$Global:CredsRepo = @() function Get-DSCParamType { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the data type of a specific parameter from the associated DSC resource. .DESCRIPTION This function scans the specified module (or in this case DSC resource), checks for the specified parameter inside the .schema.mof file associated with that module and properly assesses and returns the Data Type assigned to the parameter. .PARAMETER ModulePath Full file path to the .psm1 module we are looking for the property inside of. In most cases this will be the full path to the .psm1 file of the DSC resource. .PARAMETER ParamName Name of the parameter in the module we want to determine the Data Type for. #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String])] param( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $ModulePath, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $ParamName ) $tokens = $null $errors = $null $ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($ModulePath, [ref] $tokens, [ref] $errors) $functions = $ast.FindAll( { $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst] }, $true) ForEach ($function in $functions) { if ($function.Name -eq "Set-TargetResource") { $functionAst = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput($function.Body, [ref] $tokens, [ref] $errors) $parameters = $functionAst.FindAll( { $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.ParameterAst] }, $true) ForEach ($parameter in $parameters) { if ($parameter.Name.Extent.Text -eq $ParamName) { $attributes = $parameter.Attributes ForEach ($attribute in $attributes) { if ($attribute.TypeName.FullName -like "System.*") { return $attribute.TypeName.FullName } elseif ($attribute.TypeName.FullName.ToLower() -eq "") { return "System.Collections.Hashtable" } elseif ($attribute.TypeName.FullName.ToLower() -eq "string") { return "System.String" } elseif ($attribute.TypeName.FullName.ToLower() -eq "boolean") { return "System.Boolean" } elseif ($attribute.TypeName.FullName.ToLower() -eq "bool") { return "System.Boolean" } elseif ($attribute.TypeName.FullName.ToLower() -eq "string[]") { return "System.String[]" } elseif ($attribute.TypeName.FullName.ToLower() -eq "[]") { return "Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance[]" } } } } } } } function Get-DSCBlock { <# .SYNOPSIS Generate the DSC string representing the resource's instance. .DESCRIPTION This function is really the core of ReverseDSC. It takes in an array of parameters and returns the DSC string that represents the given instance of the specified resource. .PARAMETER ModulePath Full file path to the .psm1 module we are looking to get an instance of. In most cases this will be the full path to the .psm1 file of the DSC resource. .PARAMETER Params Hashtable that contains the list of Key properties and their values. #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $ModulePath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $Params ) $Sorted = $Params.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property Name $NewParams = [Ordered]@{} foreach ($entry in $Sorted) { if ($null -ne $entry.Value) { $NewParams.Add($entry.Key, $entry.Value) } } # Figure out what parameter has the longuest name, and get its Length; $maxParamNameLength = 0 foreach ($param in $NewParams.Keys) { if ($param.Length -gt $maxParamNameLength) { $maxParamNameLength = $param.Length } } # PSDscRunAsCredential is 20 characters and in most case the longuest. if ($maxParamNameLength -lt 20) { $maxParamNameLength = 20 } $dscBlock = "" $NewParams.Keys | ForEach-Object { if ($null -ne $NewParams[$_]) { $paramType = $NewParams[$_].GetType().Name } else { $paramType = Get-DSCParamType -ModulePath $ModulePath -ParamName "`$$_" } $value = $null if ($paramType -eq "System.String" -or $paramType -eq "String" -or $paramType -eq "Guid" -or $paramType -eq 'TimeSpan' -or $paramType -eq 'DateTime') { if (!$null -eq $NewParams.Item($_)) { $value = "`"" + $NewParams.Item($_).ToString().Replace("`"", "```"") + "`"" } else { $value = "`"" + $NewParams.Item($_) + "`"" } } elseif ($paramType -eq "System.Boolean" -or $paramType -eq "Boolean") { $value = "`$" + $NewParams.Item($_) } elseif ($paramType -eq "System.Management.Automation.PSCredential") { if ($null -ne $NewParams.Item($_)) { if ($NewParams.Item($_).ToString() -like "`$Creds*") { $value = $NewParams.Item($_).Replace("-", "_").Replace(".", "_") } else { if ($null -eq $NewParams.Item($_).UserName) { $value = "`$Creds" + ($NewParams.Item($_).Split('\'))[1].Replace("-", "_").Replace(".", "_") } else { if ($NewParams.Item($_).UserName.Contains("@") -and !