# Copyright (c) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License (MIT) function Remove-RsSubscription { <# .SYNOPSIS This function removes an subscription from the report. .DESCRIPTION This function removes an subscription from the report. .PARAMETER Subscription An object returned from Get-RsSubscription that ccontains one or multiple SubscriptionId to remove. It is exclusive with $SubscriptionId parameter. .PARAMETER SubscriptionId The SubscriptionId to remove. It is exclusive with $Subscription parameter. .PARAMETER ReportServerUri Specify the Report Server URL to your SQL Server Reporting Services Instance. Use the "Connect-RsReportServer" function to set/update a default value. .PARAMETER Credential Specify the credentials to use when connecting to the Report Server. Use the "Connect-RsReportServer" function to set/update a default value. .PARAMETER Proxy Report server proxy to use. Use "New-RsWebServiceProxy" to generate a proxy object for reuse. Useful when repeatedly having to connect to multiple different Report Server. .EXAMPLE Remove-RsSubscription -ReportServerUri http://localhost/ReportServer -SubscriptionId 'b4694569-99a9-4cb3-bd59-7bf710b04a0c' Description ----------- Removes the subscription with ID 'b4694569-99a9-4cb3-bd59-7bf710b04a0c' .EXAMPLE Get-RsSubscription -ReportServerUri http://localhost/ReportServer_SQL2016 -Path '/path/to/my/report' | Out-GridView -PassThru | Remove-RsSubscription -ReportServerUri http://localhost/ReportServer_SQL2016 Description ----------- Gets a list of subscriptions from the report in a GridView from an SSRS instance names SQL2016 and allows the user to select items to be removed, after clicking "OK", only the items selected will be removed. #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'Medium')] param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName='MutipleSubscriptions', Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [object[]] $Subscription, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='SingleSubscription', Mandatory=$True)] [string] $SubscriptionId, [string] $ReportServerUri, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential, $Proxy ) Begin { $Proxy = New-RsWebServiceProxyHelper -BoundParameters $PSBoundParameters } Process { if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($SubscriptionId)) { foreach ($item in $Subscription) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($item.SubscriptionId, "Delete the subscription")) { try { Write-Verbose "Deleting subscription $($item.SubscriptionId) ..." $Proxy.DeleteSubscription($item.SubscriptionId) Write-Verbose "Subscription deleted successfully!" } catch { throw (New-Object System.Exception("Exception occurred while deleting subscription id '$($item.SubscriptionId)'! $($_.Exception.Message)", $_.Exception)) } } } } else { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($SubscriptionId, "Delete the subscription")) { try { Write-Verbose "Deleting subscription $SubscriptionId..." $Proxy.DeleteSubscription($SubscriptionId) Write-Verbose "Subscription deleted successfully!" } catch { throw (New-Object System.Exception("Exception occurred while deleting subscription id '$SubscriptionId'! $($_.Exception.Message)", $_.Exception)) } } } } } |