
#requires -Version 4.0 -Modules Pester
# Suppress Global Vars PSSA Error because $global:DSCMachineStatus must be allowed
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidGlobalVars', '')]
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]

$DSCResourceName = 'ResourceController'
Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\DSCResources\$($DSCResourceName)\$($DSCResourceName).psm1" -Force

InModuleScope 'ResourceController' {

    . "$PSScriptRoot\..\HelperFunctions.ps1"
    $DSCResourceName = 'ResourceController'

    Describe "Get-TargetResource" {
        Context "Calling Get-TargetResource on xRegistry" {
            function Get-xRegistry2TargetResource {}
            $ResourceName = 'xRegistry2'
            Mock -CommandName Import-Module -MockWith {} -ModuleName $DSCResourceName
            Mock -CommandName Get-DSCResource -MockWith { @{Path = 'FilePath';Version = '1.0'} } -ModuleName $DSCResourceName
            Mock -CommandName Test-ParameterValidation -MockWith {} -Verifiable -ModuleName $DSCResourceName
            Mock -CommandName Get-ValidParameter -MockWith {@{ValueName = 'Test2'; Key = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\test'; ValueData = 'Test String'; ValueType = 'String'}} -ModuleName $DSCResourceName -Verifiable
            Mock -CommandName Get-xRegistry2TargetResource -MockWith {return @{Test = 'Test'}}
            $ContextParams = @{
                                InstanceName = 'Test'
                                ResourceName = $ResourceName
                                ResourceVersion = '1.0'
                                Properties = @(
                                                $(New-CimProperty -Key ValueName -Value 'Test2'),
                                                $(New-CimProperty -Key Key -Value 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\test'),
                                                $(New-CimProperty -Key Ensure -Value 'Present'),
                                                $(New-CimProperty -Key ValueData -Value 'Test String'),
                                                $(New-CimProperty -Key ValueType -Value 'String')

            $GetResult = & Get-TargetResource @ContextParams

            It 'Should call Test-ParameterValidation once' {
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ParameterValidation' -ModuleName $DSCResourceName -Times 1 -Scope 'Context'

            It 'Should call Get-ValidParameter once' {
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ValidParameter' -ModuleName $DSCResourceName -Times 1 -Scope 'Context'

            It 'Should return Result' {
                $GetResult.Result | Should Not Be $null


    Describe "Test-TargetResource" {
        function Test-xRegistry2TargetResource {}
        Mock -CommandName Import-Module -MockWith {} -ModuleName $DSCResourceName
        Mock -CommandName Get-DSCResource -MockWith { @{Path = 'FilePath'; Version = '1.0'} } -ModuleName $DSCResourceName
        Context "Calling Test-TargetResource on xRegistry where Key does not exist" {
            Mock -CommandName Test-ParameterValidation -MockWith {} -Verifiable -ModuleName $DSCResourceName
            Mock -CommandName Get-ValidParameter -MockWith {@{ValueName = 'Test'; Key = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TestRegistryKey'}} -ModuleName $DSCResourceName -Verifiable
            Mock -CommandName Test-xRegistry2TargetResource -MockWith {return $false}
            $ContextParams = @{
                                InstanceName = 'Test'
                                ResourceName = 'xRegistry2'
                                ResourceVersion = '1.0'
                                Properties = @(
                                                $(New-CimProperty -Key ValueName -Value 'Test'),
                                                $(New-CimProperty -Key Key -Value 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TestRegistryKey')

            $TestResult = & Test-TargetResource @ContextParams

            It 'Should call Test-ParameterValidation once' {
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ParameterValidation' -ModuleName $DSCResourceName -Times 1 -Scope 'Context'

            It 'Should call Get-ValidParameter once' {
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ValidParameter' -ModuleName $DSCResourceName -Times 1 -Scope 'Context'

            It 'Should return False' {
                $TestResult | Should Be $false

            Context "Calling Test-TargetResource on xRegistry where Key does exist" {
            $ComputerName = Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName -Name ComputerName
            Mock -CommandName Test-ParameterValidation -MockWith {} -Verifiable -ModuleName $DSCResourceName
            Mock -CommandName Get-ValidParameter -MockWith {@{ValueType = 'String'; ValueData = "ComputerName"; ValueName = 'ComputerName'; Key = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName'}} -ModuleName $DSCResourceName -Verifiable
            Mock -CommandName Test-xRegistry2TargetResource -MockWith {return $true}
            $ContextParams = @{
                                InstanceName = 'Test'
                                ResourceName = 'xRegistry2'
                                ResourceVersion = '1.0'
                                Properties = @(
                                                $(New-CimProperty -Key ValueName -Value 'ComputerName'),
                                                $(New-CimProperty -Key Key -Value 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName'),
                                                $(New-CIMProperty -Key ValueData -Value $ComputerName.ComputerName),
                                                $(New-CIMProperty -Key ValueType -Value 'String')