$NewParams.Item($_).UserName.COntains("\")) { $value = "`$Creds" + ($NewParams.Item($_).UserName.Split('@'))[0] } else { $value = "`$Creds" + ($NewParams.Item($_).UserName.Split('\'))[1].Replace("-", "_").Replace(".", "_") } } } } else { $value = "Get-Credential -Message " + $_ } } elseif ($paramType -eq "System.Collections.Hashtable" -or $paramType -eq "Hashtable") { $value = "@{" $hash = $NewParams.Item($_) $hash.Keys | foreach-object { try { $value += $_.ToString() + " = `"" + $hash.Item($_).ToString() + "`"; " } catch { $value = $hash } } $value += "}" } elseif ($paramType -eq "System.String[]" -or $paramType -eq "String[]" -or $paramType -eq "ArrayList" -or $paramType -eq "List``1") { $hash = $NewParams.Item($_) if ($hash -and !$hash.ToString().StartsWith("`$ConfigurationData.")) { $value = "@(" $hash | ForEach-Object { $value += "`"" + $_ + "`"," } if ($value.Length -gt 2) { $value = $value.Substring(0, $value.Length - 1) } $value += ")" } else { if ($hash) { $value = $hash } else { $value = "@()" } } } elseif ($paramType -eq "System.UInt32[]") { $hash = $NewParams.Item($_) if ($hash) { $value = "@(" $hash | ForEach-Object { $value += $_.ToString() + "," } if ($value.Length -gt 2) { $value = $value.Substring(0, $value.Length - 1) } $value += ")" } else { if ($hash) { $value = $hash } else { $value = "@()" } } } elseif ($paramType -eq "Object[]" -or $paramType -eq "Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance[]") { $array = $hash = $NewParams.Item($_) if ($array.Length -gt 0 -and ($array[0].GetType().Name -eq "String" -and $paramType -ne "Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance[]")) { $value = "@(" $hash | ForEach-Object { $value += "`"" + $_ + "`"," } if ($value.Length -gt 2) { $value = $value.Substring(0, $value.Length - 1) } $value += ")" } else { $value = "@(" $array | ForEach-Object { $value += $_ } $value += ")" } } elseif ($paramType -eq "CimInstance") { $value = $NewParams[$_] } else { if ($null -eq $NewParams[$_]) { $value = "`$null" } else { if ($NewParams[$_].GetType().BaseType.Name -eq "Enum") { $value = "`"" + $NewParams.Item($_) + "`"" } else { $value = "$($NewParams.Item($_))" } } } # Determine the number of additional spaces we need to add before the '=' to make sure the values are all aligned. This number # is obtained by substracting the length of the current parameter's name to the maximum length found. $numberOfAdditionalSpaces = $maxParamNameLength - $_.Length $additionalSpaces = "" for ($i = 0; $i -lt $numberOfAdditionalSpaces; $i++) { $additionalSpaces += " " } $dscBlock += " " + $_ + $additionalSpaces + " = " + $value + ";`r`n" } return $dscBlock } function Get-DSCFakeParameters { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates a hashtable containing all the properties exposed by the specified DSC resource but with fake values. .DESCRIPTION This function scans the specified resources, create a hashtable with all the properties it exposes and generates fake values for each property based on the Data Type assigned to it. .PARAMETER ModulePath Full file path to the .psm1 module we are looking to get an instance of. In most cases this will be the full path to the .psm1 file of the DSC resource. #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $ModulePath ) $params = @{} $tokens = $null $errors = $null $ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($ModulePath, [ref] $tokens, [ref] $errors) $functions = $ast.FindAll( { $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst] }, $true) $functions | ForEach-Object { if ($_.Name -eq "Get-TargetResource") { $functionAst = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput($_.Body, [ref] $tokens, [ref] $errors) $parameters = $functionAst.FindAll( { $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.ParameterAst] }, $true) $parameters | ForEach-Object { $paramName = $_.Name.Extent.Text $attributes = $_.Attributes $found = $false <# Loop once to figure out if there is a validate Set to use. #> $attributes | ForEach-Object { if ($_.TypeName.FullName -eq "ValidateSet") { $params.Add($paramName.Replace("`$", ""), $_.PositionalArguments[0].ToString().Replace("`"", "").Replace("'", "")) $found = $true } elseif ($_.TypeName.FullName -eq "ValidateRange") { $params.Add($paramName.Replace("`$", ""), $_.PositionalArguments[0].ToString()) $found = $true } } $attributes | ForEach-Object { if (!