function RepoHelperTest_AddRepoIssueTimeTracking_SUCCESS { Reset-InvokeCommandMock $owner = "rulasgorg" ; $repo = "repo1" ; $issue = 1 ; $time = "1h" ; $comment = "comment" MockCallToString -Command "gh issue comment $issue -b `"- [ ] <TT>$time</TT> $comment`" -R $owner/$repo" -OutString "$owner/$repo/issues/1#issuecomment-1936046674" $result = Add-RepoIssueTimeTracking $issue $time $comment -Owner $owner -Repo $repo # Assert-IsTrue -Condition ($result.StartsWith("$owner/$repo/issues/$issue#issuecomment-")) } function RepoHelperTest_AddRepoIssueTimeTracking_WrongTimeFormat { Reset-InvokeCommandMock $wrongTime = "x" $owner = "rulasgorg" ; $repo = "repo1" ; $issue = 1 ; $comment = "comment" MockCallToString -Command "gh issue comment $issue -b `"- [ ] <TT>$wrongTime</TT> $comment`" -R $owner/$repo" -OutString "$owner/$repo/issues/1#issuecomment-1936046674" $result = Add-RepoIssueTimeTracking $issue $wrongTime $comment -Owner $owner -Repo $repo @ErrorParameters Assert-IsNull -Object $result Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented $errorvar.Exception.Message Assert-Contains -Expected "Wrong time format [$wrongTime]" -Presented $errorvar.Exception.Message } function RepoHelperTest_AddRepoIssueTimeTracking_SUCCESS_With_NoCheckBox { Reset-InvokeCommandMock $owner = "rulasgorg" ; $repo = "repo1" ; $issue = 1 ; $time = "1h" ; $comment = "comment" MockCallToString -Command "gh issue comment $issue -b `"- [ ] <TT>$time</TT> $comment`" -R $owner/$repo" -OutString "$owner/$repo/issues/1#issuecomment-1936046674" $result = Add-RepoIssueTimeTracking $issue $time $comment -Owner $owner -Repo $repo # Assert-IsTrue -Condition ($result.StartsWith("$owner/$repo/issues/$issue#issuecomment-")) } function RepoHelperTest_AddRepoIssueTimeTracking_SUCCESS_NoOwnerRepo { Reset-InvokeCommandMock $owner = "rulasgorg" ; $repo = "repo1" ; $issue = 1 ; $time = "1h" ; $comment = "comment" MockCallToString -Command 'git remote get-url origin 2>$null' -OutString "$owner/$repo.git" MockCallToString -Command "gh issue comment $issue -b `"<TT>$time</TT> $comment`" -R $owner/$repo" -OutString "$owner/$repo/issues/1#issuecomment-1936046674" $result = Add-RepoIssueTimeTracking $issue $time $comment -NoCheckbox # Assert-IsTrue -Condition ($result.StartsWith("$owner/$repo/issues/$issue#issuecomment-")) } function RepoHelperTest_GetRepoIssueTimeTracking_SUCCESS { Reset-InvokeCommandMock $owner = "rulasgorg" ; $repo = "repo1" ; $issue = 2 MockCall -Command "gh issue view $issue -R $owner/$repo --json title,comments,url" -filename getIssueComments.json $result = Get-RepoIssueTimeTracking $issue -Owner $owner -Repo $repo Assert-AreEqual -Expected "Title of issue 2" -Presented $result.Title Assert-AreEqual -Expected $issue -Presented $result.Number Assert-AreEqual -Expected $repo -Presented $result.Repo Assert-AreEqual -Expected $owner -Presented $result.Owner Assert-AreEqual -Expected 5 -Presented $result.Comments Assert-AreEqual -Expected 3 -Presented $result.Times Assert-AreEqual -Expected 633 -Presented $result.TotalMinutes Assert-AreEqual -Expected "10h 33m" -Presented $result.Total Assert-AreEqual -Expected "$owner/$repo/issues/$issue" -Presented $result.Url } function RepoHelperTest_GetRepoIssueTimeTracking_SUCCESS_SeveralTimesInSingleComment { Reset-InvokeCommandMock $owner = "rulasgorg" ; $repo = "repo1" ; $issue = 3 MockCall -Command "gh issue view $issue -R $owner/$repo --json title,comments,url" -filename getIssueComments_MultiTimesInComment.json $result = Get-RepoIssueTimeTracking $issue -Owner $owner -Repo $repo Assert-AreEqual -Expected "Issue3 Repo1" -Presented $result.Title Assert-AreEqual -Expected $issue -Presented $result.Number Assert-AreEqual -Expected $repo -Presented $result.Repo Assert-AreEqual -Expected $owner -Presented $result.Owner Assert-AreEqual -Expected 2 -Presented $result.Comments Assert-AreEqual -Expected 6 -Presented $result.Times Assert-AreEqual -Expected 231 -Presented $result.TotalMinutes Assert-AreEqual -Expected "3h 51m" -Presented $result.Total Assert-AreEqual -Expected "$owner/$repo/issues/$issue" -Presented $result.Url } function RepoHelperTest_GetRepoIssueTimeTracking_WrongFormat { Reset-InvokeCommandMock $owner = "rulasgorg" ; $repo = "repo1" ; $issue = 1 MockCall -Command "gh issue view $issue -R $owner/$repo --json title,comments,url" -filename getIssueComments_WrongTTFormat.json $result = Get-RepoIssueTimeTracking $issue -Owner $owner -Repo $repo @WarningParameters Assert-AreEqual -Expected 378 -Presented $result.TotalMinutes $expectedJson = @' [ "Skipping wrong time [ 12x ] <tt>12x</tt>\nOtra cosa que hice", "Skipping wrong time [ d45 ] <tt>d45</tt>\nY otra coas" ] '@ $json = $warningVar.Message | ConvertTo-Json Assert-AreEqual -Expected $expectedJson -Presented $json } function RepoHelperTest_GetRepoIssueTimeTracking_Notfound { Reset-InvokeCommandMock $owner = "rulasgorgkk" ; $repo = "repo1" ; $issue = 1 MockCallToString -Command "gh issue view $issue -R $owner/$repo --json title,comments,url" -OutString "null" $result = Get-RepoIssueTimeTracking $issue -Owner $owner -Repo $repo @ErrorParameters Assert-IsNull -Object $result Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented $errorvar.exception.Message Assert-Contains -Presented $errorvar.exception.Message -Expected "Error getting comments for issue $issue for $owner/$repo" } function RepoHelperTest_GetRepoIssueTimeTracking_Pipe { Reset-InvokeCommandMock $owner = "rulasgorgkk" ; $repo = "repo1" ; $attributes = "title,comments,url" ; $attributes2 = "number,title,url" MockCall -Command "gh issue list -R $owner/$repo --json $attributes2" -filename getIssueList.json MockCall -Command "gh issue view 1 -R $owner/$repo --json $attributes" -filename getIssueComments.json MockCall -Command "gh issue view 4 -R $owner/$repo --json $attributes" -filename getIssueComments_2.json MockCall -Command "gh issue view 8 -R $owner/$repo --json $attributes" -filename getIssueComments.json MockCall -Command "gh issue view 21 -R $owner/$repo --json $attributes" -filename getIssueComments_2.json MockCall -Command "gh issue view 12 -R $owner/$repo --json $attributes" -filename getIssueComments.json $result = Get-RepoIssue -Owner $owner -Repo $repo $result = $result | Get-RepoIssueTimeTracking -Owner $Owner -Repo $repo Assert-Count -Expected 5 -Presented $result $issue = $result | Where-Object {$_.Number -eq 4} Assert-AreEqual -Presented $issue.Title -Expected "Title of issue 2" Assert-AreEqual -Presented $issue.Repo -Expected "repo1" Assert-AreEqual -Presented $issue.Owner -Expected "rulasgorgkk" Assert-AreEqual -Presented $issue.Number -Expected 4 Assert-AreEqual -Presented $issue.Comments -Expected 5 Assert-AreEqual -Presented $issue.Times -Expected 3 Assert-AreEqual -Presented $issue.TotalMinutes -Expected 110 Assert-AreEqual -Presented $issue.Total -Expected "1h 50m" $issue = $result | Where-Object {$_.Number -eq 12} Assert-AreEqual -Presented $issue.Title -Expected "Title of issue 2" Assert-AreEqual -Presented $issue.Repo -Expected "repo1" Assert-AreEqual -Presented $issue.Owner -Expected "rulasgorgkk" Assert-AreEqual -Presented $issue.Number -Expected 12 Assert-AreEqual -Presented $issue.Comments -Expected 5 Assert-AreEqual -Presented $issue.Times -Expected 3 Assert-AreEqual -Presented $issue.TotalMinutes -Expected 633 Assert-AreEqual -Presented $issue.Total -Expected "10h 33m" } function RepoHelperTest_GetRepoIssueTimeTrackingRecords_Pipe { Reset-InvokeCommandMock $owner = "rulasgorgkk" ; $repo = "repo1" ; $attributes = "title,comments,url" ; $attributes2 = "number,title,url" MockCall -Command "gh issue list -R $owner/$repo --json $attributes2" -filename getIssueList.json MockCall -Command "gh issue view 1 -R $owner/$repo --json $attributes" -filename getIssueComments.json MockCall -Command "gh issue view 4 -R $owner/$repo --json $attributes" -filename getIssueComments_2.json MockCall -Command "gh issue view 8 -R $owner/$repo --json $attributes" -filename getIssueComments.json MockCall -Command "gh issue view 21 -R $owner/$repo --json $attributes" -filename getIssueComments_2.json MockCall -Command "gh issue view 12 -R $owner/$repo --json $attributes" -filename getIssueComments.json $result = Get-RepoIssue -Owner $owner -Repo $repo $result = $result | Get-RepoIssueTimeTrackingRecords -Owner $Owner -Repo $repo Assert-Count -Expected 15 -Presented $result $issueRecords = $result | Where-Object {$_.Number -eq 4} Assert-Count -Expected 3 -Presented $issueRecords $expectedJson = @" [ { "Number": 4, "Text": "<TT>11m</TT> First time tracking comment", "Time": 11, "CreatedAt": "2024-02-10T07:28:36Z", "Repo": "repo1", "Owner": "rulasgorgkk", "Url": "" }, { "Number": 4, "Text": "<TT>33m</TT> Third time tracking comment", "Time": 33, "CreatedAt": "2024-02-10T07:30:43Z", "Repo": "repo1", "Owner": "rulasgorgkk", "Url": "" }, { "Number": 4, "Text": "<TT>66m</TT> Sixth time tracking comment\nNew line in comment\nAnd Second line", "Time": 66, "CreatedAt": "2024-02-10T07:32:50Z", "Repo": "repo1", "Owner": "rulasgorgkk", "Url": "" } ] "@ Assert-AreEqual -Expected $expectedJson -Presented ($issueRecords | ConvertTo-Json) $issue = $result | Where-Object {$_.Number -eq 12} Assert-Count -Expected 3 -Presented $issue $expectedJson = @" [ { "Number": 12, "Text": "<TT>33m</TT> First time tracking comment", "Time": 33, "CreatedAt": "2024-02-10T07:28:36Z", "Repo": "repo1", "Owner": "rulasgorgkk", "Url": "" }, { "Number": 