# Copyright (c) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License (MIT) function New-RsWebServiceProxy { <# .SYNOPSIS This script creates a web service proxy object to the Reporting Services SOAP endpoint. .DESCRIPTION This script creates a web service proxy object to the Reporting Services SOAP endpoint associated to the Report Server URI specified by the user. .PARAMETER ReportServerUri Specify the Report Server URL to your SQL Server Reporting Services Instance. .PARAMETER Credentials Specify the credentials to use when connecting to your SQL Server Reporting Services Instance. .EXAMPLE New-RsWebServiceProxy Description ----------- This command will create and return a web service proxy to the Report Server located at http://localhost/reportserver using current user's credentials. .EXAMPLE New-RsWebServiceProxy -ReportServerUri http://myserver/reportserver_sql2012 Description ----------- This command will create and return a web service proxy to the Report Server located at http://myserver/reportserver_sql2012 using current user's credentials. .EXAMPLE New-RsWebServiceProxy -Credentials 'CaptainAwesome' Description ----------- This command will create and return a web service proxy to the Report Server located at http://localhost/reportserver using CaptainAwesome's credentials. #> [cmdletbinding()] param ( [string] $ReportServerUri = 'http://localhost/reportserver', [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credentials ) # forming the full URL to the SOAP Proxy of ReportServerUri if ($ReportServerUri[$ReportServerUri.Length - 1] -ne '/') { $ReportServerUri = $ReportServerUri + '/' } $reportServerUriObject = New-Object System.Uri($ReportServerUri) $soapEndpointUriObject = New-Object System.Uri($reportServerUriObject, 'ReportService2010.asmx') $ReportServerUri = $soapEndPointUriObject.ToString() # creating proxy either using specified credentials or default credentials if ($sqlcredential.Username -ne $null) { return New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $ReportServerUri -Credential $Credentials -ErrorAction Stop } else { return New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $reportServerUri -useDefaultCredential -ErrorAction Stop } } |