
        Test if the current context should be supressed.

function Test-RPDslSuppression
        # The report portal context.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        # Optional test case to verify.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        $TestCase = @{}

    if ($Context.Mode -eq 'None')
        # Use the Pester stack and join all elements together to create the path
        # to the test name.
        $pathNames = $Context.PesterPath.ToArray()
        $path = $pathNames -join '/'
        # Use the report portal elements like Launch, Suite, Test and Step to
        # produce the path, which is then matched against the suppression.
        $path = $Context.Launch.Name

        if ($null -ne $Context.Suite)
            $path = '{0}/{1}' -f $path, $Context.Suite.Name

        if ($null -ne $Context.Tests -and $Context.Tests.Count -gt 0)
            $testNames = @($Context.Tests.Name)
            foreach ($testName in $testNames)
                $path = '{0}/{1}' -f $path, $testName

    # If we have a test case, try to replace the test case parameter in the
    # test name with the actual value of the test case.
    foreach ($testCaseKey in $testCase.Keys)
        $path = $path.Replace("<$testCaseKey>", $TestCase[$testCaseKey])

    foreach ($currentSuppression in $Context.Suppression)
        if ($path -match $currentSuppression)
            return $true

    return $false