$found) { if ($_.TypeName.FullName -eq "System.String" -or $_.TypeName.FullName -eq "String") { $params.Add($paramName.Replace("`$", ""), "*") $found = $true } elseif ($_.TypeName.FullName -eq "System.UInt32" -or $_.TypeName.FullName -eq "Int32") { $params.Add($paramName.Replace("`$", ""), 0) $found = $true } elseif ($_.TypeName.FullName -eq "System.Management.Automation.PSCredential") { $params.Add($paramName.Replace("`$", ""), $null) $found = $true } elseif ($_.TypeName.FullName -eq "System.Management.Automation.Boolean" -or $_.TypeName.FullName -eq "System.Boolean" -or $_.TypeName.FullName -eq "Boolean") { $params.Add($paramName.Replace("`$", ""), $true) $found = $true } elseif ($_.TypeName.FullName -eq "System.String[]" -or $_.TypeName.FullName -eq "String[]") { $params.Add($paramName.Replace("`$", ""), [string]@("1", "2")) $found = $true } } } } } } return $params } function Get-DSCDependsOnBlock { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates a string that represents the DependsOn clause based on the received list of dependencies. .DESCRIPTION This function receives an array of string that represents the list of DSC resource dependencies for the current DSC block and generates a string that represents the associated DependsOn DSC string. .PARAMETER DependsOnItems Array of string values that represent the list of depdencies for the current DSC block. Object in the array are expected to be in the form of: [<DSCResourceName>]<InstanceName>. #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Object[]] $DependsOnItems ) $dependsOnClause = "@(" foreach ($clause in $DependsOnItems) { $dependsOnClause += "`"" + $clause + "`"," } $dependsOnClause = $dependsOnClause.Substring(0, $dependsOnClause.Length - 1) $dependsOnClause += ");" return $dependsOnClause } <# Region Helper Methods #> function Get-Credentials { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the full username of (<domain>\<username>) of the specified user if it is already stroed in our credentials hashtable. .DESCRIPTION This function checks in the hashtable that stores all the required credentials (service account, etc.) for our configuration and returns the fully formatted username. .PARAMETER UserName Name of the user we wish to check to see if it is already stored in our credentials hashtable. #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $UserName ) if ($Global:CredsRepo.Contains($UserName.ToLower())) { return $UserName.ToLower() } return $null } function Resolve-Credentials { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns a string representing the name of the PSCredential variable associated with the specific username. .DESCRIPTION This function takes in a specified user name and returns what the standardized variable name for that user should be inside of our extracted DSC configuration. Credentials variables will always be named $Creds<username> as a standard for ReverseDSC. This function makes sure that the variable name doesn't contain character that are invalid in variable names bu might be valid in Usernames. .PARAMETER UserName Name of the user we wish to get the associated variable name from. #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $UserName ) $userNameParts = $UserName.ToLower().Split('\') if ($userNameParts.Length -gt 1) { return "`$Creds" + $userNameParts[1].Replace("-", "_").Replace(".", "_").Replace(" ", "").Replace("@", "") } return "`$Creds" + $UserName.Replace("-", "_").Replace(".", "_").Replace(" ", "").Replace("@", "") } function Save-Credentials { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds the specified username to our central list of required credentials. .DESCRIPTION This function checks to see if the specified user is already stored in our central required credentials list, and if not simply adds it to it. .PARAMETER UserName Username to add to the central list of required credentials. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $UserName ) if (!