
# Copyright (c) 2017 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License (MIT)

function New-RsRestCredentialsInServerObject
            This script creates a new CredentialsInServer object which can be used when updating shared/embedded data sources.

            This script creates a new CredentialsInServer object which can be used when updating shared/embedded data sources.

        .PARAMETER Username
            Specify the username to use when Report Server is connecting to database.

        .PARAMETER Password
            Specify the password to use when Report Server is connecting to database.

        .PARAMETER WindowsCredentials
            Specify whether Report Server should treat specified credentials as SQL credentials or Windows credentials.

        .PARAMETER ImpersonateUser
            Specify whether Report Server should try impersonating as current user when fetching data.

            New-RsRestCredentialsInServerObject -Credential (Get-Credential)

            Creates a CredentialsInServer object with specified username and password.

            New-RsRestCredentialsInServerObject -Credential (Get-Credential) -WindowsCredentials

            Creates a CredentialsInServer object with UseAsWindowsCredentials set to true and specified username and password.

            New-RsRestCredentialsInServerObject -Credential (Get-Credential) -ImpersonateUser

            Creates a CredentialsInServer object with ImpersonateAuthenticatedUser set to true and specified username and password.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]


        return @{
            "UserName" = $Credential.Username;
            "Password" = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password;
            "UseAsWindowsCredentials" = $WindowsCredentials -eq $true;
            "ImpersonateAuthenticatedUser" = $ImpersonateUser -eq $true;