.SYNOPSIS Starts a FileSystemWatcher that triggers Restart-RSSession. .DESCRIPTION Starts a FileSystemWatcher that triggers Restart-RSSession when a specified directory is changed. Throws a non-terminating error when the caller is not in a restartable session. .PARAMETER Path Path of the directory to watch. It follows the spec of FileSystemWatcher's Path property. .PARAMETER Filter Filter string used to determine what files are monitored in a directory. It follows the spec of FileSystemWatcher's Filter property. The default is '*.*' (Watches all files.) '*.txt' watches the files whose extension is '.txt'. .PARAMETER IncludeSubdirectories Switch that indicates whether subdirectories of the specified directory should be monitored. .PARAMETER PassThru The function returns a watcher object if this switch is specified. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS PSCustomObject if PassThru is specified. An object that represents a watcher. .EXAMPLE # Monitors all files in a directory including subdirectories. Start-RSRestartFileWatcher -Path D:\ScriptModuleTest -IncludeSubdirectories .EXAMPLE # Monitors ps1 and psm1 files in a directory including subdirectories. Start-RSRestartFileWatcher -Path D:\ScriptModuleTest -Filter '*.ps1' -IncludeSubdirectories Start-RSRestartFileWatcher -Path D:\ScriptModuleTest -Filter '*.psm1' -IncludeSubdirectories .EXAMPLE # Monitors all files in a directory and stores the watcher object to stop it later. $watcher = Start-RSRestartFileWatcher -Path D:\ScriptModuleTest -PassThru .LINK #> function Start-RSRestartFileWatcher { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [String]$Path, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [String]$Filter, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Switch]$IncludeSubdirectories, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Switch]$PassThru ) process { if (-not [RestartableSession.GlobalVariable]::IsInRestartableSession()) { Write-Error -Message 'Not in a RS Session.' -Category InvalidOperation return } $fileSystemWatcher = New-Object System.IO.FileSystemWatcher $fileSystemWatcher.Path = $Path $fileSystemWatcher.Filter = $Filter $fileSystemWatcher.IncludeSubdirectories = $IncludeSubdirectories $fileSystemWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = $true $fileSystemWatcher.NotifyFilter = 'FileName, DirectoryName, LastWrite' $action = { $process = Get-Process -Id $Event.MessageData -ErrorAction Ignore if ($process) { if ([RestartableSession.GlobalVariable]::OnEnd) { [RestartableSession.GlobalVariable]::OnEnd.Invoke([RestartableSession.GlobalVariable]::OnEndArgumentList) | Out-Default } Stop-Process $process } } $watcher = [PSCustomObject]@{ FileSystemWatcher = $fileSystemWatcher Created = Register-ObjectEvent $fileSystemWatcher 'Created' -Action $action -MessageData $PID Changed = Register-ObjectEvent $fileSystemWatcher 'Changed' -Action $action -MessageData $PID Deleted = Register-ObjectEvent $fileSystemWatcher 'Deleted' -Action $action -MessageData $PID Renamed = Register-ObjectEvent $fileSystemWatcher 'Renamed' -Action $action -MessageData $PID } if ($PassThru) { $watcher } } } |