$Global:CredsRepo.Contains($UserName.ToLower())) { $Global:CredsRepo += $UserName.ToLower() } } function Test-Credentials { <# .SYNOPSIS Checks to see if the specified username if already in our central list of required credentials. .DESCRIPTION This function checks the central list of required credentials to see if the specified user is already part of it. If it finds it, it returns $true, otherwise it returns false. .PARAMETER UserName Username to check for existence in the central list of required users. #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $UserName ) if ($Global:CredsRepo.Contains($UserName.ToLower())) { return $true } return $false } function Convert-DSCStringParamToVariable { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes quotes around a parameter in the resulting DSC config, effectively converting it to a variable instead of a string value. .DESCRIPTION This function will scan the content of the current DSC block for the resource, find the specified parameter and remove quotes around its value so that it becomes a variable instead of a string value. .PARAMETER DSCBlock The string representation of the current DSC resource instance we are extracting along with all of its parameters and values. .PARAMETER ParameterName The name of the parameter we wish to convert the value as a variable instead of a string value for. .PARAMETER IsCIMArray Represents whether or not the parameter to convert to a variable is an array of CIM instances or not. We need to differentiate by explicitely passing in this parameter because to the function a CIMArray is nothing but a System.Object[] and will threat it as it. CIMArray differ in that we should not have commas in between items it contains. #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $DSCBlock, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $ParameterName, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $IsCIMArray = $false ) # There is a possibility that a parameter's value will contain the name of the property # or that another property will contain a subset of it. $startPosition = $DSCBlock.IndexOf($ParameterName) # If quotes appear before an equal sign, when starting from the assumed start position, # then the start position is invalid, searhc for another instance of the Parameter; $startPosition = -1 do { $startPosition = $DSCBlock.IndexOf($ParameterName, $startPosition + 1) $testValidStartPositionEqual = $DSCBlock.IndexOf("=", $startPosition) $testValidStartPositionQuotes = $DSCBlock.IndexOf("`"", $startPosition) } while ($testValidStartPositionEqual -gt $testValidStartPositionQuotes -and $startPosition -ne -1) $endOfLinePosition = $DSCBlock.IndexOf(";`r`n", $startPosition) if ($endOfLinePosition -eq -1) { $endOfLinePosition = $DSCBlock.Length } $startPosition = $DSCBlock.IndexOf("`"", $startPosition) while ($startPosition -ge 0 -and $startPosition -lt $endOfLinePosition) { $endOfLinePosition = $DSCBlock.IndexOf(";`r`n", $startPosition) if ($endOfLinePosition -eq -1) { $endOfLinePosition = $DSCBlock.Length } if ($endOfLinePosition -gt $startPosition) { if ($startPosition -ge 0) { $endPosition = $DSCBlock.IndexOf("`"", $startPosition + 1) if ($endPosition -lt 0) { $endPosition = $DSCBlock.IndexOf("'", $startPosition + 1) } if ($endPosition -ge 0 -and $endPosition -le $endofLinePosition) { $removeBeginQuotes = $true $removeEndQuotes = $true $NewStartPosition = $startPosition if ($IsCIMArray) { $previousEqualSignPosition = $DSCBlock.IndexOf("=", $startPosition - 2) # If we have a CIMArray, and the current quote we are looking at # is exactly 2 positions before it, we skip remove it because it # actually is the quotes surrounding a value of an entry of the # CIMArray. If it was the principal quotes we were looking at removing # the previous equal sign would be further before due to CIMArray being # declared as ' = @("MSFT_....'; if (($previousEqualSignPosition - $startPosition - 2) -lt 0) { $removeBeginQuotes = $false } $previousEqualSignPosition = $DSCBlock.IndexOf("=", $endPosition - 2) $nextNewLinePosition = $DSCBLock.IndexOf("`r`n", $endPosition + 1) if (($previousEqualSignPosition - $endPosition - 2) -lt 0 -or $nextNewLinePosition -eq ($endPosition + 1)) { $removeEndQuotes = $false $newStartPosition = $DSCBlock.IndexOf("`r`n", $endPosition) } } if ($removeBeginQuotes) { $DSCBlock = $DSCBlock.Remove($startPosition, 1) } if ($removeEndQuotes) { $DSCBlock = $DSCBlock.Remove($endPosition - 1, 1) } $startPosition = $newStartPosition } else { $startPosition = -1 } } } $startPosition = $DSCBlock.IndexOf("`"", $startPosition) } if ($IsCIMArray) { $DSCBlock = $DSCBlock.Replace("}`r`n,", "`}`r`n") $DSCBlock = $DSCBlock.Replace("},`r`n", "`}`r`n") } return $DSCBlock } <# Region ConfigurationData Methods #> $ConfigurationDataContent = @{} function Add-ConfigurationDataEntry { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds a property to the resulting ConfigurationData file from the extract. .DESCRIPTION This function helps build the hashtable that will eventually result in the ConfigurationData .psd1 file generated by the extraction of the configuration. It allows you to speficy what section to add it to inside the hashtable, and allows you to speficy a description for each one. These description will eventually become comments that will appear on top of the property in the ConfigurationData file. .PARAMETER Node Specifies the node entry under which we want to add this parameter under. You can also specify NonNodeData names to have the property added under custom non-node specific section. .PARAMETER Key The name of the parameter to add. .PARAMETER Value The value of the parameter to add. .PARAMETER Description Description of the parameter to add. This will ultimately appear in the generated ConfigurationData .psd1 file as a comment appearing on top of the parameter. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $Node, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $Key, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Object] $Value, [Parameter()] [System.String] $Description ) if ($null -eq $ConfigurationDataContent[$Node]) { $ConfigurationDataContent.Add($Node, @{}) $ConfigurationDataContent[$Node].Add("Entries", @{}) } if (!$ConfigurationDataContent[$Node].Entries.ContainsKey($Key)) { $ConfigurationDataContent[$Node].Entries.Add($Key, @{Value = $Value; Description = $Description }) } } function Get-ConfigurationDataEntry { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the value of a given property in the specified node/section from the hashtable that is being dynamically built. .DESCRIPTION This function will return the value of the specified parameter from the hash table being dynamically built and which will ultimately become the content of the ConfigurationData .psd1 file being generated. .PARAMETER Node The name of the node or section in the Hashtable we want to look for the key in. .PARAMETER Key The name of the parameter to retrieve the value from. #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $Node, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $Key ) <# If node is null, then search in all nodes and return first result found. #> if ($null -eq $Node) { foreach ($Node in $ConfigurationDataContent.Keys) { if ($ConfigurationDataContent[$Node].Entries.ContainsKey($Key)) { return $ConfigurationDataContent[$Node].Entries[$Key] } } } else { if ($ConfigurationDataContent[$Node].Entries.ContainsKey($Key)) { return $ConfigurationDataContent[$Node].Entries[$Key] } } } function Get-ConfigurationDataContent { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the entire content of the ConfigurationData file being dynamically generated. .DESCRIPTION This function will return the content of the dynamically built hashtable for the ConfigurationData content as a formatted string. #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String])] param() $psd1Content = "@{`r`n" $psd1Content += " AllNodes = @(`r`n" foreach ($node in $ConfigurationDataContent.Keys.Where{ $_.ToLower() -ne "nonnodedata" }) { $psd1Content += " @{`r`n" $psd1Content += " NodeName = `"" + $node + "`"`r`n" $psd1Content += " PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword = `$true;`r`n" $psd1Content += " PSDscAllowDomainUser = `$true;`r`n" $psd1Content += " #region Parameters`r`n" $keyValuePair = $ConfigurationDataContent[$node].Entries foreach ($key in $keyValuePair.Keys) { if ($null -ne $keyValuePair[$key].Description) { $psd1Content += " # " + $keyValuePair[$key].Description + "`r`n" } if ($keyValuePair[$key].Value.ToString().StartsWith("@(") -or $keyValuePair[$key].Value.ToString().StartsWith("`$")) { $psd1Content += " " + $key + " = " + $keyValuePair[$key].Value + "`r`n`r`n" } elseif ($keyValuePair[$key].Value.GetType().FullName -eq "System.Object[]") { $psd1Content += " " + $key + " = " + (ConvertTo-ConfigurationDataString $keyValuePair[$key].Value) } else { $psd1Content += " " + $key + " = `"" + $keyValuePair[$key].Value + "`"`r`n`r`n" } } $psd1Content += " },`r`n" } if ($psd1Content.EndsWith(",`r`n")) { $psd1Content = $psd1Content.Remove($psd1Content.Length - 3, 1) } $psd1Content += " )`r`n" $psd1Content += " NonNodeData = @(`r`n" foreach ($node in $ConfigurationDataContent.Keys.Where{ $_.ToLower() -eq "nonnodedata" }) { $psd1Content += " @{`r`n" $keyValuePair = $ConfigurationDataContent[$node].Entries foreach ($key in $keyValuePair.Keys) { try { $value = $keyValuePair[$key].Value $valType = $value.GetType().FullName if ($valType -eq "System.Object[]") { $newValue = "@(" foreach ($item in $value) { $newValue += "`"" + $item + "`"," } $newValue = $newValue.Substring(0, $newValue.Length - 1) $newValue += ")" $value = $newValue } if ($null -ne $keyValuePair[$key].Description) { $psd1Content += " # " + $keyValuePair[$key].Description + "`r`n" } if ($value.StartsWith("@(") -or $value.StartsWith("`$")) { $psd1Content += " " + $key + " = " + $value + "`r`n`r`n" } else { $psd1Content += " " + $key + " = `"" + $value + "`"`r`n`r`n" } } catch { Write-Host "Warning: Could not obtain value for key $key" -ForegroundColor Yellow } } $psd1Content += " }`r`n" } if ($psd1Content.EndsWith(",`r`n")) { $psd1Content = $psd1Content.Remove($psd1Content.Length - 3, 1) } $psd1Content += " )`r`n" $psd1Content += "}" return $psd1Content } function New-ConfigurationDataDocument { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates a new ConfigurationData .psd1 file. .DESCRIPTION This function will create the ConfigurationData .psd1 file and store the content of the converted hashtable in it. .PARAMETER Path Full file path of the the resulting file will be located. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $Path ) Get-ConfigurationDataContent | Out-File -FilePath $Path } function ConvertTo-ConfigurationDataString { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts items from the content of the dynamic hashtable to be used as the content of the ConfigurationData .psd1 file into their proper string representation. .DESCRIPTION This function will loop through all items inside the dynamic hashtable used for the resulting ConfigurationData .psd1 file's content and converts each one to the proper string representation based on their data type. .PARAMETER PSObject The hashtable object we are building and which is to be used to drive the content of the ConfigurationData .psd1 file. #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Management.Automation.PSObject] $PSObject ) $configDataContent = "" $objectType = $PSObject.GetType().FullName switch ($objectType) { "System.String" { $configDataContent += "`"" + $PSObject + "`";`r`n" } "System.Object[]" { $configDataContent += " @(`r`n" foreach ($entry in $PSObject) { $configDataContent += ConvertTo-ConfigurationDataString $entry } if ($configDataContent.EndsWith(",`r`n")) { $configDataContent = $configDataContent.Remove($configDataContent.Length - 3, 1) } $configDataContent += " )`r`n" } "System.Collections.Hashtable" { $configDataContent += " @{`r`n" foreach ($key in $PSObject.Keys) { $configDataContent += " " + $key + " = " $configDataContent += ConvertTo-ConfigurationDataString $PSObject[$key] } $configDataContent += " },`r`n" } } return $configDataContent } <# Region User based Methods #> $Global:AllUsers = @() function Add-ReverseDSCUserName { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds the provided username to the list of required users for the destination environment. .DESCRIPTION ReverseDSC allows you to keep track of all user credentials encountered during various stages of the extraction process. By keeping a central list of all users account required by the source environment we can easily generate a script that will automatically create new user place holders in a destination environment's Active Directory. This function checks to see if the specified user was already encountered, and if not adds it to the central list of all required users. .PARAMETER UserName Name of the user to add to the central list of required users. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $UserName ) if (!$Global:AllUsers.Contains($UserName)) { $Global:AllUsers += $UserName } } |