            $TestResult = & Test-TargetResource @ContextParams

            It 'Should call Test-ParameterValidation once' {
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ParameterValidation' -ModuleName $DSCResourceName -Times 1 -Scope 'Context'

            It 'Should call Get-ValidParameter once' {
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ValidParameter' -ModuleName $DSCResourceName -Times 1 -Scope 'Context'

            It 'Should return true' {
                $TestResult | Should Be $true

    Describe "Set-TargetResource" {
        function Set-xRegistry2TargetResource {}
        Mock -CommandName Import-Module -MockWith {} -ModuleName $DSCResourceName
        Mock -CommandName Get-DSCResource -MockWith { @{Path = 'FilePath'; Version = '1.0'} } -ModuleName $DSCResourceName
        Context "Calling Set-TargetResource on xRegistry inside maintenace window" {
            Mock -CommandName Test-ParameterValidation -MockWith {} -Verifiable -ModuleName $DSCResourceName
            Mock -CommandName Get-ValidParameter -MockWith {@{ValueName = 'Test'; Key = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TestRegistryKey'}} -ModuleName $DSCResourceName -Verifiable
            Mock -CommandName Set-xRegistry2TargetResource -MockWith {}
            Mock -CommandName Test-MaintenanceWindow -MockWith {$true} -ModuleName $DSCResourceName

            $Windows = @(
                New-CIMWindow -Frequency 'Daily'
            $ContextParams = @{
                                InstanceName = 'Test'
                                ResourceName = 'xRegistry2'
                                ResourceVersion = '1.0'
                                Properties = @(
                                                $(New-CimProperty -Key ValueName -Value 'Test'),
                                                $(New-CimProperty -Key Key -Value 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TestRegistryKey')
                                MaintenanceWindow = $Windows

            & Set-TargetResource @ContextParams

            It 'Should call Test-ParameterValidation once' {
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ParameterValidation' -ModuleName $DSCResourceName -Times 1 -Scope 'Context'

            It 'Should call Get-ValidParameter once' {
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ValidParameter' -ModuleName $DSCResourceName -Times 1 -Scope 'Context'

            It 'Should call Set-xRegistryTargetResource once' {
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Set-xRegistry2TargetResource' -Times 1 -Scope 'Context'

            It 'Should call Test-MaintenanceWindow once' {
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-MaintenanceWindow' -ModuleName $DSCResourceName -Times 1 -Scope 'Context'

        Context "Calling Set-TargetResource on xRegistry outside maintenace window" {
            Mock -CommandName Test-ParameterValidation -MockWith {} -Verifiable -ModuleName $DSCResourceName
            Mock -CommandName Get-ValidParameter -MockWith {@{ValueName = 'Test'; Key = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TestRegistryKey'}} -ModuleName $DSCResourceName -Verifiable
            Mock -CommandName Set-xRegistry2TargetResource -MockWith {}
            Mock -CommandName Test-MaintenanceWindow -MockWith {$false} -ModuleName $DSCResourceName

            $Windows = @(
                New-CIMWindow -Frequency 'Daily'
            $ContextParams = @{
                                InstanceName = 'Test'
                                ResourceName = 'xRegistry2'
                                ResourceVersion = '1.0'
                                Properties = @(
                                                $(New-CimProperty -Key ValueName -Value 'Test'),
                                                $(New-CimProperty -Key Key -Value 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TestRegistryKey')
                                MaintenanceWindow = $Windows

            & Set-TargetResource @ContextParams

            It 'Should not call Test-ParameterValidation once' {
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ParameterValidation' -ModuleName $DSCResourceName -Times 0 -Scope 'Context'

            It 'Should not call Get-ValidParameter once' {
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ValidParameter' -ModuleName $DSCResourceName -Times 0 -Scope 'Context'

            It 'Should not call Set-xRegistryTargetResource once' {
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Set-xRegistry2TargetResource' -Times 0 -Scope 'Context'

            It 'Should call Test-MaintenanceWindow once' {
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-MaintenanceWindow' -ModuleName $DSCResourceName -Times 1 -Scope 'Context'

