueKeysByTable[$TableID] )
                Export-UniqueKey -Object $object -ForTable:$ForTable

        if( -not $ForTable )
            Export-Object -ObjectID $Object.parent_object_id

        if( $exportedObjects.ContainsKey($Object.object_id) )

        Export-DependentObject -ObjectID $Object.object_id

        $uniqueKey = $uniqueKeysByID[$Object.object_id]

        $columns = $uniqueKeyColumnsByObjectID[$Object.object_id]
        $columnNames = $columns | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'name'
        $clustered = ''
        if( $uniqueKey.type_desc -eq 'CLUSTERED' )
            $clustered = ' -Clustered'
        $schema = ConvertTo-SchemaParameter -SchemaName $Object.schema_name
        Write-ExportingMessage -Schema $Object.schema_name -Name $Object.name -Type UniqueKey
        ' Add-UniqueKey{0} -TableName ''{1}'' -ColumnName ''{2}''{3} -Name ''{4}''' -f $schema,$Object.parent_object_name,($columnNames -join ''','''),$clustered,$Object.name
        if( -not $ForTable )
            Push-PopOperation ('Remove-UniqueKey{0} -TableName ''{1}'' -Name ''{2}''' -f $schema,$Object.parent_object_name,$Object.name)
        $exportedObjects[$Object.object_id] = $true

    function Export-UserDefinedFunction

        Export-DependentObject -ObjectID $Object.object_id

        $schema = ConvertTo-SchemaParameter -SchemaName $object.schema_name
        $function = Get-ModuleDefinition -ObjectID $Object.object_id
        $createPreambleRegex = '^create\s+function\s+\[{0}\]\.\[{1}\]\s+' -f [regex]::Escape($Object.schema_name),[regex]::Escape($Object.name)
        Write-ExportingMessage -Schema $Object.schema_name -Name $Object.name -Type Function
        if( $function -match $createPreambleRegex )
            $function = $function -replace $createPreambleRegex,''
            ' Add-UserDefinedFunction{0} -Name ''{1}'' -Definition @''{2}{3}{2}''@' -f $schema,$Object.name,[Environment]::NewLine,$function
            ' Invoke-Ddl -Query @''{0}{1}{0}''@' -f [Environment]::NewLine,$function
        Push-PopOperation ('Remove-UserDefinedFunction{0} -Name ''{1}''' -f $schema,$Object.name)
        $exportedObjects[$Object.object_id] = $true

    function Export-View

        Export-DependentObject -ObjectID $Object.object_id

        $schema = ConvertTo-SchemaParameter -SchemaName $object.schema_name
        $query = 'select definition from sys.sql_modules where object_id = @view_id'
        $view = Get-ModuleDefinition -ObjectID $Object.object_id
        $createPreambleRegex = '^CREATE\s+view\s+\[{0}\]\.\[{1}\]\s+' -f [regex]::Escape($Object.schema_name),[regex]::Escape($Object.name)
        Write-ExportingMessage -Schema $Object.schema_name -Name $Object.name -Type View
        if( $view -match $createPreambleRegex )
            $view = $view -replace $createPreambleRegex,''
            ' Add-View{0} -Name ''{1}'' -Definition @''{2}{3}{2}''@' -f $schema,$Object.name,[Environment]::NewLine,$view
            ' Invoke-Ddl -Query @''{0}{1}{0}''@' -f [Environment]::NewLine,$view
        Push-PopOperation ('Remove-View{0} -Name ''{1}''' -f $schema,$Object.name)
        $exportedObjects[$Object.object_id] = $true

    $xmlSchemaQuery = '
    schema_name(schema_id) as schema_name,
    XML_SCHEMA_NAMESPACE(schema_name(schema_id),sys.xml_schema_collections.name) as xml_schema
    sys.xml_schema_collections.name != ''sys'''

    function Export-XmlSchema

        if( $exportedXmlSchemas.ContainsKey($ID) )

        if( $ExcludeType -contains 'XmlSchema' )

        $xmlSchema = $xmlSchemasByID[$ID]

        Write-ExportingMessage -SchemaName $xmlSchema.schema_name -Name $xmlSchema.name -Type XmlSchema
        ' Invoke-Ddl @'''
        'create xml schema collection [{0}].[{1}] as' -f $xmlSchema.schema_name,$xmlSchema.name
        Push-PopOperation ('Invoke-Ddl ''drop xml schema collection [{0}].[{1}]''' -f $xmlSchema.schema_name,$xmlSchema.name)
        $exportedXmlSchemas[$ID] = $true

    function Push-PopOperation

        if( -not ($popsHash.ContainsKey($InputObject)) )
            $popsHash[$InputObject] = $true

    $objectTypesToExclude = @()
    if( $ExcludeType )
        $objectTypesToExclude = $ExcludeType | ForEach-Object { $exclusionTypeMap[$_] }
    function Test-SkipObject



        if( -not $Include -and -not $ExcludeType -and -not $Exclude )
            return $false

        $fullName = '{0}.{1}' -f $SchemaName,$Name

        if( $Type )
            if( $objectTypesToExclude -contains $Type )
                Write-Debug ('Skipping EXCLUDED TYPE {0} {1}' -f $fullName,$Type)
                return $true

        if( $Include )
            $skip = $true
            foreach( $filter in $Include )
                if( $fullName -like $filter )
                    $skip = $false
            if( $skip )
                return $true

        if( $Exclude )
            foreach( $filter in $Exclude )
                if( $fullName -like $filter )
                    return $true

        return $false

    function Write-ExportingMessage



        $objectName = $SchemaName
        if( $Name )
            $objectName = '{0}.{1}' -f $objectName,$Name

        $message = '{0,-17} {1}{2}' -f $Type,(' ' * $indentLevel),$objectName
        $timer.CurrentOperation = $message
        $timer.ExportCount += 1
        Write-Verbose -Message $message

    $activity = 'Exporting migrations from {0}.{1}' -f $SqlServerName,$Database
    $writeProgress = [Environment]::UserInteractive
    if( $NoProgress )
        $writeProgress = $false
    $event = $null

    Connect-Database -SqlServerName $SqlServerName -Database $Database -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
        #region QUERIES
        # OBJECTS
        $objects = Invoke-Query -Query $objectsQuery
        $objects | ForEach-Object { $objectsByID[$_.object_id] = $_ }
        $objects | Group-Object -Property 'parent_object_id' | ForEach-Object { $objectsByParentID[[int]$_.Name] = $_.Group }
        $objectTypes = $objects | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'type_desc' | Select-Object -Unique

        if( $objectTypes -contains 'CHECK_CONSTRAINT' )
            $checkConstraints = Invoke-Query -Query $checkConstraintsQuery
            $checkConstraints | ForEach-Object { $checkConstraintsByID[$_.object_id] = $_ }

        # DATA TYPES
        $dataTypes = Invoke-Query -Query $dataTypesQuery

        # COLUMNS
        if( $objectTypes -contains 'USER_TABLE' -or $dataTypes )
            $columns = Invoke-Query -Query $columnsQuery
            $columns | Group-Object -Property 'object_id' | ForEach-Object { $columnsByTable[[int]$_.Name] = $_.Group }

        if( $objectTypes -contains 'DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT' )
            $defaultConstraints = Invoke-Query -Query $defaultConstraintsQuery #-Parameter @{ '@object_id' = $constraintObject.object_id }
            $defaultConstraints | ForEach-Object { $defaultConstraintsByID[$_.object_id] = $_ }

        # FOREIGN KEYS
        if( $objectTypes -contains 'FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT' )
            $foreignKeys = Invoke-Query -Query $foreignKeysQuery
            $foreignKeys | ForEach-Object { $foreignKeysByID[$_.object_id] = $_ }

            $foreignKeyColumns = Invoke-Query -Query $foreignKeyColumnsQuery
            $foreignKeyColumns | Group-Object -Property 'constraint_object_id' | ForEach-Object { $foreignKeyColumnsByObjectID[[int]$_.Name] = $_.Group }

        # INDEXES
        if( $objectTypes -contains 'USER_TABLE' )
            $indexes = Invoke-Query -Query $indexesQuery
            $indexes | Group-Object -Property 'object_id' | ForEach-Object { $indexesByObjectID[[int]$_.Name] = $_.Group }

            # INDEX COLUMNS
            $indexColumns = Invoke-Query -Query $indexesColumnsQuery
            $indexColumns | Group-Object -Property 'object_id' | ForEach-Object { $indexColumnsByObjectID[[int]$_.Name] = $_.Group }

        if( $objectTypes -contains 'PRIMARY_KEY_CONSTRAINT' )
            $primaryKeys = Invoke-Query -Query $primaryKeysQuery
            $primaryKeys | ForEach-Object { $primaryKeysByID[$_.object_id] = $_ }

            $primaryKeyColumns = Invoke-Query -Query $primaryKeyColumnsQuery
            $primaryKeyColumns | Group-Object -Property 'object_id' | ForEach-Object { $primaryKeyColumnsByObjectID[[int]$_.Name] = $_.Group }

        # SCHEMAS
        if( ($objects | Where-Object { $_.schema_name -ne 'dbo' }) -or ($dataTypes | Where-Object { $_.schema_name -ne 'dbo' }) )
            $schemas = Invoke-Query -Query $schemasQuery
            $schemas | ForEach-Object { $schemasByName[$_.name] = $_ }

        if( $objectTypes -contains 'SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION' -or $objectTypes -contains 'SQL_SCALAR_FUNCTION' -or $objectTypes -contains 'SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE' -or $objectTypes -contains 'SQL_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION' -or $objectTypes -contains 'SQL_TRIGGER' -or $objectTypes -contains 'VIEW' )
            $query = 'select object_id, definition from sys.sql_modules'
            $modules = Invoke-Query -Query $query
            $modules | ForEach-Object { $modulesByID[$_.object_id] = $_ }

        # SYNONYMS
        if( $objectTypes -contains 'SYNONYM' )
            $synonyms = Invoke-Query -Query $synonymsQuery
            $synonyms | ForEach-Object { $synonymsByID[$_.object_id] = $_ }

        # TRIGGERS
        if( $objectTypes -contains 'SQL_TRIGGER' )
            $triggers = Invoke-Query -Query $triggersQuery
            $triggers | ForEach-Object { $triggersByID[$_.object_id] = $_ }        
            $triggers | Group-Object -Property 'parent_id' | ForEach-Object { $triggersByTable[[int]$_.Name] = $_.Group }

        if( $objectTypes -contains 'UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT' )
            # UNIQUE KEYS
            $uniqueKeys =  Invoke-Query -Query $uniqueKeysQuery
            $uniqueKeys | ForEach-Object { $uniqueKeysByID[$_.object_id] = $_ }
            $uniqueKeys | Group-Object -Property 'parent_object_id' | ForEach-Object { $uniqueKeysByTable[[int]$_.Name] = $_.Group }
            # UNIQUE KEY COLUMNS
            $uniqueKeyColumns = Invoke-Query -Query $uniqueKeysColumnsQuery
            $uniqueKeyColumns | Group-Object -Property 'object_id' | ForEach-Object { $uniqueKeyColumnsByObjectID[[int]$_.Name] = $_.Group }

        if( $columns | Where-Object { $_.xml_collection_id } )
            $query = '
            on sys.columns.user_type_id=sys.types.user_type_id
            and sys.columns.system_type_id=sys.types.system_type_id
    sys.types.name = ''xml'' and
    sys.columns.xml_collection_id != 0

            $objectsWithXmlSchemas = Invoke-Query -Query $query
            $objectsWithXmlSchemas | Group-Object -Property 'object_id' | ForEach-Object { $xmlSchemaDependencies[[int]$_.Name] = $_.Group | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'xml_collection_id' | Select-Object -Unique }

            $xmlSchemas = Invoke-Query -Query $xmlSchemaQuery
            $xmlSchemas | ForEach-Object { $xmlSchemasByID[$_.xml_collection_id] = $_ }

        $sysDatabases = @( 'master', 'model', 'msdb', 'tempdb' )
        $query = 'select * from sys.sql_expression_dependencies'
        foreach( $row in (Invoke-Query -Query $query) )
            $externalName = '[{0}]' -f $row.referenced_entity_name
            if( $row.referenced_schema_name )
                $externalName = '[{0}].{1}' -f $row.referenced_schema_name,$externalName
            if( $row.referenced_database_name )
                # Allow references to system databases.
                if( $row.referenced_database_name -in $sysDatabases )

                $externalName = '[{0}].{1}' -f $row.referenced_database_name,$externalName
            if( $row.referenced_server_name )
                $externalName = '[{0}].{1}' -f $row.referenced_server_name,$externalName

            if( $row.referenced_server_name -or ($row.referenced_database_name -ne $null -and $row.referenced_database_name -ne $Database) )
                $externalDependencies[$row.referencing_id] = $externalName
                if( -not $dependencies.ContainsKey($row.referencing_id) )
                    $dependencies[$row.referencing_id] = @{}
                if( $row.referenced_id -ne $null -and $row.referenced_id -ne $row.referencing_id )
                    $dependencies[$row.referencing_id][$row.referenced_id] = $externalName

        $totalOperationCount = & {
                                } | 
            Measure-Object | 
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Count'

        if( $writeProgress )
            Write-Progress -Activity $activity 

        $timer | 
            Add-Member -Name 'ExportCount' -Value 0 -MemberType NoteProperty -PassThru |
            Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Activity' -Value $activity -PassThru |
            Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'CurrentOperation' -Value '' -PassThru |
            Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'TotalCount' -Value $totalOperationCount
        if( $writeProgress )
            # Write-Progress is *expensive*. Only do it if the user is interactive and only every 1/10th of a second.
            $event = Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $timer -EventName 'Elapsed' -Action {
                Write-Progress -Activity $Timer.Activity -CurrentOperation $Timer.CurrentOperation -PercentComplete (($Timer.ExportCount/$Timer.TotalCount) * 100)
            $timer.Enabled = $true

        'function Push-Migration'
        'function Pop-Migration'
            $pops | ForEach-Object { ' {0}' -f $_ }
        if( $writeProgress )
            if( $event )
                Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier $event.Name
            Write-Progress -Activity $activity -PercentComplete 99
            Write-Progress -Activity $activity -Completed

function Export-Row 
    Export rows from a database as a migration where those rows get added using the `Add-Row` operation.
    When getting your database working with Rivet, you may want to get some data exported into an initial migration. This script does that.
    Export-Row -SqlServerName .\Rivet -DatabaseName 'Rivet' -SchemaName 'rivet' -TableName 'Migrations' -Column 'MigrationID','RunAtUtc'
    Demonstrates how to export the `MigrationID` and `RunAtUtc` columns of the `rivet.Migrations` table from the `.\Rivet.Rivet` database

        # The SQL Server to connect to.

        # The name of the database.

        # The schema of the table.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',

        # The name of the table.

        # The columns to export.

        # An orderBy clause to use to order the results.

    #Require -Version 3
    Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

    $connectionString = 'Server={0};Database={1};Integrated Security=True;' -f $SqlServerName,$DatabaseName
    $connection = New-Object Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $connectionString
    $columnClause = $Column -join ', '
    $query = 'select {0} from {1}.{2}' -f $columnClause,$SchemaName,$TableName
    if( $OrderBy )
        $query += ' order by {0}' -f $OrderBy
    $cmd = New-Object Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand ($query,$connection)
        ' Add-Row -SchemaName ''{0}'' -TableName ''{1}'' -Column @('
        $cmdReader = $cmd.ExecuteReader()
            if( -not $cmdReader.HasRows )
            while( $cmdReader.Read() )
                ' @{'
                for ($i= 0; $i -lt $cmdReader.FieldCount; $i++) 
                    if( $cmdReader.IsDbNull( $i ) )
                    $name = $cmdReader.GetName( $i )
                    $value = $cmdReader.GetValue($i)
                    if( $value -is [Boolean] )
                        $value = if( $cmdReader.GetBoolean($i) ) { '1' } else { '0' }
                    elseif( $value -is [string] )
                        $value = "'{0}'" -f $value.ToString().Replace("'","''")
                    elseif( $value -is [DAteTime] -or $value -is [Guid] )
                        $value = "'{0}'" -f $value
                        $value = $value.ToString()
                    ' {0} = {1};' -f $name,$value
                ' },'
            ' )'

function Get-Migration
    Gets the migrations for all or specific databases.
    The `Get-Migration` function returns `Rivet.Migration` objects for all the migrations in all or specific databases. With no parameters, looks in the current directory for a `rivet.json` file and returns all the migrations for all the databases based on that configuration. Use the `ConfigFilePath` to load and use a specific `rivet.json` file.
    You can return migrations from specific databases by passing those database names as values to the `Database` parameter.
    The `Environment` parameter is used to load the correct environment-specific settings from the `rivet.json` file.
    You can filter what migrations are returned using the `Include` or `Exclude` parameters, which support wildcards, and will match any part of the migration's filename, including the ID.
    Use the `Before` and `After` parameters to return migrations whose timestamps/IDs come before and after the given dates.
    Returns `Rivet.Migration` objects for each migration in each database.
    Get-Migration -Database StarWars
    Returns `Rivet.Migration` objects for each migration in the `StarWars` database.
    Get-Migration -Include 'CreateDeathStarTable','20150101000648','20150101150448_CreateRebelBaseTable','*Hoth*','20150707*'
    Demonstrates how to get use the `Include` parameter to find migrations by name, ID, or file name. In this case, the following migrations will be returned:
     * The migration whose name is `CreateDeathStarTable`.
     * The migration whose ID is `20150101000648`.
     * The migration whose full name is `20150101150448_CreateRebelBaseTable`.
     * Any migration whose contains `Hoth`.
     * Any migration created on July 7th, 2015.
    Get-Migration -Exclude 'CreateDeathStarTable','20150101000648','20150101150448_CreateRebelBaseTable','*Hoth*','20150707*'
    Demonstrates how to get use the `Exclude` parameter to skip/not return certain migrations by name, ID, or file name. In this case, the following migrations will be *not* be returned:
     * The migration whose name is `CreateDeathStarTable`.
     * The migration whose ID is `20150101000648`.
     * The migration whose full name is `20150101150448_CreateRebelBaseTable`.
     * Any migration whose contains `Hoth`.
     * Any migration created on July 7th, 2015.

        # The database whose migrations to get.np

        # The environment settings to use.

        # The path to the rivet.json file to use. Defaults to `rivet.json` in the current directory.

        # A list of migrations to include. Matches against the migration's ID or Name or the migration's file name (without extension). Wildcards permitted.

        # A list of migrations to exclude. Matches against the migration's ID or Name or the migration's file name (without extension). Wildcards permitted.

        # Only get migrations before this date. Default is all.

        # Only get migrations after this date. Default is all.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    Write-Timing -Message 'Get-Migration BEGIN' -Indent
    function Clear-Migration
        ('function:Push-Migration','function:Pop-Migration') |
            Where-Object { Test-Path -Path $_ } |
            Remove-Item -WhatIf:$false -Confirm:$false

    Write-Timing -Message 'Get-Migration Clear-Migration'

    $getRivetConfigParams = @{ }
    if( $Database )
        $getRivetConfigParams['Database'] = $Database

    if( $ConfigFilePath )
        $getRivetConfigParams['Path'] = $ConfigFilePath

    if( $Environment )
        $getRivetConfigParams['Environment'] = $Environment

    $Configuration = Get-RivetConfig @getRivetConfigParams
    if( -not $Configuration )

    Import-RivetPlugin -Path $Configuration.PluginPaths -ModuleName $Configuration.PluginModules
    Write-Timing -Message 'Get-Migration Import-RivetPlugin'

    $getMigrationFileParams = @{}
    @( 'Include', 'Exclude' ) | ForEach-Object {
                                                    if( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey($_) )
                                                        $getMigrationFileParams[$_] = $PSBoundParameters[$_]

    Get-MigrationFile -Configuration $Configuration @getMigrationFileParams |
        Where-Object {
            if( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey( 'Before' ) )
                $beforeTimestamp = [uint64]$Before.ToString('yyyyMMddHHmmss')
                if( $_.MigrationID -gt $beforeTimestamp )
                    return $false

            if( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey( 'After' ) )
                $afterTimestamp = [uint64]$After.ToString('yyyyMMddHHmmss')
                if( $_.MigrationID -lt $afterTimestamp )
                    return $false
            return $true
        } |
        Convert-FileInfoToMigration -Configuration $Configuration

    Write-Timing -Message 'Get-Migration END' -Outdent

function Get-MigrationFile
    Gets the migration script files.

        # The configuration to use.

        # The path to a migrations directory to get.

        # A list of migrations to include. Matches against the migration's ID or Name or the migration's file name (without extension). Wildcards permitted.

        # A list of migrations to exclude. Matches against the migration's ID or Name or the migration's file name (without extension). Wildcards permitted.

    Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState
    Write-Timing -Message 'Get-MigrationFile BEGIN' -Indent

    $requiredMatches = @{ }
    if( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Include') )
        foreach( $includeItem in $Include )
            if( -not [Management.Automation.WildcardPattern]::ContainsWildcardCharacters($includeItem) )
                $requiredMatches[$includeItem] = $true

    $foundMatches = @{ }
    Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {
            if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ByPath' )
                $Configuration.Databases | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'MigrationsRoot'
        } |
        ForEach-Object {
            Write-Debug -Message $_ 
            if( (Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Container) )
                Get-ChildItem -Path $_ -Filter '*_*.ps1'
            elseif( (Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf) )
                Get-Item -Path $_
        } | 
        ForEach-Object {
            if( $_.BaseName -eq 'schema' )
                $id = $script:schemaMigrationId # midnight on year 1, month 0, day 0.
                $name = $_.BaseName
            elseif( $_.BaseName -notmatch '^(\d{14})_(.+)' )
                Write-Error ('Migration {0} has invalid name. Must be of the form `YYYYmmddhhMMss_MigrationName.ps1' -f $_.FullName)
                $id = [int64]$matches[1]
                $name = $matches[2]
            $_ | 
                Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'MigrationID' -Value $id -PassThru |
                Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'MigrationName' -Value $name -PassThru
        } |
        Where-Object {
            if( -not ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey( 'Include' )) )
                return $true

            $migration = $_
            foreach( $includeItem in $Include )
                $foundMatch = $migration.MigrationID -like $includeItem -or `
                              $migration.MigrationName -like $includeItem -or `
                              $migration.BaseName -like $includeItem
                if( $foundMatch )
                    $foundMatches[$includeItem] = $true
                    return $true

            return $false
        } |
        Where-Object { 

            if( -not ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey( 'Exclude' )) )
                return $true

            $migration = $_
            foreach( $pattern in $Exclude )
                $foundMatch = $migration.MigrationID -like $pattern -or `
                              $migration.MigrationName -like $pattern -or `
                              $migration.BaseName -like $pattern
                if( $foundMatch )
                    return $false

            return $true

    foreach( $requiredMatch in $requiredMatches.Keys )
        if( -not $foundMatches.ContainsKey( $requiredMatch ) )
            Write-Error ('Migration "{0}" not found.' -f $requiredMatch)

    Write-Timing -Message 'Get-MigrationFile BEGIN' -Outdent

function Get-RivetConfig
    Gets the configuration to use when running Rivet.
    Rivet will look in the current directory for a `rivet.json` file.
    Looks in the current directory for a `rivet.json` file, loads it, and returns an object representing its configuration.
    Get-RivetConfig -Path F:\etc\rivet
    Demonstrates how to load a custom Rivet configuration file.

