
Stops a FileSystemWatcher that triggers Restart-RSSession.
Stops the specified FileSystemWatcher that triggers Restart-RSSession.
Throws a non-terminating error when the caller is not in a restartable session.
The stopped watcher cannot be used anymore.
.PARAMETER InputObject
A watcher object that is returned by Start-RSRestartFileWatcher.
PSCustomObject. An object that represents a watcher.
$watcher = Start-RSRestartFileWatcher -Path D:\ScriptModuleTest -PassThru
$watcher | Stop-RSRestartFileWatcher

function Stop-RSRestartFileWatcher
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]

        if (-not [RestartableSession.GlobalVariable]::IsInRestartableSession())
            Write-Error -Message 'Not in a RS Session.' -Category InvalidOperation

        $watcher = $InputObject

        Stop-Job $watcher.Created
        Stop-Job $watcher.Changed
        Stop-Job $watcher.Deleted
        Stop-Job $watcher.Renamed

        $watcher.Created = $null
        $watcher.Changed = $null
        $watcher.Deleted = $null
        $watcher.Renamed = $null
        $watcher.FileSystemWatcher = $null