        Context "Calling Set-TargetResource on xRegistry with no maintenace window" {
            Mock -CommandName Test-ParameterValidation -MockWith {} -Verifiable -ModuleName $DSCResourceName
            Mock -CommandName Get-ValidParameter -MockWith {@{ValueName = 'Test'; Key = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TestRegistryKey'}} -ModuleName $DSCResourceName -Verifiable
            Mock -CommandName Set-xRegistry2TargetResource -MockWith {}
            Mock -CommandName Test-MaintenanceWindow -MockWith {$true} -ModuleName $DSCResourceName

            $ContextParams = @{
                                InstanceName = 'Test'
                                ResourceName = 'xRegistry2'
                                ResourceVersion = '1.0'
                                Properties = @(
                                                $(New-CimProperty -Key ValueName -Value 'Test'),
                                                $(New-CimProperty -Key Key -Value 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TestRegistryKey')

            & Set-TargetResource @ContextParams

            It 'Should call Test-ParameterValidation once' {
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-ParameterValidation' -ModuleName $DSCResourceName -Times 1 -Scope 'Context'

            It 'Should call Get-ValidParameter once' {
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-ValidParameter' -ModuleName $DSCResourceName -Times 1 -Scope 'Context'

            It 'Should call Set-xRegistryTargetResource once' {
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Set-xRegistry2TargetResource' -Times 1 -Scope 'Context'

            It 'Should not call Test-MaintenanceWindow' {
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Test-MaintenanceWindow' -ModuleName $DSCResourceName -Times 0 -Scope 'Context'

        Context "Suppress Reboot equal True" {
            Mock -CommandName Test-ParameterValidation -MockWith {} -Verifiable -ModuleName $DSCResourceName
            Mock -CommandName Get-ValidParameter -MockWith {@{ValueName = 'Test'; Key = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TestRegistryKey'}} -ModuleName $DSCResourceName -Verifiable
            Mock -CommandName Set-xRegistry2TargetResource -MockWith {}
            Mock -CommandName Test-MaintenanceWindow -MockWith {$true} -ModuleName $DSCResourceName
            $ContextParams = @{
                                InstanceName = 'Test'
                                ResourceName = 'xRegistry2'
                                ResourceVersion = '1.0'
                                SupressReboot = $true
                                Properties = @(
                                                $(New-CimProperty -Key ValueName -Value 'Test'),
                                                $(New-CimProperty -Key Key -Value 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TestRegistryKey')

            $global:DSCMachineStatus = 1
            & Set-TargetResource @ContextParams

            It 'DSCMachineStatus should equal 0' {
                $global:DSCMachineStatus | should be 0

    Describe "Test-MaintenanceWindow" {
        Context "Calling Test-MaintenanceWindow outside of window Daily without time" {
            Mock Get-Date {return [DateTime]::new("2018","01","02")} -ParameterFilter {$PSBoundParameters.Count -eq 0}
            $ContextParams = @{
                                Frequency = 'Daily'
                                DaysofWeek = 'Monday'

            $Window = & "Test-MaintenanceWindow" @ContextParams

            It 'Should return false' {
                $window | should be $false

        Context "Calling Test-MaintenanceWindow outside of window Daily with time" {
            Mock Get-Date {return [DateTime]::new("2018","01","01","11","31","0")} -ParameterFilter {$PSBoundParameters.Count -eq 0}
            $ContextParams = @{
                                Frequency = 'Daily'
                                DaysofWeek = 'Monday'
                                StartTime = "11:00am"
                                EndTime = "11:30am"

            $Window = & "Test-MaintenanceWindow" @ContextParams

            It 'Should return false' {
                $window | should be $false

        Context "Calling Test-MaintenanceWindow outside of window Weekly without time" {
            Mock Get-Date {return [DateTime]::new("2018","01","01")} -ParameterFilter {$PSBoundParameters.Count -eq 0}
            $ContextParams = @{
                                Frequency = 'Weekly'
                                DaysofWeek = 'Monday'
                                Week = @(2,3)

            $Window = & "Test-MaintenanceWindow" @ContextParams

            It 'Should return false' {
                $window | should be $false

        Context "Calling Test-MaintenanceWindow outside of window Weekly with time" {
            Mock Get-Date {return [DateTime]::new("2018","01","01","11","31","0")} -ParameterFilter {$PSBoundParameters.Count -eq 0}
            $ContextParams = @{
                                Frequency = 'Weekly'
                                DaysofWeek = 'Monday'
                                StartTime = "11:00am"
                                EndTime = "11:30am"
                                Week = @(1)

            $Window = & "Test-MaintenanceWindow" @ContextParams

            It 'Should return false' {
                $window | should be $false

        Context "Calling Test-MaintenanceWindow outside of window Monthly without time" {
            Mock Get-Date {return [DateTime]::new("2018","01","01")} -ParameterFilter {$PSBoundParameters.Count -eq 0}
            $ContextParams = @{
                                Frequency = 'Monthly'
                                Days = @(2,3,4)