        # The list of specific database names being operated on.

        # The name of the environment whose settings to return. If not provided, uses the default settings.

        # The path to the Rivet configuration file to load. Defaults to `rivet.json` in the current directory.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    function Resolve-RivetConfigPath
            # The path from the rivet config file to resolve.

            # The path *must* exist, so resolve it.

            $originalPath = $ConfigPath
            if( -not [IO.Path]::IsPathRooted( $ConfigPath ) )
                $ConfigPath = Join-Path -Path $configRoot -ChildPath $ConfigPath

            if( $Resolve )
                $resolvedPath = Resolve-Path -Path $ConfigPath | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Path'
                if( ($resolvedPath | Measure-Object).Count -gt 1 )
                    Write-ValidationError -Message ('path "{0}" resolves to multiple items: "{1}". Please update the path so that it resolves to only one item, or remove items so that only one remains.' -f $originalPath,($resolvedPath -join '", "'))
                return $resolvedPath
                return [IO.Path]::GetFullPath( $ConfigPath )

    $currentPropertyName = $null

    filter Get-ConfigProperty
            # The name of the property to get.

            # The configuration value is required.

            # Set the configuration value as an integer.

            # Set the configuration value as a list of strings.

            # Set the configuration value as a path.

            # Resolves the path to an actual path.

            # Set the configuration value as a string.

            # Set the configuration value as a hashtable.
        $value = $null

        if( $rawConfig | Get-Member -Name $Name )
            $value = $rawConfig.$Name

        $env = Get-Environment
        if( $env -and ($env | Get-Member -Name $Name))
            $value = $env.$Name

        if( -not $value )
            if( $Required )
                Write-ValidationError ('is required.')

        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName )
                if( -not ($value -is [int] -or $value -is [int64]) )
                    Write-ValidationError -Message ('is invalid. It should be an integer but we found a "{0}".' -f $value.GetType().FullName)
                return $value
                return [String[]]$value
                $configPath = $value | Resolve-RivetConfigPath -Resolve:$Resolve
                if( -not $configPath )
                if( -not (Test-Path -Path $configPath) )
                    Write-ValidationError ('path "{0}" not found.' -f $configPath)
                return $configPath
                return $value
                $hashtable = @{ }
                Get-Member -InputObject $value -MemberType NoteProperty |
                    ForEach-Object { $hashtable[$_.Name] = $value.($_.Name) }
                return ,$hashtable

    function Write-ValidationError
            # The error message to write.
        $envMsg = ''
        if( $Environment )
            $envMsg = 'environment "{0}": ' -f $Environment
        $nameMsg = ''
        if( $currentPropertyName )
            $nameMsg = 'property "{0}": ' -f $currentPropertyName
        Write-Error -Message ('Invalid Rivet configuration file "{0}": {1}{2}{3} See about_Rivet_Configuration for more information.' -f $Path,$envMsg,$nameMsg,$Message)

    function Get-Environment
        if( $Environment )
            if( ($rawConfig | Get-Member -Name 'Environments') -and 
                ($rawConfig.Environments | Get-Member -Name $Environment) )

    ## If there is no $Path defined set $Path to current directory
    if( -not $Path )
        $Path = Get-Location | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'ProviderPath'
        $Path = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath 'rivet.json'

    if( -not [IO.Path]::IsPathRooted( $Path ) )
        $Path = Join-Path -Path (Get-Location) -ChildPath $Path

    $Path = [IO.Path]::GetFullPath( $Path )

    ## Check for existence of rivet.json
    if( -not (Test-Path -Path $Path -PathType Leaf) )
        Write-Error ('Rivet configuration file "{0}" not found.' -f $Path)

    $configRoot = Split-Path -Parent -Path $Path

    $rawConfig = Get-Content -Raw -Path $Path | ConvertFrom-Json
    if( -not $rawConfig )
        Write-Error -Message ('Rivet configuration file "{0}" contains invalid JSON.' -f $Path)

    if( $Environment -and -not (Get-Environment) )
        Write-Error ('Environment "{0}" not found in "{1}".' -f $Environment,$Path)

    $errorCount = $Global:Error.Count

    $sqlServerName = Get-ConfigProperty -Name 'SqlServerName' -Required -AsString
    $dbsRoot = Get-ConfigProperty -Name 'DatabasesRoot' -Required -AsPath
    $connectionTimeout = Get-ConfigProperty -Name 'ConnectionTimeout' -AsInt
    if( $null -eq $connectionTimeout )
        $connectionTimeout = 15

    $commandTimeout = Get-ConfigProperty -Name 'CommandTimeout' -AsInt
    if( $null -eq $commandTimeout )
        $commandTimeout = 30
    $pluginPaths = Get-ConfigProperty -Name 'PluginPaths' -AsPath -Resolve

    $ignoredDatabases = Get-ConfigProperty -Name 'IgnoreDatabases' -AsArray
    $targetDatabases = Get-ConfigProperty -Name 'TargetDatabases' -AsHashtable
    if( $null -eq $targetDatabases )
        $targetDatabases = @{ }

    $order = Get-ConfigProperty -Name 'DatabaseOrder' -AsArray
    $pluginModules = Get-ConfigProperty -Name 'PluginModules' -AsArray

    [Rivet.Configuration.Configuration]$configuration = 
        [Rivet.Configuration.Configuration]::New($Path, $Environment, $sqlServerName, $dbsRoot, $connectionTimeout, $commandTimeout, $pluginPaths, $pluginModules)

    if( $Global:Error.Count -ne $errorCount )

    $databaseInfos = Invoke-Command {
            # Get user-specified databases first
            if( $Database )
                $Database | 
                    Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name Name -Value { $this } -PassThru |
                    Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name FullName -Value { Join-Path -Path $configuration.DatabasesRoot -ChildPath $this.Name } -PassThru
                # Then get all of them in the order requested
                if( $order )
                    foreach( $dbName in $order )
                        Get-ChildItem -Path $configuration.DatabasesRoot -Filter $dbName -Directory

                Get-ChildItem -Path $configuration.DatabasesRoot -Exclude $order -Directory
        } |
        Select-Object -Property Name,FullName -Unique |
        Where-Object { 
            if( -not $ignoredDatabases )
                return $true

            $dbName = $_.Name                                        
            $ignore = $ignoredDatabases | Where-Object { $dbName -like $_ }
            return -not $ignore

    foreach( $databaseInfo in $databaseInfos )
        $dbName = $databaseInfo.Name
        [Rivet.Configuration.Database[]]$rivetDatabases = & {
            if( $targetDatabases.ContainsKey( $dbName ) )
                foreach( $targetDBName in $targetDatabases[$dbName] )
                    [Rivet.Configuration.Database]::New($targetDBName, $databaseInfo.FullName) | Write-Output
                [Rivet.Configuration.Database]::New($dbName, $databaseInfo.FullName) | Write-Output

        [void]$configuration.Databases.AddRange( $rivetDatabases )

    return $configuration

function Import-RivetPlugin


    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState
    Write-Timing -Message 'Import-RivetPlugin BEGIN' -Indent

    $moduleNames = & {
        foreach( $pluginPath in $Path )
            if( [IO.Path]::GetExtension($pluginPath) -eq '.ps1' )
                Write-Error -Message ('Unable to import Rivet plugin "{0}": invalid plugin file extension. A Rivet plugin must be a PowerShell module. The path to your plugin must be to a directory that is importable by the `Import-Module` command, or to a .psd1 or .psm1 file.' -f $pluginPath) -ErrorAction Stop

            Write-Timing -Message " Import BEGIN $($pluginPath)"
            Import-Module -Name $pluginPath -Global -Force -PassThru |
                Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Name' |
            Write-Timing -Message " Import END $($pluginPath)"

        $ModuleName | Write-Output

    $commands = & {
        foreach( $moduleName in $moduleNames )
            Write-Timing -Message " Get Commands BEGIN $($moduleName)"
            if( -not (Get-Module -Name $moduleName) )
                $msg = ("Unable to load plugins from module ""$($moduleName)"": the module is not loaded. Please " +
                        'call "Import-Module" to load this module before running Rivet. If you want Rivet to load the ' +
                        'module for you, use the "PluginPaths" setting and set it to a list of paths to modules ' +
                        'that Rivet should import.')
                Write-Error -Message $msg -ErrorAction Stop

            Get-Command -Module $moduleName
            Write-Timing -Message " Get Commands END $($moduleName)"

        # Get any global functions that may be plugins.
        Write-Timing -Message (' Get Functions BEGIN')
        Get-Command -CommandType Function | Where-Object { -not $_.Module }
        Write-Timing -Message (' Get Functions End')
    $script:plugins = & {
        foreach( $command in $commands ) 
            if( -not ($command | Get-Member -Name 'ScriptBlock') )

            if( $command.ScriptBlock.Attributes | Where-Object { $_ -is [Rivet.PluginAttribute] } )
                $command | Write-Output

        foreach( $command in $commands )
            if( -not ($command | Get-Member -Name 'ImplementingType') )

            f( $command.ImplementingType.Attributes | Where-Object { $_ -is [Rivet.PluginAttribute] } )
                $command | Write-Output

    Write-Timing -Message (' Discovered {0} plugins.' -f ($plugins | Measure-Object).Count)

    Write-Timing -Message 'Import-RivetPlugin END' -Outdent

function Initialize-Database
    Intializes the database so that it can be migrated by Rivet.


    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $who = ('{0}\{1}' -f $env:USERDOMAIN,$env:USERNAME);
    $migrationPaths = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
    $rivetMigrationsPath = Join-Path -Path $rivetModuleRoot -ChildPath 'Migrations'
    $migrationPaths.Add($rivetMigrationsPath) | Out-Null
    Write-Debug -Message ('# {0}.{1}' -f $Connection.DataSource,$Connection.Database)

    # Add schema.ps1 file from database's migration directory if it exists
    $databaseItem = $Configuration.Databases | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Connection.Database}
    $schemaFilePath = Join-Path -Path $databaseItem.MigrationsRoot -ChildPath 'schema.ps1'
    if( (Test-Path -Path $schemaFilePath) )
        $migrationPaths.Add($schemaFilePath) | Out-Null

    Update-Database -Path $migrationPaths -RivetSchema -Configuration $Configuration

function Invoke-MigrationOperation
    Runs the SQL created by a `Rivet.Migration` object.
    All Rivet migrations are described by instances of `Rivet.Migration` objects. These objects eventually make their way here, at which point they are converted to SQL, and executed.
    Invoke-Migration -Operation $operation
    This example demonstrates how to call `Invoke-Migration` with a migration object.

        # The migration this operation is from.

        # The migration object to invoke.


        Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

        $optionalParams = @{ }
        $nonQuery = $false
        $asScalar = $false
        if( $Operation.QueryType -eq [Rivet.OperationQueryType]::NonQuery -or $Operation.QueryType -eq [Rivet.OperationQueryType]::Ddl )
            $optionalParams['NonQuery'] = $true
            $nonQuery = $true
        elseif( $Operation.QueryType -eq [Rivet.OperationQueryType]::Scalar )
            $optionalParams['AsScalar'] = $true
            $asScalar = $true

        $Operation.ToQuery() |
            Split-SqlBatchQuery -Verbose:$false |
            Where-Object { $_ } |
            ForEach-Object {

                $batchQuery = $_
                $result = $null
                $rowsAffected = -1
                $rowCount = $null

                    if( $Operation -is [Rivet.Operations.RemoveRowOperation] -and $Operation.Truncate )
                        $rowCount = Invoke-Query -Query ('select count(*) from [{0}].[{1}]' -f $Operation.SchemaName,$Operation.TableName) -AsScalar

                    $result = Invoke-Query -Query $batchQuery -Parameter $Operation.Parameters -CommandTimeout $Operation.CommandTimeout @optionalParams
                    Write-RivetError -Message ('Migration {0} failed' -f $migrationInfo.FullName) `
                                        -CategoryInfo $_.CategoryInfo.Category `
                                        -ErrorID $_.FullyQualifiedErrorID `
                                        -Exception $_.Exception `
                                        -CallStack ($_.ScriptStackTrace) `
                                        -Query $batchQuery
                    throw (New-Object ApplicationException 'Migration failed.',$_.Exception)

                if( $nonQuery )
                    if( $rowCount -eq $null )
                        $rowsAffected = $result
                elseif( $asScalar )
                    if( $result -ne 0 )
                        if( $Operation -is [Rivet.Operations.UpdateCodeObjectMetadataOperation] )
                            $exMsg = "Failed to refresh {0}.{1}" -f $Operation.SchemaName,$Operation.Name
                        elseif( $Operation -is [Rivet.Operations.RenameColumnOperation] )
                            $exMsg = "Failed to rename column {0}.{1}.{2} to {0}.{1}.{3}" -f $Operation.SchemaName,$Operation.TableName,$Operation.Name,$Operation.NewName
                        elseif( $Operation -is [Rivet.Operations.RenameOperation] )
                            $exMsg = "Failed to rename object {0}.{1} to {0}.{2}" -f $Operation.SchemaName,$Operation.Name,$Operation.NewName
                        throw ('{0}: error code {1}' -f $exMsg,$result)
                return New-Object 'Rivet.OperationResult' $Migration,$Operation,$batchQuery,$rowsAffected              


filter Invoke-Query
    Executes a SQL query against the database.
    The `Invoke-Query` function runs arbitrary queries aginst the database. Queries are split on `GO` statements, and each query is sent individually to the database.
    By default, rows are returned as anonymous PsObjects, with properties for each named column returned. Unnamed columns are given arbitrary `ColumnIdx` names, where `Idx` is a number the increments by one for each anonymous column, beginning with 0.
    You can return the results as a scalar using the AsScalar parameter.
    use the `NonQuery` switch to run non-queryies (e.g. `update`, `insert`, etc.). In this case, the number of rows affected by the query is returned.
    Do not use this method to migrate/transform your database, or issue DDL queries! The queries issued by this function happen before the DDL applied by a migration's operations. Use the `Invoke-Ddl` function instead. If you need to dynamically migrate your database based on its state, use this function to query the state of the database, and the other Rivet operations to perform the migration.
    You can pipe queries to this method, too!
    Invoke-Query -Query 'create table rivet.Migrations( )'
    Executes the create table syntax above against the database.
    Invoke-Query -Query 'select count(*) from MyTable' -Database MyOtherDatabase
    Executes a query against the non-current database. Returns the rows as objects.
    'select count(*) from sys.tables' | Invoke-Query -AsScalar
    Demonstrates how queries can be piped into `Invoke-Query`. Also shows how a result can be returned as a scalar.


        # The time in seconds to wait for the command to execute. The default is 30 seconds.
        $CommandTimeout = 30

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    $Query |
        Split-SqlBatchQuery -Verbose:$false |
        Where-Object { $_ } |
        ForEach-Object {
                $queryBatch = $_
                $cmd = New-Object 'Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand' ($queryBatch,$Connection,$Connection.Transaction)

                $cmdStartedAt = [DateTime]::UtcNow
                    $cmd.CommandTimeout = $CommandTimeout

                    if( $Parameter )
                        $Parameter.Keys | ForEach-Object { 
                            $name = $_
                            $value = $Parameter[$name]
                            if( -not $name.StartsWith( '@' ) )
                                $name = '@{0}' -f $name
                            [void] $cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( $name, $value )

                    if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ExecuteNonQuery' )
                    elseif( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ExecuteScalar' )
                        $cmdReader = $cmd.ExecuteReader()
                            if( $cmdReader.HasRows )
                                while( $cmdReader.Read() )
                                    $row = @{ }
                                    for ($i= 0; $i -lt $cmdReader.FieldCount; $i++) 
                                        $name = $cmdReader.GetName( $i )
                                        if( -not $name )
                                            $name = 'Column{0}' -f $i
                                        $value = $cmdReader.GetValue($i)
                                        if( $cmdReader.IsDBNull($i) )
                                            $value = $null
                                        $row[$name] = $value
                                    New-Object PsObject -Property $row
                    $queryLines = $queryBatch -split ([TExt.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Escape([Environment]::NewLine))
                    Write-Verbose -Message ('{0,8} (ms) {1}' -f ([int]([DateTime]::UtcNow - $cmdStartedAt).TotalMilliseconds),($queryLines | Select-Object -First 1))
                    $queryLines | Select-Object -Skip 1 | ForEach-Object {  Write-Verbose -Message ('{0} {1}' -f (' ' * 13),$_) } 


function Invoke-Rivet
        # Creates a new migration.
        # Applies migrations.
        # Reverts migrations.
        # Reverts a migration, then re-applies it.

        # The name of the migrations to create, push, or pop. Matches against the migration's ID, Name, or file name (without extension). Wildcards permitted.
        # The number of migrations to pop. Default is 1.
        $Count = 1,

        # Pop all migrations

        # Force popping a migration you didn't apply or that is old.

        # The database(s) to migrate. Optional. Will operate on all databases otherwise.

        # The environment you're working in. Controls which settings Rivet loads from the `rivet.json` configuration file.

        # The path to the Rivet configuration file. Default behavior is to look in the current directory for a `rivet.json` file. See `about_Rivet_Configuration` for more information.

        # Drops the database(s) for the current environment when given. User will be prompted for confirmation when used.

        # Checkpoints the current state of the database so that it can be re-created.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    [Rivet.Configuration.Configuration]$settings = Get-RivetConfig -Database $Database -Path $ConfigFilePath -Environment $Environment

    if( -not $settings.Databases )
        Write-Error (@'
Found no databases to migrate. This can be a few things:
 * There are no database directories in ''{0}''. Please create a database directory there or supply an explicit database name with the `Database` parameter.
 * You supplied an explicit database name, but that database is on the ignore list. Remove it from the ignore list in ''{1}'' or enter a database name that isn't ignored.
 * You supplied an explicit database name, but no directory for migrations exist on the file system (under {0}). Create a migrations directory or enter the name of a database that exists.
 -f $settings.DatabasesRoot,$settings.Path)

    Import-RivetPlugin -Path $settings.PluginPaths -ModuleName $settings.PluginModules

        if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'New' )
            $settings.Databases | 
                Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'MigrationsRoot' -Unique |
                ForEach-Object { New-Migration -Name $Name -Path $_ }

        if( $DropDatabase )
            # Connect to master as we cannot drop a database if we're connected to it
            Connect-Database -SqlServerName $settings.SqlServerName `
                                    -Database 'Master' `
                                    -ConnectionTimeout $settings.ConnectionTimeout

            $databaseString = ($settings.Databases | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Name') -join "', '"
            $query = "select name from sys.databases where name in ('$($databaseString)')"
            $databaseList = Invoke-Query -Query $query

            if( $databaseList )
                $confirmDropDatabase = $false
                if( -not $Force)
                    $confirmQuery = 'Using the `DropDatabase` switch will drop the database(s) for the current ' +
                                    'environment. Do you want to proceed?'
                    $confirmCaption = 'Drop the following database(s)? ' +
                                      (($databaseList | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Name') -join ', ')
                    $confirmDropDatabase = $PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue( $confirmQuery, $confirmCaption )

                if( $confirmDropDatabase -or $Force )
                    foreach( $databaseItem in $databaseList )
                        $query = "DROP DATABASE {0}" -f $databaseItem.Name
                        Invoke-Query -Query $query

        if( $Checkpoint )
            Checkpoint-Migration -Database $Database -Environment $Environment -ConfigFilePath $ConfigFilePath -Force:$Force

        foreach( $databaseItem in $settings.Databases )
            $databaseName = $databaseItem.Name
            $dbMigrationsPath = $databaseItem.MigrationsRoot
            $result = Connect-Database -SqlServerName $settings.SqlServerName `
                                       -Database $databaseName `
                                       -ConnectionTimeout $settings.ConnectionTimeout
            if( -not $result )
                Initialize-Database -Configuration $settings

                $updateParams = @{
                                    Path = $dbMigrationsPath;
                                    Configuration = $settings;

                if( -not (Test-Path -Path $dbMigrationsPath -PathType Container) )
                    Write-Warning ('{0} database migrations directory ({1}) not found.' -f $databaseName,$dbMigrationsPath)
                if( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Name') )
                    $updateParams.Name = $Name    # Join-Path $dbMigrationsPath ("*_{0}.ps1" -f $Name)

                Write-Debug -Message ('# {0}.{1}' -f $Connection.DataSource,$Connection.Database)
                if( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Push' )
                    Update-Database @updateParams
                elseif( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Pop' )
                    Update-Database -Pop -Count 1 -Force:$Force @updateParams
                elseif( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'PopByName' )
                    Update-Database -Pop -Force:$Force @updateParams
                elseif( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'PopByCount' )
                    Update-Database -Pop -Count $Count -Force:$Force @updateParams
                elseif ( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'PopAll' )
                    Update-Database -Pop -All -Force:$Force @updateParams
                elseif( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Redo' )
                    Update-Database -Pop -Count 1 @updateParams
                    Update-Database @updateParams
                $firstException = $_.Exception
                while( $firstException.InnerException )
                    $firstException = $firstException.InnerException
                Write-Error ('{0} database migration failed: {1}.' -f $databaseName,$firstException.Message)

Set-Alias -Name rivet -Value Invoke-Rivet

function Invoke-RivetPlugin


    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    Write-Timing -Message 'Invoke-RivetPlugin BEGIN' -Indent

    $responders = $plugins |
                        Where-Object {
                            $_.ScriptBlock.Attributes | Where-Object { $_ -is [Rivet.PluginAttribute] -and $_.RespondsTo -eq $Event }
        if( -not $responders )

        foreach( $plugin in $responders )
            foreach( $parameterName in $Parameter.Keys )
                if( -not $plugin.Parameters.ContainsKey($parameterName) )
                    Write-Error -Message ('The function "{0}" that responds to Rivet''s "{1}" event must have a named "{2}" parameter. Please update this function''s definition.' -f $plugin.Name,$Event,$parameterName) -ErrorAction Stop

            & $plugin.Name @Parameter
            Write-Timing -Message (' {0}' -f $plugin.Name)
        Write-Timing -Message 'Invoke-RivetPlugin END' -Outdent

function Merge-Migration
    Creates a cumulative set of operations from migration scripts.
    The `Merge-Migration` functions creates a cumulative set of migrations from migration scripts. If there are multiple operations across one or more migration scripts that touch the same database object, those changes are combined into one operation. For example, if you create a table in one migration, add a column in another migrations, then remove a column in a third migration, this function will output an operation that represents the final state for the object: a create table operation that includes the added column and doesn't include the removed column. In environments where tables are replicated, it is more efficient to modify objects once and have that change replicated once, than to have the same object modified multiple times and replicated multiple times.
    This function returns `Rivet.Migration` objects. Each object will have zero or more operations in its `PushOperations` property. If there are zero operations, it means the original operation was consolidated into another migration. Each operation has `Source` member on it, which is a list of all the migrations that contributed to that operation.
    Get-Migration | Merge-Migration
    Demonstrates how to run `Merge-Migration`. It is always used in conjunction with `Get-Migration`.

