
    # The module version should be compatible
    ModuleVersion        = '5.1.0'

    # PrivateData is where all third-party metadata goes
    PrivateData          = @{
        # PrivateData.PSData is the PowerShell Gallery data
        PSData = @{
            # Prerelease string should be here, so we can set it
            Prerelease   = 'upgrade0009'

            # Release Notes have to be here, so we can update them
            ReleaseNotes = '
            5.1.0 (preview)
                    - Add Optimize-Dependency, and use it to make sure we install dependencies in order
                    - Add -Upgrade to allow searching for newer versions of installed modules while still enforcing the version range
                    - Includes a warning when in -Upgrade mode, if there is a newer version that will not be installed because of the version range
                    - Finally got around to writing more tests. Fixed stuff that did not work as expected
            5.0.5 Fix the -Destination parameter
            5.0.2 Fix a bug with PowerShellGet
            5.0.1 Fix PowerShell 5 .Where bug again (sorry)
            5.0.0 Available as a module, with multiple repository support
                BREAKING CHANGES:
                - No longer automatically trusts PSGallery. You must ensure that there is at least one repository registered and trusted, or use the `-TrustRegisteredRepositories` to trust all repositories.
                - Allows installing from any trusted repository. There is also new syntax for the RequiredModules hashtables to support specifying a specific repository for any specific module. See the ReadMe or the help for Install-RequiredModule.
                MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS:
                - Supports passing the RequiredModules hashtable directly on the commandline, rather than requiring a file.
                - Also available in the "RequiredModules" module
                By default, we only install from trusted repositories. You should mark the repositories you regularly install from as trusted repositories. See the following example to trust the default PSGallery:
                    Register-PSRepository -Default -ErrorAction Ignore -InstallationPolicy Trusted
                    Get-PSRepository -Name PSGallery | Set-PSRepository -InstallationPolicy Trusted
            4.1.1 Minor fixes for edge cases and options
            4.1.0 Support non-PSGallery feeds
            4.0.6 Fix a double -Verbose problem
            4.0.5 Let the -Destination be non-empty (so we do not have to re-download every time)
            4.0.4 Fix PowerShell 5 .Where bug
            4.0.3 Fix module check when using -Destination to force all modules to be in destination
            4.0.2 Fix Remove-Module error
            4.0.1 Add logging outputs
            4.0.0 BREAKING CHANGE: require the -Destination to start empty (allow -CleanDestination to clear it)
                Fix for adding the destination to PSModulePath multiple times
                Started testing this so I can ship it to PowerShellGet
            3.0.0 BREAKING CHANGE: switch -SkipImport to -Import -- inverting the logic to NOT import by default
                Add -Destination parameter to support installing in a local tool path
            2.0.1 Squash mistaken "InstallError" message caused by Select-Object -First
                Clean up output that was unexpected
            2.0.0 BREAKING CHANGE: use NuGetVersion to support wildcards like 3.*
                Improve the error messages around aborted or failed installs
            1.0.1 Fix "Version 3.4.0 of module Pester is already installed"
            1.0.0 This is the first public release - it probably does not work right

            # Tags applied to this module. These help with module discovery in online galleries.
            Tags         = 'Install', 'Requirements', 'Development', 'Dependencies', 'Modules'

            # A URL to the license for this module.
            LicenseUri   = ''

            # A URL to the main website for this project.
            ProjectUri   = ''

            # A URL to an icon representing this module.
            IconUri      = ''
        } # End of PSData
    } # End of PrivateData

    # The main script module that is automatically loaded as part of this module
    RootModule           = 'RequiredModules.psm1'

    # Modules that must be imported into the global environment prior to importing this module
    RequiredModules      = @(
        @{ModuleName = "PowerShellGet"; MaximumVersion = "2.99.99" }

    RequiredAssemblies   = @("lib\NuGet.Versioning.dll")

    # Always define FunctionsToExport and AliasesToExport as an empty @() which will be replaced on build
    FunctionsToExport    = @('Install-RequiredModule','Optimize-Dependency')
    AliasesToExport      = 'Sort-Dependency'

    # ID used to uniquely identify this module
    GUID                 = '72076b25-00b7-4e2a-997a-35a411ae17cd'
    Description          = 'A module for installing PowerShell resources'

    # Common stuff for all our modules:
    CompanyName          = 'PoshCode'
    Author               = "Joel 'Jaykul' Bennett"
    Copyright            = "Copyright (c) 2020 Joel Bennett"

    # Minimum version of the Windows PowerShell engine required by this module
    PowerShellVersion    = '5.1'
    CompatiblePSEditions = @('Core', 'Desktop')