#requires -version 3.0 ## ResolveAlias Module v2.0 ######################################################################################################################## ## Version History ## 1.0 - First Version. "It worked on my sample script" ## 1.1 - Now it parses the $(...) blocks inside strings ## 1.2 - Some tweaks to spacing and indenting (I really gotta get some more test case scripts) ## 1.3 - I went back to processing the whole script at once (instead of a line at a time) ## Processing a line at a time makes it impossible to handle Here-Strings... ## I'm considering maybe processing the tokens backwards, replacing just the tokens that need it ## That would mean I could get rid of all the normalizing code, and leave the whitespace as-is ## 1.4 - Now resolves parameters too ## 1.5 - Fixed several bugs with command resolution (the ? => ForEach-Object problem) ## - Refactored the Resolve-Line filter right out of existence ## - Created a test script for validation, and ## 1.6 - Added resolving parameter ALIASES instead of just short-forms ## 1.7 - Minor tweak to make it work in CTP3 ## 2.0 - Modularized and v3 compatible ## 2.1 - Added options to Expand-Alias to support generating scripts from your history buffer' ## 2.2 - Update to PowerShell 3 -- add -AllowedModule to Resolve-Command (which) ## 2.3 - Update (for PowerShell 3 only) ## * *TODO:* Put back the -FullPath option to resolve cmdlets with their snapin path ## * *TODO:* Add an option to put #requires statements at the top for each snapin used ######################################################################################################################## Set-StrictMode -Version latest function Resolve-Command { #.Synopsis # Determine which command is being referred to by the Name [CmdletBinding()] param( # The name of the command to be resolved [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$Name, # The name(s) of the modules from which commands are allowed (defaults to modules that are already imported). Pass * to allow any commands. [String[]]$AllowedModule=$(@(Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Get-Module | Select -Expand Name) + 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Core'), # A list of commands that are allowed even if they're not in the AllowedModule(s) [Parameter()] [string[]]$AllowedCommand ) end { $Search = $Name -replace '(.)$','[$1]' # aliases, functions, cmdlets, scripts, executables, normal files $Commands = @(Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Get-Command $Search -Module $AllowedModule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) if(!$Commands) { if($match = $AllowedCommand -match "^[^-\\]*\\*$([Regex]::Escape($Name))") { $OFS = ", " Write-Verbose "Commands is empty, but AllowedCommand ($AllowedCommand) contains $Name, so:" $Commands = @(Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Get-Command $match) } } $cmd = $null if($Commands) { Write-Verbose "Commands $($Commands|% { $_.ModuleName + '\' + $_.Name })" if($Commands.Count -gt 1) { $cmd = @( $Commands | Where-Object { $_.Name -match "^$([Regex]::Escape($Name))" })[0] } else { $cmd = $Commands[0] } } if(!$cmd -and !$Search.Contains("-")) { $Commands = @(Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Get-Command "Get-$Search" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Module $AllowedModule | Where-Object { $_.Name -match "^Get-$([Regex]::Escape($Name))" }) if($Commands) { if($Commands.Count -gt 1) { $cmd = @( $Commands | Where-Object { $_.Name -match "^$([Regex]::Escape($Name))" })[0] } else { $cmd = $Commands[0] } } } if(!$cmd -or $cmd.CommandType -eq "Alias") { if(($FullName = Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Get-Alias $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { if($FullName = $FullName.ResolvedCommand) { $cmd = Resolve-Command $FullName -AllowedModule $AllowedModule -AllowedCommand $AllowedCommand -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } } if(!$cmd) { if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("AllowedModule")) { Write-Warning "No command '$Name' found in the allowed modules." } else { Write-Warning "No command '$Name' found in allowed modules. Expand-Alias defaults to only loaded modules, specify -AllowedModule `"*`" to allow ANY module" } Write-Verbose "The current AllowedModules are: $($AllowedModule -join ', ')" } return $cmd } } function Protect-Script { #.Synopsis # Expands aliases and validates scripts, preventing embedded script and [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact="low",DefaultParameterSetName="Text")] param ( # The script you want to expand aliases in [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="Text", Position=0)] [Alias("Text")] [string]$Script, # A list of modules that are allowed in the scripts we're protecting [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string[]]$AllowedModule, # A list of commands that are allowed even if they're not in the AllowedModule(s) [Parameter()] [string[]]$AllowedCommand, # A list of variables that are allowed even if they're not in the AllowedModule(s) [Parameter()] [string[]]$AllowedVariable ) $Script = Expand-Alias -Script:$Script -AllowedModule:$AllowedModule -AllowedCommand $AllowedCommand -AllowedVariable $AllowedVariable -WarningVariable ParseWarnings -ErrorVariable ParseErrors -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue foreach($e in $ParseErrors | Select-Object -Expand Exception | Select-Object -Expand Errors) { Write-Warning $(if($e.Extent.StartLineNumber -eq $e.Extent.EndLineNumber) { "{0} (Line {1}, Char {2}-{2})" -f $e.Message, $e.Extent.StartLineNumber, $e.Extent.StartColumnNumber, $e.Extent.EndColumnNumber } else { "{0} (l{1},c{2} - l{3},c{4})" -f $e.Message, $e.Extent.StartLineNumber, $e.Extent.StartColumnNumber, $e.Extent.EndLineNumber, $e.Extent.EndColumnNumber }) } if(![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Script)) { [string[]]$Commands = $AllowedCommand + (Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Get-Command -Module:$AllowedModule | % { "{0}\{1}" -f $_.ModuleName, $_.Name}) [string[]]$Variables = $AllowedVariable + (Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Get-Module $AllowedModule | Select-Object -Expand ExportedVariables | Select-Object -Expand Keys) try { [ScriptBlock]::Create($Script).CheckRestrictedLanguage($Commands, $Variables, $false) return $Script } catch [System.Management.Automation.ParseException] { $global:ProtectionError = $_.Exception.GetBaseException().Errors foreach($e in $ProtectionError) { Write-Warning $(if($e.Extent.StartLineNumber -eq $e.Extent.EndLineNumber) { "{0} (Line {1}, Char {2}-{2})" -f $e.Message, $e.Extent.StartLineNumber, $e.Extent.StartColumnNumber, $e.Extent.EndColumnNumber } else { "{0} (l{1},c{2} - l{3},c{4})" -f $e.Message, $e.Extent.StartLineNumber, $e.Extent.StartColumnNumber, $e.Extent.EndLineNumber, $e.Extent.EndColumnNumber }) } } catch { $global:ProtectionError = $_ Write-Warning $_ } } } function Expand-Alias { #.Synopsis # Expands aliases (optionally adding the fully qualified module name) and short parameters #.Description # Expands all aliases (recursively) to actual functions/cmdlets/executables # Expands all short-form parameter names to their full versions # Works on files or strings, and can expand "inplace" on a file #.Example # Expand-Alias -Script "gcm help" # [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact="low",DefaultParameterSetName="Files")] param ( # The script file you want to expand aliases in [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="Files")] [Alias("FullName","PSChildName","PSPath")] [IO.FileInfo]$File, # Enables replacing aliases in-place in files instead of into a new file [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Files")] [Switch]$InPlace, # The script you want to expand aliases in [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="Text")] [Alias("Text")] [string]$Script, # The History ID's of commands you want to expand (this supports generating scripts from previous commands, see examples) [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="History")] [Alias("Id")] [Int[]]$History, # The count of previous commands (from get-history) to expand (see examples) [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="HistoryCount")] [Int]$Count, # Allows you to specify a list of modules that are allowed in the scripts we're resolving. # Defaults to the currently loaded modules, but specify "*" to allow ANY module. [string[]]$AllowedModule=$(@(Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Get-Module | Select -Expand Name) + 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Core'), # A list of commands that are allowed even if they're not in the AllowedModule(s) [Parameter()] [string[]]$AllowedCommand, # A list of variables that are allowed even if they're not in the AllowedModule(s) [Parameter()] [string[]]$AllowedVariable, # Allows you to leave the namespace (module name) off of commands # By default Expand-Alias will expand 'gc' to 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Get-Content' # If you specify the Unqualified flag, it will expand to just 'Get-Content' instead. [Parameter()] [Switch]$Unqualified ) begin { Write-Debug $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName } process { switch( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName ) { "Files" { if($File -is [System.IO.FileInfo]){ $Script = (Get-Content $File -Delim ([char]0)) } } "History" { $Script = (Get-History -Id $History | Select-Object -Expand CommandLine) -Join "`n" } "HistoryCount" { $Script = (Get-History -Count $Count | Select-Object -Expand CommandLine) -Join "`n" } "Text" {} default { throw "ParameterSet: $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)" } } $ParseError = $null $Tokens = $null $AST = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput($Script, [ref]$Tokens, [ref]$ParseError) $Global:Tokens = $Tokens if($ParseError) { foreach($PEr in $ParseError) { $PSCmdlet.WriteError( (New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord ( New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParseException $PEr), "Unexpected Exception", "InvalidResult", $_) ) } Write-Warning "There was an error parsing script (See above). We cannot expand aliases until the script parses without errors." return } $lastCommand = $Tokens.Count + 1 :token for($t = $Tokens.Count -1; $t -ge 0; $t--) { Write-Verbose "Token $t of $($Tokens.Count)" $token = $Tokens[$t] switch -Regex ($token.Kind) { "Generic|Identifier" { if($token.TokenFlags -eq 'CommandName') { if($lastCommand -ne $t) { $OFS = ", " Write-Verbose "Resolve-Command -Name $Token.Text -AllowedModule $AllowedModule -AllowedCommand @($AllowedCommand)" $Command = Resolve-Command -Name $Token.Text -AllowedModule $AllowedModule -AllowedCommand $AllowedCommand if(!$Command) { return $null } } Write-Verbose "Unqualified? $Unqualified" if(!$Unqualified -and $Command.ModuleName) { $CommandName = '{0}\{1}' -f $Command.ModuleName, $Command.Name } else { $CommandName = $Command.Name } $Script = $Script.Remove( $Token.Extent.StartOffset, ($Token.Extent.EndOffset - $Token.Extent.StartOffset)).Insert( $Token.Extent.StartOffset, $CommandName ) } } "Parameter" { # Figure out which command they're talking about Write-Verbose "lastCommand: $lastCommand ($t)" if($lastCommand -ge $t) { for($c = $t; $c -ge 0; $c--) { Write-Verbose "c: $($Tokens[$c].Text) ($($Tokens[$c].Kind) and $($Tokens[$c].TokenFlags))" if(("Generic","Identifier" -contains $Tokens[$c].Kind) -and $Tokens[$c].TokenFlags -eq "CommandName" ) { Write-Verbose "Resolve-Command -Name $($Tokens[$c].Text) -AllowedModule $AllowedModule -AllowedCommand $AllowedCommand" $Command = Resolve-Command -Name $Tokens[$c].Text -AllowedModule $AllowedModule -AllowedCommand $AllowedCommand if($Command) { Write-Verbose "Command: $($Tokens[$c].Text) => $($Command.Name)" } $global:RCommand = $Command if(!$Command) { return $null } $lastCommand = $c break } } } $short = "^" + $token.ParameterName $parameters = @($Command.ParameterSets | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Parameters | Where-Object { $_.Name -match $short -or $_.Aliases -match $short } | Select-Object -Unique) Write-Verbose "Parameters: $($parameters | Select -Expand Name)" Write-Verbose "Parameters: $($Command.ParameterSets | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Parameters | Select -Expand Name) | ? Name -match $short" if($parameters.Count -ge 1) { # if("Verbose","Debug","WarningAction","WarningVariable","ErrorAction","ErrorVariable","OutVariable","OutBuffer","WhatIf","Confirm" -contains $parameters[0].Name ) { # $Script = $Script.Remove( $Token.Extent.StartOffset, ($Token.Extent.EndOffset - $Token.Extent.StartOffset)) # continue # } if($parameters[0].ParameterType -ne [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter]) { if($Tokens.Count -ge $t -and ("Parameter","Semi","NewLine" -contains $Tokens[($t+1)].Kind)) { ## $Tokens[($t+1)].Kind -eq "Generic" -and $Tokens[($t+1)].TokenFlags -eq 'CommandName' Write-Warning "No value for parameter: $($parameters[0].Name), the next token is a $($Tokens[($t+1)].Kind) (Flags: $($Tokens[($t+1)].TokenFlags))" $Script = "" break token } } $Script = $Script.Remove( $Token.Extent.StartOffset, ($Token.Extent.EndOffset - $Token.Extent.StartOffset)).Insert( $Token.Extent.StartOffset, "-$($parameters[0].Name)" ) } else { Write-Warning "Rejecting Non-Parameter: $($token.ParameterName)" # $Script = $Script.Remove( $Token.Extent.StartOffset, ($Token.Extent.EndOffset - $Token.Extent.StartOffset)) $Script = "" break token } continue } } } if($InPlace) { if([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Script)) { Write-Warning "Script is empty after Expand-Alias, File ($File) not updated" } else { Set-Content -Path $File -Value $Script } } else { if([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Script)) { return } else { return $Script } } } } Set-Alias Resolve-Alias Expand-Alias Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Alias * |