        # The path to the rivet.json file to use. By default, it will look in the current directory.

        Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

        # Collect all the migrations. We can't merge anything until we get to the end.
        [Collections.ArrayList]$migrations = [Collections.ArrayList]::New()
        [Collections.Generic.List[Rivet.Operations.Operation]]$allOperations = [Collections.Generic.List[Rivet.Operations.Operation]]::New()

        foreach( $migrationItem in $Migration )

            foreach( $op in $migrationItem.PushOperations )
                for( $idx = $allOperations.Count - 1; $idx -ge 0; --$idx)


        foreach( $migrationItem in $migrations )
            for( $idx = $migrationItem.PushOperations.Count - 1; $idx -ge 0 ; --$idx )
                $operation = $migrationItem.PushOperations[$idx]
                if( $operation.Disabled )
            $migrationItem | Write-Output

function New-ConstraintName
    Creates a default constraint name for a column in a table.

        # Creates a default constraint name.

        # Creates a primary key name.

        # Creates an index name.

        # For a unique index.

        # Creates an unique key/alternate key constraint name.

        # Creates a foreign key constraint name.

        # The table's schema. Default is `dbo`.
        [String]$SchemaName = 'dbo',

        # The table name.

        # The column name.

        [String]$ReferencesSchemaName = 'dbo',


    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    $op = switch( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName )
            [Rivet.ConstraintName]::new($SchemaName, $TableName, $ColumnName, [Rivet.ConstraintType]::Default)
            [Rivet.ForeignKeyConstraintName]::new($SchemaName, $TableName, $ReferencesSchemaName, $ReferencesTableName)
            [Rivet.ConstraintName]::new($SchemaName, $TableName, $null, [Rivet.ConstraintType]::PrimaryKey)
            [Rivet.IndexName]::new($SchemaName, $TableName, $ColumnName, $Unique)
            [Rivet.ConstraintName]::new($SchemaName, $TableName, $ColumnName, [Rivet.ConstraintType]::UniqueKey)

    return $op.Name

function New-Migration
    Creates a new migration script.
    Creates a migration script with a given name. The script is prefixed with the current timestamp (e.g. yyyyMMddHHmmss). The script is created in `$Path\$Database\Migrations`.

        # The name of the migration to create.
        # The path to the directory where the migration should be saved.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    foreach( $nameItem in $Name )
        $id = $null
        $id = [int64](Get-Date).ToString('yyyyMMddHHmmss')
        while( (Test-Path -Path $Path -PathType Container) -and `
               (Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Filter ('{0}_*' -f $id) ) )

        $filename = '{0}_{1}.ps1' -f $id,$nameItem

        $importRivetPath = Join-Path -Path $rivetModuleRoot -ChildPath 'Import-Rivet.ps1' -Resolve

        $migrationPath = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath $filename
        $migrationPath = [IO.Path]::GetFullPath( $migrationPath )
        New-Item -Path $migrationPath -Force -ItemType File

        $schemaPs1Path = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath $script:schemaFileName
        if (-not (Test-Path -Path $schemaPs1Path))
            $script:defaultSchemaPs1Content | Set-Content -Path $schemaPs1Path
            $msg = "Rivet created ""$($schemaPs1Path | Resolve-Path -Relative)"", a file where Rivet stores the " +
                   'database''s baseline schema. PLEASE CHECK THIS FILE INTO SOURCE CONTROL.'
            Write-Warning $msg

        $template = @"
Your migration is ready to go! For the best development experience, please
write your migration in the PowerShell 3 ISE. Run the following at a
PowerShell prompt:
    PS> ise "{0}"
or right-click the migration in Windows Explorer and choose "Edit".
The PowerShell ISE gives you intellisense, auto-complete, and other features
you may be used to from the Visual Studio IDE. Use this command in the ISE to
import Rivet and get intellisense/auto-complete:
    PSISE> {1}
The ISE has a "Show Command" add-on which will let you build your migration
with a GUI. Once you've got Rivet imported, choose View > Show Command Add-on.
When the Show Command Add-on appears, choose 'Rivet' from the module. Click on
a migration operation to build it with the Show Command GUI.
function Push-Migration
function Pop-Migration
 -f $migrationPath,$importRivetPath 

        $template | Set-Content -Path $migrationPath

function New-MigrationObject
    Creates a new `Rivet.Migration` object, suitable for passing to `Invoke-Migration` function.
    All migrations in Rivet should be represented as an object. Each object should inherit from `Rivet.Migration`. This method returns an empty `Rivet.Migration` object, which is typically used to create migration-specific properties/methods.
    $migration = New-MigrationObject
    Returns a `Rivet.Migration` object.

        # The properties on the object.

        # The script block to execute as the ToQuery method.

    $o = New-Object 'Rivet.Migration' '','','',''
    $Property.Keys | 
        ForEach-Object { $o | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $_ -Value $Property.$_ }

    $o |
        Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'ToQuery' -Value $ToQueryMethod -PassThru

function Repair-Operation

        Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

        function Repair-DefaultConstraintName
                Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

                $operationName = 'Add-Table'
                if( $Operation -is [Rivet.Operations.UpdateTableOperation] )
                    $operationName = 'Update-Table'

                if( -not $Column.DefaultExpression -or ($Column.DefaultExpression -and $Column.DefaultConstraintName) )

                $column.DefaultConstraintName = New-ConstraintName -Default `
                                                                   -SchemaName $schemaName `
                                                                   -TableName $name `
                                                                   -ColumnName $column.Name
                Write-Warning -Message ('Column default constraint names will be required in a future version of ' +
                                        "Rivet. Add a ""DefaultConstraintName"" parameter to the [$($Column.Name)] " +
                                        "column on the $($operationName) operation for the " +
                                        "[$($schemaName)].[$($name)] table.")

        $name = $Operation | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Name' -ErrorAction Ignore
        # If a constraint operation already has a name, don't do anything.
        if( $name -and $Operation -isnot [Rivet.Operations.AddTableOperation] -and $Operation -isnot [Rivet.Operations.UpdateTableOperation] )
            return $Operation

        $schemaName = $Operation | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'SchemaName' -ErrorAction Ignore
        $tableName = $Operation | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'TableName' -ErrorAction Ignore
        $columnName = $Operation | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'ColumnName' -ErrorAction Ignore
        $columnDesc = $columnName -join '", "'
        $pluralSuffix = ''
        if( ($columnName | Measure-Object).Count -gt 1 )
            $pluralSuffix = 's'

        $tableDesc = "[$($schemaName)].[$($tableName)]"

        $warningMsg = ''

        switch( $Operation.GetType().Name )
                $Operation.Name = New-ConstraintName -Default -SchemaName $schemaName -TableName $tableName -ColumnName $columnName
                $warningMsg = "Default constraint names will be required in a future version of Rivet. Add a " +
                              """Name"" parameter (with a value of ""$($Operation.Name)"") to the Add-DefaultConstraint " +
                              "operation for the $($tableDesc) table's ""$($columnDesc)"" column."
                $Operation.Name = New-ConstraintName -ForeignKey `
                                                     -SchemaName $schemaName `
                                                     -TableName $tableName `
                                                     -ReferencesSchemaName $Operation.ReferencesSchemaName `
                                                     -ReferencesTableName $Operation.ReferencesTableName
                $warningMsg = "Foreign key constraint names will be required in a future version of Rivet. " +
                              "Add a ""Name"" parameter (with a value of ""$($Operation.Name)"") to the Add-ForeignKey " +
                              "operation for the $($tableDesc) table's $($columnDesc) column$($pluralSuffix)."
                $Operation.Name = New-ConstraintName -Index -SchemaName $schemaName -TableName $tableName -ColumnName $columnName -Unique:$Operation.Unique
                $warningMsg = "Index names will be required in a future version of Rivet. Add a ""Name"" " +
                              "parameter (with a value of ""$($Operation.Name)"") to the Add-Index operation for the " +
                              "$($tableDesc) table's ""$($columnDesc)"" column$($pluralSuffix)."
                $Operation.Name = New-ConstraintName -PrimaryKey -SchemaName $schemaName -TableName $tableName
                $warningMsg = "Primary key constraint names will be required in a future version of Rivet. " +
                              "Add a ""Name"" parameter (with a value of ""$($Operation.Name)"") to the Add-PrimaryKey " +
                              "operation for the $($tableDesc) table's $($columnDesc) column."
                $Operation.Columns | Repair-DefaultConstraintName
                $Operation.Name = New-ConstraintName -UniqueKey -SchemaName $schemaName -TableName $tableName -ColumnName $columnName
                $warningMsg = "Unique key constraint names will be required in a future version of Rivet. Add " +
                              "a ""Name"" parameter (with a value of ""$($Operation.Name)"") to the Add-UniqueKey " +
                              "operation on the $($tableDesc) table's $($columnDesc) column$($pluralSuffix)."
                $Operation.Name = New-ConstraintName -Default -SchemaName $schemaName -TableName $tableName -ColumnName $columnName
                $warningMsg = "Default constraint names will be required in a future version of Rivet. Add a " +
                              """Name"" parameter (with a value of ""$($Operation.Name)"") to the Remove-DefaultConstraint " +
                              "operation for the $($tableDesc) table's ""$($columnDesc)"" column."
                $Operation.Name = New-ConstraintName -ForeignKey 
                                                     -SchemaName $schemaName `
                                                     -TableName $tableName `
                                                     -ReferencesSchema $Operation.ReferencesSchema `
                                                     -ReferencesTableName $Operation.ReferencesTableName
                $warningMsg = "Foreign key constraint names will be required in a future version of Rivet. " +
                              "Add a ""Name"" parameter (with a value of ""$($Operation.Name)"") to the Remove-ForeignKey " +
                              "operation for the $($tableDesc) table that references the " +
                              "[$($Operation.ReferencesSchemaName)].[$($Operation.ReferencesTableName)] table."
                $Operation.Name = New-ConstraintName -Index -SchemaName $schemaName -TableName $tableName -ColumnName $columnName -Unique:$Operation.Unique
                $warningMsg = "Index names will be required in a future version of Rivet. Add a ""Name"" " +
                              "parameter (with a value of ""$($Operation.Name)"") to the Remove-Index operation for the " +
                              "$($tableDesc) table's ""$($columnDesc)"" column$($pluralSuffix)."
                $Operation.Name = New-ConstraintName -PrimaryKey -SchemaName $schemaName -TableName $tableName
                $warningMsg = "Primay key constraint names will be required in a future version of Rivet. " +
                              "Add a ""Name"" parameter (with a value of ""$($Operation.Name)"") to the Remove-PrimaryKey " +
                              "operation for the $($tableDesc) table."
                $Operation.Name = New-ConstraintName -UniqueKey -SchemaName $schemaName -TableName $tableName -ColumnName $columnName
                $warningMsg = "Unique key constraint names will be required in a future version of Rivet. " +
                              "Remove the ""ColumnName"" parameter and add a ""Name"" parameter (with a value of " +
                              """$($Operation.Name)"") to the Remove-UniqueKey operation for the " +
                              "$($tableDesc) table's ""$($columnDesc)"" column$($pluralSuffix)."
                $Operation.AddColumns | Repair-DefaultConstraintName

        if( $warningMsg )
            Write-Warning -Message $warningMsg

        return $Operation



function Split-SqlBatchQuery
    Splits a SQL batch query into individual queries.
    `Split-SqlBatchQuery` takes a batch query and splits it by the `GO` statements it contains. `GO` statements inside comments and strings are ignored. It does not use regular expressions.
    If the query has no `GO` statements, you'll get your original query back.
    You can pipe SQL batch queries into this function and you'll get runnable queries out the other side.



        Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

        $currentQuery = New-Object 'Text.StringBuilder'
        $inSingleLineComment = $false
        $inMultiLineComment = $false
        $inString = $false
        $stringCouldBeEnding = $false
        $prevChar = $null
        $currentChar = $null
        $commentDepth = 0
        $currentLine = New-Object 'Text.StringBuilder'

        function Complete-Line
            Write-Debug -Message ("inMultiLineComment: {0}; inSingleLineComment: {1}; inString {2}; {3}" -f $inMultiLineComment,$inSingleLineComment,$inString,$currentLine.ToString())
            $trimmedLine = $currentLine.ToString().Trim() 
            if( $trimmedLine -notmatch "^GO\b" )
                [void]$currentQuery.Append( $currentLine )

            $currentLine.Length = 0
            if( $trimmedLine -match "^GO\b" -or $atLastChar )
                $currentQuery.Length = 0

        $chars = $Query.ToCharArray()
        for( $idx = 0; $idx -lt $chars.Count; ++$idx )
            $prevChar = $null
            if( $idx -gt 1 )
                $prevChar = $chars[$idx - 1]

            $currentChar = $chars[$idx]

            $nextChar = $null
            if( $idx + 1 -lt $chars.Count )
                $nextChar = $chars[$idx + 1]

            $atLastChar = $idx -eq $chars.Count - 1
            if( $atLastChar )
                [void]$currentLine.Append( $currentChar )

            if( $inMultiLineComment )
                [void] $currentLine.Append( $currentChar )
                if( $prevChar -eq '/' -and $currentChar -eq '*' )
                    Write-Debug -Message ('Entering nested multi-line comment.')
                elseif( $prevChar -eq '*' -and $currentChar -eq '/' )
                    Write-Debug -Message ('Leaving multi-line comment.')
                    $inMultiLineComment = ($commentDepth -gt 0)

                if( -not $inMultiLineComment )
                    Write-Debug -Message ('Multi-line comment closed.')

            if( $inSingleLineComment )
                if( $currentChar -eq "`n" )
                    Write-Debug -Message ('Leaving single-line comment.')
                    $inSingleLineComment = $false
                    [void] $currentLine.Append( $currentChar )
            if( $inString )
                if( $stringCouldBeEnding )
                    $stringCouldBeEnding = $false
                    if( $currentChar -eq "'" )
                        [void] $currentLine.Append( $currentChar )
                        Write-Debug -Message ('Found escaped quote.')
                        Write-Debug -Message ('Leaving string.')
                        $inString = $false
                elseif( $currentChar -eq "'" )
                    [void] $currentLine.Append( $currentChar )
                    $stringCouldBeEnding = $true
                    [void]$currentLine.Append( $currentChar )

            if( $prevChar -eq "/" -and $currentChar -eq "*" )
                Write-Debug -Message ('Entering multi-line comment.')
                $inMultiLineComment = $true
            elseif( $prevChar -eq '-' -and $currentChar -eq '-' )
                Write-Debug -Message ('Entering single-line comment.')
                $inSingleLineComment = $true
            elseif( $currentChar -eq "'" )
                Write-Debug -Message ('Entering string.')
                $inString = $true

            [void] $currentLine.Append( $currentChar )

            if( $currentChar -eq "`n" -or $atLastChar )

function Test-Migration
    Tests if a migration was applied to the database.
    Returns `true` if a migration with the given ID has already been applied. `False` otherwise.
    Test-Migration -ID 20120211235838
    Returns `True` if a migration with ID `20120211235838` already exists or `False` if it doesn't.


        # Returns the migration info.
    $query = 'select ID, Name, Who, AtUtc from {0} where ID=@ID' -f $RivetMigrationsTableFullName,$ID
    $info = Invoke-Query -Query $query -Parameter @{ ID = $ID } -Verbose:$false
    if( $info )
        Write-Debug -Message ('{0} {1,-35} {2,14:00000000000000}_{3}' -f $info.AtUtc.ToLocalTime().ToString('yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm'),$info.Who,$info.ID,$info.Name)
        if( $PassThru )
            return $info
        return $true
    return $false

function Update-Database
    Applies a set of migrations to the database.
    By default, applies all unapplied migrations to the database. You can reverse all migrations with the `Down` switch.
    Update-Database -Path C:\Projects\Rivet\Databases\Rivet\Migrations
    Applies all un-applied migrations from the `C:\Projects\Rivet\Databases\Rivet\Migrations` directory.
    Update-Database -Path C:\Projects\Rivet\Databases\Rivet\Migrations -Pop
    Reverses all migrations in the `C:\Projects\Rivet\Databases\Rivet\Migrations` directory

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Push', SupportsShouldProcess=$True)]

        # The path to the migration.

        # Reverse the given migration(s).


        # Reverse the given migration(s).

        # Reverse the given migration(s).

        # Running internal Rivet migrations. This is for internal use only. If you use this flag, Rivet will break when you upgrade. You've been warned!

        # Force popping a migration you didn't apply or that is old.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    function ConvertTo-RelativeTime
            # The date time to convert to a relative time string.

        [TimeSpan]$howLongAgo = (Get-Date) - $DateTime
        $howLongAgoMsg = New-Object 'Text.StringBuilder'
        if( $howLongAgo.Days )
            [void] $howLongAgoMsg.AppendFormat('{0} day', $howLongAgo.Days)
            if( $howLongAgo.Days -ne 1 )
                [void] $howLongAgoMsg.Append('s')
            [void] $howLongAgoMsg.Append(', ')

        if( $howLongAgo.Days -or $howLongAgo.Hours )
            [void] $howLongAgoMsg.AppendFormat('{0} hour', $howLongAgo.Hours)
            if( $howLongAgo.Hours -ne 1 )
                [void] $howLongAgoMsg.Append('s')
            [void] $howLongAgoMsg.Append(', ')

        if( $howLongAgo.Days -or $howLongAgo.Hours -or $howLongAgo.Minutes )
            [void] $howLongAgoMsg.AppendFormat('{0} minute', $howLongAgo.Minutes)
            if( $howLongAgo.Minutes -ne 1 )
                [void] $howLongAgoMsg.Append('s')
            [void] $howLongAgoMsg.Append(', ')

        [void] $howLongAgoMsg.AppendFormat('{0} second', $howLongAgo.Seconds)
        if( $howLongAgo.Minutes -ne 1 )
            [void] $howLongAgoMsg.Append('s')

        [void] $howLongAgoMsg.Append( ' ago' )

        return $howLongAgoMsg.ToString()

    $popping = ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like 'Pop*')
    $numPopped = 0

    $who = ('{0}\{1}' -f $env:USERDOMAIN,$env:USERNAME);

    #$matchedNames = @{ }
    $byName = @{ }
    if( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Name') )
        $byName['Include'] = $Name

    $query = 'if (object_id(''{0}'', ''U'') is not null) select ID, Name, Who, AtUtc from {0}' -f $RivetMigrationsTableFullName
    $appliedMigrations = @{}
    foreach( $migration in (Invoke-Query -Query $query) )
        $appliedMigrations[$migration.ID] = $migration

    $migrations = 
        Get-MigrationFile -Path $Path -Configuration $Configuration @byName -ErrorAction Stop |
        Sort-Object -Property 'MigrationID' -Descending:$popping |
        Where-Object {
            if( $RivetSchema )
                return $true

            if( [int64]$_.MigrationID -lt $script:firstMigrationId )
                Write-Error "Migration '$($_.FullName)' has an invalid ID. IDs lower than $($script:firstMigrationId) are reserved for internal use." -ErrorAction Stop
                return $false
            return $true
        } |
        Where-Object { 
            $migration = $appliedMigrations[$_.MigrationID]

            if( $popping )
                if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'PopByCount' -and $numPopped -ge $Count )
                    return $false

                # Don't need to pop if migration hasn't been applied.
                if( -not $migration )
                    return $false

                $youngerThan = ((Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()) - (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 20)
                if( $migration.Who -ne $who -or $migration.AtUtc -lt $youngerThan )
                    $howLongAgo = ConvertTo-RelativeTime -DateTime ($migration.AtUtc.ToLocalTime())
                    $confirmQuery = "Are you sure you want to pop migration {0} from database {1} on {2} applied by {3} {4}?" -f $_.FullName,$Connection.Database,$Connection.DataSource,$migration.Who,$howLongAgo
                    $confirmCaption = "Pop Migration {0}?" -f $_.FullName
                    if( -not $Force -and -not $PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue( $confirmQuery, $confirmCaption ) )
                        return $false
                return $true

