function Get-RsRestCacheRefreshPlanHistory { <# .SYNOPSIS This function fetches the history of CacheRefreshPlan(s) from a Power BI report. .DESCRIPTION This function fetches the history of CacheRefreshPlan(s) from a Power BI report. .PARAMETER RsReport Specify the location of the Power BI report for which the CacheRefreshPlans should be fetched. .PARAMETER Id Specify the Id of the CacheRefreshPlan for a Power BI report which should be fetched. .PARAMETER ReportPortalUri Specify the Report Portal URL to your Power BI Report Server Instance. .PARAMETER RestApiVersion Specify the version of REST Endpoint to use. Valid values are: "v2.0". .PARAMETER Credential Specify the credentials to use when connecting to the Report Server. .PARAMETER WebSession Specify the session to be used when making calls to REST Endpoint. .EXAMPLE Get-RsRestCacheRefreshPlanHistory -RsReport "/MyReport" Description ----------- Fetches the history of all CacheRefreshPlans for the "MyReport" catalog item found in "/" folder from the Report Server located at http://localhost/reports. .EXAMPLE Get-RsRestCacheRefreshPlanHistory -RsReport "/MyReport" -WebSession $session Description ----------- Fetches the history of all CacheRefreshPlans for the "MyReport" catalog item found in "/" folder from the Report Server located at specificed WebSession object. .EXAMPLE Get-RsRestCacheRefreshPlanHistory -RsReport "/MyReport" -ReportPortalUri http://myserver/reports Description ----------- Fetches the history of all CacheRefreshPlans for the "MyReport" catalog item found in "/" folder from the Report Server located at http://myserver/reports. .EXAMPLE Get-RsRestCacheRefreshPlanHistory -Id 'f8796f95-31c8-46fe-b184-4677cbbf5abf' -ReportPortalUri http://myserver/reports Description ----------- Fetches the history of all CacheRefreshPlans for the "Finance" report from the Report Server located at http://myserver/reports. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias('ItemPath','Path', 'RsItem')] [string] $RsReport, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string] $ReportPortalUri, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias('CacheRefreshPlan')] [string] $Id = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias('ApiVersion')] [ValidateSet("v2.0")] [string] $RestApiVersion = "v2.0", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias('ReportServerCredentials')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession] $WebSession ) Begin { $WebSession = New-RsRestSessionHelper -BoundParameters $PSBoundParameters $ReportPortalUri = Get-RsPortalUriHelper -WebSession $WebSession } Process { if($RsReport){ if ($Credential -ne $null) { $CachePlans = Get-RsRestCacheRefreshPlan -ReportPortalUri $ReportPortalUri -RsItem $RsReport -Credential $Credential -Verbose:$false } else { $CachePlans = Get-RsRestCacheRefreshPlan -ReportPortalUri $ReportPortalUri -RsItem $RsReport -WebSession $WebSession -Verbose:$false } foreach($CachePlan in $CachePlans){ $CacheRefreshPlanUri = $ReportPortalUri + "api/$RestApiVersion/CacheRefreshPlans({0})/History" $CacheRefreshPlanUri = [String]::Format($CacheRefreshPlanUri, $CachePlan.Id) Write-Verbose "$CacheRefreshPlanUri" if ($Credential -ne $null) { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $CacheRefreshPlanUri -Method Get -WebSession $WebSession -Credential $Credential -Verbose:$false } else { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $CacheRefreshPlanUri -Method Get -WebSession $WebSession -UseDefaultCredentials } return $response.value } } if($Id){ $CacheRefreshPlanUri = $ReportPortalUri + "api/$RestApiVersion/CacheRefreshPlans({0})/History" $CacheRefreshPlanUri = [String]::Format($CacheRefreshPlanUri, $Id) Write-Verbose "$CacheRefreshPlanUri" if ($Credential -ne $null) { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $CacheRefreshPlanUri -Method Get -WebSession $WebSession -Credential $Credential -Verbose:$false } else { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $CacheRefreshPlanUri -Method Get -WebSession $WebSession -UseDefaultCredentials } return $response.value } } } |