function New-RemoteSession { [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $ComputerName, [switch][bool] $NoSsl, [switch][bool] $Ssl, [switch][bool] $Reuse = $true, $ServerInfo = $null, [switch][bool] $ClearCredentials, $port, [switch][bool] $cim, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [pscredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()] $credential = [pscredential]::Empty, [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.AuthenticationMechanism] $Authentication = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.AuthenticationMechanism]::negotiate, [switch][bool] $reloadSessionMap = $false ) $map = find-sessionmap -reload:$reloadSessionMap $bound = $PSBoundParameters if ($bound.reloadSessionMap -ne $null) { $null = $bound.Remove("reloadSessionMap") } if ($bound.ErrorAction -ne $null) { $null = $bound.Remove("ErrorAction") } try { $Error.Clear() write-verbose "connecting with Negotiate auth method" $s = _new-remotesession @bound -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue } catch { write-verbose $_ } if ($Error.Count -gt 0 -or $s -eq $null) { write-verbose "fallback: connecting with manual credentials" #$bound["Authentication"] = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.AuthenticationMechanism]::Basic try { $s = _new-remotesession @bound -ErrorAction:Continue } catch { if ($_.Exception.Message.Contains(" Basic,")) { write-warning "have you enabled basic authentication method, like this:" write-warning 'set-item WSMan:\localhost\Client\Auth\Basic -Value true -Confirm:$false' } throw } } return $s } function _New-RemoteSession { param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $ComputerName, [switch][bool] $NoSsl, [switch][bool] $Ssl, [switch][bool] $Reuse = $true, $ServerInfo = $null, [switch][bool] $ClearCredentials, [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.AuthenticationMechanism] $Authentication = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.AuthenticationMechanism]::Negotiate, $port, [switch][bool] $cim, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [pscredential] $credential = [pscredential]::Empty ) # ssl is the default $use_ssl_by_default = $true if ($Ssl.IsPresent) { $NoSsl = !$Ssl } elseif (!$NoSsl.IsPresent) { $NoSsl = !$use_ssl_by_default if ($port -eq 5985) { $NoSsl = $true } if ($port -eq 5986) { $NoSsl = $false } } $sessionVar = $ComputerName if ($cim) { $sessionVar = "$($ComputerName)_cim" } if ($ClearCredentials) { $Reuse = $false } if ($Reuse -and (Test-Path variable:global:$sessionVar)) { $currentSession = (Get-Variable -Name "$sessionVar").Value if ($currentSession -ne $null -and ($cim -or ($currentSession.State -eq "Opened" -and $currentSession.Availability -eq "Available"))) { write-verbose "retrieving exisitng session for '$computername'" return $currentSession } } $hash = @{ "-UseSSL" = !$NoSsl "-ComputerName" = $ComputerName } $found = $false if ($global:psSessionsMap -ne $null) { ipmo publishmap $ServerInfo = get-entry $ComputerName -map $global:psSessionsMap $found = $ServerInfo -ne $null } if ($found) { write-verbose "found '$ComputerName' in session map at '$Global:psSessionsMapPath'" } elseif ($ServerInfo -ne $null) { if ($global:psSessionsMap -eq $null) { $global:psSessionsMap = @{} } $global:psSessionsMap[$ComputerName] = $ServerInfo } else { write-verbose "'$ComputerName' not found in session map" } if ($ServerInfo -ne $null) { $ServerInfo.Keys | % { if ($hash.ContainsKey("-$_")) { $hash["-$_"] = $ServerInfo[$_] } elseif (!$_.StartsWith("_") -and $_ -ne "vars") { $hash["-$_"] = $ServerInfo[$_] } } if ($ServerInfo.UseSSL -ne $null) { $NoSsl = !$ServerInfo.UseSSL } if ($ServerInfo.Port -ne $null) { $port = $ServerInfo.Port } if ($port -eq $null) { if ($nossl) { $port = 5985 } else { $port = 5986 } } } else { if ($port -eq $null) { $hasSsl = test-port $ComputerName 5986 if($hasSsl -and !$NoSsl) { $hash["-UseSSL"] = $true $port = 5986 } else { $hasPlain = test-port $ComputerName 5985 if ($hasPlain) { $hash["-UseSSL"] = $false $port = 5985 } else { throw "no entry in sessionmap for '$computername'. some Default ports are not available (5986[ssl]=$hasSsl and 5985[nossl]=$NoSsl)" } } } else { $hash["-UseSSL"] = !