            # Only need to parse/push if migration hasn't already been pushed.
            if( $migration )
                return $false
            return $true
        } |
        Convert-FileInfoToMigration -Configuration $Configuration 
    foreach( $migrationInfo in $migrations )
        $migrationInfo.DataSource = $Connection.DataSource

            $Connection.Transaction = $Connection.BeginTransaction()

            if( $Pop )
                $operations = $migrationInfo.PopOperations
                $action = 'Pop'
                $sprocName = 'RemoveMigration'
                $operations = $migrationInfo.PushOperations
                $action = 'Push'
                $sprocName = 'InsertMigration'

            if( -not $operations.Count )
                Write-Error ('{0} migration''s {1}-Migration function is empty.' -f $migrationInfo.FullName,$action)

            $operations | Invoke-MigrationOperation -Migration $migrationInfo

            $query = 'exec [rivet].[{0}] @ID = @ID, @Name = @Name, @Who = @Who, @ComputerName = @ComputerName' -f $sprocName
            $parameters = @{
                                ID = [int64]$migrationInfo.ID; 
                                Name = $migrationInfo.Name;
                                Who = $who;
                                ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME;
            Invoke-Query -Query $query -NonQuery -Parameter $parameters  | Out-Null

            $target = '{0}.{1}' -f $Connection.DataSource,$Connection.Database
            $operation = '{0} migration {1} {2}' -f $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName,$migrationInfo.ID,$migrationInfo.Name
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($target, $operation))
            # TODO: Create custom exception for migration query errors so that we can report here when unknown things happen.
            if( $_.Exception -isnot [ApplicationException] )
                Write-RivetError -Message ('Migration {0} failed' -f $migrationInfo.Path) -CategoryInfo $_.CategoryInfo.Category -ErrorID $_.FullyQualifiedErrorID -Exception $_.Exception -CallStack ($_.ScriptStackTrace)
            $Connection.Transaction = $null

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

function Use-CallerPreference
    Sets the PowerShell preference variables in a module's function based on the callers preferences.
    Script module functions do not automatically inherit their caller's variables, including preferences set by common parameters. This means if you call a script with switches like `-Verbose` or `-WhatIf`, those that parameter don't get passed into any function that belongs to a module.
    When used in a module function, `Use-CallerPreference` will grab the value of these common parameters used by the function's caller:
     * ErrorAction
     * Debug
     * Confirm
     * InformationAction
     * Verbose
     * WarningAction
     * WhatIf
    This function should be used in a module's function to grab the caller's preference variables so the caller doesn't have to explicitly pass common parameters to the module function.
    This function is adapted from the [`Get-CallerPreference` function written by David Wyatt](https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Inherit-Preference-82343b9d).
    There is currently a [bug in PowerShell](https://connect.microsoft.com/PowerShell/Feedback/Details/763621) that causes an error when `ErrorAction` is implicitly set to `Ignore`. If you use this function, you'll need to add explicit `-ErrorAction $ErrorActionPreference` to every function/cmdlet call in your function. Please vote up this issue so it can get fixed.
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState
    Demonstrates how to set the caller's common parameter preference variables in a module function.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        # The module function's `$PSCmdlet` object. Requires the function be decorated with the `[CmdletBinding()]` attribute.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        # The module function's `$ExecutionContext.SessionState` object. Requires the function be decorated with the `[CmdletBinding()]` attribute.
        # Used to set variables in its callers' scope, even if that caller is in a different script module.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    # List of preference variables taken from the about_Preference_Variables and their common parameter name (taken from about_CommonParameters).
    $commonPreferences = @{
                              'ErrorActionPreference' = 'ErrorAction';
                              'DebugPreference' = 'Debug';
                              'ConfirmPreference' = 'Confirm';
                              'InformationPreference' = 'InformationAction';
                              'VerbosePreference' = 'Verbose';
                              'WarningPreference' = 'WarningAction';
                              'WhatIfPreference' = 'WhatIf';

    foreach( $prefName in $commonPreferences.Keys )
        $parameterName = $commonPreferences[$prefName]

        # Don't do anything if the parameter was passed in.
        if( $Cmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey($parameterName) )

        $variable = $Cmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.Get($prefName)
        # Don't do anything if caller didn't use a common parameter.
        if( -not $variable )

        if( $SessionState -eq $ExecutionContext.SessionState )
            Set-Variable -Scope 1 -Name $variable.Name -Value $variable.Value -Force -Confirm:$false -WhatIf:$false
            $SessionState.PSVariable.Set($variable.Name, $variable.Value)


function Write-RivetError
        # The error message to display.
        # The exception being reported.
        # The call stack to report.

        # The Category Info

        # The Fully Qualified Error ID

        # Query, if any
    $firstException = $_.Exception
    while( $firstException.InnerException )
        $firstException = $firstException.InnerException
    if (-not $Query)
        $Query = "None"
    Write-Error (@"
[{0}].[{1}] {2}: {3}
 -f $Connection.DataSource,$Connection.Database,$Message,$firstException.Message,($CallStack -replace "`n","`n "), $Query) -ErrorID $ErrorID -Category $CategoryInfo 


function New-BigIntColumn
    Creates a column object representing an BigInt datatype.
    Use this function in the `Column` script block for `Add-Table`:
        Add-Table 'Migrations' {
            BigInt 'MigrationID'
    ## ALIASES
     * BigInt
    Add-Table 'Migrations' { BigInt 'MigrationID' }
    Demonstrates how to create an optional `bigint` column called `MigrationID`.
    Add-Table 'Migrations' { BigInt 'ID' -Identity 1 1 }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `bigint` column called `ID`, which is used as the table's identity. The identity values will start at 1, and increment by 1.
    Add-Table 'Migrations' { BigInt 'MigrationID' -NotNull }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `bigint` column called `MigrationID`.
    Add-Table 'Migrations' { BigInt 'MigrationID' -Sparse }
    Demonstrates how to create a sparse, optional `bigint` column called `MigrationID`.
    Add-Table 'Migrations' { BigInt 'MigrationID' -NotNull -Default '0' }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `bigint` column called `MigrationID` with a default value of `0`.
    Add-Table 'Migrations' { BigInt 'MigrationID' -NotNull -Description 'The number of items currently on hand.' }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `bigint` column with a description.

        # The column's name.

        # The column should be an identity.

        # The starting value for the identity.

        # The increment between auto-generated identity values.

        # Stops the identity from being replicated.

        # Don't allow `NULL` values in this column.

        # Store nulls as Sparse.

        # A SQL Server expression for the column's default value. The DefaultConstraintName parameter is required if this parameter is used.

        # The name of the default constraint for the column's default expression. Required if the Default parameter is given.

        # A description of the column.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
            $nullable = 'Null'
            if( $Sparse )
                $nullable = 'Sparse'
            [Rivet.Column]::BigInt($Name, $nullable, $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
            [Rivet.Column]::BigInt($Name,'NotNull', $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)

            $i = New-Object 'Rivet.Identity' $NotForReplication
            [Rivet.Column]::BigInt( $Name, $i, $Description )

            $i = New-Object 'Rivet.Identity' $Seed, $Increment, $NotForReplication
            [Rivet.Column]::BigInt( $Name, $i, $Description )

Set-Alias -Name 'BigInt' -Value 'New-BigIntColumn'

function New-BinaryColumn
    Creates a column object representing an Binary datatype.
    Use this function in the `Column` script block for `Add-Table`:
        Add-Table 'Images' {
            Binary 'Bits' 256
    ## ALIASES
     * Binary
    Add-Table 'Images' { Binary 'Bytes' 256 }
    Demonstrates how to create an optional `binary` column with a maximum length of 256 bytes.
    Add-Table 'Images' { Binary 'Bytes' 256 -NotNull }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `binary` column with maximum length of 256 bytes.
    Add-Table 'Images' { Binary 'Bytes' -Max }
    Demonstrates how to create an optional `binary` column with the maximum length (2^31 -1 bytes).
    Add-Table 'Images' { Binary 'Bytes' -Max -FileStream }
    Demonstrates now to create an optional `binary` column with the maximum length, and stores the data in a filestream data container.

        # The column's name.

        # The number of bytes the column will hold.

        # Don't allow `NULL` values in this column.

        # Store nulls as Sparse.

        # A SQL Server expression for the column's default value

        # The name of the default constraint for the column's default expression. Required if the Default parameter is given.
        # A description of the column.

    $sizetype = New-Object Rivet.CharacterLength $Size

    $nullable = 'Null'
    if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'NotNull' )
        $nullable = 'NotNull'
    elseif( $Sparse )
        $nullable = 'Sparse'

    [Rivet.Column]::Binary($Name, $sizetype, $nullable, $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
Set-Alias -Name 'Binary' -Value 'New-BinaryColumn'

function New-BitColumn
    Creates a column object representing an Bit datatype.
    Use this function in the `Column` script block for `Add-Table`:
        Add-Table 'Items' {
            Bit 'IsAvailable'
    ## ALIASES
     * Bit
    Add-Table 'Items' { Bit 'IsAvailable' }
    Demonstrates how to create an optional `bit` column called `IsAvailable`.
    Add-Table 'Items' { Bit 'IsAvailable' -NotNull }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `bit` column called `IsAvailable`.
    Add-Table 'Items' { Bit 'IsAvailable' -Sparse }
    Demonstrates how to create a sparse, optional `bit` column called `IsAvailable`.
    Add-Table 'Items' { Bit 'IsAvailable' -NotNull -Default '1' }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `bit` column called `IsAvailable` with a default value of `1`.
    Add-Table 'Items' { Bit 'IsAvailable' -NotNull -Description 'The price of the item.' }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `bit` column with a description.

        # The column's name.

        # Don't allow `NULL` values in this column.

        # Store nulls as Sparse.

        # A SQL Server expression for the column's default value

        # The name of the default constraint for the column's default expression. Required if the Default parameter is given.
        # A description of the column.
    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
            $nullable = 'Null'
            if( $Sparse )
                $nullable = 'Sparse'
            [Rivet.Column]::Bit($Name, $nullable, $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
            [Rivet.Column]::Bit($Name,'NotNull', $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
Set-Alias -Name 'Bit' -Value 'New-BitColumn'

function New-CharColumn
    Creates a column object representing an Char datatype.
    Use this function in the `Column` script block for `Add-Table`:
        Add-Table -State 'Addresses' -Column {
            Char 'State' 2
    ## ALIASES
     * Char
    Add-Table 'Addresses' { Char 'State' 2 }
    Demonstrates how to create an optional `char` column with a length of 2 bytes.
    Add-Table 'Addresses' { Char 'State' 2 -NotNull }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `char` column with length of 2 bytes.
    Add-Table 'Addresses' { Char 'State' 2 -Collation 'Latin1_General_BIN' }
    Demonstrates now to create an optional `char` column with a custom `Latin1_General_BIN` collation.

        # The column's name.

        # The length of the column, i.e. the number of characters.

        # Controls the code page that is used to store the data

        # Don't allow `NULL` values in this column.

        # Store nulls as Sparse.

        # A SQL Server expression for the column's default value

        # The name of the default constraint for the column's default expression. Required if the Default parameter is given.
        # A description of the column.

    $Sizetype = $null

    $Sizetype = New-Object Rivet.CharacterLength $Size

    $nullable = 'Null'
    if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'NotNull' )
        $nullable = 'NotNull'
    elseif( $Sparse )
        $nullable = 'Sparse'

    [Rivet.Column]::Char($Name, $Sizetype, $Collation, $nullable, $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
Set-Alias -Name 'Char' -Value 'New-CharColumn'

function New-Column
    Creates a column object of an explicit datatype which can be used with the `Add-Table` or `Update-Table` migrations.
    Use this function in the `Column` script block for `Add-Table`:
        Add-Table 'Members' {
            New-Column 'Birthday' 'datetime'
    This column is useful for creating columns of custom types or types for which Rivet doesn't have a specific function.
    Returns an object that can be used when adding columns or creating tables to get the SQL needed to create that column.
    Add-Table 'Members' { New-Column 'Birthday' 'datetime' -NotNull }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `datetime` column.
    Add-Table 'Members' { New-Column 'Birthday' 'float(7)' -NotNull }
    Demonstrates that the value of the `DataType` parameter should also include any precision/scale/size specifiers.
    Add-Table 'Members' { New-Column 'Birthday' 'datetime' -Sparse }
    Demonstrate show to create a nullable, sparse `datetime` column when adding a new table.
    Add-Table 'Members' { New-Column 'Birthday' 'datetime' -NotNull -Default 'getdate()' }
    Demonstrates how to create a date column with a default value, in this case the current date. (You alwyas use UTC dates, right?) Probably not a great example, setting someone's birthday to the current date. Reasons are left as an exercise for the reader.
    Add-Table 'Members' { New-Column 'Birthday' 'datetime' -Description 'The members birthday.' }
    Demonstrates how to create an optional date column with a description.


        # The Name of the new column.

        # The datatype of the new column. Scale/size/precision clause is optional.

        # Allow the column to be its maximum size. Sets the columnn's size clause to `(max)`. Only use this with columns whose underlying type supports it. If you supply this argument, the `Size`, `Precision`, and `Scale` parameters are ignored.

        # The size/length of the column. Sets the column's size clause to `($Size)`. Ignored if `Max` parameter is used. If provided, the `Precision` and `Scale` parameters are ignored.

        # The precision of the column. Set's the columns size clause to `($Precision)`. If `Scale` is also given, the size clause is set to `($Precision,$Scale)`. Ignored if the `Max` or `Size` parameters are used.

        # The scale of the column. Set's the column's size clause to `($Scale)`. If `Precision` is also given, the size clause is set to `($Precision,$Scale)`. Ignored if the `Max` or `Size` parameters are used.

        # Make the column an identity.

        # The starting value for the identity column.

        # The increment between new identity values.

        # Don't replicate the identity column value.

        # Optimizes the column storage for null values. Cannot be used with the `NotNull` switch.

        # Makes the column not nullable. Cannot be used with the `Sparse` switch.

        # The collation of the column.

        # Whether or not to make the column a `rowguidcol`.

        # A SQL Server expression for the column's default value.

        # The name of the default constraint for the column's default expression. Required if the Default parameter is given.

        # A description of the column.
        # Whether or not the column is a filestream.

    [Rivet.ColumnSize]$sizeParam = $null
    if( $Max )
        $sizeParam = [Rivet.CharacterLength]::new()
    elseif( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Size') )
        $sizeParam = [Rivet.CharacterLength]::new($Size)
    elseif( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Precision') -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Scale') )
        $sizeParam = [Rivet.PrecisionScale]::new($Precision,$Scale)
    elseif( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Precision') )
        $sizeParam = [Rivet.PrecisionScale]::new($Precision)
    elseif( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Scale') )
        $sizeParam = [Rivet.Scale]::new($Scale)

    if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Identity' )
        [Rivet.Identity]$identityParam = [Rivet.Identity]::new($NotForReplication)
        if( $Seed -or $Increment )
            $identityParam = [Rivet.Identity]::new($Seed, $Increment, $NotForReplication)
        [Rivet.Column]::new($Name, $DataType, $sizeParam, $identityParam, $RowGuidCol, $Description, $FileStream)
        $nullable = 'Null'
        if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'NotNull' )
            $nullable = 'NotNull'
        elseif( $Sparse )
            $nullable = 'Sparse'

        [Rivet.Column]::new($Name, $DataType, $sizeParam, $nullable, $Collation, $RowGuidCol, $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description, $FileStream)

function New-DateColumn
    Creates a column object representing an Date datatype.
    Use this function in the `Column` script block for `Add-Table`:
        Add-Table 'Members' {
            Date 'Birthday'
    ## ALIASES
     * Date
    Add-Table 'Members' { New-DateColumn 'Birthday' -NotNull }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `date` column.
    Add-Table 'Members' { Date 'Birthday' -Sparse }
    Demonstrate show to create a nullable, sparse `date` column when adding a new table.
    Add-Table 'Members' { Date 'Birthday' -NotNull -Default 'get`date`()' }
    Demonstrates how to create a `date` column with a default value, in this case the current `date`. (You alwyas use UTC `date`s, right?) Probably not a great example, setting someone's birthday to the current `date`. Reasons are left as an exercise for the reader.
    Add-Table 'Members' { Date 'Birthday' -Description 'The members birthday.' }
    Demonstrates how to create an optional `date` column with a description.

        # The column's name.

        # Don't allow `NULL` values in this column.

        # Store nulls as Sparse.

        # A SQL Server expression for the column's default value

        # The name of the default constraint for the column's default expression. Required if the Default parameter is given.
        # A description of the column.
    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
            $nullable = 'Null'
            if( $Sparse )
                $nullable = 'Sparse'
            [Rivet.Column]::Date($Name, $nullable, $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
            [Rivet.Column]::Date($Name, [Rivet.Nullable]::NotNull, $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
Set-Alias -Name 'Date' -Value 'New-DateColumn'

function New-DateTime2Column
    Creates a column object representing an DateTime2 datatype.
    Use this function in the `Column` script block for `Add-Table`:
        Add-Table 'Orders' {
            DateTime2 'OrderedAt'
    ## ALIASES
     * DateTime2
    Add-Table 'Orers' { DateTime2 'OrderedAt' }
    Demonstrates how to create an optional `datetime2` column.
    Add-Table 'Orders' { DateTime2 'OrderedAt' 5 -NotNull }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `datetime2` column with 5 digits of fractional seconds precision.
    Add-Table 'Orders' { DateTime2 'OrderedAt' -Sparse }
    Demonstrate show to create a nullable, sparse `datetime2` column when adding a new table.
    Add-Table 'Orders' { DateTime2 'OrderedAt' -NotNull -Default 'getutcdate()' }
    Demonstrates how to create a `datetime2` column with a default value. You only use UTC dates, right?
    Add-Table 'Orders' { DateTime2 'OrderedAt' -NotNull -Description 'The time the record was created.' }
    Demonstrates how to create a `datetime2` column with a description.

        # The column's name.

        # The number of decimal digits for the fractional seconds. SQL Server's default is `7`, or 100 nanoseconds.

        # Don't allow `NULL` values in this column.

        # Store nulls as Sparse.

        # A SQL Server expression for the column's default value

        # The name of the default constraint for the column's default expression. Required if the Default parameter is given.
        # A description of the column.

    $dataSize = $null
    if( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey( 'Scale' ) )
        $dataSize = New-Object Rivet.Scale $Scale
    $nullable = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
    if( $nullable -eq 'Null' -and $Sparse )
        $nullable = 'Sparse'

    [Rivet.Column]::DateTime2($Name, $dataSize, $nullable, $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
Set-Alias -Name 'DateTime2' -Value 'New-DateTime2Column'

function New-DateTimeColumn
    Creates a column object representing an DateTime datatype.
    Use this function in the `Column` script block for `Add-Table`:
        Add-Table 'Orders' {
            DateTime 'OrderedAt'
    ## ALIASES
     * DateTime
    Add-Table 'Orers' { DateTime 'OrderedAt' }
    Demonstrates how to create an optional `datetime` column.
    Add-Table 'Orders' { DateTime 'OrderedAt' 5 -NotNull }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `datetime` column with 5 digits of fractional seconds precision.
    Add-Table 'Orders' { DateTime 'OrderedAt' -Sparse }
    Demonstrate show to create a nullable, sparse `datetime` column when adding a new table.
    Add-Table 'Orders' { DateTime 'OrderedAt' -NotNull -Default 'getutcdate()' }
    Demonstrates how to create a `datetime` column with a default value. You only use UTC dates, right?
    Add-Table 'Orders' { DateTime 'OrderedAt' -NotNull -Description 'The time the record was created.' }
    Demonstrates how to create a `datetime` column with a description.

        # The column's name.

        # Don't allow `NULL` values in this column.

        # Store nulls as Sparse.

        # A SQL Server expression for the column's default value

        # The name of the default constraint for the column's default expression. Required if the Default parameter is given.

        # A description of the column.

    if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Nullable')
        if ($Sparse)
            New-Column -Name $Name -DataType 'datetime' -Sparse -Default $Default -DefaultConstraintName $DefaultConstraintName -Description $Description
        else {
            New-Column -Name $Name -DataType 'datetime' -Default $Default -DefaultConstraintName $DefaultConstraintName -Description $Description
    elseif ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'NotNull')
        New-Column -Name $Name -DataType 'datetime' -NotNull -Default $Default -DefaultConstraintName $DefaultConstraintName -Description $Description
Set-Alias -Name 'DateTime' -Value 'New-DateTimeColumn'

function New-DateTimeOffsetColumn
    Creates a column object representing an DateTimeOffset datatype.
    Use this function in the `Column` script block for `Add-Table`:
        Add-Table 'Orders' {
            DateTimeOffset 'OrderedAt'
    ## ALIASES
     * DateTimeOffset
    Add-Table 'Orers' { DateTimeOffset 'OrderedAt' }
    Demonstrates how to create an optional `datetimeoffset` column.
    Add-Table 'Orders' { DateTimeOffset 'OrderedAt' 5 -NotNull }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `datetimeoffset` column with a digits of fractional seconds precision.
    Add-Table 'Orders' { DateTimeOffset 'OrderedAt' -Sparse }
    Demonstrate show to create a nullable, sparse `datetimeoffset` column when adding a new table.
    Add-Table 'Orders' { DateTimeOffset 'OrderedAt' -NotNull -Default 'getutcdate()' }
    Demonstrates how to create a `datetimeoffset` column with a default value. You only use UTC dates, right?
    Add-Table 'Orders' { DateTimeOffset 'OrderedAt' -NotNull -Description 'The time the record was created.' }
    Demonstrates how to create a `datetimeoffset` column with a description.

        # The column's name.

        # The number of decimal digits for the fractional seconds. SQL Server's default is `7`, or 100 nanoseconds.

        # Don't allow `NULL` values in this column.

        # Store nulls as Sparse.

        # A SQL Server expression for the column's default value

        # The name of the default constraint for the column's default expression. Required if the Default parameter is given.
        # A description of the column.

