# Copyright (c) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License (MIT) function Set-RsEmailSettingsAsBasicAuth { <# .SYNOPSIS This script configures the Email Settings for SQL Server Reporting Services. .DESCRIPTION This script configures the Email Settings for SQL Server Reporting Services. .PARAMETER SqlServerInstance (optional) Specify the name of the SQL Server Reporting Services Instance. .PARAMETER SqlServerVersion (optional) Specify the version of the SQL Server Reporting Services Instance. 13 for SQL Server 2016, 12 for SQL Server 2014, 11 for SQL Server 2012 .PARAMETER SmtpServer Specify the SMTP Server address. .PARAMETER SenderAddress Specify sender email address for the email. .PARAMETER EmailCredentials Specify credentials to specify when connecting to the SMTP server. .LINK .EXAMPLE Set-RSEmailSettingsAsBasicAuth -SmtpServer -SenderAddress -EmailCredentials Description ----------- This command will configure the default instance from SQL Server 2016 Reporting Services to use Basic Auth with the specified SMTP Server, Sender Address, Username and Password when sending emails. .EXAMPLE Set-RSEmailSettingsAsBasicAuth -SqlServerInstance 'MySQL2016' -SqlServerVersion '13' -SmtpServer -SenderAddress -EmailCredentials Description ----------- This command will configure the named instance (SQL2016) from SQL Server 2016 Reporting Services to use Basic Auth with the specified SMTP Server, Sender Address, Username and Password when sending emails. #> [cmdletbinding()] param ( [string] $SqlServerInstance='MSSQLSERVER', [string] $SqlServerVersion='13', [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $SmtpServer, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $SenderAddress, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $EmailCredentials ) $rsWmiObject = New-RsConfigurationSettingObject -SqlServerInstance $SqlServerInstance -SqlServerVersion $SqlServerVersion $rsWmiObject.SetAuthenticatedEmailConfiguration($true, $SmtpServer, $SenderAddress, $EmailCredentials.Username, $EmailCredentials.GetNetworkCredential().Password, 1, $true) } |