
  Starts one or more instances of a scheduled task on a remote computer.
  The Start-ScheduledTask cmdlet starts a registered background task asynchronously on a remote computer.
 .Parameter ScheduledTask
  ScheduleTask Object retrieved from Get-RemoteScheduledTask
  $Tasks = Get-RemoteScheduledTask -ComputerName "SERVER01" -Credential $(Get-Credential)
  $Tasks[0] | Start-RemoteScheduledTask

Function Start-RemoteScheduledTask {
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory = $true)]

    begin {

    process {
        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ScheduledTask.PSComputerName -ScriptBlock {
            Write-Host "Starting: $($ScheduledTask.TaskName)" -ForegroundColor "Green"
            $ScheduledTask | Start-ScheduledTask
        } -ArgumentList $ScheduledTask

  Gets the task definition object of a scheduled task that is registered on a remote computer.
  The Get-RemoteScheduledTask cmdlet gets the task definition object of a scheduled task that is registered on a remote computer.
 .Parameter ComputerName
  Name of the remote computer
  Get-RemoteScheduledTask -ComputerName "SERVER01" -Credential $(Get-Credential)

Function Get-RemoteScheduledTask {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    begin {}

    process {
        $Tasks = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName -ScriptBlock {
            Get-ScheduledTask | Where-Object { ($_.TaskPath -eq "\") -and ($_.State -Ne "Disabled") }

    end {
        Format-RemoteScheduledTasks $Tasks
        return $Tasks

Function Format-RemoteScheduledTasks {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    begin {}

    process {
        ForEach ($Index in $Tasks) {
            Write-Host "$($Tasks.IndexOf($Index)). $($Index.TaskName)"

    end {}