    $dataSize = $null
    if( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Scale') )
        $dataSize = New-Object Rivet.Scale $Scale
    $nullable = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
    if( $nullable -eq 'Null' -and $Sparse )
        $nullable = 'Sparse'

    [Rivet.Column]::DateTimeOffset($Name, $dataSize, $nullable, $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
Set-Alias -Name 'DateTimeOffset' -Value 'New-DateTimeOffsetColumn'

function New-DecimalColumn
    Creates a column object representing a `decimal` data type.
    Use this function in the `Column` script block for `Add-Table`:
        Add-Table 'Items' {
            Decimal 'Price'
    ## ALIASES
     * Decimal
     * Numeric
     * New-NumericColumn
    Add-Table 'Items' { Decimal 'Price' 5 2 }
    Demonstrates how to create an optional `decimal` column called `Price`, with a five-digit precision (prices less than $999.99) and a scale of 2 (2 digits after the `decimal`).
    Add-Table 'Items' { Decimal 'Price' -Identity -Seed 1 -Increment 1 }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `decimal` column called `Price`, which is used as the table's identity. The identity values will start at 1, and increment by 1. Uses SQL Server's default precision/scale.
    Add-Table 'Items' { Decimal 'Price' -NotNull }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `decimal` column called `Price`. Uses SQL Server's default precision/scale.
    Add-Table 'Items' { Decimal 'Price' -Sparse }
    Demonstrates how to create a sparse, optional `decimal` column called `Price`. Uses SQL Server's default precision/scale.
    Add-Table 'Items' { Decimal 'Price' -NotNull -Default '0' }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `decimal` column called `Price` with a default value of `0`. Uses SQL Server's default precision/scale.
    Add-Table 'Items' { Decimal 'Price' -NotNull -Description 'The price of the item.' }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `decimal` column with a description. Uses SQL Server's default precision/scale.

        # The column's name.

        # Maximum total number of decimal digits that will be stored.

        # The number of decimal digits that will be stored to the right of the decimal point.

        # The column should be an identity.

        # The starting value for the identity.

        # The increment between auto-generated identity values.

        # Stops the identity from being replicated.

        # Don't allow `NULL` values in this column.

        # Store nulls as Sparse.

        # A SQL Server expression for the column's default value

        # The name of the default constraint for the column's default expression. Required if the Default parameter is given.
        # A description of the column.
    $dataSize = $null
    if( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey( 'Precision' ) -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey( 'Scale' ) )
        $dataSize = New-Object Rivet.PrecisionScale $Precision, $Scale
    elseif( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey( 'Precision' ) )
        $dataSize = New-Object Rivet.PrecisionScale $Precision    
    elseif( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey( 'Scale' ) )
        throw ('New-DecimalColumn: a scale for column {0} is given, but no precision. Please remove the `-Scale` parameter, or add a `-Precision` parameter with a value.' -f $Name)

    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
            $nullable = 'Null'
            if( $Sparse )
                $nullable = 'Sparse'
            [Rivet.Column]::Decimal($Name, $dataSize, $nullable, $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
            [Rivet.Column]::Decimal($Name, $dataSize, 'NotNull', $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)

            if( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Seed') -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Increment') )
                $i = New-Object 'Rivet.Identity' $Seed,$Increment,$NotForReplication
            elseif( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Seed') )
                $i = New-Object 'Rivet.Identity' $Seed,1,$NotForReplication
            elseif( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Increment') )
                $i = New-Object 'Rivet.Identity' 1,$Increment,$NotForReplication
                $i = New-Object 'Rivet.Identity' $NotForReplication
            [Rivet.Column]::Decimal( $Name, $dataSize, $i, $Description )

Set-Alias -Name 'Decimal' -Value 'New-DecimalColumn'
Set-Alias -Name 'Numeric' -Value 'New-DecimalColumn'
Set-Alias -Name 'New-NumericColumn' -Value 'New-DecimalColumn'

function New-FloatColumn
    Creates a column object representing a `float` datatype.
    Use this function in the `Column` script block for `Add-Table`:
        Add-Table 'Items' {
            Float 'Price'
    ## ALIASES
     * Float
    Add-Table 'Items' { Float 'Price' -Precision 5 }
    Demonstrates how to create an optional `float` column called `Price`, with a precision of 5.
    Add-Table 'Items' { Float 'Price' -NotNull }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `float` column called `Price`. Uses SQL Server's default precision.
    Add-Table 'Items' { Float 'Price' -Sparse }
    Demonstrates how to create a sparse, optional `float` column called `Price`. Uses SQL Server's default precision.
    Add-Table 'Items' { Float 'Price' -NotNull -Default '0.0' }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `float` column called `Price` with a default value of `0`. Uses SQL Server's default precision.
    Add-Table 'Items' { Float 'Price' -NotNull -Description 'The price of the item.' }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `float` column with a description. Uses SQL Server's default precision.

        # The column's name.

        # Maximum total number of Numeric digits that will be stored

        # Don't allow `NULL` values in this column.

        # Store nulls as Sparse.

        # A SQL Server expression for the column's default value

        # The name of the default constraint for the column's default expression. Required if the Default parameter is given.
        # A description of the column.

    $dataSize = $null

    if ($Precision -gt 0)
        $dataSize = New-Object Rivet.PrecisionScale $Precision
    $nullable = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
    if( $nullable -eq 'Null' -and $Sparse )
        $nullable = 'Sparse'
    [Rivet.Column]::Float($Name, $dataSize, $nullable, $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
Set-Alias -Name 'Float' -Value 'New-FloatColumn'

function New-HierarchyIDColumn
    Creates a column object representing an HierarchyID datatype.
    Use this function in the `Column` script block for `Add-Table`:
        Add-Table 'FamilyTree' {
            HierarchyID 'Father'
    ## ALIASES
     * HierarchyID
    Add-Table 'FamilyTree' { HierarchyID 'Father' }
    Demonstrates how to create an optional `hierarchyid` column called `Father`.
    Add-Table 'FamilyTree' { HierarchyID 'Father' -NotNull }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `hierarchyid` column called `Father`.
    Add-Table 'FamilyTree' { HierarchyID 'Father' -Sparse }
    Demonstrates how to create a sparse, optional `hierarchyid` column called `Father`.
    Add-Table 'FamilyTree' { HierarchyID 'Father' -NotNull -Description "The hierarchy ID of this person's father." }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `hierarchyid` column with a description.

        # The column's name.

        # Don't allow `NULL` values in this column.

        # Store nulls as Sparse.

        # A SQL Server expression for the column's default value

        # The name of the default constraint for the column's default expression. Required if the Default parameter is given.
        # A description of the column.
    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
            $nullable = 'Null'
            if( $Sparse )
                $nullable = 'Sparse'
            [Rivet.Column]::HierarchyID($Name, $nullable, $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
            [Rivet.Column]::HierarchyID($Name,'NotNull', $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
Set-Alias -Name 'HierarchyID' -Value 'New-HierarchyIDColumn'

function New-IntColumn
    Creates a column object representing an Int datatype.
    Use this function in the `Column` script block for `Add-Table`:
        Add-Table 'Items' {
            Int 'Quantity'
    ## ALIASES
     * Int
    Add-Table 'Items' { Int 'Quantity' }
    Demonstrates how to create an optional `int` column called `Quantity`.
    Add-Table 'Items' { Int 'Quantity' -Identity 1 1 }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `int` column called `Quantity`, which is used as the table's identity. The identity values will start at 1, and increment by 1.
    Add-Table 'Items' { Int 'Quantity' -NotNull }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `int` column called `Quantity`.
    Add-Table 'Items' { Int 'Quantity' -Sparse }
    Demonstrates how to create a sparse, optional `int` column called `Quantity`.
    Add-Table 'Items' { Int 'Quantity' -NotNull -Default '0' }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `int` column called `Quantity` with a default value of `0`.
    Add-Table 'Items' { Int 'Quantity' -NotNull -Description 'The number of items currently on hand.' }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `int` column with a description.

        # The column's name.

        # The column should be an identity.

        # The starting value for the identity.

        # The increment between auto-generated identity values.

        # Stops the identity from being replicated.

        # Don't allow `NULL` values in this column.

        # Store nulls as Sparse.

        # A SQL Server expression for the column's default value

        # The name of the default constraint for the column's default expression. Required if the Default parameter is given.
        # A description of the column.

    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
            $nullable = 'Null'
            if( $Sparse )
                $nullable = 'Sparse'
            [Rivet.Column]::Int($Name, $nullable, $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
            [Rivet.Column]::Int($Name,'NotNull', $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)

            $i = New-Object 'Rivet.Identity' $NotForReplication
            [Rivet.Column]::Int( $Name, $i, $Description )

            $i = New-Object 'Rivet.Identity' $Seed, $Increment, $NotForReplication
            [Rivet.Column]::Int( $Name, $i, $Description )

Set-Alias -Name 'Int' -Value 'New-IntColumn'

function New-MoneyColumn
    Creates a column object representing an Money datatype.
    Use this function in the `Column` script block for `Add-Table`:
        Add-Table 'Items' {
            Money 'Price'
    ## ALIASES
     * Money
    Add-Table 'Items' { Money 'Price' }
    Demonstrates how to create an optional `money` column called `Price`.
    Add-Table 'Items' { Money 'Price' -NotNull }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `money` column called `Price`.
    Add-Table 'Items' { Money 'Price' -Sparse }
    Demonstrates how to create a sparse, optional `money` column called `Price`.
    Add-Table 'Items' { Money 'Price' -NotNull -Default '0.00' }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `money` column called `Price` with a default value of `$0.00`.
    Add-Table 'Items' { Money 'Price' -NotNull -Description 'The price of the item.' }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `money` column with a description.

        # The column's name.

        # Don't allow `NULL` values in this column.

        # Store nulls as Sparse.

        # A SQL Server expression for the column's default value

        # The name of the default constraint for the column's default expression. Required if the Default parameter is given.
        # A description of the column.
    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
            $nullable = 'Null'
            if( $Sparse )
                $nullable = 'Sparse'
            [Rivet.Column]::Money($Name, $nullable, $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
            [Rivet.Column]::Money($Name,'NotNull', $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
Set-Alias -Name 'Money' -Value 'New-MoneyColumn'

function New-NCharColumn
    Creates a column object representing an NChar datatype.
    Use this function in the `Column` script block for `Add-Table`:
        Add-Table -State 'Addresses' -Column {
            NChar 'State' 2
    ## ALIASES
     * NChar
    Add-Table 'Addresses' { NChar 'State' 2 }
    Demonstrates how to create an optional `nchar` column with a length of 2 bytes.
    Add-Table 'Addresses' { NChar 'State' 2 -NotNull }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `nchar` column with length of 2 bytes.
    Add-Table 'Addresses' { NChar 'State' 2 -Collation 'Latin1_General_BIN' }
    Demonstrates now to create an optional `nchar` column with a custom `Latin1_General_BIN` collation.

        # The column's name.

        # Defines the string Size of the fixed-Size string data. Default is 30

        # Controls the code page that is used to store the data

        # Don't allow `NULL` values in this column.

        # Store nulls as Sparse.

        # A SQL Server expression for the column's default value

        # The name of the default constraint for the column's default expression. Required if the Default parameter is given.
        # A description of the column.

    $Sizetype = $null

    $Sizetype = New-Object Rivet.CharacterLength $Size

    $nullable = 'Null'

    if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'NotNull' )
        $nullable = 'NotNull'
    elseif( $Sparse )
        $nullable = 'Sparse'
    [Rivet.Column]::NChar($Name, $Sizetype, $Collation, $nullable, $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
Set-Alias -Name 'NChar' -Value 'New-NCharColumn'

function New-NVarCharColumn
    Creates a column object representing an NVarChar datatype.
    Use this function in the `Column` script block for `Add-Table`:
        Add-Table -Name 'Albums' -Column {
            NVarChar 'Name' 50
    ## ALIASES
     * NVarChar
    Add-Table 'Albums' { NVarChar 'Name' 100 }
    Demonstrates how to create an optional `nvarchar` column with a maximum length of 100 bytes.
    Add-Table 'Albums' { NVarChar 'Name' 100 -NotNull }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `nvarchar` column with maximum length of 100 bytes.
    Add-Table 'Albums' { NVarChar 'Name' -Max }
    Demonstrates how to create an optional `nvarchar` column with the maximum length (about 2GB).
    Add-Table 'Albums' { NVarChar 'Name' 100 -Collation 'Latin1_General_BIN' }
    Demonstrates now to create an optional `nvarchar` column with a custom `Latin1_General_BIN` collation.

        # The column's name.

        # The maximum length of the column, i.e. the number of unicode characters.

        # Create an `nvarchar(max)` column.

        # Controls the code page that is used to store the data

        # Don't allow `NULL` values in this column.

        # Store nulls as Sparse.

        # A SQL Server expression for the column's default value

        # The name of the default constraint for the column's default expression. Required if the Default parameter is given.
        # A description of the column.

    $sizeType = $null
    if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like '*Size' )
        $sizeType = New-Object Rivet.CharacterLength $Size
        $sizeType = New-Object Rivet.CharacterLength @()   

    $nullable = 'Null'
    if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like 'NotNull*' )
        $nullable = 'NotNull'
    elseif( $Sparse )
        $nullable = 'Sparse'

    [Rivet.Column]::NVarChar($Name, $sizeType, $Collation, $nullable, $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
Set-Alias -Name 'NVarChar' -Value 'New-NVarCharColumn'

function New-RealColumn
    Creates a column object representing an Real datatype.
    Use this function in the `Column` script block for `Add-Table`:
        Add-Table 'Items' {
            Real 'Price'
    ## ALIASES
     * Real
    Add-Table 'Items' { Real 'Price' }
    Demonstrates how to create an optional `real` column called `Price`.
    Add-Table 'Items' { Real 'Price' -NotNull }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `real` column called `Price`.
    Add-Table 'Items' { Real 'Price' -Sparse }
    Demonstrates how to create a sparse, optional `real` column called `Price`.
    Add-Table 'Items' { Real 'Price' -NotNull -Default '0.00' }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `real` column called `Price` with a default value of `$0.00`.
    Add-Table 'Items' { Real 'Price' -NotNull -Description 'The price of the item.' }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `real` column with a description.

        # The column's name.

        # Don't allow `NULL` values in this column.

        # Store nulls as Sparse.

        # A SQL Server expression for the column's default value

        # The name of the default constraint for the column's default expression. Required if the Default parameter is given.
        # A description of the column.
    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
            $nullable = 'Null'
            if( $Sparse )
                $nullable = 'Sparse'
            [Rivet.Column]::Real($Name, $nullable, $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
            [Rivet.Column]::Real($Name,'NotNull', $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
Set-Alias -Name 'Real' -Value 'New-RealColumn'

function New-RowVersionColumn
    Creates a column object representing an RowVersion datatype.
    Use this function in the `Column` script block for `Add-Table`:
        Add-Table 'WithUUID' {
            RowVersion 'ColumnName'
    ## ALIASES
     * RowVersion
    Add-Table Changes { RowVersion 'Version' }
    Demonstrates how to create a table with an optional `rowversion` column.
    Add-Table Locations { RowVersion 'LocationID' -RowGuidCol }
    Demonstrates how to create a table with an optional `rowversion`, which is used as the RowGuid identifier for SQL Server replication.
    Add-Table Locations { RowVersion 'LocationID' -NotNull }
    Demonstrates how to create a table with an required `rowversion` column.
    Add-Table Locations { RowVersion 'LocationID' -Default 'newid()' }
    Demonstrates how to create a table with an optional `rowversion` column with a default value.
    Add-Table Locations { RowVersion 'LocationID' -Description 'The unique identifier for this location.' }
    Demonstrates how to create a table with an optional `rowversion` column with a description.

        # The column's name.

        # Don't allow `NULL` values in this column.

        # Store nulls as Sparse.

        # A SQL Server expression for the column's default value

        # The name of the default constraint for the column's default expression. Required if the Default parameter is given.
        # A description of the column.
    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
            $nullable = 'Null'
            if( $Sparse )
                $nullable = 'Sparse'
            [Rivet.Column]::RowVersion($Name, $nullable, $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
            [Rivet.Column]::RowVersion($Name,'NotNull', $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
Set-Alias -Name 'RowVersion' -Value 'New-RowVersionColumn'

function New-SmallDateTimeColumn
    Creates a column object representing an SmallDateTime datatype.
    Use this function in the `Column` script block for `Add-Table`:
        Add-Table 'Orders' {
            SmallDateTime 'OrderedAt'
    ## ALIASES
     * SmallDateTime
    Add-Table 'Orders' { New-SmallDateTimeColumn 'OrderedAt' -NotNull }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `smalldatetime` colum when adding a new table.
    Add-Table 'Orders' { SmallDateTime 'OrderedAt' -Sparse }
    Demonstrate show to create a nullable, sparse `smalldatetime` column when adding a new table.
    Add-Table 'Orders' { SmallDateTime 'OrderedAt' -NotNull -Default 'getutcdate()' }
    Demonstrates how to create a `smalldatetime` column with a default value. You only use UTC dates, right?
    Add-Table 'Orders' { SmallDateTime 'OrderedAt' -NotNull -Description 'The time the record was created.' }
    Demonstrates how to create a `smalldatetime` column a description.

        # The column's name.

        # Don't allow `NULL` values in this column.

        # Store nulls as Sparse.

        # A SQL Server expression for the column's default value

        # The name of the default constraint for the column's default expression. Required if the Default parameter is given.
        # A description of the column.
    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
            $nullable = 'Null'
            if( $Sparse )
                $nullable = 'Sparse'
            [Rivet.Column]::SmallDateTime($Name, $nullable, $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
            [Rivet.Column]::SmallDateTime($Name,'NotNull', $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
Set-Alias -Name 'SmallDateTime' -Value 'New-SmallDateTimeColumn'

function New-SmallIntColumn
    Creates a column object representing an SmallInt datatype.
    Use this function in the `Column` script block for `Add-Table`:
        Add-Table 'Items' {
            SmallInt 'Quantity'
    ## ALIASES
     * SmallInt
    Add-Table 'Items' { SmallInt 'Quantity' }
    Demonstrates how to create an optional `smallint` column called `Quantity`.
    Add-Table 'Items' { SmallInt 'Quantity' -Identity 1 1 }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `smallint` column called `Quantity`, which is used as the table's identity. The identity values will start at 1, and increment by 1.
    Add-Table 'Items' { SmallInt 'Quantity' -NotNull }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `smallint` column called `Quantity`.
    Add-Table 'Items' { SmallInt 'Quantity' -Sparse }
    Demonstrates how to create a sparse, optional `smallint` column called `Quantity`.
    Add-Table 'Items' { SmallInt 'Quantity' -NotNull -Default '0' }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `smallint` column called `Quantity` with a default value of `0`.
    Add-Table 'Items' { SmallInt 'Quantity' -NotNull -Description 'The number of items currently on hand.' }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `smallint` column with a description.

        # The column's name.

        # The column should be an identity.

        # The starting value for the identity.

        # The increment between auto-generated identity values.

        # Stops the identity from being replicated.

        # Don't allow `NULL` values in this column.

        # Store nulls as Sparse.

        # A SQL Server expression for the column's default value

        # The name of the default constraint for the column's default expression. Required if the Default parameter is given.
        # A description of the column.

    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
            $nullable = 'Null'
            if( $Sparse )
                $nullable = 'Sparse'
            [Rivet.Column]::SmallInt($Name, $nullable, $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
            [Rivet.Column]::SmallInt($Name,'NotNull', $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)

            $i = New-Object 'Rivet.Identity' $NotForReplication
            [Rivet.Column]::SmallInt( $Name, $i, $Description )

            $i = New-Object 'Rivet.Identity' $Seed, $Increment, $NotForReplication
            [Rivet.Column]::SmallInt( $Name, $i, $Description )

Set-Alias -Name 'SmallInt' -Value 'New-SmallIntColumn'

function New-SmallMoneyColumn
    Creates a column object representing an SmallMoney datatype.
    Use this function in the `Column` script block for `Add-Table`:
        Add-Table 'Items' {
            SmallMoney 'Price'
    ## ALIASES
     * SmallMoney
    Add-Table 'Items' { SmallMoney 'Price' }
    Demonstrates how to create an optional `smallmoney` column called `Price`.
    Add-Table 'Items' { SmallMoney 'Price' -NotNull }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `smallmoney` column called `Price`.
    Add-Table 'Items' { SmallMoney 'Price' -Sparse }
    Demonstrates how to create a sparse, optional `smallmoney` column called `Price`.
    Add-Table 'Items' { SmallMoney 'Price' -NotNull -Default '0.00' }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `smallmoney` column called `Price` with a default value of `$0.00`.
    Add-Table 'Items' { SmallMoney 'Price' -NotNull -Description 'The price of the item.' }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `smallmoney` column with a description.

        # The column's name.

        # Don't allow `NULL` values in this column.

        # Store nulls as Sparse.

        # A SQL Server expression for the column's default value

        # The name of the default constraint for the column's default expression. Required if the Default parameter is given.
        # A description of the column.
    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
            $nullable = 'Null'
            if( $Sparse )
                $nullable = 'Sparse'
            [Rivet.Column]::SmallMoney($Name, $nullable, $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
            [Rivet.Column]::SmallMoney($Name,'NotNull', $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
Set-Alias -Name 'SmallMoney' -Value 'New-SmallMoneyColumn'

function New-SqlVariantColumn
    Creates a column object representing an SqlVariant datatype.
    Use this function in the `Column` script block for `Add-Table`:
        Add-Table 'WithSqlVariant' {
            SqlVariant 'ColumnName'
    ## ALIASES
     * SqlVariant
    Add-Table 'WithSqlVar' { SqlVariant 'WhoKnows' }
    Demonstrates how to create an optional `sql_variant` column called `WhoKnows`.
    Add-Table 'WithSqlVar' { SqlVariant 'WhoKnows' -NotNull }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `sql_variant` column called `WhoKnows`.
    Add-Table 'WithSqlVar' { SqlVariant 'WhoKnows' -Sparse }
    Demonstrates how to create a sparse, optional `sql_variant` column called `WhoKnows`.
    Add-Table 'WithSqlVar' { SqlVariant 'WhoKnows' -NotNull -Default '1' }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `sql_variant` column called `WhoKnows` with a default value of `1`.
    Add-Table 'WithSqlVar' { SqlVariant 'WhoKnows' -NotNull -Description 'The contents of this column are left as an exercise for the reader.' }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `sql_variant` column with a description.

