function RepoHelperTest_SyncRepoAccessAll_Success_Write{ $owner = 'solidifycustomers' ; $repo = 'bit21' # Avoid calls to single user check Set-InvokeCommandMock -Alias "gh api repos/$owner/$repo/collaborators" -Command "throw" Set-InvokeCommandMock -Alias "gh api repos/$owner/$repo/invitations" -Command "throw" # All users $GetAccessAllSuccess = $PSScriptRoot | Join-Path -ChildPath 'testData' -AdditionalChildPath 'getAccessAllSuccess.json' Set-InvokeCommandMock -Alias "gh api repos/$owner/$repo/collaborators" -Command "Get-Content -Path $(($GetAccessAllSuccess | Get-Item).FullName)" $getInvitations = $PSScriptRoot | Join-Path -ChildPath 'testData' -AdditionalChildPath 'getAccessInvitationsSuccess.json' Set-InvokeCommandMock -Alias "gh api repos/$owner/$repo/invitations" -Command "Get-Content -Path $(($getInvitations | Get-Item).FullName)" # Grant access $grantAccessRulasg = $PSScriptRoot | Join-Path -ChildPath 'testData' -AdditionalChildPath 'grantAccessSuccessRulasg.json' Set-InvokeCommandMock -Alias 'gh api repos/solidifycustomers/bit21/collaborators/rulasg -X PUT -f permission="write"' -Command "Get-Content -Path $(($grantAccessRulasg | Get-Item).FullName)" # Remove raulgeukk Set-InvokeCommandMock -Alias "gh api repos/$owner/$repo/collaborators/raulgeukk -X DELETE" -Command "echo null" # Remove rulasg Set-InvokeCommandMock -Alias "gh api repos/$owner/$repo/collaborators/rulasg -X DELETE" -Command "echo null" $userList = @" raulgeu rulasg "@ New-TestingFile -Name "contributors" -Content $userList $result = Sync-RepoAccess -owner $owner -repo $repo -FilePath "contributors" -role 'write' # As admin Mangnus should not be removed from the repo even if not in the write list Assert-NotContains -Expected 'MagnusTim' -Presented $result.Keys Assert-AreEqual -Expected '?' -Presented $result.raulgeu -Comment "Pending invitation" Assert-AreEqual -Expected '+ (admin)' -Presented $result.rulasg -Comment "added with admin preciouse access" Assert-AreEqual -Expected '-' -Presented $result.raulgeukk -Comment "remove from list" } function RepoHelperTest_SyncRepoAccessAll_Success_Admin{ $owner = 'solidifycustomers' ; $repo = 'bit21' # Avoid calls to single user check Set-InvokeCommandMock -Alias "gh api repos/$owner/$repo/collaborators" -Command "throw" Set-InvokeCommandMock -Alias "gh api repos/$owner/$repo/invitations" -Command "throw" # All users $GetAccessAllSuccess = $PSScriptRoot | Join-Path -ChildPath 'testData' -AdditionalChildPath 'getAccessAllSuccess.json' Set-InvokeCommandMock -Alias "gh api repos/$owner/$repo/collaborators" -Command "Get-Content -Path $(($GetAccessAllSuccess | Get-Item).FullName)" $getInvitations = $PSScriptRoot | Join-Path -ChildPath 'testData' -AdditionalChildPath 'getAccessInvitationsSuccess.json' Set-InvokeCommandMock -Alias "gh api repos/$owner/$repo/invitations" -Command "Get-Content -Path $(($getInvitations | Get-Item).FullName)" # Grant access $grantAccessRaulgeu = $PSScriptRoot | Join-Path -ChildPath 'testData' -AdditionalChildPath 'grantAccessSuccessRaulgeuAdmin.json' Set-InvokeCommandMock -Alias 'gh api repos/solidifycustomers/bit21/collaborators/raulgeu -X PUT -f permission="admin"' -Command "Get-Content -Path $(($grantAccessRaulgeu | Get-Item).FullName)" # Remove MagnusTim Set-InvokeCommandMock -Alias "gh api repos/$owner/$repo/collaborators/MagnusTim -X DELETE" -Command "echo null" # Remove raulgeu Set-InvokeCommandMock -Alias "gh api repos/$owner/$repo/collaborators/raulgeu -X DELETE" -Command "echo null" Set-InvokeCommandMock -Alias "gh api repos/$owner/$repo/invitations/$invitation_id -X DELETE" -Command "echo null" $userList = @" raulgeu rulasg "@ New-TestingFile -Name "contributors" -Content $userList $result = Sync-RepoAccess -owner $owner -repo $repo -FilePath "contributors" -role 'admin' # As admin Mangnus should