Module Version 1.2
  - Added -ClearHistory parameter to Invoke-ReversePowerShell cmdlet.
  - Corrected some typos in the Help section.
  - Added signature to ensure the code has not been manipulated maliciously

Module Version 1.1
  - Added a visual countdown timer to Invoke-ReversePowerShell cmdlet that counts down until next connection attempt
  - Added the ability to use Ctrl+C to stop the Start-Listener cmdlet
  - Added the ability to use Ctrl+C to stop the Start-Bind cmdlet
Module Version 1.0
  - Added initial creation of the Invoke-ReversePowerShell module to the manifest.
  - Added initial creation of the Start-Listener cmdlet to the module manifest.
  - Added initial creation of the Start-Bind cmdlet to the module manifest.

# PSScriptAnalyzer Comments from Author #
1.) I see no reason to add a WhatIf parameter to Start-Listener as it is low impact and not worth adding.
If someone wants to justify to me why it should have one I will add it.

2.) Invoke-Expression can not be helped in this case as we want the person executing this to execute
whatever commands they want.

RuleName Severity ScriptName Line Message
-------- -------- ---------- ---- -------
PSShouldProcess Warning ReversePow 67 'Start-Listener' has the ShouldProcess attribute but does
                                    not call ShouldProcess/ShouldContinue.
PSAvoidUsingInvokeExpression Warning ReversePow 283 Invoke-Expression is used. Please remove Invoke-Expression
                                    from script and find other options instead.
PSAvoidUsingInvokeExpression Warning ReversePow 479 Invoke-Expression is used. Please remove Invoke-Expression
                                    from script and find other options instead.

# Command for updating Module Manifest
# New-ModuleManifest -Path .\ReversePowerShell.psd1 -Author 'Robert H. Osborne' -CompanyName 'OsbornePro' -Copyright '(c) 2020 Robert H. Osborne. All rights reserved.' -ModuleVersion '1.2' -RootModule .\ReversePowerShell.psm1 -Description 'Functions that can be used to gain a bind or reverse shell with PowerShell.' -PowerShellVersion '5.0' -FunctionsToExport 'Start-Bind','Start-Listener','Invoke-ReversePowerShell','Find-ReversePowerShell' -CmdletsToExport 'Start-Bind','Start-Listener','Invoke-ReversePowerShell','Find-ReversePowerShell' -ProjectUri '' -LicenseUri '' -IconURI '' -ReleaseNotes '' -PowerShellHostName 'ConsoleHost' -PowerShellHostVersion '5.1.18362.752' -DotNetFrameworkVersion '3.5' -ClrVersion '3.5' -AliasesToExport @() -Tags 'PowerShell','CyberSecurity','InfoSec','PenetrationTesting','Pen Testing','Shells','Security' -ProcessorArchitecture 'None' -HelpInfoUri ''