$NoSsl } } if ($ClearCredentials) { Cache\Remove-CredentialsCached -container "$ComputerName.cred" } $bound = $PSBoundParameters $useCredentials = $ServerInfo -ne $null ` -or ($Authentication -eq [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.AuthenticationMechanism]::Basic) ` -or $ComputerName.endswith("") ` -or ($credential -ne [pscredential]::Empty) ` -or ($bound.credential -eq $null) #$useCredentials = $credential -ne [pscredential]::Empty if ($useCredentials) { <# if ($username -ne $null -and $password -ne $null) { $secpass = ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -force $cred = new-object System.Management.Automation.pscredential -ArgumentList @($username,$secpass) $hash["-Credential"] = $cred } #> if ($bound.credential -eq $null) { # auto credentials $cred = Cache\Get-CredentialsCached -Message "Enter credentials for $ComputerName" -container "$ComputerName.cred" } else { # use provided credentials $cred = $credential } $hash["-Credential"] = $cred } if ($port -ne $null) { $hash["-Port"] = $port } if ($PSBoundParameters["Authentication"] -ne $null) { $hash["-Auth"] = $Authentication } $Error.Clear() write-verbose "connecting with parameters:" $hash | format-table -AutoSize | out-string -Stream | write-verbose if ($cim) { if ($hash.ContainsKey("-UseSSL")) { $hash.Remove("-UseSSL") } $opts = New-CimSessionOption -SkipRevocationCheck -SkipCACheck -SkipCNCheck -UseSsl:$(!$nossl) $session = New-CimSession @hash -SessionOption $opts } else { $opts = New-PSSessionOption -SkipRevocationCheck -SkipCACheck -SkipCNCheck $session = New-PSSession @hash -ErrorAction:$ErrorActionPreference -SessionOption $opts if ($Error.Count -ne 0) { if ($Error[0] -match "SSL certificate is signed by an unknown certificate authority" -or $Error[0].Exception.ErrorCode -eq 12175) { write-host "getting remote cert" $p = $port if ($p -eq $null) { $p = "rps" } $crt = Get-RemoteCert -computername $ComputerName -port $p write-host "found certificate for $($crt.Subject) issuer=$($crt.issuer). Installing to Cert:\CurrentUser\Root" $crt | Export-Certificate -FilePath "$ComputerName.cer" Import-Certificate -FilePath "$ComputerName.cer" -CertStoreLocation Cert:\CurrentUser\Root -Confirm:$false $Error.Clear() $session = New-PSSession @hash -SessionOption $opts } if ($Error.Count -ne 0) { $err = @() $error | % { $err += $_ } throw $error[0] } } } Set-Variable -Name "global:$sessionVar" -Value $session if ($ServerInfo -ne $null -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ServerInfo._defaultdir) -and !$cim) { icm -Session $session -ScriptBlock { param($dir) cd $dir } -ArgumentList @($ServerInfo._defaultdir) } return $session } function Test-Port { [cmdletbinding()] Param( [parameter(ParameterSetName='ComputerName', Position=0)] [string] $ComputerName, [parameter(ParameterSetName='IP', Position=0)] [System.Net.IPAddress] $IPAddress, [parameter(Mandatory=$true , Position=1)] [int] $Port, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2)] [ValidateSet("TCP", "UDP")] [string] $Protocol = "TCP", $timeout = 1000 ) $RemoteServer = If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ComputerName)) {$IPAddress} Else {$ComputerName}; If ($Protocol -eq 'TCP') { $test = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient; Try { Write-verbose "Connecting to $RemoteServer :$Port (TCP).."; $r = $test.BeginConnect($RemoteServer, $Port, $null, $null); $s = $r.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne([timespan]::FromMilliseconds($timeout)); if (!$s) { throw "connection timed out after $timeout" } Write-verbose "Connection successful"; return $true } Catch { Write-verbose "Connection failed: $_"; return $false } Finally { $test.Dispose(); } } If ($Protocol -eq 'UDP') { Write-warning "UDP port test functionality currently not available." <# $test = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient; Try { Write-Host "Connecting to "$RemoteServer":"$Port" (UDP).."; $test.Connect($RemoteServer, $Port); Write-Host "Connection successful"; } Catch { Write-Host "Connection failed"; } Finally { $test.Dispose(); } #> } } function Enter-RemoteSession { param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $ComputerName, [switch][bool] $NoSsl, [switch][bool] $Ssl, [switch][bool] $ClearCredentials, $port, [switch][bool] $Reuse = $true, [switch][bool] $reloadSessionMap = $true, [switch][bool] $NoEnter = $false, [switch][bool] $cim, [pscredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()] $credential = [PSCredential]::Empty ) $bound = $PSBoundParameters $null = $bound.Remove("NoEnter") $s = new-remotesession @bound if (!$NoEnter -and !$cim) { $s | Enter-PSSession } else { return $s } } set-alias rps Enter-RemoteSession function _get-syncdir() { if (test-path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\OneDrive") { $prop = get-itemproperty "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\OneDrive\" "UserFolder" if ($prop -ne $null) { $dir = $prop.userfolder } } return $dir } function enter-rdp ($name) { $file = find-rdp $name if ($file -eq $null -and $name.contains(".")) { write-host "running mstsc /v:$name" mstsc /v:$name return } if ($file -eq $null) { throw "rdp profile '$name' not found" } write-host "running mstsc '$file'..." mstsc $file } new-alias rdp enter-rdp -force |