            $Window = & "Test-MaintenanceWindow" @ContextParams

            It 'Should return false' {
                $window | should be $false

        Context "Calling Test-MaintenanceWindow outside of window Monthly with time" {
            Mock Get-Date {return [DateTime]::new("2018","01","01","11","31","0")} -ParameterFilter {$PSBoundParameters.Count -eq 0}
            $ContextParams = @{
                                Frequency = 'Monthly'
                                Days = 1
                                StartTime = "11:00am"
                                EndTime = "11:30am"

            $Window = & "Test-MaintenanceWindow" @ContextParams

            It 'Should return false' {
                $window | should be $false

        Context "Calling Test-MaintenanceWindow inside of window Daily without time" {
            Mock Get-Date {return [DateTime]::new("2018","01","01")} -ParameterFilter {$PSBoundParameters.Count -eq 0}
            $ContextParams = @{
                                Frequency = 'Daily'
                                DaysofWeek = 'Monday'

            $Window = & "Test-MaintenanceWindow" @ContextParams

            It 'Should return true' {
                $window | should be $true

        Context "Calling Test-MaintenanceWindow inside of window Daily with time" {
            Mock Get-Date {return [DateTime]::new("2018","01","01","11","25","0")} -ParameterFilter {$PSBoundParameters.Count -eq 0}
            $ContextParams = @{
                                Frequency = 'Daily'
                                DaysofWeek = 'Monday'
                                StartTime = "11:00am"
                                EndTime = "11:30am"

            $Window = & "Test-MaintenanceWindow" @ContextParams

            It 'Should return true' {
                $window | should be $true

        Context "Calling Test-MaintenanceWindow inside of window Weekly without time" {
            Mock Get-Date {return [DateTime]::new("2018","01","01")} -ParameterFilter {$PSBoundParameters.Count -eq 0}
            $ContextParams = @{
                                Frequency = 'Weekly'
                                DaysofWeek = 'Monday'
                                Week = @(1,2,3)

            $Window = & "Test-MaintenanceWindow" @ContextParams

            It 'Should return true' {
                $window | should be $true

        Context "Calling Test-MaintenanceWindow inside of window Weekly with time" {
            Mock Get-Date {return [DateTime]::new("2018","01","01","11","27","0")} -ParameterFilter {$PSBoundParameters.Count -eq 0}
            $ContextParams = @{
                                Frequency = 'Weekly'
                                DaysofWeek = 'Monday'
                                StartTime = "11:00am"
                                EndTime = "11:30am"
                                Week = @(1)

            $Window = & "Test-MaintenanceWindow" @ContextParams

            It 'Should return true' {
                $window | should be $true

        Context "Calling Test-MaintenanceWindow inside of window Monthly without time" {
            Mock Get-Date {return [DateTime]::new("2018","01","01")} -ParameterFilter {$PSBoundParameters.Count -eq 0}
            $ContextParams = @{
                                Frequency = 'Monthly'
                                Days = @(1,3,4)

            $Window = & "Test-MaintenanceWindow" @ContextParams

            It 'Should return true' {
                $window | should be $true

        Context "Calling Test-MaintenanceWindow inside of window Monthly with time" {
            Mock Get-Date {return [DateTime]::new("2018","01","01","11","28","0")} -ParameterFilter {$PSBoundParameters.Count -eq 0}
            $ContextParams = @{
                                Frequency = 'Monthly'
                                Days = 1
                                StartTime = "11:00am"
                                EndTime = "11:30am"

            $Window = & "Test-MaintenanceWindow" @ContextParams

            It 'Should return true' {
                $window | should be $true

        Context "Calling Test-MaintenanceWindow inside of window but before startdate" {
            Mock Get-Date {return [DateTime]::new("2018","01","01")} -ParameterFilter {$PSBoundParameters.Count -eq 0}
            $ContextParams = @{
                                Frequency = 'Monthly'
                                Days = 1
                                StartDate = "02-01-2018"

            $Window = & "Test-MaintenanceWindow" @ContextParams

            It 'Should return false' {
                $window | should be $false

        Context "Calling Test-MaintenanceWindow inside of window but after enddate" {
            Mock Get-Date {return [DateTime]::new("2018","01","01")} -ParameterFilter {$PSBoundParameters.Count -eq 0}
            $ContextParams = @{
                                Frequency = 'Monthly'
                                Days = 1
                                EndDate = "12-31-2017"

