.SYNOPSIS A report portal suite. .DESCRIPTION This DSL keyword will create a new suite in the report portal launch. The fixture is then invoked within a Pester Context block. #> function Suite { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Name of the suite. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [System.String] $Name, # Test content. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock] $Fixture, # Attributes or tags. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Alias('Tags')] [System.String[]] $Tag = @() ) # Quit the function if not part of a launch. if ($null -eq $Script:RPLaunch -or $null -eq $Script:RPStack) { throw 'Suite block must be placed inside a Launch block!' } try { # Start the suite within the report portal $suite = Start-RPTestItem -Launch $Script:RPLaunch -Type 'Suite' -Name $Name -Attribute $Tag -ErrorAction 'Stop' $Script:RPStack.Push($suite) Write-RPDslInformation -Launch $Script:RPLaunch -Stack $Script:RPStack -Message 'Start' # Now call the Pester Context block. This block won't throw any # exceptions, because they are handled inside the Pester block. This is # why we have to access the internal Pester varialbe to get and log the # exception to the report portal in the finally block. Pester\Context @PSBoundParameters # Try to catch internal errors in the Pester execution by extracting the # Pester state variable, get the last test result and throw it if it has # failed. $pesterTestResult = (& (Get-Module 'Pester') Get-Variable -Name 'Pester' -ValueOnly).TestResult[-1] if ($pesterTestResult.Context -like "*$Name" -and $pesterTestResult.Name -like 'Error occurred in * block') { Write-RPDslInternalError -Launch $Script:RPLaunch -Parent $suite -Scope 'Suite' -ErrorMessage $pesterTestResult.FailureMessage -ErrorStackTrace $pesterTestResult.StackTrace } } catch { Write-RPDslInternalError -Launch $Script:RPLaunch -Parent $suite -Scope 'Suite' -ErrorRecord $_ } finally { Write-RPDslInformation -Launch $Script:RPLaunch -Stack $Script:RPStack -Message 'Stop' # Try to stop the suite, ignore any error Stop-RPTestItem -TestItem $suite -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' # Remove the suite from the stack if ($null -ne $suite -and $Script:RPStack.Count -gt 0 -and $Script:RPStack.Peek().Guid -eq $suite.Guid) { $Script:RPStack.Pop() | Out-Null } } } |