# Documentation is not clear enough to describe the GH command to set a property. # Found working command with curl command. # Using this version until we can refactor to GH comand. # This command works # curl -L -H "Authorization: Bearer $env:GH_TOKEN" -X PATCH -d '{"properties":[{"property_name":"kk","value":"kkvalue23"}]}' $cmd = @' curl -L -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $env:GH_TOKEN" -X PATCH{owner}/{repo}/properties/values -d '{"properties":[{"property_name":"{name}","value":"{value}"}]}' '@ Set-MyInvokeCommandAlias -Alias SetRepoProperty -Command $cmd <# .SYNOPSIS Sets the custom properties of a repository. #> function Set-RepoProperty{ [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Owner, [Parameter()] [string]$Repo, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Value ) # Resolve repor form parameters and environment $Owner,$Repo = Get-Environment $Owner $Repo # Error if parameters not set. No need to check repo too. if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Owner) -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Repo)){ "[Get-RepoProperties] Owner and Repo parameters are required" | Write-Error return $null } "Setting property $Name to $Value for $Owner/$Repo" | Write-Verbose $param = @{ owner = $Owner ; repo = $Repo ; name = $Name ; value = $Value } if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$Owner/$Repo","Set property $Name to $Value")){ $result = Invoke-MyCommandJson -Command SetRepoProperty -Parameters $param } if($null -ne $result){ "Error setting property $Name to $Value for $Owner/$Repo" | Write-Error } return $null } Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-RepoProperty |