            $Window = & "Test-MaintenanceWindow" @ContextParams

            It 'Should return false' {
                $window | should be $false

        Context "Calling Test-MaintenanceWindow inside of window but after Startdate no enddate" {
            Mock Get-Date {return [DateTime]::new("2018","01","01")} -ParameterFilter {$PSBoundParameters.Count -eq 0}
            $ContextParams = @{
                                Frequency = 'Monthly'
                                Days = 1
                                StartDate = "12-31-2017"

            $Window = & "Test-MaintenanceWindow" @ContextParams

            It 'Should return true' {
                $window | should be $true

        Context "Calling Test-MaintenanceWindow inside of window but before enddate no startdate" {
            Mock Get-Date {return [DateTime]::new("2018","01","01")} -ParameterFilter {$PSBoundParameters.Count -eq 0}
            $ContextParams = @{
                                Frequency = 'Monthly'
                                Days = 1
                                EndDate = "01-31-2018"

            $Window = & "Test-MaintenanceWindow" @ContextParams

            It 'Should return true' {
                $window | should be $true

        Context "Calling Test-MaintenanceWindow inside of window and between start and end date" {
            Mock Get-Date {return [DateTime]::new("2018","01","01")} -ParameterFilter {$PSBoundParameters.Count -eq 0}
            $ContextParams = @{
                                Frequency = 'Monthly'
                                Days = 1
                                EndDate = "01-31-2018"
                                StartDate = "12-31-2017"

            $Window = & "Test-MaintenanceWindow" @ContextParams

            It 'Should return true' {
                $window | should be $true

        Context "Calling Test-MaintenanceWindow inside of window but not between start and end date" {
            Mock Get-Date {return [DateTime]::new("2018","01","01")} -ParameterFilter {$PSBoundParameters.Count -eq 0}
            $ContextParams = @{
                                Frequency = 'Monthly'
                                Days = 1
                                EndDate = "01-31-2018"
                                StartDate = "01-15-2018"

            $Window = & "Test-MaintenanceWindow" @ContextParams

            It 'Should return false' {
                $window | should be $false

    Describe "Get-ValidParameter" {
        function Test-Function



        Context "Calling Get-ValidParameter with no extra parameters" {

            $ContextParams = @{
                                Name = 'Test-Function'
                                Values = @{
                                    Key = "TestRegistryKey"
                                    ValueName = ""

            $params = Get-ValidParameter @ContextParams

            It 'Should return 2 params' {
                $params.count | should be 2

        Context "Calling Get-ValidParameter with extra parameters" {

            $ContextParams = @{
                                Name = 'Test-Function'
                                Values = @{
                                    Key = "TestRegistryKey"
                                    ValueName = ""
                                    Extra = ""

            $params = & "Get-ValidParameter" @ContextParams

            It 'Should return 2 params' {
                $params.Count | should be 2

    Describe "Assert-Validation" {
        $Parameter = [System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata]::new("Name",'string')

        Context "Calling Assert-Validation with value not meeting parameter requirements" {
            $ContextParams = @{
                                element = 'Test'
                                ParameterMetadata = $Parameter

            It 'Should throw' {
                { Assert-Validation @ContextParams } | should throw

        Context "Calling Assert-Validation with value meeting parameter requirements" {

            $ContextParams = @{
                                element = 'Yes'
                                ParameterMetadata = $Parameter

            It 'Should not throw' {
                { Assert-Validation @ContextParams } | should not throw

    Describe "Test-ParameterValidation" {
        function Test-Function
                [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

                [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


        Context "Calling Test-ParameterValidation with value not meeting parameter requirements" {

            Mock -CommandName Assert-Validation -MockWith { throw "Error" }
            $ContextParams = @{
                                Name = 'Test-Function'
                                Values = @{
                                    Key = "TestRegistryKey"

            It 'Should throw' {
                { Test-ParameterValidation @ContextParams } | should throw

        Context "Calling Test-ParameterValidation with missing required parameter" {

            Mock -CommandName Assert-Validation -MockWith {}
            $ContextParams = @{
                                Name = 'Test-Function'
                                Values = @{
                                    Key = "TestRegistryKey"

            It 'Should throw' {
                { Test-ParameterValidation @ContextParams } | should throw

        Context "Calling Test-ParameterValidation with value meeting parameter requirements" {

            Mock -CommandName Assert-Validation -MockWith {}
            $ContextParams = @{
                                Name = 'Test-Function'
                                Values = @{
                                    Key = "TestRegistryKey"
                                    ValueName = "Test"

            It 'Should not throw' {
                { Test-ParameterValidation @ContextParams } | should not throw