

Describe "Core" {
    Context "applyRequirement" {
        It "Should not 'Set' if in desired state" {
            $script:NotSetIfInDesiredState = 0
            applyRequirement @{
                Describe = "Simple Requirement"
                Test     = { $true }
                Set      = { $script:NotSetIfInDesiredState++ }
            $script:NotSetIfInDesiredState | Should -Be 0
        It "Should 'Set' if not in desired state" {
            $script:SetIfNotInDesiredState = 0
            applyRequirement @{
                Describe = "Simple Requirement"
                Test     = { $script:SetIfNotInDesiredState -eq 1 }
                Set      = { $script:SetIfNotInDesiredState++ }
            $script:SetIfNotInDesiredState | Should -Be 1
        It "Should validate once set" {
            $script:TestOnceSetIsTestCount = 0
            $script:TestOnceSetIsSet = $false
            applyRequirement @{
                Describe = "Simple Requirement"
                Test     = { $script:TestOnceSetIsTestCount += 1; $script:TestOnceSetIsSet }
                Set      = { $script:TestOnceSetIsSet = $true }
            $script:TestOnceSetIsSet | Should -Be $true
            $script:TestOnceSetIsTestCount | Should -Be 2
        It "Should 'Set' if no 'Test' is provided" {
            $script:SetIfNoTest = $false
            applyRequirement @{
                Describe = "Simple Requirement"
                Set      = { $script:SetIfNoTest = $true }
            $script:SetIfNoTest | Should -BeTrue
        It "Should not 'Test' if no 'Set' is provided" {
            $script:NotTestIfNoSet = 0
            applyRequirement @{
                Describe = "Simple Requirement"
                Test     = { $script:NotTestIfNoSet++ }
            $script:NotTestIfNoSet | Should -Be 1
        It "Should output all log events" {
            $script:SetIfNotInDesiredState = 0
            $events = applyRequirement @{
                Describe = "Simple Requirement"
                Test     = { $script:SetIfNotInDesiredState -eq 1 }
                Set      = { $script:SetIfNotInDesiredState++ }
            $expectedIds = "Test", "Set", "Validate" | % { "$_-Start", "$_-Stop" }
            $foundIds = $events | % { "$($_.Method)-$($_.State)" }
            $expectedIds | % { $_ -in $foundIds | Should -BeTrue }
        It "Should provide the result of the 'Test'" {
            $expected = "This string should be the result of the 'Test' block"
            $event = applyRequirement @{
                Describe = "Simple Requirement"
                Test     = { $expected }
            $event | Select -First 1 -Skip 1 | % Result | Should -Be $expected
        It "Should provide the result of the 'Set'" {
            $expected = "This string should be the result of the 'Set' block"
            $event = applyRequirement @{
                Describe = "Simple Requirement"
                Set      = { $expected }
            $event | Select -First 1 -Skip 1 | % Result | Should -Be $expected
    Context "applyRequirements" {
        It "Should call 'Test' on each requirement" {
            $script:CallTestOnEachRequirement = 0
            $requirements = 1..3 | % {
                    Name     = $_
                    Describe = "Simple Requirement"
                    Test     = { $script:CallTestOnEachRequirement++ % 2 }
                    Set      = { $false }
            applyRequirements $requirements
            $script:CallTestOnEachRequirement | Should -Be 6
    Context "sortRequirements" {
        It "Should sort an array of requirements into topological order" {
            $sorted = sortRequirements @(
                    Name      = "third"
                    Describe  = "Simple Requirement"
                    Test      = { }
                    Set       = { }
                    DependsOn = "first", "second"
                    Name     = "first"
                    Describe = "Simple Requirement"
                    Test     = { }
                    Set      = { }
                    Name      = "second"
                    Describe  = "Simple Requirement"
                    Test      = { }
                    Set       = { }
                    DependsOn = "first"
            [string[]]$names = $sorted | % Name
            0..($sorted.Count - 1) | % {
                $i, $requirement = $_, $sorted[$_]
                $requirement.DependsOn `
                | % { $names.IndexOf($_) | Should -BeLessThan $i }
        It "Should throw an error if there are unresolvable dependencies" {
                sortRequirements @(
                        Name      = "third"
                        Describe  = "Simple Requirement"
                        Test      = { }
                        Set       = { }
                        DependsOn = "first", "second"
                        Name     = "first"
                        Describe = "Simple Requirement"
                        Test     = { }
                        Set      = { }
                        Name      = "second"
                        Describe  = "Simple Requirement"
                        Test      = { }
                        Set       = { }
                        DependsOn = "first", "third"
            } | Should -Throw