12, "Text": "<TT>2h</TT> Third time tracking comment", "Time": 120, "CreatedAt": "2024-02-10T07:30:43Z", "Repo": "repo1", "Owner": "rulasgorgkk", "Url": "" }, { "Number": 12, "Text": "<TT>1d</TT> Sixth time tracking comment\nNew line in comment\nAnd Second line", "Time": 480, "CreatedAt": "2024-02-10T07:32:50Z", "Repo": "repo1", "Owner": "rulasgorgkk", "Url": "" } ] "@ Assert-AreEqual -Expected $expectedJson -Presented ($issue | ConvertTo-Json) } function RepoHelperTest_GetRepoIssueTimeTrackingRecords_SUCCESS{ Reset-InvokeCommandMock $owner = "rulasgorg" ; $repo = "repo1" ; $issue = 2 MockCall -Command "gh issue view $issue -R $owner/$repo --json title,comments,url" -filename getIssueComments.json $result = Get-RepoIssueTimeTrackingRecords $issue -Owner $owner -Repo $repo Assert-count -Expected 3 -Presented $result # Text $resultText = $result.Text | ConvertTo-Json $textExpected = @" [ "<TT>33m</TT> First time tracking comment", "<TT>2h</TT> Third time tracking comment", "<TT>1d</TT> Sixth time tracking comment\nNew line in comment\nAnd Second line" ] "@ Assert-AreEqual -Expected $textExpected -Presented $resultText # CreatedAt Assert-Contains -Expected (Get-Date -Date "February 10, 2024 7:28:36 AM") -Presented $result.CreatedAt Assert-Contains -Expected (Get-Date -Date "February 10, 2024 7:30:43 AM") -Presented $result.CreatedAt Assert-Contains -Expected (Get-Date -Date "February 10, 2024 7:32:50 AM") -Presented $result.CreatedAt } function RepoHelperTest_GetRepoIssueTimeTrackingRecord_SUCCESS_SeveralTimesInSingleComment { Reset-InvokeCommandMock $owner = "rulasgorg" ; $repo = "repo1" ; $issue = 3 MockCall -Command "gh issue view $issue -R $owner/$repo --json title,comments,url" -filename getIssueComments_MultiTimesInComment.json $result = Get-RepoIssueTimeTrackingRecords $issue -Owner $owner -Repo $repo $resultText = $result.Text | ConvertTo-Json $expectedText = @" [ "- [ ] <TT>11m</TT> For 1 task\r\n- [x] <TT>22m</TT> For 2 task\r\n- [ ] <TT>33m</TT> For 3 task", "- [ ] <TT>44m</TT> For 4 task\r\n- [x] <TT>55m</TT> For 5 task\r\n- [ ] <TT>66m</TT> For 6 task" ] "@ Assert-count -Expected 2 -Presented $result Assert-AreEqual -Expected $expectedText -Presented $resultText } function RepoHelperTest_TimeTracking_ConvertToMinutes{ # Wrong input Assert-WrongConvertToMinutes -Tag "1" Assert-WrongConvertToMinutes -Tag "1z" # Correct input Assert-ConvertToMinutes -Tag "1m" -Expected 1 Assert-ConvertToMinutes -Tag "10m" -Expected 10 Assert-ConvertToMinutes -Tag "100m" -Expected 100 Assert-ConvertToMinutes -Tag "1000m" -Expected 1000 Assert-ConvertToMinutes -Tag "5h" -Expected (5*60) Assert-ConvertToMinutes -Tag "5d" -Expected (5*60*8) Assert-ConvertToMinutes -Tag "22M" -Expected (22) Assert-ConvertToMinutes -Tag "11H" -Expected (11*60) Assert-ConvertToMinutes -Tag "3D" -Expected (3*8*60) } function Assert-WrongConvertToMinutes{ param( [string]$Tag ) $result = ConvertTo-Minutes $Tag Assert-IsTrue -Condition ($null -eq $result) } function Assert-ConvertToMinutes{ param( [string]$Tag, [int]$Expected ) $result = ConvertTo-Minutes $Tag Assert-AreEqual -Expected $Expected -Presented $result } |