        # The column's name.

        # Don't allow `NULL` values in this column.

        # Store nulls as Sparse.

        # A SQL Server expression for the column's default value

        # The name of the default constraint for the column's default expression. Required if the Default parameter is given.
        # A description of the column.
    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
            $nullable = 'Null'
            if( $Sparse )
                $nullable = 'Sparse'
            [Rivet.Column]::SqlVariant($Name, $nullable, $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
            [Rivet.Column]::SqlVariant($Name,'NotNull', $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
Set-Alias -Name 'SqlVariant' -Value 'New-SqlVariantColumn'

function New-TimeColumn
    Creates a column object representing an Time datatype.
    Use this function in the `Column` script block for `Add-Table`:
        Add-Table 'WithTime' {
            Time 'ColumnName'
    ## ALIASES
     * Time
    Add-Table 'WithTime' { New-TimeColumn 'CreatedAt' 5 -NotNull }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `time` column with a given scale when adding a new table.
    Add-Table 'WithTime' { Time 'CreatedAt' -Sparse }
    Demonstrate show to create a nullable, sparse `time` column when adding a new table.
    Add-Table 'WithTime' { Time 'CreatedAt' -NotNull -Default 'convert(`time`, getutcdate())' }
    Demonstrates how to create a `time` column with a default value, in this case the current time. You alwyas use UTC, right?
    Add-Table 'WithTime' { Time 'CreatedAt' -NotNull -Description 'The `time` the record was created.' }
    Demonstrates how to create a `time` column with a description.

        # The column's name.

        # The number of decimal digits for the fractional seconds. SQL Server's default is `7`, or 100 nanoseconds..

        # Don't allow `NULL` values in this column.

        # Store nulls as Sparse.

        # A SQL Server expression for the column's default value

        # The name of the default constraint for the column's default expression. Required if the Default parameter is given.
        # A description of the column.

    $dataSize = $null
    if( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Scale') )
        $dataSize = New-Object Rivet.Scale $Scale
    $nullable = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
    if( $nullable -eq 'Null' -and $Sparse )
        $nullable = 'Sparse'

    [Rivet.Column]::Time($Name, $dataSize, $nullable, $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
Set-Alias -Name 'Time' -Value 'New-TimeColumn'

function New-TinyIntColumn
    Creates a column object representing an TinyInt datatype.
    Use this function in the `Column` script block for `Add-Table`:
        Add-Table 'WithTintyInt' {
            TinyInt 'ColumnName'
    ## ALIASES
     * TinyInt
    Add-Table 'Items' { TinyInt 'Quantity' }
    Demonstrates how to create an optional `tinyint` column called `Quantity`.
    Add-Table 'Items' { TinyInt 'Quantity' -Identity 1 1 }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `tinyint` column called `Quantity`, which is used as the table's identity. The identity values will start at 1, and increment by 1.
    Add-Table 'Items' { TinyInt 'Quantity' -NotNull }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `tinyint` column called `Quantity`.
    Add-Table 'Items' { TinyInt 'Quantity' -Sparse }
    Demonstrates how to create a sparse, optional `tinyint` column called `Quantity`.
    Add-Table 'Items' { TinyInt 'Quantity' -NotNull -Default '0' }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `tinyint` column called `Quantity` with a default value of `0`.
    Add-Table 'Items' { TinyInt 'Quantity' -NotNull -Description 'The number of items currently on hand.' }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `tinyint` column with a description.

        # The column's name.

        # The column should be an identity.

        # The starting value for the identity.

        # The increment between auto-generated identity values.

        # Stops the identity from being replicated.

        # Don't allow `NULL` values in this column.

        # Store nulls as Sparse.

        # A SQL Server expression for the column's default value

        # The name of the default constraint for the column's default expression. Required if the Default parameter is given.
        # A description of the column.
    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
            $nullable = 'Null'
            if( $Sparse )
                $nullable = 'Sparse'
            [Rivet.Column]::TinyInt($Name, $nullable, $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
            [Rivet.Column]::TinyInt($Name, [Rivet.Nullable]::NotNull, $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)

            $i = New-Object 'Rivet.Identity' $NotForReplication
            [Rivet.Column]::TinyInt($Name, $i, $Description)

            $i = New-Object 'Rivet.Identity' $Seed, $Increment, $NotForReplication
            [Rivet.Column]::TinyInt($Name, $i, $Description)

Set-Alias -Name 'TinyInt' -Value 'New-TinyIntColumn'

function New-UniqueIdentifierColumn
    Creates a column object representing an UniqueIdentifier datatype.
    Use this function in the `Column` script block for `Add-Table`:
        Add-Table 'WithUUID' {
            UniqueIdentifier 'ColumnName'
    ## ALIASES
     * UniqueIdentifier
    Add-Table Locations { UniqueIdentifier 'LocationID' }
    Demonstrates how to create a table with an optional `uniqueidentifier` column.
    Add-Table Locations { UniqueIdentifier 'LocationID' -RowGuidCol }
    Demonstrates how to create a table with an optional `uniqueidentifier`, which is used as the RowGuid identifier for SQL Server replication.
    Add-Table Locations { UniqueIdentifier 'LocationID' -NotNull }
    Demonstrates how to create a table with an required `uniqueidentifier` column.
    Add-Table Locations { UniqueIdentifier 'LocationID' -Default 'newid()' }
    Demonstrates how to create a table with an optional `uniqueidentifier` column with a default value.
    Add-Table Locations { UniqueIdentifier 'LocationID' -Description 'The unique identifier for this location.' }
    Demonstrates how to create a table with an optional `uniqueidentifier` column with a default value.

        # The column's name.

        # Sets RowGuidCol

        # Don't allow `NULL` values in this column.

        # Store nulls as Sparse.

        # A SQL Server expression for the column's default value

        # The name of the default constraint for the column's default expression. Required if the Default parameter is given.
        # A description of the column.
    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
            $nullable = 'Null'
            if( $Sparse )
                $nullable = 'Sparse'
            [Rivet.Column]::UniqueIdentifier($Name, $RowGuidCol, $nullable, $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
            [Rivet.Column]::UniqueIdentifier($Name, $RowGuidCol, [Rivet.Nullable]::NotNull, $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
Set-Alias -Name 'UniqueIdentifier' -Value 'New-UniqueIdentifierColumn'

function New-VarBinaryColumn
    Creates a column object representing an VarBinary datatype.
    Use this function in the `Column` script block for `Add-Table`:
        Add-Table 'Images' {
            VarBinary 'Bits' 8000
    ## ALIASES
     * VarBinary
    Add-Table 'Images' { VarBinary 'Bytes' 8000 }
    Demonstrates how to create an optional `varbinary` column with a maximum length of 8000 bytes.
    Add-Table 'Images' { VarBinary 'Bytes' 8000 -NotNull }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `varbinary` column with maximum length of 8000 bytes.
    Add-Table 'Images' { VarBinary 'Bytes' -Max }
    Demonstrates how to create an optional `varbinary` column with the maximum length (2^31 -1 bytes).
    Add-Table 'Images' { VarBinary 'Bytes' -Max -FileStream }
    Demonstrates now to create an optional `varbinary` column with the maximum length, and stores the data in a filestream data container.

        # The column's name.

        # The maximum number of bytes the column will hold.

        # Creates a `varbinary(max)` column.

        # Stores the varbinary(max) data in a filestream data container on the file system. Requires VarBinary(max).

        # Don't allow `NULL` values in this column.

        # Store nulls as Sparse.

        # A SQL Server expression for the column's default value

        # The name of the default constraint for the column's default expression. Required if the Default parameter is given.
        # A description of the column.

    $sizeType = $null

    if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like '*Size' )
        $sizeType = New-Object Rivet.CharacterLength $Size
        $sizeType = New-Object Rivet.CharacterLength @()   

    $nullable = 'Null'
    if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like 'NotNull*' )
        $nullable = 'NotNull'
    elseif( $Sparse )
        $nullable = 'Sparse'

    [Rivet.Column]::VarBinary($Name, $sizeType, $FileStream, $nullable, $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
Set-Alias -Name 'VarBinary' -Value 'New-VarBinaryColumn'

function New-VarCharColumn
    Creates a column object representing an VarChar datatype.
    Use this function in the `Column` script block for `Add-Table`:
        Add-Table -Name 'WithVarCharColumn' -Column {
            VarChar 'ColumnName' 50
    ## ALIASES
     * VarChar
    Add-Table 'Albums' { VarChar 'Name' 100 }
    Demonstrates how to create an optional `varchar` column with a maximum length of 100 bytes.
    Add-Table 'Albums' { VarChar 'Name' 100 -NotNull }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `varchar` column with maximum length of 100 bytes.
    Add-Table 'Albums' { VarChar 'Name' -Max }
    Demonstrates how to create an optional `varchar` column with the maximum length (about 2GB).
    Add-Table 'Albums' { VarChar 'Name' 100 -Collation 'Latin1_General_BIN' }
    Demonstrates now to create an optional `varchar` column with a custom `Latin1_General_BIN` collation.

        # The column's name.

        # The maximum length of the column, i.e. the number of characters.

        # Create a `varchar(max)` column.

        # Controls the code page that is used to store the data

        # Don't allow `NULL` values in this column.

        # Store nulls as Sparse.

        # A SQL Server expression for the column's default value

        # The name of the default constraint for the column's default expression. Required if the Default parameter is given.
        # A description of the column.

    $sizeType = $null

    if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like '*Size' )
        $sizeType = New-Object Rivet.CharacterLength $Size
        $sizeType = New-Object Rivet.CharacterLength @()   

    $nullable = 'Null'
    if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like 'NotNull*' )
        $nullable = 'NotNull'
    elseif( $Sparse )
        $nullable = 'Sparse'

    [Rivet.Column]::VarChar($Name, $sizeType, $Collation, $nullable, $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
Set-Alias -Name 'VarChar' -Value 'New-VarCharColumn'

function New-XmlColumn
    Creates a column object representing an Xml datatype.
    Use this function in the `Column` script block for `Add-Table`:
        Add-Table -Name 'WebConfigs' -Column {
            Xml 'WebConfig' -XmlSchemaCollection 'webconfigschema'
    Remember you have to have already created the XML schema before creating a column that uses it.
    ## ALIASES
     * Xml
    Add-Table 'WebConfigs' { Xml 'WebConfig' -XmlSchemaCollection 'webconfigschema' }
    Demonstrates how to create an optional `xml` column which uses the `webconfigschema` schema collection.
    Add-Table 'WebConfigs' { Xml 'WebConfig' -XmlSchemaCollection 'webconfigschema' -NotNull }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `xml` column.
    Add-Table 'WebConfigs' { Xml 'WebConfig' -XmlSchemaCollection 'webconfigschema'' -Document }
    Demonstrates how to create an `xml` column that holds an entire XML document.

        # The column's name.

        # Name of an XML schema collection

        # Specifies that this is a well-formed XML document instead of an XML fragment.

        # Don't allow `NULL` values in this column.

        # Store nulls as Sparse.

        # A SQL Server expression for the column's default value

        # The name of the default constraint for the column's default expression. Required if the Default parameter is given.
        # A description of the column.

    $nullable = [Rivet.Nullable]::Null
    if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'NotNull' )
        $nullable = [Rivet.Nullable]::NotNull
        if( $Sparse )
            $nullable = [Rivet.Nullable]::Sparse

    if( $XmlSchemaCollection )
        [Rivet.Column]::Xml($Name, $Document, $XmlSchemaCollection, $nullable, $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)
        [Rivet.Column]::Xml($Name, $nullable, $Default, $DefaultConstraintName, $Description)

Set-Alias -Name 'Xml' -Value 'New-XmlColumn'

function Add-CheckConstraint
    Add a check constraint to a table.
    Check constraints add validation for data in columns.
    Add-CheckConstraint 'Migrations' 'CK_Migrations_MigrationID' 'MigrationID > 0'
    Demonstrates how to add a check constraint to a column that requires the value to be greater than 0.
    Add-CheckConstraint 'Migrations' 'CK_Migrations_MigrationID' 'MigrationID > 0' -NoCheck
    Demonstrates how to add a check constraint to a column without validating the current contents of the table against this check.

        # The name of the check constraint's table.
        # The schema of the table. Default is `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',
        # The name of the check constraint.
        # The expression to use for the constraint.
        # Don't use the check constraint when inserting, updating, or deleting rows during replication.

        # Specifies that the data in the table is not validated against a newly added CHECK constraint. If not specified, WITH CHECK is assumed for new constraints.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.AddCheckConstraintOperation' $SchemaName, $TableName, $Name, $Expression, $NotForReplication, $NoCheck

function Add-DataType
    Creates an alias or user-defined type.
    There are three different user-defined data types. The first is an alias, from a name you choose to a system datatype. The second is an assembly type, which uses a type stored in a .NET assembly. The third is a table data type, which create a type for a table.
    Add-DataType 'GUID' 'uniqueidentifier'
    Demonstrates how to create a new alias data type called `GUID` which aliases the system `uniqueidentifier`.
    Add-DataType 'Names' -AsTable { varchar 'Name' 50 } -TableConstraint 'primary key'
    Demonstrates how to create a new table-based data type.
    Add-DataType 'RivetDateTime' -AssemblyName 'Rivet' -ClassName 'Rivet.RivetDateTime'
    Demonstrates how to create a `RivetDateTime` type that references the `Rivet.RivetDateTime` class. The `Rivet` assembly must first be registered using `create assembly`.

        # The schema for the type. Default is `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',
        # The name of the type.
        # The system type to alias.
        # The name of the assembly for the type's implementation.
        # The name of the type's class implementation.
        # A `ScriptBlock` which returns columns for the table.
        # A list of table constraints for a table-based data type.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'From')
        $op = New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.AddDataTypeOperation' $SchemaName, $Name, $From

    if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Assembly')
        $op = New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.AddDataTypeOperation' $SchemaName, $Name, $AssemblyName, $ClassName

    if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'AsTable')
        # Process Column Scriptblock -> Rivet.Column[]
        [Rivet.Column[]]$columns = & $AsTable
        $op = New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.AddDataTypeOperation' $SchemaName, $Name, $columns, ([string[]]$TableConstraint)

    return $op

function Add-DefaultConstraint
    Creates a Default constraint to an existing column
    The DEFAULT constraint is used to insert a default value into a column. The default value will be added to all new records, if no other value is specified.
    Add-DefaultConstraint -TableName Cars -ColumnName Year -Expression '2015'
    Adds an Default constraint on column 'Year' in the table 'Cars'

        # The name of the target table.

        # The schema name of the target table. Defaults to `dbo`.
        [String]$SchemaName = 'dbo',

        # The column on which to add the default constraint

        # The name for the default constraint.

        #The default expression

        # WithValues

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    [Rivet.Operations.AddDefaultConstraintOperation]::new($SchemaName, $TableName, $Name, $ColumnName, $Expression, $WithValues)

function Add-Description
    Adds the `MS_Description` extended property to a table or column.
    The `sys.sp_addextendedproperty` stored procedure is used to set a table/column's description (i.e. the `MS_Description` extended property), but the syntax is weird. This function hides that weirdness from you. You're welcome.
    Add-Description -Description 'Whoseit's whatsits table.' -TableName WhoseitsWhatsits
    Adds a description (i.e. the `MS_Description` extended property) on the `WhoseitsWhatsits` table.
    Add-Description -Description 'Is it a snarfblat?' -TableName WhoseitsWhatsits -ColumnName IsSnarfblat
    Adds a description (i.e. the `MS_Description` extended property) on the `WhoseitsWhatsits` table's `IsSnarfblat` column.
    Add-Description -Description 'Whoseit's whatsits table.' -TableName WhoseitsWhatsits -ForTable
    PowerShell v2.0 doesn't parse the parameters correctly when setting a table name, so you have to explicitly tell it what to do. Upgrade to PowerShell 3!

        # The value for the MS_Description extended property.

        # The schema. Defaults to `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',

        # The name of the table where the extended property is getting set.

        # The name of the column where the extended property is getting set.

    $optionalArgs = @{ }
    if( $ColumnName )
        $optionalArgs.ColumnName = $ColumnName

    Add-ExtendedProperty -Name ([Rivet.Operations.ExtendedPropertyOperation]::DescriptionPropertyName) `
                         -Value $Description `
                         -SchemaName $SchemaName `
                         -TableName $TableName `

function Add-ExtendedProperty
    Adds an extended property for a schema, table, view or column.
    SQL Server has a special stored procedure for adding extended property metatdata about an object. Unfortunately, it has a really clunky interface. This function is an attempt to wrap `sp_addextendedproperty` with a saner interface.
    Currently, this function only supports adding properties for schemas, tables, and columns. Submit a patch!
    Add-ExtendedProperty -Name 'Deploy' -Value 'TRUE' -SchemaName 'spike'
    Adds custom `Deploy` metadata for the `spike` schema.
    Add-ExtendedProperty -Name 'Deploy' -Value 'TRUE' -TableName 'Food'
    Adds custom `Deploy` metadata on the `Food` table in the `dbo` schema.
    Add-ExtendedProperty -Name 'IsEncrypted' -Value 'FALSE' -TableName 'User' -ColumnName 'Password'
    Adds custom `IsEncrypted` metadata on the `User` table's `Password` column.
    Add-ExtendedProperty -Name 'ContainsPII' -Value 'FALSE' -View 'LoggedInUsers'
    Demonstrates how to add custom metadata on the `LoggedInUsers` view
    Add-ExtendedProperty -Name 'IsEncrypted' -Value 'FALSE' -View 'LoggedInUsers' -ColumnName 'Password'
    Demonstrates how to add custom metadata for a view's column

        # The name of the extended property to add.
        # The value of the extended property.
        # The schema of the object.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',
        # The table name.
        # The table name.
        # The column name.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "SCHEMA")
        $op = New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.AddExtendedPropertyOperation' $SchemaName, $Name, $Value

    if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "TABLE")
        $op = New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.AddExtendedPropertyOperation' $SchemaName, $TableName, $Name, $Value, $false

    if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "VIEW")
        $op = New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.AddExtendedPropertyOperation' $SchemaName, $ViewName, $Name, $Value, $true

    if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "TABLE-COLUMN")
        $op = New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.AddExtendedPropertyOperation' $SchemaName, $TableName, $ColumnName, $Name, $Value, $false

    if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "VIEW-COLUMN")
        $op = New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.AddExtendedPropertyOperation' $SchemaName, $ViewName, $ColumnName, $Name, $Value, $true

    return $op

function Add-ForeignKey
    Adds a foreign key to an existing table that doesn't have a foreign key constraint.
    Adds a foreign key to a table. The table/column that the foreign key references must have a primary key. If the table already has a foreign key, make sure to remove it with `Remove-ForeignKey`.
    Add-ForeignKey -TableName Cars -ColumnName DealerID -References Dealer -ReferencedColumn DealerID
    Adds a foreign key to the 'Cars' table on the 'DealerID' column that references the 'DealerID' column on the 'Dealer' table.
    Add-ForeignKey -TableName 'Cars' -ColumnName 'DealerID' -References 'Dealer' -ReferencedColumn 'DealerID' -OnDelete 'CASCADE' -OnUpdate 'CASCADE' -NotForReplication
    Adds a foreign key to the 'Cars' table on the 'DealerID' column that references the 'DealerID' column on the 'Dealer' table with the options to cascade on delete and update, and also set notforreplication
    Add-ForeignKey -TableName Cars -ColumnName DealerID -References Dealer -ReferencedColumn DealerID -NoCheck
    Adds a foreign key to the 'Cars' table on the 'DealerID' column that references the 'DealerID' column on the 'Dealer' table without validating the current contents of the table against this key.

        # The name of the table to alter.

        # The name for the foreign key.

        # The schema name of the table. Defaults to `dbo`.
        [String]$SchemaName = 'dbo',

        # The column(s) that should be part of the foreign key.

        # The table that the foreign key references

        # The schema name of the reference table. Defaults to `dbo`.
        [String]$ReferencesSchema = 'dbo',

        # The column(s) that the foreign key references

        # Specifies what action happens to rows in the table that is altered, if those rows have a referential relationship and the referenced row is deleted from the parent table. The default is NO ACTION.

        # Specifies what action happens to rows in the table altered when those rows have a referential relationship and the referenced row is updated in the parent table. The default is NO ACTION.

        # Can be specified for FOREIGN KEY constraints and CHECK constraints. If this clause is specified for a constraint, the constraint is not enforced when replication agents perform insert, update, or delete operations.

        # Specifies that the data in the table is not validated against a newly added FOREIGN KEY constraint. If not specified, WITH CHECK is assumed for new constraints.

    Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
    [Rivet.Operations.AddForeignKeyOperation]::new($SchemaName, $TableName, $Name, $ColumnName, $ReferencesSchema, $references, $ReferencedColumn, $OnDelete, $OnUpdate, $NotForReplication, $NoCheck)

function Add-PrimaryKey
    Adds a primary key to an existing table that doesn't have a primary key.
    Adds a primary key to a table. If the table already has a primary key, make sure to remove it with `Remove-PrimaryKey`.
    Add-PrimaryKey -TableName Cars -ColumnName Year,Make,Model
    Adds a primary key to the `Cars` table on the `Year`, `Make`, and `Model` columns.
    Add-PrimaryKey -TableName Cars -ColumnName Year,Make,Model -NonClustered -Option 'IGNORE_DUP_KEY = ON','DROP_EXISTING=ON'
    Demonstrates how to create a non-clustered primary key, with some index options.

