
function Remove-GitBranches {
    if ((git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree) -ne $true) {
        Write-Host "Not inside a Git repository" -ForegroundColor Red

    git fetch -p

    $currentBranch = (git symbolic-ref --short -q HEAD).Trim()

    $masterBranch =
    if (branchExists 'master') { 'master' }
    elseif (branchExists 'main') { 'main' }

    $masterBranchExists = $null -ne $masterBranch

    # Check if current branch has a remote and if user wants to delete the current branch
    if (-not (hasRemote $currentBranch) -and $masterBranchExists -and $currentBranch -ne $masterBranch) {
        $deleteCurrent = (Read-Host "Current branch '$currentBranch' has no remote; delete this and switch to '$masterBranch'? (Y/n)") -ne 'n'

    $shouldSwitchBranch = $deleteCurrent -and $currentBranch -ne $masterBranch

    if ($shouldSwitchBranch -and -not $masterBranchExists) {
        Write-Host "Neither 'main' nor 'master' branches exist. Cannot switch branches after deleting current." -ForegroundColor Red

    $localBranches = (git branch).ForEach({ $_.Trim().Replace('* ','') })
    $remoteBranches = (git branch -r).ForEach({ $_.Trim().Replace('origin/','') })

    $branchesToDelete = $localBranches | Where-Object { $_ -notin $remoteBranches -and $_ -ne 'master' -and $_ -ne 'main' -and (($_ -ne $currentBranch) -or $deleteCurrent) }

    if (-not $branchesToDelete) {
        Write-Host "No branches to delete" -ForegroundColor Cyan

    Write-Host "The following local Git branches will be deleted:" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    $branchesToDelete | ForEach-Object { Write-Host " - $_" -ForegroundColor Magenta }

    if ((Read-Host "Are you sure you want to delete these branches? (Y/n)") -eq 'n') {
        Write-Host "No branches were deleted" -ForegroundColor Cyan

    if ($shouldSwitchBranch) {
        git checkout $masterBranch

    $branchesToDelete | ForEach-Object {
        git branch -D $_

    Write-Host "The branches were deleted successfully" -ForegroundColor Green