enum Status { NotRun Pass Fail } class Log { # We originally used [Status] values as keys instead of casting [Status] values to strings. # We cast values to strings for now due to a bug in PSScriptAnalyzer v1.16.1 static [hashtable] $Symbols = @{ Pass = [char]8730 Fail = "X" NotRun = " " } static [hashtable] $Colors = @{ Pass = "Green" NotRun = "Yellow" Fail = "Red" } static [int] $LastLineLength static [void] WriteLine([string] $message, [Status] $status) { $message = [Log]::FormatMessage($message, $status) [Log]::LastLineLength = $message.Length $color = [Log]::Colors[ [string]$status ] Write-Host $message -ForegroundColor $color -NoNewline } static [void] OverwriteLine([string] $message, [Status] $status) { Write-Host "`r$(' ' * [Log]::LastLineLength)" -NoNewline $message = [Log]::FormatMessage($message, $status) [Log]::LastLineLength = $message.Length $color = [Log]::Colors[ [string]$status ] Write-Host "`r$message" -ForegroundColor $color } static [string] FormatMessage([string] $message, [Status] $status) { $symbol = [Log]::Symbols[ [string]$status ] return "$(Get-Date -Format 'hh:mm:ss') [ $symbol ] $message" } static [void] WriteError([string] $message) { Write-Host "`n$message`n" -ForegroundColor Red exit -1 } } <# .SYNOPSIS Ensures a requirement is met. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet allows for declaratively defining requirements and implementing consistent logging and idempotency around the status of the requirements. .PARAMETER Describe A description of the requirement that is enforced. .PARAMETER Test If present, 'Test' is a scriptblock that returns 'true' if the requirement is already met and the 'Set' scriptblock should not run. If not present, 'Set' will always run. .PARAMETER Set A scriptblock that imposes the requirement when run. If a "Test' scriptblock is not provided, 'Set' must be idempotent. .PARAMETER Message An error message printed if an idempotent 'Set' scriptblock fails during execution. .EXAMPLE # A non-idempotent 'Set' scriptblock Invoke-ChecklistRequirement ` -Describe "'Hello world' is logged" ` -Test {Get-Content $MyLogFilePath | ? {$_ -eq "Hello world"}} ` -Set {"Hello world" >> $MyLogFilePath} # An idempotent 'Set' scriptblock Invoke-ChecklistRequirement ` -Describe "'Hello world' is logged" ` -Set {"Hello world" > $MyLogFilePath} ` -Message "Could not log 'Hello World'" #> function Invoke-ChecklistRequirement { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "ApplyIfNeeded")] [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "ApplyAlways")] [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Information")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Describe, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "ApplyIfNeeded")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [scriptblock] $Test, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "ApplyIfNeeded")] [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "ApplyAlways")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [scriptblock] $Set, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "ApplyAlways")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Message, [switch] $ListRequirement ) try { if ($ListRequirement) { [Log]::WriteLine("$Describe`n", [Status]::NotRun) return } switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { "ApplyIfNeeded" { [Log]::WriteLine($Describe, [Status]::NotRun) if (&$Test) { [Log]::OverwriteLine($Describe, [Status]::Pass) } else { &$Set | Out-Null if (&$Test) { [Log]::OverwriteLine($Describe, [Status]::Pass) } else { [Log]::OverwriteLine($Describe, [Status]::Fail) [Log]::WriteError("Requirement validation failed") } } } "ApplyAlways" { [Log]::WriteLine($Describe, [Status]::NotRun) if (&$Set) { [Log]::OverwriteLine($Describe, [Status]::Pass) } else { [Log]::OverwriteLine($Describe, [Status]::Fail) [Log]::WriteError($Message) } } "Information" { [Log]::WriteLine("$Describe`n", [Status]::NotRun) } } } catch { [Log]::OverwriteLine($Describe, [Status]::Fail) Write-Host "" throw $_ } } function Invoke-ChecklistDscRequirement { Param( [string]$Describe, [string]$ResourceName, [string]$ModuleName, [hashtable]$Property ) $dscParams = @{ Name = $ResourceName ModuleName = $ModuleName Property = $Property } Invoke-ChecklistRequirement ` -Describe $Describe ` -Test {Invoke-DscResource -Method "Test" @dscParams} ` -Set {Invoke-DscResource -Method "Set" @dscParams} } |