        # The schema name of the table. Defaults to `dbo`.
        [String]$SchemaName = 'dbo',

        # The name for the primary key constraint.

        # The name of the table.

        # The column(s) that should be part of the primary key.

        # Create a non-clustered primary key.

        # An array of primary key options.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    [Rivet.Operations.AddPrimaryKeyOperation]::New($SchemaName, $TableName, $Name, $ColumnName, $NonClustered, $Option)

function Add-Row
    Inserts a row of data in a table.
    To specify which columns to insert into the new row, pass a hashtable as a value to the `Column` parameter. This hashtable should have keys that map to column names, and the value of each key will be used as the value for that column in the row.
    Add-Row -SchemaName 'rivet' 'Migrations' @{ ID = 2013093131104 ; Name = 'AMadeUpMigrationDoNotDoThis' ; Who = 'abadbadman' ; ComputerName 'abadbadcomputer' }
    Demonstrates how to insert a row into the `rivet.Migrations` table. This is for illustrative purposes only. If you do this yourself, a butterfly loses its wings.
    Add-Row 'Cars' @( @{ Make = 'Toyota' ; Model = 'Celica' }, @{ Make = 'Toyota' ; Model = 'Camry' } )
    Demonstrates how to insert multiple rows into a table by passing an array of hashtables.
    @( @{ Make = 'Toyota' ; Model = 'Celica' }, @{ Make = 'Toyota' ; Model = 'Camry' } ) | New-Row 'Cars'
    Demonstrates how to pipe data into `New-Row` to insert a bunch of rows into the database.

        # The name of the table.
        # The schema name of the table. Default is `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',
        # A hashtable of name/value pairs that map to column names/values that will inserted.

        # Allow inserting identies.

        Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

        New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.AddRowOperation' $SchemaName, $TableName, $Column, $IdentityInsert

function Add-RowGuidCol
    Adds the `rowguidcol` property to a column in a table.
    The `Add-RowGuidCol` operation adds the `rowguidcol` property to a `uniqueidentifier` column in a table. A table can only have one `rowguidcol` column. If a table has an existing `rowguidcol` column, use `Remove-RowGuidCol` to remove it before adding a new one.
    The `Add-RowGuidCol` operation was added in Rivet 0.7.
    Add-RowGuidCol -TableName 'MyTable' -ColumnName 'MyUniqueIdentifier'
    Demonstrates how to add the `rowguidcol` property to a column in a table. In this example, the `dbo.MyTable` table's `MyUniqueIdentifier` column will get the propery.
    Add-RowGuidCol -SchemaName 'cstm' -TableName 'MyTable' -ColumnName 'MyUniqueIdentifier'
    Demonstrates how to add the `rowguidcol` property to a column in a table whose schema isn't `dbo`, in this case the `cstm.MyTable` table's `MyUniqueIdentifier` column will get the property.

        # The table's schema. Default is `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',

        # The table's name.

        # The name of the column that should get the `rowguidcol` property.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    New-Object -TypeName 'Rivet.Operations.AddRowGuidColOperation' -ArgumentList $SchemaName,$TableName,$ColumnName

function Add-Schema
    Creates a new schema.
    The `Add-Schema` operation creates a new schema in a database. It does so in an idempotent way, i.e. it only creates the schema if it doesn't exist.
    Add-Schema -Name 'rivetexample'
    Creates the `rivetexample` schema.

        # The name of the schema.

        # The owner of the schema.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.AddSchemaOperation' $Name, $Owner

function Add-StoredProcedure
    Creates a new stored procedure.
    Creates a new stored procedure.
    Add-StoredProcedure -SchemaName 'rivet' 'ReadMigrations' 'AS select * from rivet.Migrations'
    Creates a stored procedure to read the migrations from Rivet's Migrations table. Note that in real life, you probably should leave my table alone.

        # The name of the stored procedure.
        # The schema name of the stored procedure. Defaults to `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',
        # The store procedure's definition, which is everything after the `create procedure [schema].[name]` clause.
    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.AddStoredProcedureOperation' $SchemaName, $Name, $Definition

 function Add-Synonym
    Creates a synonym.
    SQL Server lets you create synonyms so you can reference an object with a different name, or reference an object in another database with a local name.
    Add-Synonym -Name 'Buzz' -TargetObjectName 'Fizz'
    Creates a synonym called `Buzz` to the object `Fizz`.
    Add-Synonym -SchemaName 'fiz' -Name 'Buzz' -TargetSchemaName 'baz' -TargetObjectName 'Buzz'
    Demonstrates how to create a synonym in a different schema. Creates a synonym to the `baz.Buzz` object so that it can referenced as `fiz.Buzz`.
    Add-Synonym -Name 'Buzz' -TargetDatabaseName 'Fizzy' -TargetObjectName 'Buzz'
    Demonstrates how to create a synonym to an object in a different database.

        # The name of the synonym.
        # The name of the schema where the synonym should be created.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',
        # The database where the target object is located. Defaults to the current database.
        # The scheme of the target object. Defaults to `dbo`.
        $TargetSchemaName = 'dbo',
        # The target object's name the synonym will refer to.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.AddSynonymOperation' $SchemaName, $Name, $TargetSchemaName, $TargetDatabaseName, $TargetObjectName

function Add-Table
    Creates a new table in the database.
    The column's for the table should be created and returned in a script block, which is passed as the value of the `Column` parameter. For example,
        Add-Table 'Suits' {
            Int 'id' -Identity
            TinyInt 'pieces -NotNull
            VarChar 'color' -NotNull
    Add-Table -Name 'Ties' -Column { VarChar 'color' -NotNull }
    Creates a `Ties` table with a single column for each tie's color. Pretty!

        # The name of the table.

        # The table's schema. Defaults to 'dbo'.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',

        # A script block that returns the table's columns.

        # Creates a [FileTable](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff929144.aspx) table.

        # Specifies the partition scheme or filegroup on which the table is stored, e.g. `ON $FileGroup`

        # The filegroup where text, ntext, image, xml, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), and varbinary(max) columns are stored. The table has to have one of those columns. For example, `TEXTIMAGE_ON $TextImageFileGroup`.

        # Specifies the filegroup for FILESTREAM data, e.g. `FILESTREAM_ON $FileStreamFileGroup`.

        # Specifies one or more table options.

        # A description of the table.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    $columns = & $Column

    $tableOp = New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.AddTableOperation' $SchemaName, $Name, $columns, $FileTable, $FileGroup, $TextImageFileGroup, $FileStreamFileGroup, $Option

    $addDescriptionArgs = @{
                                SchemaName = $SchemaName;
                                TableName = $Name;

    if( $Description )
        $tableDescriptionOp = Add-Description -Description $Description @addDescriptionArgs

    $tableOp | Write-Output
    $tableOp.ChildOperations | Write-Output

    foreach( $columnItem in $columns )
        if( $columnItem.Description )
            Add-Description -Description $columnItem.Description -ColumnName $columnItem.Name @addDescriptionArgs | Write-Output

function Add-Trigger
    Creates a new trigger.
    Creates a new trigger. If updating an existing trigger, use `Remove-Trigger` to remove it first, then `New-Trigger` to re-create it.
    Add-Trigger 'PrintMessage' 'ON rivet.Migrations for insert as print ''Migration applied!'''
    Creates a trigger that prints a method when a row gets inserted into the `rivet.Migrations` table.

        # The name of the trigger.
        # The schema of the trigger.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',
        # The body of the trigger. Everything after and including the `ON` clause.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.AddTriggerOperation' $SchemaName, $Name, $Definition

function Add-UniqueKey
    Creates a UNIQUE constraint on the specified column and table.
    Creates a UNIQUE constraint on the specified column and table.
    You can use UNIQUE constraints to make sure that no duplicate values are entered in specific columns that do not participate in a primary key. Although both a UNIQUE constraint and a PRIMARY KEY constraint enforce uniqueness, use a UNIQUE constraint instead of a PRIMARY KEY constraint when you want to enforce the uniqueness of a column, or combination of columns, that is not the primary key.
    Add-UniqueKey -TableName Cars -ColumnName Year
    Adds an unique constraint on column 'Year' in the table 'Cars'
    Add-UniqueKey -TableName 'Cars' -ColumnName 'Year' -Option @('IGNORE_DUP_KEY = ON','ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = OFF')
    Adds an unique constraint on column 'Year' in the table 'Cars' with specified options

        # The schema name of the target table. Defaults to `dbo`.
        [String]$SchemaName = 'dbo',

        # The name of the target table.

        # The name for the <object type>. If not given, a sensible name will be created.

        # The column(s) on which the index is based

        # Creates a clustered index, otherwise non-clustered

        # FillFactor as Integer

        # An array of index options.

        # The value of the `ON` clause, which controls the filegroup/partition to use for the index.

    Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

    [Rivet.Operations.AddUniqueKeyOperation]::new($SchemaName, $TableName, $Name, $ColumnName, $Clustered, $FillFactor, $Option, $On)

 function Add-UserDefinedFunction
    Creates a new user-defined function.
    Creates a new user-defined function.
    Add-UserDefinedFunction -SchemaName 'rivet' 'One' 'returns tinyint begin return 1 end'
    Creates a user-defined function that returns the number 1.
        # The name of the stored procedure.
        # The schema name of the stored procedure. Defaults to `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',
        # The store procedure's definition. Everything after the `create function [schema].[name]` clause.
    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    New-Object Rivet.Operations.AddUserDefinedFunctionOperation $SchemaName,$Name,$Definition

 function Add-View
    Creates a new view.
    Creates a new view.
    Add-View -SchemaName 'rivet' 'ReadMigrations' 'AS select * from rivet.Migrations'
    Creates a view to read all the migrations from Rivet's Migrations table. Don't do this in real life.

        # The name of the view.
        # The schema name of the view. Defaults to `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',
        # The definition of the view. Everything after the `create view [schema].[name]` clause.
    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.AddViewOperation' $SchemaName,$Name,$Definition

function Disable-Constraint
    Disable a check of foreign key constraint on a table.
    The `Disable-Constraint` operation disables a check or foreign key constraint on a table. Only check and foreign key constraints can be enabled/disabled.
    Disable-CheckConstraint 'Migrations' 'CK_Migrations_MigrationID'
    Demonstrates how to disable a constraint on a table. In this case, the `CK_Migrations_MigrationID` constraint on the `Migrations` table is disabled. Is it a check constraint? Foreign key constraint? It doesn't matter!

        # The name of the constraint's table.
        # The schema of the table. Default is `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',
        # The name of the constraint.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.DisableConstraintOperation' $SchemaName, $TableName, $Name

Set-Alias -Name 'Disable-CheckConstraint' -Value 'Disable-Constraint'

function Disable-ForeignKey
    OBSOLETE. Use `Disable-Constraint` instead.
    OBSOLETE. Use `Disable-Constraint` instead.
    Disable-Constraint 'SourceTable' 'FK_SourceID_ReferenceTable'
    Demonstrates that `Disable-ForeignKey` is obsolete by showing that you should use `Disable-Constraint` instead.

        # The name of the table to alter.

        # The schema name of the table. Defaults to `dbo`.
        [String]$SchemaName = 'dbo',

        # The column(s) that should be part of the foreign key.

        # The table that the foreign key references

        # The schema name of the reference table. Defaults to `dbo`.
        [String]$ReferencesSchema = 'dbo',

        # The name for the <object type>. If not given, a sensible name will be created.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    Write-Warning ('The "Disable-ForeignKey" operation is obsolete and will removed in a future version of Rivet. Please use "Disable-Constraint" instead.')

    if( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Name') )
        $Name = New-ConstraintName -ForeignKey `
                                   -SchemaName $SchemaName `
                                   -TableName $TableName `
                                   -ReferencesSchemaName $ReferencesSchema `
                                   -ReferencesTableName $References 

    Disable-Constraint -SchemaName $SchemaName -TableName $TableName -Name $Name

function Enable-Constraint
    Enable a check or foreign key constraint.
    The `Enable-Constraint` operation enables a check or foreign key constraint on a table. Only check and foreign key constraints can be enabled/disabled.
    Enable-Constraint 'Migrations' 'FK_Migrations_MigrationID'
    Demonstrates how to disable a constraint on a table. In this case, the `FK_Migrations_MigrationID` constraint on the `Migrations` table is disabled. Is it a check constraint? Foreign key constraint? It doesn't matter!

        # The name of the constraint's table.
        # The schema of the table. Default is `dbo`.
        [String]$SchemaName = 'dbo',
        # The name of the constraint.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    [Rivet.Operations.EnableConstraintOperation]::New($SchemaName, $TableName, $Name, $false)

Set-Alias -Name 'Enable-CheckConstraint' -Value 'Enable-Constraint'

function Enable-ForeignKey
    OBSOLETE. Use `Enable-Constraint` instead.
    OBSOLETE. Use `Enable-Constraint` instead.
    Enable-Constraint 'TAbleName', 'FK_ForeignKeyName'
    Demonstrates that `Enable-ForeignKey` is obsolete and you should use `Enable-Constraint` instead.

        # The name of the table to alter.

        # The schema name of the table. Defaults to `dbo`.
        [String]$SchemaName = 'dbo',

        # The column(s) that should be part of the foreign key.

        # The table that the foreign key references

        # The schema name of the reference table. Defaults to `dbo`.
        [String]$ReferencesSchema = 'dbo',

        # The name for the <object type>. If not given, a sensible name will be created.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    Write-Warning ('The "Enable-ForeignKey" operation is obsolete and will removed in a future version of Rivet. Please use "Enable-Constraint" instead.')

    if( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Name') )
        $Name = New-ConstraintName -ForeignKey `
                                   -SchemaName $SchemaName `
                                   -TableName $TableName `
                                   -ReferencesSchemaName $ReferencesSchema `
                                   -ReferencesTableName $References 

    Enable-Constraint -SchemaName $SchemaName -TableName $TableName -Name $Name

function Invoke-Ddl
    Executes a DDL statement against the database.
    The `Invoke-Ddl` function is used to update the structure of a database when none of Rivet's other operations will work.
    Invoke-Ddl -Query 'create table rivet.Migrations ( id int not null )'
    Executes the create table syntax above against the database.


    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.RawDdlOperation' $Query

function Invoke-SqlScript
    Runs a SQL script file as part of a migration.
    The SQL script is split on GO statements, which must be by themselves on a line, e.g.
        select * from sys.tables
        select * from sys.views

        # The path to the SQL script to execute.

        # The time in seconds to wait for the command to execute. The default is 30 seconds.
        $CommandTimeout = 30

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    $invokeMigrationParams = @{
                                    CommandTimeout = $CommandTimeout; 

    if( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'AsScalar' )
        $invokeMigrationParams.AsScalar = $true
    elseif( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'AsNonQuery' )
        $invokeMigrationParams.NonQuery = $true
    if( -not ([IO.Path]::IsPathRooted( $Path )) )
        $Path = Join-Path $DBMigrationsRoot $Path

    if( -not (Test-Path -Path $Path -PathType Leaf) )
        throw ('SQL script ''{0}'' not found.' -f $Path)

    $Path = Resolve-Path -Path $Path | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'ProviderPath'
    $sql = Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw
    New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.ScriptFileOperation' $Path,$sql

function Remove-CheckConstraint
    Removes a check constraint from a table.
    The `Remove-CheckConstraint` operation removes a check constraint from a table. Check constraints add validation for data in columns.
    Remove-CheckConstraint 'Migrations' 'CK_Migrations_MigrationID'
    Demonstrates how to remove a check constraint from a table. In this case, the `CK_Migrations_MigrationID` constraint will be removed from the `Migrations` table.

        # The name of the check constraint's table.
        # The schema of the table. Default is `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',
        # The name of the check constraint to remove.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.RemoveCheckConstraintOperation' $SchemaName, $TableName, $Name

function Remove-DataType
    Drops a user-defined datatype.
    Handles all three datatypes: alias, CLR, and table. If the datatype is in use, you'll get an error. Make sure to remove/alter any objects that reference the type first.
    Remove-DataType 'GUID'
    Demonstrates how to remove the `GUID` user-defined data type.
    Remove-DataType -SchemaName 'rivet' 'GUID'
    Demonstrates how to remove a datatype in a schema other than `dbo`.

        # The name of the type's schema. Default is `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',
        # The name of the datatype to drop.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.RemoveDataTypeOperation' $SchemaName, $Name

function Remove-DefaultConstraint
    Removes a default constraint from a table.
    The `Remove-DefaultConstraint` operation removes a default constraint from a table.
    Remove-DefaultConstraint 'Cars' -ColumnName 'Year' -Name 'Cars_Year_DefaultConstraint'
    Demonstrates how to remove a default constraint. In this case, the `Cars_Year_DefaultConstraint` constraint will be removed from the `Cars` table.

        # The name of the target table.

        # The schema name of the target table. Defaults to `dbo`.
        [String]$SchemaName = 'dbo',

        # The column name.

        # The name of the default constraint to remove.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    if( -not $Name )
        if( -not $ColumnName )
            Write-Error -Message ('The Name parameter is mandatory. Please pass the name of the default constraint to the Name parameter.') -ErrorAction Stop

    if( -not $ColumnName )
        $nameMsg = ''
        if( $Name )
            $nameMsg = "'s $($Name) constraint"
        $msg = ('The ColumnName parameter will be required in a future version of Rivet. Add a "ColumnName" ' +
                "parameter to the Remove-DefaulConstraint operation for the [$($SchemaName)].[$($TableName)] " +
        Write-Warning -Message $msg

    [Rivet.Operations.RemoveDefaultConstraintOperation]::New($SchemaName, $TableName, $ColumnName, $Name)

function Remove-Description
    Removes the `MS_Description` extended property for a table or column.
    The `sys.sp_dropextendedproperty` stored procedure is used to remove a table/column's description (i.e. the `MS_Description` extended property), but the syntax is weird. This function hides that weirdness from you. You're welcome.
    Remove-Description -TableName WhoseitsWhatsits
    Removes the description (i.e. the `MS_Description` extended property) for the `WhoseitsWhatsits` table.
    Remove-Description -TableName WhoseitsWhatsits -ColumnName IsSnarfblat
    Removes the description (i.e. the `MS_Description` extended property) for the `WhoseitsWhatsits` table's `IsSnarfblat` column.

        # The schema. Defaults to `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',

        # The name of the table where the extended property is getting set.

        # The name of the column where the extended property is getting set.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    $optionalArgs = @{ }
    if( $ColumnName )
        $optionalArgs.ColumnName = $ColumnName
    Remove-ExtendedProperty -Name 'MS_Description' `
                            -SchemaName $SchemaName `
                            -TableName $TableName `

function Remove-ExtendedProperty
    Drops an extended property for a schema, table, or column.
    SQL Server has a special stored procedure for removing extended property metatdata about an object. Unfortunately, it has a really clunky interface. This function is an attempt to wrap `sp_dropextendedproperty` with a saner interface.
    Currently, this function only supports dropping properties for schemas, tables, and columns. Submit a patch!
    Remove-ExtendedProperty -Name 'Deploy' -SchemaName 'spike'
    Drops the custom `Deploy` metadata for the `spike` schema.
    Remove-ExtendedProperty -Name 'Deploy' -TableName 'Food'
    Drops the custom `Deploy` metadata on the `Food` table in the `dbo` schema.
    Remove-ExtendedProperty -Name 'IsEncrypted' -TableName 'User' -ColumnName 'Password'
    Drops the custom `IsEncrypted` metadata on the `User` table's `Password` column.
    Remove-ExtendedProperty -Name 'ContainsPII' -View 'LoggedInUsers'
    Demonstrates how to remove custom metadata on the `LoggedInUsers` view
    Remove-ExtendedProperty -Name 'IsEncrypted' -View 'LoggedInUsers' -ColumnName 'Password'
    Demonstrates how to remove custom metadata for a view's column

        # The name of the extended property to add.
        # The schema of the object.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',
        # The table name.
        # The table name.
        # The column name.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "SCHEMA")
        $op = New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.RemoveExtendedPropertyOperation' $SchemaName, $Name

    if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "TABLE")
        $op = New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.RemoveExtendedPropertyOperation' $SchemaName, $TableName, $Name, $false

    if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "VIEW")
        $op = New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.RemoveExtendedPropertyOperation' $SchemaName, $ViewName, $Name, $true

    if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "TABLE-COLUMN")
        $op = New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.RemoveExtendedPropertyOperation' $SchemaName, $TableName, $ColumnName, $Name, $false

    if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "VIEW-COLUMN")
        $op = New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.RemoveExtendedPropertyOperation' $SchemaName, $ViewName, $ColumnName, $Name, $true

    return $op

function Remove-ForeignKey
    Removes a foreign key from an existing table that has a foreign key.
    Removes a foreign key to a table.
    Remove-ForeignKey 'Cars' -Name 'FK_Cars_Year'
    Demonstrates how to remove a foreign key that has a name different than Rivet's derived name.

        # The name of the table.

        # The schema name of the table. Defaults to `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',

        # OBSOLETE. Use the `Name` parameter to specify the foreign key to remove.

        # OBSOLETE. Use the `Name` parameter to specify the foreign key to remove.
        $ReferencesSchema = 'dbo',

        # The name of the foreign key to remove.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    [Rivet.Operations.RemoveForeignKeyOperation]::New($SchemaName, $TableName, $Name)

function Remove-Index
    Removes an index from a table.
    The `Remove-Index` operation removes an index from a table.
    Remove-Index 'Cars' -Name 'YearIX'
    Demonstrates how to drop an index

        # The name of the target table.

        # The schema name of the target table. Defaults to `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',

        # OBSOLETE. Use the `Name` parameter to remove an index.

        # OBSOLETE. Use the `Name` parameter to remove an index.

        # The name of the index to remove.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    # TODO: once generating constraint names is out, remove $columnName and $unique parameters.
    [Rivet.Operations.RemoveIndexOperation]::New($SchemaName, $TableName, $Name, $ColumnName, $Unique)

function Remove-PrimaryKey
    Removes a primary key from a table.
    The `Remove-PrimaryKey` operation removes a primary key from a table.
    Remove-PrimaryKey 'Cars' -Name 'Car_PK'
    Demonstrates how to remove a primary key whose name is different than the derived name Rivet creates for primary keys.

        # The name of the table.

        # The schema name of the table. Defaults to `dbo`.
        [String]$SchemaName = 'dbo',

        # The name of the primary key to remove.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    [Rivet.Operations.RemovePrimaryKeyOperation]::New($SchemaName, $TableName, $Name)

 function Remove-Row
    Removes a row from a table.
    To specify which columns to insert into the new row, pass a hashtable as a value to the `Column` parameter. This hashtable should have keys that map to column names, and the value of each key will be used as the value for that column in the row.
    Remove-Row -SchemaName 'rivet' 'Migrations' 'MigrationID=20130913132411'
    Demonstrates how to delete a specific set of rows from a table.
    Remove-Row 'Cars' -All
    Demonstrates how to remove all rows in a table.