not be removed from the repo even if not in the write list Assert-AreEqual -Expected '=' -Presented $result.rulasg Assert-AreEqual -Expected '+ (write)' -Presented $result.raulgeu Assert-AreEqual -Expected '-' -Presented $result.MagnusTim } function RepoHelperTest_SyncRepoAccessAll_Success_Admin_WhatIf{ $owner = 'solidifycustomers' ; $repo = 'bit21' # Avoid calls to single user check Set-InvokeCommandMock -Alias "gh api repos/$owner/$repo/collaborators" -Command "throw" Set-InvokeCommandMock -Alias "gh api repos/$owner/$repo/invitations" -Command "throw" # All users $GetAccessAllSuccess = $PSScriptRoot | Join-Path -ChildPath 'testData' -AdditionalChildPath 'getAccessAllSuccess.json' Set-InvokeCommandMock -Alias "gh api repos/$owner/$repo/collaborators" -Command "Get-Content -Path $(($GetAccessAllSuccess | Get-Item).FullName)" $getInvitations = $PSScriptRoot | Join-Path -ChildPath 'testData' -AdditionalChildPath 'getAccessInvitationsSuccess.json' Set-InvokeCommandMock -Alias "gh api repos/$owner/$repo/invitations" -Command "Get-Content -Path $(($getInvitations | Get-Item).FullName)" # Grant access Set-InvokeCommandMock -Alias 'gh api repos/solidifycustomers/bit21/collaborators/raulgeu -X PUT -f permission="admin"' -Command "throw" # Remove MagnusTim Set-InvokeCommandMock -Alias "gh api repos/$owner/$repo/collaborators/MagnusTim -X DELETE" -Command "throw" $userList = @" raulgeu rulasg "@ New-TestingFile -Name "contributors" -Content $userList $result = Sync-RepoAccess -owner $owner -repo $repo -FilePath "contributors" -role 'admin' -WhatIf # As admin Mangnus should not be removed from the repo even if not in the write list Assert-AreEqual -Expected '=' -Presented $result.rulasg Assert-AreEqual -Expected '+ (write)' -Presented $result.raulgeu Assert-AreEqual -Expected '-' -Presented $result.MagnusTim } function RepoHelperTest_SyncRepoAccess_EnvironmentParameters{ $owner = 'solidifycustomers' ; $repo = 'bit21' # "" | Out-File "contributors" $userList = @" #MagnusTim #raulgeu rulasg "@ New-TestingFile -Name "contributors" -Content $userList Set-InvokeCommandMock -Alias 'git remote get-url origin 2>$null' -Command "echo$owner/$repo.git" # All users $GetAccessAllSuccess = $PSScriptRoot | Join-Path -ChildPath 'testData' -AdditionalChildPath 'getAccessAllSuccess.json' Set-InvokeCommandMock -Alias "gh api repos/$owner/$repo/collaborators" -Command "Get-Content -Path $(($GetAccessAllSuccess | Get-Item).FullName)" $getInvitations = $PSScriptRoot | Join-Path -ChildPath 'testData' -AdditionalChildPath 'getAccessInvitationsSuccess.json' Set-InvokeCommandMock -Alias "gh api repos/$owner/$repo/invitations" -Command "Get-Content -Path $(($getInvitations | Get-Item).FullName)" $result = Sync-RepoAccess admin "contributors" -WhatIf Assert-Count -Expected 2 -Presented $result Assert-AreEqual -Expected '=' -Presented $result.rulasg Assert-AreEqual -Expected '-' -Presented $result.MagnusTim } function RepoHelperTest_SyncRepoAccess_NoParameters { Set-InvokeCommandMock -Alias 'git remote get-url origin 2>$null' -Command 'return $null' $userList = @" raulgeu rulasg "@ New-TestingFile -Name "contributors" -Content $userList $result = Sync-RepoAccess -FilePath "contributors" -role 'write' -WhatIf @ErrorParameters Assert-IsNull -Object $result Assert-Contains -Expected "[Sync-RepoAccess] Owner and Repo parameters are required" -Presented $errorvar.Exception.Message } function RepoHelperTest_SyncRepoAccess_NoUsersFile { $owner = 'solidifycustomers' ; $repo = 'bit21' ; $file = "contributors" Set-InvokeCommandMock -Alias 'git remote get-url origin 2>$null' -Command "echo$owner/$repo.git" $result = Sync-RepoAccess admin $file -WhatIf @ErrorParameters Assert-IsNull -Object $result Assert-Contains -Expected "Error reading user file $file" -Presented $errorvar.Exception.Message } |