Function Get-Defaults { Param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $Defaults ) If ($Defaults.GetType() -ne [HashTable]) { $customObject = Get-Content -Path $Defaults | ConvertFrom-Json $Defaults = @{} $customObject | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | %{ $Defaults[$_.Name] = $customObject."$($_.Name)" } } $Defaults } Function Update-WithDefaults { <# .SYNOPSIS Replaces placeholders in string with values from Hashtable or JSON file .DESCRIPTION Replaces placeholders in text with values from Defaults. Placeholder styles: - AutoDetect[DEFAULT] - PercentWrapped %placeholder_name% - FigureWrapped {placeholder_name} - MSBuild $(placeholder_name) Placeholder names: - Can't contain spaces - Can contain any other character except closing one .OUTPUTS String or String[] Text with replaced placeholders or list of variables which will be replaced .PARAMETER Text String with placeholders to be replaced with values from Defaults .PARAMETER Defaults Hashtable with parameters or path to a file which contains JSON dictionary .PARAMETER PlaceholderStyle Style of placeholders. Check main description to see available styles .PARAMETER IgnoreMissing Use this switch, if you wan't to ignore missing .PARAMETER ListOnly Returns only list of variables which will be replaced .EXAMPLE Update-WithDefaults 'Service IP address: %IP%' @{ 'IP'='' } .EXAMPLE Update-WithDefaults -Text 'Building $(assembly)' -Defaults @{ 'assembly'='test.dll' } -PlaceholderStyle MSBuild .EXAMPLE Update-WithDefaults -Text 'Deploying %service% to slot %slot%' -Defaults my-config.json my-config.json contents: { 'service': 'myservice', 'slot': 'Production' } #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Text with placeholders')] [String] $Text, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Hashtable of defaults or path to JSON file with them')] [ValidateScript({ ($_ -is [HashTable]) -or (Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf) })] $Defaults, [ValidateSet('AutoDetect', 'PercentWrapped', 'FigureWrapped', 'MSBuild')] $PlaceholderStyle = 'AutoDetect', [switch] $IgnoreMissing, [switch] $ListOnly ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $Defaults = Get-Defaults -Defaults $Defaults $patterns = @{ 'PercentWrapped' = '%([^ %]+)%'; 'FigureWrapped' = '\{([^ %]+)\}'; 'MSBuild' = '\$\(([^ )]+)\)'; } $pattern = $null If ($patterns.ContainsKey($PlaceholderStyle)) { $pattern = $patterns[$PlaceholderStyle] } Else { ForEach($key in $patterns.Keys) { $variables = [Regex]::Matches($Text, $patterns[$key]) | %{ $_.Groups[1].Value } | Select-Object -Unique If ($variables | ?{ $Defaults.ContainsKey($_) }) { $pattern = $patterns[$key] Write-Verbose "Auto detected $key pattern" Break } } } $replacements = @() If ($pattern) { $matches = [Regex]::Matches($Text, $pattern) If ($matches) { $matches | %{ $name = $_.Groups[1].Value $capture = [Regex]::Escape($_.Groups[0].Value) If ($Defaults.Keys -icontains $name) { $replacements += $name $Text = $Text -replace $capture, $Defaults[$name] } ElseIf (-not $IgnoreMissing.IsPresent -and -not $ListOnly.IsPresent) { throw "Value for '$name' placeholder is not available. " } } } } If (-not $ListOnly.IsPresent) { $Text } Else { $replacements } } Function FromFileOrMask { Param( $FileOrMaskOrObject, $DefaultMask = '*', $Folder ) If (-not $Folder) { $Folder = Get-Location } Push-Location -Path $Folder If ($FileOrMaskOrObject -eq $null) { $result = Get-ChildItem -Name $DefaultMask | Resolve-Path } ElseIf ($FileOrMaskOrObject -is [string]) { If (Test-Path -Path $FileOrMaskOrObject -PathType Leaf -IsValid) { $result = $FileOrMaskOrObject | Resolve-Path } Else { $result = Get-ChildItem -Name $FileOrMaskOrObject | Resolve-Path } } Else { $result = $FileOrMaskOrObject } Pop-Location If (-not $result) { $search = $FileOrMaskOrObject If (-not $search) { $search = $DefaultMask } throw "File/s '$search' not found in '$Folder'" } $result } Function Invoke-CmdletWithDefaults { <# .SYNOPSIS Invokes any cmdlet with arguments from Hashtable or JSON file .DESCRIPTION You can invoke any cmdlet via this one using some default values. Those default values can be provided in the form of Hashtable or as path to a file containing JSON dictionary. You can provide as many arguments as you want: Invoke-CmdletWithDefaults -CmdletName Do-Something -Defaults @{ 'Arg1': 'value1'; 'Arg2': 'value2'; 'Switch1': 'True' } will invoke Do-Something -Arg1 value1 -Arg2 value2 -Switch1 You can have switches in defaults too: Invoke-CmdletWithDefaults -CmdletName Do-Something -Defaults @{ 'Switch1': '' } will invoke Do-Something -Switch1 You can provide more arguments to invoked cmdlet simply adding them as you would do with invoked cmdlet Invoke-CmdletWithDefaults -CmdletName Do-Something -Defaults @{ 'Arg1': 'value' } -Arg2 value -Switch1 will invoke Do-Something -Defaults -Arg1 value -Arg2 value -Switch1 You can override some of defaults: Invoke-CmdletWithDefaults -CmdletName Do-Something -Defaults @{ 'Arg1': 'value1'; 'Arg2': 'value2' } -Arg2 'value1 B' will invoke Do-Something -Arg1 value1 -Arg2 'value1 B' Even switches: Invoke-CmdletWithDefaults -CmdletName Do-Something -Defaults @{ 'Switch1': 'True' } -Switch1:$false will invoke Do-Something .OUTPUTS Value from invoked cmdlet .PARAMETER CmdletName Name of cmdlet to invoke .PARAMETER Defaults Hashtable with parameters or path to a file which contains JSON dictionary .EXAMPLE Invoke-CmdletWithDefaults -Cmdlet Test-Path -Defaults .\defaults.json defaults.json contents: { 'Path': 'c:\Windows' } .EXAMPLE Invoke-CmdletWithDefaults -Cmdlet Test-Path -Defaults @{ Path='c:\asdsad' } '-Verbose' Passing default argument to invoked function #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Name of Cmdlet to execute')] [ValidateScript({ Get-Command -Name $_ -ErrorAction Stop })] $CmdletName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Hashtable of defaults or path to JSON file with them')] [ValidateScript({ ($_ -is [HashTable]) -or (Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf) })] $Defaults, [Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true)] $ArgumentList = @() ) $Defaults = Get-Defaults $Defaults $cmdlet = Get-Command -Name $CmdletName $parameters = $cmdlet | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Parameters $flagNames = $parameters.Keys | ?{ $parameters[$_].SwitchParameter } # Override values from defaults by OverridedArguments $argumentName = $null $ArgumentList | %{ $isName = $_ -is [String] -and $_[0] -eq '-' If ($isName) { $argumentName = $_.Split(':')[0].TrimStart('-') $flagValue = $_.Split(':')[1] If ($flagValue) { $Defaults[$argumentName] = $flagValue $argumentName = $null } Else { $Defaults[$argumentName] = $null } } Else { If (-not $argumentName) { throw "Value '$_' belongs to no argument" } $Defaults[$argumentName] = $_ $argumentName = $null } } # Check what arguments cmdlet has $expression = "$CmdletName " $Defaults.Keys | ?{ $parameters.Keys -icontains $_ } | %{ $value = $Defaults[$_] If ($flagNames -icontains $_) { If ($value -eq $null -or $value -eq $true -or $value -eq $true.ToString() -or $value -eq '$true') { $expression += "-$_ " } } Else { $expression += "-$_ `$Defaults['$_']" } } $Defaults.Keys | ?{ $parameters.Keys -inotcontains $_ } | %{ Write-Verbose "Parameter '-$_' skipped as it does't belong to $Cmdlet cmdlet" } Write-Verbose "Executing following expression: $expression" &( [scriptblock]::Create($expression) ) } Function Invoke-ApplicationWithDefaults { <# .SYNOPSIS Invokes application replacing arguments with values from Hashtable or JSON file .DESCRIPTION You can start any application providing values from Hashtable or JSON file in arguments. Here is basic example how invocation can look like: Invoke-ApplicationWithDefaults -Defaults @{ "IP"='' } ping %IP% -n 1 It can also be used to invoke cmdlets. .OUTPUTS String STDOUT of started application or command line if -WhatIf is present .PARAMETER Application Name, absolute or relative path of application to start .PARAMETER Defaults Hashtable with parameters or path to a file which contains JSON dictionary .PARAMETER Defaults Ignores placeholders with no values in Defaults .EXAMPLE Invoke-ApplicationWithDefaults -Defaults defaults.json ping %IP% Will invoke: ping defaults.json contents: { 'IP': '' } .EXAMPLE Invoke-ApplicationWithDefaults -Defaults @{ 'domain'=''; 'port'=80 } Invoke-WebRequest 'http://%domain%:%port%' Will invoke: Invoke-WebRequest .EXAMPLE Invoke-ApplicationWithDefaults -Defaults defaults.json ping %IP% -n '%number of attempts%' Will invoke: ping -n 5 defaults.json contents: { 'IP': '' 'number of attempts': 5 } #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, PositionalBinding=$False)] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Hashtable of defaults or path to JSON file with them')] [ValidateScript({ ($_ -is [HashTable]) -or (Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf) })] $Defaults, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $Application, [ValidateSet('AutoDetect', 'PercentWrapped', 'FigureWrapped', 'MSBuild')] $PlaceholderStyle = 'AutoDetect', [switch] $IgnoreMissing, [Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true)] $ArgumentList = @() ) $Defaults = Get-Defaults $Defaults $ArgumentList = $ArgumentList | %{ $argument = $_ $argument = Update-WithDefaults -Text $argument -Defaults $Defaults -PlaceholderStyle $PlaceholderStyle -IgnoreMissing:$IgnoreMissing # escaping internal quotes $argument = $argument -replace '"', '""' # adding wrapping quotes if needed If ($argument -match ' ') { $argument = """$argument""" } $argument } $commandLine = ". $Application " + [string]::Join(' ', $ArgumentList) If ($WhatIfPreference) { $commandLine } Else { Write-Verbose $commandLine Invoke-Expression -Command $commandLine } } Function Set-DefaultsToTemplateInternal { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] Param ( [ValidateScript({ Test-Path $_ -PathType Leaf })] $TemplatePath, [ValidateScript({ ($_ -is [HashTable]) -or (Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf) })] $Defaults, [Switch] $IgnoreMissing, [Switch] $Force, [ValidateSet('AutoDetect', 'PercentWrapped', 'FigureWrapped', 'MSBuild')] $PlaceholderStyle = 'AutoDetect' ) $DefaultsFile = $Defaults $Defaults = Get-Defaults $Defaults If ($DefaultsFile -isnot [HashTable] -and $Defaults -notcontains 'defaults') { $Defaults['defaults'] = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($DefaultsFile) Write-Verbose "Adding 'defaults'='$($Defaults['defaults'])' to `$Defaults" } $ResultPath = $TemplatePath -ireplace '\.template$', '' $ResultPath = Update-WithDefaults -Text $ResultPath -Defaults $Defaults -PlaceholderStyle $PlaceholderStyle -IgnoreMissing:$IgnoreMissing.IsPresent Write-Verbose "ResultPath will be '$ResultPath'" $text = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($TemplatePath) $replaced = Update-WithDefaults -Text $text -Defaults $Defaults -PlaceholderStyle $PlaceholderStyle -IgnoreMissing:$IgnoreMissing.IsPresent If ($ResultPath -ieq $TemplatePath) { throw "ResultPath can't be same as TemplatePath, even with -Force flag '$ResultPath'" } If (-not $Force.IsPresent -and ( Test-Path -Path $ResultPath )) { throw "`$ResultPath already exists, use -Force flag to overwrite it: '$ResultPath'" } If (-not $WhatIfPreference) { Write-Verbose "`$ResultPath already exists, overwriting: '$ResultPath'" Set-Content -Path $ResultPath -Value $replaced -Force } Else { New-Object PSCustomObject -Property @{ 'ResultPath' = $ResultPath; 'Content' = $replaced } } } Function Set-DefaultsToTemplate { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates file replacing placeholders with values from Hashtable or JSON file .DESCRIPTION Creates file from template file and defaults. Placeholders in resulting file content and name will by values in Defaults. If $ResultPath is absent, then template file name will be used without '.template' extension. If $ResultPath contains placeholders they will be also replced. If Defaults is a path to a JSON file, then it's name without extension will be also available by name 'defaultsName'. For example: Set-DefaultsToTemplate -TemplatePath %defaultsName%-service.xml.template -Defaults myservice-prod.json Will save result to: 'myservice-prod-service.xml'. To get help about placeholders and their styles run: Get-Help Update-WithDefaults .OUTPUTS String $ResultPath eventually used If -WhatIf switch is presents returns hashtable with target path and content .PARAMETER TemplatePath Relative or absolute path to template file .PARAMETER Defaults Hashtable with parameters or path to a file which contains JSON dictionary .PARAMETER PlaceholderStyle Style of placeholders .PARAMETER IgnoreMissing Use this switch, if you wan't to ignore missing #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] Param ( $TemplatePath, $Defaults, [Switch] $IgnoreMissing, [Switch] $Force, [ValidateSet('AutoDetect', 'PercentWrapped', 'FigureWrapped', 'MSBuild')] $PlaceholderStyle = 'AutoDetect' ) #return Set-DefaultsToTemplateInternal -TemplatePath $TemplatePath -Defaults $Defaults -ResultPath $ResultPath -IgnoreMissing:$IgnoreMissing -Force:$Force -PlaceholderStyle $PlaceholderStyle $templates = FromFileOrMask -FileOrMaskOrObject $TemplatePath -DefaultMask *.template $defaultCollections = FromFileOrMask -FileOrMaskOrObject $Defaults -DefaultMask *.json $templates | %{ $template = $_ $defaultCollections | %{ $anotherDefaults = $_ Set-DefaultsToTemplateInternal -TemplatePath $template -Defaults $anotherDefaults -IgnoreMissing:$IgnoreMissing -Force:$Force -PlaceholderStyle $PlaceholderStyle } } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Update-WithDefaults, Invoke-CmdletWithDefaults, Invoke-ApplicationWithDefaults, Set-DefaultsToTemplate |