        # The name of the table.
        # The schema name of the table. Default is `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',
        # The condition to use for choosing which rows to remove. This parameter is required, unless you *really* want to
        # Drop all the rows in the table.
        # Truncate the table instead to delete all the rows. This is faster than using a `delete` statement.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'DropSpecificRows')
        New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.RemoveRowOperation' $SchemaName, $TableName, $Where        
    elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'AllRows')
        if ($Truncate)
            New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.RemoveRowOperation' $SchemaName, $TableName, $true
            New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.RemoveRowOperation' $SchemaName, $TableName, $false

function Remove-RowGuidCol
    Remove the `rowguidcol` property from a column in a table.
    The `Remove-RowGuidCol` operation removes the `rowguidcol` property from a `uniqueidentifier` column in a table.
    The `Remove-RowGuidCol` operation was added in Rivet 0.7.
    Remove-RowGuidCol -TableName 'MyTable' -ColumnName 'MyUniqueIdentifier'
    Demonstrates how to remove the `rowguidcol` property from a column in a table. In this example, the `dbo.MyTable` table's `MyUniqueIdentifier` column will lose the propery.
    Remove-RowGuidCol -SchemaName 'cstm' -TableName 'MyTable' -ColumnName 'MyUniqueIdentifier'
    Demonstrates how to remove the `rowguidcol` property from a column in a table whose schema isn't `dbo`, in this case the `cstm.MyTable` table's `MyUniqueIdentifier` column will lose the property.

        # The table's schema. Default is `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',

        # The table's name.

        # The name of the column that should get the `rowguidcol` property.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    New-Object -TypeName 'Rivet.Operations.RemoveRowGuidColOperation' -ArgumentList $SchemaName,$TableName,$ColumnName

function Remove-Schema
    Removes a schema.
    Remove-Schema -Name 'rivetexample'
    Drops/removes the `rivetexample` schema.

        # The name of the schema.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.RemoveSchemaOperation' $Name

function Remove-StoredProcedure
    Removes a stored procedure.
    Removes a stored procedure. Will throw an exception and rollback the migration if the stored procedure doesn't exist.
    By default, the stored procedure is assumed to be in the `dbo` schema. Use the `Schema` parameter to specify a different schema.
    You can conditionally delete a stored procedure only if it exists using the `IfExists` switch.
    Remove-StoredProcedure -Name MySproc
    Removes the `dbo.MySproc` stored procedure.
    Remove-StoredProcedure -Name MySproc -SchemaName rivet
    Removes the `rivet.MySproc` stored procedure.

        # The name of the stored procedure to remove/delete.
        # The schema of the stored procedure. Default is `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo'

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.RemoveStoredProcedureOperation' $SchemaName, $Name

function Remove-Synonym
    Drops a synonym.
    Drops an existing synonym. If the synonym doesn't exist, you'll get an error.
    Remove-Synonym -Name 'Buzz'
    Removes the `Buzz` synonym.
    Remove-Synonym -SchemaName 'fiz' -Name 'Buzz'
    Demonstrates how to remove a synonym in a schema other than `dbo`.

        # The name of the synonym to drop.
        # The name of the synonym's schema. Default to `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo'

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.RemoveSynonymOperation' $SchemaName, $Name

function Remove-Table
    Removes a table from a database.
    You can't get any of the data back, so be careful.
    Remove-Table -Name 'Coffee'
    Removes the `Coffee` table from the database.

        # The name of the table where the column should be removed.

        # The schema of the table where the column should be added. Default is `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo'

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.RemoveTableOperation' $SchemaName, $Name

function Remove-Trigger
    Deletes a new trigger.
    Deletes an existing trigger.
    Remove-Trigger 'PrintMessage'
    Removes the `PrintMessage` trigger.

        # The name of the trigger.
        # The schema of the trigger.
        $SchemaName = "dbo"

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.RemoveTriggerOperation' $SchemaName, $Name

function Remove-UniqueKey
    Removes the Unique Constraint from the database
    Removes the Unique Constraint from the database.
    Remove-UniqueKey 'Cars' -Name 'YearUK'
    Demonstrates how to remove a unique key whose name is different than the name Rivet derives for unique keys.

        # The name of the target table.

        # The schema name of the target table. Defaults to `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',

        # OBSOLETE. Use the `Name` parameter to specify the name of the unique key to remove.

        # The name of the unique key to remove.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.RemoveUniqueKeyOperation' $SchemaName, $TableName, $Name, $ColumnName

function Remove-UserDefinedFunction
    Removes a user-defined function.
    Removes a user-defined function. Will throw an exception and rollback the migration if the user-defined function doesn't exist.
    By default, the user-defined function is assumed to be in the `dbo` schema. Use the `Schema` parameter to specify a different schema.
    You can conditionally delete a user-defined function only if it exists using the `IfExists` switch.
    Remove-UserDefinedFunction -Name MyFunc
    Removes the `dbo.MyFunc` user-defined function.
    Remove-UserDefinedFunction -Name MyFunc -SchemaName rivet
    Removes the `rivet.MyFunc` user-defined function.

        # The name of the user-defined function to remove/delete.
        # The schema of the user-defined function. Default is `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo'

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.RemoveUserDefinedFunctionOperation' $SchemaName, $Name

function Remove-View
    Removes a view.
    Removes a view. Will throw an exception and rollback the migration if the view doesn't exist.
    By default, the view is assumed to be in the `dbo` schema. Use the `Schema` parameter to specify a different schema.
    You can conditionally delete a view only if it exists using the `IfExists` switch.
    Remove-View -Name MyView
    Removes the `dbo.MyView` view.
    Remove-View -Name MyView -SchemaName rivet
    Removes the `rivet.MyView` view.

        # The name of the view to remove/delete.
        # The schema of the view. Default is `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo'
    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.RemoveViewOperation' $SchemaName, $Name

function Rename-Column
    Renames a column.
    SQL Server ships with a stored procedure which is used to rename certain objects. This operation wraps that stored procedure.
    Use `Rename-DataType` to rename a data type. Use `Rename-Index` to rename an index. Use `Rename-Object` to rename an object.
    Rename-Column -TableName 'FooBar' -Name 'Fizz' -NewName 'Buzz'
    Changes the name of the `Fizz` column in the `FooBar` table to `Buzz`.
    Rename-Column -SchemaName 'fizz' -TableName 'FooBar' -Name 'Buzz' -NewName 'Baz'
    Demonstrates how to rename a column in a table that is in a schema other than `dbo`.
    Rename-Column 'FooBar' 'Fizz' 'Buzz'
    Demonstrates how to use the short form to rename `Fizz` column in the `FooBar` table to `Buzz`: table name is first, then existing column name, then new column name.

        # The name of the table of the column to rename.
        # The current name of the column.
        # The new name of the column.
        # The schema of the table. Default is `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo'

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.RenameColumnOperation' $SchemaName, $TableName, $Name, $NewName

function Rename-DataType
    Renames data types.
    This function wraps the `sp_rename` stored procedure, and can be used to rename `USERDATATYPE` types.
    Use `Rename-Index` to rename an index. Use `Rename-Column` to rename a column. Use `Rename-Object` to rename an object.
    Rename-DataType -Name 'FooBar' -NewName 'BarFoo'
    Changes the name of the `FooBar` type to `BarFoo`.
    Rename-DataType -SchemaName 'fizz' -Name 'Buzz' -NewName 'Baz'
    Demonstrates how to rename a data type that is in a schema other than `dbo`.

        # The schema of the table. Default is `dbo`.
        [String]$SchemaName = "dbo",

        # The current name of the table.
        # The new name of the table.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    [Rivet.Operations.RenameDataTypeOperation]::New($SchemaName, $Name, $NewName)


 function Rename-Index
    Renames an index.
    SQL Server ships with a stored procedure which is used to rename certain objects. This operation wraps that stored procedure.
    Use `Rename-Column` to rename a column. Use `Rename-DataType` to rename a data type. Use `Rename-Object` to rename an object.
    Rename-Index -TableName 'FooBar' -Name 'IX_Fizz' -NewName 'Buzz'
    Changes the name of the `Fizz` index on the `FooBar` table to `Buzz`.
    Rename-Index -SchemaName 'fizz' -TableName 'FooBar' -Name 'IX_Buzz' -NewName 'Fizz'
    Demonstrates how to rename an index on a table that is in a schema other than `dbo`.
    Rename-Index 'FooBar' 'IX_Fizz' 'Buzz'
    Demonstrates how to use the short form to rename the `Fizz` index on the `FooBar` table to `Buzz`: table name is first, then existing index name, then new index name.

        # The name of the table of the index to rename.
        # The current name of the index.
        # The new name of the index.
        # The schema of the table. Default is `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo'
    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.RenameIndexOperation' $SchemaName, $TableName, $Name, $NewName

function Rename-Object
    Renames objects (e.g. tables, constraints, keys).
    This function wraps the `sp_rename` stored procedure, and can be used to rename objects tracked in `sys.objects`:
     * Tables
     * Functions
     * Synonyms
     * Constraints/keys
     * Views
     * Stored procedures
     * Triggers
    Use `Rename-Index` to rename an index. Use `Rename-Column` to rename a column. Use `Rename-DataType` to rename a data type.
    Rename-Object -Name 'FooBar' -NewName 'BarFoo'
    Changes the name of the `FooBar` table to `BarFoo`.
    Rename-Object -SchemaName 'fizz' -Name 'Buzz' -NewName 'Baz'
    Demonstrates how to rename a table that is in a schema other than `dbo`.
    Rename-Object 'FK_Foo_Bar' 'FK_Bar_Foo'
    Demonstrates how to use `Rename-Object` without explicit parameters, and how to rename a foreign key.

        # The schema of the table. Default is `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = "dbo",

        # The current name of the table.
        # The new name of the table.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    [Rivet.Operations.RenameObjectOperation]::New($SchemaName, $Name, $NewName)

function Stop-Migration
    Stops a migration from getting poppped.
    The `Stop-Migration` operation stops a migration from getting popped. When put in your migration's `Pop-Migration` function, the migration will fail when someone attempts to pop it. Use this operation to mark a migration as irreversible.
    `Stop-Migration` was added in Rivet 0.6.
    Demonstrates how to use use `Stop-Migration`.
    Stop-Migration -Message 'The datatabase's flibbers have been upgraed to flobbers. This operation can't be undone. Sorry.'
    Demonstrates how to display a message explaining why the migration isn't reversible.

        # A message to show that explains why the migrations isn't reversible. Default message is `This migration is irreversible and can't be popped.`.
        $Message = 'This migration is irreversible and can''t be popped.'

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    New-Object -TypeName 'Rivet.Operations.IrreversibleOperation' -ArgumentList $Message

function Update-CodeObjectMetadata
    Updates the metadata for a stored procedure, user-defined function, view, trigger, etc.
    SQL Server has a stored procedure, `sys.sp_refreshsqlmodule`, which will refresh/update a the objects used by a code object (stored procedure, user-defined function, view, etc.) if that object has changed since the code object was created.
    Update-CodeObjectMetadata 'GetUsers'
    Demonstrates how to update the `GetUsers` code object.
    Update-CodeObjectMetadata -SchemaName 'example' 'GetUsers'
    Demonstrates how to update a code object in a custom schema, in this case the `example` schema.

        # The code object's schema name. Default is `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',

        # The name of the code object.

        # The object is a database DDL trigger.

        # The object is a server DDL trigger.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    $namespace = $null
    if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like '*_DDL_TRIGGER' )
        $namespace = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName

    New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.UpdateCodeObjectMetadataOperation' $SchemaName,$Name,$namespace

function Update-Description
    Updates the `MS_Description` extended property of a table or column.
    The `sys.sp_updateextendedproperty` stored procedure is used to update a table/column's description (i.e. the `MS_Description` extended property), but the syntax is weird. This function hides that weirdness from you. You're welcome.
    Update-Description -Description 'Whoseit's whatsits table.' -TableName WhoseitsWhatsits
    Updates the description (i.e. the `MS_Description` extended property) on the `WhoseitsWhatsits` table.
    Update-Description -Description 'Is it a snarfblat?' -TableName WhoseitsWhatsits -ColumnName IsSnarfblat
    Updates the description (i.e. the `MS_Description` extended property) on the `WhoseitsWhatsits` table's `IsSnarfblat` column.

        # The value for the MS_Description extended property.

        # The schema. Defaults to `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',

        # The name of the table where the extended property is getting updated.

        # The name of the column where the extended property is getting updated.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    $optionalArgs = @{ }
    if( $ColumnName )
        $optionalArgs.ColumnName = $ColumnName

    Update-ExtendedProperty -Name ([Rivet.Operations.ExtendedPropertyOperation]::DescriptionPropertyName) `
                            -Value $Description `
                            -SchemaName $SchemaName `
                            -TableName $TableName `


function Update-ExtendedProperty
    Updates an object's extended property.
    SQL Server has a special stored procedure for updating extended property metatdata about an object. Unfortunately, it has a really clunky interface. This function is an attempt to wrap `sp_updateextendedproperty` with a saner interface.
    Currently, this function only supports updating properties for schemas, tables, and columns. Submit a patch!
    Update-ExtendedProperty -Name 'Deploy' -Value 'FALSE' -SchemaName 'spike'
    Sets the custom `Deploy` metadata to be `FALSE`.
    Update-ExtendedProperty -Name 'Deploy' -Value 'FALSE' -TableName 'Food'
    Sets the custom `Deploy` metadata to be `FALSE` on the `Food` table in the `dbo` schema.
    Update-ExtendedProperty -Name 'IsEncrypted' -Value 'TRUE' -TableName 'User' -ColumnName 'Password'
    Sets the custom `IsEncrypted` metadata to be `TRUE` on the `User` table's `Password` column.
    Update-ExtendedProperty -Name 'ContainsPII' -Value 'FALSE' -View 'LoggedInUsers'
    Demonstrates how to update custom metadata on the `LoggedInUsers` view
    Update-ExtendedProperty -Name 'IsEncrypted' -Value 'FALSE' -View 'LoggedInUsers' -ColumnName 'Password'
    Demonstrates how to update custom metadata for a view's column

        # The name of the extended property to update.
        # The value of the extended property.
        # The schema of the object.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',
        # The table name.
        # The table name.
        # The column name.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    $objectName = ''
    if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "SCHEMA")
        $op = New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.UpdateExtendedPropertyOperation' $SchemaName, $Name, $Value
        $objectName = $SchemaName

    if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "TABLE")
        $op = New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.UpdateExtendedPropertyOperation' $SchemaName, $TableName, $Name, $Value, $false
        $objectName = '{0}.{1}' -f $SchemaName,$TableName

    if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "VIEW")
        $op = New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.UpdateExtendedPropertyOperation' $SchemaName, $ViewName, $Name, $Value, $true
        $objectName = '{0}.{1}' -f $SchemaName,$ViewName

    if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "TABLE-COLUMN")
        $op = New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.UpdateExtendedPropertyOperation' $SchemaName, $TableName, $ColumnName, $Name, $Value, $false
        $objectName = '{0}.{1}.{2}' -f $SchemaName,$TableName,$ColumnName

    if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "VIEW-COLUMN")
        $op = New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.UpdateExtendedPropertyOperation' $SchemaName, $ViewName, $ColumnName, $Name, $Value, $true
        $objectName = '{0}.{1}.{2}' -f $SchemaName,$ViewName,$ColumnName

    return $op

function Update-Row
    Updates a row of data in a table.
    To specify which columns in a row to update, pass a hashtable as a value to the `Column` parameter. This hashtable should have keys that map to column names, and the value of each key will be used to update row(s) in the table.
    You are required to use a `Where` clause so that you don't inadvertently/accidentally update a column in every row in a table to the same value. If you *do* want to update the value in every row of the database, omit the `Where` parameter and add the `Force` switch.
    Update-Row -SchemaName 'rivet' 'Migrations' @{ LastUpdated = (Get-Date -Utc) } -Where 'MigrationID=20130913131104'
    Demonstrates how to update the `LastUpdated` date in the `rivet.Migrations` table for the migration with ID `20130913131104`. Don't do this in real life.
    Update-Row -SchemaName 'rivet' 'Migrations' @{ LastUpdated = (Get-Date -Utc) } -Force
    Demonstrates how to update the `LastUpdated` date *for all rows* in the `rivet.Migrations` table. You *really, really* don't want to do this in real life.
    Update-Row 'Migrations' @{ MigrationID = 'MigrationID + 1' } -Raw -Where 'MigrationID=20130101010101'
    Demonstrates how to pass a SQL expression as the value for the column to update: use the `-RawColumnValue` switch.

        # The name of the table.
        # The schema name of the table. Default is `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',
        # A hashtable of name/value pairs that map to column names/values that will be updated.

        # Don't escape/quote the column value(s).
        # A condition to use so that only certain rows are updated. Without a value, you will need to use the `Force` parameter so you don't accidentally update the contents of an entire table.
        # Updates all the rows in the table.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'SpecificRows')
        $op = New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.UpdateRowOperation' $SchemaName, $TableName, $Column, $Where, $RawColumnValue       
    elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'AllRows')
        $op = New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.UpdateRowOperation' $SchemaName, $TableName, $Column, $RawColumnValue

    return $op

function Update-StoredProcedure
    Updates an existing stored procedure.
    Updates an existing stored procedure.
    Update-StoredProcedure -SchemaName 'rivet' 'ReadMigrations' 'AS select * from rivet.Migrations'
    Updates a stored procedure to read the migrations from Rivet's Migrations table. Note that in real life, you probably should leave my table alone.

        # The name of the stored procedure.
        # The schema name of the stored procedure. Defaults to `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',
        # The store procedure's definition, which is everything after the `alter procedure [schema].[name]` clause.
    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.UpdateStoredProcedureOperation' $SchemaName, $Name, $Definition

function Update-Table
    Adds new columns or alters existing columns on an existing table.
    The `Update-Table` operation adds, updates, and removes columns from a table. Columns are added, then updated, then removed.
    The new columns for the table should be created and returned in a script block, which is passed as the value of the `AddColumn` parameter. For example,
        Update-Table 'Suits' -AddColumn {
            Bit 'HasVest' -NotNull -Default 0
    The new definitions for existing columns should be created and returned in a script block, which is passed as the value of the `UpdateColumn` parameter. For example,
        Update-Table 'Suits' -UpdateColumn {
            VarChar 'Color' 256 -NotNull
    Update-Table -Name 'Ties' -AddColumn { VarChar 'Color' 50 -NotNull }
    Adds a new `Color` column to the `Ties` table. Pretty!
    Update-Table -Name 'Ties' -UpdateColumn { VarChar 'Color' 100 -NotNull }
    Demonstrates how to change the definition of an existing column.
    Update-Table -Name 'Ties' -RemoveColumn 'Pattern','Manufacturer'
    Demonstrates how to remove columns from a table.

        # The name of the table.

        # The table's schema. Defaults to `dbo`.
        [String]$SchemaName = 'dbo',

        # A script block that returns the new columns to add to a table.
        # A script block that returns new column definitions for existing columns

        # Columns to remove.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    [Object[]]$newColumns = @()
    if( $AddColumn )
        $newColumns = & $AddColumn

    [Object[]]$updatedColumns = @()
    if ($UpdateColumn)
        $updatedColumns = & $UpdateColumn
        foreach( $column in $updatedColumns )
            if( $column.DefaultExpression -or $column.DefaultConstraintName )
                Write-Error -Message ("You're attempting to add a default constraint to existing column [$($column.Name)] on table [$($SchemaName)].[$($Name)]. SQL Server doesn't support adding default constraints on existing columns. Remove the -Default and -DefaultConstraintName parameters on this column and use the Add-DefaultConstraint operation to add a default constraint to this column.") -ErrorAction Stop

            if( $column.Identity )
                Write-Error -Message ("You're attempting to add identity to existing column [$($Column.Name)] on table [$($SchemaName)].[$($Name)]. This is not supported by SQL Server. You'll need to drop and re-create the column.") -ErrorAction Stop


    New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.UpdateTableOperation' $SchemaName,$Name,$newColumns,$updatedColumns,$RemoveColumn

    foreach ($i in $newColumns)
        if ($i.Description)
            Add-Description -Description $i.Description -SchemaName $SchemaName -TableName $Name -ColumnName $i.Name

    foreach ($i in $updatedColumns)
        if ($i.Description)
            Update-Description -Description $i.Description -SchemaName $SchemaName -TableName $Name -ColumnName $i.Name

function Update-Trigger
    Updates an existing trigger.
    Updates an existing trigger.
    Update-Trigger 'PrintMessage' 'ON rivet.Migrations for insert as print ''Migration applied!'''
    Updates a trigger to prints a method when a row gets inserted into the `rivet.Migrations` table.

        # The name of the trigger.
        # The schema of the trigger.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',
        # The body of the trigger. Everything after and including the `ON` clause.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.UpdateTriggerOperation' $SchemaName, $Name, $Definition

 function Update-UserDefinedFunction
    Updates an existing user-defined function.
    Updates an existing user-defined function.
    Update-UserDefinedFunction -SchemaName 'rivet' 'One' 'returns tinyint begin return 1 end'
    Updates a user-defined function to return the number 1.

        # The name of the stored procedure.
        # The schema name of the stored procedure. Defaults to `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',
        # The store procedure's definition. Everything after the `alter function [schema].[name]` clause.
    New-Object Rivet.Operations.UpdateUserDefinedFunctionOperation $SchemaName,$Name,$Definition

 function Update-View
    Updates an existing view.
    Updates an existing view.
    Update-View -SchemaName 'rivet' 'ReadMigrations' 'AS select * from rivet.Migrations'
    Updates a view to read all the migrations from Rivet's Migrations table. Don't do this in real life.

        # The name of the view.
        # The schema name of the view. Defaults to `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',
        # The definition of the view. Everything after the `alter view [schema].[name]` clause.
    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    New-Object Rivet.Operations.UpdateViewOperation $SchemaName,$Name,$Definition